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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1890)
f 11 iite 'iniiit ill IHHfel HI il ig f id fa in rLATiSMOHTII, ' EliliAlsKA, 'ijll U USD A Y, FkPJUJAUY 27, lS'JO. Vol. XXV Sl.oO L'j: Annum. ? r 1 1 u 1 H 1 it. Ill Absolutely Pure. T i s powder inner varies. A marvel of pur- r. si i -nl I. a.ol wlmlesniuencss. Jlurt ecmiii-nm-al tu tu tlit ordinary kinds, and cannot lie "l.liu . u ie t i ! j fi with the multitude of low t-si, sh t wei-ht uiiini or phospha'e tiowdois. so- oiiIh in runs. KoVAL liAKlMi 1'oWOKK ;., 100 WjiII 61. N. V. LOCAL LACONICS. For tji? in Wall Taper go to Gcnng & Co's. JH Main sr. E1. Kinsc-l ami Etl. Osborne o Giccn vvood an- tal.;n in the reunion todaj. : The worltl f.:' Ei'liw Liquid Paint lor sale only l icrin & Co. 413 .Main et. j Mr and Irs. G. W. Colvin returned j today to Arapahoe, after visiting some time at E. Day is home. In district ciiurt, there was filed today the report of xde in the matter of the astute of Win. J. Agnew. Do yon wunt fi new pair of spectnrles i or eyeolasts ? If so, go to Gering & Co. : .- . f l liey junraulee a nc or no s;ue V 111 I l"Ui, ' 'lvr"'o - . " . . . . . . t... tOWJJ ttHlrtJ app'Ulll!T i H WHUfM IU me j cast of AYIiiffen vs Oliver Jacobs et al. T.J. Thomas, who was taken down three wet ks ayy with a severe attack of jiceute pneumonia is ugaii: able to be out. The cek-brate.3 I. C. Specs, and Eye glasses are sold on a positive guarantee, gubjert to 10 days" trial. Sold only by Gering & C ). J. V. Carnes, E. J. Mathis and C S. Blessing are in from Greenwood shaking hands with old comrades and renewing old acquaintances. Cast week ye print, by oversight h ft ft'roth ; he " 4 oodt n Wcddinu" in Rock Bluff chit the names of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Vising, as guests. Hotel Rih-y is the a.l mi ation of about eighty Grand Army gu-sts who find it .elegance n!y .tpiahd by IVoprl tor II. JI. Van Aran mi's to s.jitality. Sretary J. M liothwell, of tli- Y.-ung Jlen's Ciiiisiian Ass.eition, wlio eiiteis state associat.n work, will be succeeded here by Secretary Green, formerly of R -d Cloud. The funeral of Levi WVikef ocearr.-d at 2 p. m. from the M. E. church. Mr. Walker's death occurre.l Monday. Ib was on old citizen, widely know and well respected. As engineer Sid Wheel- r looked at the pauge at 11 a. u. today it registered at only 11 pounds; but Sid had only pleas ant words for his tir man, ! c:;jse the scales were wuhing tlie latt addition to his family- boy. The case of Mrs. M. K. WhiftVn vs. Oliver Jacobs & Co., and IVter Eveland was argued today before Judge Ramsey. Peter seeks to be released as surety on a note. J II. Ilald.nian appeared for plaintiff and A. N. Sullivan for defend ants. A young farmer named Gustin, own ing a fine team of black horses and a new lumber wagon, met with quite a iinanc'i -l Joss this afternoon in damage o his wa-,.. The horses became fright ened on "east Vine -tr-et, and runninsr iway, soon ld the w3cs coming to jtieces. License to wed w UU? grantod to James L. Biek. nride, aZd ii and Em ma Akesen. aged 20, both of Cass county. Miss Akcson is a daughter of one )f our eldest citiz-ns and has many friends who wish them cll. The marring- ceremony will be ,K.-rfo:m-n by R v. Cyrus Alton Elm wood tomorrow afternoon. Judge Rimey gave deci5on today io the case of L'ndon vs. Tlie Oppt. -fiian Electric Lamp Co. This was a suit to -recover wn-s, while the company set up a counfet claim or 120. After deduct inc $31 -fl: r,"Ht 'vt' defendants judgment for .;? 