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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1892)
NINTH tn- l will kooii lie opt 'in-'l up tlirouii 1" Smith Park. 1'I.Al TSMdiTH will move rilit alotiy ami keep lior place in the pro o k-muii. Sixth street i to lie paved. Till-: Second ward people say there are no Hie on Councilman Jones from their wanl," for when he oe after a tiling that he want he nenerally ets it. .Now let every business man stand hy tin- council and indorse all city improvements, and every body talk I'lattsmoiith, for hard limes are taking wind's and leavinj; us ami our I. or city i bound to I or ye riylit ahead, regardless of the yrilinbliius of the old mo-shacks. )1 k city dads made a move in the riylit direct ion. They ordered the sewer extended out Wa-liinyton avi-nue towards Hie M. I'. lepot, as far as the present funds on ha ml for sewer purposes will pay for, 1 In city engineer was ordered to make an immediate estimate of the cost uid see how far it can be extended. Xl.WCAsl I.i:, in Filmland, is a yreat coal town, and free trade has worked irretrievable injury to the liritish industries that buy New castle's coal. That is why New castle has elected Mr. llamond, a tory democrat, to parliament. 'r. Ilaimnul has been advocating pro teetive duties, and when his elect ion was announced in the National Liberal club they said "McKinley did it." New York Tress. Tin: K'ichiuotKl (Va.) Times says 'there are but two parties which Virginia and the south can know, and whoever is not for the demo cratic party in this liyht is ayainst it." This is to be the style of cam paign in the south and it will lie ef fective. The republicans of the north, who are talking about peo ple's party, need expect no help Irom the south, The people's party will have no electoral voters in the south. A CHANCE FOR COMPOSERS. In order to stimulate American composition, the Ladies' Home Journal has just made public an at tractive series of liberal pi i..t lor the best oiiyinal musical composi tion by composers resident in the l'nited Stall's mid Canada. The call for a wait., a piano coin position, a pli'asiny ballad and a popular Sony, an anthem and the four best hymn tunes. 'I la-competition is open until No, ember I, next. The opportunitv has an addi tional attractiveness since the prize compositions will form part of a series for v.hii ii Strau.-s is writiu an oi iinna wa t.. and v. harles (ioiinod and Sir Arthur Sullivan each an oriy iual sony. THE SITUATION IN KANSAS. The action of thedemocraticstab convention in Kansas indorsing the presidential electors of the pen pie's party yoes tt show that it is anythiny to beat the republican party. Hut what are the prospects for the parties in Kansas? The friends of the Omaha ticket believe that they are stronger in that state than they are anywhere else in the conn try. They virtually concede that with the help promised them by the democracy, it thev can not win there they can not win anywhere In the canvass for governor in lN'.Hi the republican candidate had 11.",(HKI votes, the alliance nearly 107,000, and the democracy 71,000. The re publicans, who elected Jlumphrey had a plurality of al unit S.000 over the alliance, but their vote fell about ;!,( X H t short of the combined alliance and democratic strength On this exhibit the people's parly the successor ol the alliance, Pases its hope of success this ear. lint in making this estimate two im considerations are los - sight of, vi.. : Hirst, the 111 it d party ites. as shown bv the vote for loci ollicers in lvd, reached their hi est strength ia Ivhi; and, secondly 1he democratic convention s action in indorsing the people's party ticket is being repudiated by rcprc seiitative democrats in all parts o the state and will be resented at th noils. The elements of opposition to the leiiublica.fs. Ihefefoie, will I not beat all danecrolis. There i not the slightest probability th the thir I party can poll as many vote a it did two years a Minor organizations never loom ii very effectively in presidential can vasses. Their greatest strength is always shown in the intermediate years. The democratic protest against the combination may re sult in the placing of a straight democratic set of electors in the field, or it may manifest itself in a movement of the bolters over to the republican camp. In either case it may be assumed with entire safety that Kantian will in 1W2 retain lice old place in the republican column. FREE TRADE IN ENGLAND. Kmployers and capitalists can shift their headquarter to the L'nited States ami other