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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1893)
HsaMlK "nww"; WfFQr ' mm1 "w wwr'" riaRB V xfibJ ciAiJitoAYoKtxiBiro couribh 0 It Y. Jt1. SKTURMYMORNWGGOURIER SjbuI'S' ts' PUBLISHED 8ATU(IDXYSv lit Till) COUKIBU PUBLISHING 60. L. Wksski,, Jr., W. Morton Hwtii, President and Mannirer, Secret itrjr nml Treasurer, HnslncssOfllroliaiO Hirer!., I'lionn EVl. c - - a t r -jr TaWMi OP aUBBOniPTIONt Thk Coi'hikm, ono )enr, In mlrntico. . ,tt.m Hliimmtli i u . . !" Tlinv inoiitlip,. . ......... i M OORRtaPONDBNOC. font rlhut Inn nml nil rnmiimiilontlimi relit (Ui to new nml rdltorlnl uintlir should bo nil dressi-di Tntlinwlltnr. , All hindneM Irllorx nml remittances should bo addressed to TiiKt'ouaiKn Puiii.isiiimi ( o., Lincoln, Nob. Drafts, checks mill ikwIoIHcii orders should ho indor.n)nlile In tlio order or MiocumpMiy. TICK (ll)UKIKIt I'lMlMHIIINtl DO. W. MORTON SMITH, KDiTon, In I.khh than, u month thoro will lie a Hpeclul HiHlon of congreHH, ami It will Iw ono of the iiiohI notalilu Hpoulnl hi-h-alons over held. In tackling thn llnnnuinl question on a platform of his own anil which l at variation with tho plntforuiH of powerful wlnga f tho ih'inooratlo party, PretddontClovolnnd Ifl attempting a work which to an ordinary man would Ihi linpotwlhlo; tint PreMdont Clovuliutd Homo yonra up) muilo it iipiiareut that ho Ik not an ordinary man. On moat iiuoh tlons of imhllo IntorcHt ho Ih porfoutly sound, and ho Iiuh tho courage and tho will to maintain hut own oplnlona and oxeouto IdH duty h ho booh it, oven lr it ' involves a oontllot with his party. Prob Hbly no president with tho exception of Abraham Lincoln him ovor Ihoii in a moro dlttluult or omlmriwslng position than that in which Cleveland now limit himself. Tho platform of IiIh party on tho tarllt and money huohHmih .Ih not adjuntod to thoi present lu'crowlticH of tho country, and no man known bettor than ho that it projier nolutlon of tho diuioulticH that Involve tho country must lie found In a practical btisliu'HH llko consideration of tho factH uh they exist today, rather than In commonplace platform declaration. To tho dlflluulty of dotormlnlng, with tho aid of wIho counselors, just what should bo done, muat bo added the" larger taHk of recon. clllng conflicting factions, and allaying tho determined opposition, that la con atantly assorting itself. President Cleveland, on tho ovo of tho tlrst great battle haa mnall assurance of party Hup port. Ho will havo to tight almost single banded, with foes behind an well as in front. It to not to bo expected thut ho . will come out of , tho light triumphant - and without a near. No man, under tho .-circumstances, could do that; but Prcsl deat. Cleveland to, honest, , and careful, .and conservative, and withal vigilant, , and he will do hto utmost to protect tho Interests of tho country and labor for the country's welfare, regardless of party shibboleths. Moat republicans arc en tlrely willing to givo President Clove land credit for strict integrity of purpose and for a varying degree of genuine ability. They havo moro contldonco In him than any other domocrat, and in his trat great trial, now close at hand, ho wlll not only havo tho sympathy but the active assistance of scores of ablo repub- Means In both branches of congress. ) t ' ' . -' Lkt tho pooplo in this city who aro so .-Vfood of complaining and who uppur : eatlytakodelUht In crying hard times .i ioaaider a few "" events of recent occur- v'( Mam InLlacolnj At the dt)lleet sea- ' aon'iri.w)jat the growlers say Is tho ' dulUetyear Lincoln has ever aeon tho tonaOdable earn of 10,000 to' raised in a ,- reasarkably short apace of timo, really -not much over a month, tor the Y. M. C. ' A. fund. This amount waa mado up for the most part, of small subscriptions, aadthe money was subscribed in tho face of conaklorablo prejudico, duo to in' the fact that many pooplo think tho flaaneea of the Y. M. C. A. have not boon ; c; as wisely handled as thoy should, havo ( been, that an inexcusably exorbitant ' ft jyatlce was paid for the building, lots, etc, JUtft