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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1892)
1 1 i i3 u 1 'X H 14 iH Ivr. 'y id i ! ir 11 13 i IS I 1 1 V ), I) 1 A 'Vi jj VOL. XXVII. NO. 50. L POWDER IM.V TTSMOUTII.CASSCOUNTY, N K l K ASK A . Tl III USl ) A Y MAliCU 10. ISDi" TAUe YOUR CHOICE. $1.50 AYKAll. 7f Hhttnmonlh gcrald. C'OKNKK OK VIXli AND FIFTH STS TEI.KI'HONK 3S. NOTTS BROS, Publishers Publisbed every Tliursihiy, anil daily erery evening except Suniluy. Registered at t lie I'luttsmouth, rsrbnisku post pfticc as second class mail mutter for transmission through the IT. b.muils. Absolutely Pure. cream of tartar baking powder igheet of allinleaveningstrength Latest U.S. uovernmem ioou k port. XTEW MEATMARKET. rretfc Beet. Pork. Veal, Mutton. Butter and eggs Kepi coDHtuniijr uu umu. flame of all kinds kept in Season SATISFACTION - OARANTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6th St and Lincoln Ave FI.ATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA EW HARDWARE STORE S. E. HALL & SON Keep all kinds of builders hardware cm hand gjlia will euppiy ciMiimi hm" u -. orable terms TIN ROOFING Hpoutini; -... nii iiiiia ..f twt u-nrk tirnmptlv tkUU till AM"!.' T - . , - or.lnrs fruui the couutry Solicited TKKJIS FCK WEEKLY. One yeur in uilvunce - - - $1 50 One year not iu uilvance - - 2 00 Six months in advance 75 Three months in advance 40 TKKMS OK UA1LY. One year in udvance - - $0 00 One copy one month - - . - 50 Per week by carrier- 13 the farmer would come out: There would lie imported of manufac tures of wool: Founds. $i;l,ft,nu, lust year's amount, rep resent ititf of ruw wool I29,0HJ,IKW Plus tf'.'.IMl.U'JO, Mr. Springer's in crease, representing of raw wool 21B.0MU,0U0 There would Ik! imported of raw wool: Clothing and combing, last yeur's amount 33,000,000 Carpet wools, which we must import 86,000,000 OUR trade with Mexico is increas- -.11 ing every nay, aim u woum uw much more rapidly if we had a reciprocity treaty with that country. Tub change of front on the part of Lord Salisbury in the Bchring Sea case is doubtless due to Cana dian pressure, but Canadian pressure will not prevent our gov ernment from insisting upon the recognition of American rights at all hazards. He had got on the sleeper late the night before and about 8 o'clock the next morning the porter found him wandering up and down the car. "De wash room's out dat away, sah," explained the African, point ing to the other end of the car. "Wash room, nothin'," growled the passenger. "I'm looking fertile bar room. You must think I'm a republican." Total imports of wool 4(M,OUO,0UO Total demand for wool in the United States 600,000,000 Difference, to be supplied by American farmers 130,000,000 But they raised lust yeur 3t3.000,0u0 Difference, or shrinkage in domes tic demand.. 167,001,000 Here would be lt37,0(lO,(X)0 pounds of American farmers' wool left on their hands after the home market had been fully supplied. What would they do with it? There is but one answer. They must sell it for what it would bring low enough to undersell the cheapest wool in the world. The existence of such and enormous surplus, over half of the whole domestic product, would send .the market so low that farmers would airain slaughter their flocks for tallow. Never again would good times return for our sheep owners while the free wool policy pre vailed. Even when domestic prod uction bad tallen tlie necessary 158,000,000 pounds, the pressure of cheap Australian, African and Argentine wool upon the market would continually tend to send orices even lower and lower till American sheep raising was con lined to the semi-desert plains of the west. There it might be pos sible for some wool to be grown "618 Pearl St. I'LATTSMOUTH, fiEB. ft. C. MAYES COUNTY - SUKVEYOK A.ND CIVIL ENGINEER kill orders left with the county clerk will be promptly attended to. ' '. OFFICE IN COURT HOU6E, PIMtsmouth, - Nebraska J ULIUS PEPPERBERG. MAKUFACTURK OF AND UIHDLESALEZnND RETRll DBALBRINTBR CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKEit S ARTICLES always in stock PlaUsmouth, Nebrassa W. II. CUSHIMi, rrtnUUnl, J. W. Johnson VJrf-Pndfiif. -ooOT H EOoo- PLATTSMOUTH NEBKAHKA I pita I Paid in $50,000 F R Gutbman. J W Johnson, B B Grease), Henry Kikenbary, M W Morgan, J A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W II Cushlns A general banNing business trans acted. Interest allowed on de posites. F IRST : NATIONAL : BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Paid up capital , Surplus .IAO.000.00 . 