countries, and there at once o'ltain the benefits of the protectionist system. They can send back their manufactures to Knyland freeof duty, and compete on ecpial terms in the l'nited States with nativecapitalists. Hut work inymeii cannot trausplate them selves (uite so eaisly. They must remain where they are and see the tiylit out. They know pel teeth well that if foreign markets are closed to their productions their industries iiiuM languish and the means of existence will gradually be taken from th in. They see in every shop foreign yood-i ol -ome ili-seripl mil or other. I hey know that in the nitric where the yoods collie t'om Ivnyli'll yooils ale liable to lea VV out ics. I ley ea mini see 1 11.11 this is f.iir play, Ihoiiyh it may be ice trade. Hence they are ready ir a change in t he I i ue i mlicated by ord Salisbury. This is the judy- tueiit of men w ho see much of the mulish working classes, and if they ire niMit it will turn out in "oon that l.oru ."t.ilisiuiry Knew w n at he win about when he deliv d his now celebrated speech at Hastings.-Herald Furopean hdi- i 1 1 . WACES IN AMERICAN AND ENG LISH MILLS. While all the democratic and free trade papers are howliny ayainst Mr. I'arnceie and Mr. h'rick lor their reduction of 11! per cent, which may be unjust and should be resented, it would be well for them to see what these men are uettilur and omparc it with what is paid in tlicr countries. The Iron Aye of June lit), ivj'J, yives the following liyurcs as the wayc list of "a well equipped mill in Western I'enn.sylvaiiia, workiny under the Amaly .minted scale, which is the scale deterinininy the rate of wayes at C'arneyie's works." We place Kiiylish rates for like work in separate paragraphs: The American waye list stand thus for the year ls'.'l: 1 Yr t urn. Hits in 7 inrli mill. I.': tnni- ul limns eiii h per "ear .S.'li.'.l'N .'JIM I .I't"..!-' si:ii m.Vii K'uller in In null mill. I'S I urn . . . IV , i H -1 - in uuiile mitt, t urn- ii.ui K'uller" in liar mills, turns '.'.1 HP','! 7.7s Tim it seems that the lowest price paid lor eight hours worU to my roller w as 7.7, and the highest -or labor of eipial duration was .f 10.70. We make bold to say that there is ardly one editorial writer on the I'eyiilar stall ol auv one ol the tree trade papers whose e 1 1 tors inch i -1 ive orders for "slashing articles i' l-'rick and Carnegie's starvation wayes who is paul at the rati- ol i.-ls ll for liW "Innis" at his work. The Ivnglish pay of a roller in iron mills is S'.."ii). Knglish pay fl!.a0 per day. Amer ican "starvation wages Irom ? to !rl'.i.7ii for eiyht hours' work. In which country dues the modern I.egrce live- in protection America or in free trade Knglnnd'.' Let us now consider how "heaters" are paid in American and in Kng lish iron and steel mills. The wages in the I en usy I van ia mills have been as follows for the trade year just ended: l'er turn. .H'i.'.NI Healer in 7 iueli mill, I.!'.' t urn- ul ' liuu rs eai h j'J.'.'l I. Ill Healer in In inch mill. I'.- Pu us ill hum -earli .. .'l.'.'J !i.'" Heater in mii,!e mill, .Ml I urn- ul s hears each . :,."ni.UI 7.Ii Healer in Imi null. .Vi'J turns ul huiirs emli. . H.-TJ'i.oo a.SI Knglish pay $1.1 ill for a day's work, American pay trom a.i to f'.t.XH for eight hours' work. The lowest priced labor einploy ed in mills running on the Amalga mated scale receives l.a I per day. Its counterpart in Knglnnd is paid t.) cents. These tig lire are submit ted to the consideration of thoughtful people, w ithout reference to the pro posed reduction of per cent at the 1 lomeslead works, though that'pro posed reduction alfects only ;C"i ol those who have been earning from !?.": to Sl'.'.7i for eight hours' work, and does not touch the wai;e list that ranges from .rl.aO to .Tl.uOa day The liyures prove that tinder inn tection wayi-s in America have icucneu an emiueiu'e that seem in credible to the Kuropean workman The Ibuntead matter is to be de teriinneii i i o i evidence. II, despite of a fall of J per cent in selling price, ,f.'7 being the rate when the scale of lsv was adopted and .fJH.Ta the rate when the agreement be tweent'arnegii'and his men expired, there still is profit enough to iitford compensation to capital without re duction of the income of labor, let old rates prevail. Hut if reduction be necessary, theXjumen nfTected by it still will be in receipt of incomes far in excess of those of most preachers, doctors, lawyers, teach ers, authors, clerks or fanmus. For Sale. My house and three lots corner Sixth and Dey, price $l.'JiKI. Mk's, J, A. li.ltt'fc'LL, ' Ceutnd City, Neb., ai)C.U,K. 13. SKI.NSONTII i: l'.OWKli Y ; WHAT ONE MAY SEE ON NEW vqhk FAMOUS THOROUGHFARE. TIip MiiI Imi iniiUhini; IVHpjre uf u I strf That ll.t n Wnrlilvt.ip I;.