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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1888)
DELEG- V . i I. I f v 1 1 f if 13 v.i 1 4 If 1 ROYAL PJ'3 'XJ vj ,0 ,;v ruf , IPS www mm, if: Absolutely Pure. TliW itvclcr iicver varies. Ar.iarvel nf iiu Ity, MMMl-;t h aid vlnle-OTiieiies, Mme cen uouiical than tin- ordinary kind-i.aiid i';tiiint re old ot ciniifi H i"u w it !i tin- in ul l i! ut- of low tflt. short weight alum or p!ioii;il-? powders. Bold O..IV i'l ClI.S. HOVAI, HAKIM! 1'OIVDKH Co..l(iiiV';ll:it. New York. Clci'X, Tie i -in I'm-, AUnniey, K:r.;iiie. r, 1'oiic.i .1:1 l'- M;ii1i:UI, Couaeihiieii, Hf 2:..l 3 (1 U'.l. Board rub.Wor i.l, ,j 1 :o m i-son t; li smith .1 il V AT Kit MAN 15V1MS Cl.AltK A M akoi.i: .IS Ma i li i-.w s V II Mai.iok ( .1 V W.-i wr. veil I A W v "i "0 l ( M .loNKS ( V:.i Vi.ii..ii i M 'J M ITM'llV S V J1' I'T.-'N j i: s ; km ; ! W.IOilNS '..CllAIU.MAN (!ili:I)KK A v." ICS W OUT U Tho Celt Lino L ing. Decide Their C They Will Hand: ed Them- Ou. CmcACiO, April cgates, reprvseutii'r '- men una swiicioiieu m t Chicago, held a inert hi r. . General Manager Jeffrey, of t.-. Ct-ntrul, made a speech, tit Ihc coaffusion of which it was resolved that the men on each road he allowed to use their own judgment in all questions growing out of the t-trike. This is con. idcred to he a virtual endorsement of the Michigan Central's men today. The Fort Wayne strikers today asked the general superintendent whether if th: y returned to work in tho morning they would lc t iken hack. He replied in the afiirmatlv ', provided th"y would handle all business without discrimina tion. This is thought to indicate that the Fort Wayne- strike will soon he over. The licit line employes decided tonight to stand hy the company and handle al! freight as directed. This settles the trouble on that line. l! XL )N 1)1 I'li N AT. SnillLSDKK. Chicago, III., April :. The striking St. Paul yard men held a meeting tonight and appointed a committee to wait on ( .1 W .! C- I'li KI D JI 11 CIVIC SOGIJl'lS. 1ASH l-ODtl:-. o. Hi'.. 1 . . V. -Meets 7oveiy Tuesday eveinie; of o;icll week. All transient brothers are respect fully invited to Hlttilld. .iiv, la., April 2.-Ittrausdrcd Jaj afternoon that the ice gore;e. nboYC hero had not brokei:, nnd that th jca which moved out Saturday was only City property of nil kinds in exchange from the Sioux river. 1 lie gnat gorge for lands improved or unimproved. Apply wIieI begins just above its mouth and to Windham and Davies. w-ur. t,,,, ,,, ;11, ktill Drnhnio wtnt-i a hoots, ana lias caused me n.osi tusasnous . . . t a-.i. .' inundation since lbl. I lie water in-an J1 li 1.1.1., iini., ,J11I o. a fanner livinir three miles south of this to ussume a tlircatenmg aspect ai.oye in- 1 . .- . . . . IM1 i.hir.- t.nbiv met with an nccident while gorgo yetU-nlay .ilternoon. At luiu . at work in a well that may result in Fomt, J)ak.. twenty-two miles abov death. While working at a d-pthof ICO water oegan overiiowiiig uie nai.h at o feet a bucket fell and struck him on the o'clock last m-ht. mo, I in ! . . t ..ii, t i . . head. At present it is not known just tue tnicuiy setiua larmmg laiuis, ex ,..i...4 i. tendinr alonir the river tor liiteen miles HlliU lll. liljllliL nil. I " -. to a breadth ot ciirbt or nine miles. I h J.ot in bouui raiK until tue msi or mofet of the flirintr3 made u hurried tlight A))ril at loo.uu a piece. i-aymtnis, 10 ,m;1),b. to -et their live stock suit purchaser. Windham & Daviks. out of the waj'. They had b -lieved that One, two. five and ten-acre tracts for danger from the flood was passed. Tin 11. 