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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1893)
In I 8 CHPITRL CITY COURIBR. Zil. &u&titwrW((nruirAtri1 Hk POPULATION OF LINCOLN 66,000. WSt Oemer I Oth and P 8trt. DRY -GOODS crry ft largo Hno of Woolen Dress Goods and Change ntito HIM, Itonlrrr, Con.U, Uiiilorwcnr, (Ilium, llutloni. l.lneiii, do. Agents for Huttcrick's Patterns Tim CmirliT Cull l I'iniiiil At llolrl l.lnroln Now. HIiiiiiI. Wliuloor llolol Niun Hlnnil, ChiiHiiI llnti'l NowbHIiiiuI. Itsil UuiloClunrNliiri', HWiOHtrcol Kii. Youiitf, 1807 O Wnvl CImoii, Klrlohpr A Co.. ll.i'O Htrret. Mmira'M Nrvm Hlnnil, llrt Houlli lllli Htmt. COUHIKH llllloo, ll!U () HtriHl. f(eu Courier Offie jvfo. 1134 0 Street. PHONE 253 HIrujr Nolle, Tnkon up mi or nlKiut llm flriit of Novoin bcr, 0110 dark brown pony ntioul nix yours old. WcIkIih hIkiiiI iilnu poiiml ntul I nbotit tlilrtun limum Illicit, uwnor enn linvo miiiio by ttrovliiK property mid iv lug cnnrm-B, uy ciminit m my place. J0I111 It. Chirk fiirin, one itml one-half inllo miuiIi-pmI of Normal Collwo. I". 1. DkUimi, SPECIAL BARGAINS ur (Jarrpts arc now being offcicd by W. R. DENNIS & CO. iiiili 1 'I'ho scheme worked by tin' Mop'i'i- llfltlll III (llllUg IIWUJ H'ltll till' COIltOStS ngnliwt Itopiiblleiin members from Douglass county IssnldtohiiNo m-lnt-iitittH with Deputy Pulled States DIs trlet Attorney Muldrlego, of Omaha, lie sugosted lit 11 eonfiifeiH'e of Kopub llciiiiH Dint 11 motion to Indrllnltoly postpone nil contests would win the support of nil of Independents ugulnst wlioin estitosts were ponding, llolniil concluded windy, and the experiment worked like u ehiirin. It wan right that It hIioiiIiI. Tho members from Douglass oounty were elected beyond nil (iiostloii, and It Ih high time Hint an understanding lm reached In Ne braska that when a mini Ih fairly clout ed to any olllco he will lo porinllted to tuko hls'sout und dlsohurgo the dtitleH of his olllco. It Ih high tlmo that, tho revolutionary inothodH often praetlced whereby men uro robbed of ilntloH and and honors bestowed and the people's choice of olllelal representatives Ih de feated, hIioiiIiI lie discountenanced. It would have boon better, however, If both Hides had voluntarily made HiIh declaration without being forced Into a combination through motlvon of solllsh uoss. lion. John G. ClarkHou'H hill for the abolition of tho death penalty will not want defendurH outHldo of the leglsln ture, whatovor may bo It fato at the hands of that Isiily. It Ih a iiieaHiiro that nieotH tho approval of the advance guard of butter civilization. Tho man who coiituinlH for capital puulHlimuiit at thin day Is Just a shade In advaiico of tho cannibal In civilization and tho moral education of that man Iiiih buun slumbering. There Ih no denying that to half, or perhaps inoro than half, of tho civilized Inhabitants of tho earth, tho very thought of talking human life Ih painfully repulsive, mid tho number grows greater every year an fealty to oilier barbarous customs and doctrines becomes weaker and tho momorles of our Darwinian ancestry fade. Perhaps Hon. John C. Watson may not always havo iwon recognized as a teaohor of advanced inorrllty, but ho Ih in tho fore-front In that commendable capac ity Just now. Tho hopes of hundreds aro with him In his light against tho legislation of tho taking of human life. 37 O Street "37 I.mchI ntul rcronl. Whltobreast Coal and Llmo Co. Lincoln Coal Co., sv cor 1 1th and O St. L. Burr, jowolor, romoved to 1201 0 St. Lincoln Frurno & Art Co., 223 S. 11th. Cowlo, undertaker, Funko 110 S. 12th. Canon City coal at tho Whltobreast Coal and Llmo Co. Dr. Ruth M. Wood, Braco building, rooms 410, 411 and 412. U-10-tf Chiis. S. MoIConny, tho East Lincoln druggist, 2712 O street. Mrs. Kato B. Chonoy, teaohor of singing, room 303 Braco block. Go to Henry PfolIT, !U4 South 11th troota for choice moats. Sampson Sisters, artistic dress mak ing, 112.1 N Htreet, over Dorsoy's. Pfolft soils meat as cheap an any mur kot In Lincoln. Try him und soo. Prof. Johnson's hall Is beautifully ar ranged for club parties and banquets. Miss Anna Dick, Modlsto, cor. 11th and P Hts., over Lincoln Savings bank. Got tlrsl choice of tho now llgurod China Silk at Ilorpolsholmor & Co's at nil prices. K. O. Baking Powder, 23 ounces for 25conts. Absolutely Pure. Havo you tried It? Misses Boggs and CalTyn, dress mak ing parlors. Fine stumping. 