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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1888)
1 PLATTSMOUTH WEEKLY' flfirtiiy, thiJKSDA V, JUNE 21, ISSS. ' ) t T i k r , - ii I i "1 H fi :1 I 17 F I S i i v.. . v. I COUNTY LEGISLATION. Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners .ji nk xkc8ion, Jim; 12, 1888. I5o:inl nu t pursuant to adjournment, Present: A. It. Tmld, i O JJird Ctitclificl.l, A. li. Dickson, - g Clerk. J.ouh r Kit.. ) 7" lluanl wuh in Kes.iioit ull elay .lime 1-tli iiixl Kith as it board of i-ipiali.ation, hear tig complaints in regard to fissci-.sineiits, nml adjourned to meet tomorrow, .lune 1 1th. Jim; II, 1888. Jioaid met pursuant to adjournment and continued to hear complaints on as hessniciits. 'I'lu; following complaints were heard and ndjuded: Complaint made by Win. Kastcrday and Kd ward Tight; that Mil hat 1 Kennedy refused to list all his stock to he assessor, was set for hearing at U o'clock, at which time the following iidjust nieiit was made of the case- O. Burgess being duly HWorn, upon oath says that the stock not listed was worth only $S.()0 per head, and the hoard ordered that the assess ment of Mr. Kennedy's personal property he raised if 1 (JO. 00. Information filed ly Fred fiordcr that the assessor of the Ht ward had failed to asss lot eleven in block No. Ill, in city of I'laUsmoiith, the hoard ordered that said lot he ussessed at $-100.00 for the years 187 nd 1888, and he put on tax list for each of said years. Board then adjourned to meet tomorrow. Jink 15, 18S8. laid met pursuant to adjournment, when the following claims ami com plaints were heard and changes made in iisses.-uieiits: f,ot 17 in Sec. 1:5-12-1:$ wns assessed by commV-ioners at "((. Lot 54 in Sec. 1:5 12-1:5 was assessed at $100. Lot " in See 1 ''-1:5 was assessed at $1 (. Lots 10,11 and 12 in block -1, I'lattsmouth city, was reduced from 1,200 to ?1,000. Lots , - , . . :, 4, 5. anil 0 in block 22 in youiif; and H.' .ii ,.; ..r ii.,ttwmtli ri. ayes add. to city of 1 latt.Mi out h it- dueed from 400 to $:500. Lot 1 in block .18, riattsinouth city, reiluced lioin .oo to 400. Lot 12 in block 40. I'lattsmouth city, reduced from to $2."0. Lots 0 and 7 111 block o., riattsinouth city, re duced from $40.1 to $2o0. Lot !5 in block ."J."). city of I'lattsmouth, reduced from Si 50 to $12". Lot I in blk 57, city of riattsinouth, reduced from $200 to $125. Lot 0 in blk 57, city of I'lattsmouth, re dueed from $200 to $125. AV i of lot 1 in blk :$5, 1'lattMiiouth reduced froni$l.- (.00 to $1,500. reisonal property ol . W. Hull reduced from $08 to $7:5. lVr sjnal propertv of Mrs ('.Johnson reduced from $05 to $40. W k of lot (J in blk :S5 1'iaU.smoath. reduced from $:5,000 to $2,- 800. Lot 1 in blk (JO I'lattsmouth, re dueed from $800 to $7(. Lots 7 to 12 in blk 10. I'lattsmouth, reduced from $1,200 to $1,000. Lots 1, 2 and :5 blk 80 I'lattsmouth, reduced from $450 to $400. Lots 1 to :5 in blk 8, "White's add., reiluc ed from $150 to $100. Lots 1 to :5 111 blk I'lattsmouth, reduced from $1,500 jo $1, 200. Personal property of Ueards- ley, Clark A: Co., reduced from $:!, 000 to S2.000. Lot 21 in Sec. 18-12 14, reduced from $50,000 to $40,000. Personal prop city of II. & M. It. U. Co., reduced from $ls7,500 to 120,000. lioard then made the following change in astessments of real estate in Cass Co for the year 18S8: Ordered that the land be raised 20,",; in Oreenwood precinct. Ordered that the laml in Stove Creek precinct be raised 10"... Ordered that the land in Elm wood precinct be lowered 10".,'. Ordered that h land in South Lend precinct be raised .V '. Ordered that the land in Weeping j .1 Water precinct be lowered 1 0",,'. Ordered that the land in A voca precinct he raised 10".'. Ordered that the land in Liberty precinct be lowered 10" Ordered that x . the land in Lock Bluffs precinct be low- ered 10".. The board then haying heard all com plaints in regard to assessments, proceed ed to make the tax lew for the year 1888. Ordered that the following levy of taxes he and the same are hereby made upon the personal and real estate proper ty in Cass county, Nebraska, and the countv clerk is hereby ordered to place the same upon the tax list for the year 3 888: -Total valuation of all property in Cass countv for 1SSS is $4,741,770.88. I h. following tax levy wns made oa each dollar of valuation: On general fund, 0 mills on the dollar. On bridge fund, 1 mills on the dollar. .1 fund. !i mills on the dollar. On Ii. it M. bond fund, :$ mills on the dollar. On insurance fund, i mill on the dollar. The following levies were made by the several school districts and ordered put on tax list for the year 1SS8: NO. Mil !. NO. Ml M.S. School Dist.No.l... 4 ' '-ii... " 4 .. ! V "i... ' " t.. . ' " " I... .Ill S ll'l lkt..Nii.i.. 50.. 