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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1894)
nnmv "" , wpjf- 1"jkrv l " P ,v?Jk; 7.v "Fw WJf ' V "' ' Pi J 5 t. ' I. t: r . - Saturday Morning Courier. luy f(l 0. Ilntl W Ml ' fiiui M COL if IV I f 51 ' f 'X r Hi heaiy gath L"'g fin v 'nrei " i versa carefi boliov loan VOL. J), HO 12. I IB HI ' HE following flguroB show tho earn ings for Deccmbor find Jnnuury of tho Burlington nnd Rock Inland railroads for tho tout four yours; nleo tho soiling prico of tho stock on February 20 for four years: KnrnluK in Ilnrlliiutoi Jntmnry, December ISM..., $2.MW,'ill ISKI M.MI.'.Ttl Hock Island. January. l,312,Vtt 1,UU7,IS7 IMrj :i,n24,17K 1MII... S!,MA,i.M Avorno4 yonn $3,1(0,179 $1,270,071 Fob. 01 prico. Hurllm-ton. Hock Island. 1MW 7'. 0(1', IMtl m'i HI isa lixs Mt .! M ' Avor. ir!co Fob, ai),... i '6xi Tho HUiutuarizcd condition of tho Na tional banks for December 10, 180.1, givcB them 81,520,300,705 Individual doiKisitB, nnd $1,85.1,827,170 loaiiB. March 0, 18011, thoy had 91,TGl,4;i7i Individual do posits, and 82,150,014,002 loans. Mr. E. Rose water, editor of tho Omaha lice, in an nrticlo in tho Topoka Cajiital, replying to statements niado by John P. St. John makes somo interesting com parisons between Nebraska and Kansas. Ho says: "Tho totul dobt in Nebraska, Btato, county and municipal, in 1880, amounted in tho nggregato to 87,180,074, or a per capita debt of 81(5.58. In 1800 tho uggregato debt of Nebraska amount ed to 815,5,17,772, or n por capita debt of 814,07, being a liccrcaso of 81.01 per capita. On tho othor hand, tho aggro gato dobt of Kansas in 1880 is computed by tho ccitsus bureau as 815,012,114, or n por capita debt of 815.07. In 1800, tho dobt of Kansas had renched 840,020,022, or a por capita of 828.47, an increase of 812.50 por capita. This increase alono is only 82.10 less than tho total per capitu dobt of Nebraska. With ono third greater population than Nebraska, Kan sas has nearly threo times her debt; A Btriking contrast between tho two states is afforded by tho uunuul interest chargo on thoir respective bonded debts. In 1880 tho annual interest chargo in No - braeka was 8541,072, equal to an interest chargo por capita of 81.20. Tho annual interest churgo for 1890 amounted to 8025,(36.1, cquol'to a por capita of 87 cents, or a reduction of .'5.1 cents por capita. Tho Knnsan unnual interest chargo for 1880 amounted to 81,075,758, equal to 81.17 por capita. In 1800 tho intorcBt chargo had risen to 82,1585,075, or a por capita of 81.G7, being an incrcaso of 50 conts." . Mr. Rpsowator points out that ac cording to tho census of 1800, Nebraska had n population of 1,050,703, and Kan sas 1,427,000, and then makes tho follow ing statement: -'According to tho re port of tho comptroller of tho curron3y for 1801, tho combined capital, surplus and deposits, of all national, state and privato banks and loan and trust com panies in KansaB in, that year was 85.1, 800,588, or 837.22 por capita, and that for tho banks in Nebraska, 8G0,.iai,G20, or $00-10 por capita." Tho manager of Snow, Church & Co., morcantilo agency, Omaha, says: "Tho corn crop Ib never assured until tho middle of Soptombor, honco tho predic tion that tho business of tho year will bo dono in tho fall months. Country mer chants aro watching tho gruin and stock markots these days. A raise in tho prico of oithor grain or stock at this timo would do much toward loosoning up matters in tho country districts. As tho murkot stands at present tho outlook is cortainly not oncouraging, nnd notwith standing tho low prico of beef farmers find it more profltublo to food than to sell thoir corn. Even u slight increase in tho prico of oithor cattle or corn would huvo u benoilciul effect. Merchants who aro now carrying farmors and have dono bo foi tho last fow months would get in some roady cash, resulting in bettor col lections. That much '0.1 corn is hold in tho state is corroborated in roports from all sections, excepting tho far westorn counties. Much of this will bo lot looso botwoon now and tho 1st of April, as after that duto a tax is levied on gaain hold, and only farmorB in tho most pros perous condition will bo ablo to hold out much boyond that timo. This will im provo collections all around, and easo up country merchants who have been carry ing their patrons. With outstandings fairly woll cleanod up, tho avorago mer chant would bo inclined to buy, and in in better shape to meet his bills." 