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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1890)
plftftelEi0Mii .11 ft! fief Mi . I lu' VOL. XXVI. NO. 26. PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY, -NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1890; $1.50 A YEAJt Kf ii i in in in in in 1 n V Highest of all in Leavening Power, ABSOUUYECtf PURE Everyteotly Reads The Plattsmoutb Herald Dr. A. Rallabarjr ku the zclBilie right f Dr. Stainaa'a LOcsl AaalBiia mr io r ""- Kxtraetloa ofTeoth la tail eltr. umee uociwooa Block. OFFICIAL PAPER SOF THE COUNTY I. O. O. F. rv Tiiiiv ntvht at their bull in Pitzeerald Muck. All Odd Fel Iowa are cordially invited to attend ben rislting in the city. Loriit Davib.Jh.G. John Coby, Sec. nrrantf.rtAN ACTIVE HONEST MAN Sal Vf ary 100 monthly if su itable, with oppor tunity for advance, to represent mcaiiy a re- sponsible New Tork bouse. Manafacturer, , Lock hox 1585, N. Y. B. & M. Time Table. aOIMO WK8T Nl... :20 a. m t 5 :45 p. m " 6 9 :15 a, m. "7 7 :15 a. m. " 9 6 :15 p.m. 11 5 :25 p. m. M 19 11 :00 a. m. GOIKQ Bill No a 8 :05 p. m. " 4 10:26 a; m " 8 7 ;i P, m. " 10 10 :00 a. m. " 13 10 :16 a. m. 10 8 :25 a- m. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Will return to college Sept. 21, any one wishing work done will please call at once. tf Mike Shirk returned last night from Kansas City and Hannibal, Mo.,safe and mind where he made arrangements to supply his customers in this city with the Kieet Missouri coal to be found in the market. Mrs. Frank Brinkman, residing near he brick school house west of town fell 3rfm a load of hay yesterday and dislo cated her arm. A Plattsmouth physician was called and she was soon fixed out as comfortably as possible. Mrs. Agnes Cole, widow of the late Shadrach Cole, is erecting a nice cettage iK-wVA. with a 14x14 wins, just across the road south of Mr. Doud's place, where she expects to make her home. Rev. Mapes is doing the carpenter work which insures a good job. The non. Jas. E. Boyd and party from Omaha have been tendered the courtesy of the Waterman Opera House by the management, and the party will occupy th east box tonight, at the Beach & Bowers minstrel performance, where our citizens can see the popular candidate for governor on the democratic ticket. (in to the minstrels tonieht and witness a fine performance- Frank Gillespie residing on John Becker's farm, better known as the Crab tree place, lost his stable containing two sets of harness, and a corn crib which rrtntftined all the corn he had, by fire yesterday afternoon. The fire is sup posed to have been set oat by his little fiva rear old bov. with matches. It is a very unfortunate affair for Mr. Gillespie, aa well as Mr. Becker who owned the buildings. jp. Youg can secure the Hess grand opera company, consisting of sixty peo ple, for Monday. September 29, if our amusement-loving people will manifest enough interest and give the opera house management the proper encouragement to secure this great attraction by sub scribing for a sufficient number of ticket. This company plays at the Coates opera house thi week and at Boyd's in Omaha October 2, 3 and 4. They will appear in the very latest opera if they come here. A Hebaxd reporter is informed by J. P. Young that the Standerd opera com pany which was to appear here-September 24, their had engagement canceled by J.P . Young, upon a letter received from G. W. Minor, manager of the Grand opara house, saying that the company was very poor and gaye a very unsatis factory performance and that he had .closed the house and canacled the entire week, so Mr. Young went to Omaha yes terday and canceled the date. Our citi zens can always rely upon good com panies coming to the Waterman, unless the management is deceived by misrep resentations, as Mr. Minor was in this opera company. U. S. Govt Report, An ft. 17, 18S9. Powder tlic Dtatly Herald;. A FINANCIAL. SUCCESS. Large Crowd Is In Attendance at the Fair Today. While the wind doe. not add anything to the comfjrt of those in attendance, large crowd has been in attendance at 9 the fair today. The stock exhibits are not large but we notice some very fine Polled Angus, Holateins and Red Polled cattle on the ground, with some exceed ingly fine horses . The imported Clydes dale owned by Mr. Hogan of Elmwood is indeed a magnigcent animal. Jones & Fitzgerald's