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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1888)
' . d I'ii ! , r tor iif .j :sc7nz.-jvz:-Tsz. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. MAY, 10 lUBfe. $2.00 lKK-ANNUM. VOLUME XXI r. NUMIIIIJH f jrrrrarrr-f-T-x..;;.- -i -i.t-crw fr - - a .-... X "' (. i MM Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, r relict li and wholcsomeness. More eco nomical than tin- ordinary kinds. ;md cannot be 'Mil in com per 1 1 ioij Willi tin multitude of IOST t.'t, short weight ilium or phosphate powders. Sold O'iIt i" C. il 1J)VL liAKlM! l'OWDEH Co.. Kin all St. New ork. 3;t48 Muviir, Clerk. Trei-airev, ir M. lii HKV W K 1'OX J AMI'.H IWl'TKUSON, Jit Attorney, V ii i ii r. 1'ollCC .1 il.le, MarMiall, Couneilaien, 1st ward, 2nd " 3i.l " lj'.i- " liVKw.V I'LAltK - A MADOI.K - S ('LIFKUKU V 11 MAI.ILK j .J V WW'RBACU A SAI-ISHL'llV , S D M J"N k " 111!. A y II ll'MAS . ) M 15 Ml'KI'HY S V DUTTON I CON d'CONNOIt. f .Ml CAl.t.KN, i'JtKS J V Johns n,(.,iiaihman Eoard Pub. Voik" ! ltKI) I.IIKIIKH 1) U llAWRSWoUTH Trea-oirer. Deputy Treasurer, - Clerk, Deputy Clerk, iteeor.ler ol I )eeds J 0 llt V li'('IV,i'l- Clerk of Di.-t! ict Cojrr, Slieriil, -Surveyor. - -Attorney, Hiipt. of Pub. School-', County J l-.OAHI) OF SUl' A. K. Tot;, J-oui-i l'Viir.. Ch'm., A. li. Di lisox, D. A. Campbell TlIOS. I'OLLOCK PlKll ClMTCU Kl E1.0 Kx A Ckttchu kli W. U. I'UOL John M. I.kvda V. C. SliOWALTKK J. C El KEN ISA R A. Mahule A I. I.K.N IlKKSilN M.U'SAKD SPINK C. ltUSSKI.I. KltVISOSS. I'lattsmouth Weeping Water Eunwood GIV1G SOGIKTM 1SS .OD(!: No. 140. 1 O. O. F. -Meets Veyerv Tuesdav eveniui; of each week. All transient l.iothCrs are lecpoctfully invited to httend. "I JLATTMOl'TH KXCAM I'M K NT No. 3. I. O. -- ). 1''.. meets every alternate t riday in eacli liionth in the Manonic Hall. Visiting Isrot liers are invited to attend. fTlKIO LODKK NO. 84. A. O. U. W. Meets - evry alrernat Friday eveuinn sit K. of r. hall. Transient brother are respectfully in vited to at tend. F.J. Morgan, Master Workman ; K. 8. Harrow, Foreman ; Frank lirown. Over peer ; 1- H.nveii, (iuide; ieoige Ilousworth. Itecortter ; II. J. Johnson. Financier; Wasli. Smith. Keeeiver ; M. Maybright. 1'aet M. W. ; Jack Dauyherty. Inside Guard. C1ASS C-VMP NO. 332, MODERN WOODMEN of Vtnerica Meets second and fourth Mon day evening at K. of 1. hall. All transient brothers are requested to meet, with us. L. A. Newco i,er. Venerable Consul ; i. K, NiIof, Worthy Adviser ; 1, li. Smith, Ex-liauker ; W. C. Willetts, Clerk. 1JL VTTS.MOU Til LODtiE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. M"et everv alternate Friday evenitiK at Kockwood hull at S o'cloe.n. All tiausietit broth ers are respeet'iilly invited to attend. L. I arson, M. W. ; F. Boyd, Foreman : S. C. Wilde, lteeorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. McCOrJIMIE POST 45 G. A. R KO.STEIt. W. .TmtNsiN. S. T-.M-.S a. ;.vr'.i ..t'ommander. .Senior Vice " Junior ' Adjutant, Q.M. ciiieerof the iay. .. .. " " wuard Sergt Major. .Quarter Master Sei-gt. Who. Nii.ks H.NKV STIiKlt ill r. SlAi.cN' Dixon Chaim.i'.s Foi:h ANrK.i:soN Fitv. ... J AOOl! I .KMAX. . C. Cl'KTIS,. fost unapiaiu Meeting Saturday evening P iy?-PSIOSAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW J AS. S M'TUX S. Attorney -t Oftice over'reier Merit's store, north side Of M in b f v-; - -. "th and 6th street.. I 1 1 U i !'' vN . l.awver. Fitztrerald'a JX.' . 11 :!iii ':o.h, ehra ka. Prompt and careful ;.t:e;.ti i to a :'e:u-i al lnw practice A X. SCI.; IVAN. M( ri'.cv at Law. Will . give l-io: ; l ; . . : !..'a;l I'lisines? jil ted t'i l.l. . i. e in I rii": liiucn, iii siUe, i iitttMiu;: i-. Xii.V7 OFFICE. Personal attention to all liitilne-s Eutrust to my care. SOW BY IX OFFICE. Ti'Je Kxaniiued, Ah.