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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1890)
WHAT THEY HAD TO SAY. ! K-rW or mi8lea1 lie. JSir. uryan waa.iaiKmg pub The Free Trade Apostles Ar guo Their Cause. Himlnt Bryan and Smythe Tried to Entort'Wn an Audience at the Opera House Last Niht. l'ro 11 Satur(layn Daily. The iniich iidvertined Bryan appeared before 11 jooi Hudiciu'u at the opera liou.ic last evt-niiiy iu company with luilj'e irii::s of Columbus, the demo cratic nominee for attorney general, Col. Bmythe and Frank Morrissey of Omuhn. County .Tudic llamsey presided, while tSam'l Waiigb, Col. Peter E. Uuffiiir, Mr. Otitsclie, Hon. Win. Neville, lion. J. M. 1'atttrnon, W. II. Gushing, Col. J. A. Connor, Col. Peterson and Col. Sherman of the Journal acted as a Ktno setting to the entertain ment and applauded lustily on the slightest provocation. Judge lUmsey presented Mr. Higgins who in evidently a very pleasant gentleman hut his speech was one of the most insipid listlers point less affairs we have heard during the present campaign. As a sample of some of his statements which we took down ut the time, the following shows the ten or and depth of the argument he was trvimr to use and the wide divergence between what he said and the facts. Mr. lliggins says: "Christianity start ed "out 1800 hundred years ago w ith the ten commandments and the Lords prayer and has been whooping it up to the boys ever since." The point he was trying to illustrate need not be mentioned when it is seen that a little itemtw o thousand years from the truth on his ten commandment start, was likj most of the remark of the evening, latgely made up of misquotations of facts or the mani Ty ing of immaginary evils. 4 After the Judge had ground out his grist, the sacred IJryan, with the melli fluoua voice, made his bow to the audi ence, which received the gentleman so recently from Illinois with marks of ap probation. The first chestnut was, "Where I stand on prohibition," and as lie said his piece on that point, Tom Wilkenson was noticed to move restless ly in his chair and look imploringly about him for comfort but it never came. Since Guy Livingston in a tragic manner tried to dress him down, Wilkin son begins to feel like an orphan in strange land. But re musj not digress; the pampered and breezy Bon of democracy warmed up to his sudject and finally broke out with the assertion that he wanted sugar, salt, wool, and all raw materials, which is almost limitless, in its scope' placed on the free list. He forgot that he had said at Weeping Water and Omaha that he stood squarely a the Mills bill and advocated it, when Mi tariff was not taken off of sucrar bv rthatbill at all. He then stooped to mention the World Herald fake about fc.the Doraey telegram which appears to be the popular democratic method of electioneering. Stealing tel egrams and publishing them is heartily indorsed and warmly com mended bv Mr Bryan. But whether the people endorse it or not we will learn later. Bryan forgot to tell us how many letters had passed between the ehairman of his committee and the New York im porters who are furnishing the money to run these democratic congressional cam paigns. These New York importers are the fellows that are suffering to help the dear farmers of Nebraska, they are wor ried most to death because we out west are taxed, it is too bad, but it will be infinitely worse for us if Bryan is elected to congress and far better for the impor-' ters. Bryan made so many mistatements that we cannot notice the half of them today but one more must be mentioned. lie said that thei nerensed cost of tin plate would increase the price of cans $10,000 for one years work by the canning factory at Beatrice.for he had been there and knew all about it. Well we have fig ured with one of the leading stock hold ers and a bookkeer in that institution and w-e find that the lucreasedjjpiice f 4 cer per pound if that were added en tirely to the cost of the cans after the work and former price had been paid,k,it would take enough cans to keep 200 men employed every day fcr one year, and would supply enough tin cans to furnish all the canning factories m the state with more cans than they could use in fiye years, on the basis of the output last year. "T.