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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1888)
. i.rtceUjr '.e, i.i ihe meet. i . golden itreet. ui id arthly pates, tifr Jrmi reij;". will be thy p-ace ad Joy ; ore, with my boy. cam6rruth Shall Prevail." in if fHy. k-bt anian was rending from anews arUi'our office this morning:. "He fell .rough th ice and na body was not re covered for three day afterwards." "That reminds me," said the old warrior, Or Wlien 1 IJClODgL'U IU juo uaunuion Rifle. Tho regiment was out route marching and we wcr crossing me ivivcr Hudson when one of our party, named Jack Itawline, fell through a hole in the ice that had been cut for fishing. We all thought he was a goner, but the stream wa so rapid that it carried him about half a mile down the th river and he bobbed up serenely again through a a man-hole.- I hurried to his assistance, but just as I arrived at the spot the dgea of the ice, to which he was cling ing, struck together at the moment, when through weakness he was again disap pearing. As the jagged edges met they cut hi head clean off his body. The head and neck left a bloody trail on the ice as it sped awil'tiy along and me after it. About two hundred yard further down, the body that had been carried by the stream at the same rate of pro gression as the head, appeared again, and ship on top of the shoulders clipped the head and neck, and it being intensely cold it immediately froze in its original position. I seized the- Ivdy before it could again disappear and hauled it out of the river. In about a half an hour I reached the barracks with my burden and placed it before a roaring fire: Jack soon thawed out and showed signs of reviving when, before I could him. he caught hold of his nose, in the usual vulgar manner, with hi forefinger and thumb, and as he blew it, his head enme off and he threw it in the fire-grate. I tried to fix the bead in place again, after poking it out of the coals, but the connecting ligaturrs vere so burned that the task was impos sible. Young man always uec a handker chief when you blow your nosft" Elmwood We have a' new blacksmith. More aiton, we have to leave on the early train. The're is talk of another lumber yard locating here. Building has commenced in earnest. All carpenters here are engaged for the summer. Bom, to Mr. and Mr. William Dalla on Sunday, 18ih, a drughter, weight 10 pouuds Dr. Hobb i9 kept busy day and night attending to his patients; they are very numerous at present. Schools are closing in this vicinity. Our town school" will oon close a suc cessful term undcf A. J. Graves' manage ment. Died, the 17th, insr., the 17 months old daughter of Mr., and Mrs. P. Mar shall; buried in the Elmwood cemetery ibe 18th. A. L. Marshall, the popular druggitt of Avoca wa attending the funeral oi hi brother's child Sunday, rturuin: tiome Monday. We can look to the future without f ar and without manly-heart, as Eluiwomi has a republican club. Let my broth- Duna take notice. W. IT. Puddy, of Akron, Col., a fo mer resident of this place is visiting hi? mother for a short time before going to Wyoming to wield the "baton" as "co hoy." There is a move on foot to scrure jurist mill and. brick yards for our town This would be a good location for both a wc have to go from tec to fifteen miles at present. We have two flourishinaaWlges. a K of P., and A! O U. W. The I. O. O. F. 