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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1892)
IS? ffl rtf 7 w ST J-i VOL XXVII. NO. 51. PLATTSM0UT1I,( AS ;r r' N ' ' ! 1 , . S K A . T H U H 8 1 A Y MARCH 17. 1892 $1.50 AYKAU. I V I 1 A 7if gUttsnwath tnld. COKNEK OF VINE AND FIFTH STS TELEl'UONB38. K NOTTS BROS, Publishers Published every Thursday, and daily every evening except Sunday. Registered at the Plattsmouth, Nebraska pout pffice as second class mail matter for transmission through the U. S. mails. r powder Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder aSgheet of all in leavenimr strength Latest U. s. uovernmeni ioou rc fit One year In advance $1 50 One year not in advance - J 00 Six months in advance 73 Three months in advance 40 TKKftS OK DAILY. One year in advance 8 00 One copy one month 50 Per week by carrier 15 WARD TICKETS. jEW MEATMARKET. r(a Beef. Pork, Veal, Mutton, BntUr ao4 eggikept constantly on naaa. fame of all kinds kept in Season SATISFACTION GARAXTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6th St and Lincoln Ave PAATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. HARDWARE STORE S. E. HALL & SON tea all kinds of builders hardware pn baas sett win tuppiy counvui uh wvoi - orable terms XTEW TIKT ROOFING : .,........... Mnnutlnt and all kinds of tin work promrtly Jaaa. Ordars from the country Bonniea CI Pearl BL PLATT8MOUTH, NEB. C. MAYES fOONf T .8UBVETOK AID CIVIL ENGINEER AM srders left with the eountr clerk will te , promptly attended to. - ttAIIDV OFFICE IN tUUKi nuoi laioHntnnnth. Nebraska ULIUS FEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURE OF AND WHOLES ALEZIND RETRll DEALER IN TUB CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKEA's ARTICLES always in stock I ri! Mi. TEKM8 FCR WEEKLY. For Councilman First ward, GEOKGE LONGENHAGEN. For Councilman Second ward, P. D. BATES. For Councilman Third ward, F. II. STEIMKEK. For Councilman Fourth ward, J. F. LAKE. For Councilman Fifth ward, A. J. GRAVES. From it trrt'.-tiii;: world i arc fin COIlll'ICIl of the j;i iniiuiiiii tr:i it ol Minn' having il in cli .i,-ge. -V i : Trees hikI Arbor Day" . ' and deeply I'licn-ciing i . j ---fusely illustrated with pic-iu the favorite trees planted in ent sections ot the I'mled Si. r accurately delineated that each may be easily recognized when met wi'th; "German without a Master" in rule li es invaluable nungeslions fur lilt' study of that useful liiniiaf; "The International Order of tue Kind's Daughters and Sons," a jia per by the General Secretary the Central I ouncil, Mrs. Mary I,oe Dickson, gives facts and incidents most charmingly interwoven; "A Snap Shot at Washington Eti- er .u ' 1 V 1 1- - l.t tit i-r-, so HARMONY. Democratic harmony. HARMONY with a vengeance. AN INDIARUBBER NAVt. The K-Aoillt .r of InilUtia TMnk Iron clad Must t.ive Way to l;ubter. As the ni:in was g"ing out of the biq hotel lie w hispered to nut in sepulchral tones, "Col. l;iee in not right in hii upper storv - he in clean daft.' In a few minutes I saw the full- moon, jocund face of Col. James luce, ex-auditor hi Zudiana, com mi; from vlio elevator. Ho looked fcctly sane, and 1 asked him who his friend was that had just departed. "That man," paid thu colonel, "is a promoter and has not given me a mo ment's rest since 1 arrived in the city. I've just let him in on the ground Hour of an idea of mine and Cave shown him illustrations of it. 1 offered to have him elected vice president ot a company that is not formed. If my idea is put into execution it will revo lutionize naval warfare, and an iron clad will bo as harmless as a barge carrying a load of fcuuday school ex cursionists." The colonel invited me to hia room, where 1 saw a number of illustrations 1 in the rouuh of queer looking ships. I asked him to explain them. Ilia eyes FRED GORDER M SON, HAVE A TERY LARGE STOCK OF H Harness - and - Buggies. AND A ULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY, SUCH AS KOOSltR SEEOERS. PLOWS. HARROWS. ETC. WE CARRY THE TWO LEADING CULTIVATORS NEW DEPARTURE T0NGUELE8S, auette" furnishes an im-ielit of the! beamed with pleasure as he proceuded rules that novern society at our na-1 to elucidate his ideas. "The cuts," he tional capital; Easter