07. P.yrow Clark ap pealed for PiaiutiJf, and Judge Sullivar. for defcodaota. i SOLDIERS CELEBRATE The Ties of Fellowship Bring them From Afar. Safe in Camp, Shielded From Storm, Time Pusses Pleasantly with Incident Recmny. From Tuc da 's Dull . Tli)-e who are left of Nebraska's Sol di- r S'ns know what a re union means, They have now be-n scattered twuity fiye years, but the coast ot Waliintoii is is not too far from th' scene of the or ganizing of the tiist company, twenty nine years ago, to pr. vent tlnm coming to meet their comrades. Fillow uatrio.s only smile at distance.. Mingling among theui t-'ay in the G. A. R. hall the reporter's eye was quick to observe: A hundred bodies that strug gled through the civil war.sonie maimed, some whole and hearty, some snowy heads, some comparatively young, many poor, others bearing the appearance of having plenty, no tw.' alike, but there is one spirit of union and patriotism that previils to warm each other's heart and make quick friends of acquaintances al most forgotten. Hardships, imideutsand exploits were frci-ly told in little groups. till the roll call sounded, and with old time military step lines were formed and a march made to the depot to welcome lecruits on the fiver. Many enquire for comrades whose ni'-mory is cherished, and fivqnently as they nuet hearty tears of til ad jy and fulfilled expectation express the feelings that words cannot.utter, and eloquently answer the qu sliou: What is in u reun ion ? A scene of great enthusiasm occurred on tht return from the d- pot to the hall as the li ig3 of the regiments, faded and hanying in shfefls to the staff, were un furi'd for the comrades to behold, and three great cheers went up for flags ttiat they had followed. The following is a list ot names of survivors of the First and Second who had registered up to 3 p. m. P. R. Child, company A, first regi ment, Arapahoe; E. S. Child, company A, first regiment, Arapahoe; 13 -n Ileinpe!, company A, first regitm nt, Pbittsinouth; E. M. Lowe, company D, tirsi regiment. O'Neill: L. Shipley, company B, sec ml regiment, Florence; Wiles, compa ny H, sec- nd regiment, Plattsmouth; W. A. Snoop, comp.niy II, second legiin nt. Logan, Kin.; G. C. L Ison. company E, first regiment, Atchison Kan.; S A. Davis, company H, Second regun-nt. Pla isnwuth; F. M. Study, company F. first regiment, Bartlctte, la.; J. P. Bur- liek, c nip.iny E, second regiment, Eal ; John buniner. Company II, second regi ment, E.igie; L. Kuebier, company D, tiist rtvim.nt, Palnno, Km.; L. 1. Lemon, cmnp my li, i.e..!. I legim-. nt. Rising; Geo. Ai'eineiiiy, company L, regiment, Eik Creek; A. B. I'.-dd, Coillpauy B, second, flulls- mouiu; J. . Joimson, coiiij uuj .v, Uioi r-.muiiu, Pentioiouiii; ll. J. oneigiiL, . 't'Ult, i-laii I11UU.II; 11. C. IcJ.'-lh.; CoU.Oal.j li, seCOUll r. illl-lil, PlallelnuUii-; v'.-"'. Cufl, c-'Uvatij 1, lennenl, Naiou, iC.u.; Win. A. 1 ilt.ii , company G, nri .ei meiit, 1'; r . H ons, comp oiy H, Dist leglmeiit, Gll:uid, Id.; J. V. r.ioiiias, eo.npauy 11, s-toua iciui-ut, l'i.itiffiuuuiu; Ouc il n, cump iuj tJ-i lij;!.-n Ul, Cli luita. la-? M. C J hl.sol-, coiiipaiiV f, Ijisl r- giniui, C ailnU.., la.; 1). B. Giodia in, eoii.p .y r tiiot regi meiit, Ciai imla, I : James li. Cunm, company F, liiot rcinu ut, bntuey,I.. ; VV. X- Morgan, company L, seuoudregi ment, brd my, I i.; W. U. Iv-lly, company F, first regiment, Bedford, la.; E. S.igc, company II, second regiment, Plaits mouth; Geo. Hunt, company 1), second regiment, Weeping Water; David Camp bell, compay C, second regim- ut, Auburn; S, C. Pitz r, company L, -econ.l icgim nt. Boulder, Colo.; W. M- Kent, Company C, s-cond rtgiinent, South Auhun:; II. C. R ndie, company A. first retim-nt, Lin coln; R. G. Gordon, company II, second regiment, Walui.-h; J. W. B.trr, company A, first regiment, Memphi-; A. W. Throekmarton, company C, tir-t rriz' nient, Divib ; A. Uowen, company S. Setos.d regiment. N- hntska City; J. E. Hughes, co.iiji oiy .'. i; 1 reo'nii. nt. Ash bm l; H. C H irrhlnirger, company j. fiist regimen', V dodhine, la.; J Q G-j-. company R, seoud regiment. R-ll-vii-; W. P. ll-ig'-bii-.