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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1892)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY JULY 9, 189: l892 After Easter Comes House Cleaning. A.M. Davis & Co. Sell Carpets You Know the Place. UHK llOWAllD'H CREAM OF ROSES. Ikt motttsqulillr prirtlon forth ski. Aiw CbpiM HkutU, Cbafud or Hoaldtsl Removes Tan and Freckles. fMtlToura foPalt Hheum. Ladlsa pro. MM) II Demotion, r.iueueut to um bum tftmg. Prfotly iutr.ui. l'rloe l'wi aia. aoio n n urat-ciiw umn, STRAIGHT TO HER HERO. Mow i:.lllli' Missive Wriil to Um Itlghl .Mini. I. "K-e-o dllhl Where,' tlmt K"I n moonlit round now, I vuindrrr" Startled liy her niiiit'n shrill vol, Kdlth Kvcrdino nllpM'il hastily ilown from tlio itnck of frnKritiit, new mown liny on which )m I1111I lieeii lylliK, ilri'iuiiliiK dny (lrciiiiin. "Whut In It, mint, denrf" "Don't 'mint dciir' inc, lint Kit to work mi Kit thuin I'KK" pucketl fcr Tonh to tnku to town. Hero I've, lieeii Jcedln you for sixteen ycur, 1111 yoti'vo Kot no inoru Krntl tudo than to Ui lnyln nroiiml Miirin at thu iky wo'en I'm shivln myself to keep yon out tho iKMrhoimul" Kdlth'it liluu ('yen II I led with unshed trnrw, hut she nindu no reply. Moved liy noiiiH Id In Impulse, she. wrote, on oni) I'KK, "I'Mltli Kverdene, lirlKKvlllo, Ark." "1'erhnpi thin mny hrliiK my hero to mo," nhu mused. "I wonder will ho ho na hundsotnu ns 1 hnvu plcturetl him In my fnncyf" II. "ltnt.Hl CoiiiovfTI Klllhlml" HohcIiih llarncs Tormer. tho trnKedlun, wnn kIvIiik hlit iinciiitlcd rendition of "Hamlet." With tho calm oyo of cxpcrlencu hu viuwi'd thu rain of orange, iKitutocH nnd dcsucludliiouit hituiitiiiN that fell around him. "Pretty Kcod iintiired crowd," ho inilHed, whllu "to Iki or not to hu" rolled from hh lips almost unconsciously. "Not an vnn yet." Scnrco had this thought crossed hln mind when he felt thu old familiar crush of an eKKihell on hln niiilllnu noso, mid thu cur lain was rung down. "l'lrst freMh ouu I ever had throwed at me," hu remarked at hu Idly picked up n pleeuof thuHhell. A hit of wrltliiK Inn dellcntu fetiilnlnu hand attracted hliteyu at hu Knzed nt thu fragment. 'Twiih thu namu mid address of Kdlth Kverdene. III. From Thu Murnltitf Hciilpkulfc.l Mr. I'dgnr (iiimhleMoii, thu manager of I MIhh KiIIu Kvenleue, thu phenomenal southern Miuhrette, reMirtH inagnlllceiit buxlucHi for that eharmliiK Ilttlu lady. It In no violation of coulldencu to say that In private life MIhh Hverdenu Is Mm. Clumhlo sou, Mr. (lUmhlesoii was nt ouu tlinuu noted tragedian, under' tho pseudonym of H. llnriicH Tormer, hut lilseiitlru attention U now dovoted to thu (merest of his tal ented mid vivacious wife. Indianapolis Journnl. 8011111 I'letitrlut I'lirmi'i. IN CHICAGO. DEER PARK AND OAKLAND, Oi The Crest Of The Alleghanles, 3,000 Feet Above Tide-Water. SEASON OPENS JUNE 22D.I882 Tula niuiousmouutiilnrcsorti.sltuiilednt tho uiumlt of tho AlleKlmiiles mid tllreotly upon the ninlii lllio ot the lialtlmoro ami Ohio lUllroail, navo thu ndviintiiKO of I'h splen Jld vratlbulcd express train service both east and went, anil nro therefore, readily accessible. from Ml part of tho country. All liulllmoro mid Ohio trains stop ut Deer Turk and Uak laud durtiiK tho season, lUtes, WO, 75 nnd $U a month, according to tnratlon. Uoiiiinunlcutlous should U ml dressed to 11 HOUOK I). DkSIUKIiDS, Man acvr Hnltluiora mid Ohio Hotels, Cuiiil)orlaud Mil., up to Juno 10; after that date, either IMor Park or Oakland, Uurrctt County, Mil. 6-ll-et LINCOLN 'tmktf AND IKSTITCTK OF rEMUISIIir, knrthaiul, anil Typewriting, U