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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1893)
CRPITRL CITY COUR1BR, T. C. K6RN, D. D. S. Room 25 and 26, Durr Mock, LIJfCOLM XEBR. f ' ' ' " gHOES THAT DO NOT o o VLUiti itici rciCii Tho rcrfcctlon unci Taylor -ttgfdjustabl SI?o5 xpnnd with every motion of tho foot. Don't burn or blister. Avery narrow shoo can be worn. Most coinfortnulo known Try tlicin and 100 for yourself. Korsnloonlyby A. Ij.UKiaKH. 1137 It Ht. Bpcclnl onlcrs taken. Cheaper than others. '4ACQUAINTI0 WITH TMt OIOOSAPHY Or THt OOUWTRV WILL OS! A. MUCH IN'ORMttlOX rsOM A SlUOr OF IMS MWOI 1h( (JhicagOjRocklsland&PacificRy Tho DIIIECT IIOUTB to and from CHICAGO. IIOCK ISLAND. DAVENPOllT. DE8 MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS, WATEHTOWK, 8IOUX JFALLB, MINNEAPOLIS. ST. l'AUL, ST. JOS- KFH, ATCHISON. LEAVKNWUIUI1, KAWias CITY TOPE1CA. DENVER, COLOUADO BI'NOS nnd PUEBLO. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Through Concho. Btoepors, Froo Ilecllnlnii Chair Curs nnd Dining Cars dnlly between CHI (,'AOO. DF.8 MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS nnd OMAHA, nnd between CIIICAOO nnd DENVER, COLORADO BPItXNOS nnd PUEDLO via OU Joseph, or Kansas City and Topoka. Via Tho Albert Loa Route. Fast Express Trains dnlly between Chlcr.itc nnd Minneapolis nnd St. Pnul. with TIIKOUQlt ltecllnlng Chnlr CnrB (FHEE) to nnd from thorn points and Kansas City. Through Cbnlr Cnt and Sleeper between Peorln, Spirit Lako ono Sioux Falls vln Hock Island. For Tickets. Maps Folders, or dostrod lnformn tlon, apply at any Coupon Ticket Olllco, or addres E. 8T. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN. Qen'l Managor, Oen'l TSt. 6Y Pass. Ant., CIIICAOO ILL. Santa Fe Route! Atculson.Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist . Sleepers Between Kansas City and San Diego, LOS ANGELES and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rate to PORTLAND, OREGON. Double Daily Train Service between Kansas City and Pueblo, Colo rado Springs and Denver. Short Line to Salt Lake City. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line betweer Kansas City and Gainesville. Ft Worth, Dallas, Atutln, Tem ple, San Antonio, Hous ton, and all principal points in Texas. The only line running through the Okla homa Country. The only direct line to the Texas Pan-Handle. For Maps and Time Tables and Information regarding -atesand routes, call on or address, Passenger Agent, 1316 Ftsrnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. 1MU& 17DT7T? Tultlonl Kail term, In soven dllTer rnBD ent courses. Only IiIrIi Rrado In dependent Normnl In tho state. The Finest Buildings, Equipments, ami Ablest Normal Faculty, No experiment, but nn established mensuement. 40 coimes, :v teachers anil lec turers live school fur the minute. Write for catalogue. V. V. Komhk. Mur.l.incoln.Neb. SALESMEN WANTED!, ntoneo to handle tho funnon' trade on Hoods nuil Heed I'otatoes of known merit. Our men I linvo privilege of wlHni; our warranted, well 1 known nursery Utock also lllg wages to 'u Hindu this Beaiun. AppiyquicK, siatiugage, L. L. MAY & CO., fT Nurserymen, Florists and HeedHiiien, ThU homo In rjH)iiinlhli. ST. I'.UJU MINN 5l?e Quarterly Agister of MaKlr('plrs, - fiOe I (BfflRENT Per Vrer, - ll.uO SJWl Hound Volumes, .00 HlfiTfllW " tl ouplit la lie rrft.l fti 1 tell Iraik In ei roinin sndhlg-h tttiool, at wcM at eeijf acaitciny ami college ' -(.1 O 1'. MSUliK.Titaiuty lit. . Waihlnciun 'tit a uui'uine Uul 1 pilie highly and cannot atf til to it.. illiuul,"-A. li. WINSMir, lullloi luulnal c( I du ll ii ' A uitful, timely