-n, compaii' D. second r-tfim-n'. LiPbitte. W. T. Clarke, com pany II. fi'-.t regim n ;is ll' !nes I i ; F. Caldwell, vin-.p iny II, second regini"nt LaPb.tte; J I. Prelm. CoinpHnv A. firt r. gim nt. Vfdisra. Ia.; I) N. Smith, com panv C. first regiment. Port Town-end. V.'a-h.; L. B. Arnold, company C. fbst reaime.,.1, fjiil iha; J. S. Cium. c Mil ium V C. (.ecnti'i resjiivent. Omaha; J. M. Wh'.ttc.l, roir.pmy I), seron-i cu ment. Florence; F. A Hock- r. rnmpuny C. first reL'iment. A nrlnbon. Iowh; J Mc Coid. rnmpiinv F. fi't r'-gtmcnt. K-ho-m. Indiana; A. G Carrea, company A, first regiment, PlattSiaoutb. FIH3T NIGHT IN CAMP- First and Second Nebraska Burn Bright Fires at Rockwood Hall. Governor Thayer, General MeN':'l!, Tom Majors. Mfijor Spearman Address ihe Comrades. From We Inc. lay's ' aly. Last eveiiinii's trains added censid.-r- ally to the attend ,nce of the reunion, j and at 8 I), in. Rockwood hall was tilled with comiades and ci i.ens ainl l it'i -s ' whose patriotism moved them to coeie t.i rliu li.,. Tin. Ii ill vend lieanii , ,, , . . , , , full.; l..r. wo f ...1 ..tiiIi ti nnhiiw llf.rl . , ' , ., , ,, .. , in the fiont of the hall three beautiful archways were erected be "ore the r .i trum draped with bunting, flags and evt" grcen and surmounted by a life portrait of Gen. R. R. Livingston a face famiT- ii.r to Hll tin- f-omraile4 . . r. w i ii i .i i At 8:1. Mayor Richey called the house to order and suggested the selection of a chairman. Judge E. M. Lowe, of O'Neill (comrade Co. D. 1st reg ) was unani mously the choice. Begging the honor to be addressed as "comrade" on this c casion instead of "Judge," Comrade Lowe took the chair, and announced he await'-d tlie pleasure of tin people, "Comrade J. Q G ss" was the first call; he modestly thanked his comrades forihe honor to speak a few words, and paid his.tiibute to the loyal territory of Ne braska, whose "people's hearts were liu1 the ln.aitsof the Anieiieaii people," when thev, from their sparse settlements, raised a regim -nt on th- first call, for the f ront. Led by the Glee cli.b, the comrades made tin- hall ling with "our country." Major T-mi M ijors, of Peru, of the First N braska, nspondrd to a seige of ealls; and standing before his comrades spoke eloquently ol th- ni -mory ot G-n ,a H. K. Li!;,;!. 'I liming Lo i he. chair man, and referring to his preference to b-ing "comrade" and privilege at not holding a "commission," with sarcastic mirth he m ids much laughter and amuse ment, and turning th fun to the Nebras kn Second, at their expense, kept the applause rolling on. Major Pearimn. of N- braska City, by all, responded, to di fend the gallant Second that did service on the frontier. In response to th.j next call, and amidst great applaus-. Governor John M. Thayer took the stand. II- s;dd ''Mem bers of the First and Second Nebraska regim-nts and ab other soldiers from X b aska in th - war; If there ever was tini- wiiich i h ive lor.ked forward to, and for which I hive 'hope', it is this iceasio.i and I experience its realization tonight. It I) is been a longing, hardly expected to be satisfied : and it is owing to the p-fsist.-nt eff irts of Mr. MeMaken and others that we have this pleasure. I h aye looked forward to tonight with feelings of great anticipation, since the all. Tliougti advis-fl by ti;v physician not to un- my voice much 1 ns:,- it here to express my gratification of once more looking imo the fic s of these comrades 'hrough whtse valiant service this is now til- bill I of the free and hoin-i of tlie lravf. Vli-n tt"e c-i was made upon the sin dl territory of Nebraska for one r-gimont to b- raised from Q.-s.OO'J peopb I r i.i- mber w- 11 when the first company repoit-d in Oni ih i" company A. raied here in Plattsmouth, bring in com mand of Captain Livingston then captain, now no more. It wis my good fortune to he appointed colon 1 of the regiment acting under orders from lien. Grant we reported to General Fremont at St. Louis." The regiment was in the battles of Ft. Henry, Ft. Donaldson, bhiloli, biege ci j Cornith, Siege of Memphis, Cape Gerar- deau, Pilot Knob, and Duvall's Bluff. The governor quoted Gen. Grant at the battle of Ft. Donaldson as follows: "Your First Nebra: ka lias covered us -lr with glory this afternoon," and at P'lot Knob: "1 have been surprised bat th little t- rritory of Neb ask i, 800 miles up the Missouri river has been able to rais one r giment an I s -n.l it to th t front," ati'l after that Gen. Grant serin d to f -el : a special interest in riist Kei,r:wka. ! Ev- rv citiz-n f Nebr-iski has r--asoii to J ; In Diond of tlie reputiti-m which the I Nebraska sol-liers mad- during th- war. The co:nr::dV? d.