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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1890)
WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSj&OUTH, NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 18 1890. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. t Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. "Tis sold everywhere. ght giattsmauth Igcehht $qraM iNOTTS BROS.. PUBLISHERS. Published every Thursday, aud daily every evening except Sunday. Registered at the mttsinouth. Neb. post Office for transmission through the U. S. made at second class rate. Office corner Vine and Fifth streets. Telephone 38. TKRMS FOK WEEKLY. One copy, one year, in advance ?! One copy, one year, not in advance 2 00 One copy, six niouthf. in advance "" OneSrpy. three months, in advance. ... 40 TERMS FOK DAILY One oop one year in advance 00 One copy per week, by carrier Oae copy, per month 50 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1800 REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor, L. D. RICHARDS, of Dodpe. For Lieutenant Governor, T. J. MAJORS, of Nemaha. For Secretary of State, J. G. ALLEN, of Red Cloud. For Auditor, THOS. II. BENTON, of Lancaster. For Treasurer, J. E. MILL, of Gage. Fnr Attorney General. GEORGE II. HASTINGS, of Saline. For Commissioner of Public Lands Rnilflinirs. tn: GEORGE R. HUMPHREY, of Custe T. For Superintendent of Public Instruction. A. K. GOUDY, of Webster. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For State Senator. S. L. THOMAS. For Representative. E. A. STOPHER. p. S. BARNES. For Float Representative JOHN C. WATSON. jror County Commissioner of the Second Com missloner's District. AMSDELL SHELDON For County Attorney. JOHN A. DAVIES. . Republican Central Committee meet ing. There will be a meeting of the Cass County Republican Central Committee at the City Hall in Weeping Water on Saturday Sept. 13th, 1890 at 2 p. m. A full attendance is aesireu, aiu v. didates are requested to be present, G, W. Norton. Secretary. Chairman Root says, that between Connell and Bryan he favors Connell, World Herald. There is one conundrum which the Journal did not put to us (last evening on the tariff; it is, why is an elephant like a brickbat? The answer is, because it can't climb a tree. For the Journal Why did the honest farmers of Maine double and almost quadruple the republican majority in that state last Monday ? Ans: because me tariff is not a tax. Mb. Rosewater's guns, which he nnke of the other . day, seem to lack priming. If they ever go off in the di rection of Mr. James E. Boyd they must be primed with something quicker than Peter Iler's anti-amendment ammunition Boss Gorman of Baltimore the most .corrupt and one of the shrewdest poli- Jcians in the country was leading anu manap-ine the democratic fight in Maine, The result shows that money would not win or Gorman with his boodle woma h. ire been on top. Mm. Bhtan oaeht to extend his edu catioual campaign down into Maine, the d of the Maine farmer is unable to discern the truth at the hands of Tom Reed, he needs the surer rones of our young Mr. Bryan to lead him out of this bondage mat is u umvu than slavery. ' 1 . Vermost'8 population fell off to the extent of eighty-one in the ten years just -ended. This is much more serious thing for the State than the recent re duction in its republican majority. The latter undoubtedly will be made up in -the next election, but the loss in inhabi tants can not be so easily recovered. Th Platform. The committee on resolutions reported at 2 a. m. Kit the fo!Iowlutr platform : The republicans of fsebiaska reiterate and cordially endorse the fundamental principle of the republican party. a enunciated by a e uceewtlon of national republican convention from 186tol888, and we believe the republican party capable or dealiuK with every vital Issue that concerns the American people, whenever ti: rank ai d file of the republican party are -ntrampled lathe exercise of their political e'heartlly endorse the wise and conserva tive administration of President Hair son. NVe also fully approve the wtae action of the repub lican member f both houses of confess in fulfilling the pledges of the party In legislation upon thecomas of silver and other uewurH of national importance, ana coiiKiatulat the country unon the continued reduction of the t most heart s endorse the action of the .... s... i.. i.juvinir tlirt llSRtlll'l pension bill and the republican Pldent who approved the same, and regard it as an aci ol justice too long delayed, because of the opposl . . i..... u!nn iu abt iiii iv a demo tion u m. "T. .r:iti nitiiirresf : eraue pwr ;u " -v - - rm,,,nit ion of the great debt of obligation whicli the gov- erni'eiit ana tne l" nieuby reason of whose sacrifices and devo t . n the union was saved and the government rCv 'ehoid an hon-st. popular b Hot and a Ju-t