and tilghlatt puhllratton 1 am mudi ktiu. k Mith ilia viilcty of aolKI tnlmmatlun iiai nun tcv i mi h n into to smalt S coiniatt ' t'lil.b J (. bL,..UKM AN, Cornell Unlmtlty, lUiaia, N. V. Tor tale ty Icsillne Ilooktrllrrt ami Nrt DetVit roiiwlwint ihe Woiltl who will iln teteive tuttciiiiMnt. will I inalleil 'liftf. I in any !ltr In ll l'tul Uinun nn rrcit ol ihe eilce hir tingle anj luunj vulumet t?iA. I"V .fifcv "--.VMN- fuicii;biiifniii n. fa 75 AiMfvtt CURHCN' HISTORV, OCTBOIT, MICH., U A GREAT TIMES FOR THE LITTLE ONES. They Will llnvs ft Whole llnlldlng mn Lots of Inn at ths World's Fair. Ciiicaoo, Fob. 2. Tho llttlo onos God bless Vml tho crowing bubes with dim plod chocks, tho llttlo misses in short dresses mid gny colored sashes, the young musters in knlckcrbwkorB, tho rising gonenitlon, thoboysund girls Unit a counlo of deendes henco may bo hav ing considerable to any about tho run ning of their nntlvo country theso nro not to bo forgotten nt tho World's fair. Wo nro hearing n good deal nowaday about tho preparations for tho enlighten ment nnd entertainment of tho maturity and old ngo of both sexes, about tin great things that nro to bo unfolded to those big enough and old enough tc comprehend them, about clubhouses where tho sjioclnl commissioners from foreign lauds may entertain In princely stylo. Why not, thea, somo provision for tho llttlo ones, bo that thoy can come nnd stay awhllo and then go away with tho satisfaction in their little hearts that they havo had tho best time in their lives, nnd porhapa a better timo than thoy ovoi expect to havo again. And they nro going to bo taken cure of. Every master and miss that just nbout now nro tugging ut mamma'H f rook or papa's coattoils ami trying to extract a half promise that they bIiiiII bo taken to Chicago need not bo put oil with the story that tho hIiow is for old folks, and that there will bo nothing that children can understand, even though they may boo. That Htory won't go. For thoro is to boa Children's building, as pretty a struc ture for its size ns any on tho grounds, with its kindergarten, and its kitchen garden, nnd its gymnasium, nnd its read ing room, and its magic, lantern room, nnd its nursery, nnd last, but not least, its big playground on tho roof, inclosed in n strong wiro netting, with vines nnd flowers, nnd llvo butterflies nnd birds flitting around, uud a big doll show, nnd n collection of toys of nil nations, with which tho visitors can play nt will. Oh, but there will bo great times up on that roof this summer! Tho very thought of it makes us wishwoworochildrcnngnin. Patriotic women are to rear tho build ing, nnd their patriotic hands will fur nish it. Tho exposition authorities haven't contributed n cent toward it, nnd they won't bo usked to. Tho idea originated with Mrs. Pottor Palmer, nnd tho board of lady managers assumed tho responsibility of raising tho necessary fund for tho erection of tho building. Tho co-operation of tho women mali ngers of tho various states was sought, and tho amount required for tho struc- ggr .gabSsag THE CHILDREN'S DUII.D1NO. turo only $20,000 was apportioned out among tho vnrioua conimonwcnlthti. Somo wero tnxed ns low ns $20, nnd oven ' tho wealthiest of them not moro than 200. About $11,000 havo thus been raised. Tho bnlnnco Is yet to como. Tho Indies want it. Chicago's women hnvo undertaken to equip tho interior nnd pay tho running expenses, but thoy oxpect their sisters elsowhero to do their sharo toward got-' ting tho building itself in place. And I thoy nro not likely to expect in vain. It I will cost inoro to equip nnd run tho nf-. fair than to