'have a- waeetiiiff- Saturday evening to or , ganizo. We havc n Irjjc and ' commorl jous'hall over C D. Clapp & Co store. The Plattsmouth "Clippers " The third ward lmg? bull club met at Richey's lunlr office and changed th name of the organization to the "Clipper? Base Ball Club." On motioa.'Ed. Dutton was elected chairman and Fred Morgan. Sec A mtin to adjourn until tonight was carried., "Clippers" is a very appro priate name and we ftl cart tin thePIatts moutli boy a will crip tha wings of any other club .in the county th? coming sen son. They have brains, muscle, activity nnd moucy- that say they can do it. Kow outside towns send in your challenges to the Herald and . the boys will answer. . i mem. It was IsabsUa of Bivarli, a w-:nn remarkable for her complexion, who in troduced the fashion of having the shoulders and part of the neck uncovered as a feature of evcn'ng drvw.. The fash ion, no doubt, date - back to Eve, but " what is' now known d cul! te drrsa is Vi:ed to Isabella And enter wiwi . Ifo whom thy UoJ . THE DECLINC "eplorbl Chair Den of J The signal deteri has for some tune Ix j called good society is inoro glaring and n ti cate and subtle de but i tleman used to pay to ev e. i she was a woman and for whatever, is already id" , promises shortly to become obsolete. No woi'ian now thinks of expecting from any man the polite homage which once on a time was the privilege of one sex and the honor of the other. Men come into a room full of ladies with as much indifference and sans f aeon as though they were entering; the morn ing room of their club, and quit it with pre cisely the same want of ceremony and self constraint. While in the society of women they loll, lean, and almost lie at their ease, as though they were in the bosom of their own family indeed, with a free and easy grace Jeesness that a generation ago no gentleman would have permitted himself among his most intimate relatives. In the first ap proaches of members of one sex to members of tho other, there is no longer any suavity, any hesitation tny well bred reserve; men and women who scarcely know each other act as though thoy were hail-fellow-well-met, had been in the playground together, and been acquainted all their lives. Tho demeanor of women, nowadays, to men is on a par with the male behavior we have described. Far from resentinfcjthe un ceremoniousness with which they arotreated by men who are in reality utter strangers to them, they goto meet it half way, and per mit themselves to be on a foot of familiarity cs far as manner is concerned with the tirst comer, provided he see. js to be one of their "own set," that could not bo greater if their acquaintance had existed for years. Tho same ,ldon't-care-a-hang" conduct is per ceptible in the conduct of visitors and guests to their host and hostess. The notion that people aro to bo specially honored in their own houso3 has gone quite out of fashion No one nowadays is so an tiquated in bJ ideas as to suppose that hos pitality is t4o regarded as a favor conferred on the person to whom it in extended. On the contrary, it is the guest who confers an obligation by paying a call, accepting an in vitation to dinner, or paying a country visit, and who has a perfect right to indulge in frank and free censure to his neighbors in case ho does not find everything to his liking 'in tho establishment ho condescends to li-L-tinguish by his preseneo. In a word, gucVw novada3's treat hosts and hostesses as men treat women that is to say, as persons whom it i3 very good and amiable of them to no tice at all. And where people really know each other intimately, tho behavior of men to women, and vice versa, is such as would havo appalled the leafc ceremonious of our fathers. "Women call men by their surname, without tho prefix of Mr., or even by their Christian names, abbreviated to suit the cur rent taste for slansf. And it is not shop girl3 or grocers' young " meD whdq this, but Ja dies and gentlemen in good!ety. JLondoD Standard. Sir. AT. W. Corcoran' TlusinesS Methods. Mr Hyde, the white haired, gray whis kered, rosy faced, blue eyed gentleman who has for forty years acfed as the late Mr. XY. W. Corcoran's private secretary, tf lis me that Mr. Corcoran's last business act was tu signing of a real estate transfer. lie says his mind was perfectly clear up to within a few days of his death, and that his business faculties were never more acute. "He had," said he, "a wonderful mind and very quick