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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1892)
1 Cf VOL. XXIX. NO. 3. rLArrSMOUTH.CJASSC'OUXTY.Xl-liUASKA.TIIUUSDAY A1MULH. 1892 $ 1.50 AYE All. ijii -111) POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar bakiug powder Mighest of all in leavening strength Latest U. S. Government food re pert. EW MEATMARKET. Freak Bert. Pork. Veal, Mutton, ftatttr and eggs kept constantly oi una. aaieofall kinds kept in Seaeoa SATISFACTION GARANTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6th St and Lincoln Are PLATTSMOUTII, - NEBRASKA MEAT MARKET SIXTH 8TRBET F. H. ELLEN BAUM, Prep. Tke best of fresh meat always fos ia this market Also fretk Eggs and Batter. Wild game of all kinds kept ia tkeir season. Meat SIXTH STREET MARKET jt If. OUN Always has on band a full stock of FLOUR AND FEED, Corn, Bran, Shorts Oats and Baled Hay for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any part ot the city. CORNER SIXTH AND VINE Plattsmouth, Nebraska lULIUS PEPPERBERG. M ANCFACTUKK OP AND MHBLESMLEZJlNn RETAIL DKALRKIK TFIB CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LIMB OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS ARTICLES , always in stock o Plattsmonth, - - Nebrassa W. II. Cushing, J. IT. Johnson, PreiMent, fke-I'rtnimU -ooOT H EOOo- PLATTSMOUTH NEBKA8KA Capital Paid in $60,000 F R Githaian. J W Johnsoa. R H Grtisel Henry Klkenbary, M W Morgan, J A Onuor. W Wettenkamp, W H Cushing A general banNing business trans acted. Interest allowed on de poshes. F IRST : NATIONAL : BANK Of PLATTSMOUTH, BKBKA8KA nnu Banking Business mocks, bonrti, gold, government And local an. Burluei bought and sold. Ueposiu revived and interest allowed on the certlflostw Drafwdrawn. available In any part ; of thS United mate, and all tbe principal towns ol Burop6. ooLLicnova maob and phomptlt bimit- TIl). Btgbut market price paid for County War rants. Stale ana County tmudi. DIRECTORS John Fltxgarald D. Hawkiwerth . Oeorga K. Davey John ritigjrald, N. Watik. rreslatat at iter, ght plattsmouth gcnld. CORNER OF VIXB AND FIFTH STS TKI.KPHO.NK38. NOTTS BROS, Publishers Published every Thursday. Und daily every evening except Suuduy. Registered at the I'tuttomnuth. Nebrusku pout pflice an second class mull matter for transmission through the U. S. mail!). TEKfIS FCK WKRKI.V. One year In advance - . . $1 50 One year not in advance - - . 2 00 Six months In advance - 75 Three months in advance 40 TEHMS OP DAILY. One year in advance . 4 00 One copy one month . . 50 Per week by carrier - 15 The telegraph wires report that sixty thousand houses were de stroyed by fire last Sunday in Tokio, Japan, and that fifty lives were lost also. There were two quite severe earthquakes at Utici, N. Y., yester day about noon. It was so severe that crockery rattled and in some places caused the plastering to fall from the walls of the buildings. AN alliance congressman has been applied to by one of his con stituents for "some documents showing that the republican party has been false to the farmer" He can't furnish them, of course. There are no such douments. Mr. Bryan is coming home to see what's the matter with the dem ocrats at Lincoln, for at the conven tion in that city the other day they pronounced for a double-coinage standard and Mr. Bryan's free sil ver views were smashed. The free wool bill is a measure discriminating directly Rgainst the farmer and in favor of the manu facturer. To the farmers of Kansas who are just returning to sheep raising it is a rebuff that will be resented. Topeka Capital. All of Nebraska's congressmen voted for free wool. It will be dif ferent in the next congress. There will be men there who will prefer to have the wool produced in the United States instead of the Argen tine Republic or Austria. Fremont Tribune. It won't be hard for Chicago to entertain the national democratic convention which meets in that city in June, because democratic