'i With the Wilson bill in a fair way to bo disposed of in such a manner an to do tho least possible harm, with plenty of mnnoy in tho banks, and factories all over tho country resuming operations, why do times still continue hard? A prominent jobbor of Omaha, noted for his knowledgoof business and atYolrB in general, gives Tin: Couhikk tho fob lowing opinion: "You can all talk about free silver nnd tho tariff, and no doubt Itoth have had their Bhuro In causing tho recent panic Tho silver bill tlrst demoralized tho mnnoy market; no doubt of that; tho fear of unfavorable tariff legislation para lyzod.our Industries; no doubt of that; but tho silver bill did not pass, and tho tariff bill will work no great harm when it does. How do I uacount for tho con-t-'nucd hard times? My answer to this consists of juBt four wordB, 'Pay day has como.' Yes Blr, pay dy has como. When money bocamo tight, and banks woro failing everywhere and bunkers wore drawing In their loans, that wns whon tho hard timcB cunio.thnt was tho tlrst call for pay, and pay day began right thoro. Tho consumer owed tho retailor, tho retailor owed tho jobbor.tho jobbor owed tho manufacturer and im porter, and they all owed tho banks. When the banks called in thoir lonnB n Bottloment of courso wbb inaugurated, and tho man who owed moro than ho was worth, or who was doing too largo it business for his capital, was Bwamped, und tho loss was divided all around. Somo secured an extension, but it was on tho condition of dctinito settlement, and tho settling process Ib still going on, und will continuofor somo months. Our fiscal j car begins in August, and I fig uro on ono solid year of settlement, last ing until August noxt, n pay day of twelve months duration, and then tho hiBt vestiges of tho panic will huvo dis appeared, and wo will start in doing business anow. Yes sir, pay day has come, pay day is here, and when wo huvo settlod up all around, business will go on us it did before, und wo will seo somo good timcB in Nebraska, ae good times its wo havo over soon." , Snow, Church & Co., of Omuha fur nish Thk Coukirk tho following view of business prospects in Omaha und tho state: "Tho good weather this week Booms to havo infused now lifo into bus iness. Thoro aro no startling develop ments, but orders begin coming in in Omaha moro lively in all jobbing lines,nnd tho general tono seems firmer and bet tor. That W6 will not'h'avou largo busi ness this spring admits of no doubt, und tho most sunguino business man knows this to bo tho case. But fuirly good wouthor will cortainly bring fairly good trade It is not to ho expected that tho business this spring will come anything near that of of last spring, which us every ono knows was lurgo. Tho goner ul opinion seems to bo, although it is hard to express an opinion at this timo, that trado would fall off from 20 to .'50 por cent this spring, nnd thut will bo a fair business. If howovor, spring Ib slow in cominc nnd wo uot moro bad weath er, business will bo poor, except of courso, in somo lincB. What tho month of March will bring remains to bo seen. If good weather continues, business will continuo to brighten up; if wo get bad, cold weather, tho reverse will bo tho case." Frank M. Blish, manugor of Dun's Mercantile agency, makes tho following summary of tho business situation for Thk Couuier: "Business this wook preBonts no now features. Transaction in nearly all lines havo boon light, and retail dealers aro complaining rather moro than common of thoir collections Tho wouthor has been all thut could bo reasonably asked; but It must bo confessed that results havq boon, for tho most part disappoint ing. Country trudo is fuirly healthy, but buyorB uro very cautious ond what has como to bo known as tho "waiting policy" still prevails. Tho old timo snap and vim seem to huvo disappeared uttorly for tho timo being. Sovorul Btocks havo changed hands during tho wook and bo.uo othor changes havo re sulted also; but thoro huvo boon no out und out failures, und wo can only iiopo thut spring will inaugurate u condition of things, bo fur un improvement over thoso now oxisting, us to convince tho most scoptlcal and timid of a speedy re turn to bottor times." About tho middle of this month thorn will bo Homo important business changes. M. Ackerman &. Co., tho "Famous," who woro recently burnt nut, huvo loused tho largo McConnoll building, 1020 O street, formerly occupied by Bottmun k Co,, und will