and equal representation of -11 the people to be the foundation of our republican govern -men" and demand effective legislation to si-cure "wuv and Purity of election .which are the foundations of all public authority . We ftvor fuch a revision of the election laws of thestao' a, will Kurntee io every voter th greatest possible secrecy in the caniugo. his and secure the punishment of any tlo... ol voters ; and we favoi he IllllOtSVrite. il Ui '1" iuv,w a ;- - cities Applicable both to primary and r. gular c lies. i'Ji'v. f OIt,;llnc elections, i : UiWe oppose land.monopoly in every form de- and inanuiaeiuieis iy ' " r i irr, sc ence.uublies forthoprotecu iS.? the of em f. ir Injuries sustained by employe-, in ucn tag's where pmpt-r sale guards have n Wrn weed in occupations dangerous to life. Iimr health. Kaftroan. a.-d other public yZ legislative power thai created ihem In. . ir uu due influence 1" lesion and W lllegitiinHt ii.cie. se of f.toc . or be Prohibited by stringent laws. We uem.auu of the state t h .t the property of cow MiaU b- taxed the fame a that of individuals , t lna u e . .ovlsions of our constitution requir ing the assessment of franchises shall be en forced DV suitao.e irpnmuvM. W do I urt h r repeat our declaration In favor of a j.istana lair sen-ice i'cmu, f ... cording. o length of service, foi - every s -1 'i and sailor who fout-'ht in bena'.f of the Ijnion. and bv reason of whose services, sacrifices and devotion .he government now exists. We demand the reduction of freight and . ... - .... ,..iir...wlu tn nnnvsiior. '11 riansuiigci litiirs "ii it"" - rates no- prevailing in the adjacent st:i the Mississippi. a.uT we furth-r demand . .. he legislature ehall abolish all passes and in transportation on railroads excepting for en. u'oves of railroad companies P ue demand the establishment of a system of postal telegraphy, and request V"!""!., " co .nrpsx to vote for government conti ol of tin "'ownesbf public elevators that recrive and handle (train for borage should be declared public warehoiisnnen. and compelled undei tenalty to receive, store, ship and handle the grain of all persons alike, without discninin ttoii. the Ptate regulating charges for st i .ij.e au l Inspection. All railroad companies should be required io switch, i aul. haudle receive and shio.thrt grain of all per.ons, without uis- Crvo,fatlortli ; enactment of more Ptriiu'ent usurv laws and their severe en'orcemen. u.:.ier severe penalties. The republican party lm i;iveii the American people a stable and elastic cu lency of gold, silver and paper. a-.:o h .s raisd the credit of the nation to one of the hi"he tof Hiiycouutry of the wor'd. and their eifortsiofiiltv reniouetize silver should be con tiiiue.i un;il "t is on a perfect equalit . at a money . etal. with gold. . . f W e favor the moditication of the statutes U our state in such a manner as shall prevent the staying of judgments secu-ed for work ana labor and the enactment of such law as is consistent with a protection of American indorse the action of the Interstate com mission in ordering a reduction of the gra-n rates between the Missouri river and lake PtV denounce all organizations of capitalists f limit production, control supplies ol tlu nece'sries of life and the advance of prices detrimental to the best interests of society and a-.i unjustifiable interference with tip natural laws of competition and trade, ana asw their prompt tupiession by law, Surrcsn the ereat city of Omaha casts 30,000 votes at the coming election, to obtain 10,000 majority over his compet itor, Capt. Hill, our Mr. Gushing would have to scratch around and find some 20,000 voters who prefer him to the cap tain. This would be two votes to Cap tain Hill's one. If that city casts 25, 000 yotes, which is a large estimate, then Mr. Gushing would need 10,066 votes while the captain would get but 8,333, It is well to keep these figures before the Omaha republicans. Ten thousand majority for our Mr. Cnshing in Douglas county is spreading it on pretty thick isn't it? Of course this is not impossible in that county where political ties rest so lightly, but for the uppearance of the thing, if for no other reason, we would advise the republicans of J that county to keep enough of votes, in the shape of a nest eg2, to start on in the next campaign, Also, while we are on this subject, we should like to6ee the central committees hereafter, both state, and congressional, apportion the representation of Douglas county on the head of the state ticket and not on the vote of some Omaha man who happens to carry a large home vote, Mr. Richard's vote for instance will do to apportion on two years from this time, With the usual democratic truthful ness the Journal announces that the re publican majorities in Maine are reduced That paper never stops to reflect that the democrats of this locality read The