-iigh. -1 to applaud thi ir leader, and after a "r ally" song called out their G n- r d. John McNi-il. of St. Louis. Mo. The G-nral was greeted! with rounds of applause, and he w is : pleased, too, to inert the im-n. He dis- j p'i ivci n; ii'uht if oratory, nd npolo- I glz.-d by stating that as he boked aroiPid ' and saw s- nnin of tin- soldiers of Ne bra-k i he fe'd s n ry that the vocabulary and o.-utorical dcpttrtun-ut of bis ed-ca- i. tion had been neglected. Referring to the '-holy war" of the crusaders, which lasted more than a century, he could but con rast it with the war in -vhich the Ne braska men went to the front, and call it of all wars holy, as no war had for its accomplishment so good an object as the salvation of the liberties of this country and the protection of the liberty of man kind. The General then recounted the ba tie of Cape Gerardeau, and spoke highly of the then Capt. Majors. He closed his talk with an invitation to the poorer soldier boys to come to the State : ..F MI. . llw.n a -r. n.,r I mirln J " j ning to be welcome, and buy the cheap est and best land in America, etc. Miss Grace Mc.Maken recited the de- clamation ' How Ruby Played the Piano," i .land resiionded to th- Q-rcat i- in Is of applause with another selection . Fred Harris, now a Methodist minister at Griswold, Iowa, was the last comrade to speak. The following are the names of coin- j lades reporting for duty since 3 p. I , 111. i yesterday: Geo. V. Hall, F, second Lincoln. J. W. Blip, E, second Greenleaf, Kan. G. W. Davenport, G, second Pawnee City. M. Divenport, E. first Pawnee City. John Birratt, F. s-cond DeWitt. W. A. M Hall, F, first Firth. H F Sapp, E. second; Nord. W Powell, C, first; Syracuse. J Glilh spie, first Lieut Reg Cr Liu coin. W Queen, F, second; Lincoln. J El wards, M, second; Pawnee City. J Iler. F. second; Crete. .1 Biihs. F. first; Pawnee City. J N Peirm in, major, second; Neb. City Jos hipley. E, first; Point. L Neals, ). fi -st; Winnebago Agency. T N. Cahvill; G. first; Lyons. J Dwy.-r. G. first; Omaha. J All n, C. second; Pender. (V E Swihart, C. fiiM; K-nnard. S Divis II, s-cond; Herman. C Eis- ley, A, second; Norfolk. E Donovan, A, first; Plattsmouth. R C Mill-r, F. first; Norwich. J Campbell, F. first; West vi lie. Tom Majors, major, first; Peru. F Prouty, C, first; Peru. Mrs Prouty, C, first; Peru. F B Reed. I. first; Peru. Mis R-cd, I, first; Peru. M J Combs. C, second; Peru. J Mynes, C. second; Peru. O P Walls, C, second; Meridan. D Movers, C, first; Ruck P.,rt, Mo. II P K Hogg, F, first; Tronto, Kan. N Brown, A, first; Hamburg, la. A N Yo-it, A, second; Norfolk. T Tippin, F. first; Choerty, Kan. J Drs?y, A, second; North Bend. L II Laughlin, I, first Crab Orchard. D Gall. G, second; R-serve. Kan. C Widdeubacher, B, first, Soldiers Horn -, Kan. J Mitch-11. A, first; Plattsmouth. J McNeil, G.-u; St. Louis, Mo. J ii BeardsUy, K. first; Yyeeping Wa ter. J M Birch iff. G, first; Elmwood. C N H listens, B. first; Nebraska City. J .1 Tina r. 13, first; Fall City. R iiirch. L s cond; Firth. F Link, B. first; Almi, Kan. T 6 I.' i lis, H. second, rlattsmoutii. II W Soge, II, second; Plattsmouth. S Rector. K, first; Weeping Water. W L Welif, A, first; South Bend. J Hess, A, fir-t; Wabash. J A Shurk-y, A, first; Weeping Water. G W Emery, C, tiist; Ashland. E ll Kinney, 11, second; W W. U U RteUelt, li, second; i uiierton. B II orison, H, first; Gillmoie. M Harrison, G, first; Omaha. W M Gillespie, C, first; Lincoln. A Mali m ister. B, first; Omah;t. J Holm, E, hist; P.pi'iiou. J F B hm, E, fiist; Omdia. II J Richards, C. first; Lincoln F. G Kendall, A, first; Union. Gov. John M Thayer, Col., first; Lin cob;. M Cain, A. first: Neb. City. E Sampson. L, secoud; plattsmouth. W C i ilt int, V. Union. T O E'.lis, A. fust; Pl.