Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 03, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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First Nalional Bank
Capital, $400,000.00.
Surplus, $100,000,00.
V..H IIAUWOOIl, I'rralilant.
CIIA8 A IIV.NS.V, Vlre I'rndtlrnt.
K. M COOK, I'nstilrr.
O.K. l.ll'I'INl'OTT Atalataiitt'aahUr.
II. S. HICKMAN, Aaalstniitlnatilar.
Hational Bank,
Vfflrfru ntid ltrrrtir.
Juki It Wiikiiit, President.
T, K. H"itiKHK, Vlrn I'rvaldant.
J. It. M(Cl.AT, Canhlrr.
K. K. JolitiMin, II. I. Tlum. Coclimn,
K. It. Sliar. T. V. I.owfry, '
W. I.. Ilnyton.
Gotiornl Dunking Business Transacted.
Collections a Specialty. ,
I. M. llAYMUSIl,
1). V.. TlKIMPHllN,
I). O. Who.
Ami, ('ashler.
Illchard'a Mock, Corner
Eleventh ud O St.,
(ScipifcU, $!50,000.
DmiOTiiRx I, M. ltnviniiiiil, l.fwln (Irruorv. H.
II. llarnhiini. T V. Lottery. C. 0 linwms C. II. !
;M.wrr"lA,...Hn""l'r' ,:- " llrnwu. K. V.
J;1.'';.." w- II"iBin. (1. W. Lnmbertnou.
I). K. Tboinpaoo.
German National Bank i
Capital, 100.000.
Surplus, 20,000. ;
Joseph Hokiimek, President, I
H human H. SciiAiir.KO, V-l'rcst. !
Cll AS. E. Waitk, Cashier,
Quo. II. Sciiwakk, Asst. Cash.
6 par cant on Sapoalta Fata at tha
Lincoln Savings Bank
Cor. V and Klerentu SU.
N. H. llarwoud.
N. C. Ilrock.
Wm. Mcl.auKulln.
W. A. Nelleik.
C. T. Hukuh.
A. W. Weunter.
Albert Wutklna.
Krd Wlllliitnii.
Itaihel l.loyd.
It I. llitthnwn.
J. '.. Ilrlai-oo.
C. J. i:rnt.
II. W. Ilrnwn.
II. I) I'lillllpa.
i: It. Hlter.
Ili-iirv Willi.
Henry K. I.f xlt.
Savings Bank.
capital, - - -
Htuekliulilers' MatillltleH, $00,000.
Pajm Inli-ri'st on suvlnirs nrcnuntu nntl time
Uriualtii, Kurrlthes nxclinUKU 'rra
to cuatuiiivm.
John Taylor, PrrtWlent.
J uinta Klluuru. Vice President. i
r.. it, i iuKiy cuiDier.
Real Estate Loans
On tarmi In Knatern Nebraska and ImproTtd
property In Lincoln, fur a term of years.
Lowest Current Rates.
R. E. & J. MOORE,
Corner 11th iiud O Htrovta, Lincoln.
Steam Dyeing
No. 113 N. Twelfth St. ;
T. O. KERN, D. D. S.
Rooms 25 nnd 1!G, Ilurr Illock,
i,ix i-,
Una at Krent expense
replaced Ida OLD In
strument with a new
Iiull.Hiner. direct Iroin
London, and Ih now better prepared tlinn ever to
do One work, from n liikit up to llfu aim. Open
room 10 a.m. to 4 p m. Hundiiya.
Comer nth nnd N Htreeta.
S. 30. ST.
I'millng tlm lliihy.
New (Jlrl Please, sir. tlm missus 1h out.
ii Ml I can't tin a tiling with tlm Imliy. IN I
cries nil tlio 1 1 inc. t
.Mr. Winks- IIiiiiiii! Something lntlt
b- tlolll'. Let -ItlC MSA Thcic's mi lilloil
.) Iiltn only n few sipiaics mi a) Send ii i
for oniMir tlu fi'inulu tumults tocoim-dnM i
heic nt once. I'll pay nil ch.itgcs
"Hut what ilit )ou want of Midi ii 1 1 en
tore us that?"
"I tlilnk nuiylii' she will Is'iihlfo till .
baby talk tolilin until his mother iclttrus."
New York Weekly.
llruw hit tin. I.lnr.
. t
He Wi'll, If you won't till your age, I'll
ask your father.
She Hi' won't give iiio away.