1 1 A I Wiiulluiin and Davies. d-w-lm. , r ;1 , ,tiwi llf ;tl tUVCl CU leil irii iii;!, uiivl in Nebraska Pensions many places, and tins morning the tele- AVasiiinctox. Anril 2. The followinir irraph iioles were all down. Communi- 7 i pensions for Xcbraskans were granted to- cation id very difficult. The water has i s- i -i i -.:ii i t i .:.......! ....... .11 .nwi 41... iiii'ii'.i' i :IV! 1 li n'llKll invalid OU U (l 1 . IHC 1- 1 l umnium m i mi n.e., ttmi ii; ""h1-' ard.Eii-le: Iiobert I). Anderson, DeWitt; portion of Elk Point is underwater. (buend Superintendent Chirk with a 1)iiviti n Bradford, 15a-nestown; Simeon The water this afternoon is several inclus proposition that they would o to woik kmils riuni Creek; Chauncey II. Allen, higher at that place than it reavhetl in it the new men were directed to clear N , ka cu Mexican survivors the memorable flood of 18S1. the yards of burlington treight. Hi" nru Ttrol.-,n M, .v fifnn This nftei noon the station a -rent at Jef I I I widows Julia Ann, willow of Edwin ferson, ten miles this side of Elk Point Shenh.-rd Tender! Frazlska. widow of tolcirra phed that he would have to i ; i , i ' Clark rejected and the committee re turned to the meeting place, w here it was instructed by the meeting to again see Clark and offer unconditional surrender. He received this -proposition, and the men go to work in tInorning. Jacob Schneider, Omaha. DUTTMOL'TII ENCAMl .MKNT No. .3. 1. O. I t w m! I'vprv asternate r noav in . - . i . a i ; 1 1 . . 1 1 eaeli mount in i n- Jiafome. n.n. Jlrothers are i ivilcd to alteiul. Visitiiit; NO. St. A. O. II. W. iMeets every alrei uat - briday eveninjs ai it- m i rpttio LOixsi? a. hall. Transient brotlMMH are respectfully in vifd toattend. K.J. Aliut;aii,:iaser v ; K. S. rurtov. Foreman ; Frank Hrown. over peer - I. ltowen, Uuide ; tiemire Hoiif'ortli. Keeo'rder ; 11. J. Johnson. Finaneier ; VaMi. SSinith. Ueeeiver ; M. Malu:Bht. I'&et j1. : Jack lau;;heity, lnskle (Uianl. C1ASS CMP NO. 3.-W, MODKI1X WOODMKN of Ainerie i Meets second and fourth Mon ti ay evening at K. of 1". hall. All transient brothers are requested to meet with u-. 1- A. Newco .ier, Venei ,tl)le Consul ; li. 1", N'lf. Worthy Adviser ; 1, li. Siiiith, lix-lianker ; w. C. Willrtts, Clerk. 1)1, VTTSMOL'ni I.OIXiK N'. S, A. O. U. W. M.-eis every alternate Friday evening at Kockwood hall at s Vl.eK. Alliransieiit broth ers are respectfully invited to at ten. 1. I,. S. Larson, M. W. : V P.oyd. Foreman: S. C. Wlhle, ICecorder ; I.oon aid Anders-.iu. Oveiscer. fJcCONlHIE POST 45 G. A. R. IlOrtTK'.t. J. W. .TollXSOX 0. S. Twiss V. A. r.ATKS IlKt). N'lLKS Hxxnv s ! i:'..!.:n T. . M AI.ON Il oX (.M1AK1.KS ! M(I) Axdei'.sox Fi;v. ... ,lAO)lUt')K.-KM.Jf. L. V. Cl llTts .Meeting Salur hiy eveniu .it wrSenior N'iee "'r " " Adjntaet. . M. iMiieer of the uav. " cieird Serct ?!aj"r. ..(Viarter Master t-enrt. l'ost Chaplain Another Sudden and Mysterious Death at Mason City Mvsox City, la,, April :5. It is now thought that II. C. Avery, who died sud denly Sunday morning, was afflicted with mtle wind the fire akl nofc make nuich the same trouble that caused the tteatn i,.,i,,,. rirl,i ...,,a f,nfin..1 - ti tia A Midnight Blaze at Schuyler. SciiVYLF.n. Xeb., April 2. At twelve o'clock last night fire broke out in J. Calek's clothing and tailoring establish incut. Owing to the mud considerable difficulty was experienced in getting the tire apparatus out, but as there was but abandon the depot building. The river here this evening has lisen four fett mucc yesterday afternoon and is tilled with masses or lioatitig ice. ALL SORTS OF ITEMS. of the two members of the Brown family. The latter death, with the mysteries sur rounding it, again renews talk relating to the Iirown family trouble. About 10 o'clock Mr. Avery, who was a strong, ro bust mau, was attacked with dizziness, aud in about ten minutes was seized by preme court late this afternoon dismissed violent purging and vomiting. lie