-tarct Compiled, In surance Written, lieal Kstate Sold. Better Facilities" for making Farm Loans than Arty OtUer Agcncyv Piatt msnlii, - A'fhrasLa. H. B. Windham. John a. Pa vies. Notary l'ublic. rotary Public, iriUUA3I& IAVIE, C.Uce ever Uaiik t f "aes Coun'.y. Plattsmocth, - - Nebraska. ZTXo .v is your chance to get a watch, I. rhi"- u4 l.V yearly cash subscribers to the "Daily IIkrai-p, and have a good watch. Electric Lights For Norfolk. Norfolk, Neb., May 9. There was a meeting of citizens last eveniig at the opera house to consider the electric light question. Dr. Schwenk was chairmau and Georgo P. Moore, secretary. Articles of incorporation were adopted. The capital stock is to be $15,000. His Foot Crushed. Schuyler, Neb., May 9. George Rhea the twelve-year-old son of Joseph Rhea, in trying to board a maring frticht foil 1 ' i.-ii v-.i i t;. .!!.. ... uuuvr rue vtr nee is auu nau iuh jri"uv iuui i so badly crufshed as to render an arapu tation necessary. The injuied member was taken off just above the ankle. A Newspaper Transfer. IIeatrice, Neb., May 9. M. A. Metz- ger, secretary and treasurer cf the fcx- press publishing company, has just sold his interest in that plant to Dr. F. Seiners, of this city. The doctor is somewhat noted as a humorous writer, and it is said that the "Wayside" articles that have lately been running in the Express are from his pen Methodist Conference. New York, May 8. Bishop Walden of Chattanooga presided over the delib erations ef the Methedist Episcopal con ference today. Dr. Buckley of New York moved and it was carried, that in asmuch as the lady delegates who were elected to the conference had been ruled out yesterday their fares to and from their destination should be paid by the general conference. The question came- up as to the right of V. A. Shannon to represent the Mon tana conference. His seat had been con tested by F. A. Biggins. The record as it now stands in the minutes of the con ference says Mr. Shannon was legally elected. A bombshell will be thrown into the bishop's camp tomorrow. Ex-Lieut. Gov Cumback, of Indiana, it was reported te- day, would make a motion limiting the oilice of bishop to eight years. Hitherto the oftice has been for life. Subtarranean Rooms Discovered in El Paso. El Paso, Tex., May 8. Work will be commenced in El Paso in a short time on a Federal building for a Post Office and Custom House, for which an appro priation of $150,000 has been made by Congress. The site selected for the building is near the center of the city, on St. Louis and Oregon streets, and is still occupied at present by an extensive old adobe structure one story high, cov- enng an entire block, into which are crowded together several hundred Chi- nese and where all their peculiar indus- tries are pursued. There are plenty of sitting of Mr. Hardy, wife aid four chil laundries in the rambling old building, dmi, were in the front part of the house a number of groceries, joss houses, Chi- nese physicians headquarters, while it was generally known that opium suaok- ing and fantan playing was being car- ned on at a colossal rate, but tho latter unlawful pursuit could never be traced to the building. The last few days or- ders have been given by the former own- ers of the laud that the building must be vacated so that the nrouertv .could he "I turned over to the United States. This the lightning, ran quickly to the scene I said county, sell at public auction, the follow ii 4. -i ii ti i I . , , . ing real eg; ate to-wit : Lo; number three :;; order has created the greatest consterna- tion among tha Chinese inhabitants, and they are in as terrible an uproar as a bee- hive is when a foreign animal intrudes . . .. iuiu 1 1. I , ... , . , , I The cause of this scare hsa inr.t leaked ' I oi t. 1 he whole of the region has bean undermined by secret tunnels and exca- ated rooms, in which not only opium- smoking and gambling has been carried on but other dark deeds perpetrated, without the white population of the cit ies and even the owners of the real estate having suspicions of what was going on. It is said that the Chinese have been in the habit of keeping the bodies of those of their countrymen who died in these subterauean chambers, and boiled the skeletons clean of flesh, and then send ing them carfully packed in trunks to San Francisco, as occasion offered, for transhipment to China for the perma nent burial. When in a few days" from now the buildings are torn down al the ground excavated for foundation of the massive structure that is to stand there, develop ments will be - made that will astonish this community. Last year a Chinese laundry standing near the track at the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot burned down at night, and wh.en the Rest mora, ing persons repaired to the spot they saw uiKierneatn. wnat tiact neen me noor or the dwelling a yast excavation, in which, the charred remains of the mass of gam bling paraphernalia were visiblp. The oivne-r of the lot from whom the Chinese rented the building had not been aware of the secret chamber which Iris tenants had constructed. Sod Houses Caving In. Grant, Neb.. May 9. A rery large Humtwr of od bouses in this cuty have fallen in as a result of the recent contin ued rains. It is reported that a family in the southeastern part of the county pri lmriad in a house which caved in Sunday but were gotten out before per ishing. The Emperor. Berlin, May 8. A bulletin this morn- I . i 1 .1- t ..K m 8 ine P"or . i-cp wn ed ut m it The secretion of uus in more cpiu. The emperwr feels languid. The emperor's feyer conliuues lovr, showing that no fresh absctss are form ing. Dr. Mackeazi induces him to take cessary feod, but his weakness is be coming serious. He had refrtshinz naps t, - Th:8 evenin!? he emnha- 8jZ8d the remark tUt Le fcU trMg hy clinching his fist vigorusly and stretch- iag and withdrawing his arm. Skipped With Church Funds. Cclhertson, Neb., May 9. Gustay Nagle who came to this place from Kan sas a shert time ago and worked himself into the good graces of the congregation of the GermBn Congregational church, skipped far parts unknown Suuday night with $200 of the church funds. He had preached to the congregation just bafore ha skipped. Robert B. Likes, a promiucnt citizen of Hayes county and a banker at Hayes Cen ter, is being prominently mentioned as a cautlidate for delejrate-at-large from this state to the Chicago convention. Mr. Likes will have considerable backing. from this section, and will make a good showing in the convention. He'd Meal the Coins Off a Corpse. Newpolt. Neb., May 8. Jos. Peters, a farmer, living three miles from New port, undertook a little job on last Wed nesday night which would have done honor to Robin Hood in his palmiest day. It was no less an undertaking than to steal the roof aff a sod shanty while the inhabitants were wrapped in swett repose. Jus plan failed to inateralizc, however, as the watchful tiller of the soil awoke and succeeded in cap turing the would-be robber. - He was taken before Judge Weaver this after noon and will have fifteen long, quiet days in the county jail to sadly reflect on what might have