1311 M street, 'phono 510. American Beauty" "Pawlonla," and "Yosomltl" aro tho latest per fumer at Rector's Pharmaoy. All orders via tolophono '108 will roach W. A. Collin fc Co. and receive prompt and careful attention. Tho Whltobreast Coal and Llmo company Is always at tho front supply ng tho tlnost grades of all kinds of coal. Miss C. J. Gullmotto, modiste, Brownoll Block, over Miller fc Palno. Complete lino of dress trimmings and linings. Tuko elevator. When you want frosh, nlco poultry, game, buttor und eggs, cull at Rumhold & Mosor's now Htoro, 310 South Eleventh stroot. 'Phono 728. Why havo your horsos foot butch orod, havo lumo horses und havo thorn BUfforr TUKO 1110111 lo vliumu sun- tory's now shop, 410 South Eleventh Btreot, and such will novor bo tho case. Society ludlos and children arc re spectfully lnvitod to utUmd Prof. John aon'H dunclng academy Saturday after noon. Private -Instruction can be hud at tho acadoray at any tlmo. Savo all bothor of borrowing chairs and tables from your neighbors. Give Hardy & Pitohor orders to havo somo of their now ones with you for your noxt party. Thoy deliver and call and get thorn. Democratic members of tho legisla ture who wore permitted to meet Hon. Henry Wottorson In the rooms of Hon. J. Sterling Morton, after tho gifted Kentucklau's recent lecture in this city, must havo experienced a doubtful relish of his references to President-elect Cleveland. Among other things of a like nature, Wattorson said: "That otulTod prophet down there In Wash ington Is absolutely color-blind to eve ry personal obligation." And yet Wat torson Is tulkek of us a possblo memlior of Mr. Clevelond's cabinet, and so Is Mr. Morton, whoso guost ho was. This Is a pointer for Hon. James E. Boyd, If ho may not havo already hoard and used It. Hon. J. Sterling Morton was recent ly Imixirtuned by a Democratic friend to visit tho legislative halls and mingle more freely with tho momlwrs, tho suggestion being also made that such a course would certainly win him support in the Senatorial contest, to which ho replied: " No, I cannot do that. I had rather preserve my self-respect and my standing among Democrats at homo and abroad than to bo United States Senator sixty times over. If a f.iiend of mine worn proposed for some olllco, I could go out among men and work for his election, but I cannot go to one of these fellows, look him in the oyo and ask him to vote for mo." If any member allvo to tho needs and wishes of tho people has submitted a measure looking to tho ulTordlng to tho press and public better facilities for securing election returns, It has not Iwon announced by tho press with that degree of prominence and emphasis to which Its aim entitles it. No measure of more vital Interest to tho State press could possibly lie devised than ono that would onublo them to occa sionally give to an anxious public tho election tlgures before the olllelul can vass of tho vote Is made. There Is some hope for the Ixiodlor In tho present legislature yet. Charlie Moshorhas been liberated, and, resting in tho assurance that ho will never lie weighted down by retributive indigni ties, may csncludo that there aro still a few things needed to make tho peni tentiary contract a great success. If there is anything he wants which tho I-cglslaturo has In stock, ho knows how to go after It, as many of the members could doubtless testify wore they so disposed. But those who could are probably not so disposed. County Judge Iko Lansing has just