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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1888)
1 i $2 00 TKU ANNUM. I'LATTSMOUTII. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. MAY, 21 -8Nfc. VOLUME XXI V. NUMIJBK lo ( 7"r- -; H HvKfo - ffl it! T itl If 1lifr S It a T'l V-A If J I 1 . t v 4'! I; 1 V i f 7 t f f i- A i r r. IS HWP Absolutely Pure- This pic. ,lcr M'vi-r varies. A vel of pur Uv, fl ivii'-Mi iiml vv holesoniciiess. Mine ' )i i 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 i.i m l ne oi ilinarv kiiiiis.and cannot l hi i Id in coin pi" it n.n vv ii Ii the in ul it nu! : -f towr i"t, short we'mht st in in or phosphate powileH. Sold O'ilV fu V. I S. lnVAI. lJAKJMi l'OWDKK '.. I. iii I'll M i'-.v York. SJHH Miivui', Cle-rU, Treasurer, Attorney, J-iigiiiccr. I'llllCC .Illdge, M::lii;dl. K.M. tin ii kv V K 1'iix - JAMKS I'AT 1'KHSO N , .1 K. liYUO.N Cl-AltK - A M.vnoi.K . - S (I.IKKIIKII W II MAI.UK ,, . . . i J V Wkckha:h Coum-iliae n, 1st ward, -j A SAi.isiiimv 2nd "rd 4th. l M .Ion ks I IHt. A SlIIl'MAJ i M i; Mi'itriiv S W lH'TTON t CoN I'lllNNOB. I 1' McCai.lkn. 1'iiKH ij v .Johns in.Chaikm as I'.oiiid rub.Works- Kitun liosiDKit j I 11 IlAWKsYVoUTII Treasurer, J;;uty Crea-rarer, - Clerk. 1 pti ! y "It-rU . I'leoilei ol I i-t'ds ) .'i:i! v It murder rt-'i-! ot Uistiiet Co art, iiertif, surveyor. Atloruev. Supt. of'i'ub. S'i'lioolr1. County Jii'io. 1). A. CAMI'I'.KI.I. TlllH. I'lll.l.OI K FT HI) ClllH'11 MIM.O Kxa I'm ii'iu-1 Ki,l) V. 11. Tool. JO I S M I.KVllA V. V. SlIDWAl.TKU J. C. ElKKNHAK A. .iAHUI.E Al.I.KN liKKS-'N MAVXAHl. S-1NK C. iiUSSKLl. Aitl) OF Dl'l'EllVlSOUS. V. Ti.m. - I'hiitinouth l..,ris 1'- 1. 1 .. ( 'h'm., V.. 'op i ik -iter A. it. Pi k.-on. - - " h..::iw.iod ( A l.UlXi No. Hi!. 1 O. . 1-. -Me I ,.v-rv Y'.i'-ilay -vim!1ik of e:icli i iv. ti .I.-, .-'lit V;r. tli. i-; rivoclluHy niMU'd Lt''!'.ll. -SJL MTMlin II KNCAMl'MKNT .. 3. I . O. i O nn-i." tvriy iiitf-nvito 1 ndiiv in t :, !i in .mill i.i 1 lie Mas. .1110 llall. unui'. I'.i.. i l.t'is ai t' ,vi!cdlo HlH-nd. rTmiD I-DDiiK N'. S. A . O . I ; . W .Meets .-V.M -- -i-i. a l'iht;iv ev.-inii.u' at K. of I . 'i .!' 'ri-ii si-.'iil lifiit U.-is ;irf res ifi-l r u 1 1 y m- vitod to:illiMul. K..I. Mo;:in. Master Woinman ; J-' S 1'. ntow. l-di I'Mian ; t runk livvn. ivi-r- r'-rr- I- ll.lfi, llili.le; ll.ulsuoiil). fcor.i-M- ; 11. .1. .I..hns.ui. Ki :i;i iit-i.T ; N uli . i. i:.-,....Vf r ; M. Ma!.rli;ht. M. W.i .hu h i;iimh-it. GuaiO. i V ; C VVI' NO. MODEKX WtOIMKN of i icric i ? :eftsecoia and fourtU Mon davwui.i lit K. of V. hall. All transient brothers are i (i'.u-iea to meet with u. -. A. Nowcn i,er, eae able Consul:".. . '. N ortl'.y V.lvi.-er ; 1, 13. Snntli, lix-Hanker ; V. G. Willetts, Clerk. xiLvrrsfouiii loix;k so. . a. o. y. v. i Meel? every alteroate Friday evenin- at Kockwood hall at o'clocn. All transient broili eis are respectfully invited to attend. J, s. I.iiron. M. W. ; F. Uoy.i. Foreinau : S. C. Wilde, i.' . nder ; Leonard Anderson. Uve.rsc er. McONIHIE POST 43 C. A. R- l'.OSTEIt. T. W. .T:-.!l NS'lN S. Twiss !. A. 15 vtw ;. Nlt.i- H.isitv S r't Ki.iil r . . . ;' i !.'V Pi XV V ii mi'.-; hson Kitv ,-. , : ; :t K.r. a . . i... ':;:' 17.. . t :n r .: . urd'iv i-v 'o:iiiiander. ..Senior Yice .Junior " Adj'tMi't. tj, M. Ot'.'.cerof the i ; y ... ;mrd .: Se"i;t Major. ..aarter Masir Sei it. t'o a C !!''. J! ti s-;ir;'iftL capo'. AT 1!)i;M-'.V.' AT LAV. .'iTiiK s. titiin e t Lav. Ofiie r r.Hi-r Mei'.-.'s store. n"fh side of 1 'h and tith streets. j .1 U VKi'LJAN. l-'i ; z-jei a'.l's l'l -i i-uii u;li. N.