the lwst and Urtwst Cllfa In the Wsl, HU (Undents la altcniUaro last year. Studtnti iircoaml mr Im.lncM In from a tut ,-i,n-,,-, .mvim.ji 1-, Nfi,a. .iit.ivtii. uiui iiiiuiniusi csiniOKtir, ivuricti joiiniais, ana . u. irani.iunis iwui irva vj autin,maui ULLIDAlIXli; UOOSE. Uacota, Neb. Memembtr that the beat route to Chicago from Line! (through Omaha) in Ha the Koch Island." The Dining Cava are all ' new and elegant ; the tervice everybody known im the bet in the United State. Uave nvn;nr anil better Sleeper, kamUomt; fyay Coaches, hcM HccZining Chair Cam, Nd the train ia new and the httHtlsotnest that runa from Lincoln to Chicago (via Omaha) If you want to be convinced of thia fact, compare it with other ae-called flrttt-clasa lines. Ticket for sole by CIEAS. II UTHEltFOBD, City I'aaaehger Agent, In the Hotel "Lincoln," $Y . SW "KAISIN'O THE VEIIY OLD UOV." Mvs v. A GOOD 8TAUT. Smm Thu hillldhiKs are the Inllrat In I'liliiiKo; Thu lndls' feet are smallest In CtllCKKO. Tho lis hto nl n) s krpnmt, Tim pnwnicntsnru the rlennest, The Ijonlevnrda nro ureoiuit In Clilcnuo. Tho nuuspitiiers nro hrlitlitctt In C'LIcsk"! I'ollcenieii to xlltest In ChlenKo. Anno) mires nro fuuest. Ami thn Jokes nru nlwa s newest. While tho skies nro over bluett to (,'hlcftfc.o. Tho Indies are tho fairest In Chlcnii; And tho homely Klrls nro rarest In CliUnKo. Tho husliands nro tho tirntcst, While their vles aro nlwnys sweetest. And tho errntnl to)nro fleetest In I'lilcnifo. Tho nldernieii nro greatest In Chimin: Their dolnus nro tho strnlithtcst III ChlenKo. Tho winters nro the, mildest. And thosiiiiiincrs rccunclleilcst, Ainl- ... Tho liars llo tho wildest In Chlenuu. -Chlcnito Thnm. AN UNLUCKY MAN. Ills Name Whs All Itluhl. A young fellow mIx feet tail nnd weigh I Ing '.MO pounds not long ago applied to n I Detroit merchant for 11 position In his ! Htoru. ' "Whnt'H your imincr" Imiiilrud tho mcr chant. "I.lttlu Dickey ItohliiHon." replied the young man pnimptly. "Wlintl1" exclaimed thu merchant In n totilshtueut us hu surveyed his propor tions. "I.lttlu Dickey IlohhiHon," wu.s tho ro ply, this tlmu several tones louder. It made thu merchant half angry. "What In thunder does a great hlg fel low like you mean hy giving such a name as that;" hu asked Indignantly. "Haven't you cut loose from your mother's apron atrltiKH yell'" Tho young fullow't) temper was admlra hlc, and hu was after a Joh, Iwsldes. "I give Mich n name as that, air," hu said, "liecausu that is my name, and if you'vugot a mini in this housu that thinks hu can lick mu or dares to imikufuuof that mime, trot him out," Thu merchant began to smooth him down mid ask id for an explanation. "It's this way," hu said (jultu good nnturcdly, "my mother's inalden name was Little, my father's iiatuu was Itohlu sou mid his mother'), maiden name was Dickey. They wanted mo to luivo thu fam ily names, mid so I'm I.lttlu Dickey Knlr Inson." Thu explanation was eminently satis factory; so wits tho young man, nnd Iiu'h goliiK to work soon. Detroit Freo Press, Another Kind of Fire Kscape. ""I BE A MAN APflLO WU A PERFECT MAN. MMUT HI IMII 1-HaTIMlIlt II Watt hlllM . is. iiiIms sr mn ltq fs ;. si mi . si nrr MA au U RKOBt aa TIHMII to all rssMsis. YQUNI HEN OR OLD. ssf.rlsf (rm IIHTOtti 01- ILITT, imi ar fsliisi Hsa kM4. tkriltsl Iicmiis. Itsaut ITT, SIUIM U.T.I.SB.SI. W riuoaai wsabmiu. a m4 U riiriOT IIALT aa4 aoiLi TiTAUtr f moat ; ias rrllt aa ltr .1 asllsas. claim by veers of practice by xcIusIt m.thorts a uniform MOaoroLT Of lUCOlU" In treat- Ins; all Dlisuti, Wiakattst.and TestlmonlaUl from ni Slates and Terrltorlea, mi ' n a jbm III I ' fV 9" nAt I n l I tk UI IV k ma u d I l w III l on' I l i "I MR NEW NOK fV.liV; gKu7::bdT'visV5.vB'i. 4nskas.Bs4nrlitlBaalsU. A44rt.tst.SM iKIIMf OIOAL CO. BUFFALO, N.V. rVR KIICBB. MhsalMi to Joaa- VaauTiis, o.T. A. k P. B. IL. Ckleaco. awl rw.Lt, po.uc.psU, laaea as eara. job .nrr asBawa. ,- v -- ANOTHKU "AKKAIUE l)E CUII." -Life. l'overly anil Wraith. "When thnt nmn came to this town," said a resident to n visitor as nn old fellow passed them, "ho was so poor ho wasn't able to wear linen collar." "He doesn't look to bo any better off now," remarked the visitor, noting his ap pearance. "Oh, but ho Is," quickly explained tho resident; "bo's so rlth now ho doesn't have to wear cue." Detroit Free Pros. I Where the Neckties tin. '"Where Is thnt whito spotted blue neck tie? thnt I had it short time ago" askeil the husband. "Pray, forglvo me," snid the w Ife, as nhu hung her head, contritely, "I used it to make i bathlliK suit." New York Press. Her Weak I'olnt. She was up In every science, nnd bad placed at itrlui defiance all the Intellectual uiauta that hid nver been before. She had none through Vnssnr sx-cdlns, and no thoughts domestio bcedlnif, she bud learned so much by reading that sho couldn't tuke lu more. Sho had studied art and fiction, and tho subtlo laws of friction, nnd hnd (siUshed up her diction till it shone with lliilit Intense Sho had poudered on divinity, and lectured on the Trinity, her talks upon Inllutty were said to bo Immense. She had studied with devotion all the currents or the ocean, auoioiiui talk wun treat emotion 011 thu pedigree of rocks. And for hours her brulu would wheedle on tho history of Tw Vvdle, but she used it crochet needle when she .darned her husband's socks, Tom Masson tu Clothier and Furnisher. Quest I'm glad that thero is 11 ropo here in case of tiro; but what's tho iden of put ting 11 Ulblo In tho room In such a promi nent position? Bellboy Dat mn Intended fob use, sail, in casu thu lire am too far advanced fob you to ninku you' escape, sah. Kansas City Star. Too Much for II tut. A dear, old clergyman, now dead, who was, during his lifetime, beloved by nil who knew him, Hindu it u prnctlco to ad dress the children of his Sabbath school every Sunday afternoon. Ho hnd a little lisp thnt those who held him deurest considered rather added to than detracted from tho charm of his delivery. Ouu day ho roso nnd began, "Children, I don't think I huvo anything shpeclal to thuy to you today." A gumln roso in the back of tho room. "Then thet up!" he shouted. Tho good gentleman stopped short, clear ed his throat, made 0110 or two fresh starts, broke down again, and finally took his suit, completely downed by this plive cf saucl ness. Now York Recorder Fate Against Him, or the Luck Thnt .Mrt HriilM-n I'liltHWiif, I. ltetibcii Pullaway was tho islltor of the Echo City lllazcr. For nearly two score fears the latchiitrlng of his ofllco hnd ul wnys been out mid he had molded opliiloa until he grew moldy. Hu had referred to every man In town us a perfect gentleman, nnd to every ladyiisn(ueenof society, mid ts ho grow old hu longed for a chnncu to roast somebody. "Oh," ho would exclaim, lu tho silent eventide, while the tears coarscd down his furrowed checks, "oh for mi opportunity to turn loosu mid crucify somubodyl I am filled with adjectives which would look magnificent lu print, hut I dare, not! If I wero to attack any one ho would stop his paper, nnd perhaps tnko out his advertise imint." So Ituiibeii Pullaway wroto flattering paragraphs about people, and grow sullen nd taciturn. And his crotn seemed