returned from a health resort, much Improved In health and strength, and Representative Locknor, who has pre sented a bill to havo marriages record ed with the county clerk. To relievo tho county judge of tho marrlago records would deprive him of about tho only pleasure his olllco ulTords and a croat deal of prollt. However, Mr. Lockner's measure for the rocordlng of births, doatlis und marriages is ono calculated to do no good. In committee of tho whole tho House has favorably considered Church Howo's bill to secure tho assessment of prop erty at Its actual value, and to provide penalties for tho violation of Its provi sions. It was recommended, without opposition, for passage, und It Is hoped that It will find no opposition until It becomes u law, except such opposition as socks only Its Improvement. Thus fur In tho sosllon no stickler fcr tho privileges grunted him by tho con stitution has seen lit to Insist that one of them has tho right to sit in his chair and pull an execrable two-for during the session. This faot accounts, In part, for lhn peacofulness ot tho present session as compared with that of two years since. Norton, the man who claimed to have been elected from tho lloyd-K'nox county district, Is preparing to present a bill for his services, Just tho sumo as If he had lioon permitted to servo as a member of the legislature. Hlneo tho Republican caueiiH at tho Hotel Lincoln Wednesday evening, unclaimed lots of (lovernmeiit patron . , . ... ,1. .i.i. ...i. ago nuvo noon ior sum hi. i-iiihiui-h heaihpiiirtorsiilllttyeeiiiHoniiieuoiiar. A LADY'S VIEW OF IT. t Hun a I'nir Hi'Mili'i- of I lm Courier mIih tip Ihi' I.eKlilatiirn TO Till'. C' Being imbued with u spirit o patriotism and an admiration for things American, and never having en joyed the privilege of looking upon that ungiist body, tho Leglsliilure of the Statu of Nebraska, It Is with a feeling akin to'uwo that jono of your lady readers set out for Tho State House ono morning not long since, and went llrst to the gallery of tho Senate Chandler. A llrst glance over the room, conveyed to the mind an Impres sion of a confused mass of disordered desks, open newspapers, heads, among which all HtagoHof baldness wore repre sented; and a few pairs of boots, the whole crowned with u halo of grace fully curling smoke. A closer Inspec tion, however, revealed tho fact that the heads represented Individuals; that the newspapers wore not without visi ble support; ditto of tho boots; and a number of small Isiys Interspersing tho mass of adult masculinity, some of them Imitating their oldors; others curled up, In genuine boy fashion, in tho revolving chulrs chewing gum, und giving the chair an occasional whirl to hear It squeak. At that tlmo a casual observer would have concluded that tho solo older of business was "Bills on llrst reading," so much tlmo was occupied in that way. The cull by tho president for tho Introduction of bills brings a number of senators to their feet. On being recognized by tho presiding olllcer, thoy bund their bills to pages, who race with them to the desk. Tho bills all In, tho presi dent Instructs thd secretary to read. Everybody settles down to do anything else but listen, and In fact it would bo almost possible to1 hoar what was said, even If ono wanted to. Tho secrotary proceeds to read In tones mat can scarcely bo called subdued, to tho ac companiment of the hum of conversa tions that aro being carried on, all ovr tho room, monotony of tho reading be ing broken at Intervals by tho clear sonorous voice of tho president us ho announces tho "First reading of tho bill." Leaving tho Senate and going Into tho gallery of tho Legislative Hall, ono looks upon much the same scene but on a larger scale. Thoro Is more smoko, more members with olovatcd understandings, more confusion und more noise. There uro not so many bald heads, imniortlotmtoly. Does that Indicate superior wisdom in tho senate? Hero tho secretary saves