har mony will so prevail that all the Chicagonns will have to do will be to hold the coats and hats while the other fellows fight. tariff pictures. The average weekly wages of silk weavers in Macclesfield, England, are $3.10 The broad silk weavers of Pater son, N. J., get on an average $12 The Paterson ribbon weavers get fia per week. New York Press. DEMOCRATIC WAVERING. The vigorous manner in which some of the western democratic na pers are "dropping" Cleveland and the sound money programme since the reverse to their party !in Rhode Island has its tragic as well as its humorous side. It is humorous be cause neither C'eveland nor the anti-silver programme, as such, had anything at all to do with the lm. ocratic defeat. Undoubtedly the ex-presiaent is more popularin that section of the country than anv other democrat is, and th senti ment against the errantinc of anv further favors to silver, is strong ana enduring amongthedemocrats as well as republicans. There in n probability, indeed, that Cleveland interest 111 the canvass in thatntnti. and his speech in ProAidence a'dded something to the democratic vote, and it is entirely certain that a straddle by that party on the silver question or an open or covert in dorsement of free coinage wonld have made the republican maioritv several thousand greater than it i now. The repubiation of both is tragic because it reveals the desperation of the straits in whirh the democratic party finds itself. 11 there were any Hill men left in the country anywhere they would seize this occasion to make capital for their favorite. This i.-i just what Mime ol 1 w ',-. of the two or tin i f ue-ti i 11 f:i 1 sons are tloiii'.' . or li 1 !. . attempting to o. Viewed in either ;Mi,ise !;,. it. i -.- cratic predicament in encmi'nj' . to the republic. on-, lite 1110. of the west will liesirnu : l teim now to disregard iie ulvi.-e scruples of their ea.-t in '! and put free connive in t he n.iu . platform. They nee .r iouiy ii.e 1 see, that hostility lolic- eouio.i . not as strong or its eneiiil m older states as thev ha I l.een I. l . believe, and they will he likeh come to the conclusion h it :.- can lose nothing any way in pun r the matter to a practical te-t. ,sm : a programme niiejit eiiiniii.i Cleveland, a.- he coul 1 1.. honestly or comiMenily nan.! o . . free silver platform. Hut man) ti the democratic poienta'es in ih west would be willing to go to tin extremity and risk the quencess. On tin oilier hand, if tin eastern influence dictates tne plai form as well as the nominee, neithe the west nor the south will enter tin canvass with much enthusiasm, no have any high hopes of victory. N matter what shape events in tin Chicago convention may take therefore, the outlook f r the repul licans is encouraging. The drift o. politics is entirely in the direction of republican victory in Novtmlit i The elections which have been belt, thus far this year reveal this ten dency clearly and unmistakably . With or without free silver in tin democratic national platform, and with Cleveland or any man at tin head of that party's ticket, republi can triumph this year seems to be assured beyond all reasonable doubt. Globe Democrat. The Wyoming cattle war is still raging. Several men have been killed on both sides and the state and United States troops have been called out to quell the disturb ances. The latest report says that the cattle mew are surrounded at the T. A. ranch by about 300 rust lers, who are led by the sheriff of Buffalo county. The promptness and certainty ol its cures nave made Chamberlain cough remedy famous, it is intend ed especially for coughs; cold. croun and whootiino" roneli. und i. the most elfeclual remedy known for these diseases. 