was the motion for rehearing on the writ of building. Almost the entire stock was carried out, but the building is complete ly wrecked. Maxwell Must Swing Gleanliifr from the Press Gathered by the '"Seissors and 1'astc'' Kilitiir. Lie Petit Journal, of Paris, on one day during the recent excitement printed 000,000 copies. The Municipal School of Art of Bir mingham, one of the greatest industrial centers, shows great progress in technical education. The bell which was used at Anderson- ville prison during war times is now i:i Wauuixgtox, 1). C, April 2. The su- possession of one of the lleys brothers, of Amortcus, ha., who values it highly t;s :t war relic. given some cold tea to drink, ami rdl his error in the celebrated Max well-Preller , " wnpuinr tact mat in .n i.iasu.i pains seemed to pass tway. In a little trunk murder case of St. Louis. This 8taUUO) aml iu MinnosJla AVabhingtoi.'s over three hours lie was a corpse. "What exhausts all legal procedure for Brooks, birthday is the only general hulMoy PifOF iSSSOSi AL GAfiDS. ATTOIIX KYS AT IAVvr. J AS. S. MVi-HF.'-S, Attorney t Law. iiflitfc over Fever Merge stor". nor.h of M iin betwo 1th and c;a streets. II A KT!0 AN , Lawyer. VitZL'eraIJ" and careful attention to a general law ir.:etlee 51' iiu H,VW OFFICE. T- rsonal atter.tioa to all F. to my care. ilhe-s rntrust- has caused the deaths is a complete mys tery. It is generally argued that it is some kind of poison. JNot long ago a poison known as Tyrotoxican, a putriti cation ferment, a poison generated in de cayed mattjr, was discovered in cheese. Butter containing fimilar ingredgients might contain a like poison, and the ihown family and Mr. Avery both ate butter at their last meal. Coroner Mc Neil exhumed the body of II. L. Brown and the stomach was taken out. The board of supervisors, who are now in session, have betn asked to appropriate sufficient mouev to make a thorough in vestigation. The appropriation will un doubtedly be made and Brown's stomach ser.i to Chicago at once. alias Maxwell, who must hang unless ex ecutive clemency is xercisad. Only a Baby s Shoes Tim went out on his run, but before doing so he kissed his w ife and the baby It wae a dark night, and the rain beat pitilessly against his rugged face, as he tilo wooden aria and leg business was :.t tried to look through the darkness. She an end, but tho locomotive and labor Buying macninerv Lave continued create augmented demands. provided by law Dr. Hammond is strongly opposed to the substitution of electricity for hang ing, arguing that death by strangulation with a. silk or cotton iopo is painless and altogether a rather agreeable sensation. An artificial limb maker said recently that "'after the war it was thoucht that to v.a goiug forty milea an hour. TT drnpl' n "liliiid washout " I no I T-i . i . . ..,..,.1,. . 1 41. n train was n total wreck. The fireman ,. , : , x n t i sentinel service nave to well suecerde.T jumped, but Tim stuck to his pst, like tt,at it hari been decided to extend then a true engineer. The wrecking crew got jack-screws aud raised the tngino from the corpse of hni est Tim. lie was buried. to the whole army in the mountains f Bosnia and Herzegovina. Consequently the dogs are now being trained so as to be able to be employed m the great maneuvers in the summer. Senator Stanford's California- ranch X OTA 51 Y I X f pics;. Titles K oiiiaed. Alw'aret rnmju'ed, In surance V tit ten. eat Ktt -sold. Better Faeiiiiles for laa'.u I'arni Loan-; than riivttssuoiit:-; - Xelst :iIia. JellX A. D.VV1FS, Notary fuhlic. K. li. WIXPIIAM, "Notary I'uhlio. 