10.OU0.U8 rs the very best facilities for the promp vruupuciiuu ui uKiiimaie Banking Business Stocks, bonds, gold, government and local aunties bought and told. Ueposita reeelved and Interest allowed on the certificate Drafts drawn, available In any part of the United States and all the principal towns ol Europe. 0OU.KCT10N8 MADB AND PROMPTLY RRMtT- TCD. Highest market price paid for County War ranis, owe ana louniy oonas. DIRECTORS John Fitzgerald D. I!akii worth Ham Waugh. F. K. While tleorge E. Uovey John FttigeraM, h. Waugh. President Cll, An l nij'Nh riirJr) wi Nnyt Women Muni .M.irry ur Tuk4 it rrofeHliin. Dr. Anibelln Kenealv. n noted )!iy- u iuii of l.oiiilon, 1ms, from her siuvial practn'ill nii'tiu iii ex leneiu-n among women ileilueeil the theory that win men must make a ehoiee between nro- fessiiinal a 1 1 I married life. Mie says: women should not uttempt U) carry on a profession nfier marnajre. 1 mean the women of the upper and niiddlo classes who j;o into the professions. It is not necessary that they should he bread winners; that duty should de volve upon the husband, and lam con- tident thai the rising generation would ho healthier and stronger in every way if tho mothers would exert themselves less, l look anxiously ni every huby that comes under my ob servation in the lurpu that I fdiail tind come improvement in tho type, some increase in stamina, compared with the generation that has preceded it; but instead of this there is only steady deterioration observable. This deteri oration is particularly noticeable, anion'' the children of very active mothers. The cleverest and most highly educated women who take thu most active part in public affairs, have tho niosl weakly and puny children. Aunt her thing, women are going in to too active forms of exercise. V hen a vouiisr married woman tells mo that she is captain of a cricket eleven or a football team, 1 can only say I am per fectly aghast. Women must place before theniseh en the alternative, to earn their li v i tjr. to exercise their faculties, and to gratify their ambitions in a professional career or to become cood wives and mothers, and if they choose the domestic life they must recognize that they must Bacrilioo their ucrsonal happiness and am onion in thu future happiness and success of their cuildre n. FRED GORDER fiffi SON WHAT MR. SPRINGER WOULD DO FOR THE FARMER. Some one pointed out to Mr. Springer that we collected JHl,,('.,,KI revenue last year from wool, which his bill proposes to admit free, and that his scaling down of duties on other things involved a further reduction of revenue, on last year's importation as a basis, of $19,500,000 more. He was re minded that the government needed every cent collected under existing laws for legitimate expenditure and asked how the loss of revenue fore shadowed in his free wool bill was to be made up. "O, there will be no loss of revenue," he in effect replied. "The lower duties on woolens and worsteds will invite larger importa tions, so that just as much revenue will result from the lower rates as was last year obtained from the McKinley duties. Do the American people realize the signification of that brief state ment? Last year we imported 43,000,01X1 dollar's worth of wool mantifac tures. At the decreased rates fixed in the springer bill-they average about :i per cent on last years s imports as a basis we should have to import ll.'i.UOO.iXX) dollars worth, in increase of 72,0X),(XX) dollars over lS'.U, in order to make up the $20,(XX),tXX) deficiency iu revenue. This, remember in what Mr. Springer himself says would take place. What effect would this increase in imported goods have on domes tic industry? First, as to the farmer: The $72,- 000,000, increase in manufactured wool would contain 216,000,000, pounds of raw wool, which would come in to take tbe place of 62,000, 000 dollar's worth of goods now made in this country of domestic wool, and to reduce the demand for the product of our own sheep growers by 210,000,000 pounds. But this is not all. Since Mr. Springer admits that a mere de crease in duties will increase im ports so enormously, certainly he cannot deny that his remov ing the whole duty from raw wool will tend to increase imports of it also. At the very least we should import no less ot foreign raw wool than was imported' last year, when the amount was 1K,(XX),0(X poundo. Of this 85,000,000 pounds were car pet wool which we should have to import any way, since it is not and, as free traders contend, can not be successfully produced here. We consume, at a liberal esti mate, rXJ,000,(XX) pounds of raw wool in