stable shows some stock that will be hard to beat. Their trotter, the brown colt Joe F., is a promising animal and contains the best blood in the country. Fair Notes. Ten varieties of potatoes are well rep resented. J. V. Wckbach's &how cloaks and goods for ladies' fall wear. Sol Osborn has a nice lot of hand made bracket work in the Art hall. Sam Archer showed th Elgin wind mill that looked like it was a good one. John uummins cz oon matte a very -V a J ft "I 1 . creditable exhibit of fancy doors, wood finishing! screens, etc. Mrs. Henry Eikenbary, Mrs. Dean and Mrs. A. Taylor, each has a fine display of jellies and canned goods. Wiedman and Breckenfeldt and John Unruh make a nice showing of fine stoves and fancy furniture. O. H. Snyder had a very neat wall paper exhibit, while fancy work, quilts, etc. filled a large part of the hall. Fred Gorder has a nice showing of fine carriages and buggies and a line of all the newest farming implements. Boeck & Walker and Henry Boeck made a fine show of their Garland stoves and ranges, together with some nice fur niture. Mike Schnellbacher had one of his I home made wagons on the ground that beats all the factory made stuff in the country. The booths taken by Fred Herrmann and Dovey & Son contained nothing which marred the beauty of the hall very nreh. Fifteen hundred tickets have been sold at the fair today, besides the family tickets, which is more than ever before up to this time. V. V. Leonard had probably the nic est show on the gronnd; he occupied two booths and showed splendid tasts in their arrangement. Lena i nomas mis one booth very beautifully with paintings and fancy work, a crayon picture of Grandpa Todd attracting much attention. The B. & M. shops make a nice show ingin Drass ana tin gooas which are nearly all made here, together fith-1 several other things of interst. One man exhibits 40 varieties of ap- pies, another 22, another 24, another 24. 1 another 17. Mr. E, Countryman has an exhibit of large apples each weiging one pound. I Two trotters were being exercised on the track thia morning wken thev ovt or.Wl and r.n await hrealrinir t.Tin q-1 kys up, but fortunately did not hurt the drivers w;n Willi. i n th rrrnnn .ui, . M hia sorrel colt. Prince, ha haa Arrant D I nn j a , tT, I ALT! ovsvs jam iolc niiu lJUl'm to take place this evening after the close of the regular program. L Pearlman the general furnishing goods man, has a nice bed room set of caryed antique oak; the bed is made up and occupied, false faces taking the place of real occupants. R. F. Dean showed forty-one varieties of apples off of R. W. Ilyers' farm that are worthy of special mention. The Belleflowers and Northern Spy could not be excelled anywhere. The speed program for tomorrow after noon will include a free for all running race, bait mile heats, be6t tnree in nve. A 2:40 pacing race, and a free for all trotting race, test three in five. II. C. McMaken has on exhibition six teen of the finest varieties of grapes we ever saw, the exhibit being far ahead of the state fair. Among them are three crops of Moore's Early picked from one vine this Beason. The exhibits of V. V. Leonard, II, Boeck, Boeck & Walker, I Pearlman and I many others are artistically arranged in Art Hall and present an attractive ap- pearance to the large crowd continually passing in and out. J. M. Young and Noah Clemmons furnish the display of bees and honey, ! which is indeed very fine; by the way Mr. Young's exhibit is the same one he had at the state fair last week, which tnok first nrpmhim o er a lartre number of competitor8. The agaicultura! and horticultural displays are more than ordinary. Tliir teen hundred ears of corn are on exhibi tion which in do way suggest a drought in Cass county. Big Frank Young has 50 ears of corn which he calls 13 inch corn, not a sin trie ear of which is less than 12 inches long. Fifty ears of large white corn represents the thirty-fifth crop raised on the same piece of ground There is a full display of wheat, corn. oats, barley, rye, buckwheat and timothy. Old rags wanted at tbia office. Subscribe for the Dailt Herald, de city for 15 livered to all parts of the cents per week. The Derrick Concert. The following programme to be ren dered at the Waterman Opera House Friday evening, Sept. 19, will eclipse any musical entertainment ever heard in the city. The items which have so fre- I . . qUently appeared in the Umaha papers J commending the ability of the Sutorius Mandolin and Guitar club, should be a sufficient guarantee of their excellent talent. The singers are all first class. part I Selection . . . Mandolin Club . "Listen to my Tale of Wot" Lew Dale. Comic song . Quartette, "Old King Cole W. A. DerriCK and urpneus tuftrtette' In '-Slnmhor Shnri" flilhtr SolO.. r "iC Mrs. Jloeller. Selection Mandolin Club. Bass Solo "Thy Sentinel Am I" W. A. Derrick. Quartette. ."When the Swallows Home ward Fly" Orpheus Quartette PART II. Mandolin solo f Guitar accompaniment") . . Sutorii? 