Only a few days before at a public ' : aile of reaj estato at Normal the com tfortablo sum of $10,000 was realized in amounts averaging 200 or $.'W0. Last - Sunday at tho Trinity Methodist church 1 the sum of 95,000 was raised tor tho building fund with little difficulty. And money to being raised and real es- , - tate fa changing hands constantly. And despite any statements to the contrary, ,t, ,-'tae aggregate amouut of retail business , 'to probably aa ,largo it not larger than i at this season a year ago. Tnero area "ptut mnnv towns that aro a irreat doal T ' . . Aaroraeoff than Lincoln certain ambi rrr tious cities to the east, south, and west not" excepted and Ljncoln people can find far better employment than reviling hair own town- . A Denver paper remarked tho other day: "Thero to no coal in Nebraska. if ' t There to atorf no iron, Jead, copper, silver 't or gold, and no oil. Yet tho jiooplo of ,. 'Kebraska think that llfo to worth living r';-al they believe that their stato has a . !mat future before it." It has often . heen said that agriculture to tho surest j '"haeis .of prosperity, and Nebraska seems .;t -ybare out thto statement. In this . ',') atate'.where we have no coal, iron, lead, OM,ilw,go)dor oil, the condition niMydhtm'' to .much more satisfactory 'j-Mim w many of me states tow proauce thoHo things. Wo havo In Nebraska thniiMiiriuu'o of a splendid crop that will bring money Into tho ntato Just as readily as coal, or Iron or oil, nod tills assurance is a bulwark of hope and safety In at lino llko the present. Tho mines of India may bo closed to sllver.but tho markets of tho world aro open to No brnska corn, mid there Is a ready sale for all our agricultural products. Tho values of food product are moro or less atTcctcd by speculation, but agriculture llMi'niOimrutivnlv safe. Colorado hasn t anyadvantago over Nebraska today. Hknatok Cookiiki.i. Ih opposed to tho United BtatOH Military academy at West Point, lie constderH the national school for military Instruction a dudo factory. A little Investigation will make it appar ent to the, senator that somoof tho dudes havo rendered tolerably valuable Her vices to tho country. Indeed, If tin senator wore to look into tho matter very far ho might tlnd ono or two grad uates from tho dudo factory whoso pub llo services havo been iiilto as dm tlngulshed as IiIh 'own, And, by tho way, thou) Is probably no word ho gen erally abused im,,dude." When UiIh word tlrst ciuno Into general use it was only applied to fops and dandles of tho moat ultra type; tho Hcopu Ih now much broader. In tho oyoH of many, ovory man who wenrn clean linen and Iceepn his clothes bruiihed In a dude. If your Hhoe.t are polished, or If your hat Is le.n than three yours old, you are called a dude. In fact, this word Is now so w ldely misapplied and changed from itn origi nal moaning, that it Is moro of a compli ment than anything else. All peoplo who aro not slovenly aro dudes. Tin: CouitiF.u confcsHCH to an admira tion for tho Kearney Hub. It him a way of expressing an opinion that In dicates it wholesome Independence. It does not oven hesitate to say thlnga about uh oxalted a personage ns Gover nor Crounse. Tho Hub In discussing tho Oarnenu mistake said: "Whatever there Ih of resonslbility for UiIh moil stroiiH erior falls on Governor Crounse, who has violated more pledges, abused more contldences, mado more blunders, Insulted more people, and outraged the liolitical proprieties many moro times than all tho gentlemen combined who have sat in tho governor's chair before him." Tho Hub'n statement closely ap proximates tho facts. Fon some reason or other tho Idea of t setting tiro to tho Nebraska building tit Chicago on July 4, was abandoned. The stuto building might havo mado it re spectable showing as it part of tho tiro works display, and It never would havo Ikmui missed. Thk lltwtiiiQH Ncbvaiikan very pro. porly pronounces tho story that photo graphs of tho Nebraska state building on the world's fair grounds with Joseph Gnrueau on tho ridgepole, J nro to be placed on sale id; tho state fair thin fall an souvenirs, a canard. 