-bia ka. I'roiiipt d e .iefnl attent 1 r. to si j-e:ten.l law practice A. V StiLL! .IVAN. Attorney p.t. La. YU1 r.ri'il-t tteiiiioc t a 1 f-ti-sties :u- tnistea t Li'ii. :tiee in L mon luoeK, l.iisi side. ri.iUinouth. ISeb. BROWNE, X-XV OFPIGE. r ;ronal attention to all Cusine to lay tare. .VrtTAHY IX OI'FIOS. T!;"' Kxan'.'med. Aiistaret-' Compiled, In se.raaCtj Writleu, Keal Et:itj Sold. r.f lti-r Faei'.ities for taakinsj Farm Lean than ; Jkny Other Ae?icv K.H. Wis nu am. Jolts A. Ivir.. Noiary rub'.ic. Notary I'uldie. V.'iXS!Ai: & H.-VYSKS, AVUoraSyS - a.t - c Pice over i'.ai.k . I 'a?s Conn' y. PL vrv-.v-M-'TH, - - Xi'".-: Asic a. : 7. Now is vmir chance if you wish a '..oil watch M.nd lis thirty subset ibers to The 1Ii:kvi.d. OUR KATUN DISGRACED C. Whcppor Slightly D.sflgured but Still in the Ring. F .111 Weilne-il;' U. i'y. C. AV'lioj) per Sh rman, tditor of tlie Jonrnol, wis led off of tm tlcpot plat form this morning ly a special tletecti ve. This disgrace to our nation was witnessed ty our special artist, niid tha following is thu way tlie Pinkorton men appeared: i lrJ A Boy Drowned. Fkkmont, Xeb., May On Saturday a four-year-old son of a fanner named Hciidricksou. living on Spoonc-r fc Ly man's farm near Hooper, fell into the Elkhorn river and was drowned. A con stant search for tlie body of the little fel low has not, at this time, resulted in its recovery. State Sunday Seliool Association. York, Xeb., May 2:5. The "Nebraska Sun .'lay-school association meets here at 2 p. 111. today and continues until Thurs day evening. A la-ge attendance is at this early hour assured. The order of exercises this afternoon is, a prayer and naise meeting led by Kev. G. W Martin, I'll. I)., of Xo;th Platte; addresses of welcome by lion. A. L). Wycoff, mayor of York; re.-ponse by President C. C. White, of Valparaiso; report from county associations and schools. This evening there wi'l be a praise meeting, led by lie v. J. II. Pivssoii, Seward, and an ad dress on the subject of "More Iloom" by llev. Willard Scott, of Omaha. Ralph Wells, of Xew York, will address the association npou "How to use the Bible." The programme for "Wednesday and Thursday is excellent, and great interest is being manifested in it. The Methodists Succeed In Elect ing Two Bishops. Nuw York, May 22.--At the session of the General Methodist conference to day the report on the election of a second missionary bishop to India came up. Be fore ac tual voting began much time was taken up in settling the question as to whether ballots containing less than the required number of n mes should ba counted or thrown out. After much dis cussion it wss decided to count them, and voting began in earnest. On the third ballot this evening Rl-v. Dr. J. II. Vincent, of Rock river confer ence, an 1 Iter. W. J. Fitzgerald, of the Xew Jersey conference, were elected bish ops. A 1 j. urniiK nt was taken before the result of i'.i' foiath ballot could be known. A Collision at Humboldt llfMHoi.iir, Neb., May 22. A collision occurred at 12:30 today between engine X.. '.7 and freight Xo. TS and the Lin coln p-id-eng -T Xo. 71. The freight had ordi-rs to side track here for :he passenger and cut loos? the engine from the train ibout one-half mile from the depot, in tending to run iu and open the switch. Train Xo. 71 was standing on the main track and the engineer seeing that the j engineer had lost control ot the incoming 1 engine, reversed and had the train under I pretty good headway before the collision j took place and by his prompt action saved his engine and nothing is damaged but the pilot broken off. Men are now i cng-uf-1 in clearing the track. Engine . r-V-StiVMCSl 1 badly damaged. Fortunately is injured although the jiassengers Vvre bartly shaken up and seareel. The 1 wrecked engine was running about eight , " j s -1l l!r t:me of the accident. J The cause of the coliuron was that the link block pin had worked out and caught in the link