IIeii ald as well as the other Journals which give the news: Tom Reed counted a great big quorum in the pine tree state on Monday in epite of democratic ob struction and opposition and is returned to congress with a majority which sur prises friend and foe alike. It is an en dowment of his course in the reform in stituted in congress' in the dispatch of business and the people endorse him in it. After weeks of incubation the Jour nal attempted Tuesday evening to break the force of our wool correspondents talk by asserting that the wool tariff is a katt (accent on the heavy) tax on the people,"and that the favorite doctrine ef the protectionist is that tariff duties cheapen the product of protected arti- cles. Both of which assertions ar un true. The Journal like the Ostrich when hard pushed buries its head and fails to see but one feature of the economic question which disturbs the free trader The fact i, a tariff which protects does promote manufacturing enterprises, this is freely admitted by prominent and re liable free traders all over the country. The building up of manfacturies in any localitiy does help such locality every free trader admits this proposition also, and the only objection the free trader urges, which has any force to it, is that it raises the price of goods in certain cases to the consumer. The consumer is the only person the trader sees when he gets on the tariff question, while the protectionist sees all classes. The mo ment manufacturers are placed on a firm footing, competition between them in creases the supply of goods to that point where the cost to the consumer is re duced as low and even lower, in some cases, than would be reached under free trade; again, and chiefest, the protec tionist claims and knows that, protection maintains wages and is in the interest of the wage earning classes of the country. The laborer of this country knows this and appreciates it. Finally the protec tionist knows that a tariff protects one maH as much as another and that any kind of manufacturing found to be profitable is open to all who choose to engrge in it. The differance, between the protectionist and the free trader is that the former take into consideration all classes while the latter look solely at the consumer. One is a broad guage, the other a narrow guage economist. Oue other proposition we might here ad vance for the benefit of the farmer who is reading the cut and dried, ready made, material furnished the democratic prrss of this country by the Cobden club agents and that is, that the average an Mi:il income of farmers- in those states nanufacturers are prosperous is Mil -reater than those states where there is little or no manufacturing done. 'SHERMANICUS" SHORN . We are sorry for the Journal man but he is off of his base in the article refer red to in last evenings ixsue as bad as he is off on the economic question. Judge Chapman did not write the article which stirred the gall of our contemporary to its bitter depths, nor does he furnish this pnp.-r its editorials in whole or in part. As to the conundrums proposed by the Journal we may be excused in the outset, in noticing them, when we say they put us in mind of the old say ing and homely truth, viz, it takes a fool to ask questions but a wise man to answer them; however, replying to the anxious and evidently weighty inquiries of our neighbor we may say first, the McKinly bill does take sugar off the protected list because it is a tax on the consumer. If our friend would inform himself he would discover that the re peal of the du;y on sugar is only con ditional and that unless the countrie producing and. exporting sugars, mo lasses, coffee, tea and hides, receive our agricultural products free of duty the protective tariff is to remain on sugar. and sugar is only placed upon the free list as an offer for reciprocal exchange with those countries. It is a progressive feature of republicanism that an ordi nary democratic editor is not supposed to grasp all at once and to some extent is an experiment. As for the bounty placed on domestic sugar it was a demo ocratic as well as a republican dodge to encourage the manufactory of beet sugar which is also an experiment. The re moval of the duty upon quinine did not cheapen that drug but the fall in price was caused by entirely different causes: Woolen goods are today purchased al most as cheap in this country as they are in Great Britain and the only goods which we manufacture that cannot be purchased in this market as low as in foreign markets; also this paper has called attention to the falsehood that our contemporary has been circulating, that the American manufacturer sells his goods to foreign purchasers cheaper than to purchasers at home, although, if that was true, it would establish nothing more than the fact that our manufactur ers were a lot of fools to sell to foreigners