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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1892)
Kostt r:i.l. (.. llm.k- will j-tiirt tl.-'j ir!iti,-;il lull a-io!!in.f to ni.uli ' i Let t vcr luiily turn mil ami lii'.ir Mini. J'lll KK is in. Iiv.llx ill till' soli. I t''-pul'lu-.iii r;mk-. Tin' lines wire urni'-il iit M i itn-;ii"'!i - ami the mitt il party Ii.'-1 approved. Tin; I'ominitl..' sent from con ;ivss to investigate III.' strike at Ui -mestr;id, found t!i:it ski Ill-kill.'. I l.lllof averaged AV.'k. l.-d ami .'l.."a per I Mulilit .m national commit- i I' -ce uii't :u New York la-t Satin iv ' ind .'In ted Thomas II. I'arter. of Montana, in plan- of Cainphell, who e-'i'll'd. I. isw I '.I. i Ih-KK will address 'lie i'it ieii.-j ol I 'la 1 1 - in nit 1 1 tonight it the Waterman opera lioice. lie will speak on the taritf. Ladies are rcipiesied to coin.' out and liearliini is well a- tile men. . I . days ao the i leiuoerat ie ,ness was howling hecallse Carne ;iewas,i repl 1 I ! ica 1 1, hut they do lot howl at the proprietors ol the mines i:i Idaho where the strike is 'ecausc ihey are democrats. t'-li.I.s providing f . . r free tin plate liter Oclolier I. Is'.d. and for free lead ill ores containing greater value of silver than of lead, were '.a--ed mi the x!h ins. h III. ocr.itic house. u the live war on American industry merrily on. dein Irade L'lll'S ' IWi:i I IMV is made hy the demo, lat- to the passage throu.-li the house of th,' free luinher hill "until ille- election," as it miht end an :V'V N it Ii Carolina to the parly. ''Ill elf-'l't ,,f pas-Hie- 1(. I,-,.,. j,-,M, n. hill is dreaded in Alahailia mil Tennis, ,-. . . advocates delay any lon-cr 1 1 .i 1 1 after dec- 'loll. i lit: democrat and free trade papers will he filled with joy hy the iiinoiiiiccineht of the failure of the h'ad ol tin at the mini's in Californi.i and the early closine lown of (he works. This same 'rick has heen resorted to hefore, Hii'ii it was ahout the "ni"'s tin' lilack II, lis, hut 'hey have jn.-t yone on minine, :'icie tin than h. lore. It is only a -clieine id hu up the .stock and nine more tin 111 ;u Klore. i l lence around Cat nee ie .--teel plant washuilt t h ree yea rs ao and the "iron clad -cows" lor Hi, i ini . lions were only lined with i i ; i .. ... . i .i mi, me ,-auie as ail scows are. The cone lc.-ional iuvestie.i 'ion has ahout destroyed all that ro mance ahout the Scotchman's ereat oreparations for hattle at Kurt I-'rick. I he e'real iiestion as to win; lired the li-st shot remains unsettled. I Ii;. t fsthi' most important ipiestiou it 1 loinestead. My dod!" e.xi laimi'il Henri Wat- f. w ith i npasioiied fervor as, with tears in his reat round eyef, J 'diitemplate l the awful step his heloved patty was ahout to take in he matter of ch'jsiny a standard liearer, "to e(, ., ,t.w York lor a audidate is to walk throunh a -lane hter house into an open ijravc. ll'.e slaughter house promises to lie a Moody one and the Liravc an ample parallelogram t lit its ol.ese .ecu pant I'lemoiit Trihune. TAHIFK A TAX. I'arilf is a tax in the seusethat the .'nee that tin- fanner Iniilds around his earilen or his corn field is a tax paid !y the farmer. It is a tax that consists of the cost of the construc tion anil maintenance of the fence And, yet, the fence must he con simeteil and maintained, oi the trespassing animals of the neit h,,r. hood would destroy the entire pro ceeds of the lahor and the fruits of the land, of the farmer. The tariff is also a tax, in that the cost of its onstriiction and maintenance in iv I.e said to he paid ,s tu. people; ?mt