Hi I only wanted )our ago. Hrnoklyn
riti'ii, i
Shu was seated before n long mirror in
ono o tin1 largest mlllliit'ry cstulilislinicnt-i
In Chicago. Two dainty creations of lace,'
htruw anil flovveis were balanced on her lin
ger tips. Shu was gravely comparing their
merits, while, the saleswoman Htooil h,
smiling. Ami so her dearest friend caught
Might of her.
"Why, Dorn, you hero? Come, help inn
to decide. How much did you Kiiy this one
"Only $39.4!!; awfully cheap," cooed tin1
"I'll try it on."
Tliu young lndy turned to thu glas. Her
friend watched hcrwithcnvlouHejcs. How
did Flora ever get so much lnoueyf
"I.uvclyr" crlwl thu wileMWonian tin i-lu1
turned from thu mirror.
"Which do you piefer, Doraf" i
"They aru Inith lovely," wild Dora in a
faint uotliiug-to-cut-hiucc-iuoriiiug voice
"And ipllte reusoualile, too." went on
Flora. "Now, if 1 decide to tako this one,
loulil I have that cluster of Mowers iiiumiI
Ju-tiitrille to tlm rlghlr"
"Certainly, uotliiug easier."
"I'll try on the other beforu deciding."
Dora could Innr no more. Shu lied to t ho
elevator. How poor and cheap looked t lid
hat she had put on t-o proudly an hourago,
and sliti had meant to crush Flora with It!
Two hours later they nut on Statu ntreet.
Ooiu glanced at her friend's head,
"Voil had It sent home, 1 .see," hhu Niid.
"Sent home nothing, gooslc; didn't ) oil
see me wink ut your Why, I only had I'J
centH in my poekethook all thu time, hut
my old hat just had to Imi trimmed oer. I
did It to gain time to fix thtiMtyle In my
head. I can do it beautifully now. Here'j
a miId of linpoited (lowers for IT cent h J
hunch; let's go In and look at tlieiu."
They w cut. Chicago Tribune.
The SeriiKMi Wus Short,
"You must have had an awful long ser
mon. You uii! half an hour later than usu
al," said Mr. Mcllailelii to his wife, who
had Just returned fiom church.
"Why, I thought thu sermon was M-ry
abort," replied Mrs. McIIarlem.
"Did you have jour new hat ou for tin
first timer"
"Yes, dear."
"Ah, that explains it. No sermon U
long to a woman under those circum
stances." Texas Slftlngs.
An Ansel's Treaaiiri'H.
Accepted Suitor Why, my angel, what'l
the matter?
Thu Angel Oh, the awfullest thing hat
happened. I have lost my engagement
Littlu Hrother Why, his, what a fttsi
jou aru making! You've got plenty mom
of them. Uoixl News.
Not of the t'ipi-r Tell.
Mrs. Nuxdoor I havu found out ono
thing about that Mrs. Newcomer. Wins
v er she is she has never moved in good n
Mr. Nexdoor How do you know that?
Mrs. Nexdoor She shakes hands tin it
she meant It. New York Weeklj-.
Sold AkuIh.
A. What Is Meyer doing now?
II. I kuw him a littlu while ago with liU
dead lu a uooe, a kuifu at his thioat and
foaming at thu mouth.
A. -Horrible! Whcrer Where?
It. At thu Imrber'sl llumoristlsche
Vt-rj Movlni;.
He read the letter twice and then said:
"Tills is one of the most moving pieces ol
literature I ccr saw."
"Is It au appeal foraidr" asked his wife.
"No. It's a note fiom the landlord say
ing he has ral-ed thu lent." Washington
Suru Cure.
Higgs Hriggs' physician has prescribed
cigarette smokfhg fur him
Mlggs What a horrible prescription
What Is it for"
lliggs Tocurulhu tobacco habit, I be
llco. Flinira (Jaette.
"1 see, Hill," Mild Dusty llhodes, "that
they 's a move ou to take people from hi 10
to Chlciiger for tl during the fair season "
"Hah1" retorted Hill. "What's the use
o' wastiu yer money when you kin walk"
- Haiper'.s
ruilners lu Crime.
"Who ale those gills play ing folli haiidtd
pieces ou the piano?"
"One of them is the daiighterof tin host
ess "
"And her accomplice?"- Fllegeiide Hlat
ter 'I he Tiiiiihli-Miiuii Tli Ins,
"Why do you call join twins '('ileum
stances,' .law kins"
"HecuriH', in) dear bo), they aie some
thing inM- which I have no loutiol "
V i-tuc
'I linse (.ll N.
lie Miss .spotts is aw full) iiivi-i A
tegular wonder
.SI10- Yes, tlllle wolks Wolidi I 1'lUtli.
gsPL!', f&
5jB ''MP J1 ill fltirk
rlctitfiil Peril That t'oiifroiilril Two
Tin) wen' slslern, theso two, at tlm mo
nieiil In awful pel II, and they werealoimln
the house In their extremity.