greater than he could bear. It. "Heubeti," said tho editor's wlfu ouu morning, us ho lixiked sadly at an utitustcd breakfast ami reached for his lint, "why not roast somo Imnglmiry liidividiiulr Turn loose tho vials of your wrath upon Horatio Kldcrgroovc, for Instance. Nolxsly can possibly hu offended, since there Is no such a man, end you'll huvu just as much fun torturing him as though ho lived." Tho editor folded his wife to his bosom weeping; but, oh, getitlu render, his tears were tears of joy I "Augusta Soplironla," hu cried, "it Is an Inspiration! Oh, how I will paralyvu Horn tlo Kldergroove!" Thu beautiful glow of dawn was in the heal t of Iteiilien Pullaway., III. Thu leading editorial in Thu that week was a corker. "This city," it said, "has been visited by an unprincipled scoun drel of the name of Horatio Kldergroove; he has green whiskers mid only ouu eye, which is in thu middle of his forehead; he has a trunk like an elephant mid tusks a foot long. Ui Is 11 reproach to mankind; a hyena who lives on thu bones of dead men; 11 ghoul, a vampire, a serpent; hu would play checkers on thu colllu of his mother mid rob 11 ghost of Its shroud." Thero was 11 column mid 11 half of this sort of literature, mid when it was written the editor felt refreshed and young once more. All thu accumulated bilu of years mid years had Mown into the article. "Thu beauty of It Is," said thu editor to tho foreman, "that slncu thero is 110 such a man ns Horatio Kldergroove, with his green whiskers and single eye, nobody can pos slbly bo offended." "True enough," responded tho foreman, with n shoroless smile. IV. In thu iiilet, dreamr dusk of n summer evening 11 wayworn stranger journeyed into Echo City; lie had green whiskers mid but one eye, which was In thu center of his forehead; hu hnd 11 trunk liko nn elephant mid tusks 11 foot long. Ills II rst act was to purchase n copy of Thu Hlazer, and his wrath mny bo better imagined than described when ho read tho leading editorial. Hu immediately went to Tho HIazcr ofllco and sat on Houben Pullaway and made him (Houben) eat a thrcu pound can of green Ink mid n barrel of gluo mid 11 towel; and then hu poured coal oil on Heiibeu's hair nnd set tiro to it; nnd ho ted Iteiiben into 11 stop cylinder press with 11 folder attached, so that when tbo unfortunate man emerged ho was folded ready for mulling. Then the stranger went downtown mid addressed a meeting of citi.cus. V. On tho following day all tho merchants of Echo City called at Tho ofllcj nnd ordered their "ads" out mid canceled their orders for Job work. "You should bo ashamed of yourself," said tho mayor; "Mr. Horatio Kldergroove, whom you so violently abused in your scurrilous paper, is mi eastern capitalist, who came here to establish seven packing houses, employing b00,000 men. Ho has now gono away in disgust." "And so his name was really Horatio Eldergroovor" groaned tho heartbroken editor; "mid hu had green whiskers and ono eyu and 11 trunk and tusks it foot long. Well, it was just my luck." THE KND. Fremont (Nob.) Tribune. Ills Advantitge Over the Oldest IuhuldUtit. Some persons can nltviiya ','go yon one better," no matter whnt tliii toe,y Is you are telling. Ono of these was acjotted one day last week by E. S. Cleveland, who, re moving his hat mid mopping his head, solemnly said; "It's an awful hot dayl I Dover saw so hot it day as this." "Oh, I have," said his friend. "I've seen one it good deal hotter." "That sof" said Clove. "Well, you're the only man that's ever lieen thero mid got buck." Hartford Times. Silttleieiit Kscuse. Not long ngo Miss Kiln Potts