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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1894)
WflPlFwyif?!? ft QL S' NEW LANSING THE A T R E eg"-'''. vt I; ' i. V K B" Y, Si c l: tf ;' i?'t I j i f . c i ' lv. v , Sjgsjii f in . . ' . "I ' T ,4 AVE Me r, wgif man trow the Second Nebnwa dIatrtot,nde a leiih the tariff la the houee of repreaentatlvea Jaauary 37. Heetid great MHiy thlage, a habit ooacreaa- hare, of which the foUowing are plea: t t t OaJy one year ago Prealdeat Harriaoa ooagratulated hie oouatryaM upon a degree ot prosperity aad a Hffwaion of theooaetorto ot We which hadMTr before bee eajoyed by our people. Aa the yeW oloae'd a dewoaratie year, erea a oonaerraUre oowieroial ageaey.whioh vwaUy aVoida otroog . laagvage, waa ooepe)led to doskro that it waa' the tort fUaaatroua year ia thohietoryot the oowatry the wont ever oiperieaeed. ,The faiWrea 'were 89 per seat atort. aaeroaa thaa la the preeadiag year. Tha UabUitiea were' 400 per oeat greater. Seveaty-SVe railroad ayateaM are ia the haadaof reoeivera, repreaeating acapi tallsatioa ot nearly OTO,MO,000. t t t Baak etearaaoaa have fallen off par eeat. Prlcea ot all kinua continually rfall,aadthe production ot atapMartlf oka ot varkma kiada baa decreased front 96 to 60 per eeat. At leant two wiUkMi working people are out of employment, with the reaalt that all the tradeemea depending upon the expenditure ot the wagea these people earn are deprived ot profit, The treasury of the 'United Btateafw the iret Materia thirty yean ia abort of money, and, unleaa extra6rdi nary measures are resorted to, will be unable to meet ita obligations. Preei dent Harriaoa noted the high-water mark ot national prosperity at the dose ot the ysarllM. Oaly twelve moatas iatsr, uader the administration ot Frsai' dent Cieveland. the tids is at the ebb, aaAJfaahaageaoea not aoaa hap tor.the better' there will not be water enough to indieate even the ebb. ".: t t t . ; It the repubnean party during over thirty years ot soatrolia this country tealdlwvoasUevsd by Ha1 lagislatioa aad Ita winagiwiatrf aiataa tha won derful Mwesaa that has foikxred ita 1 every sffort, why should the people seek aohaagefromsueh method of eoatrolT A swrs thing beats aa uneertainty every Justtnlakot the history ot the party .durlag ths grand lsa jTsW'aw Jnff"Jm Hemmnmmj mjpmBai ewmmj ' ot .ttwV.paHy kito power. talks i ysMMnarssaiM 1MM ssMasssmotaaf Asasnaaa maaafaii i mMmMmmwKmmm Miss Marlowe (Under the management of MR. STINSON) will appear at ttie NEW LANSING TEATREV , on Wedneaciay Feb. 28, . ' t Thf kafeCMtf .' . -W: W . .,, '1 0jjp , V m turns lnereased from I6D.98 in 1800 to 91XM in 1800. The mileage ot ateam railroads increased 405.7 per cent. The value ot live stock on American farms Increased 198.4 per cent; of farm Imple ments aad machinery, 124.47 per cent; ot land, fences and buildings, 07.07 per cent. t t t In that period our annual exporta of farm products grew from 135000,072 to 0,786,917, aad our exporta ot domestic manufactures from 845,068 to $161,131, 987.' Wages have grown higher in every calling, both ia amount aad purchasing power, Ths popular standard of living, ot comfort, ot intelligence, has gradually aad generally risen. It the country can make sash wonderful progress under repuWioaa legislation and republican eoatrol, aad ia so short a time, why should the people sesk a change, espe rially whea that change threatens to overturn all ths progress thus made and reverse us to a situation ot affairs in this country thirty years ago? A MaMtejfer Hlomf Is what Hood's SarsHparllls vigorously flghts, aad Hi (Uwaya victorious in ex pelling alUhe'foul taints and giving the vital Muld Uifl quality &ad quantity of perfect hoajth. It cures scrofula, salt rheuwr'Wlle and all other troublea caused i!y tapure blood. ' OHLINQTON ROUTE On the 't oliuwlag dates January 10, February i. March 30 and April 24, tfte B. k M. will toll round trip tickets at one fare to points In" southern Mis souri, Arkansas, Tennessee. For full Information regarding routes, stop overs, limits, etc., cult at B. ft. M. depot or city office, corner O and Tenth streets. G. W. BOHKKIX, O. P. A T. A. ii i i i i All ladies prefer the Lee broom. Msrv Kssnwlen. Via ths Missouri FasUlc-On the second Tuesday ia Deoember 1888 Jaauary, Fsbaary, Marsh, April aad May 1884 ths Missouri Pacific route will sell round trip tickets to all stations ia Texas with anal limit to return in 30 days from data ot sals, Biop over are allowed ia Arkansas, Taxes and Okla homa, Nsw Mexico aad Iadian Terri tory. Come aad take a trip to the south. Phil Danism, O, P. k T. A. ' 1901 O street. All ladies prefer ths Lee broom. , To ths land at red apples via ths Missouri Pastae rout February U at as tars tar ths rouad trip, feed thirty days. OeiloaPVDaaWs, a P. k T. ., jm O staeet, Lineoln, Wsb. , X . C' V i'i, : 'r$ i , '. 