1 - Prof. II. P. Sutorius, Tenor solo "Called Back" .Denza R. J. Wherry. Quartette .... ''Forsaken" Orpheus Quartette. Solo "Thursday" Molloy W. A. Derrick. Solo "The Three Singers" Yours Mrs. Moeller. Serenade. ."Oh, Why art Thou Not Near Me." Orpheus Quartette. Comic Song -'Near It" Lew Dale, Selection Mandolin Club. Our customers all speak highly in praise of St. Patrick's Pills. They are the best Berry Bros,, Carro Neb, For sale by F,G. Fricks & Co. The Nebraska Campaign. Omaba Bee. Hon. John C. Watson of Nebraska City, chairman of the republican state central committee, was in Omaha yester- day making arrangements for a grand opening of the campaign on September 20. He secured the services of non. John L. Webster, General John C. Cowan, W. F. Gurley, Geo. W. Am brese, Hon. Frank Ransom, Hon. E Rosewater and others of Omaha to assist m Pemng the cannonade. At Hastings on the afternoon of the 20th Hon. Tom Majors and Judge O. MRSOn address the people. Hon. Geo. H. Hastings and Will F. Gurley wiU hold the fort at Beatrice on AU A? it. rAl Jl Al 1 luc eveuu,B ui luo ulu' anu lUB PeoP10 of Fremont will listen to broadside shots from Hon. John L. Webster and Hon. John C. Watson in the evening of the same day. In addition to the oratorical talent available in Nebraska, the committee have the positive promise of Speaker Reed and Congressman Burrows that they will assist in the campaign by the deliyery of several speeches. Senators Manderson and Paddock will lend a helping hand before the campaign closes, and the prospects are decidedly favorable, Mr. Watson says, for a red-hot time and a reusing victory all along the line. High School Notes. We think of importing a musical direct or to arrange an air to which we can handle the dumb bells. El Ruffner objects to pupils humming John Brown, and I guess it will have to be changed to please Ed as we could not do without him, and he might emigrate if we persisted in the matter. The study of astronomy is growing in interest. Prof. Ilalsey and his class, with many visitors, have made several visits to the hih school this week to gaze on those far distant worlds, and all go home highly pleased. Mr. Halsey thoroughly understands the study and a lecture from him is certainly ingtructive. Miss Alice Wilson has charge of room 11, and has taught in Plattsmouth V J mmm .... scnoois many years. 1 o say that she is a successful teacher is drawing it mild. She is among our best and we think that Plattsmouth schools have some of the best teachers to be found in the state. Miss Fulmer has charge of the dinner room this week and the pupils eat their dinner in the house. Last week they all took to the woods: Miss Safford was in charge. Miss Sampson has charge of Room 4 this week, in the absence of the regular teacher. Miss Edna Adams teaches in No. 15 in the absence of Miss Maggie Berry, Miss Nnnie Moore and Miss Hemple were welcome visitors last evening. Miss Hemple retained the banner this week for good attendance, nerper cent was 97.C6, a good Pliowing for last week considering the weather. She thinks of retaining it for the balance of the term musses May ana 3iaggie uerry were r r 1 a- called east to attend the funeral of a brother who was acc;,?entlly killed. They have the sympathy of Plattsmouth teachers and friends. A fine set of musical charts were re ceived on Monday of this week, together with many other things furnished by the board. This term speaks yolumes for their generosity, and may their liberality never cease. Some of the readers of the Herald ast week objected to the grammar used in school notes. We wish to explain in this way we never were much of a gram mariiin but you can't beat us on geogra phy. Clara Wils'n, St. Patrick's Pills give entire satisfac tion. I have used tfiem in my family. They are the best I ever used for the purpose Frank Cornelious. Puroell, Id dian Ter. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. non. James E. Boyd, the democratic candidate for governor, dressed in a fine tailor made suit and wearing a silk hat, came in on the K. C. train thi? morning from Ouiahj., he was accompan ied by the gaudily dressed chairman of the state central committee, Mr. Charles Ogden, who nonchalantly smoked a cig arette as he discussed the political situ ation. Col. Uonnor was at the tram with a carriage and welcomed the distin guished gentlemen, who were driven to the Hotel Riley, and afterwards to the fair grounds. Col. Sherman was there and wore his familiar two for a cent smile, Connor had arranged for Sherman to hang on behind the carriage, which Sherman esteemed as a distinguished honor, but the driver, Mr. Edward Fitz gerald, took pity on him and gave him a seat up in front with him ve nna ot. r-atriCK s .fins to he very extra and to give splendid satisfaction. They are now about the only kind called for. W. A. Wallace, Oasis, Iowa. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co, The Coming Debate. Hastings Nebraskan. The Grand mand beet sugar palace managers have arranged for a big draw ing card on September IS and 19 a joint discussion on the amendment ques tion, in which E. Rosewater, editor of the Bee. and Hon. John L. Webster w ill meet General Bradford of Kansas, ex Governor Larrabee of Iowa and Chan cellor Creighton of Lincoln. This array of talent on boah sides will doubtless at tract large audiences and excite no little interest. The surroundings will be far different than when Web.ster ar.d Rosewater faced Beatrice audiences known to not be in sympathy with their views. Beach & Bowers minstrels arrived this morning twenty-four people in all and are stationed at the Perkins house. They made a nice appearance on the street with their fnelv uLmed han'i. Parties wishing grapes will leave their orders at Petersen & Larson's store or at Soennich?ea's store. Grapes will all be gone in side of tea days. lw Jro. Le:.::,t. Rock Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Smith, of N rth Platte, came in last Sunday to attend the funeral of her grandfather, Mr. Lambert Jack Frost paid us a visit lest Friday night. He killed the buckwheat, scorched the late corn and stopped the late pota toes growing. Al Ray has been in the neighborhood the past week with his threshing ma cl ire, threshing out the grain. Wheat is turning out from 10 to 12 bushels to the acre; and oat from 15 to 13. Last Tuesday Thomas McCulloch had a horse to drop des-d in the harness while drawing a load of grain. It is supposed A.-l . . to nave oeen caused Dy the rupture of a blood veBsel. Mr F. M. Young informs us that he has lost about 140 head of pigs and hogs with the cholera. W. A. Royal is loosing his hogs with the same disease, and we hear that Frank Moore, Edward Wiley and Wm. Dull are losing their bogs. S. L. Furlong has ordered inoculation virus from Dr. F. S. Billings & Co. of Chicago, and is going to try the inocu lation theory as a preventative of hog cholera. He intends to inoculate 30 head of pigs, and will report his success to the readers of the Herald. Mr. John Lambert, who died last Fri day night, was buried on Sunday after noon in the Rock Bluff cemetery. Thir ty-five wagons and carriages followed the remains to the burial place. Jlr, Lambert was born in Ireland, in the county of Gaul way, in 1815, and was 75 yeras, 2 months and 18 days old when he died. He leayes a wife 77 years of age and two children, John Lambert Jr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert lived together fifty six years, and were the parents of nine children, seven of whom are dead They moved to Rock Bluff thirty-three years ago last April, and this has been their home eyer since, except about eigh leen months that they spent in South America, in the years of 1867 and 68. Tim Shafer. Jones and Fitzgerald. The good looking proprietors of the Bonner stables are the owners of Joe F a colt out of their celebrated Gold Dust mare, instead of Dick Streight, as men tion yesterday. Apples. W. J. IIi?S9er has over two thousand bushels of the finest varieties of fall nnd winter apples for sale. Those desiring choice fruit should make their wants known at once. eod&wtf St. Batrick's Pills have given me bet ter satisfaction than any other. M. II. Proudfoot, Druggist, Granada, Colorado For sale by F. G. Fricke. Wanted A girl for general housework. En quire of Mrs. L. D. Bennett, cor. of Elm and Tenth streets. 