0 0 C, . . s .. ! ..10 .. f, .. 8 If) . 7 r.4 r.5. r.i;. 8. ! HI. . . 5 10 .11 .vs .. ti'l .. ;l .. . s 11 S 12... .10 . S .20 r. j t:i 9 1.4 is ;.- n tv.. t;r. i;s '.!. 70. 71 .lu'i . . I. ..10 ..12 u . . s 74.. 7 .. 7f. . . 7. . 7;t . so. . SI . -.11 ."in .. 4 . . 7 . la s -2 S !d s St.. ..12 . it .H . '. -,1 'l0 . G . s . 8 . 5 .IS .10 . K .s.V '40... " 41. . " -12... " 4... "A'... 4.;... ' 4-;... " 47... 4 ... s.. sa . !' . 01.. !2 !. . tsi. . . . '2 T .is , . 20 .10 . 13 .. s . . . - . . 25 . 10 Tli.- fnllowinir lew was made on the h!1.1ii " " " ij in, ' " -'.'.'. ; IS ...Id ' " I ... s ' ' " 4, .1 j . : h'.'.V. 5 i " " ,; .. .. u ,,; .. -ji 5 1 ' " " ' :'...'. 4,i " " " " " j; . . 10 i " " ' j-i,! ' " .. . .. .. .. a, ...10 "1 a,i... 4'.' ;;;!'.; U I " ' " ' ;ti 1; ' " .. ;:j 12 . " " i .J j city of Plattsmouth for the year 1$$, and ordered on tax list for said yeur: 'iiikI 4 mill on Hie $ valuation K. -V M 11 i: .fiiiKlitiic n.iiiiiH. :t HiKti linmiU.J'i Kt-rtoii bonds i1, " " Hydrant icntal t; Street Ki'.-ulm 5 Inteisi ctnii i.avlnn I.oimH I " St.OHII WJIT IlKll'N I " " ' l ire water 1 iai tiunl J The following levy was made on the village of Louisville: 8 mills on the dol lar for all purposes. On the village of (freenwood, it mills on the dollar. The village of Avitii : mill on the dollar for all purposes. And the clerk was ordered to pur any utner levies mat may come in nereaner, on uio tux list as reported hv the several Hiliool ,. , . , 1 ... - I ist i iris or villa"es I Board then ordered that the county clerk levy stillicient to pay the interest md bonds due in each s nool district owing mem. noai u i nen imioui ue.i s .i if ...I.e. 1 : 1 ..I hoard of equalization ami to in'Ct .June . ... . I l(Jtll 1 SS Hoard mi t as a Hoard of ('ommusion- ers. J' ull Hoard present. 1 lie follow- 111 lflllll-1 Mill, IIKOtK M UMM " , r , irenrral fund: II (J Kiteli.e'assessiiurthir.l Wil.l 1 0.t (0 1. 1 l-.iklmll asKfvsin Louisville iileciiiet i,J.:! TJ! ) M A ml i ns. I ipl i n A voca JmiI ward l.ilieriy I ; tee li wool! rt.,ll-luiulli S-ilt Creek I si w ard A Shelilon 87 lil .... . l M .Jones " I'M till I (lei N I. a Hue " i lio - i I N Unit ii? imi i .1 Vale.iy i.ii; 'si I !S Saunders " A Hali-liury too Ceo K. Staals " Illi ward squill lu ml Stovi- Creek Ki'ht Mile (irovi l:..ek liluirs V eeiin)j W a'er. . Mt. I'li-asant . enter Kim woo l ' 1 1 (HI i I'rai'k creamer los Mullen " .laeuli Tristeh . in; oil win Us so 1 1 , -1 1 1 v Mill Mm ' I W Me.Miii rav " I--.. W N Miniuld " 7tj IKI 1 C iM l li.uer l. Ia'( lis " n" 4ti Ciielte- tuirnal (.', f'Milies. t 'limatliy I. ilk, enal to jail . . i ' A I. Ito. mil-e to Ii.iujk'I' s u". ,1 i. raves, same 1 ; i I'd Ci ill lilield, salary aul expense aeC 1 l:i u: l s, White nulse to l Clnii !es J- (iraves. Milne 17 .'Ml A II Maiiee. Hiinif a" I I J ' I.' i L- .... I., i-u 1. tl f ....c .1 i w I . i..f ... . ii r-t ri"t Idl 1 I I nrieii ennui lor soiiii. r . . ;i" ' 1 .1 u I'.iKeiiiiai .siiiiiiiioiiin .in it liueoity . Slitle .louriial Co, suiilil es li tm Tlieo Miller Keeping i.auner. . . a 7.r. s.,.iti.' .iisiiwi e.mvt ... ! . mi - . -- l'lattsinouili Cas i o. gas coiisuiued 5 (in NeliiiisKa Telelilione n. telt-iihoie rent 24 Kit K K ,;ell0,(l ,,,,1 SOIViee to pauper 20 us M p,,,!;, County Mipt , sal; ry and ex.. . W 11 Mai irk ho nlli, ( I isoliers. s.t si II 1' W'h sler, lioaiiliiiK jurors i'ln.ei-i Ins. Co, Insiiiauee on court hs K liovey ,: Son, nulse to poor hon e ... A Clark nulse to jail 111 a 1 ( ' I ; -ji I .) . raves nulse to paupers 1S w Mi anipMn, hoard lin poor 1'7 .M' I C M HaUer, intlHe to piiupers M li Muipliy. nulse to pauper 1 4 INI I Dmalia Kt-pul.lieaii. su, pile 1 iV li Knolls, printing: o2 .Ml 11 110 : on M A HartiKan deteiitl' prisoner iu c urt lleury lloeek nulse to iveeoriler 1'oisel .V hpelieer lnue to paupers S I HI it; no 'i tki 11; on .'1 IHI loan iiiuius hi. supp.!