been. Perhaps has figured in several pieces of bold thievery in this vicinity. Demolished by Lightning. Waco, Texas, May 7. During a severe thunder storm this morning the lightning struck the residence of Mr. C. E. Hardy, on Clay and Tenth streets, and utterly demolished one wing. The family, con- t tha tiaie and ascaped death, although they received a severe shock. The bolt came down and struck the reef ol the wing on tho east side and tore that part of the building completely away from the front and crushed the beams and plarks jn small pieces. Fire was started from the bolt but was quickly extinguished by the rain, which was falliusr in torrents. Tha rilk .... ....g, -..v. " expecting to find the whole family cUad, but soon revived them by proper restor- atives. Cuba's Condition. tit ir o ti.. i ...... x v.T it .Biay o. x iin laictv vuuaii . . . .. advices indicate the condition or toe is- land to be most deplorable. A procla mation of Captain General Marin declar ing a state of siege created great excite ment, and planters and farmers are flee ing to Havana, Matanzas and other cities te save their lives. Guardia, civil and other troops are committing outrages on peaceful citizen', ' some of whom are killed by the troops, who explaine by saying that they are arrested on suspi cion and shot while trying to make their escape, others are maliciously mcarcer rated for alleged connection with bandits The Havana authorities are actually ran sacking private residences. There are many innocent people who suffer in con sequence. Passengers from this ciy are uliioefpil to ricrid examinations on arri- . lu anJ many are arrait-d on suspicion of being connected with the ineurgent raoyement. Leopold Zarran- gota, an American citizen who went oyer Tueadav. has not been able te eet re- th authoritie3 ciajmiCg they Lad f bJ -s a 1Jatrit. The u tltjaouncill3 tho ffoVern, meQt: La Lucha in the last edition rc- ceiyea hero has an equariai qsseecniMg the Cuban representatives to the Spanish cortea to take some action, and adds, 'We demand with energy for the last time that justice shall be done an Ameri can population that with resignation aad patience has stood the sufferings of veara of tyranny," The Women are Enterprising. Long Pink, Neb., May 9. The Wom en's Christian Temparahce Union of Ne braska, represented by Mrs. C. M. WodvarJ, vice -presideut-ut-lare, i ar ranging very tin-roughly for tliu pre sentation of its work at the coining Chautauqua. A most eligahle location on the grounds was selected for state headquarters yesterday. "A Scab's Science." IJavenna, Nkb., May y. The special from this place of Hay 1, written uiul -r the above caption and published in tic Bee of May 2. needs eontrudictini;, as the main statements in the special are til -solutely fal-e, The cause of the wink was not the fault of the etiginuor, but a defective side track. The car did not leave track right at the switch, but seve- ral rails len th from it. The other car which was claimed to b d t; 'r d i.1 only the front trucks misplaced, and was loaded with -merchandise intteud of hogs. Again, the car that was wrecked was in the middle of a long train, pi liv ing conclusive! v that it was not run off of '"an open switch." The Row With Morocco. Washington, May 7. A statement regard to the Tangier nfTuir hns been sued by the department of state whicl says it is not true that there has bsen tun reftisual by the sultan of Morocco to at bitrate. Ha proposed to Mr. Lewis ie.iii weeks ago to send a special ugGiit to Tan gier to discuss with him the matter of difference, all quastions upon which tliej- could not aj;ree to be referred to some third