uccupy two Jloois, each 142x25 foot, with a millinery stock. Tho first floor will bo devoted to tho retail busi ness nnd tho Btock which is a! roady pur chased and in tho city or on tho way, will bo by fur tho largest over brought to Lincoln. The wholesale department will bo very lurgoly increused, tho entire second tioor being devoted to it. An olovator und othor improvement i uro now boing put in. All of tho old stock will bo Bold In it lump, und everything In tho new store will bo brand now und LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, TUAHUII , 1894. fresh. This branching out on a lurgo scale at this time indicates an abund ance of faith on tho part of Ackerman & Co. Mr. Ackerman Is looking forward to a lively spring trade. Tho old Ackerman cornet, Twelfth and O streots, is, with possibly ono ex. coptlun, the best comer in town, and as soon as vacated and renovated utter tho fire, It will bo occupied by Frank C. Zohrung'B drug sloro. This Will be Mr. Zohrung'a first move since starting in business, having boon in tho present location for moro than twelve years. Ho will put In a new stock and equip tho store In tho finest manner. 1 hero is another link to the chain. Whon Mr. Zohrung moves his old store will bo takou by SundorKon, Scluiremau A- Davis, tho well known hoot and shoo dealers, who will havo almost twice as much room in thoir now quarters, and bo in much better shape to handle their lorgo und rapidly growing business. Duncan, Hollingor & Co., 8.17 P. streot, furnish tho following special market summary to Thk Ooukiku: Wheat:- During tho last week wheat has shown alternate strength and weakness within rathor it narrow rango, but somo ad vunco in 'prico has been established. Tho principal catiso of strength 'in Chi cago has been caused by tho tenacity with which tho ownors of wheat in ele vators in tho northwest hold on to their property. Millers in MlnncniKilts aro paying .'to higher than tho prico of simi lar wheat in Chicago und as such a Btato of mutters points to the possibility of shipments from Chicago to Minneapolis. tho option market wus naturally affected Thursday tho Prico Current' estimato of 80,000,000 bushels less wheat in farm ers hands this year than last, caused a bulge , to COaC for Chicago May wheat; but a later telegram from tho editor giving dollnito ligurcB und naming l.'tO,- 000,000 bushels as his estimato of pres ent stocks in farmers hands created some ro-uction. Assuming this cstimuto is correct aud that our exports will go on about tho presont rato, and milking customary ullowunco for seed wo should havo about 03,000,000 bushels in tho visible and in farmorB hands on July 1. This docs not mean famine, but it is it small quantity and would justify good, fair prices. Tho now export business has been light but thoro is it hotter tone to cublos. Clearances havo been good and that, und tho milling demand, give promiso of a larger decrcaso in tho visiblo this woek. Tho last six months havo been a timo of accumulation und wo havo now, it seems, fuirly entered on it period of distribution und wo look for a market with a distinctly advancing tendency. Corn Thoro is no change in tho corn situation und wo soo nothing to advance pricoB unless wo should got u strong wheutXmarkot und corn gain something in sympathy. Oats, seem to us to bo to high relatively as cotnpured with wheat or corn. Provisions Wo said last week that wo thought tho genoral courso would bo downward. Thoy havo fallen some what during tho week but wo look to soo them reach considerably lower figures. D. R. Lillibridgn has associated him self with W. L. liuntor, of the Hunter Printing Houso, under tho name of tho Lillibrldgo-Huntor Printing company, incorporated. Tho capital stock is placed ut 815,0m It wears tho lonircBt, Tho Leo Broom. Porhups ono of tho prottlcst enter tainments given in this city for somo timo was tho Columbian tea, given by Mrs. W. C. Wittmnn, to a number of lady friends at hor cozy cottage homo, 1012 C streot, on Thursday afternoon from 2:30 to Op. m. Tho invitations woro unique, bearing a beautiful bust of ColumbuB dono in sepia, making a hand Bomo Bouvonir. Tho houso was artisti cally decorated with cut (lowers, each ludy finding hor place ut tho table witli duplicato flowers. A Columbian Bouvo nir siioon was given to tiio lady making tho largest number or words from tho name Columbus. Mrs. Judge McCaud less being tho winnor. Tho boobys bo ing u tie, wero won by Mrs. Samuel