-;.".' llitu An A ii W lu'i-i'iii An Iim'.i.I i lcnile f All Nal itnuill! li-4. To tl.u.-e stll'lents i if liuiuail li.!li,.e who ure ijniek to see tiu. weak --lue every eliaiaeter have tln-ij- ovfn, a iiji tin; Bi.wvrv and Park row i-, . fruitful of ijihi'1 reru.l:-, Tlu-re i,e s many oigli'.s, sutnid iiinl set nes u.,vcl and lliteie-ting in tin; stinin; eeiie ly ilraina, "Struggle fur Kread," tiiat tin; stlhlellt CUllllet help '.eelilU' i 1 1 1 1 " I -1 - ..lid intere-ted. Then, im, tae fact laat nearly e i-ry one lie he" j., jn ,rei tlciu j llilll-elt' illlpal'ts the Zest of Coliiil;o eney ' tu his pilgrimage, and he Me; a!;). th" ImiiLity aiel wretehed and t lie haji;y iitid cai'ele--, keens his hand on his pi ek etliuul; and hi-eytsoa t in shifting iai:o- ; rainn of hie and makes note-. The si.'iis are the hr-t things that tal.e , tin; v all". ;-i j- m eye, He m-UfA Kegular Dinner fur thir teen Ct nis' and "Two (ienuine linport eil Ilavanas !..r I'ive Cent.-" with inter est, lie fee! his barber chai'Lies him too 1 11 ill -It when he sees that he can receive ton-urial attention here for five cents, with the added luxury of hay rum fur ten cents, and that a clean towel is tiaraut 1 with every shave. A large and guidy cartoun extolling the merits ot the "I'lor de Maggie (.'line Cigar" attracts his a'teiniun. A small l'uutiiute say that it is changed every day, and that while the merits of the cig irwiil he dwelt lovingly upon, y-t 'he cartoons will al-o deal with timely topics. A clothing store near by has a big black signboard stating that this is tin? headipiarters of the "Society f,,r Kn coiiraging the Wearing of (..'lean Shirts." whereof the proprietor is president, lb; cannot but feel that ihe society is at once beneficial, salutary and situated in its proper fn ld. Park row. The notice over a dingy doorway that "black eyes will he made to look natural for ten cents causes him some vague apprehension, as it is a sih-nt witness that ho i.s in the laud of fisticuff., and as sault mid battery. Hut contemplation of the chalk writ ten words that "a Iv'inonieo lunch goes with every glass of bet r" gives ri.-e t more kindly feelings, and he sonii fur gets his fears. A red nu-ed man rapping with a rat tan at a large and startling representa tion of "The Wonderful Mniistro-hy, .Imiiheto. the LI. pliant Hoy, Half P.l'e pliant, Half Human, Now to I'm; Seen Alive Inside" holds him awhile, p it hi' b els sure it isatalceatid drifts cti to the "Auction Sale." A sharp eyed person in his shirt sleeves is extolling the merits of a s hd gold, full jeweled, stem winding, Amer ican movement watch, easel, eh.' ed, turned and beveled, going at the ridi 'U lonsly 'low price of four dollars. Cap per are urging v ii t iniH to buy, pullers in are bawling the auction to all who pass and the hardy gurdy behind the dime muse iiiii MTeen triis vainly t- drown tlnir cries bv its ieikv render ing of "Comrades, comrades, ever since we were boys," while the man at Iht door still raps the counterfeit visage of the elephant boy and cries that the ad mission is but a dime. The crowd thicken; evening comes on. The "oysters and clams one cent" man lights his torch. Chinamen, Moused and pigtailed, heading for Chinatown; Ital ians with pushcarts, turning toward the head, (ireeks hound for James street, negroes for South Fifth avenue, Her mans for Avenuo A, Ilel.-ews for I'.l dridge street, all homeward bound, work worn and weary, hurry past. ''Hecf steak .lohn's" is crowded. The fifteen cent lodging house have each their senronf loungers at their dingy portals. It is night. Now the shooting gal leries light up and tho "ping!" "ping!" of tho .''.'-caliber bullets ring' down against the sheet iron targets. Men hirk in alleyway and slink out fo demand alms. A crowd of roisterers como down arm in arm. They are college lioys, down on the P.owery for fun. A one eyed man has song sheets for sale. Ho cries his wares and sells several copies to the youths, The variety theaters open their doors and tho Uowcry amusement seeker surges in to see the Irish-American Four and McCiifliu and McUullin, tho king pins of song and dance. Tho German mid Hebrew theaters are open, too, and have their crowds also. The Elite Laity orchestra has tuned up in tho concert halls, and the llovvery is at its best. Tho bell at the family resort i clang ing for the f'u'.