the loss due to a sol, mission to the commercial trespass th it is thus repelled would he greater than the I. s due to the maintenance o the tariiT. UO FARMERS WANT DIRECT TAX ATION? la discussing the taritf it should lie reiiienihered that we have to oiit-ider only duties upon imports. Vo levy no duty on exports. What ver our people produce to sell jhroail yoes out to our foreign cms- .uners free of any export tax. Hut vhy should we levy import duties': V1I, it cost during the last lisral ye ir :Iim,(Iik),i)( ii to carry on ourov I'liinu'tit. U'e raised ,f 1 l.l.t N x i,)i m ,y our internal reveime taxes upon al .:oholic liiiuors and tuhacco, ,f ,m. KI hy the Hale of puhlio lands and "f'.'O ),!. H) from misci'IhineoiiM sources. Those hiuu left sfl'.W.OiiO,. .!" to be raised in home other way. l, ,w :-li'uM this l-i- ilmn-': Hy ,i : , rt io:i n pi opn !) ': H.tvt ,,ur l.intn-i . who air en-i-- heavily t.iM-I than iiuv otlur cl.i- of tin I " ' . . j loiiiimmitv, considered what would I'f tin- luir.l.'ii upon tiu-ui: u n.-i i . . i i. .. i iii'liiir which produce- tin1 prim.' i n-'" it ie- of lil''. and i nioiv tli. in any otlu r tin' source ol our comfort and wealth, if oldiio'd to ;ty in addition to it- pre-ent I l ir.' -hate in sustain-mr state. ' I'oiintv. and inuiii. ipal i;o eminent. its portion ol sl'.i;i,uoo.noo f . i r 1 1 : i ti. 1 1 ; 1 1 ept n-i til.' valu. What. tln-n, would of farm land-, and u would the IIUl.'ll talked farm iiiortaye", al.out mid lied I ill. cut I'V our political opponent- e p., id': C'oiil: l'e--iuan .Millikell. CHEAPER TIN CANS. Illulttoii. Mo., Jmi" 1'. :. IMilor Auieiuan laonoini-t; A win'. ! ahout the price ol tin. We are producers ol comh and extracted honey, and put up all of our extracted honey lor shipment in tm cans mo-iK in liee.'alloii s.piare cans, two cans in a case t l.ox and have I icon purcliasin these cases at St. Louis, Mo., to some three or four years. Two j ears aiio they cost us sixt cents per case of two fie-eallon cans. I.ast summer we tioueht Letter (iiality of another linn for liflx-eieht cents, and now thev plote them to us at fifty-six cent per c.ise. I o. s this I., ok as if the McKinley act had raised the juice of tin to the consume! - K'espectfull) , Mii.i.i:k' llkns TIN-PLATE IMPORTS. I lie exports ol tin plate Irom ileal I'li itain to the ('nih il States lor the mouth ol June Y'' wen much less than they were in Juiit ls'.l. To he exact the) were ':(Tn Ions tor June ssj and i'."i:i,.t for June si. K'eally the imports for June ol this y ear were very littli more than a third of what the were in June of last ear. This is ; nrit is 1 1 estimate, and our free tradi 1 1 lends cannot dispute its accuracy ' et some ol them persist in saying that the American tin plate manu l.iclure is no) ereat enouth to affect the oliime of I iritish exports. l lie amount ol tin plates sent from (heat Ihitaiu to the Tinted Stales hetween the mouths of July liil t t ... i-'i au.i June ivij ol hoth nionlhs - was 'u:t,.l tons, f,,r the correspondiiiy; twelve nionlhs of lv-0 and yil il was ll',::ii ton Dunne-the hrst year of protection to tin date our imports o that ai ti I.. I l i. i ... ...Hi- ii.iiii oi.- inn more than out half. I hit the ree traders sa that the imports ol tin plate were unusually la rue diirme the Used year that lay hetween June lv.KI, and June lvi and that they were made so hy the anxiety of dealers to lay up laree stocks hefore the increased rate of duty went into operation. They are entitled to the hem-tit of this olijection, hut we In'g to inform them that there is a diminution of more than one-third of our imports of this material when the statixtirs of I VI'J are compared with those of lVl, in w hich there are no appre hension of a t-iuldeii increase of dut. The import of tin-plate for the year ending J line lsv. wore '.HI- loa, tons, and for the year endhie; June ls.i, ):.'