erect it, and it wns for tho I former purposo solely that tho recent i international bazaar wns given ut tho Palmer mansion. Tho women of Chi cago havo already their sharo of tho money in hand. What they now need is tho small balance from tho country. How long aro thoy to wait? That Is what tho cxecutivo committooof brainy wom en who havo churgo of tho dotnils nnd who nro holding daily meetings to push it along would Uko to know. Thoy aro all prominent in Chicago Eociety nnd havo given their timo nnd money freely to tho causo of tho littlo ones. Thoy nro Mrs. Georgo L. Duulnp, who is director of tho building; Mrs. L. Draco Shut tuck, tho secretary, nnd Mesdames Solo mon Thatcher, Jr., Loundor Stonoand W. W. Kimball. Tho Children's building, an ornato af fair of two 6tories nnd n roof gnrden and occupying n tract of ground be tween tho Horticultural hall nnd tho Women's building 00 by lfiO Is in tended primarily ns nn educational ex hibit. Thoro will bo a department deal ing with tho newborn bubo, uud in ' which Miss Maria M. Lovo of Buffalo i will conduct a model creche, demon strating by exatnplo as well as in short lectures tho most healthful, comforta ble, nnd rational system of dressing, feeding nnd providing for tho rest of infants. Then rising by easy stages will bo the kindergarten, under tho auspices of tho National Kindergarten associa tion, showing how tho littlo ones can de velop their intellectual and moral facul ties; then tho kitchen garden, Illustrat ing housekeeping; n pliybieal dovolep incnt department, where athletics will bo illustrated by President Charles Barry of tho World's Fair Commission North American Turnerbuud, uud asmnll nurs ery under tho auspices of tho committeo on philanthropy of tho Now York ludy managers. This will bo simply a chil dren's department of public comfort. Tho library will bo filled up with chil dren's literature, and in u room near by Pennsylvania will havo n department giving daily demonstrations of tho prog ress that has been made in teaching very young deaf mutes to spenk. In the as sembly room there will bo rows of littlo chairs and n platform from which step opticon lectures on our own and foreign countries will be given. Kind hearted guides, or kindergartners, as they will bo . i known, will welcome tho littlo visitors ' . in groups and conduct them through tho building, m that they will feel thorough-1 i ly at home. As for that roof garden, I ' with its llowers and Mr'- and candies ii! d I'nki s i. ml l-.- well. Mime nf us older ful!ct are li';il M be set u up there, 1:.n:: M Hint. MMWWW KB jRI ijti lii Hi AssLsstBBsT"-lsVlsl JssW I S1SIII I I Tsti Noisy KviMi !' Mini. ITo wan a Chlrago timu nnd won taking In tho house of representatives liefnro lonTlng Washington, lie listened to tliu rattle of tho gavel, tho echoes of "Mr. Speaker" nnd tho rattle of oratorical musketry with as tonishment mi great that ho lieeauio silent. In a few minutes ho rose and made for tho door. "Where nro you going? " asked his friend. "Pm going," ho said, with deliberate em phasis, "Pin going back to Chicago. Pm going back to the board of trade, whore it' quiet." Washington Star. Why thn llnhjr Crlcil. jj!l'iil!k p'tTixx riBm BEfflN Llttlo Girl Ma told mu to tell you thn tho milk you sell makes the Iwitiy slek. Grocer Tell your mother If the baby does not thrive on fresh milk to boll it, I.lttloGIrl How long Is tho baby to 1 boiled? Texas F iftlngs. A Cimo of I'Ir. A Wnshlngton lawyer of considerable prominence relates an amusing story inci dental to tho llrst criminal ease In which ho was retained by tho defense. He was then practicing