1UU.OONINO, lutrticularly near tho Missouri river, isn't a vory healthy oc cupation, or pastime, as tho case may be. Fkkk coinage will bo moro convenient season. postponed till a A soft, fair skin is tho result of pure blood und it healthy liver, to socuro which, Ayor'B SuraaparlllaiB tho Super ior Medicino. Laities who rely uixm cosmotica to beautify their complex ions, should mako it noto of this, beur ing in mind that they can t improvo Ux)ii nature. Mr, Thomas II. Denton and Mr. Myron Wheeler roturned yesterday from Chi cago. A. C. Allomong, of New York, is in tho city in the interest of a Philadelphia art publishing houso. Mr. Allomong repre sented Gobbio & Co. for u number of years, and ho was engagod in tho salo of the celebrated "Crown Masterpieces" issued by that houso in monthly parts. Ho says tho total sales of this ono work amounted to fully ta.OOO.OOO. For all social doings tho Nebraska stato band or orchestra is what -is always most desired. "Tho Best" Laundry, 2208 O. streot, telephone 570, H. Townsond & Co., pro prietors, Lincoln, Nob. Tlio Sunday train on tho Union Paci fic twtweon this city and Manhattan will Iw discontinued commencing today. After tho tboatro call at "Tho Annex Cafe" for it lunch. Everything nice, now and attractive. Prices reasonable. Decanting. The Dark Ono Well, anyway, Mr. Town Gilder said this Victorian stylo of dress was particularly bccomlna to me. The Light One Yes, he to'd me he thought it a splendid dress to conceal de fect. Philadelphia Times, 0tflM. Wltberby My wife is getting so she makes her own bonnet. Planklngton Are they a success? Witherby Great Cwsar, yes. Why, sho spent tSO last month in trimmings alone Cloak Review, Ills Specialty. Hills MncSborte bos sold a poem to Scribblers entitled "Ode to a Fair Lady." Hulls Has her Well, ho is more compe tent to write verses entitled "Owed to a Landlady." Truth. TfaeWajroflt. "Poor fellowl Did he lose his eyes la the war!" "Oh, no. He tried to pass a woman oa t he street when she hod her umbrella up," - Detroit Tribune. AVhnl II Wunlit Do. 'Vriint n lovely tioyl" she exclaimed bending an rnrnpturc'l f'ar.o unonaprcU) tVyniMild p'tt)lng pa the grem turf el ItlvprBliIe. Tho whole party pained and petted him, anil a fnt little pampered poodle nosed tlit youiiA iter jculimftly. And tho lad with lib golden curls, blue eyes ami arlntocrntlo fe.t turt'H wan certainly a pretty sight, lb wnttdtcMcd In a velvet Kton Jacket nml cocked lint with nn ostrich feather In it, and Ida fond uinmmn, kitting on tho nearest bench, drank In tlio 'lniices of ndmiratlnn and wordi of pralso n sweetest Incento tc her sou), "Oh, you (!rar child!" cried another 01 tho Indies. "Como away, Flilo. Ilo won't blto voa dear." Htlll the Ind lookod on tho puds) dog doubtfully. "What would you do If you liml a nlci little dog llko thiitr" Inquired tho lady at tliecml of tlio I ibljon. "I I'd knock the ovcrlastln stufllnnlitol him!" promptly responded tho little chip. Whereat hln fond mamma ttinicd crimson. "Come on. Khlo," said tho owner of tlit dog dtirtly. Hut thu rest of tho party looked tu If In hearty approval of thin 'sentiment, especially tho r-olcmn yonng man who w.-u with them. Pittsburg Dispatch. All Altonintlir. Ilrlggs I hear on nindcit bet of MO with Tutter that ou would kips Miss Penstoak Ix'foro sho went to Europe. Havo you :ic- cccucii jet, old manr Griggs No, and there Isn't much pros pect of It either. Ilrlggs Why, what's tlio matter? How did you go about Itf Grlgga-I stent right to Mist Penstock and told her about the svholo how I heard that she was going t sail forKu rope, and huiio one iniulo tlio remark tlmt t would kiss her goodby, and then Tutter said ho would bet &Y) I wouldn't, and that I took him up. I explained tho whole thing to her and told herI waa it poor man. , You see, old fellow, I svorked on tho girl's' sym pathies. Ilrlggs Well, didn't you havo any suc cess? Grlcgs (gloomily) No, except to mako it a draw. Ilrlggs How's thatf Griggs Sho nays sho wlllstay homo from Europe. Harper's I!aznr. Tho Winner. A late archbishop of Dublin, noted for his originality