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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1891)
o BtnujyoTOF.k Missouri mrm jk a I y TIE TABLE. J Of DAILY PAS8BH0BK TRAINS FLOWER CHANDELIER. Register to-morrow. Attend the night school. Koch Toter must register for hiin- k AM f Ttal rtetai Om Om Easily B Mad. Th rlne may droop and touch your kair or tickle your ear m you crou from door to window, bat there's nothing In life that's pleaaaoter than to lire clo to iprttn thing, even If they be only jrreen things swinging in a ban boo vkaadelier. Yon ran see bbw to mass Bflf if he wishes to vote. 601 IS EBST GOIBG f EST Nat,... I:S0 a. SI a, :2A a. n No. V :26 a. a. o. T i&a- No. 8 Srtftp.Bl. Ns. II S:t a, B. N, 1 11 :6 A.BL Wo. a No. 4.. No. I .. Ko. It . No. 1., ...B:Mr.M . .10.J0S.H. ..T;t4 p. to ...! a. m ...le -M s. n . ..I JOS. D J. K. Leyda, republican candidate for county superintendent of schools, was a pleasant caller at TllEllKRALD sanctum today. Mr. Leyda feels sanguie of republican victory in Cass county at the N vcuiler election. MUOOUHl PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. Ns. SM Assoaisdstioa Leave.. No,lM srnvFi.., Trains dally eieept Sunday a. , . 4 ;M p. . Window glass nt Ilrown it Ilarrctt'H tf ft THB rU)WKR CHANDELIER. It from the plctnre jrlven. The three large sections of bamboo are dove tailed together at the point of the tripod and hung by three cords or wires. Inside the bamboo rods are tin cylin ders that hold water, and the outside of the bamboo can have, if you chooM, little Japanese designs of birds, butter flies or flowers cut into it with a knife that will chip the thin and brittle outer bark and leave the outlines light sgalnbt a darker background. The rods ought to be five inches or there abouts in diameter and fourteen or fifteen inches long. Vines rosy trail with much Ichs trouble from baskets in which they are really growing, but with many of us the novel Is always tlio better way. Chicago News. FAMILY SCRAP BASKET. Wn ditNty furniture with warm, not hot, white soapsuds, in which drop an ounce of linneed oil in a pall of water; wipe dry before polishing. Tnt a piece of stale bread In a white noiilin cloth and drop it into the pot with your boiling cabbage; it will ab sorb all the offenulvo smell. Thk skin of a boiled egg Is the best remedy for a boil. Carefully peel it, wet and apply to the boil; it draws out the matter and relieves soreness. For simple hoarseness take a fresh fg. heat it and thicken with pulverized .sugar. Eat freely of It and the hoarse ness will soon be greatly relieved. When your face and ears bum so ter ribly bathe them in very hot water, as not as you can bear it. This will be more apt to cool them than any cold application. Tcbpkntine is the best known sub stance for removing stuins of paint, and If it Is possible to apply the liquid at once not a vestige of the spots will re main. Tbkhb is nothing that proves so ef fectual in relieving congestion of the lungs, sore tiirout, or riieumulitin as hot water when applied thoroughly and promptly. - UoRNKRADiHii cut in thin strips length wise and a dozen or more of these strips placed on the top of each keg of pickles will keep them from becoming stale or moldy. AifroNR can add strength and weight to his body by rubbing well with pure olive oil after a warm bath. Oil baths are particularly beneficial to delicate children. Thobr who suffer from a senidtlve skin, subject to frequent irritation and roughnesM, should never wash in hard water. Hoiled water will often prove of benefit to delicate complexions. Equal psrts of cream tartar and salt petre make an excellent remedy for rheumatism. Take one-half teaspoon ful of the mixture and divide it into three doses. Take one of these doses three times a day. HOLDER FOR DUSTER. 