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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1891)
" in nmmn IM 1 1 mm i i i w i in i . -m 1 J " j v " fc v s PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY,. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER! 1891: .50 A YEAR ( s m .v- I T : f I Ps Pure 'cream of tartar bakinc powder. hest of all in leavening strenth. itest U. S. Government hood Ke- WINDIIAM & DAVIES. WINDHAM. JOHN A. DAVIKS. Notary 1'utillc Notary I'ubtle Office over Bank of Can County. ttatuimoutb .... velirtmtia TTORNEV ' A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-Law. Will lv prompt sitMitlon to all huKlUpns entruFtcd to him. Olllce In Colon block, Kat Hide, I'latUuioutli, Neb. JCJR. A. SALSBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T : GOLD AMI FGKCELAIN CROWNS. BtelDways aniMtlietlc frthe palnleu ex trae.uon oi leeiu. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. I ;wood Block Plattsmoutli, Neb. lEW HARDWARE T03 E S. K. HALL & SON 'p all kinds of builctpin hardware on hand 4)0 Will uiiiy ConilHl'l in uu Iliusi id. oruuie win TI3ST ROOFING : FnutluK and all kinds of tin work promptly ' one. Orders irein tne country aouciieu SIR I'easl St. 1'LATTSMOUTH, N KB. Ami 00I.D AND POROKLAIN'CUOWNS 3ridge work and tine gold work a SPECIALTY. STMNAUS LOCAL as well as other ,nu- tlietloiKlven for the paluless extract loo o. tectn, A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald P'" Brown & Barrett have just re vived a fine line of imported tooth land nail brushes, cloth ana nair - . rushes. Prices away down. tt All members of the Oxford Dane tig club are requested to meet at fiiver & Morgan's store this even- g at 8:30 p. m. EdSc'HULHOFK, j' ' President. Wanted Business man to travel ood oav. Permanent situation. Times Huilding, Chicago, 111. JOE, 1 the Leadincr One Price vlothier, takes pleasure to inform El M p . I is many friends and patrons that ,e has left for the east, where he I xpects to make the largest and rest fall and winter purchases he ever made and everything will be rendv for inspection about Sept. ! 10th or 15th; tt l Our prices are very low on wall paper a"S we WIHII IU tiunc imii. uni stock. Anyone wanting wall paper t. ..1 ...... should take advantage ot these prices, tt jjkown wakkh-i t. r ,ooo- wi MTTST.CpO --T lil - - " " "s?. i-i- We fusj Make Room For Our Fall Gjiow Coming in -I- rr-Uft-a in 5M.u.eK Wow. Feacli Wow potatoQS. Old folks TdIow hot toa. (Engine He, 12 Blovroi , BLEW, BL'w, 33LOW1T, Iiook out for a bliz zard this winter. Buy yourslaoes whore they will ljxst you through thod wcathor and hcro ycu can get the best bare-aina -WTTEREI PERSONAL M. O'Rotirke was a passenger for Omaha to-day. F. K. White was a passenger on No. 7 this morning. D. S. Guild is transacting busi ness in Omaha to-day. M. O.Polk waa a passenger this morning for Grand Island. Billy Neville was a passenger this morning for Lincoln. G. W. Griffith departed for South Omaha this morning for a few dayH. MIsh Jamison, who is to be an in structor in the city sehools, arrived this morning. W. C. Harlan came in on No. Sand will be in the city a few days can vassing for noted books. Miss Gillits, who has been vinit ing with her friend, Miss McClel land, left this morning for Lincoln. Capt. Palmer of Omaha passed through the city last evening on the flyer, enrottte for points in the east. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thorpe left for Dee Moines, Iowa, on No. 4 this morning for a few weeks' visit to friends at their old home. A Robber Lynched A lynching took place near Kansas City, Mo Monday after noon. The victim had robbed a bank, thus fleecing the citizens out of their money, and they resort to the strangulation process in order to get revenge. I have been troubled with chronic catarrh for years. Ely's Cream Halm is the only remedy among the many that I have used that affords me relief E. W. Willard, Oruiririst. loliett. 111. My sou has been afllicted with nasal catarrh since quite young I was induced to try hly s Cream Balm, and before he had ,used one bottle that disagreeable catarrhal smell had all left him. He appears as well as anyone. It is the best catarrh remedy in the market. J.C. Olmstead, Areola. 111. Poliee Court. In the police court Samuel Clark was lined $10 and costn, on a charge of disorderly conduct. In default of payment he was lodged in jail. Two suspicious characters were arrested but for lack of warrant able charges they were dismissed, and the marshal instructed to escort them safely out of the city. JOE, the Leading Clothier, will have his grand fall opening in day time so his former menus aim patrons can attend. tf Wanted Two apprentice girls to learn dress-making at Mrs. L. A. Owens, second door west of Hotel Riley. 