saddle-, making it im possible to reverse the engine. Court House Robded. Wilhkk, Neb., May 23. The court house at this place whs burglarized last night. The county juelges'a office, the sheriffs office, the county clerk's office and the county treasurer's office all were forc;d open and more or less plunder taken, but little cash is believed to haye been stolen. The sheriffs office was en tered through a window anel the safe openeel and about $0 or $7 in cash ab sTactetl therefrom. No other loss, save that of a pair of excellent revolvers be longing to the sheriff. From the sheriff's oflice the prowlers entered the clerk's ofiicc by a partition which was not lock ed, where they opened all drawers and handled papers rather carelessly anil final ly selected a tine cigar-holder, a present from an old county friend of tlie clerk's, and left in disgust. The judge's office was entered through a window from tlio noitli. The vault was openeel anel papers promiscuously scattered, but nothing is missing so far as Judge Rhine has examined. The vault was evidently on the day lock and easily openeel. The treasurer's oflice tloor was forced op-n and the vault door drilled, cousiel erable powder burned, the knobs and handles broken off, but it is believed that no entrance was effected. If this vault was openeel the safe inside was probably robbed of about $700 cash, all it contained and tlie vault door closeel and battereel up to mislead or bafllle the officers. Tho thief carried away the treasurer's revolver, but nothing further is missing. A part of the tools used by the butglars were taken from a Bohem ian's blacksmith shop in Bohemian-town and consisted of a pick, a hammer, an adz, chisel and a few iron bars, all of which were left in the court house but the drill with which the drilling was done in the treasurer's office has not been found. No definite clue has been settled upon as to the party or parties perpetrating this crime but it is believed that the par ties followed the deputy sheriff Pat Mul lory from Crete yesterday, where he had solel a farm at sheriff's sale and carried back to Wilber with him the proceeds of the sale, $2,G2. but which ho had fortun ately placed in a bank on his arrival in Wilber. They Went Through ie Town. "Wauoo, Xeb., May 2:. Last night Wahoo was visited by a set of sneak thieves and burglars. They first entered the house of N. II. Bell and took his gold watch, pocket -bood, $9.70 in cash and two pair of pantaloons, then crossed the street to the house of R. Sefranek and left the pantaloons taken at Bell's, and took a half case of beer. From there they went to the house of Emile Fisher, anel abstracted his pants anel loose change, then to the house of Dr. llawes, where they were discovereel and lied. No clew to the idenelity or whereabouts of the scoundrels ha3 been discovered. A Soldier Fatally Shot. Valentine, Neb., May 2:5. A fatal accident occured at Fort Niobrara today. Private Iloolahan, of Company A, Eighth infantry was shot through the arm and body while on target duty. He had ar ranged the target and was in the act ot backing out from it when he received the shot which will undoubtedly cost him his life. Louisville. The agent for the American Bible so ciety was in town Saturday. He sole! quite a number of books. Surely such men are welcome here. Notwithstanding th int leniency of the weather the Ice cream sociable was a great success. The school entertainment was very good and wns largely attended. Two of the teachers left town Saturday. Mr. Cocety who has been foreman of the ""Wes'ern LTnion Pottery" for the past year left town Monday for Red Oak Iowa. Mr. Lillie takes his place. Mr. C. Clifford's infant child died of measles last Wednesday and was buried on Thursday. The