"Here," said thu elder one, handing her
sister a deadly looking dirk, "In a knife
lletliluk )ou )on can Use It?"
"1 bethink iiio I ciiii," replied tlm younger
girl, with chat lering teeth, "but oh, Celeste,
In there no way hut thlif"
She had rend "Vlrglnlui."
"None. MethlukH I hear hint move."
"S'do 1. lie It struggling to escape,"
"Open the cellar door cautiously. 1 luivu
olletl tlm hinges. I w 111 stand hero and hold
the light. Courage, briiMiglrll 1 1 1st! I can
hear lilm stir "
"Now tuny the fated defend iln," whis
pered the gill wltli tin- knlfi''niid save inn
from a death ignoble. What vital pint shall
I strike, Celostor'
"(ili It to him In the neck, sister. Hut
soft, is yonder light thp jocund orb of day
and hits the night faded into morrow V
"Nay, thai is the elect rie light on tlm
comer which has Just showed Its hand. I
go now to kill him. Yes, I have said It, to
k-k kill him"'
Thu brae, heroic, beautiful girl plunged
down the stairs into the opaque Hcmldark
ness, and In a moment a tcrrlllc. shriek -Celeste
at once recognized the brand told
that nil was ocr.
"Ate you bringing him up?" asked the
girl at tiro head of the cellar stairs In a
Tolro alike on both shits.
"Yes by hand," came the ghostly whis
per. The uot moment lie was dropped on thu
Moor, mid thu ulsters tluew themselves Into
each other's nuns, while shriek aftershrlek
clove the purple distance of tlm night.
They had murdered n mouse.- Detroit
Free l'less.
'I lie 'I' peu rlter'a Niimi'.
When Mr. Keedlck icacheil homo thu
other evening, he was confronted by a very
angry wife, lie had scarcely got Inside thu
door, ml hung his hat on thu hall nick be
fore she hluited out;
"You'vo got a new typew rltei I"
"Why, yes," replied Kccdlck. "Howdld
you llud it out r"
"Oh, I am iii to your goings on, I can tell
j oil. You got jour new typewriter yester
day." "I did. Who told jour"
"Well, If jou must know, It was Mrs.
tiaskctt. Her husband told hei. You
needn't, think jou can kicp things from
"I haui no desire to, dear."
"Don't dear inel Yourtypuwritcr Isonly
about 1H years oldr"
"As nearly as I can Judguof ages, I should
hay that was about right."
"And has melting brown eyesr" Mrs.
Ktcdick went on indignantly.
"Possibly, but I haven't noticed them do
lug any melting."
"Oh, not Of course not! With a soft
olce and dimming manners)'"
"You me linn ly light."
"Nearly light! I know I'm quite light 1"
exclaimed the jealous woman. "Now, I
want you to tell me the name of thu for
ward cieatuie."
"You want thu name of my typew rltcr)1"
"Yes, I do."
"What forf"
"Net cr mind what for. I wnutyourtypo
wrlter's name."
"It Is. John Henry Simpson. Whataru
you going to do about itr" llrooklju Life
"Where's the It.-ilV"
Thete is a gentleman living in the south
who, although hu had been to New York
and some of thu other northern cities, yet,
strange as it may appear, had never seen
an elevator.
I Icing called ou business to ('hiiilu.stoii
ho went to ono of thu principal hotels, and
registering asked the cleik for a nleo room.
The clerk, calling a colored porter, Mild,
"Take this gentleman to room No. 1ft."
"Yes, sah," said thu porter, and with a
pompous air hu picked up the valise and
led thu way to thu elevator, doing in In
put the valise on thu lloor and said, "Walk
in, sah."
Thu gentleman walked in, and looking
uroiiud In amaemeut asked: "Is this thu
best room you can give mer Where.', thu
bedf" Harper's Haar.
A Sprlni; Opeulni;.
(illlterliii; liiilni-eiiieiitH,
"Walk right In, gentlemeul" ( heerfully
sang out the orator at the door of thu dime
museum. "You urn rieu our entire show,
smokeall you please, converse with tho fat
woman and feed peanuts to thu monkeys,
all for one fifth of what it costs you to m-u
the World's fair, and there ain't no Colum
bian gonitis, and thu pie at the eatln house
round thu corner is only f cents!" Chicago
Tlm Correct Thlni;.