person with the approval of th- ststo department. Lewis airrced to this and after some discussion as to the details a complete understanding wa.s reached. The presence of the Quinnebaug at Tan gier was casual, and had nothing to do with the discusion between Lewis and the authorities. The vessel was on a reg ular cruise. A Kansas Water Spout. Wichita, Kan., May 7. At an early hour this morning it is reported that a rain cloud burst over Maize, a town fif teen miles west of here, completely deluging a stretch of country a mile lng by a quarter of a mile wide. An eye witness says: ' I lie noue was greater than that of Niagara. It looked as though the bottom had fallen out of an immense lank. I could not sea more thxn a foot into the deluge. The sky to the east of tha clouds from whieh fell the water was clear, otherwise darkness would have reigned. The cloud burst over a level stretch of country, and the water flowed in torrents in all directions. It is reported that a child was drowned, but I do not believe there was nny other casualty." JL.EGAL. Postponement of Chattel Mortgage Sale. Th chattel mnrtsase sale of prouertv de scribed in a certain mortgage given by S. I.. heretofore advertised m take plactt at iren -wood. Meb.. M-iy 4th. JSSs has been no.tnoued Anderson ro tne nanK of i:ass countr and to take -place at Wreenwood, Neb., between and 4 p. in., Jane (th. lss. Windham t D.AVIKS. 83 Atty's for HuiK of (Jas County. Sheriffs Sale. Rv virtue of an execution issued bv W. f Sl.owalter, Cleik of tiia Distiiet court ia and for Cass Counly. Nebraska, ur.d to me direc'.ed. I will on the Kith day ol June. A. D. 1SS3. at 1 o'clock p. in of said day. pt the couth d-or of t if Ninrt miup n tiai'lvnf 'hillcnuimli ir, the court House in ttio city or 1 latt?mout li, and lot nuinoer lour (4i m u our rinber tuirtv nine (.19). in Young A Mays' addition to the Citv of Fluttsraoiuh. Cass Couutv. Nebraska as 1 lie same are aesenned u tne record plMt ot kid addition to aid city, tostetli-r with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, or ia any vie appertaining. The same being levi d tip- on and taken as t lie property ot Annie K. ller- old, Christian G. Ileroid and Isa ic Weil c i'o.. Defendants: to satisfy judgment of said Couit recovered by W. S. 1'eck Lrothe.s & Co., Plaintiffs, aaiat -aid I'eieiidants. l'lattsniouth. Neb, May 7th, A. D. 1SSS. . ,1 . J. l IKKNHABY. Sheriff Cass l ouutv ob. By David Miller, Deputy. -5 Legal Notice. In Di?tri t Court of Cass County. Nebraska ; l.'ixi.nnn. Freni v. Marv Ann l rcucv. both daughters of Catherine Kreney, dec-aned, who was formerly Catharine Tallou, a sisterof John Tailor, deceased; Michael lreuey. 1'atrick Fretiey. John l reuey, a fl James Heney. all gen- of Catharine rrerey. deceased, who was farmerly Catharine 'I ahon, a sister of John Titliou. deceased ; Mary la!i(;n ,4vi;te lallon and Kllen Tallon. all 'liiiniiteia of N ielidTallon. uaeeassd, v,li" was a bruiser of John Tallon, deeoa-ed, and all of theiti heir-; sit law of J.. In, Tallon. deeea.vd : and J h . Tallon. a tniuor, who is a son of NIHio'as Tallon, decea- rd, who was a brother of Jo''H 'J al'ou, deceaxed, and liir at Ww of John TkII-n. deceysed. by Ben jamin H. Barrows an-i JlichaH i'Doiudioe, his next f rieuds, and M-chacl C''lonolio as tru tee for 11 thB liens at i -w ot jonu iann, deceas ed, riaintiffs. vs. Mary Anna oy'.e, Deiendant, iursu:ince of an oder of the d:stri't cotirt of Cues county, Nebraska, (.c&nriniiig tiie report NoMee is nereuy given niai o vu uie ai.i i.