- T'?ll tlrtf !A tllrt C 1 rCH" ll i"n sr; -fill! in Monday's paper, as our space cannot be farther given up to the subject today. cneap trash to the farmers forvotcs, not ex pecting that it should be repeated in Omaha and Plattsmouth. And his ex planations and attempt to (-core the IIkuamj fell perfectly Hut on an audience that vu3 largely composed of shop nun; one turned to the editor of this paper with the remark that the explanation was worse than the original story. And when Mr. Waugh attempted to break the c hilly stillness by starting an ap plausc it met with no response. And yet this immaculate Bryan after getting off the 'top not' chestnut and the earncfet remark that the man who "garbled hurt himself went right ahead and quoted from Council's upeech in Washington, which lie garbled shamefully ns he well STATE CONVENTION Of the Nebraska Young Men's Christian Associations knew, Mr. Conntll having called hi a down on it at Weoninir Water. And h did worse than that, he reiterated the ex President Haves chestnut which .Mr, Hayes repudiated entirely several day ago stating that the purposed interview was baseless and false. And this is the manner of man that the democrats wisl to send to congress whose campaign is a constant reiteration of decayed issues and questionable statements. A Fire. Seldom is Plattsmouth's people called upon to assist in putting out a fire and when tho (ire company does get out the (ire always goes out tco. Today about one o'clock the fire alarm w as sounded and smoke was Been issuing from the roof of Mr. Ilyeis' residence on south seventh street. As the outlook for a se rious conflagration seemed imminent the entire department was soon on the grounds and with four streams of water the fire was quickly routed. Great care lessness was shown in the removal of goods several articles being damaged The fire started near the chimney under the roof and was slow in getting oiit. The fire boys worked like trojans and deserve great credit for their prompt ac tion and successful management of what seemed for a time would prove a disas trous fire. The house was fully covered by insurance so that the damage" will doubtless be paid in full. More Lies. The Journal gring, not sathfied wi:h a mass of wholesale lying through their own columns that would make Ananias blush, indicted themselves on to the World-Herald last night. The house was not twice as largs as Mr. Tate's; Bryan's speech, as every man who his heard him before knows, was not entire ly new. And Bryan did not say any thing about taxing western farmers for eastern shops; at Weeping Water he said chops, ju6t as we printed the sentence in full. There was no attempt to G. A. R. Fair Notes. Col. Lew Ginger, who has been heie for the past week perfecting his arrange ments to hold the coming Grand Army Fair, reports that he is highly pleased with the prospects of having one of his most successful enterprises here. He has been introduced to our business men and citizens, to whom he has explained his manner of conducting these fairs, and all assure him and McConihie Post of their warm support. By Mr. Ginger's management at least one thousand dollars will, be brought here from other cities to help build the nail, besides many hundreds of old soldiers from all the surrounding towns and cities will visit Plattsmouth during the fair. , Our business men will donate articles to be used as presents, to be given to those holding the tickets, of which three thousand are to be issued and sold at one dollar each. The ticket admits to the entire three days and evening of the fair, and the numbered coupon attached will be used in distributing the presents. Farragut Post of Lincoln writes Com rade Uingcr that they and the W. R. C. will attend in a body from that city and they are now negotiating with him to have him work again for them during the meeting of the legislature, and use the money now held by them as the re sult of his eeterprise last winter, and the receipts of the next fair in erecting a fine Memorial Hall in Lincoln. The four G. A. R. Posts in Omaha will greatly assist the comrades in their work here and our citizens will respond to help the "Old Boys." Another Lie Nailed El in wood Echo. It is said that Mike Cavey made anoth er attempt to blacken the character of Lemasters at his home town of Ehnwood Saturday. When Mike got the floor the audience picked up their hats and left. Independent. Eagle. The above is as false as hades. Facts arc that Mr. Cavey was called up at the speaking in Weeping Water and asked to prove the charges m ide against Le masters. He read two affidavits in prcof and attempted to explain, when he was requested to with hold