Legends and I ;ret,r9Bten,tI wft,r, TMMJ on ,, . ,i . . I with tough indiarubber. hacu vessel Customs .8 upecially interesting, ! , pod with rubber seven feet in and "Easters Novehties" furnishes ; thickness and with enough give or suggestions for all the caster i i I ta i elasticity to it to .tend the largest ball one mar want to niiike. ! ever tired against it bounding back in- vo uie wiut. i aumit mat too com mon rubber la not of sufficient tough ness to resist the impact of the ordi nary cannon ball, but mind you the Democratic vengeance. harmony with a Thbre is harmony in the demo cratic camp. TBERB is nothing that pleases the republicans more than the har mony that reigns supreme in the democratic camp. there are splendid stories, every de partment is full of good things, and there are over 2(X) handsome illus trations; and every month's niaga line is just as good, and the sub scription price is only f'J. a year. Published by W. Jennings Denior est, 15 E. Hth St., New York City. Handkerchiefs The Nic est in town at "The Pair." I Have it direct from Grover Cleveland only three days old that the blunders of this democratic congress have never been exceeded. Dr. Geo.L. Miller. Take Ralrena for your blood, liv er and kidneys. It cures Nervous and general debility, Rheumatism suppressed orpainlul periods, dys pepsia, indigestion, billions attacKS skin eruptions,, urinary complaints, and the worst blood disorders known. It is the best tonic on earth for the debilitated.-Trice $1 at O. II. Snyder and Brown & Barrett AND UADGEU RiDlNG CULTIVATORS They also carry a full Line of Implements at their house in Weeping Water. Fred Gorder & Son. Plattnmoiitli, .... Nebraska. Plattsmouth, NebraBsa W. H. Cu CUSHING, Pmtdtnl, J. W. Johnson, Viee-Prtnidtiit. -ooOT H EOOo- FLATTSMOOTU NEBRASKA Capital Paid in $80,000 F K r.utlimnn. .1 W Johnson, E 8 Greusel, Henry Kikenbury, M W Morgan, J A toutior. V Wettenkamp, W II CusliiiiK A general banNing business trans acted. Interest allowed on dc - posites. F IRST : NATIONAL : BANK OP PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Paid up capital Surplus ..trio.onri.oo .. 10.UU0.08 n the very best facilities for the promp traiifacttou of HnlUiuate Banking Business Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local se uriiiu hmiirht Knd sold. UeDosits received and Interest allowed on the certificate nr&itx drawn, available lu any part of the united states and all tbe principal lawns ol Europe. oouacnoNa madb and fhomptlt bxmit tid. mhwit market price paid for County War rants, State ana County bonds. DIRECTORS John Pltwarald p. Hawkewortli Bam Waugh, Wnlte George R. Dovey President CaMr TIN PLATE PRICES. It is a peculiar fact, to which the American Economist calls atten tion, that foieign-made tin plate found its lowest price during fifteen years after the increase of American duties upon it. Ryland's (English) Jron Trade Circular quotes the highest prices obtained for charcoal I C tin plates, thus: I English price Year. per box. 1S77 $' 36 1N7S 4 57 187'J 6 69 1SS0 ... . & 2S 1KN1 5 23 1V2 5 2) 1W 5 U 1K.M 5 11 1NW 4 SO 1SS15 3 N) 1SS7 1 1M 4 00 1SSH 4 3H ISilO ta 1KD1 (McKinlvy bill 3 01 More than this, tbe Liverpool price for foreign tin plate fell after the very first month of the opera tion of the McKinley bill. The prices stood thus at Liverpool during 1891: Jaruiary, $4.14; February, $4 32; iMarch,$4.32; April, $4.32; May, $3.77; June, $3.71; July, $3.71; August, $3.22. And at the last named rate it stood during the remainder of the year. The increased duty went into ef fect July 1, 1891 ; so that in January, February and March at Liverpool the average price was $4.22. Three fourths of this was for United States consumption, and the duty on each box was $1.0S, But from July onward the duty was $2.37, which is an increase of $1.2.) per box. Did the Liverpool exporter add this $1.20, which will have to be paid before landing in New York, to the prices. Not at all. He dropped his price by $1.10 per box as 4 compensation to the United States consignor, who would have to pay the increased duty. Nevertheless, the free trade papers still are insisting upon it that the American importer "pays the tax, the whole tax imposed by the tariff." The population