-ittsitiouth. C J Cutl r, ll. seeond; Mo I d I'l. R Kinn inioii. A, fi st, PI iltsilioiitll. li sides the tdiove given names tln reare as many m re r'-gist-red w h- enlist-d in -;h'T sa;ea ;d wilo are iteic by i'lVita . . . , ("he ,rreat camp hre will be held toniglit t tJii, ;i ,,U5l. Among th- . xp-ct- 1 spe-k rs are G v. 1 hyer. Lr -n John NcNi-al, Pod' Vmdervoort -T II- 1-, T. b. t.;i ii ks..n. John GilK-spie, H C ! Russc-11, L. C. Riehar-ls. After mil call of the Fust Mid S-cond regiments this aft-moon a line was form -d on M it n street, and led by the i:ny- dri.iv. ctii. ...Hicm-d to tlie r si fh-nce of Mrs. ll l. Livingston, 221 N. Sixth stre- t, wher- military resp-cts w-re paid in honor of Col. R R. Livingston ,uecvtt3td, of the Firs: Ncbroka. i res ' : I's '". 'z.- 1-ir th- tin. I-; - . :! li t. ami i:..y, -ii'-;I.., ,,, . t -f'-'i-r ill.. r :.;- -.,.e one v- v . ii . I.e.'-, I i - . i .i l!;e n. e t:f l..e : ' .o).- .-..-i li - V. II all'l 1 !-!-: '.. V.'.,:' l.aelule.i I'-inil Ul'.. ! .( I ., I. l-l ill r (lillTl K.e.n. I'.-e V.'lieri . I-re s. 'nil- t .''. .t' i f t.'e u . . : , r... i: t! : LJXiAI,. Notice of calo of Bonds Sea'eil bills will lie iec. ivel l y I1 e coiuily clerk of Cass county. N--)r;isi'i a Irs i HI' lip ti!i noon on M.ucli 4tli. is'.i'i fur the nu lia-e .f ten lioiuls -1 SI (M o.(Hi i iieli clot- i! Mar- h 1ft, 1S!KI ainl m mini cii 1 1 in one to ten tlie llo-t ne line Maiell 1st. JVC, ai il l;.st i tie uue M rcli 1 I . i;hi:i, h-aiiia: inier. st ;0 r pel cent a-r ;i ni. inn iiyidile n mi a iiniii. II y . P- nes liayiib hI iNeln: i-ka liM-al ;.- e ew V..r. City. 'terl l y L- uiv lie pri ciiii't for m put pni-e o1 building h waen ln i(Me iiero-sllie I I a 1 1 e live1. H nils lefii'ar In e ei y i ei-p ei and f 11 history fuion-hetl to sue es-fu hiil.P r. H-ar reelvts the ni; I to -j.oi a- y rail bios. lilHIl .'i tlfll I-I I- 4l 2 I ..tin y clerk. Notice to Bridge Bu'lders. t ill' w ill be leeeivi il lo the eoiuity lerk "1 Cass fotni'y, hi t Io- c erk's i dice ;ii Phots in nlh. -fl . up till i,i mi on Maiell 5. 1 i I i 1 hi i ui IriinL-ol a ile v. ;u on 1-iiil e jer sf i n I'laite I i i-r ai l.oi.j viH-.N-b. v hiili oi na -way ten fett.wi li wo lu ll ruts fit y f-ei i, leu- th each To lie eiistrnct eil ol 1 1 i - e - h 1 1 oak pil-s i weiii v-six fi ei ! ji Hps i f w hi'e iik lOx ill a"l I wi'l v . f. et I'D ji put . n vn Ii oi e i en (ll :ft phiK ilin t two ii eln s pin- -p-ii lvei.t-iwo 1-ef xijih iii,e linesif jciis--.!l l.iu-w.-ll t lieil 1 i -edi -r it en l uili3-4in: I). .Us. l-'.'o- ' In I e ,'12 w inle -;k Willi -il Mibsl:-ilial hai il-1 : iis. well b In ii to j is s. A'Si'iincif pin- for ice Il eal. MXi e :e t. i'I'IV n six f--i t :d Ve :(.!! I ei t lee lneal- ins t- be lli.12 o;.k A fWa l.r.K s 1-. be 3 1' i-ai . we I licpeil i pilin- I., ii th . In iilye est lll-t ll I n be 2 tliKI l'eei l!-: lit fesel V s Ihe i"i:hi in r jec: ai:. m l! hi. Is an-i pi n iiinlspi i j ea im.s uie i.ei-i-'l to he liii-i-h-' Willi ci.cli bul. I'll 1 4 "ul nt i ki i. -.9 4 ( l.'t k f Hoard nf . i on in issi oners qsidcs: notic:. I IIP e-uii c-in i-sf .tier- i-i .-.- ......(j Nerra ka. w-ll lec-i.e hois up ti I noon ... Til- iiy M tell 1, 18'jfl. f-i the biiihli f i il briljj s'hhtinax h- hu It hi said ( fiss e limy tor l i.e eiisoin- ye ir. ll pi es to h - . f whi:e or bir r oa ' 10x10 in -eheK and c ips to ante .1 it t b- 3x12 uie e w.i 'te pin- H loo i to lie 2x1 .'. li le i.r hu . ak. I'o rteeii loo- ro:mwa, eiei plan tw i i dies t h ieU t h- al; . and I - be pi i -eil rh w n f-lif feet when leipli id. A II hi aei s t he 3il oak. lo be ri wi h li-r e (pia rer i. eh In.h-t-i each i i!e Hand rails t- he 4x4 tune and hol e i to ou'-hle jnit wi Ii on- to e'aeh pest. an. I 1'Li'l 'n be 2x0 a nl on- 2x1 Mali plank ndie'vli All otil-ine j isi to lie, b.-'o.