-- nauoniiy W .i W'aniek nulse to tail 1'ied 1'aitci.soii 1 ;il Walton repair to jail I c I'.ikenD.iry cerviet ot notice K Mull 1 A li Todd sal.irv as county loll:lllisiolle 4a 4e l.ouis l'oliz i 0:1 V 11 ideksoii ' ' ' oi 1! U of Waterman & Co, stamp for Itecor tier rciuseu The following bills were allowed on countv road fund: Win Cayell. i(w'ji road... 2 so 1 I) Aliuriis, same Isaac t'olaid. work 011 road.. K llel.lier. Viewing io;ul K H Todtl came i Tn- Xl lien leffner same 3 en I0I1.1 J'li 1 1 1 t s.une ' m K Ce jau,t.s 1 vii:i tiiii.iA 'I 1111 lersame in i si. " """" " r 11 1 -ii 11 1 I I lie Iollowir.i' bills wero nlbiweil mil l.i-J l.f fmiil- Oariiuni Dynn. luuiher i'., ii.. I'.r,. iii'ni....- 3- '' ....... j ......... .. . 1 .a r.- The following bills were allowed on li.tii( t fund: a.hi-uuie Resignation of Jacob Kusteiholtz as overseer of road dislisct No. 52 was ac cepted and E. A. Soplier aiipointetl to till vacancy. Frank Young was appointed oversee! road district No. 18. The petition for location of a county road beginning at the ne corner of the se 'jr of sec :-10 13, and running thence south anil tcrmina mg at the se corner of sec o -1 0-1 J, and vacating part of road Xo. 51. came up for final action by till hoard and the petition was refused. The petition for the location of a coun ty road beginning 00 rods east of the sw corntr of the se or of the sw cm- ol sec 00- 1 1-1 1, running thence .vest 00 rods anrl j feet, thence south to Eldora avenue, in the city of Weeping Water, came up for final bearing by the board, and the road was grrjitcil as recommended by the viewer, ami declared a public rwad. The following damages were allow ed for the location thereof: S. I). Fitchie, $100; G. W. Adams, $50: James (Tigbc $:$0; L. W. Gibberson $1. Petition for the appointment of b. P. ilollowny for constable of I'lattsmouth citv was granted. Petition for changing tne voting place for Weeping Water precinct was granted is petitioned for and the place for hold ing elections shall he at the school housi in district No. S: in said precinct. Countv Clerk ordered to advertise the unclaimed witness fees in the hands of clerk of district court according to law. Cost Dili of State vs. Ducker allowed. Board took up the petition and remon strance in regard to the granting of n druggists permit at Stanley, Nebr., and set the time for hearing and consideration of the same for July 11 th, 1SSS. Board then adjourned to meet July 10. 1SS8. Hi up CUITCHFIET.D, County Clerk. A. P. Tonn. A. D. Dickson, Lours Foi.rz, Commissioners. Tribute of Respect To Mrs. M. . Swan, member of the Union M. E. Sabbath School. Whereas, An allwise Providence lias seen tit to remove from our midst, hy death, our much loved friend and highly efficient Sabbath School teacher, Mrs. M. A. Swan:" JltxiIn-tJ. That we bow in tearful sor row to the Provide nce that has called her to the better world, we are never-tho-les ihecred by the recllection of her consis tent Christian life, her unfaltering devo tion to the Sabbath School work. Jlcsolrt-iL That w e extend to the ileai ones of the family our heat t felt sympa- tides in their sad bereavement -"----- Hcsolcnl, That a copv of these resoln tions he placed upon the pages of the re- cords of the L men M. E. Sabbath bcliriol; also a copy oe a. 1.. .T.'m, .a.,.. 1 1 . . i 1 : 1 ,y ami 10 cacu o u,c x , 1 sm ua,, , 1 x 1 til.. Til -it li. W. A. Peix. Sup't. ' GREAT CONVENTION. Thurston cf Omaha, Madj? Temporary Chairman. SYMPATHY FOR GEN- SHERIDAN. Ceneral Fremont Presented to the Convention by the Nebraska Delegation. A Lively Day in Chicago Oik At;o. June 18. 1888. Special to . .. , x, , . ...., 1 in-; I Ik r. i.D. No developments yet as J 1 who the candidate will be; under cur- rent in favor of Blaine does not lessen Thurston selected hy national committee j,,,:,.,,,,,,, ti. ..ft...- , luiiimwi ill v i nan iikiii, iiiiii . P"l" ' lly IIIIM l" 1UC gll-.lll-ni iwitui- tion in point of niunhers in th ; history ,,f the country and still the in-comiii"; . ... j ...h, .1bjpj . , CiiK'Aoo, June ID. Soecial to I in ' 1 IIkRAMK J fllC liall IS almost fllll to tile. entrance. General Fremont mected with . heers. . ... . . 12::$1 ( onvention called to order bv Chirman Jones, t'hirman Jones' speech emphatically favors protection and says that the platform and candidates of con- vention should he the embodiment of ,. . , this special i mm !