-t performance, .'1111! th ' ticket seller opens his little window and gets his chungo ready. Tho clothing store "barkers" redouble their ell'orts to catch trade ly manual force, and the bowery roar- with soiunb of life and trade. Saloons are dein, a rushing bie-na-.s iinw, Sail 1-. '1m. ; shoremen, inu h.mii s, all out for dro.k and recreation, make up the crowd. Anew venture, t!e two-aud a-hait-cent-a-ene" poolroom, has done such good business that rivals have sprung up on every side, these place- are all crowded. The treipiehtei s are f.T the most part evil looking, low browed youths of eighteen or twenty years of age. They crowd the tabhs and Unv ery argot makes their conversation al most unintelligible to the uninitiated. Tho notice that "no profane or vulgar language is allowed" seems sarcastic. It is ns funny in such a place as "bow ery prices for broad way goods" is in the Cheap John clothing store. And the student of human nature notes it in hia memory along with the sign if 1 hist I bust. : : ir 1 TruM l iiust. : ; Nn KeM No Itu-I. : ; No Trust No lUi-t. '. I All brinks 5 'Villi. : New York World. Hiir YEARLY mMW The Most Interesting Contest Ever Ottered by The Canadian Agriculturist. One thousand dollars in cash, a pair ol handsome Shetlan 1 ponies, carraiye and harness, ami over two thousand other valuable for tin Ariculturist's briylnost readers Who will have them'r According to the general enst jm for some year past the publisher of the Agricul turist now otter their sixth half yearly literal competition. This grand couipit it ion. will no doubt, be the most yiantic ami successful one ever presented to the people of the l'nited Slates an 1 Canada One thousand dollars in ci-di will be paid to the person seining in the l.iryest list of Kuyli.-h words constructed irom letters in the woi.l-' I'he Canadian Ayrieiiltur is." hive Hundred dollars will be yiv cil to the -econd largest list. A handsome pair ol Shetland ponie... arriaye and harness, will la- given to tin (bird luryst list. liver one thousand additional awarded in order ol merit: tine gram! piano, "KiiHi organ, "rl'KI piano, dinner sets, ladies' gold watches, Silk dress patterns, por tiere curtains silver tea services, Teiiueson's poems bound in cloth, I lickens' in 1 J volumnes bound in cloth etc. As'lhere arc more than l.ooi) pri. es anyone who takes the trouble to prepare an ordinary good list will not fail to receive a valuale pri.e. This is the biggest thing in the competition line that we have ever placed before the public, and all who do not take part will miss an opportunity of a life time, Iv'l' 1. A letter cannot oftener than it a ppoars in the words l'he Canadian Agriculturist" For instance t lie word egg can not I tensed as there is but one 'g' in the three words, L'. Words having more than one meaning but spelled the same can be used but once. a". Names of places and persons barred. I. Kr rors will not invalidate a list the wrong words will simply not be counted. Kaeh list must contain one dollar to pay tor six months subscription to the Agriculturist. If two or more tie, the largest list which bears the earliest postmark will take the first pri.e and so on in order of merit, l'nited States money and stamps taken at par. The object in offering; these mag nilicent is to introdue our popular magazine into row homes in every part of the American con t incut. Kvery competitor enclosing oOcts in stamp extra will re ei e tree, by mail, postpaid one of the Agricul turists elegant souvenir spoons of Canada. Frizes awarded to persons in the l'nited States will be shipped from our Now Vol k office tree of dutv. All money b iters should tcred. Our former competition given away over ."1,000 during the last two years. he regis- - We have in prizes 0111I have thousands ot letteis Irom prize win tiers in every state in the imii a and every ,tart of Canada and New fiMindland, I.oi'tl Kilcolirsie, A. I). C. to the liovcrnor general ul Cana da writes; "I shall receuiiiniend my friends to enter your c impel it int. M M I b aud ui, Vancouver, H C. "re ceiveu .T 1 ,0 m in gold am! we hobl his receipt for the same. A lew of the prize winners: Miss K'obiuson Toronto, ifl.iOO; Hrandoii heuelon Fa Is Out., rtl.iOO; David Harrison Syracuse X 1. "ruli.t; II Heavi-. St Louis, .flOO; as Haptie, West Diiluth M inn. ."faotl M iss ( icorgiuu Robertson Oak St, Hrookh n, irlono; bred li Hill Hall State st Hridgeport, Conn, and thousands of others. Adt'ross all communication to The Agriculturist, I'etersboroiiyh, ( Intario. THOUSANDS IN HEWAHUS Tlte Grout Weekly Competition oTTlic Ltuliesi Hume Jonriuil Which word in this advertise ment spells the same backward as forward: This ir a r ire opportuui ty for every Madam, Miss, every father and son, to secure a splendid pri.e. Wi;i-KI.Y l'Kl.KS-Kvery week throughout this great competition will be distributed as follows The first correct answer received (the postmark date on eaidi letter to be taken as the date received. (at the office of the Ladies Home Magazine ( each and every week during l'.