4.Prttv TrlfU Which It Oraavaatal a It In 1'nefuL Two strips of moire ribbon are Joined to form the bag for the handle of the duster, and to the top of the bag two strips of ribbon are tacked and brought together at the point of suspension under e large rosette bow of similar ribbon. The points for tacking the ribbon to HOIJSF.K FOR FKATIIfCR Dl'STER. the bag should be carefully determined, ao that the bolder will hang at a pretty angle; the bows of ribbon are fastened over the tacking, The ribbon may be of any preferred color and variety and should be of the width required to form a bag of suitable size for the handle of she duster. Uutterick's Delineator Cormlrh Cake. Half a teucupful of butter, one and one-half teacnpfuls of sugar, creamed together, half a cupful of cornstarch, one and one-half cupfuls of flour, half a eupful of sweet milk, three eggs, beaten separately, the whites saved and put in Jast,two teaspoon fuls of baking pow der mixed through the flour, two tea r spoonfuls of lemon extract; if not stiff enough odd a little more flow. Very nice when fresh, hut after tv0 days old H dries up. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vit al is guaranteed to cure you. 2 TWITTERING SWALLOWS. la sad oat and sndsr the raves. Blown about Ilk ths faUlDK leaves. Twittering- swallows pend tbe aeanon. Now the days are shorter and chill. There corns from many a muatral bill Note of initlnct that sound like reason. Well have they dined on bug and midge. Now they are perched npon tbe rUlir Of the old barn, that's warped anil boar) There they sit, bright bird of a feather Holding twltur-talk all togutber. Each telling an after dinner story. They will follow the summer bland; To them no land ii s foreign land. One eicl&imed, with a Joyous flitter "True cosmopolitans ars we. Horns I where we happen to be. And swallow understand oar twitter.' Then, in soft nous I scare conld catch One apoks of s nwit under the thatcb Of a mutates where waves the willow. Another shook hi velvet head. And with tilH nolHy neighbor plead To fly with biio o'er Bold and billow. Ther talker about all sorts of things; Hliarpenud their bill and preened their wlnv Then sway, away, the tourists started, 8nllln over liver and main. Will lliey ever return "aln To tlieold home from which they've partwir O happy toti rlMts of tb air. Unburdened, free of debt and care. Would that 1 had swift wing to follow In the night over land and sea. With heart ns light and wing as frss A the happy traveling cwallowl -George W. Uuogay in Harper's Bazar. ntiakespsare's Knowledge of Insomnia. Touching npon the ouestion of insom nia, Dr. Charcot, the great snedalint, made a remark which was not only in teresting in Vylf, but which proved his thorough touaintance with the works of England'! 'greatest dramatist "It is curious to note," he remarked, "how feelingly 8hakespeare dwells on the question of sleep, not only In the famous passage of 'Macbeth' beginning, 'Mac beth hath murdered sleep,' but in many other nlaces in his plays. I made at one time a collection of fifty quotations from his works on that subject So 1 am inclined to think that he suffered from insomnia." 1 remarked that perhaps the death of the grut poet when so few years past middle age might have been caused Lr the vast mental strain consequent on the production of Ins marvelous works, and i.i'.hut case insomnia would certainly L ve formed one of the symptoms of his condition. "Great genius," remarked the doctor, "is almost Invariably the offshoot of 111 health, either mental or physical." "That was hardly the case " I responded, "with Victor lingo, who lived to be past eighty and was always as sturdy as an oak." "But yon foreet. madam, that he csme of a family of maniacs," was the resiionse, "His brother died insane and his daughter is the lumate of ,an asylum for lunatics." Paris Uor. Philadelphia Telegraph. Ths Nutmeg Tres. The nutmeg is the kernel of the fruit or severel hjh-cics of trees growing wild in Asia, Africa and America. The cnl- tivated nutmeg tree Is from fifty to seventy-five feet hili and produces fruit for sixty yerra.' The fruit is of the size ana appearance of a roundish tear. vel low in color. The fleshy part of the iruit is rattier hard and resembles can died citron. Within is the nut, enveloped in the cunons yellowish red aril known tonsaa mace. Up to 1796 the Dutch, being