meat market owned bv II. Boe- dekcr closed last Saturday. Mr. Charley Schlafli takes the old stand again. W. W. Valentine, the efficient sign painter, is in town doing some work. Mr. William Smith, night operator of the M. P., and Miss Mollis Johnson were married last Monday by G. C. Cleghorn. District No. 32 has an enumeration of 216 children of school age, and of that No. 175 have been enrolled during the school year. "Wher is the district which can better that? Smike. $10,000 private funds te loan on farms at straight eight per cent. 0w4 W.S.Wise. Scientific of Clime. Criminal biology is a new development of se iene-e, but one? of nnn. iit v.ihi-. , The- Now York Academy of Anthropology I Bends out tlio following qintions: 1. j What categories tif criminals ni:iy we di.-ainguj-,h? Ariel what are the fuiulu ! mental characteristics, physical and l psychical, which they display? 2. Is there a general bio-pa tholeigieal constitu tion which predisposes its subject to the commission ef crime? How tloes it orig inate, and what form does it asi-unu? 15. What is the proper classification of human actions, bused on tho affections which give vi.M to them? What cll'ect does the eilucation of tho moral nature have upon thi passions, and indirectly tijioii crime? 4. Does the number f suicides stand i.i inverse ratio to the niltiiber of homicide:-? .". Epilepsy and moral insanity in prisons mid insane asylums, tj. Malingering among the in Kiiic. 7. The utility of a museum of criminal anthropology. 8. The influence of atmospheric and economic condition on crime in America. These questions are followed by others under tho tiiU- of criminal socio'ory. --Wo (- : -highly value iue- method of sli!''y of crime w hich In-gins with the study of tlie cr i 111 i nal b i 1 nsel f . ' ' ( J leil ie-1 ) 'l 110c ra t. II10 Collapsible Clerk. A little miss from Dewboni avenue en tered a North Clark street stationery t-tore wearing an expression that plainly to!,i that she. knew just what she wanted. In t rut h, sho had Leon re-jwatiii tho name- ef the artielo she had been sent for from the time !,o bad left her home, and thought she had it pat. "Give me," sui 1 tho little miss, "a dime's wortb of stub toed pens." And tho clerk rolled up his eyes and flop ped over quite extinct. Chicago HeraM Slakins Good Impression. "Bobb-," eautioned his mother, -'tho bishop is to eliiW with us today, and you must be very quiet lit tho table. 1 v.niit bun to think that you are a good little ly." Very much impressed, bobby p. to his dinner ia sileneo until Lis piato needed re plenishing. "l'a," he said d-?voutly, "will you p.ivo n;e some inoru string bej.ns, for of kucIj, is tLo kingdom of heaven." Tho f";oeh. A Hard Oao in Division. "I see," observed Mrs. .Sii;i--s-, "that tlie Bultan of Zanzibar kit twenty -teveii wid ows. " "Yes," replied Snags, heartlessly, "he ripened a heavy crop of wtexls very sud denly." "That wasn't what I was thinking of. What 1 can't understand is how nil these widows will get their thirds." Pittsburg Chronicle. Sho Knew Ilim Wei!. "Have you a very stylish young girl you could recommend rue C t-aid a gentleman In an employment bureau. "Kxeuso me, sir," replied the affable man ager, "but do you livo in the corner house.'" "Yes, but why do you askf" "Because your wife was here only a mo mrnt ao to see if we bad a to-.v headed girl with a wart em her noses." Judge, An exchange tells of the finding of the nude body of a man who gave t wo gasps and then died. This is a case, w here a pair ot pants could not serve as raiment. Aueut the Wales silver wedding, it is ob served that the princess' eight bridesmaids of twenty -five yeai-s ago are all living, all mar ried and none divorced. The people of Portland, Ore,, have recently