Whiting and Mrs. Willie Meyer, Tho prizes consisted of two bouquets of roses and hyacinths. It la tho cheapest, The Loo Broom, BURLINGTON ROUTE Clu'iip Kxt-nmtou to Dili South. On tho following dates January 10, February 115, Murch 20 and April 21, tho B. & M. will sell round trip tickets ut ono faro to jioiuts in southern Mis- Bourl, Arkansas, Tennessee. For full information regmding routes, stop overs, limits, etc., call at B. &. M. depot or city otllco, corner O and Tenth BtreotB. CI, W, llONNKI.l,, C. P. ,fc T. A. 11 .1 (Written for TllK (,'ouiimn.) Washington, I). O., March 1,18114. ISpeclitl correspondence.! Tho agony displayed by congress in Its attempt to dliqHwo of tho tarlll', tho Hawaiian nnd tho silver questions has been likened to that of it bou-coiiHtrlctor, In trying to swallow and digest its victim the or gunitmi is thrown into a spasm of bcoiii ing insensibility, so great In fact, thut at times It seems us if tho effort of nature to do Its work would fail, but just as tho victim Is generally completely digested, so it is believed that congress will ultimately pars thu Wilson hill in a :nodilled form, and nlno tho seignior ago bill or something equivalent to it in ctl'ect. It has lccii remarked that "the tarlll' hill will remain in comparative seclu sion during lent." Tho somite finance committee has taken much mora timo for its consideration than was promised, und although material modifications havo been made giving more protection to tho constituents of this or that demo cratic senator whose vote is Decennary, no consideration hits 1cen shown repub licans. Tho measure as it eumo from tho houso bus lieen characterized as an extreme sectional ono, protecting the products of southern farmers; placing all tho products of farmers on tho free list, and reducing the protection accord cd northern manufacturers presumably in favor of southern buyers, while It Is pro-oscd to mnko up the deficit by a tax on northern incomes. An incrcaso of tho whisky tax is strenuously resisted bccuiiHO that is a southern product. The manner in which Abrnni S. Hewitt touched up the southern leaders In congress at the banquet of tho south ern society in New York on Washing ton's birthday, raised a storm of in dignation hero which has not yet sub sided. The speech is explained in var ious wayi; ho is called a -pessimist and all tluiti'lmt the fact remains' that it is tho small modicum of truth in the utter ance that hurts. It is currently talked about tho enpi tol that tho democratic party ban no statesmen among its leaders. Coming into power as it did on tho tidal wave of two years ago, when everybody wob pre dicting the early demiso of the republi can, or as it was sarcastically termed, tho "g. o. p.," tho party, if it had been dominated by broad statesmanship, able to look beyond sectionalism anil party prejudice, and act for tho best in terests of tho country, might have en compassed somo such result as was pre dicted. What bus been tho remilt7 Time bus shown that tho democratic politicians are of the hoi -house variety thoy have been nurtured in such con fined and close quarters, that in their first experience in tho world, their range of vision is so contracted by prior training that really they know not which way to turn. It Ib tho hot-house politician of no public experience who lias been coupled with the responsibility incidental to power and authority thut is causing all the trouble. Ono of tio. troubles witli the ''g. o. p." In 1802 was that it had run out of campaign material. The solo aim of the present administration seems to bo to "1111 tho aching void." That this pur pose is being rapidly accomplished, wit ness tho republican triumphs of 1803, and recently in Pennsylvania, w hero a republican majority of 180,000 was cast, with tho state administration in thu hands of tho democrats. Tho only purposo that can bo sub berved by tho selgnlorago bill is to supply additional funds to tho national treasury. It cannot bo very long loforo Mr. Carfislo will huvo to sell moro bonds, and thiB measure is in effect forcing u loan to tho government without inter est. Tho term "solgnlorago" is an en ticing one, but in reality it lias no ma terial substance ; it stands for nothing but tho difference between tho tictuiil and tin coinage value of tho silver stored in the treasury, o. g., if the silver in u dollar is worth 05 cents, then tho seign iorage on that dollar Is 35 conts an obligation of the government. Thu