perceptive faculties. He decided iiistiittly on any matter which came before him, and though he sometimes mado mistakes ho sel dom doubted his judgment at the time. He had not good business habits as regarded the care of bis own books. He kept the books of others all rights but not his own." I here looked at 6omo ct Mr. Hyde'smeth ods, and they were interesting as showing how a fortune of millions has been managed. Not a scrap of business paper is allowed to go to waste, and all of Mr. Corcoran's checks and fpoeipfg for years back have been num bered. Hw pri-yaj s-jpretary gave a receipt while I was present, and I n.te.4 that )ts number was in the twenty-seven thousands. I was shown check books that ran up in their numbers to over 25,000, and Mr. Corco ran, after he had used up one check book, did not begin a nesjQi rubor with the new toctA, hilt went on until the numbers have now reached ho teA of thousands. These receipts and checks ate fi&cctyUj labeled in packages of 100 and laid awa'y in u.i manner that they can be referred to in an jlnstanL It is the same with the other books; ail arAhprcughJy systematized. Mr. Corco ran not long ago vk na into his office here and said: "I want very much to kno wfaiift I ordered some wine of in France about five years ago." His private secretary, with this Jnrlefioite request, at once turned to his book labeled .Wine;n ran down a few pages and camo to the date and found tha purchase. It was the same with other matters, and Mr. Corcoran had in this way a perfect business diary kept for him. Frank G. Carpenter in New York World. OfOffih Pf Speech In a Child. The babe's first erios are purely instinctive and therefore purely animal. Its consonants are ra and b, labia?s and liquids, used with the open vowels. It does not use the genial tubercle, nor for many weeks the frontal brain. Its second list of sounds moves further back and are g, goo, gutturals of the simplest ort, We have to bear in mind that the babe organically jfwllows historic evolution and is an epitome of past; progress. So also in his speech he moves on and over the pathway of the past and reviews it alL An intelligent child expresses approbation and disapprobation by the same sounds that are used -by adult monkeys. The savage hardly uses cerebrated sounds at alL The refinement of language has sjer consisted in eliminating the animal inheritance. TU.J pbijd's use of gestures is also inherited. Ho does not psec to learn to use his hands; only to 6ecure muscular sUength to direct them. Jli rlay is at first purely animal fi-olic, f Or lolling jn shouta and shrieks that later ho tlocs not find necessary to his enjoyment. His laughing and crying can pnly be under stood as language, as they surely are also In adults, -.-Open Court. Shipped to Africa. A Middletown Springs (Vt.) firm recently shipped to Africa a rice threshing machine, to be run by va instead of Lorso power. . -..- ri the college closed tho 20th inst All the houses fit for residence seem to be occu pied at present . . . .The Bellevue Sun, a new planet, it is prophesied will begin to dhine the 5th prox. Wm. II. Toy, who is not a novice in the business, will manage the rising and setting. . . .Editor Bradford of the Sarpy County Democrat says that Portal, where he has been, wants the world. Erfo he has removed his chattels to Gretna in the western pnrt of the county in the hope that they do not want everything. . . .Principal tfabb, Springfield, has resigned and is studying stenography at Omaha. Hence the schools there are taught by the two lady teachers, Misses Wilkins and Hayes. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs! Lots of eggs and no nick, drooping chickens where Will J. Warrick's Ini proved Poultry Powder is used. Just the thing to make hens lay and keep them in good health. Try one pound, it will only cost you 20 cents, and if you arc not satisfied he will refund the money. Also Ground Bone and Oyster Shell, 41ns. for 25c at Will J. Wakkick's. j-3in d&w-th. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER ALL WANTING KMPLOY3IRXT. We want live, energetic, agents la every 4'ounty in the United State and Canada to sell a patent article of treat ineiit, its sieuits. An aitie e h:iving h pa) lug over 100 per cent, ptoflt, lutving no coinnet'i ion, and on which the agent is protected in 1 lie exe'ueive sale by a deed given for eaeli and every coun ty lie luay secure from u. Willi all tin se jid-v;iiitaK--' ti our ae..ts. and th fact that it i an article tha' can he su!l i ercry ln:ipehol . nw. e , ii inilit iiot he nec'f.U!"y t make. "An Kxliaordiiiary Oiler" to secure j;ood agents at once, but we rave col eluded to make it. to sliuw, ui tony w confidence in t lie merits ot ;ur iuveu ion. ! :l in Its nalubi ity by any aire t that will bandit; it i' h energy, i-ur agents now at work 1 1 e making lroiH $150 to cJMia moi. tn clehr and this fact makes it w. fe lor us to make our offer to all v lio are out of emnloy liiciit. Any a Ken i tli:.t will give cur bu mesf atliiityd ys' trial ai:d fail to clear at least jioiin iU titnc, mi hove ail exjicnfcs, can re run, all goods unsold to us a-d we will refund the money a d lor tliclu. No mch employer of rgciit - ever dared to make such offers, uoi would we if we did not kuow that wi have agents now making more . "in double tlii? amount. Our l.uge descri ..ive circulars ex plain our oiler fully, au-i tliete we wish to H'n to everyone our ot employment who will tend us three one cent stamps for po-.tace. Semi at once and nccuie the agency in li jie for the boom, and go to work ti the t- nns named in our extraordinary olj'r. Adi'resi at once, NAiinNnii Nov f.i tv t'o.. fIS 3m-d&w 5H Sinithficld t-t , I'ittsburt;, Ta. 2 - Hew Men Die. II we know nil the, methods of approach adopted by an enemy we are the better enabled to ward off the danger and post pone the moment when surrender becomes inevitable, fn many instances t lie inher ent strength of the body suftices to enable it to oppose the ttndenpy toward death. Many however have lost these forces to suh an extent there is little or no help. In other cases a little aid to the weakened lungs sviU route al tie differ ence between sudden death anil many years of useful life. Upon the first symp toms of a cough, cold or any trouble of the throat or lungs, give that old and well known remedy Boschee's German Syrup, a careful trial. It will prove what thousands Sy ot j to be. the "bene factor of any home." Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and Bowels, it re lieves a .ougJi instantly and in time effects a permanent cure.' Sold by O. P. Smith & Co,, druggists, jSS.Srno.d-w. An observant metropolitan barber says that he can tell one's physical condition by the state of the hair! Begg's Blpoq Kuriner euij OloorJ Maker. ' Xo remedy in" the" world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as b hold on family BiedH-jne, Kg one should be without it. It has no calomel i quinine in its composition, consequent- no bad effects can arise from it. We keep a full supply at all times. O. P. Smith Co. Druggist. j25-:Jmod&w City property of all kinds in exchange for lands improved or unimproved. Apply to Windham nnd Davies. w-6t. Di. Schliemann has gone to Alexand ria with Prffffsjpr Yirchew, and will speud several months in tegypt making explorations. Bagg's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is warmnted for all that the label rails for, so if it does not relieve your cough you can call at our store and the money wilt be refunded tp yoa. Jt r.tts simul taneously on all parts of the system, thereby leaving no bad results. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. j03-3md&w $SOO Revard. We will pay the above reward fcr any case of tirer ppmpjaipt, djpuepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constfpatiou or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are siiirtiy cois;j;icd with. They arc purely vcgetaLle. and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing ?0 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by il druggist. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu- j ine manufactured bv John O. W til & Co., 8o'2 W. Madison St. Chicags, Its 1 Sold by W. .J Warrick. j Ksll I ft. Coin's. tt. DlCliSON, tSON, ,TZ, 1 Louis Foltz State of Ohio, City of Toledo, t Lucas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and eyery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Ham.'s Catarhii Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, thi (it'- rh" f V-- r. A. D. '80. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iiitenirilly and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the syfcttm. Send for testimonials, frte. F. J. Ciiexky & Co., Toledo, Ohio. TiTSol i by Druggists, 7i cents. ( has r e vol.itlonie,: the world during the npn ''inn1'- ilUIIll Mill wr-udt is of lav nt-vc II i VI I IIUI I iToimphu is ii metl'-H and yt.tem of work that can tie performed al! 'over the countiy without sefinnttir.K the wo.kers from their home. ry liberal ; xi-y one can do the oik ei'lier s,ex. puiu or old ; n -special ability to iiired Capital not needed ; you are started tree Cut th's out and return to us and we will send you free, xomething of great importune and value to on, tha. will start you in businekS which will bring you lu more money rltrlii ftwRv Uijtn anything else in the w-rld. " G-ard outfit free. Adri.'CS-t True & Co.. Augusta, Ms. g f B I 1 I 3 R-a'id.s of form-, but are s r 1 S P I Pi Sf :''iHsed by the inarvela oi in- 2 B K fl" ventn ii, T"os who a: e in 2 M I S necil of profitable work th;-t rt E 9 I 9 I a can b" ilone while living at L J? II Ii J!9 8 hoie.e should iit en -e si'iif tin ir address to lfallet 1.' . Portland, M:nne. and receive free full icfi rinii iou iiow either, fcx, of all asies, ca'iearn from $s to S-r per day a"d upwards wh revi r ll'ev live. You are started free ; capital twit needed S me have made over 00 lu one day at this work. All itiice ed. E nfantite Skin Diseases cur old ft child, now six vears of ase, when an infant i. luouihs old was attacked with a viiuleut. maliijuant fHia uisease. All ordisiary eiiifti'ii- fai.ii . wo called oti- f.unilv , by.sic'ian. who sttteuipied to cere it; hut. It spread with almost iuer.-d tile rapidiiv, until the loxer portion of the little fellow's "i er.-on. from the middle of his buck di.wu to his Kneef, was out solid rash, painful, ugly blocln d ; malicious We hud no r-i at night, no peac by day. 1 lnalty we wire advised to try the Cuticuha Ki-.M ! Dl K8. '1 he effect, w.i simph inarvelloiiu. In three or our weeks a co jilete cure as wought. bavins the little fellows P rs;ui as w hite and healthy as though hd neve: be mi t';ieHt'(!. hi m op iiion m:r vaiuabio ri incitiei saved li i life, ;md to dav he l a strong, healthy child, perfectly vvelj, no repetition of lh Uictase having tvtr oc curred. GEO. U. SMITH. AU'y ftlaw and Kx-'ios. Ait'y. Ai-h!a:id. Uti KiiEi-cii : J. G. Veist,prMgglt.Ahlnd.O. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN. r' horr into t Me world "very d:iv with f.o.-' eczemsitoiiN affectinr-. uch as milk crust, seal I hea). scurf oi i-mulrufT sine to develop into an ag t:izi g eczen a. i lie itching, b'irh'ng ligurat aru a: which make life a prolong-.