cheaper than to home buyers whose mon ey and custom is always as good, if not better, than their neighbors abroad This, charge so far as we have seen has been fully refuted by the principal man ufacturers of the country, the proof of which we published the other day. As for coffee and tea the Journal is more than unfortunate in citing those commo dities and the facts bear us out in assert ing that the duty is not a tax, and is not borne by the consumer, for when coffee was placed upon the free list the price came up instead of going down and has always continued to'stay up ,the moment the foreign shipper found the duty gone he elevated the price. The Journal ought to know this but evidently does not. No better protect ed article, from which s duty has been removed, could be selected to prove the fact that it is the importer who piys the duty and not the cousumer. If our democratic friends wi l watch the ein- gle article of lumber, or any portion of that product from which the duty is re moved or the sugar market they will soon discover that the removal of the duty will not reduce the price, because the market is under the control of the importer and that individual will as in times past, maintain the price and con sequently gain, himself, any benefit de aired from the reduction or destruction of the tariff duty. In the face of the fact of article after article on the protected list when the prices are less than the du ty itself it strikes us that it requires credulity unbounded for the citizen to swallow the free trade nonsense that the average free trade newspapers inflict upon their readers. We dont know why the manufactur er watches the National Legislature un less it is to protect himself and his yast investments from the British lobbyist and his colaborer the home free trader wlui, both, aim at exactly the same ob ject and U9e the same argument. Final ly it seems presumptuous for us to have to answer the inquiry of our neighbor, as to what the true definition of a pro tective tariff is? We may truthfully say however, that its purpose and effect is to build up home markets, build up and maintain home wages, keep down trans portation expense by furnishing markets close to the consumer, to furnish a di yereity of occupations and industries at home, stimulate competition among nuiufacturers and thereby regulate and furnish cheap goods for the peopb. These are a part of the blessings which we haye .i. monstrated in this country through a long series of ytnrs that we owe to our system of a protective tariff. Finally, we desire to s;iy to our amiable neigh' i. r that lie will find the Editors of the Hkkai.i at our office every (biy ready a:ul willing, in our weak w;.y, to deiVnd the policy of the republican par ty and that it does'nt worry us one par ticle who writes for the J .urnal just so we have au opportunity to refute its false teachings. IS TARIFF- A TAX The democratic party teaches the doc trine that the "tariff is a tax" and sticks to it with an earnestness worthy the truth. There are democrats in this city who honestly believe that if the tariff on a hundred pounds of nails is $4, which it is, that it adds just four dollars to the price of the hundred pound keg and they will stick, hang and swear that the "robber tariff" adds four dollars to the price, even after they have purchased a keg for $2.10. Nails illustrate the oper ation of the tariff very nicely and what is true of nails is true of all articles on which tariff is levied. It is home com petition that forces down the price of ar ticles manufactured in this country be low the amount of duty. The Nashua Post makes some rem rks concerning the tariff on nails which can be easily under stood. It says: 'In 1883 wire nails sold at 6 a keg. In that year congress put a duty of four cents a pound on wire nails and then it began the manufacture of wire nails in the United States. The industry grew until 1SS9 when we manufactured 2,500, 000 kegs. If the price charged in l&SS for the foreign article had been main tained six cents per pound that with the duty added would have made the price $10 per keg; according to the democratic free trade argument; what was the result of the imposition of the duty? In 1SS3 the price was $0 per keg and we manufactured 50.000 kegs. The price remained what it was before the duty was imposed. In 18S4 we manufactured 75,000 keg and the price dropped to $3 per keg. In 188G we made 500,000 kegs and the price during the year dropped to ?3.6'3 and 3.40 per keg. In 1SS7 we made 700,000 kegs, and down went the price to $2 05. In 188S we made 2,000,000 kegs, and the price at the mills dropped to 2 10 per keg, and all this time the duty had been $4 per keg. From $0 per keg in 1883 with no duty the price under protection has dropped to $2.10 with a $4 duty." The Herald would like very much for some free trader in the country to take