and he would be gi anted' opportunity to discuss the mat ter next night in Elmwood, before Le masters neighbors. The meeting came off and Mr. Cavey was not even given a chance to speak, nor did he attempt to. Lemasters carefully evaded the question and did not permit it to come up, and was afraid of it where the people krjow the facts. The Eagle's statement that the audience got up and left when Cavey at '.emoted to speak, is false. He never attempted to speak. The Elcvanth Annual StateConyention of the young Men's Christian Associa tions of Nebraska, will be held in Grand Island, November VI Ml These conventions haye become the most important gatherings held in the state, in tho interest of young nun. Special arrangements have been made this year to make this the most sue e:-s-ful convention held in the state It is expected that delegates wili be present from every Association in the state, and a cordial invitation is extended to Chris tian young nun from towns where t'.iere are no Associations. The following prominent workers abroal will be present: O. E. Ober, Iu ternational Secretary, New York ;C. L. Gates, International Railroad Secretary, New York: I E. Brown, State Secretary, Illinois; Geo. S. Fisher, State Secretary, K nsas; T. C. Horton, General Secretary, St. Paul. Special arrangements have been made for the singing, which will be in charge of F. II. Jacobs and wife, of Missouri. A rate of one and one third fare, round trip has been granted by all the roads in the state. The Grand Island Association will en tertain all regular accredited delegates. Those who plan to attend the convention should send in their names at once to E. E. Cole, chairman entertaing committee Y. M. C. A.. Grand Island, Neb. Among tLe topics to be considered, will be:--"Revivals of Religion Among Young Men," "Systematic Giving, "Foreign Work," "Boys' Work," "As sociation Bible Classes," "College Work," "Work in Small Towns," "Railroad Work." Seven parlor conferences will be held on Friday afternoon from 4 to 7 o'clock, as follows: College students, railroad men, commercial trayelers, boy's branches presidents and directors, committoe men, small towns. Special arrangements have been make for the consideration of "Work in Towns Without Associations," and young men from these places are specially invited. Credentials should be signed by the pastor of the church to which the dele gate belongs. Credentials must be pre sented to the credential committee upon their arrival at Grand Island to secure entertainment. The credential com mittee will be in session at the Associa tion rooms after 3 p. m. Thursday. This convention is called for the pur pose of earnest work ' and it is hoped that all delegates will come in a prayer ful spirit. Further information can be had by addressing Augustus Nash, State Sec'y, Omaha, Neb. Ilcord la th Choir. Drilling a volunteer choir is tho wont exasperating work ever undertaken by a human being. In the first place it is morally certain that at least half a dozen members think they know more than tho leader, and two or three are al-waj-H letter informed than tho man who wroto the lausie, ho they offer, with cheerful alacrity, the most Miotic sug gestions as to tho manner in which it should b? jM-rformed, and feel much ag grieved if their ideas are not acted on. Then thi women aro always either so devoted to each other that they keep up a constant chatter when they should bo singing or listening to tho leader's di rection, or are quarreling and "put each ether out." They an not responsible for all the trouM". but when they do quarrel they :-"-.;Tf.:Iy manage to e?;list the men in t'.;;! service of both sids. and tho first ti.ii the L a-ier knows o:i' half his cho.r has quit and tho oilier half is about ! j do f.o becrnvo they are not numerous enough to 1'iabs a creditable chorus. A choir leader ays: "I have g.