subscribed a sum to import a choice selection of European singing birds to enliven th:r gardens and groves. Experiments are being made on Prussian railroads with axle boxes littej with liear ings of vegetable parchment in place ot brass. In chronic diseases, medicines should be restoring, anel not debilitating, in their action. The wonderful strength' utr.g and curative effects, realized from the use of Ayer's Sarsapailla, sustain tho reputa tion of this remedy as the most popular blood purifier. The 5th St. Merchant Taller Keeps a Full Line of Foreign & Domestic Goods. Consult Your Interest by Giving L:r a Cal SHERWOOD BLOCK P3!; ttsiiioutb, THE OLD RELIABLE. I L WATEMAH & OH Wholesale --uid Ketail Dealer tc D Shingles, Lath, Sash, Can supply every demand of tiie tra l? Call and get terms. Fourth street Iu Hear of Opcia House. nDCCCI CD UnLuuLLllj LUMBEH L BisnasB! jro v j We earnestly rctjuest aH'ofour fi'unds indebted to us to call -;t once and utile accounts due. We hav e f-u-lnir.i d heavy loss by tlie- destnution of our Brai.ih House :d Fail moid, N'c b., by fire and now that we need money to im t our obliga tions, we hope th' .re will not be one among our friends who would refuse to call promptly at this pai ti nlar time and adjust account. Trusting this will receive .your kind consideration and prompt nt'tcLtion, we renuiin, Vours '1'ruly, S0L0LM0K & NATHAN. I S HAKER BOY! "Will make lln; soa.-on Mondays and Tuesdays at 22crja.G, one m'.lc (if Kihr Alilf (irove. Wednasday fco Satiarday in latlsmouth. At Ldui-s Ivlirot'irs Ptrtl.'ie at tlie foot of Main St root. S 1 1 :V li i-c 1', n O Is a Dark-Iia v T'aecr. lf?. liands lii'li, weioln'iio 1 .200 pounds. His close, compact loiin ai.d urdc-d leputution for endurances and fcpeedj proo;inv Lave jiL-tly earned lor iim the reputation, and encomium irom tlus Editor of tlie Sj') u oftlm Thi-jT that lie is one of the L'eot Siren ot the age. His record is 2:Ji, jaul ha; jmced trial inile.s in 2:1C. His colts, Eiitle JJahy, 2:T-A, :md J. V,r. llu 2:2! J. with more to follow in the charmed circle this .summer, is ertainly a threat Lowing, and atfords the public in thia vicinity a grand opportunity to get valuable horses at low prices. His .servie-e ot !". 00, wilh ?5. 00 added if net j"aiel till after loalino-, or siK to in.-ure colt t taml, is only the price of a r(od onlinarr hore. M hiie liore of Siiakki: Uoy blood line-s receive trout $100. On t SiJOO-Oi.1 itl other localities. Horses of this kind, if iifit wanteil ibr sjrirtiijo- purposes, e-an do more creaeral work on a larm, on account of their extra nerve power, than umvcstldy d-;ttt lioi'ses, and can t town or to meeting in ope half tlie time, and time is money. Owners of fine mares have a rare chancej now for one ol tlie cheapest horses in the United States. Embrace the opportunity. DRS. CAVE & SMITH, Tl-e f-nlv lentist-in the West oor.trolir. thii .Ne'v Sjsieni f Kxtriii-tiatrail I'iiiiiiir l. eih wiih'.'i-.t l'ain. ur una-ilic-lie ii en tirely fi-ee f:vm C!f LOIJ01-OIi3IOIiETHi:ii AMI IS AUsULl'TELY Harmless - To - All. To'ii extracted frtificial te;h Inserted n-xt d; y if d-sir i'.i. The pi esei v;ii Ii u nf tlie natural teeth a sptcialsy. OLD CROWNS, GOLD CAPS.. BRIDGE WCRK. The vry finest. r-fTi"e in fidm! I'-'oeV, ever 'J he CitizeLf" l'-;-l:k. If you want a lc-o 1 silver watch, send us "50 subscribers to the Wklkly Herald. c k - i Dr. C. A- Marshall. I'ref ervalii'ii f i.atu;tl tet'.i a rpeeialty. I'ttth tsti cell 'I nt jutiit hy v.-- of JjiuyttiTtg f ;.i. All work warranted. Prices reasonable, FlTZOF.UAI.o'S Ll.OCK i'UTTSMOfTH, XfB We will give a silver wateh, that i warrauted by the jewelry men of this city, to any ore who brings us 15 yearlj caih subset ibers to tho Daily Heiul&, II f i