of Platiamouth Is about 10,000, add we would eay at least neo-half are troubled with some effection on the throat and lungs, as those complaints are, ac cording to etaaistics, more numer ous than others. We would advise all our readers not to neglect the opportunity to call on their drug gist and get a bottle of Kemp's Bal sam for the throat and lungs. Trial size free. Large Bottle 50c- and $1. Sold by all druirgist. La -rlppe SuccessluHy Treated. "I have just recovered from a sec ond attack of the irrin this year," says Mr. Jas. O. Jones, -publisher of the leader, Mexica Texas. "In the latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days, against ten days for the first attnek. The second attack, I am ratslied, would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, is I had to go to bed in about six hours after being struck with it, while in the first case 1 was able to atiend to business about two days before getting down. !V.) cent bot tles for sale b 1". G. Fricke & Co. ARE YOU GOING? Twenty million visitors, at least, are expected at the Columbian ex position; and whether you expect to be one of them or not, as an American, naturally are you inter ested in the preparations for the grand event. A splendid paper in Demorcst's Family Magaiine for April. "The Evolution of the Great Exposition, " is the best thing of the kind that has yet been published How's This! We offer lot) dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. h. J. Cheney & Co. I'rops, loledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belive him pefeetly honorable in all buisnesH transactionsand fin ancially able to carry out an oblig ations made ly tlieir iirm. West .Si 1 max, Wholesale Drug gist, 1 oledo Onto., aiding Kinnan c Tarvin, holesale druggist lole do Ohio. Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, action directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 7.V. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist; Testimonials free. The Handsomest Lndy In Plattsmouth KcinnrKcu to a irietiu me outer day that she knew Kemp's Balsau tor the throat and lungs was a su perior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit, any druggist will give you a sample bottle free. Large size aOc and$l. Gentlemen would not use "Blush of Roses" if it was a paint or pow der, ot course not. it is clear as water, no sediment to fill the pores. of the skin. Its mission in to heal, cleanse and purify the complexion of every tniperiection, and insures every lady and gentleman a clean, sold Dy u. II cents. ......j ...... smooth complexion. Snyder. Price 75 cei Rheumatism cured in a day, "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically in 1 to 3 days Its action upon the system is rem arkable and mysterions. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold i i.- t-ru i.r. uy x. V7. nunc wvis. rubber I intend to use la not common. Every man who makes an innovation and relegates established methods to the past li in the beginning considered a crank. But I do not mind any little epithet of that kind." "What ii the tall spire in the ves sels?" "That, said the scientific oolonnL "is the lookout It is a tower that can be telescoped in a second to the surface of the vessel's deck and erected in the same space of time. It is 800 feet high. There is only one smokestack and it can be taken down in a minute. CannonsF Ah! that is a secret, but I shad tell you bocausn you are not a promoter, in tbe rear oi me vessel there is a turrot tower with four de structive guns. You don t sue it, ehr Well, neither do I, but if the enemy appeared by manipulating machinery here would rise from the hull of the Vessel a turret, protected by indiarub ber and ready to sink a fleet of iron clads. Everything on the deck of my indiarubber vessel can bo dropped be low in a few moments." "Have jou ever studied that branch of mathematics which treats of trajec tory r The colonel had, and added: "My boy, a bull dropped on the dock of one of my vessels would bound a mile high. There is absolutely no powder or force strong euough to drive a ball into the rubber." "One more question, colonel. How long have you had this peculiar elastic idea?" "It came to mo as an inspiration five year9 ago. 1 was in