.! I tons. It js ouite evident that protection does prelect in the matter of tin-plate. Hy percentages the exports of tin plate from (heat Ilritain to America for the fiscal year just ended were 111 per e-nt ol those of the jear di rectly pteceedine; it, i',s p,.r cent of these for the the year endiiie- June andfd percent of those of the year enihne June, ivs'.i. The American tin plate industry is uetliny alone; very nicely, all re ports to the contrary not withsaud inc. SuMKiidiiY having yiven it out that the Washington monument has deviated from the perpendicular and In come one of the leanine- tow ers of the world, the chief i neineer at the capital acknowledges the charee. The monument now in clines a trille to the southwest. Hut he allay s our (ears of its fall hy stat-ine- (hat the inclination has existed from the 1-e-inniue, ;,,,,( tllt ,),,. inonuuiinl. -.iinetimes leans one way and soinetimes another, neeordiii" to the season of the year. Its apex moves around a small annual circle. The inclination is caused hy the healine- (1p u( t)u. f4t,u. uu. j l-y the rajs of the sun. A hiyh wind also temporarily affects the direction of the inclination. So the monument is prohahly safeenoueh. Another interesting fact is that the toundatioii of n. monunu-nt, iusteadof sinking, has sliy -htly risen sim e it was eompleted. The rise is stated in tenthousandths of an inch, hut it is comforting to Americans t(i relied that their highest column Krows instead of dwindling j lieiKht.-I.incoIn Journal. u.'' A - a -rl l-tnmli- mill t l.fiv thr- ..ii K',.-Ui!l ( i. II. ,n . I I .. I If. . V I -u I.I.I. C. 1 1 ik k'- fp ii i ilt tn n r.i Iioii-i- is .1 , j, iril )lir ,,,. tr;i. to a u -v. r. II. .. K'i s i.u. ( i. in.: not have in silvery a t. n- a - ina- dem ocrat ie speaker-, I a; t lie a ve then; some awful hard fact-. 1 i-t nilit tint thev cannot aii-w. r. Ii is -iven out that .Monti Carlo net'ed its pr.ipi iet.i! s ."i.iii moi hi-t year. It is now in order t r the waiters, faro hanker- and roulette keeper- to Mlike and eject the Car- lieu a s irom tile sin ip. I Tin-; rank and fih- of the demo, cratic party in Kau-a- are kickine-aeaiu.-t the tie-up of the leaders of the alliance aiu! dem ocratic parties and there is likely to h- a .-plit in the democratic party i:i that state. It can do no harm to recall th tact that the only attempt ever made in this country to crush Honest lahor with trail -rn o convict workmen was hy that well-known democratic leader and late chair man ol the democratic national committee, Hon. Cal in S. Hi ice. I Mi; democratic crv of "retrench ment and reform" is disclosed to the people as a hiimhlie;. ft was known to he a huiiihue when tin i . . . . . . ueniocratic loaders took it up. lTiey knew that the only place where retrenchment was possihle was in the pension appropriation and lin y also knew that no reduc tion t here was possi 1 de while there was a repuhlican president and sen ate. The measure for re.luciue pensions has not I. ecu trained and will not he until all departments ol the jo eminent. Then it will come alone- with free silvel coinage and free trade. "That for the s while providim: rccnuo ipport of the e. neral eo -hy duties upon imports, eminent sound policy requires such an ad justment of these imports as to en- eoliraee th,. iloveloiimeiit of the m- usirial intele-ls of the whole ccun try ; and we commend that policy of national exchaneos which secure to the workiiie iii.