-:) ieiu;oi ary eiiaiiin i iiui.muh nI L'l'te( with applause. Kansas dele o-ates announces that the Kansas delega- tion is not responsible lor tlic election ot I .in i i .. r rr . liiuiSLon a I in propose aiirn, oi .Mis souri, llissess. Thurston bey ins speech 1-00 Tlinrstoii's snei eli iilinetliated 1 Willi applause. 1 1 is reierence ine leader of '84 was greeted with wild ai- iause i.m x ,vi, viiau iii.ii , . that Lhline denie v;,,, supporting him II Chairman Thurston's statement nied us the privilege of in the convention, jrrett- ej w i t li cries of 'NV' and from the galleries, ran 1 iTr 1 .a 1 illusion says: tiare 1101 n. ....... if .w.i;ti.i..i .1 K..,1 f,i -UI111141' J'Vlfc.I.t l.t IlltV. lllJWil null" A. w I IMi:tKa rYnri';ii will (lvt:it tuiil fn- tinued applause. 1:14. Thurston mentioned candidates in turn and spoke of the republican par ty as the party of protection. Applause Wild applause greeted lnm wuen lie mentioned the Chinese question. Mr, Thurston on foreign policy: ' This ad ministration was such as to please every coward." He referred to democratic stradd'e of the tariff question and civil seryice reform amid laughter and ap plause. 1:22. Thurstain says the great issue yj L 1111.; v ci in 1 1 1 ii.w v.,..,. - great army will raise to trample out for I .. 1.. r r 1 i every pernicious ctoctrine 01 nee trail.'. 1 ,.!..... ll ...... ...I f..,. A ' Miiuc nun iiu:i.!?t. ui 11 ii ' 1 anotner flosses 10 m ike tne wanderings ot the republican pai tv tour years 111- 1 ... ...... sce!lt 01 ioIiy I Senator Iloie, of Michigan, presented to the temporary chairman gavel mad, of the wood of the oak under which the republican party was organized in Jack son, Michigan. 1:45. On motion Ilallowell, of Kan sas, resolutions of sympathy with Sheri dan wcr c atloptcd. 1:50. Request of Grand Army foi two hundred tickets was provoked tin iiscussion of the soldier ruestiun by Taft of South Carolina, Butterworth of Ohio and Lewis ot Kentucky'. Ii unanimous consent the reejuest was re ferred to nation committee. 2:00. Pioll being called for appoint ment of members of the various com mitlees. Call of the states dispensed with, the names being sent to the chair man. Nebraska now presenting Gener al Fremont to the convention much en thusiasm. 2:04 Fremont prcelicted victory undei banner protection to American industries 2:10 Fred Douglas was called or. mil addressed the convention briefly. merely expressing thanks for vrelconn ind expressing hope the convention will make such a record as to put it out of tin power of the democrats and mugwumps to say "see the difference between tin democratic and republican parties in re respect to his ritpe." 2:40 Committees being announced the Virginia contest was taken up and Wise took the platform and made strong pro tests against Mahone being put on cre dentials committees to pass his own cre dentials. 2:58. Mr. Hoar, of Massachusetts, saiel that Mahone and Cadeognes under parlimentary tules cannot vote on the crown cases. Applause. General Ma I hone took the platform, to make plea for his delegation. 3:20. Mr. Stephenson, of Minnesota, moveel that no committeemen be allow ed from contesteil states. On motion of Hoar of Massachusetts, motion was laid on the table. C:2'l Davis, of Illinois, offered resolu tions for a call of H12 states for presenta tion of credentials carried. Roll now ba ns called. It has boen decided that . . . ... - ontesting elelegates are to present t.ieir I credentials to the committee without .afp. - Convention adiourned until 12. tomrr)W Coimnittee wUl mett af I ter adjournment THC IS. OF. L. E. Written'fiin 11i.i:ai.i. The nohh'st achleveaieut of man In this li'e. Is to hui Id up a In me r hi- ehil Ji i-:i it ml ife When once ilt'priveil of n pliiei- 10 e.i 1 ho i e. He heroines hut a hea! .o'er this niaiK-t t 10. tin. 'Jake Iroin us hornet, Mid ynu lake elvih ttior. And Mnk into darkness our giej.t and proud nation . In view of Ihes: fai ls, though klein tin y may s.