-ii to e o willi holt tlllee .plar er ilc-Ii I y '-'2 Hi lieslm.g Cans o be put on .ith on- iiieli drift pins 22 inches l.imr A so hidi. for r-'iiud pilinj; wiP be coniil-red Th- board rei-eive Ihe right tn reject ,on o; all bids. h vis K-i.t. ("h'n 15. ai- (.f Co. t mo attest : IilKD Cm iCH-li-LU, Co. del k. Administrator's Salr. In the (lis r.ct emit of Cass county Vf-I r,il;. In the inatter of theestaieof Win. (imli inan. deceased : Notice is hereby iiiv- ' lliat by virtu - and in pui'siia c- of a:i r ol l:cere aiie m i-ald matter by the distric court of Cass county on Ihe 2d day of . v tu be r, A. It. lssll tliP urnler.-ieed Hijdielh (rin hm n will on the 2-'nd ' ' of Maiell. A. 1) ls90. at 1 o'clock p in., at the srupli d rol the court house i.t i lattsiiionth. Cass county Nhi raska. ofl -r f-ir ale at public auction tnef-I-lowi;i-' desr ribed lands si;uated in Cass county ei.r tska. to-w it : I.'itt. liumbei s 42 ai d 43 of sect ion 20 in town acres, lot iiuiiUx-niiii the southwest fmirih ot thesoHthwestf)iinterofsecti-n20i.. t .v-.slnp 12. range 14 east., co.. pris-im i and e.'-lfnia.'-res and lo.imtiib.r 41 in the rmrthv.a-ni .,.i oter j section 29 ill township 1'; ran ire 1-. e;i-'. com - prLiiia iv stores. Mibjeet to all Ileus aiu incui..- branees thereon. 1 KKMS of Sai.K : Two-thirds rash and the bahl ee on o-e and two years' time in eoual payment bearing interest al s p r c,-i t s-- ship 12, liinye 14 eas', coin iili- iuir p.' and 20-10! cured by ft isr mortgage on lands sol-' or 1 11. 1 of eipial value, or ad I -r cash. Dated the itli (lav "f Kelu narv. . I). t-n. K 1. 1 Ii A b E 1 1 1 J IT ! "I M A N . Bvnox Clark. a-1u i'-i-st r;-t 1: v . Attor ,ev for Estate. ,7 j Administrator's Sale. In the (li.-tnct court of assco 11 v. ebia-l; a In t he 111 nt ler of I he c-t ate t ' illia 1 ut ii nian. d.-t-eas-d : Notice is hereby -ic- that by yi: tue ai d in piir-uaiice ot an or h-r of i ceiise made in said m tier hv the di-tiiet ci.iii; of ass county ' ii the 2n-li liav of .la v. l. lssQ t he uiitl. isi-neil hiiz.heth (Iiithman will on ihe 22nd day ol JWarch.A. 1 l'.i '.a 1 n'cl- ci n in. itl Ihe south (! or ol th- eouit lime - al I'lilltsiiinut h, 1 ft e.oin'y. Xi-I-risU. 1. -r I .: ;i. at public auction the foil-., in- de crii.e lands, s-iioud in Jit-'4 county, N'b'aska. lo : lie-iunhi it tie final te-- seclion e..i. r on ihe s-iitli sine of secuon 33 in to n-hip l.j north f lanue 12 enst of tn- P. M , 1 h-nr ; 1 11 011 in l v.est ali.u- ihe south line of -;.,d s.-.-- t ion. 40 eh a' us I o the..; ih-.-st c.inei- t sai.l secilon.; .0 s to ihe south v. tst co.iiei 11 t-e southwest ijuaii.r if the s utthwest 4iarier of s .id seed 11. I h- 1 c- n-i 20 chains to til lion ea t corner of the soul h wesi fpaailer of the southwer'. (pro ier ot s;-iil see' 00. thetic- noitli 20 caains ti the north west c rner f the northeast rpi.i f-r .t tin southwest (p arter of sai l -ecti.,. t :, noe e;ist VOclliinst IH- li"!'l !i-'u-M."i -. of t he 1 nr. ii - 0 is' ru-otPr oi ; .he :,-n:rhv, est i(i rier of si, in StCliou fhei'cif'i -nil and V.-100 rh ihi l t e n.irth i'. e.-I cornel ol lot 2 II vi',1 s. (- '.in 3 til lice ii'-rl 'I 01 d-'-r.-'-s ea -t J i'iilt !, eham- 1 her. c-nori li 2 -';i- - -. ":: o-t .hains. there, nor li Zt df-s; ia.' I 1 h 101-. 1 ii 11 e crdi 40 !i-i'o- I'll! 3 iiinl 4' ix.1 ell till -. ' Ii i r e s-.nti a.1) an 1 !! l '1) c!i .i is. th-;i-- .irl! :''. w, sr :: an I '-Hki -ii in-, t ii-n-e 11 a t h im d.-i ees ..1 " ch - lis tli-iie- u h 71 v.e-i 2 and Ji lo ci! ins. ; I:eiic s. .i-.f 2n evst.". ch li.-is s u'h 7s decrees liont'"-'-' ".'.' t -;el r.i 'no ch illis. Ihtii. ,. i. .r-i -c t.esT 2 Ii . .-.i vaiaiii :.' i.i-ie -- on lit ie'l'es we-t 1 ;t ,. 3 10 1 eh 'tis. ! ie:-ti' :t 1:2 ! an 5s p.f cil'illi I- 1 li- snip a liae -I -it ,1 -I et 1 11 Xt 1 n- nee we si 9 a-. 1 1 4-5 b 0 e ia-: - i ti e p a-e of be.-nniii, 0111 pi I 1 11-: ry, ami i-'exl Ci-s -uhii-cf 10 a : li-lis nd i-i uiiil r oi- es tter 0:1 tms -1 sal . 'Wo ll.'r.fs c;i-.ii iii.d In in, hi lice 011 on--and t '.. --. . I. '.io n , l 11 payii.eiitii he i in iu e . a' "1 ii .'cent se died by Ms.