In a small town not far from Washington, nnd the ease was that of n local character who had purloined n fat porker, tho property of his neighbor. At llrst matters looked bad for tho ac cused during the trial, but Mr. L., the law yer, was most eloquent in his defense. Ills speech nbounded In rhetorical llowers and figures. At times ho wns even pathetic to such a degree that tears dimmed tho eyes of the Jury, while the prisoner wept most co piously. The final outburst of his elo quence brought everything around to a climax of triumph, the jury delivering the verdict of not guilty without leaving their seats, although tho evidence of the prose cution tended to show a most conclusive guilt. Tho releused man wns most profuse in his words of gratitude, calling Mr. L. his ireserver, the champion of tils honor, his iberty and all that life held dear to lilin. Mr. L, acknowledged with becoming modesty his Hood of thanks, but at last seeing no end in sight of these extrava gances began to hint that a financial ac knowledgment would be more in order. "To lie sure, to bo sure," exclaimed the client eagerly, "I won't forget about that nnd will pay you handsomely too. Say, Mr. L., you be in your office tonight at 1'.', and I'll come around and llx thlnus all right." "Twelve o'clock!" wild tho lawyer in as tonishment. "Ulcss mel Why do you set that late hourr" "Never you mind, sir," returned ho. "never you mind. I menu to pay you, and pay you well. Don't forget; 13 o'clock, euro." Lawyer and client departed their respec tive ways. That night Mr. L. sat In his small office awaiting the coming of tho man whoso reputation he had cleared There was a hushed commotion in tho rear of his establishment promptly nt midnight, then mutinied knock at tho door. Mr. L answered It. "Shi" whispered tho client hoarsely; "hero I am." "Hut why do you make such a secret of it? " asked the lawyer. "Not too loud," was tho answer. "Didu't I sny I'd pay you handsomelyf" "You did indeed." "Well, I mean to keep my word, Mr. L.; hero It is. I brought you tho plgl" And there In tho grinmchs of the mid night's weird shadows stood several hun dred pounds of stolen bacon calmly await ing tho transfer of ownership. Washing ton Herald. Not Ho Had. Among Dr. Mines' stories of old New York Is one of n young artist who had pre sumed to fall in love with the daughter of a famous shipowner of that day. As Dr. Mines expresses it, this was "long beforo thodnwuof (esthetic taste." Tho profes sion of artist was looked upon ns merely un excuse for Idleness. When It became known that tho rich shipowner's daughter had encouraged the suit of a painter, society was shocked. The young man had talents no doubt, but tboy wero talents of a sort that did not count in those days. One day Mr. C. F. Ilrlggs, then a widely known journalist, entered the shipowner's house, nnd tho women of the family tho offending young lady's mother nnd sisters bogged him to remonstrate with tho ob stinato Emily and save the family honor, "Tho family honor!" said Ilrlggs. "What bint Emily been doing nowf" "Doing!" answered tho full feminine chorus. "She's going to dlsgraco us all by marrying an artist 1" "Pooh I pooh!" wns tho quick reply. "Tho fellow Isn't enough of an artist to make it anything of a disgrace." Youth's Com panion. 1,1 ked Kxeltement. Mr. Gotham Why don't you live in the city? Mr. Suburb Can't stand city life. Too dull. I couldn't exist s Ithout excitement. Mr. Gotham Huh! What excitementdo you get by living in Jersey? Mr. Suburli Oli, ferryboat collisions, railroad suioshupsnud lots of things. New York Weekly. 