told her pupils one "composition day" that they might each write it letter to her making an excuse for not Inviting her to an Imaginary birthday party, Tho scholars were culled upon in turu to read their letters aloud. Ono Ilttlu girl mado her excuse as follows: "DEAIt MlfcS PoTTb I want to upologl.e for not asking you to come to my birthday pnrty yesterday. I fully Intended to do so, but ns I ulwitys do in everything I put it off until tho lust minute. When nt lust I started, anil reached your gate, I saw the doctor's buggy standing there, and think ing Komu ono wits very ill I did not go lu Whut was my consternation the next day to kuriiitluit thu doctor was courting your slstbrl" Youth's Companion. ir 0 Finest in the City THE NEW LINCOLN STABLES. HAVING just nsumed personal control of my hnndsomc new stnblcs, it will be y aim to conduct a first-class establishment, giving best of enre nnd attention to horses entrusted to our keeping. STYLISH CARRIAGES. Single or double, nnd n fine line of wcll-trnlncd horcs for liver) use, promptly 'fur nished, day or night. DAVE FITZGERALD, Prop. M. R. STANLEY, Foreman. Telephone 550. Stablos 1639 and 1641 O Street. From Chlcuffo. A Case of Cash. They were organising 11 land company when Jobon said to Hobson: "We've got everything ready. I've got nn nrtUt to paint ;t picture of tho land us It is, and mi other us It will be." "Hut where Is thu kind? Hivu you bought It yet r" "Bought it r Why, how cut! we buy it until we have sold our stock r" responded Jobsoii, who prided himself on being a financier. "It takes money to buy land." Hoston Transcript. Knew Whut He Was About. Slngerly J hear your firm offered you an Incrvnse lu your wtlury or it month's vaca tion, und you nro going to take the vaca tion. What are you going to do that forf I should think you would rather have tho increase. Straw her Not much, old fellow. My vacation Is the only time during tho year that I cnii'fall In love with 11 wealthy girl. Clothier iitid Furnisher. Out or Ills Way. Husband You my you've hnd thut bon net six months. Why, I've never seen it Is.-fore. Wife I know It. I only wear It to church. New York Herald. ' III !"'37 fm 1 HI RIDE or WALK? ''WHICH MORE DESIRABLE?" "WHICH MORE PLEASANT?" "WHICH MORE HEALTHFUL?" WHICH SUITS TO ABETTER?" RIDERS OF G & J PNEUMATIC RAMBLERS "RIDE." They Can be Repaired in Two Minutes OWNERS OF Some Kinds of Pneumatics "WALK" MUCH OF THE TIME. Study the PNEUMATIC RAMBLER. E.R.CUTHRie, 1540 O Street. Lincoln Coal Co. Dealer In all kinds of COAL AND WOOD. Office 104s O Street. Yards 6th and M Stt. 'Phone 440. JOHN DOOLITTLE. Manager. NEW GOODS- iffnArtfeCgniwIY- ssss sssssvssv mm y . - - aw M gijH gjnvt,""",'''''n'''''''l'l'mlll,,'''ni,-tMH1ArJ r s. sTV - s (ItKTOVtmL IH MM Formerly of HUFFMAN & RICHTER. 1039 0 STREFT NEW LOCKTI0N, Frenchman That ludy to vhoin you In troduced u;' It clmiiuliiK. In nhu well con nected f , ChlcuKouu Well, I should any ho. She's the wife of (mvenil of our llrst cltUetiH. Harper's To Culrli ilia l'o) Ruinous. Suit l.uke Jeweler John, put n MunnU of thut new lot of weddiiiK riliK lu the window. Thu New Clerk Yes, lr. Jeweler And, John, mark them (7,!0 tachl special discounts for dozen lots Jewelers ' Weekly Fret Work, Sgreens and Panels CABINET WORK OK ALL KINDS TO ORDER. ' Full Line Of 7V KNTELS AIwaJs ln stoc'- ARE SHOWN IN OUR NEW WaREROOMS. NEBRASKA CABINET WORKS, COUNTERS AND WALL CASES. 1SS24-28 M Street. H. W. BROWN DRUGGISTWBOOKSELLER Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of Perfumes and Fancy Goods. 127 South Eleventh Street.. '4 m aw. vv wr ui.iv.