- inlrt---e -11 lands .s l.i or id . j,i;tl value or all for C s 1 . L'i.t. d ail of Frhni-irv IS'-") KulZ YLSETIl ..C 1".iI aX. Adniini-tratiix. TiYRON CL! K, At! in- V I !' Kst;ii-r 47-4 V ) : sure r.ixl call on G-ring & Co. for prices on Puints, Oil. Varni-hes, e etc. Wall Paper. Wall rajx r! r.t the lowest j li ving profit at Curing Si Co"s. 41S Main street. flu 8 t lialil' i-t th' Alirnr ! - :'-i!v : r in 1s-7. wa ' .!'. d. .!.:. ip.ii. N. V. ii i i Ou r 1'mmI 1 !i.i i I Is- in imiiie- -.i.-l : ! I I r ' . ..' . l!..e ' i lie I .KM I !' :. r !. -i' 'I -. ll keejn I ! '.:. I i . i . . , .ne., M on. i... u.-.-r ..1 ..j-, . r.y I... rn e;ir. .. i.ui i;ii.U?n, V t . Ordinance -o I2Q. N "ilia N M i; call v.u a sp,..i., r h-ellnii In Ihe eily f . ,s., imlll m he ouipiiM- of ( li blinji I ll - !ej;:il volets id srt i, ,-i t y I o Voto tl a pl-o i:i I. to is-u- and rivelhr; bo- (Is of s:. I.I (! lo Ihe ( iniha .Sini'lielli l.ailway eiuiiMiiy to I i t li nin u n I of forty t h'lisa ml di liars t a id In the e -1 1 net lou ol s. ml e. in n.-.iiy's r oh nad ;iiul I lh.- puiehaso ol - ylll i t ,V iiml di p .1 );iiii;nds. l.rliM'l'li a po' ii t -n I h 1 1 n if of I It- is -.hi i i 'art di I y in l.lheily pi ciiii-l ' ass eouii I y . . br.isl.a.iio'i t ll Villi Its i.iui h I o lie i'l t ! e i i vor. licit ttuhiiiiiil lit Hit: Maijitr iiml Cinuuil of Un: i nl I'liittximuith : l.i Don 1 ;i pe a 1 eleel I -. 1 1 he ; ml Is 10 leh. railed to h I i Id 111 Uie ell v .,! i la its ly id (' s-, nl ii;,. Male of x - bi'.isLii. in t :.e io si day i f pnl, Is'.kj il iln . t.: : i sic ili i in each lil .i sail eil y .,r ih- ,1 en hi ine lej;a. t-is if p.i il e I v i Vol. upnii Ihe lOlhoMnK l i-.ll .11, li;:lln 1 : ' li a I iht- e . I ol hots, i in a ill I iie cnitnl y f. iiss . no ri.ite enr rkaby Is iii.ivm itinl u 1 1 e d i.-sue lis o. lids I i t' e am .inn u. . ny 111 lis.iini dull.. .-. iiiu int- re-l emip n p.i -! le to in i'-- I w.;i, .y y ... . ,tf ;er d..l e ii in I re-iii-eniiilde ill i lie piiiisll if I s..- e.l lil'.een ea.s.iltei li.i ..ale an : di.iwi . j t les ut 11 Io i xc-e d sx leenl p.-i i i. liin. p. y ,i b o .on .iil . in eies iiml ( riiii-ipa I it p.iy.inli; . he ins al ii- ii y of i he si .u e nl Nebi .is a in lie e ty ol i w V. i k I.. I It .al-nf ewVnlk, li i sii.i-i ih eny oi l .iisin u ll in time unly I ii-s I t.,e si;lie nl ii,:a-ka h-vy iiml il oo ll Us , n.per llieeis eaise o he p-vie I oi u..lly uji . l e ,. nl - j i- ,, n . f ihe sa d . iiyi lil il in. in h. u siiili -i . ii,. I ix in ay he me C-Bl .Ol-l i I'. 11 ei J .ill l- 111. sane; lii-c.illl S II 111 ai.diln.ii in ;.il i.tlei .axes, i-aiil i-Miils I . t; i-vi -.1 ID l.i.f ) ii ill i Sun lieru i;,,i v.i.y c. n.p. ii). 1 1 - i nl s,.io limhii soli In-Ill .' Mil ,1.1 U , S!l til 11,1 ul- IjCiOIr; .in;;;, i n.n i h, i-nnlj. i i i . l-:j i Ijiii.u . t- ... - ei . eii'.::p an i ii.vo ill i.p.-i.ui n Ms line of v . . ..r:., " -. ..'. 1 k. t. o,- Ol ll ilnd .1 U 11 ....... . . V - .. an- niM- .. . s . 1 . ., .- t - ,7 j '0,. p. o.j 1 . 1 ,ne-rr 1 I. etiiet 111 I as- c uii.y, A bi iM.ii. 10 o i li y i 1 I 1 1. 1 sin. u, n 1 ni .1111411 rani oil ly 10 ine 1 i.t le r ior and r-h.i 1 p-i'ma-lieut J locale Us pa s li, r ll O f 1 itill nepiits .iiid I1ecess.1i y jilwii 1 1 ! s up.,11 its 111.011 I ut! Ill to iilu east .f .i.rtiden 1 a . e a tuiown Upon t e 1. colded ;in.i it (Ionize i lal nt raid eiiy I 1 oVi-li il 1 111 1 iii 1' thai sad Inn is shall iin.y be 1 ss 1 1 lo a aiiioaii: 1 rpiai lo the aei ual ens. o. lh- ! v.ay 1, (-.. 11:1 s nl i.-.i olv ol l ils.s and me t-Xliens Iheiei f ami shah be .iehve.etl I o til i-ald Dnaii.i S.iillh 111 i.itnwaj e. 01 any or to sue.i p.-r-nu or 1 er siuis as ii in y d. signal ." .-k:. 2. ." in 1 bo os hall be i-.sii-d in denoiil 11. 1 1 Inns ol si .(1.1: 1 w .1 11 cull p. 111 1 hereto all acii e 1 P. 1 all vi .-, pay lueiils thai may b. eoinn due lln icon. .--.('. 