Holgniomgo projositioii does not con template tho purchase of silver; it can not help tho silver states, much as that help is needed; It means notljiug moro than tho issue by thu government of $50,000,000 worth of fiat money. Tho democratic party has always hud strong fiat tendencies. Mr, Bryan is strongly in favor of thu seigniorage bill, j It is proposed in tho near future to bring forward u now bankruptcy bill differing fimii tho ono flint wns recent ly defeated In the house, In that tho In voluntary feature Is discarded ami tho state courts aro given concurrent Juris diction with tho federal courts of pro reedlngH Instituted tinder its provisions. .Senator Whtto of Louisiana, the now npjKilntco to tho vacancy on thu bench of tho supremo court, Is regarded us an ablo and upright Inwyor mid it Is really it source of congratulation that thu su premo court Is hi hayo it justice, familiar with tho code Nitjioleuti which In the foundation of tho system of jurispru dence In vogue in Imlilana, and known uh tho civil law. Homo newspit jverH huvo supOHcd that tho apMilnt ment being to fill .luslico Ilhttchiord'a seal, tho new upoliitoo would necessar ily sit in thu circuit court of appeals for the second circuit comprising Now York. Such Is not tho case; tho allot ment of thu Justices to tho various cir cuits is made by order of court. It is thought that Justice Itrown will go to tho Now York circuit anil White to tho Louisiana circuit. . Senator Morgan's report on tho Hawaiian question is gratifying to everybody except the administration, and its Immediate supporters who havo tried to make thu position of the ad ministration it party measure, but have failed, nt least so fur us Senator Mor gan Is concerned. Tho society of tho Daughters of tho Revolution met hero lust week. A great many strangers wero in thu city, and nt times the meetings wero almost as live ly ns those which occur dally at thu cap itol. Tho society has finally decided to rule out collaterals. No marked change In business condi tions is reported ; there uro occasional spurts here and there in manufacturing duo to the exhaustion of stocks. The money situation in Now York Is practi cally unchanged; there is a slight in crease in the .surplus bunk reserve. Collections aro reported to bo Iks im proving. Nixon. Imp. Tho air In tho Fifth ward is condticivo to tho growth of statesmanship. States men uro as plenty in this ward us tiles in lly time. This spring finds thu patriot) in lino form. There aro two candidates for water commissioner, one for police judge, two for city engineer, one or two for tho board of education, and the or six for tho city council. What kind of u delegation will be put up is not vory clear at presont writing but thoro is a disosltlou to give overybody it chance. Percival, for water commis sioner, is not having very much opposi tion, although BarniH has not yet pulled in out of tho wot. Dobson, for onginoor, Ib in thu lead, but Raymnr is still alivo. Cochran has hud onu or two conferences und ho is determined to play it strong gnmo for police judge. Mosely In having considerable opiMmition in bin candidacy for it second term. Burr Parker is a candidate for thin place, and so Is Miller and so tho fun goes on. Graham will bo returned to thu council from tho third ward und Lawlor will bo tho man from tho second. TIhth h;, a hot f Ight on botwoon Holy oko urn) 11. M. Saw) or in tho sixth, with tho odds ut.hin writing in favor of Saw yqr. N. C. Abbott will probably bo renomi nated for city attorney by acclamation. Fritz Wcstermnnn, it is said, aspiren to como Into tho convention as tho head of tho Third ward warriors. Tlicro is it now and strong candidate for city engineer in tho Hold in tho por-, son of B. (I, Dawes, manager of the Lin coin Coal company. Daw en was form orly city engineer in Marietta, O. Ho is making u big rustlo and ho is most de cidedly in tho race His ward is tho Fourth, and it's for him. Tho tight is between Dodsun and Dawes. There will bo u meeting of tho Young Men's Republican club at tho Capital hotel Tuesday night. Waters and Percivnl aro almost sure to bo nominated. ' All that the Seventh ward wants is a member of tho board of education. Webster's friends in the Fouith are urging him to stand again. Tho convention is going to be one of tho most interesting eer hold. - o Frank lluir iHHjxi'tenof us a candidate for councilman in the Fouith waul. ii John P. Matilo la In tho hands of his f i