tho reading of bills from monotony by reading for a time In a high key, thou dropping to one much lower, reminding one of tho "help mo out'' story of the old time school bookH. A resolution was Introduced. Tho gentleman from Blank county rose to ask an expluna tion, when tho member from another county undertook to enlighten him. It proved to bo a dllllcult mutter, ami both gentlemen beeunio so very earnest that tho chairman found It necessary to interfere and rapped sharply with his little mallet to remind them that but one could speak at a tlmo. In short It was painfully evident that leg islators aro not like "birds in tholr lit tle nests," that aro said to always "agree." These United States of America aro a great nation, tho state of Nebrusku Is not tho least of them, but this de ponent sulth no further. DOKOTIIY. 1 OF M 101 - HERPOLSHEIMER I W Beautiful souvenir spoons aro now liolng given to now suliscriliers to the CouiMKK. Present subscrlliers may also secure one of those handsome pre miums by paying a year inadvanco and arrears, If any. These aro not cheap trashy spoons,, but just tho same us jewelers sell for $2 or more. II. W. Cowlo, funeral director, suc cessor to Fred Thomas. Embalming a specialty, lit) South Twelfth street. When you give tho next party at your house leave your orders for tables .. . II 1.. C- 111. ., ...I ut iuiruj- iv i-uciiors, i noy nuvo a now supply just In that they rout at reasonable prices delivered to and taken from your residences. (Continued f i om its I'tige.) Nero," enlivening the spectacle thoro presented by delineations of Its history and the scenes It has witnessed. In tho afternoon thoy go to the Palatine Hill and tho palaces of the emperors. Tho next day he guides them on an excursion to tho Applan Way, and so on to the 1 toman Forum, the A limn hills, tho spot where Constantino de feated the emperor Maxontlus, to Oslla, to tho Sablno hills, the palace of the vestal virgins, tho residence of Julius Ccasar., and many other resorts that the historical student yearns to sco. Tho paper abounds in references to the pope's Episcopal jubilee. To us ho Is known as Leo XIII, but In a sketch of his life In ono issuo of this pawr his naiuu Is given as Glovac cliino Vluceno RalTallo Lodovlco Peccl. Thoro Is also a general digest of news from all over tho world, much of whloh Is of Interest oven when read in this far land. These papers aro re ceived regularly by Miss Mary C. Hob maun of Seventh and Washington streets, this city, who has personally admired the scones amid which it Is published. The sensational features of tho bank failure havo been exhausted und the public clamor over tho nlTalr has stili nlded. Tho grand jury has Indicted C. W. Moshor, president of tho bunk, in a charge containing thirty counts, showing the manner In which ho doc tored the Ixioks of the Institution to deceive tho federal bank oxamli.ors, and bow ho lllched largo sums of money on one hand to moot tho neces sities of the bank on tho other. His method of getting money was Unique. Ho would receive largo deposits of lnonoy from patrons of tho bunk, glvo thorn credit on the books for lnsignlll cunt sums und either put the buluuco in his pocket or apply it to pay lossess and dividends of the bank. It Is claimed that he did the latter, und did it solely from un overwhelming am bition to keep the bank going until It could retrieve its losses. Members of tho grand jury uro llrinly convinced Hint Mosber novor appropriated any considerable iiinoiint to his own use, und yet tho indictments charge that ho bus misapplied funds of the bank to tho extent of WiO.OOO. Moshor was released on $10,000 ball Thursday morning, Mr. C. O. Wheedon becom ing surety for his appearanco at the May term of court in Omaha. Mean time it is pretty certain that no very serious punishment will over bo niotod out to him. Ho may be lined, but pro bublv nothing further. This Is duo to tho fact that his wlfo'a