-eiii, ('an w take to icir iieiil t and In!. I in t-Pcm A K cat leu, that thiouii avalec 01 si r te. Will l.lihil.sllilll Iv k'lep hetweell lil lilt and his Will'. And take boiii t!ic ii their allowance ol I. ea.l. At the command of the man who is phirfd at the Lraif.' We ill admit. es all lie st ayice. That a s 1 i.i j; or : mat :on v. as the I!, ol I.. K. , llul iu IVh'y lai-l, il "s th. y o'er 111:1 And winked an njt slice upon many a man, I'or I here i'' d en. iiuei - ho s tnci nuicd not t lie st 1 ike. Out the hands ol the machine eie all reived They wi'ic earning j;tMil ua. s, their faiaoie had 1 1 u . 1 1 r- , And the idea of plenty made homo In iht and s'ini'V. Could tin: wife he more .i.lle and love hus haild lll'iie, Coiiltl rhe i'i't-t I'lni more warmly when they meet at t he il or. Could her laec l"i k 11110 pleasant, or he wee er ln-r smile. If lie earned the saaie nioip-y at four cent- a nu'e? Orjranied lahor may he t heoret ica ly rihl, And for 1 lie lahoi iuu men's interest as lor exis tence tin y Huh!. Out as a mailer tf prailiee it can never succeed. And on to succors the lhoriu men lead. Kor Mieee-s in this lile means to individually t-l rive. And lint collect ill hoiiies. tlicl.y to connive. The 1'.. 1 f J.. I". . t In or li a strong oiiiai.i atinn. Represei.t s a small )ai 1 of cur hi and aid proud nil ion. And th.. 1. uii tin may .-I rive to d liht hy us all I'ar sin. 1 1 of t he mail; they ine il ahly fall When t hey 1 ry to j;:iia favor hy heco 1 invr the :iir'rersi:is. And lilt 1 heiiiM Ives cj) hy pulliiif; doua their f iieccsMirs. Throuuh 1 he laws of our laud and the oll'icer we ell et. Capital 111 ui-neial we riitist certainly protect. )n r 11 at ion demands i t and I he IS. ol I.. K. If like oilier eil '. ns could readily see Thai tlwir power i- snu.ll aim men easy to t'ei. Kor kill a rt uiinif nt i;f presidents and we Mill ha ve tine, yet. 15. Or I.. .I. They Cucked the Tiger. And now comes a rumor which, if true, bids fair 1 o bodiroiiie people 110 good. As is well known, the brotherhood of firemen and engineers have, since the stike 0:1 the 15. oc M. riceived pay, monthly, from their respective orders. The cash has been distributed by men from heael fpiarttTS selected for the purpose. It is rumored that the pay for last month is still being awaited by the men here for this reason, bonio days ago, it is said, tin- paymaster started for Omaha wilh about &4.000 with which to liquidate the claim of the societ y. Hut, as reported. the mi 11 are still wa'-ting. "It is allcget that the paymaster instead of paying oft as be should, blew the wlmle amount in on faro at Cuuncl 1 11 u ITs. A striking en gineer was s-een yesterday morning and in reply to a tpustion as to whether they had received their allowance for last month, said "he had not" So it would seem that something is in the vi: tl. Th nioniy was due long ago and if l.ot paid by this time there is surely something wrong. Iiee. "That Dam nod C.-een Flag Again-" Mot nt Vi.nxox. N. Y. EiUlor Iiixh World:-- A gnat deal of surprise ha- been expressed bv funic persons at Mayoi Hewitt's action in refusing to allow the Irish fla 1 to be raised over the citv hall on St. Patrick's Daw To me it sceince consistent and what should have been ex ( cted. Does he not belong to the same put' and express the same sentiments as the Colonel of the rel el regiment at Aniiitaii who, on seeing the Irish IJrigade advanc ing to charge his works (the sunken road the third time mad? use of the now fam ous expression, "Hoys, lure conies that damned Green 11 tr nirain I" It was gall mil wormwood to them; it is the !-a:ue to our ('ig)nohle Mayor. Yours for the old flag. " "Axtiktam." This is the same old flag, interwoven with the red, white and blue, which will charge the same old Democratic enemy again in November: and no matter who our lead-.-r is whether he be P.laine, Gresham, Sheimnn or Allison the same 'Damned Green Fing" may worry the Democratic party and win the day. The New Daily f roin Monday's Daily. The Eccniay Neics which was to have put in an appearance in our midst today did not show up. However, the proprietors, Messrs. Ureen, Mann aud Dabb, are getting everything in readiness for operation. The paper will he a four column, four page daily, and will be furnished at the rate ef about ten cents per week. Plattsraouth w ill surely report itself in goml style now with i's three dailies at her back. We would like to see the hoys prosper in their new adven ture, and heartily welcome the paper among us. Plattsmouth does not afford iis newspapers the support it should, but when three ink fienels light on her all at once, it may arouse the people to a sense of their duty. LATER. Since the above notice was w ritten we have been sorry to learn that the proprie tors have abandoned the idea of issuing the proposed Etruiny News, and it has died before its birth. The boys were dissatific-d with thesuppnrt rc-.