lends (for councilman) In tho lltfh. IMlIGIfll'fVE OlflNTS. Mil (Written for Tim Couiill-.K,) Thu necessity for reform In tho conduct of municipal affairs In npparont to every thoughtful ultien. It Is notorious that in almost every oily In tho United Stilted , jnunh'lpiit governments have Imen ex- ' reed I ugly extravagant, and In most canes full of corruption. Bo trim Irt this, and no well established are unhunlncFB like methods, that thoughtful cltlr.enn seo little hope of Immediate relief. True, thu ptihllu has been aroused for it short time, and somo changes for tho bettor have Imjoii miido ; on tho wholo there bun doubtless been Homo permanent ad vance, hut thu task of securing thu con duct of city affairs, In tho careful, and, Judicious milliner in which good business men maiiago their own affairs, will not ho accomplished during this generation, If present appearances aro Indicative of thu future. t t t It in all vory well to say that tho law abiding voters catt, by going to tho)olls, soon work n permanent reform, Tho greatest good could bo accomplished if overy honest man wero to vote only for honest men. The dlfllculty is to know who are honest. There Is it deep seated dlfllculty about tho management of pub lic affairs; one wulch cannot ho removed easily. t t t Lincoln has probably had somo venal aldermen. At least the city seems' to huvo gotten so far In debt that there Is no prospect of paying out, and unless a halt In called somo where It will bo im imBslblo to oven pay thu Interest. That all this vast sum has been carefully ut.d scrupulously Invested cannot bo asserted by any ono. Meantime this city hnH had many honest aldermen; men who have performed their duty In n conscien tious manner. Vet well known citizens havo Imeli elected to that office, and have found themselves no hemmed in by circumstances, that it him been aluioHt Impossible to do what they really, In llovcd to he tho right thing. t t t Two difllculllea rise boforu overy man who accepts a trust of this sort. To commence with, he in ulivo to tho neces sity of doing tho best ho can for himself. A measure Is proposed that will help ' him directly or indirectly in his busi ness, if it Is passed. Wuro ho entirely free from this personal Interest ho would oppose tho measure, lie can see no great harm in it, though it may cost the city a few thousand. It will probably go through any way, ho reasons, so ho adds his otu in its favor. Men go into council with honest in tentions. They find, however that if thoy will support certain measures, or oppose certain measures, they will in some way derive an advantage, either in u business or a political way. Pressure is brought to bear upon them from all sides, and from being perfectly honest they gradually yield, and supitort meas ures they had no intention of supporting. t t t Again, men are occasionally sent to tho council who really havo hud no oli tlcal aspirations. Thoy immediately breathe a new and tainted atmosphere. It soon occurs to them that thoy might use the present office as a stopping stone toward something bettor. From tho timo tho idea enters their bruin, they train with politician. Thoy gradually adopt political methods, and are soon in the swim. From being men to be thor oughly trtifllcd, they allow themselves, to do thingy which are a little question able. A little observation anil rullci'Mr'Kt will convinco any ono of thu , ,uhY theMj propositions i( eveiy man who swerved from the rivmct puth In his official capacity, in thft least de gree, understood that ho cottjd not bo returned to ottho, and that lib .J)dJU met with condemnation at the hulnVii '! all respectable citizens, a long step in the right direction would bo taken. What wuwapt in city government is a moro honsitivu conscience, and a man who will bo nioio chary of doing things for tho city than ho would lw of doing tilings for himself. YV. ii, ISKI.I.. rsTow drchs goods aud silks in gieatest varietj at lleipolshehner A Co.'h Country butter 15o per kiuiu1. Miller .vCJiffoid. All ask for The ico Bioom. For St. Isolds take thu MIssonil Pacilic route. City ticket ollico 1201 O i street. ' TouiistHiutoH to Florida Til the Mia Houii Paeillo loutoon Halo now. Cit ticket ollico 1201 O stieet, Lincoln.Nob. For California take the Missouri Paeillo route, la southern route. " ' "Mpplo . ill HOV Hgi Is tfstou, iji the in r. i Miter i !X yw ' ii few i ,-y....,i ;fh 1 nh 7 i": v1 ii 'i II 1 J ' -- o A ho wi .J- ' .flrUKr---ts