-.i: lilieral waees, to lyricult lire reinuneratine- prices, to uechaii ics and manufacturers an idoipi, ite reward tor their skill, la hor and enterprise, and to the nation coinnii trial prosperity and inde pendence." - l-roiii the repuhlican platform, 1 M io, on which Aluahi in Lincoln ran lor president. WllK Stevenson, the democratic nomim-e lor vice president, arrived in New York City last Monday he took a suite of rooms in the Hoff man House and prepared himself to receive Tammany with open irms. He remained in the hotel all lay and kept his room -i open until midme ht, hut not one id the mag nates appeared to );reet him. AC( IDl-.NT INSlKAXCK, T. II. Pollock. A"ei-t. THE URSULINE Boarding School For Ytirxc. ,.DM-:s. VORK, - 1ST E 13 )lfers superior attractions to pa rents and guardians desirous of uivine- their children a solid, useful ind ii liiteil education. I he new school vear hoe-ins the first Monday in Sepleinher. the si"ht is most tiicturesMoe md solulirious. l-'or delicate chil- lren and jrrown persons as well. the pure air of Nehraska cannot he xeclled. Little "iris are received at the am- of two years and little hoys from Miree to live. The course of studv e-jihraces all hr auches of a thoroiiLrh ami accom- ilished education. Tjo- utmost cart- is taken of health and comfort of the pupils and their inor dand re- liiious principals are carelull v cul tivated. Special attention eivi n to voiui''- ladies laf ine- the "teachers " train ing and review course." Noil Catholic children clioerfullv received if willina to conform with the e-oneral reirulations. Hoys under twelve y ears admi'.t d for general and hnsiness educa tion. Hoard, tuition and washui"- lor ten months 1 lu. Piano, violin, vocal culture, oil-paintine-, drawini;, line needlework, typewritine, .shorthand ( 'OOK keepiny; without extra charge. (ieruiaii housekeep ing ratliilously tau-ht those who want it. The sisters have set apart furnish ed rooms for a hilts of delicate and weakened health wishing to heue fit from the wholesome audinvior atini; climate. Host medical help always obtained in town. Terms if.-i.Ui per week, includino- hoard and attendance. Arrangements have be en made for the reception of pa tients under medical attendance who are unable to secure the neces sary care at home. For particulars please address KKV NOTHKR KI.AKK. t sulinc Convent, York Neb. 6!ll HALF YEARLTJ-OWeETITIuN Tne Most 1 nteresti njs Contest Ever' Otlered hy The Canadian Agriculturist. ue thousand dollars in cash, a pair of hands. mi..' Shell. m 1 ponies, carraiye and harness, and over two thousand oilier valuable pri.'.es tor : the Ariculturist's hi iehiest readers Who will have them: Aci'ordini; to the general cii-t m for -ome y ear pa-t the puhli-h.-rs ol the Aericul-turi.-t now oiler their sixth half early literal-, competition. This 1 eland ( oinpititioii. w ill no doubt. be the nio-t e io.iiitu.' and siicccs-lnl ' one eer pre-elited to the people of . tin- I " j i i t 1 Slates an I Canada One thoii-and dollar- m ca-h will ' be paid to the person .-en. ine- in t!ie largest li-t of lai-li.-h word- i on-l rii. ted from letters in the j v.-otds ITie Caiia.liaa A.yricttltur ! i-t." i Five Hundred dollar- w ill he e-iv- en to the -ecoiid largest li-t. i A handsome pair ol Shetland ponies, oarria-e and harne--. will i be eiven to the third largest li.