8I10 Consented. "You want 1110 to marry you? Why havo you singled mu out from among so many girls of ) our acquaint nnccf" "llecatise I Hindu a vow that only tho loveliest and most amiable girl in town should ever receive a proposal from me." New York Press. Tou Much Time Wasted. He I think I shall have to get a new lin ing to my cout. Khe When you do, Georuo, Kct a satin one, anil then It won't take so long to get It on. Clothier ami Furnisher. (iood Adt Ice. Mr. Poster us attentive as ever May-Is to you? Edith Yes, hut he's it perfect riddle May Hadn't you better give him then? New York Herald. up, Too Sudden. Dicky What nukes ou link so sad, Jac!,; . Did i.lie ifnse to name the i!.i t .lucky Hint's Just the trouble She nn mill IUUI 'I hiii'xbiv Tiutli sknZZ&2W SM Ko Die). First Hoy I hear you hud a tight with big Ullly Decflyf Second Hoy Yen, and you oughter ms m nmko hliu run. First lloy-Olt out) you make Hilly Hoe fly run I1 Second Hoy Yes, I did, but he couldn't cntch mo. Itnyiiiond'it Monthly. An Investment, Mr. Totniklns(to his head bookkeeper) Williamson, sco that young Jonc.sby'a Bnlary Is raised ton dollars a week. Wllllumson-Ycsslr. Mr. Toirpklns (with a grin) He'a upend ing nil his money on my daughter Alice now. Chicago Tribune. A Promising Voting Man. She Wo shnll have all of papa's money when lie (His. He If he keens on taklni; my ndvlco In speculation u shall have all of It befor ho dies. Life. Notler. Notice Is hereby given Hint on I ho 'J7tli day of December, IMii. the Purity Kxtraet Coin, pany of Lincoln, Nebraska, adopted amended Articles of Ino irimrutlon mid tiled Ihe siinin on the olllcci of the County CicrU of l.iineaNter County, .Nolinmlui Which n mended Articles provided in-follows: Find. Tho nutiio of the corporation shall be 'I hu I'urlty Kxtracl Company. Pfcnud Its principal place of transacting Its huslnors Is Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska. Thlnl. rim general nature of the business to bo traiiHiicted shall be the uiantifaeiurnaud selling of perfumes, hitlers, baking powder, toilet articles, etc., and the procuring, erec tion and malnlaliinnee of buildings, machin ery, appliances, Inele linmiH, pnlei is, designs and slructuies as may ho deemed necessary nnd to purchase and own real e tale ns u site therefore and such other purposo as may lie deemed nee. smiry. Fourth. The amount of capital stock authorised and the time anil condition on which It Is to be paid In l thereby llxed at 7,') (MO. OH In shares or flim.eo eiich, Including stock theretofore Issued. No slock shall be IkaikmI iinlcxs fully paid up and a complete record of the Issuance and delivery of all mock made shall bo kept by the secretary In a book lor that purpose. Fifth. The commencement nf the corpora tion is llxed at the llrst day of May, IKUI. and the termination of the eoriHiratlon Is fixed at a iit-rlml of twenty-live years from the tho date of this cominenoemeul If not sooner dissolved according to law. Six Ii. The highest amount of Indebted ness or liability to which the corporation Isal any t lino to subject Itself shall not exceed fifty per cent oflts capital stock. Heventh. Theollleors by which tho affairs of tho corporal Ion are to bo conducted shall nc a iioaru 01 Director cousiiting 01 noi more than nine nor less than thren members and tho officers of this corporation may ho members of said board, which said hoard nf til ecbirs shall bo chosen and elected by tho stockholders aiiuuslly at the a intial meeting of Mild stockholders, Hald hoard of directors shall hold olllco until their successors aro duly t'leeted and (nullified. The said hoard of directors shall choose and elect from their number too various otlleers of said corpora tion as soon as practicable aftr the election of sntd board and suld hoard ofdlrec tors shall llx the cniupelixntlnu to bo paid such officers. 