l'olatlves, wealthy Peorlnns, havo ugrocd to put up about $200,000 with which to repay tho threatened loss of depositors. This Is to bo done us a condition prece dent of his release from sevoro punish ment. The attorney for tho govern ment bus said that, In order that de positors may receive what Is duo thorn, ho has consented to tho tonus of Mosher's relatives. Moshor Is now at his home In this city and a grout deal of adverse comment Is expressed at tho probable escape from punishment, but In view of Its effect upon tho proba bility of depositors getting tholr dues from tho bunk, fow can havo the hard ihood to say that It is not tho best way out of tho trouble. Thoro Is a maxim of law, extracted from ages of wisdom, to tho oiTcot that it Is hotter that twenty guilty men escape than that one innocent man should mitTcr. Charley Moshor's escape from severe punishment can by brought about only by conditions that will prevent hun dreds of Innocent people from snlTorlng. The AilverlUliiK Of Hood's Sarsaparllla is always within tho bounds of reason becauso It Is true: It always appeals to tho sober, common sense of thinking people because It Is true; und it is ulways fully substuntl uted by endorsements which, in tho financial world would bo accepted with out a moment's hesitation. Offer Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 75 Honeycomb Bed Spreads for 75c, were $i;oo 60 Fine Honeycomb Bed Spreads for $1. 10, were $1.45 95 Marseilles Cotinterpainesat $1 .75, marked $2.75 73 Fine Marseilles Countcrpaines at $2.50, were $3.50 54 Fine Heavy Marseilles Countcrpaines, $3.25, marked $4.25 23 Finest Marseilles Countcrpaines, $3.95, were $5.00 75 Colored Mitchelline Spreads, $1,00, were $1.50 HERPOLSHEIMER & CO MILLER & GIFFORD Grocers Invite you to call and sec them nt their OPPOSITE HURK HLOCK. This Is the store that has already attracted the nttentlonof the ladles who want the best In the grocery line for the least money, and Is the Only New Stock in Lincoln A more complete line of Fine Canned Goods, Teas, Coffees. Spices, Fruits, etc., cannot be found In the state. Why not give us a trial order either in person or by YATES' SHOE SALE FOR CASH. "A Big Dividend Paying Investment" For You. 000 "'EdEMK"8 1,000 Regular $4.00 and $5.00 Goods to go in this sale at $3.00 PER PAIR. 1 500 PAIRS MENS' WELT SHOES. $5.00 Calf and Kangaroo to be Closed out at S3.T5 PER PAIRi J3pYou Have Twenty Days in which to invest your money at these prices. 1 1 29 O Street. ED. G. YATES. For general family cathartic wo con tldently recommend Hood's Pills. Henry M. Lenvltt, tho coal dealer does not have to give chromes with his ooal. it-sells lUolf. I'hono MO. Of fice, li:WO street. Rand MeXally & Co., Kid Adams St., Chicago, 111., desire a local manager to take the management of the sale of their now Universal Atlas. Any ono desiring a pleasant and prolltablo ixisi Hon would do well to write them. D.ivid P. Sims, dentist, rooms 42 and 13 Hurr block. Card eases and ladles' coin and specie purpos In morocco, Runslan leather, dongolakid and French calf at Rector's Pharmaoy. K. C. linking Powdor, 25 ounces for 2." cents. Absolutely pure. Havo you tried It? "Miller, tho Grocer," has assoclntod himself with Mr. Gilford of Omaha, under tho tirm namo of Miller & Gif ford, who havo just opened u now gro cery storo at 1201) O stroot, opposite Burr block. Frames, frames, frames, of every description at Lincoln Fratno and Art company's, 22(1 South Klovonth street. 5 Five Per Cent on Deposits 5 Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Go. S. E. Cor. 11th and P Streets Boxes to Rent in Safe Deposit Vaults. ENRY K. l.KWIH, I'esMeut A. V. H. STEWART, VIco-IVrh. It. WKI.CII, Trew. YOU CAN SAVE FROM- PRICE'S GSSf $2.00 ? $5.00 -ON A- Suit or Overcoat bought in the next thirty days at The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammoula; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE, Corner Tenth and O Streets.