3 1 lie fniiii of lln- th-k-ts wa!cii shall In- 10 -ilnpin sod ipiestioii .11 s .1,1 election hal ; be ;,s fol ow s : " i-or I he issue of b.;nd -. to pui eha-e ri-iil of way iti:il uepi t :uu ids ana to aid in Ihe enn M 11 tin., ol the Dm. iha .s.,utiii-rii ladwity and 1 I i lid I 1. pal , a " ainl "AUitiio-1 ihe Us ll- if h 1 1 iis tn p il chase I f-lit - f w..y mid oep t gri. mills it:nl to i.iu in the c 10-ii'iici ion ol I he 1 ia;ihii .sunt iiciii railway and ii-ainst additional tax.'' sk,:. 1. .sh a Id iwu-ihirJs or more of the voles cast iit Said leeii ui haVrt urilK-u or pr.nti I hereon, o pii'.iy written or printed Hi- icon. "Ki r b mis t mil ' hi.-e ri.dit -I way and aid in lh- eunsi 1 uei p.n d ih - ( ma iiii Muitlieiii railway and fur additional lax," then tin-' piopii- tion shah b- adnpied an 1 1 in m.iy i r ami coa m il ol saj p y smiU l . ml hm iz-ii to issue mihi ii.inii - - mii-r ami by die nam of "(:nha mh,! In-rn idl'.ay leimls ami sioiii annually I.yalnx for Hit 111 '' '.s' ilU'1 l'"";' - :i" iy ,,H' , ' K 1 " "'.1 election .-. ill be , . Id ;it 1 he p,- nt' l!;!"',! '." P-e--s 1:1 the eny of ' 11 ' """ Kt April. A. I ''. h.iuie.y : tr1 'J ',1' 1:1 V''1'' '. l'l ' d lit ' a-s ( oiial y lion -,-. ( x . n U u t: U a. (im.;u it 1.1. n-y !:i,n. iiiu,l,i.f j'1 ,,, , ... , ,, . ... ., o.itli w..rd at ' f.i e of !. A. Waterman &; Iohii::: nauieil idilii) phn.-es ii Ihe cnv of .Sioli. t f ll w;ifd at r"i;:li waii sc. rml house. Aim! e -,! '..1 sitia palls shall open i.l :i o'clock a. in, of ti day ainl close al 7 o'ei.jc: p ni lhele'!l. Mm ... 0. There shall be hr. e jud- aT.d two cieiKs,.ei ctun appoiht-d by 1 he in ivui' ami cm eil for eaeh warn and t'c judjj.- clerks i f !!-(!. 1011 s i 11 peil. 1,11 tin- dutv at lieu leeu .11 Which (hrvoly e i.po.i jiidyj..' aiel elel Us of 1 , -ci ! -11 at eecli'ms ,,t ci!y otllci-M a. d ti.e lelui ns tie rrof shall ben,le by said j'l'lm'" an eleiks lo the inayi.i mid t atve uiii li ot s o l city wi-liin -me day itfu-r -aidVl clion 11. 1 s.,i I may r "'. i .vnim-il of sa.,d city shall c tnvass tin- ..le anil dci.-lai - t he 1 i sii-lt of Saul ele- t v.n .ti the levt retftiliir sessh.u f sati C-'llneii iif'ei I he Vllil cl-fc!.'.ni or as soon tliele .1 ler ;-s praet leal e. KC 7.'-e :.t rtai.l eleciii.i, sh .11 .e -ieii hv pimi.s'' !; ill's call ill Tin. i'i aI'o.MiiI'Iii ' U '".( v I.I ,ial Ihe I'la' ! -m lh tVtek ly .loei .i. l o. ce a week f. r f or essiie tteel-.s' 1 ".in e; tion pi or to i-aid d.ivof elecriru s-uu me city 1- i K "had c.tu-e t 1 n- posted in. a eo --it c-i us ;i-; at e 1-11 1 ' I eal-l p ll 1 1 ll piac -s :t eei ti!-d o .py .,f this cap a;.d -i oposi io i i unui! ihe inn -said p .!s M,rtu l.e open. SK- . S I Lis ..i iiinane.- shall hi- in fmce am: t ike n-ci from a tliu.eri s passage, appr.v l an nub h- ii ' a--:ej, i,u approved thU 17:h dry ol Keiviu arv. a 1 1 isi, Atust; F. M. l K HF.v. Mavor. V. . K. K.-x. city lerk. LECAL H : TICE lh.-i Or- e- a w ill t -kc n-di'v- that o-, .Tanuary .". h !L" the Piati-mouth i mm it;,u 1 pruvp- nieat -.lupany bewail an a ti :.. in the distnet i' -nit "f i ass county. N-'i.-.a. t. attain . Jon. lie ..I jeet and l' tin! ll Il-il is t o rpliet t hf nlein plott.;'. l-i the nor' i w-st rj f,-tit i r'l;-.. t utit-r s-ciinn 11 t'iW'ia.i.;ii If. a-riira j! - l:ie st. an lhat un !es y. tt iua,ki" oisw r P. sai I et ti-n on or li -..i.'- April H. l. the alieitiitii-ux I lere (vohtallied will bit " .ken is nil ; and j i-.'a.'-.t leiidrred accoid- inly IKK rLAT ! Vl';iiH Lt.MI & I.MI'f OVK M i; N L' I o allouA Browne. Atlornevs. A d ti inistrator's ei49 f will sell at pul-lie net inn :;l t:i Schiicht-iiii-r place P- it ck P. nils uv(-iuct en Wedtie lay. Much io;h. lsvi l o'thicK ;i. tn the f .PoMii.g pro ei-.y: About 1.0n li!s!i.-ls of i--ni. II li. ;'. i.i 1.. r es. 1 t-.o bois.e w a-on, 1 -ei ii.:ai.i- harn-ss. I cu'.tiv:: -r, 1 lister ami :iiiiand niiineroiH miter art rli-i. ' erms of sale : All sums of -o and iiud.-r cash. over sio sj -lionths t'n.e will bn -iveu at pi p-r cent uue-est will, aiipruved n' Five per en l ml fv.r c.i-h. OF.'), r. Id.OYO. VrtiiiiuUtratur of tlioe' of Uenjaiiiln .Maey (! eea-ed. at W. I). JONE-?, Auctioiu-er. Glass cti s of all kinds and colors & Gering &CoV 413 Main street. i i