in possession of the Hands producing the only valuable variety of ths jealously tried to prevent the carrying of the tree or a living seed of it into any territory independent of Dutch rule. rooiBanu ueveragea. I- . . . . Imiiw raiuiiiiini rrsncn soldier, t is said that a French anldinr at tioued at a picture gallery, had strict orders to allow no one to pass without first depositing bis walking stick. Keuucuian came witn nis nandsinhis pockets. The soldier, taking him by the arm, said: "Citizen, where is your stick" "I have no stick." "Then yon will have to go back and get one before I can allow you to pass. As this man read his orders the inten tion was that, as a preliminary to in 8pecttng the gallery, everybody was to deposit a stick not that those who had a stick should not be allowed to carry it with them into the gallery. Tern pli Bar A Flub Thai Turns to Water. A curious animal is the medusa. Writ tng in 1701, Reaiuur says: "It is a true sea water jelly, having little color or con sistence. If wo take one in our hands, the natural heat is sufficient to dissolve it into water." A mednsa looks more like a mushroom than anything else, and is often of a pale blue or rose color, while In some localities it is violet The tissue of a medusa is "so fragile that when ahaudoned by the waves on the beach it melts and disappears, without leaving a trace of its ever having existed." They are found priucipslly in the arctic- seas, and constitntt one of the chief support of the whale. London Tit-Bits. The snrfac roads of New York city carry more passengers annually than are carried by the oorbined steam railroads of New York state in the same interrV Darwin has1 said that a large per cent of all sweet cented flowers are white; now Miebfilet has proved that there are no poisonous plants SECRET SOCIETIES KNMillTS F PYTHIAS Uauntlet l)dgs Ho. 47 Mfet every Wednesday evening at their hill in Panneie ft Craig block, All vis lunv inherit are eoidl.-t'ly Invited to attend C. C. Maishall.t'. C. ;' II Kovey.K. K. H. YWm MEN'Bl HRISTION ASSOCIATION Waterman blink Main Street. Konms open from s -.30 s m to S :30 p it, For men only (ionpel niesttng every Hunday afternoon at 4 0 eiooK. AO. IT. W8. Meels Unit and third Krldsv eve jlligs of eaeh month at (. A K. Hall In Kork wools Mock. Frank Veimllyes, M, W. U, E tuemoie, Recorder. AO V. W. No. M Meets reeond snd fourth Krlilnv nenliitfs In the month ai (1. A . K. ball in Itockwood block, K. J. Morgan, M W, r, r, Hrowu, itecorucr, DOYAI. A RCANAM (' Council No 1021 11 Met at the K.ol F. hall In tbe Fsrroele & Ontlg block over Kernel t ft Ttitls, vlNlrlng brethren Invited Henry Herold, Regent; llios MalllnK, Hecreiorv. nAuu i nnnv v tut i n n v tnwts m. rv TueHdnv nlilit at their ban in rittrerain block. All Odd Fellow sre cordially invited ' attend neii vmiting in meaty. J cory u M. w, linage, secretary . PLACES OK WORSHIP. Catholic St. Paul's Church, ak, between r ft h and Hlxtli. Father I at uey. raster Hervleei : V'lHSHtSMUd 10:30 a. m. bunday school at 2 witn oeneaictiou. Christian. Corner Locust snd Flclith Htn, Hei vices morning and evening. Elder J. K. Keed, pastor, nuuday Hchooi to A, u. Episcopal. Rt. Luke's Church, corner Third and V ne. jtev. 11 it. Kurues. pator. ner vier :11a.m. aud T :30r m. Hunday Hchooi at 2:30 P. M. German M KTfinnisT. tomer Sixth Kt and (Irunlte. Hev. Illit. I'sctor. Services : 11 A, M and 1 :30 P. M. bunusy Hchooi 10 :3U A. M. Pbkhhvtrkian. Service In new church, cor ner With mid (irsiiitfl M. lie v. J . l. liulril psntor. hunday-sci'ool at S ;3P ; I'reacliing at u a. m, snd 8 p in, '1 he . H. h. C. K ot tbl rhurch meet every Kutilisth evening st 7 :I5 In Hie tiarnieii ol the cliiicih. All are Invited to attend these meetings. First Msthodiht. Sixth St., hetwen Main snd lean, uev. I., o. unit nauir. Service ill A. m S :00 P. m. Sunday School 1:30A.M. Prayer meelii g Wednesday even tng. Orrman Prwhbytrriak. Comer Main and Ninth, liev Wltte, pastor. Service umuuI noun, ttunuuy fcimoi v :w a. m. Bwktdmh coMiRiiuATioNAU Granite, be tween r utn and nixin. . ,, ,. Colohrd