3t On and alter Sept. 13th, 1890, the Plattsmouth Brick & Terra Cotta M'f'g Co. will charge $7.50 per M for brick on the yard. By order of Board of Direct ors. d3t L. L. St B. Association. Thursday, the 18th, at 8 p. m., the Livingston Loan & Building Association will hold their regular monthly meeting in the recorder's office, for the purpose of loaning money. d3t Will H. Miller, Sec'y Mrs. L. A. Plum will take a limited number of music scholars at reasonable rates. Apply at clerk's office or 815 Lo cust street. dlw Begining Sept. 1. we commenced cut ting prices on our entire stock of dry goods, carpets, etc. and will continue to sell at low prices until all is gone. We must be all closed out by January 1, 1890. tf. J. V. Weckbach A Sox. The Missouri Pacific. word reaches us irom orhciai sources that the M. P. grade will, within a week, be completed from Union to Murray, and that within two weeks the entire line will be graded from Union to Platte bottom. Wm. Neville is at present building a new pile driyer and in a very few days he will be at work on the pile bridges, which will be hurried to an early completion, there being but few of them. The work in Sarpy county is much behind the work in Cass, but is now being pushed rapidly to completion, the line in Sarpy parallels the new B. & M. line to south Omaha. As the M. P. frlks use the B. & M. bridge across the Platte no delay will be caused from that source. Will you suffer with dyspepsia and 1 I A 1 t 1 l . a . liver compiainu enuon s viranzer is gu iranteed to cure you. For sale by F. G. Fricke and O. II. Snyder. 1 BEAD! And Tnen Buy A Heme m South Park. Do not be caught in the delueioo ot many thousands in postponing a horns until they can Law an expensive oe. This idea is the devil's trap that catefcee men and women innumerable, who will neyer have any at all. The laborer maj have, at the close of the day, to walk or ride farther than in desirable to reach it but when he gets to his destination in the eventide he will find something worthy of being called by that glorion and impassioned, and heaven descended word, "Home." Young married man, as soon as yoa can buy such a place, even if you have to put on it a mortgage reaching from base to capstone. The mnrli 1 mortgage whicli is ruin to the reckless man. to one prudent and provident is the beginning of a competency and a fortune, for the reason he will not be sat efied until he has paid it off, and all the household are put on strictest economy until then. Deny yourself all superflui ties and all luxuries until you can say: Everything in this house is mine thanlr God ! every timber, eyery brick everr foot of plumbing, every doorsill." D not have children born in a boarding house, and do not yourself be buried from one. Have a place whire vour - af ch'ldren can shout and sing ar,d romu ft and not be overhaulded for the racket Haye a kitchen where you can do some thing toward the reformation of evil cookery and the lessening of this nation of despeptics. As Napoleon lost one of his great battles by an attacked of indi gestion, so many men have such a daily wrestle with the food swallowed that they have no strength left for the battle of life; and though your wife may know bow to play all musical instruments and rival a prima dona, she is not well 'edu cated unless she can boil an Irish potato and broil a mutton chop. 6ince the die sometimes decides the fate of families and nations. Have a setting room with at least one easy chair, even though you have to take turns at sitting in it, and books out of the public library, or of your own pur- chasefor the making of your family in telligent, and checker boards and guess ing matches, with an occassional blind " man's bluff, which is of all games my fayorite. Rouse up your homes with all styles of innocent amusement, and gath er up in your children's lives a reservoir of exuberance that will pour down re freshing streams when life gets parched and the dark days come and the lights go out and the laughter hi smothered in to a sob. T. De Witt Talmage. For South Park Lots CALL ON WINDHAM DM Orer Bank of Cats County PJLATTSMOUTIINEB 4