-eived and have come to the conclusion that Platts mouth is not as good a newspaper quar ter as they would desire a location iu. Ye are sorry to learn of this, but we hope the boys may find a more suitable loca tion for the employment of their talents. Ye did not lcurn whether it was their - intention to sta.t a daily in some other i city or not HI DIED OF CANCEL V- A Post Mortom Dovelops the Nature of Frederick's Maladay- 1'iiiii.iN', June The emperor and empress, accompanied by Dowager Em press Augusta, the grand tluke and grand tuchci-y of I5id. ii, and other royalties 11 A l . . . . ' - . . visileil .l.iper gallery mis inoiiiiiig. whih- they were a si'inbled around the iir of the dead monarch. Chaplain Keeglcf offered a UU'f prayer. The post mortem examination was ennlmed to the xamination of the neck, larynx and lungs. In the larynx, which was found to have been destroyed by Mippurat ion, w as a largo cavity. Dr. state s in his report that the disease was beyond loubt cancer of the larynx. lie adds that the diatrnosis was rendered very dif ficult, as th ' disease attacked the car tilage of the larynx at the outset aud afterwards developed chiefly in the lower part of the caitil ige. The Ntlhnnil ZuituiKj says that the autopsy proved that the larynx was completely tie.s! ruye 1 by the cancer, and that putrid bronchitis existed. I here was also intl unat ion ot tin; tiiu-r ramiliicatious of the bronchial tubes, into which t he pel! resit lit particles had entered. The whole larynx, as in a st ite of suppuration and presented a soft. ... 1... , ... (..r the art i I a o 1 110 us structure remaining. The choking sensation from which the emperor suffered during his hu , days, which was attributed to the pcrferation of the Miiil separating the trachea and .esophagus, appears to haye hern really lne to collap.-e of the larynx, owing to the destruction if the cartilage. Tin direct cause of do.dh is given as paraly sis of the lgngs. An impmal decree summons the U i( h- stag to meet the 2")lh. All the churches were crowded today. The service in the cathedral was attended by Dr. Yon (!os--ler, inini.--ter of t t-clesias-tical affairs, and many other high ofli'-iaK The service opened with the signing of t!ie ollh psalm. The Litany was read by Chaplain Schroedcr, who also preached the. ssrmon. Tomorrow the church bells will toll from 0 a in. until the funeral procession enters the Friederit lfs kirche, and again after the tiring of an artillery salute. General Yon Hlumenthal will be imperial standard bearer, ami will be supported by Generals Mischkc and Winter'icid. The Collin will be removed from the catafahpic by twelve officers of tin: body guard, and borne to the funeral car, pre ceded by the court chamberlain. . . TRUTH AN UNTRUTH. Just in time to contract with Mr. Pat terson's manly frank.iess on the tari fi' ipc-lion comes Governor Hill's speech, in which he said, if the St. Louis, platform was for free trade, he would not stand on it. The Governor has ncyer made any reputation as an honest man in his public career, and it is natural that he resorts to a deception iu his first speech of the campaign. Amitlu r iltanocrat unintentionally ut ters a great truth, in declaring that the St. Louis platform is no more for free trade than the republican platform of 100 was for abolition. Not any more and every democrat who supported Douglas or I'reckeuriilge in lSiJO declared the republican an abolition party, and its platform an obolition platform. They quoted with zest the. profound remark of Mr. Lincoln, that the republican party meant to place slavery "where the public mind would rest in the certainty of its ultimate extinction." That i exactly what the democrats mean to do with the protective policy. Thev rot propose to abolish it, by no means. They only ; intend to cripple and destroy it, part by part, so that "the public mind shall rest in the certainty of its ultimate extinc tion." Moreover, the public mind will have the best if reasons fur expecting the ultimate and the speedy extinction of the protective system i f the democratic party get complete control of the gov ernment, The dir.linetion is proper and the ebm ocrats are welcome lo it. They ele not intend free tradj this year. What they want is to proceed toward free trade as fast and a.i far as they can. "Freer" now, as Governor Hill pui.