2t Owing to some break in the machinery at the brick and terra cotta works there was a slight in terruption yesterday but every thing is moving along aa usual to day. Mrs. R. H. Windham departed this morning for Lincoln, to visit a few days with the family of O. A. Campbell, whom many will re member as a former resident of our city. Wanteiv-A desirable tenant forevt'rv the Dovey homestead, corner o Seventh and Oak streets. tf K. G. Dovey a Son. Mrs. S. C. Wheeler and Mrs. Fannie McDougal were passengers this; morning for Nebraska City. They will take in eights about the exposi tion and visit friends before return ing. h.Q-wlinfi and blowh.ard wcrk ia ladvartisisa.- thessa daT3'JEvo'?,bod7, "blo,Te. Wliistlen rr-u W. i2. SCHILDISHECHT'S SHOE STORE - THE - !BOTT02v Yours Running Over Wit. A DARING F.OBBERY. fhe Expr Mesxenger Offer ReaiM- ance But is Finally Overpowered. A special from Texas Creek, Colo., conveys the intelligence that nn ex press train four miles west of that place was held up by seven masked men and robbed of $.l,fi()0. Kxpress Messenger Angel made n deter mined resistance, and used a revol ver to good advantage, but whether anyone was killed is not definitely known. Citizens are in pursuit who have telegrnped for hounds that have been used in the penitentiary. No efforts will lie spared to find the fiends. Warning! Tllli IlKKAt.1) takes occasion to inform those parties who make a practice of sneaking the papers belonging to regular subscribers, whether for the purpose of reading them or because they are naturally otiery and do it for sheer mean ness, that if they do not want to be exposed we should like to have them leave the papers alone that belong to other people. Now if you want the paper for news, for which it is well eouiped, we will make a special reduction and deliver it to you for 50 cents per month. A Card. We desire to extend to our friends our Heartfelt thanks for deeds of kindness and words of consolation offered during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. FrepGorper and Family, A Pleasant Event. A pleasant event occured at South Park last evening, and doubt less its memory will be cherrished by all present. The neighbors and friends of Mr. anil Mrs. Charles Rankin planned a surprise party, in coinmenoration of the tenth anniversary of their married life The ladies with well filled baskets, gave evidence that all would be supplied with a bountiful supper and in this, none were disapointed All voted that it was good to be there atid wishes that Mr. and Mrs Rankin may live a longer and more prosperous life than ever before Among those present were the fol lowing: Grandma Taylor, Mcsdaines Jake ("oilman, Green Coffman, Arnold; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rasmusser, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Koyoe, Mr. Will Tucker, Misses Mollie and Agather Tucker, Ruther Churchill. State Fair Attractions. The arrangements are about com pleted for the state fair. The managers have endeavored to make the fair particularly interesting to the farming industry. Aside from the usual stock, exhibit, which promises to be unusually good, and the usual exhibitions of farm products and machinery, the Grand Island and Norfork beet sugar industries will make an exhibit; Dr.Billings will be present and teach farmers how to guard against hog cholera bv inoculation. Many have an idea that inoculation is a dirflroceed to indulge cult operaiion,out ur. inuinge pays that it is not expensive and.that farmer can easily: irtiard against the swine plagut, by which Nebraska farmers losie millions of dollars every year On the whole, the outlook ia ry promising1 and with favorable weather the man agem assure all that a fair in Jte lug the demands will be p if rdc-d. The B. & M. offers reduced ates. ' , M - IF ALMOST'fS'i.CBSPICIlTa' ROrpTn'rVr . - T1 Aecommodatichs and B ife vcyouiuiuuauvus ana Ljar Mr. Robt. Walker leaves thia eve ning for Nebraska City, where he has secured employment for a short time. , i Jay W. Kennedy is in the city rep resenting Chamberlain & Co., phar macists, Pes Moines, Iowa. Mr. K. will lilyly establish pleasant busi ness relations with our citizens. A large force of Dagos were marched down this morning to be paid off, to which thay had no ob jection, as might be seen by the way in which they chuckled over their treasure. The regular meeting of the La dies' Aid Society of the M. E. church will be held to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Kroeh- ler, on Locust street and Washing ton