-no into church o:i Sunday i::or::i'.ig and found or eight members sitting hi tie? con gregation. in-n.ead of in thir places, an I the rest glaring at them from the or;c:m stand. It is fun for them and for iuo people, but it'a death to the leader.'' Si. Louis Globe-Democrat. Beauty is said to be only skin deep; ut to possess and preserve a beautiful skin, pure, vigorous blood is essential This is best secured by taking Ayer's Sar siparilla in small but frequent doses It is the most reliable of blood-purifiers Congress Gaiteis :1 Drov.iiiiijj. Speaking of congress gaiters and drowning recalls a fashionable middle aged physician who thoroughly believes in this fatality. He gave it away in this wise: Wiriie consulting a man in deli cate heakh about his care for huu.self in te.e winter time 1 no doctor said: w nat kind of shoes have yon got on?" They proved to be the fatal congress yaiters. and the doctor objected. "Did you ever tee an account of a drowned man found hi tlio bay that didn't say ho had on con gress gaiters? You laugh ami say that doesn't make any difference, and there is no connection of cause and effect. "How do you know thero isn't? You can't it, but I'm not certain that congress gaiters do not tend to such moral and physical degeneracy that a man is liable to fall off a ferry boat, or m a. fit of despondency to jump into the river. At any rate I don't wear them, I told a woman the samo thing once and she laughed. I went on, and when 1 itached home found a letter from her, saying she had picked up a paper after 1 went away, and the first thing found several confirmations of what I said, and she wanted to admit that she was con vinced." New York Tribune. What is mm Fl c " a 1 n Castoria is Dr. Samuel 11 teller's ircseriition for Infants mid Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless hiibstitulo for Paregor'c, Drops, Soothing1 Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is lMeasant. Its guarantee is tbirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and llatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho htomach and bowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. Brazil and Cuba have already asked for reciprocity under the McKinley bill, and other countries will soon follow. Yet Bryan tells the people we are to be held up by foreign countries on account of the tariff, just a& though we had not had a tariff for the last twenty-five years "His hands reeking with the blood of organized labor" would be the way the World-Herald would print headlines for Boyd if he were running on the repub lican ticket for governor, but he isn't consequently in the mind of that modern ananias he is all right. Wiiex a candidate has to come back over his territory to explain the mistakes he made the first trip, he had better re sign his candidacy at once or postpone the election until after Christmas. And if his explanations are not clearer and more satisfactory than Bryan's were last night, the former course, would certainly be the best. As a family medicine Ayer's pills excel all others. They are suited to every age and, being sugar coated, are easy to take Though searching and thorough in effect they are mild and pleasant in action and their use is attendee! with no injurious results. Tiie Irish votes in Omaha where Mr. Boyd, the orangeman from the north of Ireland, is well and thoroughly known, refuse to be dragooned into supporting that gentleman. He will lose hurdreds of yotes from men of that class who 1 ve the old Emerald Isle, and who do not love its enemies, though they be born on its sacred soil. A statistician calls attention to the in teresting fact that most of our deceased g-ieat men have died before their wives Grant, Garfield, Logan. Conkling, Mo Clellan, Sheridan, Fremont, and others being cited as instances. He adds that women in general live longer than their husbands and brothers, which is certainly i contrary to the common understanding of the matter. There are men in Plattsmouth however who might keep from needlessly fright ening their wives by leading the three first lines to them aloud, we venture the wife would calm Tier fears. Remember Wildman & Fuller is the place to buy wall paper. lw In the Clouds. Professor Moller, of Carlsrnhe, has made some interesting observations on clouds. The highest clouds, cirrus and eirro-sti-atus, rise on an average to a height of nearly 30,000 feet. The mid dle clouds keep at from 10,000 feet to 23,000 feet in height, while the lower clouds reach to between 3,000 feet and 7,000 feet. The cumulus clouds float with their lower surface at a height of from 4,000 to 5,000 feet, while their summits rise to 16,000 feet. The tops of the Alps are often hidden by clouds of the third class, but the bottoms of thr- clouds of the second class, and espe cially of the thunderclouds, often enfold them. The vertical dimension of a cioud ob served by Professor Moller on the Netle berg was over 1,200 feet. He stepped out of it at a height of about 3,700 feet, and high above the mountain floated clouds of the middle class, while veils of mist lay