the United States. We can safely assume that the amount would not go above that figure the first year of Mr. Stirinerer's policy if it should be inaugurated by the congress. Now, let in see where but our main dependence must be noon foreiirn wools. This is the inevitable logic of Mr. Springer admission, and it would be well for American farmers to understand what it means to them -Economist. HAVE A VERY LARGE STOCK OF Harness - and - Buggies, AND A ULL LINE OK FARM MACHINERY, SUCH AS HOOSIER SEEDERS, PLOWS. HARROWS. ETC. W'K CARRY THE TWO LEADING CULTIVATORS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELESS, AND UADOEIl RiDING CULTIVATOKS They also carry a lull Line of Implements at their house in Weeping Water. Fred Gonlcr & Son, Plattftnioutli IVebniMku. The Hxndsomest Lnrly In PlnttHmouth Remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsan for the throat and lungs was a su perior remedy, as it stooped her couirh instantly when other cough remedies Had no etiect wnaiever. o to prove this and convince you of its merit, any ciruiririst win inve you a sample bottle free. Large size 50c and$l. Go to Gerinir & Co for your wall paper they have an immense stock to select from, and you cannot fail to find what you want. tf Take Ralrena for your blood, liv er and kidneys. It cures Nervous andtreneral debility, Rheumatism suppressed or painful periods, dys pepsia, indicfcstion, billious attacks skin eruptions,, urinary complaints, and the worst uiood disorders known. It is the best tonic on earth for the debilitated.-Price $1 at O. II. Snyder and Brown & Barrett. Germany Not a Woman' Country "Germany is a man a country," boji a titled Jlennan lady. "Men will dio for their sweethearts, but their wives must live for thin. If you marry poor man he expects you to blacken his hoots. If yi it wed a rich man ho expects you U tlo tho same mentally. A German girl is well educated iu books, ueedlewurk, and housekeeping. IShe seems bncht enough until she settles down in o a 'hausniiitler,' with few ideas beyond her kitchen and nursery, and no topics of conversation except the iiihnUy of her servants and the extravugiMie oi ner neignnors. Tho result is the women are in ferior to the niou, and the men argu ment ativo, self-opinionated, and ego tistical. And they all believe, from the Kaiser down, that women were created simply to cater to their fancies ana tiring more men oi' tuo worm for other womel to wait -upon. Our actors are always better than atr ac tresses, our teaore and baritones out shine onr sopranos and contraltos.even our men ballet (lancers are more agile than their ahorV-skirtcd colleagues.and in the great laid of scholars, and philo sophers, and wntcrs there are fewer women of note In educational or liter ary standing iron in any of the other civilized countries. Everything to Furnish Your House. AT I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MODERN .HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having purchased the J. V. "WWkbach store room on south Main street where I am now located can nell goods cheap cr than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock of new goods ever brought to the city. Gasoline stoves and furniture of all kinds sold on the installment plan. I. PEARULAN. The Hljkest Bowlders. La Cnppe. No healthy person need tear any dangerous cotiseouences Jrom an attack of la grippe if properly treated. It is much the same as a severe cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain timet ly at home and take Chamberlain's I'oiiirh Remedy as directed for a se vere cold and a prompt and com nlete recovery is sure to follow. fliis remedy also counteracts any tendency ot In grippe to result in pneumonia. Among tne many thousands wlio have used it during the epidemics of the past two years we have yet to learn of a single case that has not recovered or that baa resulted in pneumonia. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke V Co. excess of 45 feet; et; contents. 