'Ihe said honrd of dlreetois shall havo power to Mil all vacancies In tint board or olllces by appointment. Kluhth. Tho boaid of directors of this cor-1 noratlon aro authorized to Increase Ihe capi tal stock of this corporation not to exceed an amount total if 7.,noi).ll and to Ikniio stock therefor from time to timo as thn hoard of directors may deem best in tin' Interests of tho corporation. A. It. T At. nor, C. W, IlKYAN, President. Secretary. WANTED. A lir-l'llKSIINTATIVIiror our IMMII.V TIIKAM'KY tho greatest hook ever ottered to tho public. Our coupon system, which we use In selling this great work, enables each purchaser to get the book ritKi:,so every one purchases. For his llrst week's work one agent's nrollt IsWIim.oo. Another Al.ADVIuis Just cleared I'JO.oo lor her llrst week's work. Wo glvo you exclusive territory, and pay largo commissions on tho sales of sub agents. Write at once for tho agency for your county. Address all cominuulentlous to HAND. McNAI.I.V CO , CIIICAOO. PUNS FOR 25 CTS. Bend for Urn National Hdild- Kit, a monthly journal uovottsi to building interests. Kach number contains a oomnletn set of plans ready to build from. 1'ricn. $3.(J er joar : single copies B!k cts. Hentl for book, " Iloati tiful Homes," containing 31 plans in colors. Hcnd for catalogue of plans, frc. Tub National Wuii.iikh, Adams Kxpriwd llulhllng, Chicago. w 'j. Mn Why not Pay Up Your arrears on Tun Co tut nt it and n year In advance, and get one of our Beautiful Souvenir Spoons FREE! Theso Himhiiih uliuio nro worth $'J.'2.i, uud you will luimlt Itwhoiiynu suoonoof thorn. m I IHY I I'Hil, ' iiss(ssssssssKilsHfflssnsPMsssCd!' ni"nBssssBstfQflfWsBsQsrBsssssssiP' ""''' hw MsssssssssnlsfsSassstSVUssBsSsssssssss a,jPHBHHsHMKQMVBBHKflKHT . 3-4 sssssssUsssssssssHsH UssssrssssssUsssKsVlsslssks9Hisssssssssl sssssssssssssssesssssssU-ssT l3fc SiHiilllHBUIlKtf v MsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWsiHsHHIiHsHsHiniiiiiiiiiiMsmssiiSHsisaiiiE r iHiiiininii . JnirSSHMBJSMSHSMHKJSflMSHnsBjJinL THE NEW SCALE Vose & Sons Pianos OF BOSTON. ESTABLISHED OVER 41 YEARS. CELEBRATED FOR THEIR Pure Tone, Elegant Designs, Superior Workmanship, and Great Durability. flAX I1EYER & BRO. CO., 1520 Farnham Street, - Omaha, Neb. mtem IrnsssVssBsssrStTBSssRB! Hundreds Ladies have taken advantage of this offer why don't you? And many of them have paid subscriptions two years in advance, to get two of these Spoons. We give either one of the following Spoons with every yearly subscription, paid in advance the only ad dition put on the price of The Courier, which is 82.00 per year, being 25c to de fray express charges. HERE IS THE LIST I World's Columbian Exposition Spoon. The Y. P. S. C. E. Souvenir Spoon. The Epworth League " u The Washington " " The Christopher Columbus " Also Souvenirs of America's nationa points of interest, viz: Bunker Hill, Ni agara Falls, America, The United States, and Rip Van Winkle on the Catskill Mountains. These Spoons are not cheap, trashy af fairs, but cut from line dies. Orders by mail will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Address LEW WESSEL, Publisher, Capital City Courier, Lincoln, Nebraska Nebraska's Leading Hotel. THE MURRAY, Cor. 1.1th and Olar-A-XI-A., larney Sts. : 1TJZI3. I) STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. All Mislorn IinprovomvuU ttipl Couvlcncos, I.tucolultcs Alwajs Weleomo. B. 8ILLOWAY.Proprl, Sari 'a