'A t .yT. I HA't 1"" 5 ' i :. v V ' 1 V ? HE next season will assuredly be that of the "tailor-made." Tho "tailor-made'' girl la a person for whom every ono has a great" respect. There are many reasons for this respect. First, wo are taught to believe that she coats a great deal. In this n general mistake is made, for the tailor-made girl has about half as many gowna as her slaters. The matter of expense is, there fore, about the not in the end. Still, the majority of folks, not knowing the exact cost of these perfect and workman like garments, or the length of time they Isst, look upon her as ad expensive kind ot creature. We regard her tweed gown, gaftered feet 'and hat with awe, and put her down aa a very expensive luxury about as fsr out of the range of averagn man as terrapin and hand-painted poi1 celaln teacups. tf Secondly, she is respected because ,jJvj is always ready for any sort of edition on a moment's notice. She is nut and taut and trim, and all ready without any fuas. The other girl turns tho, house upside down when her brother or his friend asks her suddenly to accompany him on' a long country walk or any kind of an'expedltton. She is never pro- pared for any ot those impromptu strolls. Sho Is generally drifting about the houae in a tea gown when she is summoned, and they allow her just ten minutes to get ready. Of courte, she can't get ready in ten minutes no weman ever did, should or will unices she happens to be ready, which la the case with the tailor-made girl. The other girl puts on a muslin gown, with ribbons Hying, and a hat with a good deal of a sail to it, and what with her trailing draperies and constantly Hopping hat her walk ia not exactly a success. Now the tailor-made girl ia ready for any emergency, from an Arctic expedi tion to a yachting trip on the sound. She doesn't care about your picture hats 'and tying ribbons and trailing draperies. A trim suit, with a neat mannish shirt and tie, boots that have been well made for her active feet, and dog-akin gloves that don't pinch her hands, a hat that is firmly pinned on and will keep on even in n hurricane and there she is, com plete and ready for anything and any body, You could not hnre a prettter companion or n pleaaaater one. Bmm Current Fripperis. Pretty feet have bow some chance of being seen and appreciated. Neat boots nre no longer hidden away uader more or less muddy or dusty skirts, and t is I nq longer a work supererogation to i 1 1 I Mxxi.iwaclay The Sublime N&&l THE REPLETE WITH REALISTIC ' A Vivid Story of Life . ir the U. S. assaf. ,' Sale study ono chausauro''aB carefully for the street aa one does for the ball or dinner. Small diamonds nro never, used to more auvantage man in ir.o uatniy flower wreathed brooches that uro in vogue. For a "notion useful to u traveller commend us to tho damp detector. It ia made of silver and looks much like a compass. At the back there are small holes in the silver, through which a damp atmosphere passes and moves tho noedlo until it points to the word damp, The detector is placed in the bod, and Is a certain tell-tale it sheets are unah-ed. The Tarn O'Shanter is being brought out in several chic atyles. This novelty headgear Is frequently fashioned of vel vet, black, green or bronze, the brim being fluted all around except at the left aide, where a bunch of tips poses, or a pouff of lace is secured by a glittering buckle. Some of tho new coats are one-sided Affairs. They have one side rather full; MAiMV. Mki la a ainirln arlrin rnvnrn edgedith braid or stitching. Straight Uad slinder persons can wear these iasqutin to great effect. Tliiee large rings of chased Bilverset 5u an ornamented vase hang against the wall and are intended to hold cards and letters. Oneot tho vivid reds is geranium, which ie of almost dazzling brightness. None but a brunette with a pale olive complexion should bo reckless enough to wear this shade. A black hut trimmed wjth plumes may be brightened with u bow or rosette ot pink, blue or yellow ribbon, and will look quite jaunty with tho addition. People' troubled with sick and nervous headaches will find h most efficacious remedy in Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Thoy strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver, restore hoalthy action to tho diges tive organs, and thuB afford speedy and permanont relief. ' Tfci HMtXaanilry Townsend k Plamandon proprietors, 2208 O street, telephone 670. To Hot Springs, Ark., and return 822.25 via the Missouri Pacific route February 13. Call on P. Daniels, 0. P. k T. A., 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb. J, J. Imhoff is working up a largo ex cursion to Florida via the Missouri Pa clflc route. City ticket office 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb. ForHne family groceries and meats Hotaling Son stand at the head of the llstj their prices cannot be 'beat for the same class of goods. Telephone 010, store 1496 O street. All ladles prefer The Lee Broom. JMEsBuroli. ltsit ENSION Interpreted, by ei Corqpeny of Ra,re excellency. Navy. .. tit ;,., :'V., - , ''', operas; Tuesday, Rebrneiry !2'7. $100 IlKWAHD $100. Tho reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there in at least ono dreaded disease that scionco hus boon able to euro in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is tho only positive curo known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh bejng a constitutional disease, requires n consti tutional treutmont. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken internally, acting directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, theroby destroying tho founda tion ot tho disooBo, and giving tho pat ient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors havo bo much faith in its curativo powers, that thoy offer one hundred dollarB for any case that it fails to cure- Send for list of testimonials. Address, P. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolodo. O. K7Sold by all Druggist 75c. On Fobruary 1.1, 1894, the old roliub Missouri Pacific Route will give over ono who desires to take a look at the south an opportunity by selling them round trip tickets ut half rates to all points in Toxas. Southwestern Missouri and other southern points. Improve this opportunity and go with tho crowd. City tickot office 1201 O street. Lincoln, Nebraska, W. A. Coffin & Co., grocers, 143 South Eleventh street. When you want prompt servico und fair treatment und tho selection from tho largest stock of groceries in Lincoln call on W. A. Coffin &. Co., successors to J. Miller, 143 South Eleventh street. Seo that your tickots reud vlu tho Missouri Pucific routo to tho Mid-Win ter fair ut San Francisco, Cul. City ticket offico 1201 O street, Lincoln.Nob. Tourists rates to Floridu via tho Mis souri Pacific routo on sale now. City ticket offico 1201 O street, Lincoln.Nob. Canon City coal ut tho Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. For St. Louis take the Missouri Pacific route. City ticket offico 1201 O street. Gonuine Coal Creek Canyon und Rock Springs coul ut tho WhitebreaBt. For California tako tho Missouri Pacific route, via southern routo. Csnoa City and Hock SpringB cou nictly Bcreenod at Lincoln Coal com pany. Lincoln Coal company cutera to tho best trade. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25c. Sent by mail on receipt of price by C. 1. Hood k Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass, All grocers Ijeep Tho Leo Broom. Sp?cc'e 4 ?w n SPEND0RS h ' - lOURBOifST PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter ated direct from the distillery.. Pronounced a pure and whole some tonic-stimulant by the medical fraternity everywhere. Gives life, strength and happi ness to the weak, sick, aged and infirm. . If yon cannot procure it of your drastic et liquor dealers, upon receipt of ILJO we will ezpren prepaid to any address a fall quart sample bottle of Old Elk Rye or Bourbon. STOLUVMMnUCO.,liSTILLEI., LezlagtoB, Ky. For sale by J. II. HARLGY, 11th and O Sts. A STRANCE CASE. How an Enemy was Foiled. The following graphics statement will be read with Intensointereat: "1 cannot describe tho numb, creepy sensation tbstexlated la ray urms, hands and legs. I bad to rub and beat thoAo parte until they were sore, to overcome In a measure the dead feeling that bad .taken possession or tnem. in aaaiuoo, i nsa strange weakness In my back and around my waist, loiieiuer wim an inuoscriuauit -kobb-feellng In my stomach. Physicians said It was creeping paralysis, from which, accord- iiik w inuir universal conclusion, mere bo relief. Unco It fastens upon a person, they hit. It continues Its Insidious n! It reachoa a vital pbmt and the su ress udui erer dies. bucii was i ray prospect.. I bad been doctoring nd a half steadily, but with no par eneUt. when I saw an advertisement a year am tlcular benefit, wnen I saw an of Dr Hllos' Restorative Nervine, p 38- ueatorauve aervine, procured n 1 began using It- Marvelous as It i, but n few dsys had paaasd before of that creepy feeling had left me, uouie ana may seem! every uu anq tuer Indlcatloi and there has. not been even the slightest aicstion or its return. . i now reel as ill us I ever .did. and have gained tan und In weight, though I had run down feel IneS U un am wen as pot m 170 to 137. Four others nave used Dr. lies' Restorative Nervine on my recosaea datlon. and It has iDsenssi n as satutacjbry la their aataa Kane, La Rue. O. Ira Nervine la sold b alt fins u In mlna." "3: rr. n; .- .1 -3: ir. hum' Hsstorauye n - : iii.T r .rr v . .- $&&!Km!l&&S& on receipt of srles, a lor bb. ma .tlrtrssbem -r- --m BBBBBBBBFBmaBBB naBBmv ' - laaammj?' '''lima . Mm& -' 4Vv, msr' ' ' -isnmLsasn '''?' V . W j" 4 '. i rM ) i n t'p vj , - "&M .V-SBffii jyi v , sstSMS or ssngsroas i ,ji A jv.wwwu4.iuu'sbii jjxitr!-: itxorrgsygy "Ve-m"yjjiti mhspwsm.