- wil gi -tir-'oo; tin second correct answer. ?loo; the third "faU; fourth a beautiliil silver serv ice; lifth, live o'clock silver serv ice; ami the next ,"il correct answers gi t prizes rally ing from S J.l nvii to Kvcrv filth correct answer, irrespective of whether a pri.e winner or not w ill get a special pri.e. Com petitors residing in the southern states as well as other distant points, have an eipial chance with those m arer home as the postmark wil I be authority in evi ry ca.-e. Iv'l I. I s. - Kaeh 1 i -1 o I answers must he accompanied ly ?l to pay for six months subscription to one ol the best home magazines in America. h' 1.1 i: !' I'NC I.s "'l b,' Ladies Home I a g . 1 z 1 1 1 e 1 - well able to earrv out its promises"- I Vtcrhi irony C,i 1 1l.11 Times. "A splendid paper, and I mane i.illy stiong Hastings (Can ad. 1) Mar "Kvcrv prize w inner will be .-ure (o receiv e just what he entitled to," .Norwood, (Canada) K'egister. Money should be sent by post office order 01 registered letter. Acdress the Ladies Home Magazine Fett rborough, Canada. Why will you cough when Shi lob's cure will give immediate re lief. I'rice 10 cts., ."U ets. and 3d For sale by F. (. Fricke iV Ct When Pfttif wan sick, we pav her Canturiii. When the wm Child, Hiir criod for Castor: Then she became Minn, he clung to Cast it, When tht bad Children, ih gare them Coatori. children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. t Still continue to be ljecidqiiqiq'es In the Clothing Business. This is, fully tk'monst rated by the fact that they have sold ir "nl this spring tu THERE ARE THREE REASONS FIRST Tliey own their goods as low as mortal mn can buy them for spot cash. SECOND They sell them to their customers at as low prices as mortal man can sell them and make a living. THIRD They are Square and Honest in their Dealings. Those Three Reasons Success. JSow to snow their appreciation ol their increase of business they propose to yive away to their IJoofc, entitled "The Columbian World's Fair Atlas (d'the "World,'' to every person buying J goods to the amount of S-O-either at one purchase or in a running account. They will give them a copy of this valuale book free of chaige CAM. AND SI-K Mayer & Tho Clothing Kir.K. UaVJMMI1 TOK T TO! itt' yours bus lifi'ii tui'iH'il I'ltr the last, time, it will hardly stand annllu'i' such Kcatii'-i as you gave it lar-t spring ItesMes we know y 1 n are too tei.iler In iuU'd to jrivi; it such another jacliiiif;. It will lie a usele.-s task as you cannot lash hack its respeetaltility. better diseaiil it altoct her and let us sell you one. (if these elegant new patterns that we have just received. SpiniiH 1-oiisg Gleqijiii-E Will soon he upon us and you will want new carpets, cur tains, linens, etc. We are bead quarters tor anything in this line, we can .-ell you hemp carpets as low as ten cents a yard, Ingrains as low as twenty-iive cents and brussells mm tilty cents upward. This is a iNEW : DEPARTMENT with us. We have handled them with tain pics hut lindinir that we could sell them much cheaper hy having them in stock we have discarded the. former method and are now alt'e to sell them at. a very low price, will duplicate Omaha price- every time kin.l and quality taken into consideration lieinL' all new oods we hae no old designs in the line, Ye have just received an excellent assortment of cum We can sell lace curtail., .,r oil cents a pair upward, Irish I'oint curtain.--. Tamhour muslin curtains. Swiss curtains, curtain screen in plain and fancy, tahle silks tor draperies! Chen-He Portieres. Also a line line of window shades at the lowest price;-. We have the line.-t line ol lmens ever brought to this city Table cloths with napkins to match. Table" scarfs, llurlan drapes, bleached table damask with drawn work and hem stitched by the yard, plain damask tor drawn work, linen scrim, stamped linens, an ele-ant assortment of towels with tancy and drawn work borders, itlain and fancy Iluck and Turkish Towels, linen sheeting mid pillow cashier ct,-. WM. HEROLD & SON. are the Keystones of Their customers a andsonie J TllK FOOK AT Morgan's Plattsmouth, Ne"b- THIKK Ib.Gut Old Gar-cot :ains 0.