-: it: free trade as the ulti;r.iie end, Mr. "Watterson con fesses. The two democrats fit each other well. To make a dishonest party, they are needed men to tell falsehoods where false hoods pay, and other m .-n to tell the truth where the truth pays lxst.N. Y. Tribune. The following few we'd selected words, from the Lincoln Journal, can be appropriately dedicated to a member of the Council Bluffs ball team who so prominently held down third hae ilur ing the game here on Wednesday la.-.t His talents were forcibly noticeable, and we re willing to give a man blessed with such a gift of expression as much ef a send-off ( which he deserve?.; as possible: " A man who cemiLincs a large mouth an inor.l be di eiultd." nate supply of lungs is to We have mad; arrangements where by we furnish in our Weekly Herald every oth-r week an Instrumental piee of mu-ic arid every thrr week a Song. Subscribe for the Weekly and get the music. A JAMAICA MORNING. SCENE3 NOTED DY A TRAVELER WHILE IN KINGSTON. Koine Oil'l C'liarnrlrra A limit llio Ilotrl. Vlctorlit Market l'rl- of lutHllo. Itcrf, Mutton mill m't ulilt Tli lnf Hrr ot Mtl't Air. Karly every monifnx there wrn curious sceiifff aroiiml I'urk liltt. In Janinlea tli negroes have to Homo extent llm unpleasant Italat, connnon to llio rolereil InliatiitttiitJi of all tlio West 1 mlia Islands, of Ktjui'lin Im movalil') hy tlio quart. -r hour Kt;irlri at nny tliin that iiltracn their ut tent ion. When nlniie they ttaml erect nml fcili'iit in Ktttllei till they nceiii ahout to laku rotit. When they have company they nremoru likely to jahU-r us fast its their tongues ran movt. When tlio object of tlu'ir cariosity h:i'rii4 to lo n bt ranker viio it not use.1 to thl woit t'f iiiliniratioii. In U pretty bint to Ik) oinl..irra.s ;eil, iiihI Very liko to Ij.h'oiik: iinli;;ii.iiit. Hut it is only tonomo ex-ti-nr, us I have, that the ncrix-"! in Janui lea do this, ami when it i (tono at all it it nearly aiuayi tlonu by thoso who walk in loii ili.stanee.s from the country to Fell their proiltico. Thoso who livtt in Kingston uro useil lo seeing .l ran;;' rs ninl pay no ittleiition to them. Ill Jamaica eyes I'ark lotion in n marvel of ever I hiny sty lish ami elegant, uml the ilai l;ii:s eoinin in from tho liilla to sill their liananas ami nkees anl " e's, Imiss," eau rarely pass tho i'ii patefl without Kto.iiu;; tn piizo at thrt Wiimlerful sights within. DAHKIKS sriCINO TIIS KICIITH. 1 1, was 110 uiieoinmon t h in' In sei: four Ol" livo eoloiisl lailies 1111 I i'iit leiueil, with loit'leil trays balaneeil on their heiels, klaiul ine; in front ol the Park loil;;u ateM nt bliru fairly tlrinkin;; in the ( li ieulal iiii.-iiifleeiieo. 'I'lu: preat si-ht coiisisLo.l principally of tho fount a in in I he mi ih I le of t he yard ami a few strangers silting mulct' t ho archway leadine; lotho hotel ulliee; but this was enough to In terest t!io sablo triuiips, who I. ml already t rudged over miles of dusty ro.nU to lriti;j tlieii oods to m.'ii'kel., and hfill had a loii walk befori them. It is only fair to tho colored :opl.j of Jamaica lo -.iy that they do less fif this sort of thin than their brethren oil any otiier Kii'lish island in tho West Indici, In MoiitxTrut, for instance, they rortl tx .s' an;;i w hito man as n colossal fi.r;regutotl circus come to town, and folli w him wherever he K'"'s- In Nassau, though they uro used to seeing strangers, t'r.ey surround a new arri vfcl iu droves, and muko ' H'orts to secure sipe:ieo or even "a be; eoj '. r, bos." In r..ii'l..idoes, where the improvement of tho ncurn race under Lritili rule is seen to t,ho best advantage, they hi t aft'-r a newly ur-. rive.l n;;er lil;i a crew of Malay till he is driven to take rel'il,';e in tho n.tftrest shelter. Hut in Jamaica t hey aro qui'ft, in oll'ensive, and eaerally well Uhaved tind polite. Of c'iui si those who matro inf requent t.rijis from t heir eouuf ry homes to the: capital feel bound 1,0 sisj the sights when they uro in town. 1 thought fit first that these lads und hi.i'S with tr:iy:son t!: ir heads who stoppeil to st.:re in thf (.'