nml lovo of it Joke, was ono day walking along n road, when ho canto across three tramps lying on n bank by tho road side. They woro thus addressed by his grncoi "I trould bo willing to glvo halt n crown to tho laziest of you, It I could tell which of you Is most cntltlcdto it." One of them Immediately jumped uptmd said: "Glvo It to me! I haven't dono any work for nix inontlui." Tho second came forward and claimed It, saying ho bad not svorked for n year. Whllo thesa two woro disputing about tho honor of being tho laziest tho third man, who had not even moved, i.lceplly sain: "Como bore, guv'uor, nnu put It Iq my pocket." Amusing Journal. Pretty Thlrt Stuff. Tho extreme thinness of tho gold on cheap Jewelry has long been n subject for jest by humorists. A party of Boston Jw elers wiu being shown through one of tho great plating factories by tho proprietor, a man well kuown us n wag. As tho visitors stood looking into ono of tho vats where different articles wero being plated with gold by meuos of n chemical process, n gen tleman asked: "Undo Jahu, just how much gold do you uso hcio In your business?" ' Tho old man lookod up and answered, with a twinklo in his eye: "Well, boys, I'll tell you. When I started in, 15 years ago, I putA61Pgol(lplcco into tho vat, and I guess thero'rsomo of It left yet!" Boston Journal. A I'lu.-u The feeling of superiority In tho sterner sex is inborn. "Mamma, do you think you'll gotohcav enf" said Jack, thoughtfully looking into bis mother's face. "Yes, dear, It I am good," said the moth er cautiously, svondering svliat would come next. "Then please be good, for papa and I would be lonesome without you." Kate Field's Washington. '' His Faroi-lte. Propinquity Sho sketching) I suppoJ I could get your expression better if ycu sat a little farther off. He On the contrary, I was just going to quote my favorite hymn. Sho What la that r He "DrawmeNearor." Boston Beacon. Tho TVId Drias. Willie Say, can I havo that straw bat of yours when you get through with Itf , Featherstone Yea, Willie, Wbatdoypu want it for? Willie I'm going to cut off the crown and uao the brim for a circus ring. Cloth ier and Furnisher. BtlU 8h Waa la Favor or It. Mrs. Watts What, yon dou't mean to aay that you do uot belie vo in Dunday us a day of rest? Mrs, Potts I wight, If Mr. Potts was not bo fond ot good dlnnora, Texas Sitt ings. nil Suinmor Bolt. Blnks Is that a summer weight you' vo got on r Chinks (in his now suit) Tho tailor says It's an 13 months' wait. Detroit Free Press. Sana Said. Friend Well, Pslouth, how to the detect Ire business 1 Old Psleuth Looking up. Chicago Tril as. Be Why, I never have any sense wheo I'm la the company of a pretty girl, be Wist a queer way ot paying Hie a ipllmeat, ur. aappr: TruUu t A Surprise, A I.UInn lllutlratlnn. Oaedny during tlio period when Henry Cnlxit lodgo now Senator Lodge was n niciub-'r of thu house, u coiintrymuu and lils wire wero watchluu the proceeding on tlio flisir from the gallery, one of the fea tures lielng a speech by lr, U. The old fel low had his eye on Mr. I.o.lge In evident admiration, and at Ixst be turned to the man next to him for lufoi tuition. 11 Who is tlmt down tlieni In tho aisle talk lug to tho ImylV ho nslusl. "Congressman Lodgo," was the reply "Where's ho from?" "Miissochusutts Dostou." "llostoii, did you sayf" queried tlio conn trymnu. "Vet, Hoston." Thn old chap turned to lilt wife, who hail been lbteulng. "There, Mary," ho exelalmcd, "just see what benim and brains will do for n man that ain't half iui big at a haysiacK." De troit 1'reo Pres.1. Moro rorolnii Compllcatlnn. "If I only had me hands on the niou that's hohllu durol" Llfo. I'nfio I.rn us ii Wit. For his repartees and witty remarks the pope hat long been icnowned. What, for example, could h neater than his remark about tho English houve of lords, which lie mado to tho Duko of Norfolk during the hitter's recent visit to Home? "At what age," he asked tho duke, "can nn English peer tnko hit seat in parllnmcntr" "At 01,'' wat tho reply. "If, It evident, then," re marked the pope, "that Ihigllth patrlclaut acquire tho