New Cook I'm told the missus wants
things in tli' high toned, fashionable style.
Sure, I'm afraid I won't suit, for it's only
plain cook III I've done.
Old Cook -It's alsy enough, Make iverj
thing taste loiku something Use. Tit-Hits.
Il Was No llnlly.
"No," sadly said tlm stranger at the n-s-taurant
as he looked at the cup of collco
handed out to lilm, "you i-iu take it back.
1 haven't the heart to attack anything so
weak as that. It's against my principles."
Texas bif tings.
A Mlntuke Solium here.
F.dltor You say these jokes are original'
Mr. Chestnuts (a humorous writer) Yes, '
"Then you must bo a much older miui
than I take you for." Life.
Nut Sl'lireil,
Wu am Isjih n-glttlu rend) fur thu blu Clilciiuo i
Wu aro koIh, mo an '.Miind), fur thu bluhts
they're bhovvlu theru.
Theielmlu't u tiling ti-rbothui iis'laiteli-k;aueo I
oratylu. I
Wii'iua-goln 'con vvu'ro uiuluiis inliupniveour
liilluU uvvhile. i
Wecan buy admission lk kits, mi we've khI Ui
railroad fare,
n tlm only ijiit-btluii nuvv Is as In livla wIibu
vve'ie there.
,i.iinji ii iiy VUi' lip-- '
u kill shep In modest ipiartere, ail of luauh
wo'ro not afraid, i
'.'on wu'll Klt.jloiui on iK-amitn hu uk1u"
It-uionaaa .
-tr. I
A Hint ('mo,
Oiieu I was assistant to an ehlcrljr doctor
lu Ontario, who also tan a ill ug Mori'. He
was nt peppery us it cayenne pod, and ft mil
tlini'to time customers and patleutsspruug
Jokes on him Just for the fun of hearing
lilm blow otr On one occasion a well
dressed young fellow culled at thu shop and
M skill the doctor to prescilbe for n break
lug out and a lash on Ids left aim The
doitor eMimliieil the limb and pionouuced
It to bii a bud case of psoriasis and cere inn.
"I suppose, doctor, you can cum it V said
thu patient
"Why ttalnly," replied the doctor.
"How long will It take to get welD"
"Oh, I guess about two mouths," said
thu doctor
"(Julio sine, sir Is it a bad casoj"
"Positively tlm worst I'M' seen "
"Then I will leave It with ) ou and call
forlt again when euied," solemnly said the
patient, slowly unfastening his aim, which
was tin uttlllciat one and painted for the
occasion, Chemist and Druggist,
I'aliia TaUhi(.
m -Life.
Hum Knew llelter.
It wiiathufatuof a practical and patriotic
Scotcliinan of ltochesterto assist at a meet
ing of a ceitain lmpioeiuent society, the
while ivShnkespeaieaii seholiirdihitisl upon
thu virtues of his favoiito w liter. At the
close of the meeting thu stranger up
proauhctl tlm lectin it. and tho following
dialogue ensued.
"Yo think a line Into' Shakespeate, doe
torr" .
"I do, sir," was tho emphatic leply.
"An jii think hu was inalr clever than
Itahhl llurtisr"
"Why, there's no comparison between
"Maybe no, but ju tell us tlm nlcht It
was .Shakespeaio who wiote 'Uneasy lies
thu head that wcais the crown.' Now,
Itahhl would never hue wilttcu sic lion
sense as that."
"Nonsense, Mil" thuiuleied I he Indignant
"Aje, just nonsense. Itahhl would hue
Kent line that a king, or a ipiieu ellhet,
ilisuii gang to bed uT the cioon ou tin r
head. They hang it oucr thu back o n
chuil 1" Kxchangc.
"You havu paid me iiotlilng ou account
of my bill for six months," wiotua talloi
to tho ulltor of a su but ban paper leceutiv
"My capital," he continued, "does not i..l
mltof my giving such lung ci edits. Kindly
remit at once."
Iliclo-ed In the envelope was a duplicate
copy of the bill long past due, which the
ulilor, Mili-lj tluoiigh the folic of habitus
he liiallitallied, inscribed "lespectfullj lie
clliu-d," and then tossul it into thu waste
basket. New York lleiahl.
I'nrelun Travel Improve...
Sliccesslul Fanner Son (it oige got Hiine
sense diirln that foieigu tour anyhow.
Wife I balll'tseeii it.