.'no v ere waiting for achaneo i sell I heir wares, but they had no such idea. Twei or t';!",:' 01 11 -ii caino iu every 11101 -1 1 i ; 1 - - lo m'H ei's and fresh fruit, but they we re all. ' )m- morning 11 ejrl e.-amn in with n dozen line alligator .ear.s, w hich 1 bought for a few pennies; but I h-nn l soon afterward that 1 had ea tund the hole ! supply for tho day, mid I had to surretider them. One of the earliest arrivals every mGl"iiil; tho mail u !:o :-:ol 1 phot ora phi This Litl'- 1 eive him, "Tho ni ;a v. hu .sold fihot eraph," partly out of courtesy and partly tiicau-e 1 do not know 1! j: to call him. !!e.vas hardly 11 m;' n, alt houh ho had tho outward a);ieaiance of one, for ho had no more intelligence than one of the goldfish ill the foiinl ain, ami hodid not sell photographs, for nobody ever bought any; tho picture ho offered wore hardly wort hy the name of pho tographs, bi'iu tho ivnrst si u u 1' s the sun wn , ever made nccouritriblo for. TIM: VI'JTOUIA MARKET. l.rU lodL'ei i pei haps a tri!!; over n mila from the end of the str' t car line, anl tho market is one -hort bloc!; from tho terrMiiw, This i.s tho Victoria market, the principal one in Kington. Thero is imr.t.hev, called the Jubile:: market, i:i aiiOtl.t r part of tho city. The Vic toria market I consider tho (!:: t iri tho West linlics. In the early morn- 1 in . it is crowded w itli buyers, sejliera au'l floods, and by early morning I mean from (J to Ii o'clock. It ii a wonder of a market for any West Indian city, built entirely of iron, :;u0 feet long, and 200 feet wide. The end' and sides arc fiien, there boin.j no sidu walls, as none aro m-ede-d, but tho wbolo place is surrounded by a tall iron railing mounted on a i riek walL Everything about it is as dcim and sv, o t as possible, ainl even v.h.ju the tish and m'j;;t stalls aro full 0110 smells notlung bat tho sweet odors thst float over from the flower places. It cost about 11!0, CW0, and is well worth the money. "The beef, it is ail raised on the islaml, and, is originally very good becif lx-1'oro it c;o-a into the hands of tho butchers. lilit they kill it and seli it tho same morning, appar ently cutting tho w hole aniiiiul into Uices or chunks, without reu'iid to choice parts or poor parts. 1 kuow tho beef is pood when properly handled, because whenever I dined in a private house tho roasts were excellent, having 110 doubt been kept for some time o ies, but in the hotel, where it was ustd witbia a few hours of its coming from market, il was utterly unfit to put on too tuble. The mutton, too, ood when properly Iced ; but the best Southdown lamb, if Uilled at iaylight, woeM not be fit to use for break fast t'iat morning. This is tho pruetic throughout th West Indies to kill an aci aial at 5 and eat him at 10, and it accounts very largely for the wretched mtiat com monly servexl in that part of tho worl.l. Cioat meat ia not to Ijo laughed at, provided it oomcs oat ol a tender kil. I ate my first plate of roast kid in Bermuda, and like it quite as well as turkey. Straw l-erries aro scarce, and egr plants are not as cheap as they look at two cents each, for they are very small. The native way of keeping bouse- 13 to send a servant to market in tlo morning to buy provisions for the day, and, for one day only, and these will perhaps in clude a pound of onions, two eeiit-i' worth of small ve;;etab;es. a pineapple, and every thing on the same moderate h;-ala Therein reason for this, for scarcely anything w'lt keep without ie-e, and Ice is dear even w Leu cheap, in a hot climate it mcltaso. fait. These early morning hours for sight sc-eir.; and noticing the habits of the tople were far tetter than the evening. 1 have always ma-Td it a rule to lo under a roof if possible after dark m tropical countries. ftr;.l to this I attribute in great r.;;rt my esx'.'i from single day's iilnesi i:i all my ywirs of re-i-dence and visiting in the Wt-xt Indies. But there are many nights m the worst climates. even, when one c;ii ie out wiin periers safety. You le-arr. in time to tell by the feci of the air whether it is safe or not. William Drj'MUie's Kingston Letter in New Yoiic 1 Unci. San Francisco policemen say they have never seen a drunken China man I J