the article of nails and explain how the ?4 tariff is added to the price when nails are sold for $2.10 per keg. India nola Iowa Herald. The ideal magazine should be like a perfect dinner: seasonable, tempting, satisfying, never heavy, each course per fect in itself, with dainty entrees and entremets to give zest and piquancy, the whole affording such pleasure and satis faction that it leaves a desire for a repe tition of the feast. This is the case with Demorest's Family Magazine for October, just received; when one has read it all through (and everyone who takes it up wiJl do so) there is a desire to txgin at he beginning and enjoy it all orer again. The October number takes us visiting again, this time to the palatial residence of senator Hearst of California, and when one nas looseu mruugu mc uigm- ficent illustra ions, one feels quite at home 'upstairs and down stairs and in ray lady ; chamber." J.he young folks will all be j interested in the Game of Golf foij ! Ladies," which is quite new on this side of the water; and old and young will read with Interest and profit the curious facts about animals embodied in "Dis guises in Animal Life." and soft-hhell crabs will be invested with a new interest after one hns read about "The First Armor Wearers." I. fact, every page is as good as it can be: Demorest's Family Magazine is the ideal magazine. This montli there is a special attraction: the new Lit of Club Premiums. Not only is there a host of handsome as well as useful nrticl.-s offered, iiu-luding ins terial for an elegant silk dress, but the , ... . - . . . . I more than liberal oner is macte tnai n this generous list does not include the thino; or things desired, the prospective getter -up of a club may write to the publisher stating what would be liked better, and special terms will be made for the coveted article. The offer is un precedented, anything from a paper of needles to the complete furniture 'of a house beiDg obtainable without paying out a cent! Published by W. Jenninos Demokest, 15 East 14th St., N. Y. TnE republican politicians, as usual have been making the most of the re union at Grand Island this week. All the candidates, lrom governor down, have been there playing the soldier and shaking the hands of the old yets be tween times. These reunions are no les than political camp meetings for the g o. p. Journal. The foregoing from the Journal of this city is a spicimnn brick from the average democratic sheet. Wi'l, Mr Boyd und Mr. Powers were not then; and why not? Were they too patriotic to prostitute the high calling in which they are c-nsfaged(liunting for office) in attending an old cettlcrs r.ui ion? Is that the reason the democratic candidates were n.-.t on hand at Grand Island renewing t'.ie acquaintance of more than a quarter of a ceutuary ago? Acquain tance made on the battlefield nr.d in the prison pen? We rather guess not. Tliut was agatluring wiiere Mr. Boyd and Mr. Powers were barred by obvious reasons. Will the Journal, since it has raised this question, tell us where Messrs, Boyd and company were durin; that war, which the old veterans fought ver again last week? What were they doing when Lou Richards, Tom Major?, Capt.IIill and such men were at the fr--nt risking their lives for the preservation of this American Union? It won't make any democratic votes in this soldi, r state to attack nn old soldiers reunion . The Tory of 112 might as well have sneevd at 4 tvith'-r ing of the veterans ofj Valley Forgr- or the Locotoa of ly-J-' turned up hW nose at a reunion of the brave m.-n who car rieel the union colors in the blackness of night at Lundys L in- or upheld the same flag at New Orleans. Those men were patriots when it cost men something to belong to a party thsit called for sacrifices instead of offering prize pack ages accompanied vith a fat office. The insinuations of the Journal are simply re echs of the old copperhead snarl of war days. There was'nt a gath ering of these same men in those days, that they were not denounced as a lot of Lincoln hirelings conspiring to deprive democrats of their political and personal rights. It we. s fully a- commend able for the boys to get together at Grand In land and compare notes as it is for the democratic candidates to run down and demoralize every old settlers reunion and convert it into a political meeting. These reunions will continue to be held in spitw of democratic opposition of t!ie men whose sympathies and support were refused Mr. Lincoln and the Union cause v-i bve gone days and our neighbor can depend on it. Plenty of A No. 1 flour ou hun t to exchange for wheat at the Factoryville Roller Mills. Wheat taken on deposit. v.