50 cents bostlet- torsale by b. G. Fricke. Beware of the docters and under takius; "they want you." Spring time is hert and with it a Contami nated Blond, lorpid Liver, Kidueg oniuiainis and indigestion Jake "Ralrena for the Blood" and stim ulate the organs to force the foul secretions from your system. ?1 at nrown narrett and t). II. Snuler Katl-Koad Pain Cure never fi.ils. I feel it my duty to w.iy a few words in reir.ird to El v'h ('renin Balm, and I do so entirely wiihou; Kuiii-uauon. 1 nave used it more or less half a year, and have found it to be most admirable. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little hov and I never hoped for cure, but Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have linen 11 wmi exceimni results. Oscar Ostum, 45 Warren Ave., Chi cago 111. Irena for the Complexion" re moves Pimples, Blackhiads, and all Facial Blemishes. Warranted Jbv Brown & Barrett and O. II. Suyder. The wisdom of him who iournev- eth is known by the line he selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "Burlington Route" to the cities ot the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in ference is plain. Magnificent Pull man sleepers, eleirant recli ni no- chair cars and world-famous dining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha. Railroad Couirh Cure 1H flip imp Antidote for Throat and Lung Troubles. Fully warranted at Brown & Barrett's and O. H. Sny der's. Rail-Road Pain Cure has no ennui as a Pain Killer. Use for all bodily pains and soreness. Guaranteed by Brown fc Barrett and O. II. Snt. der. How Try This Itwill cost you nothinir and will surely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's Aew Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La found it just the thing and under Its use had a speedy and perfect re. covery. Try a sample bottle at our cipense and learn for yourself jast how good a thing it is. Trial bottlt free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Drug Store, Large size 50c. and $1.00 According to the census of lS'.K), Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1,(W,57( people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or .mother, to visit a city in which so many persons rind homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. I'or further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and TUket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Itch on humanand horses animals tired in 30 minutes by Woolford's '-unitary lotion. This never fails. "vld V. G. Fricke & Co. druggist, I'lattsmotith. Soma Foolish Paopla to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine They "hj " will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the -uccessttil Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent etTect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At all druggists. New Washington 'onn , People Are not slow about taking hold of a new thing, if the article has merit. A few mouths ago David Byers, ol ' hat place, bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cough remedy. He lias sold it all and ordered more. He says: "It has given the best of satisfaction. I have warrantad ev ery bottle and have not had one oome back." 25 cent, 50 cent, and fl.OO buttles for sale by F. G. Gricke A Co., druggists. SECIiKT SOCIETIES I'NKIIITS OK IVTIIIAS-Oiiuntlet Lnda ' No-47. Meets every Wednesday eve- llttlL' lit tllffr hull ituwr ItunnNl .1 'r..'. .11 vlHiTtOK kniKlits ore cordially Invited to attend. M N GrifJith, C C: Otla Dovay K of t nuu n, O I! W No Mppl MM-nnil an.l fourth Friday evenltifH in the month at It) OK Hull. M Votidran, M W, E I' Hrown, cvuiun. AO U W NoR-Meet first and third Krl duy evening of euch month ut I OO V null, hrunk V ermylea M V j J E Harwick, recorder. f)EGKKK OF HONOK-Meeta tha first and third Thrursdny evenings of euch month In I. O.O. F. hull. Fitrgeruld Hock. Mrs. Addle Smith, Worthy .Sister of Honor Mrs. Nannie llurkel, sister secretury. i,'A8H I.OIXiK. No. I4A.I.O. O. F. meets ev '1 Tuely nluht at their ball In Fitzgerald k, Ail Odd Fellows are cordially Incited nun. rt when vMtlng lu the oily. Chris Pet rrrn,n. i. ;n r.oMNno, secretary I0VAL AKI!AAM-('ss Co. tirll No 1021, Mi et at the e hall In the I'armele & r lir block over ileMieil & lulls, viKlrlng retliren Invited llniiry tiering, Regent; him ailing, Hi cretai v. iiiitii it I him iilling, Hi cretai v rj A. It.McCnnllili' I'oct No. 4.1 met ts every "hlur v evoti mi at, 7 SO In heir Hull lii ockwnod block All visiting comrade are eorillallv Invilert to e.