"I have. Vim know hespent a good while
In Liiunon, as he calls itr"
"Yes, an I'd like to know what good it
"Use y'r itjes, Miiaudli. Ho leaiuid to
turn up his pants w'en It lalns." New
Yoik Weekly.
A Conalileriilit Debtor.
Collector When aiu you going to pay
this bill? I can't be coining hen-everyday
in thu week.
Debtor Well, whut day could joticotut
on conveniently!'
"I could call on Saturday."
"All light. From now on I shall expect
you every Saturday." Texas Sittings.
An lie Irloiini,
Droper Do you believu Sprinkler's as.
Kcrtlon that the stylish umbrella hu carries
was ow mil by his great grandfather?
Pourcr Oh, yes; hu mivs his grandfather
put a new sink In it, his father a new
frame, and Sprinkler has had it covered.
Clothier and Haberdasher.
No OimmI,
First Colored Camester I'vu got t'ree
Second Ditto Dey's no good.
"Watcher got?"
"A razor." Huiglmiutou Leader.
A Superior si heme,
Mrs. Doutkno- Mrs Miiscavado emjiloyf
none but eldeily servants
Mrs. Kuowitall-That is to give strati
gers thu lmpresion that they have bit nlu
the fatiiilj lor many yeuis. Truth.
'1 he I'kI) Ill-ilex.
Fort uiiu Teller Your husband will be a
poor man.
lnquiicr- How can you tell that?
Fortune Teller Well, riih nun don't
many for money. -Life.
Why she OIiJi-i led.
"Mrs, Hlnks is very bitter in In r condilii
nation of poker, in't she" said the talhr
"Yes," leplled thu hostess, "You klmw
Mr. Hlnks plays a wit tihidgaiue " a-li
lugtuu Star
Infill lllilllull VVunleil.
Mrs (lay- Mai), did 1 sin you kissing
liy husband this iiioiiuiig?
.Maij At what tunc? Huston Budget
Ills shure.
Yts, this U hei pi tine, ilraviii
II)' the him', n Ki-ilK ss lluslil
K)i-h of liai-l like a faun,
lllddi-ii hy the iliiH.plnn lash.
Sin h a iiei k and sluiuldi is tool
Ah, I thuuidit you'd like lur in ins.
riiirel) aitist in vi r dn vv
Alt) k'odilens wllli such churuib!
Flltttels her (Hi, lie, lint IIIIK III
Her i iimplcMiiii'.. like a Is ai h,
And lur Mull, tlmt soulful iniuli
Willi h the K lis iimld lie vi r luu ll.
I. nek) man? 1 11, iiiaU-, sir.
Hut this pn tare and nuecurl
Aru all 1 have loft of her,
For Jack Mis. k Ion got tliu glrll
llurr) Itouiuliiu in Vuk'uv.
Underwear Sale
During This Week.
Wo lcecivi'd a lnrc .shipment for thus dupurttiiviit, bought
through our N. Y. resident buyer from a commission house nt na.
loins unjrlv low prices, which we place on sale fully one-third less than
r-'Kuliir price. The assortment is liire and complete in Ladies'
bilk, Lisle I'liiead, Ci'auze Vest of the latest ideas.
Also a full assortment for children.
A visit for inspection through this line will be your uuide for
making selections.
Hlucher Oxford, Piccadilly $3.50
ICdson Tie, Opei a .jiDo
Pillion Shoe, Opera, Tip, Turn 3.50
Plnehrr Shoe, S.piare Toe, Tip, Tun, 3.50
ED.. YATES, 11290 Street.
vv fr:m II ---lf
rfti-rri.: 5:, :.:&-.
"Dauntless Scorcher," "King Scorcher,"
"Royal Light Roadster," "The Majestic,"
"Tho DauntlesB Compeer," for Ladles,
abm the Latent Novelty, thu COMMON SKNSK HICKORY WHEEL.
Novor buy u Whool until you lmvo Boon us.
Cor. 10th and M Sts. Carriage Manufacturers.
lSBMafcBB JWL I Til! 'P W
MOVING HOL'srhold goods and piANOS
( None but Experienced Men employed. Latest devices for Moving Machinery,
Safes, and other heavy articles.
S Elegant Wall Papers
II34 O
Bloch & Kohn,
The Progressive Dry Goods Kmporium.
We Iiuto now lu
tock the
moat approved
and boat Una
ot Wlieria eyr
shown Lore,
nd InviUyou
to coll and
aee tb
Telephone 176.
Office, 1 00 1 O St.
MlfrAW v W f
HW.L 7
In b i'i i1,
i,. ,, J"...