90,000 Irobnble weight, I.r, r 7,i').r0 tons. Next F Q'Hji; 02 WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Complete line f La Grippe SuccessluHy Treated. "I have just recovered from a sec ond Httark of the trrio this vear." says Mr. Jas. O. Jones, publisher of the leader, Mexica Texas. "In the latter case I used Chamberlain s Cough remedy, and I think with consiuerauic outtrno, uuiy uciuj; in bed a little over two days, against ten days for the first attnek. The second attack, I am ratsfied, would have been equally as bad aa the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being struck with it, while in the first case I was able to ntiend to business about two days before getting down. frti cent bot tles for sale b F. G. Fricke & Co. Accepting nported measurements, tho largest errJic block or bowlder as yet recognized In the United Mates, una proimbiy i me worm, is in tne town of ftlaohou, N. II., ana, ac cording to I'rof Crosby of tho ISoston Institute of Tedmology, has the fol lowing maxinuih dimensions: Length, Hi) feet; width, height, SO to 'tf cubic feet, and !M),0l0 pounds, .... . .i . ...... to this in si.o irsmliiulitediv tne great rock in tho towil of Montville, New London count! Conn., generally known by lis JJinin designation as "Sheegan," anil Jso as .Mohegan." In the opinion of 8 lie. this rock is an isolated granite irotuberanee, and not a true "erratic" r bowlder, but recent examinations live seemed to com pletely negativithc lirst supposition. Its apiiroxiinatefnaximum dimensions lire: Length, 7.feet; width, 68 feet; height, 60 feet; ontents 70,000 cubic feet; weight 6,00 tons. If allowance lie made for a. immense fragment which has fallei; from its northeast tide, the dlmetiKms and cubic con tents of "Sheegii" would approximate more closely to hose of the Madison bowlder. One oint that goes far toward substantkting the claim on bo half of tho "Shean" rock that it is a true bowlder is the number of un doubted bowldel of an immense size and of the sanierranite which exists in comparative foximity. I Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hours. Why will you cough when Shi- Ion s cure will give immediate re- lief. I'rice 10 cts., 50 cts. uwd $1 For sale by F. G. Fricke fc Cc I feel it my duly to say a few words in regard to lily's Cream Halm, and I do so entirely without solicitation. I have used it more or less half a year, and have found it to be most admirable. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for cure, but Cream Halm seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used it witu exccllnnt results.- Oscar Ostmii, " Warren Ave.. Chi cago III. Ieprof in Spain. Leprosy is inceasing at an alarming rate in Spain, roni Alcanta it is re ported that seven! villages ure afflict ed witli the terrlle malady. In Hcni- dorm there are light families every member of whie is a leper. At (iota the number of liters is so great that n hospital is to I (! ii i i It for them, and at other points thetlugue is increasing in a frightful muniT and the doctors are unable to coiie th it. I Ho lorc Off. FOR SALF OR EXGHANGA. OQrj ACRES of Coloraio land for sale or trade for I'lattsmouth real--sJ estate or for merchandise of any kind. This is a bargain for some one; the land is Al. For further particulars call on or address THE HERALD, I'lattsmouth, Neb. Always has on band a full stock of FLOUR AND FEED, Corn, Hran, Shorts Oats nnd Haled Hay for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any part of the city. CORNER 8IXTH AND TINS Plattsoiouth, Nebraska QR. A, SALISBURY MEAT MARKET SIXTH 8TRBKT F. II. ELLENBAUM, Prop. The best of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresh Eggs and Batter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. Meat SIXTH 6TRKKT MARKET 'Yoiir husban'sworo off sraokingat tho beginning otlio year, I believe?" "Ys; it was afully good of him. And I had just lught him a box of cigir.s as a preset, too." Indeed?" "Yes; and he dy smoked on and swore off. -v. Y. Sun. ,-, A Grant Surpriea Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Balsan for the throat nnd lungs the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggits is au thorised by the progrietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large Bottles 5(k- and $1. Ex-Governor Furnas writes: Send me one dozen Rail Road Pain Cure with bill, it cures more aching ills than any other preparation I have used or known. 25c and 50c at . II. Snyder and Brown A Barrett, D-E-N-T-I S-T GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS, Or. Stelnways ana-stlietlc for l lie plile ex traction ot teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Roekwood Block Platmmouta, Neb. i9Eiisrs house. 317, 319, 331, ANI 325 JAklH ST PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. F. R- GUTHMANN. PROP- Rates $4.50 per .veek andup. GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS Bridge work and fine gold work SPECIALTY. DR. STKINAUS LOCAL a veil m othr at. tlietic9Ktveo (or the palnlt extraction u( teeth, C. A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald B:di r Subscribe for THE HtRALP, only t." cents a week or 50 cer.1 a month. 1