-i nf the nuiiersoeJ leleiees in the sifereea d leiees in ttie siiereea u P.1I9 t the real estate , mad-- on the Sth day of ca.ise. and directing a P.1I9 ot the real estate hereinafter described, mad-- on the Sth day of Mav. A. D. IS?, by s-aid district e urt of Caes county, Nebraska, me Johnson. James M 1 Fj.rinele. r-fereej in parti i iii 1mv of June. A. D I" at two (2) o'clock n m- at tlie Itout door of the eld rouit liousu lii the in the city of l lat'smoutli, in Cass couutv and state Ll Nebraska, will after for siile at public auction 'or cafU in hand, the following described lots situaleU in me city of l'lattsniouth in the cytJ'H V ol Cas nd stale of Nebraska, ' to-wn : Lots numbered veji, fight, and nine ir. a. and 9)iublac:-c numbe.reu five (5) and also lots numbered nine (9) in i,iock numbered twenty-, ine uS) ia s-.iu city of MatUmouth, 0 is cokiuty.NeTnfkaas known , designated deii::i"i cdou the recorded plat of el'y ot Pl.Tt-rn uith in :iil eoutv and stite. Dated Plattrmouth, Nebraska, WayStU.lSSS. Joseph W. Johvpox. .'AMK.hM PTlK!iSON. H. Pawielk. g.4 itieferees in Partition. JVO T 1 We earnestly request all of our friends indebted to us to call it once and settle accounts due. We have fiif-tained heavy loss by the destruction ofr our Brunch House at Fairmont, Neb., by fire and now that we need money to meet our obliga tions, we hope tin re will not be, one among our friends who would refuse to call promptly at this particular time and adjust accounts. Trusting this will receive your kind consideration and prompt attention, we remain, Yours Truly. SOLOLMOfi I SHAKER BOY! Will make the season Mondays and Tuesdays at SConiQ, one mile east of Eixrht Mile drove. Wednesday to Saturday in Plattsmoutli At Louis Ivhroell's stallw at the loot of Main St reft. S tl ifl'iK rx B O Y Is a Dark-Bav Pacer, 15?, hands hirh, weighing 1,200 T'Ourids. ' His close, compact torm and noted reputation for endurance and tpeedy proginy li'ave justly earned for him the reputation, and encomium trout the Editor of the "Spirit of the Turf" that he is one of the Best Sires ot the age. Ilia record is S:2G, and has paced trial miles in 2:1C. His eolts, Little Baby, 2:27-, and J. W. Jluey, 2:21, with more to follow in the charmed circle this summer, is certainly a great showing, and affords the public in this vicinity a grand onportuniiy to get valuable horses at low prices. His service ot$lo.6, with $2.09 added if not paid till after loaling, or $20 to insur colt to stand, is only the price of a good ordinary horse, while horses of Siiakkji Boy's blood lines receive trom $100.00 to S300.00 in other localities. Horses of this kind, if not wanted for sporting purposes, can do more general work on a farni, on account of their extra nerve power, than unwealdy draft horses, and can go to town or to meeting in one half the time, and time if money. Owners ot fine mares have a rare chance now for one of the cheapest horses in the United States. Embrace the opportunity. Yarn Lyliili A. WATERMAN & SOU WUolAsaie nd Ketail Dealer in Dll t Shingles, Lath, Sash, oors.Blinds. Caa uppiy every demand of the trade Call and get terms. Fourth street Iu Rear of Oiu ra House. UMBER C EZr h NATHAN. J j DES. CAVE & SMITH, "Painless SDonlists' The only Renti in the West prnitrolin? thle Ai-wsjtteiii .f ExtractiiiKiid riiiine Tt eth with.. m I'ain. cur anae-ihetic is en tirely free from CIILOROFOKM OR ETHER AN D IS AIV-JOLUTELY Harmless . Tq - All. Tee'h extracted and srtijleial teeth inserted: next day jf deMred . The pwervat ion of the natural teeth asiciaI:T. fiOLD CEflWSS. GOLD CAPS, BR1DSS r70I. Tha very finest. (ifn"ein Cnion I lock, over 7he CitieL' B:-i.U. If you wan u good silver watcbv send us 30 sub.scribers to the Weeklt IhlRALl), t . iH i ; it : C 1 1 t !