-t with us. Fred Hates, t ort Adjniaut ;). F. Mies, 1'om Cnininadiier, rHI)"K OK Til K WORLD, Meets at T : 3a w every Mcnmiv evening at the (iraiul Army hull A V ...... ..I.I..... 'i-i "I. I-. r. . . .Jiutrin, lirniUrilh, J 1JUEI ITtilllllg -.1-i:icii . fASs CAMP No. xa M W. A. meets every s........i i t.......i. A. ..... . j nu rt'iiiui mummy rvillligs III ii.p-rain nan. v isiong nxignnors welcnnie r. i iimiBen, v. : v. WerlenberKiT, W. A 8. C. W ilde, Clerk CAT!, i IN H K I'AIHKK CAMP NO 60- niiif of Veteran", division of Nebraska, II . in.'ri "very i uesiiav lilglil at 7 :M o'clock in III' n bull in Fltliu-ntlil b uck. All vlsldi'if cemrades are cordially Invited to meet li.i us J.J. Kurtz, Coiuuiander ; 11. a. Mc i -.mum, ii reaigeni. nU(JHTKRH OK KKHHOCA Hurt nf I'rntn xy I e Uidgn No. 40 meets the second and lourtli Thursday eveulngs of each month in me i u. u. r . nan. Mrs. T. K. Willliuns, N U. j Mrs. John Cory, Secretary. Y0UNO MRN'8CHKISTION "KOCIATIIIN UutMrniun hliuik E1..I. M. 1 -. ........ " " n n.t.iu J.I' i k . .,U1 1 1 1 1 0 pen from 8 :3o a m to t :30 p m. For men only 11.. I...- ......... 1 I .. . . . . .Tw-,it-i iiiro.iii crcrj Duuuuj ai.eruoon ai ! i TTORNEY A N. 8ULLITAN. attorney at-Uw. Will glva prompt attentlaa to all bnnlne-s entrusted to hlai. Offlo ia udiob Dioca, cast side. I'latumoulh, Neb. 917, 919, 8at, INI 83J JAklH ST PLATTSMOUTH, NKB. F. R. GUTHMANN. PROP. RATE&-J4.50 I'ER WEEK AND P GOLD AND P0KCELA1N CR0WNB Bridge work siid floe gtld werk a SPECIALTY. R. 8TKINAC8 LOCAL an eU w ather aa. .ictgivsa lortbe paiaiau aitraotlon of teatb. MARSniLL, Fitzgirald Rlocli - BAZAAR MILLINERY. i To the Ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity I will annouce my EASTER OPENING APRIL 15-16. I will hav on hand a full line of Spring and Summer novelties in lace neopolitan and HUSK BRAID A full line ( f new thodes and styles in Also a handsome line of Chiffon point degene and colored laces, velvet flowers in the latest styles of montures and Prince of Wales pom pons I will have a good assortment of straw goods, for Misses and Childrens wear We'll have Leading Styles in Lace Crepe du Chine and fine braids trimmed. Thanking you for past favors I will be pleased to have you call and examine my Block ELSIE MOORE. UNRUH KEEPS Whitney's Carriages v ' r'b;...'-i-.-,'.'iAa..',v,-k-j---.- CALL AND SEE Spot Cash Hardware. MANY YEARS AGO THK POET WROTE: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and fits our case exactly ALL THAT WE WANT IS Your Trade on HARDWARE, CUTLERY, That is all: '-Nnr cln wnnt i . '.. or niore-and if you will grant us be full to overflowing. in return you will have little to want, tor in these goods we of er tke best and most complete line made in this country to-day and j&.t IPrices go Lo'w- That every time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought to be accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are girisg the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselves. WILL YOU NOT GIVE C8 THE "LITTLE" THAT WE WANT. J. W. Hendee, & Co. T)R. A. SALISBURY : D-E-N-T-I-S-T :- GOLD AND POKCELAIN CROWNS. r. 8telawayi anarsthetl forth aalnlen ti traotlos of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Mckwod Block P!amoutl,Nt. And the PRICES Are away down STOVES, TINWARE, TOOLS, WOODEN WARE Ir,n.T ;,,.. . . juonui icw years, say iwenry this "little" our cup of happiness will r BABGAIISrS N N N N -X1T- WATCHE6,. CLOCKS, - SILVERWARE and Jewelry. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SATISFACTION GVAKANTSED N H N W H. M. GAULT, : : Room with Snyder, Poctn Main Street.