-d tiT ture unless prope h treated. A fearm hatli u iiii CLTj.icaA Soap, an ex qiiTi fciiin Jeau titter, atit a si- at pli ti ri of ci; n-u:A, the t.reat SKin Cure, with' a little CUTI CltA HKS I.VKNT. u.e new Blood i'urifler, is often iufllcieiit to amst the iro exffs of the disease, and point to a speedy and pernoitier.t cure Ile' ce, no moibf l wholoves herctiiidren, who takes pi Hie in their beauiy, purity and Ileal i li . an-' bestowing upon t- i?!ii a phiid'n greatest in heritance '-l kin wi le nt a b-eoiisii.' and a b dy n'-urished bv ui-e blood, chi'uld fail to make tiial of the Ci ticvba Remke'es. Sold evervwhere. rrlee. CuricuRA, 5?c. ; Soap. 25c. ; 'Rksoi.vfnt. .?1 PrepHred by the PoiTFit Uiii'o an n Chemical Co.. I'osMn Maps. tSSend for "How to Cure -kin Pl.sease- " C4 paes, Cfl illustrations, ar.d iun te-tiaiotials . - - . ' - i .... , T3 "D V t; Skin nd Fgaip pre? DAD 1 O beautified by Cltku catf.o Soap. preserved an-1 A HTF.!'T- Constilulional Cstarrl No single dise fe ha entailed more putter tig or hastened the breaking up of the constitu tion than Catarih. The sense of smell of ta.-:e of i-ight, of hearhic. the b;imaa v?ice. the mi"d lle or niore. and sometimes all. Yield to its desttuetive influence. The lioison it distrib 'ev throughout the systi-m a tacks every vita.1 force, and breaks ui the most robust f conrii tutions. Igr.ored. bec;-.ue but. li! tie und--:-stood; by most pby i iars lTpotent:v asai -by quck and ehail those Miffeli g ir .. it have li tie hope tob-- r iieved tin- tie of : gtaye. It istitr.e. 1 1 . th the popart tre Mt'-hi r.f this t' is ib!e ji.ea-e bv remedic- wi. i, la the r-'ach o ull d iin had.i :t o. c coiopet'-nt and truwr:hv. Ttv -new i-.d hitherto untiied met hud adopted by lr Pa.i ford 1 the preuar.!ti-i i f his ltI.AI. Cuhk has won th" iie:o tyant rival of Miiiufand. I' ir stantHrioiis in atfordirg relief in a'i head colds.Mie- zinj.sni.Wiiii an-i obi'tru -ted brea h n:g. ad ra-jidlv reni'vfs t';e most pnr;-s!- ve stiUtO"S !ivi!is t!:e licad. Svr--e'eii!i)g tie Vrt'RTh, re-tring the- ft'rsti of fcmell. t is'e i-ml Hearting, ar.d walu ng the cm s.uutieva? tendci:cy ef the dise:'.sa t'Jward the ling-, Tv er and kl-i- eys 8aF"KD's l'.AnR'AI.''f-R COni-Utfi r.f I lie bottle of the Kaoicai. t't rk. one !;.xl'ATA is halS LVKA'vaud aa I.MPitoVKD'.UK, price $1. 1VITK" UnCO & CHEVirAL Co.. Tosto.n KIDNEY- PAINS Strains and Weaknesses, Helieve! in ore nii-.inle by tat n ' Vri:SL vhi.uiii An;t.:otrt to am. nii tim..M (5. t!tn anil v (:.;r(!, tiie rwl?iT:i f-xl Anti-Siu IMa-tf-r. Tliflst n l Jt3' l)' I ain--iliiiiir ami trcnut'iciiin "Vlatei'. Ki u -i"a Ir a I to in I ; ta.rtly rt-llfve an-J ceitily cuiv Ki lu-y r.fl I Uterinf Paian ki:1 Weeklies '. arr m t' i ' v.-u-tlv siiicri'ir fn a'! th-r piaster At fill' ilnit'K fs, 20 ro' ; v fr $1 : r to t-c;e flee j i nl I'OTXEK DUUG AM) Ca1..MIC.L C '.. j iiotou Mas. -FOR ALL IIS :-: FUEiHITUBIS ill ten uji:iti ucjiim, iLriniii-i Kitchens, Hallways, Offices, -GO 72T Where a ningnifleciit Prices r. t rF ft COIiNEll MAIN AND SIXTH J'ATUAN JIaTJ. J. "VV. WaK'IHU. fSATIIAH MAW C., WEOL3SALE AITD RETAIL i if m mm m a, - TOltlC PACKERS AND DKAI.F.Kfl l.N IiUTTKIt AND ECO. BEEF, P011K, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &o ot our own make. The lest Lrnnds of OYSTERS, in cans mul Lulk, at WHOLESALE AND RETA1I-. i in mm. u 5 I Law, Ileal -OFFICE OF Wi ndham & Davi es, Ovc-c Baals of Cass Coaaty. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB. Improved nnd unimproved Ri al Estate in nil parts of the City, for sale. City prop erty to exchange for laud, and loans to exchange for City propel ty. SOUTH PARK LOTS ASP3CIALTT. Insurance written in the old 1 licenix, Etna and Hartford Insurance companies. Entire satisfaction sriven in all business transactions. Remember the place, at the Corner of Main and Fifth St?., OVEH - XSAM - OK - CANS - COUJNTY r. (SC0CESSOK TO Will keep constantly ou haiid SrihTo nrl UclO UIIU ' AVall Paper and a Full Line PUR E L IQUORS. The Ir.iPORTiFio LINCOLN, it I I --. iMronmns or- Pure-bred French Draft (Percheron or Wormanl AND ENGLISH SHIRE KORSE3. Visitor alwajrs etlcome. Cail awl ate our Lorkt-s or r.nd (or mht Sets CLASSES OF- -FOR- TO- IB O stock of Goods and Fair abound. - nALw!KG A SPECIALTY A L '1 pLAjcrsjirouTn, ni:ui;aska. B" . mm & siate ana insurance J. M. KOKElfiS.) a full and complete ticcK it pa, dicines, Paints is Draft Horsh Oa. NEBRASKA. sirs rvi w.-i';..r'--9?r- g-.. .r