'v;:i" iaue, uetiicted by a Woman's Wit. Tkxakkaxa, Ark., April 3. Last night a l im giving his nnm3 ns Dave Dix w;is detected in burglarising the Louse of Mr. Peter Ivy. and was a: rested raid locked up in the Bowie county jail. Hi came to -Mr. Ivy and engaged to turn oyer to him a lot of beef cattle which he claime.1 to own on lied river, and was to have started this morning to show Mr. Ivy the c:.;:l.', but Ivv's suspicious were an ;;ed-by his actios When she Oliice over F Pl.ATTSMOlTII, 1 1 Ca.-s Comity. Nkiujaska. tr. a I a rl g J : J ?. M A '"." 3 .i 8 3 rj CIS U "HI n 111 lS E r il noli lied her hus-band. his watch dis covered the would -bj etttle dealer plun dering b'ireau drawers, closets, etc. V.'ith the aid of neighbors he was ar rested, and on his person was found all the jewelry and silverware with many articles belonging to the children's ward robe. Th2 brotherho -d attended the funeral contains 5(5,000 acres, and is probably and done all.thev could verbally and ii- the largest in the country. Some 3.800 nanciallv to aid the widow in her dutress. acres are planted m grapevines, aim lie The next sad blow, the baby died, the has a w ine cellar that holds 1,000, 00 oti'v lioht of heaven after Tim's death. Radons. Une bonued warcnoiue now- I lA iAA 11 - P 1 t 1. "(Mi! heaven, whv hast thou forsaken contains ; u.uou gauoi.s oi oraiuiy maoo me," exclaimed the widow iu her anguish tue senator s rancn last year. of heart." In Nebraska, where glandered horses Time, winch btings forget fulness, had 1 are exterminated bv order of the author elapted. and the lomlv woman was hunt- ities, the state pays the owner the valuo ing through the bureau drawers, w hen of the animal. It is said quit? a profitable he espied a pair of b ib v shoes. business is carried on by parties who take Thoughts returned of her darling babe over the elate une lots or diseased noises and with unutterable grief ehc fell back from Dakota, Iowa aud other localities - a corpse. fr the purose of receiving the Lounty. Neighbors came, bjrst open the door Seaweed is coming extensively into use nnd had the body removed to the morgue, for decorative purposes. It will be used Her arms were crossed over her oreast. during the summer to ornament dresses "What's that she's got clasped in her instead of flowers, and is already in uss hands ?" asked a person of the keeper of for decorating dinner tables. It can be tho morzue. nat iu t!ie natural color or delicately "Nnthiiio-" w,is 1 he renlv. "only n Ulltetl, a:m me taeet ia finuiiiii. - n - 1 - baby's isheies." Married. has alo the advantage of never fading or looking the worse for wear. According to the latest aeeoani the Grant G. Martin. of Tulare, .Dak., was Louisiana strawberry prop is the largest OLD RULiAOLE. . A. u A i'iifiiii Al-i k 1 Who'caslo s.nd Kctail Dealer In r ! UMn I i Si li IS LUiVlU Shingles, Lath, Sash, 1 xfVC2. PJlSfle i sVlg at Grand Island seme six ycka yy I 53 - Es2 sSiSUSc! ago, when the dead body of Valentine i -i , -. of i. Oukhcr was found in a field near there U.n supply every demand cf the tram- , Call and get terms. Fourth street under circumstancrs indicating that he In Hear of Opera House. had been murdered. Light on a Murder Mystery Keahxey, Neli., April 3 Knoerzer, a resident of South Omaha, was found wandering around cn a prarie Sunday in ihc vicinity of Gibbon, aud when brought to town was found to be insane. "While confined in the calaboose at G bbon he came near ending his life by battering his head against the door, lie seems to be both red about some murder and says often, '"I didn't -kill him, Jake did it." lie says houlwas married Inst Thursday to Miss Laura M. Ti,r.,,.L, Richey of riattsmouth, Neb. Tho Key. K. u. Ulrtss per termed ine ceremony at the Methodist Kpiscop-u parsonage. Sioux City Cor. Omaha Herald, The many admirers of Miss Laura ever grown, llie. west lennessee straw berry "crop will be far Ix-low the avcrao, and so will that of Keitntky, uthca'.t