-tf. T. M. Warne. Iair Shows signs of falling, begin at once the use cf AVer's Hair Vigor. This preparation strengthens the scalp, promotes the growth cf new hair, restores the natural color to gray and faded hair, and renders it soft, pliant, and glossy. "We have no hesitation in pronouncing Ayer's Hair Vigor unequaled for dressing the hair, and we do this after long experi ence in its use. This preparation preserves the hair, cures dandruS and all diseases of the scalp, makes rough and brittle hair soft and pliant, and prevents baldness. While it is not a dye, those who have used the Vigor say it will stimulate the roots and color glands of faded, gray, light, and red hair, changing the color to A Rich Brown or even black. It will not soil the pfllow case nor a pocket-handkerchief, and Is al ways agreeable. All the dirty, gummy hair preparations should be displaced at once by Ayer's Hair Vigor, and thousands who go around with heads looking like the fretful porcupine" should hurry to the nearest drug store and purchase a bottle of the Vigor." The Sunny South, Atlanta, Ga. "Ayer's Hair Vigor Is excellent for the hair. It stimulates the growth, cures bald ness, restores the natural color, cleanses the scalp, prevents dandruff, and Is a good dress ing. We know that Ayer's Hair Vigor differs from most hair tonics and similar prepara tions, it being perfectly harmless." From Economical Housekeeping, by Eliza R. Parker. Ayer's Hair Vigor PRBTAKBD BT DR. J. C. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Masa. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers, When i he AW OFFICE Wm. L. BROWN. Teronal attention to all buelnem entrusted tomycHre. Title examined, A bstract" compiled, Insur ance written, re;il esta'e nold. lietterfacillileH lor making Karm Loan Uian ANY OTHEIt AGENCY I'LATTSMOUIH .NKUKA.8KA TTOkNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney Will Klvo prompt atNmt'on to all buHine entruMed to him. )co la Union block, Kat Side. Hatfunouth, Neb. Surveyors jIVIL KNtilXEKR II. C. SCHMIDT SURVEYOR AND DRAFTSMAN mans, specifications and fftlmate. Municipal work, Map etc. Plattsmouth Nebraska . T. P. LIVINGSTON E. P. CUMMINS ' DltS. LIVINGSTON & CUMMINS Physiciais aifl Surgeons onice No. 612. Main St. Telephone 90 Kesidence Telephone Pr. Mvington. 49. KeH'dence Telephone Dr. Cummin. J5. The Citizens BANK PLATTSMUTM NEBRASKA Cayital stock paid In ?5" 0 0 Authorized Capital, SIOO.OOO. OFFICERS FJt.lNK Q.K!U:'iU. JOS. A. CONJVOi:. President. VUe-Tie'iHeit W. H. GUSHING. Cachier. DIKKCTOKS Frank Carruth J. A. Connor. F.K. Guthmunn J. W. Johnson, Henry Boeck, John O'Keefe VV. V. Merriam, Wrn. Weteccamp, W. H. Cusbing. Trarsact a treneral banking business. All who have anv l.snklnii business t transact are invi'e ' to call. No matter bow ljiri'o or nmaJl the transaction, it will receive oureareiul attention and we premise always cour teous treatment. Isues certificates of deposits baring interest Buys and sell" exeha-itiH. counly and city sureties. First National BANK OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEMtASKA O'Ters the verv best facilities for the promp transaction of liyitimate Ban king Business Stock , bonds, gold, povernnient and local e cerities bought n sold. Deposits received aiil interest allowed on the certilicates In'afts drawn, available in any part of tho United States aud all the pi iucipal towns of Europe. t'on.EC'10..S MADK AND I K03T PH. V REMIT- TKU. Highest market ivice ptd for Comity War- rants. State ami County bonds. ., : Ol liECTOKS . John Fitzgerald O. Hawksworth John it. Clark U. E. White ieorire E. Dovey John Fit7gerald. S. Wau1.. President Ca- County Surveyor -A NO CIVIL EKCITJEER. All orders leit witb County Clerk will receive prompt uttention. OFFICE iH CTAiRT MOUSE. - MOUSE, 217, 219, 221 and 22!3 Main St., Plattomofith, - Nebraska. :E. M, BCiTS, Proprietor, The Perk i us ha3 been tboroughly renovated from top to bottom and is now one of the best hotels in the 6tate. Boprders will be taken by the week at 4.50 and up. GOOD EAR CONNECTED. Don't Raise Hogs' to have them die from niseasi to whiu tfi are iiable. if pro;t;riue"siires arenot takea PROTECT YOUR II KKOS by the timely a reliable use of the reliable ,, , ...... . ,. f HOG and POULTRY REMEDY It Prevents Disease, Arrest Disease Stops Cough, Destroys Worms, Increases the Flesh and Hastens Maturity. The sooner the system of the hog Is fortified against diseane. the more certain Is the result. Io not wait until your hots are past treatment. What wise Men Write. "Hogs have died all around me at dlfTeren times, but yur remdey keeps mine health and repays the cost In extra flesh alone." Wm. Ekmst, Tecurnseh, Neb. T find Haas'Remedy Is all a represented" c-oiik AIackay. PlattMncutM. Neb.. TRICES: 2..0, $1.2. and 50c per Package. 1 lb Cans $12.50. The Lar fare the Cheapest. FOR EAI.K BY S CFHICEx cSc CO., Pl-ATTSMOUTU, NEB. Ask for clrcn'ar con'alnlrg Testimonials and f tisiiranc Proposition. S-nd 2-cent stamp for Hoco'' -v." a Treatise en wi.. JOS. IIAAS. V. ?.. IudianRpoil. led. I ; I I