-t. j Over one thousand additional pri.e- awarded in order of merit: I i ..: - ,,. .'in iiiiiii piano, -.ii"i oie.ui, -t'"' piano, dinner sols, ladies' jeoid watches, Silk dress patterns, por tiere curtains, silver tea services, Teniieson's poems bound in cloth, I lieken-' in 1 1 volunines lioiiud in cloth etc. As there are more than Lorn) priz es any line who talu;sthe trouble to prepare ait ordinary e'ood list w ill not fail fo receive a pri.e. This is the lni'st thine- j,, iK. competition line that we have ever placed h. lore the puhlio, and all who do not take part will miss an opportunity of a life time, U'l l.l.s 1. A letter cannot bo used oftenor than it a ppears in the words i no an, Mian .e-riculturist l-.u instance the word e'-can not ben soil as there is but one --' in 1lie tln-ei words, 'J. W ords having more than one I ili-;i 1 1 i ii y but spelled the same can bo used but once. .i. Names of places and persons barred. I. Li nus will not invalidate a li-l-the vvrone- words will simply not be Ci hi n led. Lach list must contain one dollar to pay for si x mouth- ,-n b.-cript ion lo the Ae-rii'iilturi.-l.l I' two or more tie, the largest list v. hich bears the earliest postmark w ill take the tiist pri.e and so on In order ol merit. I'nited States money and stamps taken at par. flu- object in oll'erine- these may nilicent is lo introdu. a- our j M a,u la r inae a.ino into i.ew homes lu: paitct the A iii.rican con tinent. Ivvery i ompi-1 itor e'U'losin lioets in stamp extra will re rive free, bv mail, postpaid one o! ihe Aricul" tlirisls eleeaut Souvenir si.oims ol Canada. awarded to persons in the I'nited Slates will be shipped Irom our .New bn i olhce Iree of ilniv -Ml moiiev Ion. rs sLiouM bo roe-i-. tered. t ur former com pet it ion - We ha ve iven away over 'J"i,noo in urine; the last (wo v ear-, ami have thousands o letters Irom pri.e w in n. i s in every state oi the union and every ,iart of Canada and Now lonndlaiid. Lord Ixilooursio. A. I) C. to the (inventor eeneral of Cana la writes; "I shall i vo; -omutend in Irionds to enter vour eonmot it ioi M Mllran.h m, V ancouver. I C . -re i i-rn-.i Ti,vio in ioiii .in.: we hold his receipt for the same. A few of Ihe pri.e winners; MissJ Robinson Toronto, .t'l.tu i; P.randon l-'enelon Kails Out., s."kki; David Harrison Syracuse N Y. rf'X; II (tea vis. St Louis. lUl; fas Haptie, West Diihith Miiin,$aah Miss Ceoixina Kobertson ak St, Hrookly u, iflmm; l'red II Hill lla'.t Stale st Hridm-port, Conn, and thousands ot others. Address all communication to The Agriculturist. Petersboroiih, Ontario. THOUSANDS IN Tilt- Creal Weekly Competition ofTr.o Larli;s Hume Join o..l Wb.vch word in this advertise ment spells ihe same backward a forward: This ir a r ire opportuni tv lor every Madam. Miss, evoty lather and son. to secure a splendid pri.e. Wi;i:ki.v I'mzks lvv.rv- week through. nil this reat Couipet it ion w ill he di.-lribliled as follows Ihe Iirt corr -et answ. r leoeii,..! (the poPtinalk date on each letter to ie talo n as the dale received. I.o the onieo of the I.adi, s Home Maya.ine I each and everv weel.- ,h, ,-;,,,, lV.Cl wil eet.f JOO; the second correct answer, !.IHI; the third ifah; fourth a beautltlll silver serviee- Ii ft I , C... o'cloi k silver serv ice, and' the next noi root answers e-,,t pn.e.s rati"-- mi;' irinn down to "' Kv, r, littli correct answer, irrespective o'f whether a pri winner or not will sV''t, a special prize. Com petitors resiiliuyr iM ti. southern states as well as oth. r ,lii ..o points, have an eoual ebanoi. n iili those ut arer homo as the postmark will Vie authoritv in everv e-w. K I. l.l.s - Kach I ist of .in rtvM niii .i be accompanied by ,fl to pay for six