necessary talents for legislation much sooner than thoe of ancient Home, who wero not admitted to the scnatu till tho ngo of 40." Hit readiness at repartee, however, was never more ably demonstrated than on a mcmorablu occasion at Brussels several years ago while at 51r. Poccl he wat lllllug tho pott of nuncio at tho Belgian capital At a dinner party at which lie was one of tho Ructtts a certain mnrqult had the bru tality to iiolnt out to him upon the lid of n snulTbox a undo and indecent llguro of Venus. Undltturbed by the smothered laughter of tho marqult and his comp.iu ions, tho nuncio looked at it attentively u few moments and then handed it back with npolltoliowiiud said very quietly: "Charm Ing. A portrait of tho marchioness, I take It lor granted." Still it is rather as a humorist pure and simple than as a master of surcasm.tliat his holiness hat become noted throughout Italy, and that he can thoroughly enjoy a joko even at his own expense Is mado clear from tho following story which was on every ono's lips In Homo some timo ngo: In a newspaper article descriptive of his daily llfo tho fact was mentioned that ho always dined alone. Tho pope's attention was drawn to tho article, and nfter reading the paragraph ho laid tho paper down and re marked quizzically, "Yes, It is true that 1 dine alone, and yet I am always tho thlr tccnth nt table." New York Herald. Making nn Impression lu Wax (Wucks). Truth. The Modern Way. Floorwalker Good morning! You wish to do somo shopping, I presume? Bride (with hubby)-Y-c-s. Floorwalker Step into tho smoking room, nnd tho boy thero will givo you n check tor your husband. Now York Weekly. Great Huccess. Mr. Nevrmcmber I have heard your drawings very well spoken of at the Art club. Mr. Nightly Yes, I have done fairly well Drew three kings to two aces last night. Club. Not Ersaagh. Clerk These remnants are in 5 and 7-yard lengths ami very great bargains. Customer They won't da I want enough to mako a pair of sleeves. Chicago Inter Ocean. Moving Tlrae, Wo'U crack tho windows, mar the doors and rain everythlnir. . We'll tear the paper off tho walls It's rretty nearly spring; Wo'U mako tho houso present an awful pMum of decays It's lima to go to smashing things wu'H mnvo tho tint nt May. Wo'U dump tho rulios tn tho hall; we'll clojttho water pipes; Wo'U paint tho colllntrs and thu walls In wild funtastlo strlnes: Wo'U brenk tho knobs and latches nth tho house wo'll disarray. For that Is how tho pcoplu dq w ho movo the tlrst of Slay. Hie place ho leave behind us will be awful to behoM; An air of wreck und ruin will thu premises In fold. No other can uwakon such u depth of dark dls mny, Except It be the house to which wo'll movo tbt first of JIay. -Dsiroit Fruo PYsts. ill i SC - v TmllmW ' mm Tppied flio Drape Hats to e lEGfiinc Trimmed hats at 03c, 81.12, 91.40, f 1.00, S?1.87, etc., former prices wero 8'J.50 to W. In fact you can buy any trimmed hat in our store tit less than half of tho former price. Ladies dress shapes, latest styles, white chip, fancy braids and fancy straws, at OSc; former price 8!!.fi0. MILAN AND FANCY STItAW, WORLD'S PA III SAILORS 4l)o. As tho lino is not a lurgo ono, como early for n good choice Two lloont exclusively millinery. O and KRUG 1109 O STREET, Lincoln. ti, f - ' Wo will for tho next .".0 Bale, goods will Lo Eolil.ut every department you will tlnd prices cut in two. DRESS OOODS AND SILKS Aro simply slaughtered. LACES, EMBROIDERIES, COLLARS, CUFIfS, RUSHING, STAMPED LINEN, ETC., ETC., 331 7 NOTIONS ARE CUT AWAY DOWN HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, GENTS' FURNISHINGS ARE SUFFERING THE SAME FATE. Como curly and got soma of our best bargains. H.R. KRUG&CO. SUCCESSORS TQ. J. ,w. HO O Street, LUXURY W COmFORT SEE OUR UllT I V vrniiisn JBKm 5IWt5. f nn. Orill Plnoo Your Order No-w. H. M't'Misirr. UIOM O CYCLONE 1 BARGAINS. liHIi Sts., Kunko's Opera Houso corner & CO J$ 4 days havo u general clearing ulmcat jour own price in- OFF. YOURS VERY TRULY, WINGER & CO. Lincoln, Nebrn sicca. d. VMii & BR0. '--V is T of tSatoi baL--J yfegi.kji .v'kv .'4s;!if , Uiti(i;:.fel, t-. MVtunwA