Baptiht. Mt. Olive, tiBk, between lentil and Kleventh, Kev. A. Kovweli, a tor. Mei vices ll s. m. and 7 -.30 p. lit. 1'raye meeting Weiluesday evening. ; Youno Mkn's ChjlsTJ an Ahuociation llooniHln w Hterniurl lilock. Wain street. ( pel ineetliiu. for men onlV.ererv SiiiiiIhv at ternoon at 4 o'elock. ktootne open Keek day from te.:xi a. in., to 9 30' p. ni. Soitth I'ahk TAlik.HNACLt'. Kev. .1. M wood, I a.Htor. Services : Sunday School lua. in,: ireaciung, lia m. and 8 p. in. pmyer meeting Tursdiiy nlglit ; clinir prac ueerruiHV infill ah are welcome. When you po to a shoe utore your object isnot only to buy hIioch but to procure for what you upend the neHt tnut j'our money will buy l.css tnan tins will not content you more thnn this you cannot, in rea son, nsk. Our methods are as simple u your desires. We do not litt your expectations to the clouua, but we realize thctu whatever thev nre. We will never eacrifice your interests to ours and nowhere else can you pet a fuller and fairer equivalent for your money. An especially profitable purchase for you is our etc. BOOES, SHOES OH RUBBERS R SHERWOOD. 501 Main Street. Lumber Yard THE OLD RELIABLE. II. i WATBBBAH S Sllf Shinglos, Lath, H, Doors, Blinds Can supply everw demand of the city Call snd get terras. Fourth streit in rear of opera house. rTTfTIVF WK WANT A MAN In C I Cli llwb rvrry localltv in net u atePrlv Drtertlve under our Inntnir'tioo. tm"iid mp for rHrtlular. waI.HIN;toN T?:lEfTIVK AGENCY, Ikix 7H7, Wuhiuton, J'.' 1 T1T IS'waiting to show you his new goods VyJ-l and o let you know how cheap they can be bought. HAS THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK In hia line in Cbbs Coantj. Yon wi I not be nble to buy . cheaper Wob Clii tigo when you take quality and price in consideration. Only buys the beft makes and latest novelties in CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS II ATS, CAPS ETC. And if you are looking for a reliable place to trade give JOE a trial. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, PLATTSMOUTH. TAKKTIIK 4: -3 m&FteMl Is IB For Atchinson, St. Jonepli, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points north, eust south or west. Tick ' eta sold and bap jjage checked to any point in the United Statea or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO KATKS AND KOUTKS Call at Depot or address H, C. Town hen r, O. P. A. St. ltiia.Mo. J. C. Pmturpi, A. G. V. A. Omuha. II. I). AlMiAK. Ajrt., Plattsniouth. Telephone, 77. THE TYPEWRITER A ntrit'tly Brut cIh iimrhliiH. fully warrs.t (1. Made (mm tht very bent nistvrial b fklHed workmen, and with the bent tools Irt liav ever ben devled for the riirpoi Wa runted tu do all that run be reasonably ex iiected o( the very bsct typewriter extant. Capable ot writing ISO worn eer minute oi more according to the ability ol thoprrf PUlt'li $100. Itthwrrt m no ,'ul In ymir t ivu mldroti th inanulauture. THK PAHIHII M'Pt. .. Axrnt ')U'fl l nlh a, V. F. Ii. SKKLEMIHE, ARtnf. I.inrolu, Neb, M JOE 'O O' O' THE LEADING AND ONLY OKE PRICE IS WAITING FOR YOU. TOE- JOE' HARNESS! FRED G ORDER The only Implement dealer who has made a success in Cae County THK beat of iiarnt'HH, both double and smfile n,ay be found at my Htoreand every thing iu the harncBH line also budgie and carriageB which arefirst-claHHiu every reppect, being the lighted, strongest and eawieiM riding vehicles on earth. 1 ALSO have large lot of Schutler. Moline, Haiti and Sterling wagons Spring wagons, road carts, and Plattsmouth SPECIAL SALE h 0UU C031PLGTE STOCK OP lA33lSr"lj S HOES We give you the following deep cut in prices: Indies Fine Glazed Dongola $"2.25 shoes reduced to Indies Ihingola Kid Flexible $2.50 shoe reduced to Ladies Heat Dongola $3.01) shoes reduced to Lndies Hand Turned best Dogola $4.00 shoe reduced to FOE. THIRTY DAYS ONLY We have a great many other sample lots of odd sues that we offering at In orderto reduce our priced aK7oergefru,eTceLa,,i" lfrdP ,l,nt w r "W. Jm BOKOK OO. CL0LH1ER HARNESS, plows of all diacription. Nebraska $1.75 2.10 2.50 350 stock to meet our obligation. mm V,rs.:-.v..