avenue. Six h-iiTAKY. v Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Wood returned this morning from Hastings, Iowa, accompanied by Mrs. Wood's mother, Mrs. Henderson. They will leave to-morrow for Fac tory ville, where Mr. Wood will "rule the youngsters." Miss Graves, who has been visit ing with the family of Capt. L. D. Uennett, departed this morning for her home at Ackley, Iowa, where she holds a position as principal of the schools. Miss Alice Wilson. Miss Gass and Madge Wilson ac companied her to Omaha. We are pleased to note that the council has taken steps to have the weeds cut about the streets of the city, this making a more creditable showjngfor our city. Visitors on arriving nre at once'impressed with surroundings, and such steps as these cannot but make a good show ing. We have received an announce ment of the College of Law recently established in connection with the State University. The board of regents has spared no pains to pro vide every essential for a first class law school, and the chancellor as sures all that they will be furnished every accommodation necessary for thorough and rapid preparation for the practice of law. Mr. H. K. Hendricks, principal of scho'ils nt Heloit, Iowa, is in the county visiting friends in the city and vicinity. This is Mr. H's. first trip to Nebraska, and after having visited at different portions of the county he expresses himself as very favorably impressed with our thriving little city. Mr. II. speaks also of a visit made in com pany with Miss Fischer, with their old school mates, Miss Cora and Troy Davis, daughter and son of Meek Davis. They conclude that if Z ZgmOT CA8P BIDES .IU. " . S-- sy. are truly hospitable. Almost every evenbf a casual observer will noticeAictiona on the part of a few tqjifehf, that to say the least, areliBorderly and pun ishable offences. We believe that, withouja single exception the parljLrtpants in these rows have first fitd up well with liquor and then in unbecom ing lantruatre and even come to blows. Last evening an occurance of this kinJ happened that was dis graceful in the stme and the participants should been marched off to jail to soJj.: -p. The Herald can plainly see, ho ' ever, that as long as we alio w intox icating drinks sold thus encourag ing drunkenness, that we must ex pect to have these occurrences occa sionally. , - 1 T3i ' TC O TT TTl "n gams, IIKSUMMER CLEARANCE SALEr;:vVrJ. A 19 10 1 In order to reduce stock to make we must close out tlie Imliuice ot our Summer stock as quickly us pu sible. Commencing to day we will oiler our entire line ot white' goods, einbroitleries Hoimcinc and all overs At 20 IVr tViit Mx'ouiil Jadies Himiner vests at 8c Jadies summer vests at 10c Jadies black and fancy ribbed T adies black lisle and aney i-rf 35 worth 45c T adies silk mixed vests at 6oc -1 ' at 75c, ' Jadias silk vests at $1, 20 per cent, on all ladies shirt Jerseys. per cent dicsount ClinUies redii"d to Scents (Jer yard, regulars 8i-t' miallity Mquv.'i line ile India I; ''','.' .?. cr j :ird, " , We make this oiler u m,-, f. purchase it in want -if w.y of aUve roodn. k KMEMUKW goods murked in plain ligures nnd tnis sa.e as tney are tne lowest prices F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST J w DEALER IN EAWw ARE, STOVES &' IHOU PUMPS, TINWARE ETC. -ooOoo- She ia a winner. We reduce our not because somebody com Dels us time credit man that can stand it you a a lew more priceB tnat may interests "r Golden machine oil ( - ' - e ' . Koee at Per Kal Gasoline )' X.aftf " " " . . .. . ) i . Warrnntprt Ifav Knrk . 2.0110 odd si?.f carriaire Another lot of clothes r '. Carpet tacks . t(JO Cook stoves at coaf JiRlosi Folding ironinrds ' Blk barb .winfr s ' ' Galvanized; wire - 70 . . . i . , r i '.. Lrjsm'e in and see us whether you Rer f-nber that we can and will save a r'gain, Cfst anoY;npesi line oi iimmc id uie vii, NOT - ONE-CENT 8 OUT -1 037" - PRICES R. T. DAVIS, Manager. ' t T room for our fall nnreli.-Lsi s From Popular Trice, regular. 10c quality. regular. 15 quality, vests 25c worth 35c. Egyptian cotton vests at was a bar- reduced from $1.28, waists and on all our silk vmbrellas wr - tn.x u K .w is tin 'tiur- t of our we do as we advertise. '( mis quoted this season, . FIBSN ATIONAL. THE BTOEWRSS. prices because we enn afford too, too, x Vh0J the high price, long JTFtTTSMOUTIL We crive NOT. .M. S'K - ! .1. : i . . are in need of any you money every time IXn :T4f.NT)F.F. -, AZTttlfjl " " " 30C each lnr j . - - wic per nunarea , A, I t.'' J . m m r - y still go at leper paper jy 3.70 per hundred SA f rt,oOoo ' jfP ' erfAor not il OILPTIHE. ! - . Yi -- 5 j PRICES mm in -!- t 3 H "Si V R s II