mouths subscription to one of the host home i io .ni .... ;., . in America. Iv'l.l I Kl.NC l-;s-"The Ladies Home Mae'a.ille is well able to i-arrv mil ils promisi.s" Peterl oroULr tCiina dal Times. "A splendid paper, and naaueiaiiy strone - n istme.s (Can adal Star. "Kvery pri.e winner will be sure to receive just what he is entitled to," Norwood. (Canada) K'eisler. Money should bo sent by post office order orreistered letter. Acdress the Ladies Home Mayaziue Peterborouiih, Canada. I-"k' Sai.k - Lots . .) and (i, block ti, and lots 11 and I J. block h A bar-.ii-'iii. Apply to K. H. Windham. dhv wit. ChilJren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Whi-n Itbj- vu sirk, we gve hrr CsstnriA. When she wai a child, she cried fur l-itori, Vhen she tweame Miss, the clung to CastocU, Wlnn ib had Chilitirp, nln thnrn CaitnrU, Still continue to be l-fofdqtifi(' In th e Clothing Business. This i i'tilly dcinoii-tratcd by the iact that tluy have sold if -"(1 this Spring tn THERE ARE THEEEEEASOK! FIRST They own their goods as low as mortal mn can buy them for spot cash. SECOND ..." They sell them to prices as mortal man a living. THIRD They are Square and Honest in their Dealings. Those Three Reasons are the Keystones of Their Success. JTw to -ii. iw tln-if appreciation o( their increase of business ilK.v pi-nj)n;.(. u ic away lo their cutoiners a Handsome Hook, entitled "The Colninl.iaii World's Fair j Atlas .,1'ihe World," to every person luiyin (1 -nods to the amount of 25.011, either at one X purchase or in a runnini; account. Thev will K ie them a copy of ihis valnale book free of ( dial -e CAM, AM) S H Mayer & The Nothing Kir.?s. V ' 9 1 V 1 t-'i t i 9 ! ' a 1 VIII '11111! I a n j a. jl jl. j in i ii i Tliat Old. Ca,rpot of yours has Im-l-11 turned lor the last time, it will hardly st.'iwl another hii'Il htatii-.o; as you gave it, last sprinir licsiilcs we know you are too tei.dcr hi.'arfed to jjfivo it such ittiother la.-liiiiLf. It will liea useless task an you cannot lash hack its respectability. Iietter discard it altogether and let us sell you one of these elegant new pattern that we have just received. SpiitpH ljotiso GlBqqinH. Will soon he up, ,ii us and you will want new carpets, curtain.-, linens, etc. We are head quarters lor anything in this line, we can sell you hemp carpets as low as ten cents ! var l, Ingrains as low as twenty-live cents and lirussells nun littv cents upward. This is a with ii.-. We have handled them with samples hut finding that we could sell them much cheaper hy having them in stock we have discarded the I'ornier method and are now alile to sell them at a very low price, will duplicate Omaha prices every time, kin 1 ami quality taken into consideration Jieiiiir all new ootids we have no old designs in the line, We have just received an excellent assortment of CURTAINS e can soil l.-ii-i. ril i-f 1 1 i 1 1 t,.r l onit curtains. Tanihotir muslin curtains. Swiss curt-iin-. '"'tain scree,, in plain ami fancy, tahle silks tm- dratie'ric Vhenille I orticres. Also a line line ..f window shades at the lowest prices. " We have the tinest line ethnens ever 1,,-ouoht to ,his dtv lal.le cloths with napkins to ,,iaU-,, Tahl." s(...f ' MT hleadied tahle damask with' .lrw irk h.hI stnehed hy the yard, plain da.nask .,- drawn w, K-nm, stamped linens an elent assortment of tow s w fancy and drawn work hor. ers. nl-iin -.,,,1 i n , . WM. HEROID & SON. j their customers at as lov can sell them and make Iv T1IK 1 OOK AT Morgan's Plattsmouth, Net. r FT ril TT I TT7" I B 1 1 I I I I I I I IV IV 1 : DEPARTMENT J ".ii .. . .... 1 "in .4