Chicago and a weazened faced man with a voice that Miundcd like the noise made by tear ing calico made life miserable to me. lie had a scheme and for a week ho became my shadow, trying to get mo to go into it. 1 worked out the india rubber vessel ami for three hours I earnestly explained to him the fortune in it if he would accept the vice presi dency. From that time ho has never eaid 'scheme' to me again. I have shown it to dozens of promoters and have talked so much about it that 1 really think some kind of rubber can be made to resist and throw back can non balls." Have vou mentioned your idea to Gen. Tracv, secretary of the navy?" I am a democrat," s:od the colonel, proudly. "You wait until a democratic president is elected." Col. luce is a ami a practi cal joker. A'. Y.Ik raid. One of the best known English cy clists is Montague Holbein, who was born at 'I wickenliatn in 1861, ami not long ago rode from Paris to Bordeaux, I miles, in 21 hours, V' minutes and J.r sei nllils. Cardinal (iibbons ! a very regal and imposing man in his robes of state, but beneath them he wears a Very kindly and gentle manner, lie is especially fond of children amj likes to have them about him. The late Miss Anna iggleswrrth, of ooston, it is said, gave away more money in charity every year than any other woman of that city, although there are nianv ladies there who are bwtli i ieli and goieroii Count de la Miranda, husband of the famous prima donna Christine Nilssmi has been appointed Spanish Ambassa dor to .Sweden and Norwav, and w ill of course, reside at. Stockholm, the great singer's birthplace. The newest remedy f'r easicklH'SS is the homeopathic one of drinking sea-water, and in Jacksonville, Kla a number of fat men are getting rid of siiperiluous avoirdupois by inibibm copious draughts of rainwater. Mile P.ilcesco, the young Roumanian recently admitted to practice law in France, is a tall, graceful and dark- haired girl of 'J3. .she is the only child of a banker of Bucharest, and in that city she has hung out her shingle. The French Academy's first prize for virtue, 2,000 francs, was awaniea tnis year to Marie Sedier, of Bayonne, who has devoted herself to placing deserted children with peavants aud artisans, Jn Reveri yean ihe has rescued twenty. se?eD. Spot Cash Hardware. MANY YEARS AGO THE POET WROTE: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and fits our case exactly ALL THAT WE WANT IS Your Trade on HARDWARE, CUTLERY, STOVES, TOOLS, TINWARE, WOODEN WARK That is all; ''Nor do we want it long" just for a few years, say twenty or more and if you will grant us this "little" our cup of happiness will be full to overflowing. In return you will have little to want, tor in these goods we offer the best and most complete line made in this country to-day and .t LFxiceo so Lcrw That every time we fill out a quotation eheet we feel that we ought to be accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are giving the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselves. WILL TOU NOT GIVK U8 TUB "LITTLB" THAT WE WANT. J. W. Hendee, & Co. MOW IS YOU1H GUflpTGE. J mu. tir..!.!.. Fotl&Ca irici t i-iM tr rv -jf JL 11U V V V-zxx-Ay -A.xrr- Home Magazine Toledo Blade Harpers Magazine Harper's Bazar - Harper's Weekly $1 85 - 2 45 4 00 - 4 80 4 80 is Iowa State Register Western Rural -The Forum Globe-Democrat -Inter Ocean 3N 28S 55t 81 3 2S 501 Vine Stkket. TiiHc o Subscribe DIIW MEAT MARKET SIXTH BTKELT F. II. ELLEN BAUM, Prop. Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Bunds, Wounds, Burns, Etc. Bemoves and Prevents Dandruff. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specialty Adapted (or Use in Hard Water. Ex-Governor Furnas writes: Send me one dozen Kail Road I'ain Cure with bill, it cures more aching ills than any other preparation I have used or known. 25c and 50c at O. II. Snyder and Brown A Barrett. The best of fresh meat always fonnd in this market. Also fresh Eggs and Butter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. ff SIXTH STREET Meat market S HOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. B)B. 8TK1NAUB LOCAL as well aa other so eetbetlcsKlTen tot tbe painless extraction ol tee til, C. A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald Bcl