Missouri and fern them Illinois. Tiie Ar kansv? evop will not Ikj much over half the regular vield. Texaa will not raise more than enough for home use. A!a- M. Tvichcy will read with pleasure the Uima not many tQ lsortl m announcement ot her marriage to 3lr. Grant Martin at Sioux City last Saturday. Miss Richey is a niece of our fellow townsmau, Mayor-elect F. M. Richey, and is a young lady whose ability, accom: plishments aud v.o.uianly graces have won for her the admiration and sincere friend- i j i T-1 . i i marKets ims season, i ne vegetaote crop in mo-jt of the southern state-: will ho large. Louisiana, and Mississippi will have fully double the outimt of any for mer, year. . otd" inventory, we reduce , ;o 11 tl.'e gootls rather than to carryover. We are 'willing to si 11 our entire Winter Goods at cost. Staples we have a large quantity aad ol'i'tr theiu very low. Culico.-t 3 to 5 cents per yard, linking tl.e hi t standard of them at "JO yard-, for I .'. Gingham best dn -s .-.! h s 1 o cents per yard. lre-i giod.i i.ll kinds id th'..- very lov.'i t prices, from 5 cents per yal d upward. Woolen ho:;c we o!IVr at. co.-t, t-xtra fne. Jadies ca-.h-mere hos", worth vl.Od, now 15 rent, flue heavy wool -!0 cents, now child ren's line ribbed woith 50, now 30. l.'n tler wear inut go at lov prices, as we will not keep them over. Our Gents Silver Grey Merino Shitts r, ;.,.,.- 50 jiow 35. .n oii,i.i avi-r grey marino sliii t - and drawers, extra cpiality 75 now 50. Our Scarlet till wool shirts and draw ers fin" qualify if 1.00 now 75 Cents. Our scat let all wool shirts and draw ers, line quality f 1.25 now 1.00. Our scarlet all-wool shirts .and draw ers, line quality 1.75 now 1,25. ) ;r scarh-t all-wool shirts and draw ers, line quality S2.00 now 1.40. Li2 - TL7B263"'E,Vl'i125I Kl'.'d.V AS CIIKAT. Our 25 per cent, discount on cloaks, is st'dl good. We are determined to clo-n: out our entire stock and never before has such an opportunity been offered to economical buyers to purchase the best qualities for so little money. Joseph V. Wec'Idmeb. rxj- Tt C" ?! mi - . - . . . . !i; As litr i )!. i'.ii.'- tun.o'.iiiei-iuc-iil , vc lmd V folly (iL'tc-i'in iiic ! b di; coiitinr.c liu.-iiics.- in 'j i. i j; Platlaiiitiuth urn: : -o ori .iccuiiiin'Iv mul j i"j ; . r- ' now, a ti-iu-.-t'd'v jtrj-atic infill.-, lmvt Ix.-eti -, Mi pcrlccUil 1'cr 1 lie mut iiuiancf id ,-aiiK; under the 'j niantiriiioi,! .U A. I'i:iIo' and' i I i n ft- j i l " '; J nci as 1m:;. k --:(; or and c;t.-itii r. v.o liorewith .i $ notify (tin- tYk ::- and .itrur.s oi' ur final do- ' cision aiM.i kuiuiy tram-it a cuiil innaiic.- of your t : Hi I 1 . 1 , . . , 1 .11 i .i c '. kiiiu Tiarroiiag'f. .''' iiiciv -.u-:h icu iiiriiig me , 5 llj past sixteen vea-t.-, oy the additie-n of eoiuj.o W tent clerieal force. 0 On aeeoiuit oi v.ii. Solonton Ic-uvino 'A 1-5 V-.I citv and l.'V the ;id-ptien of tl Mi ie s'i i:;. "i i. r : i - m t. u x. w ? ur h ig. a. A m hi i Courteous treatment, and an c-leant new M . hit I n 5 Hi li 5I0CK Bed-Roek Prices, t "We trust to merit your good will and patron- ;i ir VEUV R E S PECTF LT L L Y , ! 0 M 1.9 i I B ! 5 ! 5 k B A a 8 HI v m a a e i I SIB j Our Creat necr lUiige. Thft groat deor raus;o of the country Is Lx ortbern "Wisconsin, Miiinesota and DakoUk ship of a liirg-5 circle cf acquaintances Though the Indians slaughter great numbers . . . ... I if thpsn anim.ik. vet 1 lis depr oonriuuo verv who unite with inu iiekli in wishing her all that joy and happiness which genuine merit so richly deserves. Th l 2 Ell U Vibvi pnfi innrr Qnfl LQi I i!U Lugiups! Oul Will be ope:i Jajiuary 21ti, at the of these animals, yet the deer continue very liuinerous. Bostoa Budget. A lost riv-rt Tte shoemaker's shop. All work warranted first-class. CTJTL 25 7i V