in the ravines and clefts. The 'upper clouds were growing thicker, while the lower ones were dissolving, and soon it began to rain and snow. Public Opinion. A Smart Detective. Sergeant Moser on one occasion eaw a waiter in a cafe at Soho receive and place in his pocket a letter which the de tective believed to be from a criminal a knowledge of whose whereabouts he was anxious to obtain. He therefore drop ped his ring on the floor and asked the man to look for it. Alphonse, expecting a reward, immediately went on his hands and knees, and while thus en gaged Sergeant Moser abstracted the let ter from his pocket and thus obtained the means of bringing a forger to jus tice. Who can doubt that this was a perfectly justifiable act? But if, instead. Sergeant Moser had suborned another person to steal for reward, and without telling him the object in view, he would most assured!- have acted very wronglj-. Spectator. The First Silk Jlill in KnjjlHruJ. A portion of the old mill built by John Lombe at Derby in 171S the fir.-t silk mill ever erected in England has col lapsed, and it is expected that the whole building will have to come down. Lombe worked as a silk weaver in Italy, and at the risk of his life made drawing.? of the machi:i:.-ry. il? tbcu iv turned to Eng land, bringitig some Italian workmen, and i the factor on an island in the Derv.-cnt. having first patented the ma chinery. Me uird enou afterward, and it is said he was poisoned by a female emissary of the Italian manufacturers. The mill was worked for many years, but has lorg been in cistit-e. It was la.-t utilized as a steam laundry, and was condemned some years since as being un safe. Galignani Messenger. " Caf-tori.a fs an oxeelli-nt modiclne for chil dren. Mothers have reeatedly told mo of its good effect upou tln-ir children." Dr. Q. C. Osooon, Lowell, Muss. Castoria is tho best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day isnrt far distant w hen mothers will consider the real hiterest of their children, aid uso Cuxtoria in stead of the variousquack nostrumswhiVh nro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Pu. J. F. KiNf-nr-Lon, CjU'ay, Ark. The Centaur Company, T7 M Castoria. " Castoria is so well adupted tehlldrn that I recommend it ua superior toany preHcriptiuil known to inc." a II. A. Aucnrn, M. D., Ill So. Oxford .St., UrHklyn, Is. Y. "Our physicians in tho children' depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence, in their outside practice w ith Ciistoriu. and although we oidy have nnxnig our medical supplies what i.-J known as regular products, yet wo uro frco to confess that th merits of Castoria has won lis to look wltU favor ujMn it." United Hospital and IaspENSAitTi Uobton, Mass Allien C. Smith, Ye., -array Street, New York City. Everything to Furnish Your House. I. PEARLMAN'S GREAT MOUEKN -HOUSE FURNITVING EMPORIUM. Under Waterman's Opera House You can buy of him cheap for spot cash or can cec-nre what you need to furnish a cottage oria mansion on the INSTALLMENT PLAN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISHINCS. Agent for the Celebrated "White Sewing Machine. he largest and most complete Stock to select from in Cass Couhty . Call and see me Opera House Block I. PEAItLMAN. THE- BONNER STABLES. W. D. JONES, Proprietor. HAS THE FINKST RIGS IN THE CITY Carriages for Pleasure and Short Drives Always Kept neatly. Cor. 4th and Vine llattemouth, Nebraska sinmifpfl (Dapy; ' OF THE St. Louis Weekly Ion't Show Your Collar iutt.-u. It is desirable that a cravat or four-in-hand should be li-.M firmly up against tLe tabs of a collar. The collar br.t ton never should be seen. With a cravat :plihfcd bv irav.-m? this may be aceo: the first knot fiim. With a four-in-hand it may be accomplished by first tying a firm simple knot before making the four- in-hand movement. Clothier and Furnisher. - Looks Reasonable. A Cincinnati policeman who clubbed a citizen without apparent good reason explains to a reporter that the cost of running tne department was increased bo rapidly that he conscientiously felt obliged to exhibit an increase of energy. The citizen happened to be nearest his Menerg7. Detroit Free Press. PS I all fhh n m ti i 3 J W W t Free to any Address (SEND YOUIl NAME AT ONCE TO rS l ! to PISCS REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For Cold iu the Head, it has no equal. Ml r'AA 1 833 H m J f is an Obctxaeiit. of which -rw run- Tin ahlc uuc ooiu i imowcti svt c-. xami, A$iixs&, E. T. 111ty