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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1892)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY JULY 9, 1S0: MAKE YOUKOWN KELT AND SAVE THE PRICE OF VELVET SUSPENDERS. Ollvo Harper TrIU llir In Do It nnd Alan llesnllirs tho I'leviillhiK Stjlci oMVnlsts, Itlouiipf, Jackets Hint lllurrr Nnvrlllm In lints. (Special Comspondotico.l Nt:v VoiiK,.Iuly 7. The pretty wnlitt and blousci require inoio attention mitei tlio use of thorn lias suddenly taken such prouiiiiouco. Wlmt the unlocked waists wore theso are, multiplied twent) fold. Tlioy aio tnndo of whlto China silk, liko tlio pioturo, looso and diitwn in at tlio wnlst With an,- elastic iiutj lot I to droop at tlio hips,- Tlio yokes arc mndo of light colored silk with an over lay of htco, point do gene doing t lie favorite, or they nro all white with t lie yokes and forearm pieces oiubiolduu'd in delicately shaded sillr. ' Others aro of figured nilk or plain gathered front and back into a belt, anil with a plain knife plaiting rntlle or n rufllo Bet on jabot stylo. The Hleovcf can bo liko the illustration, plain bishop or they can be as fanciful as the wearet desires. The leather or thu velvet bus HEW WAISTS AND VELVET SUSI'ENDKKS ponder belt can bo worn with thia, and It requires a belt of soino kind to hide tho plnco whero skirt and waist join Tho leather belts are very stylish, and tbo suspenders nro worn as often, but tho velvet belt looks moro dressy and more refined, and it nlso has tho advau tago that it can bo made at homo. Tho way to do it is to got some buckram and cut it tho sizo and shape requited and stitch two or three thicknesses together by tho machine just legularly quilting them, Then trim tho edges carefully to have them nuito oven and cover the front with velvet, bringing it over to tho wrong side and catstitching it tlown Tho lining 'can then bo faced down on this, tho hooks and eyes bowed on anil tho straps, which liavo been made in tho sanio way, fastened on, and it is done Tho velvet belts cost nlnut three dollars made, but a handy young lad) could make ono for much less. It to quires f0 of a yard of velvet cut on the bias, which can be bought tor a dollar a yard. Tho buckram and silk for facing should not cost over tweiity-livo cents Tho straps should bo pinned on to tit tho flguro beforo being sewed Tho Eton jacket, worn over a white piquo vetst, is quito popular and is Ik coming to nearly all figures. It is point ed very slightly in the back, and the seams aro cut just liko those in tho back of men's coats. Tho front is cut away to a point and has a regular man's coat collar. Tho neck is finished by a high linen collar and four-in-hand tie, black or matching tho color of the gown which is usually of bluo bergo, with or without trimming. That ono in tho II lustration has several graduated rows of Hercules black braid. Tho vest can bo of tan colored piquo, if liked better than white. Tho hat that is worn with this in n ort of modification of tho college trencher, and altogether gives tlio weaiet m very sprightly though lnusculiuo look Next to the blouse waists in this inul tiplicity of shapes and material is the blazer, which this season really merits tho name of top coat, it is so long. The blazer is made of light drab or tun cloth with no trimming to speak of, and the eeams laid flat and stitched twice like those of tho covort coats, or it is made of tweed or sergo to match tho costume For bicycling it must of necessity be shorter. It never meets in front, ami many hnve straps of tho material which button ncioss th bust to keep the toat from flying open. Many wear yachting ETON JACKET AND III.AZEIl. caps with these, but the piettiest head gear is a neat straw, with llowers. to eoftou the somewhat Inn tl eilect ot the blazers. Tho sumo may be said ot the Eton jaoket. These rush hats lesemblo those routtu mats peop1) buy for their guldens so a to bo able to sit about without spoilum their clothes on the glass A little kind on the uittler side fuinialiLs a means ol keeping theiu on the head UUVU UaUI'UU. ft fSMi Jii" JJl J I f 5 I v fcn;-'iE'nff55V J .. . llowr to .Muk Home Happy, He took nIT his coat In (lie ball, hung tip his hut on the rack and nimle n turn to ward tlieillning room, It wim Mono cold. ".Mary," lie wild MiU'tniiljVM he found her In the library. ''what does Oils mean, chf" v .. t ,, "Pit down." who sdld mveotlV. "I have been waiting foytMi. ' "You lime, elif" howiWRlarliiK about "Dojou know, Marj, vv lint the. hour It" "I do. llnrrv" '' a. "And do you know that I v' UP "ils morning at 0 o'clock, breakfasted on" tint Move hearth and then hustled down town, where I lme been working like a horse for fourteen hotirf" "1h Is it possible, Harry, denrr" she raid in slrupy tones. "It Is, mailatn; and, what's more, I am ns hungry asa bear, I want my supper, I atji xlck ,iiih1 t'Ufd of ilils 'sort of ijuiug. Vott tlo nothing but run about all dly mid leave tilings o tit sriiiislil" "Have, a care, Harry Arniltagel" sdie aid, with a pout. "I know what I ant talking aliott. I dttppose now yon want me to do the usual faVors?'; "If )ott please, Harry dear, ) on know. Just dress little Tommy for pinner, pvel the potatoes, build the kitchen lire and get the coal up out of the cellar, elif" "I will tlo no Hitch tiling, madiiiii, and, what's more, toinoi row 1 will apply for a divorce. Vott are tint laziest, most shift less womiili in New York ". "Harr," said the voinuu slowly, coin lug over and putting his arms around his neck, "jon do not understand. I said I was waiting, for-jnili and I liac been too I have a little surprlso for joit, dearest Ottess what It Is?" "Halit on the guessing I want my sup pet I" "I will tell )ntt In spite of all. I don't care If you get mad or not. It Is this" "Stop!" "I have just llnlshcd embroidering your new nightshirts with red stars all annual the eollarl" New York Hceordrr. BhPAIJATIOS. IIMOM'ILIATION. Smith' mid Gray's Monthly. lie Wiih it 1 1 i'ri. "George," she said, turning her head shyly to one side, "I I think jou'd better not. I'veI've been eating onions." "Onions or rose leaves tire all tho same to me, Laura," said George, with a deep sigh of something like resignation. "Love levels all ranks." And from tliu dimly lighted hallway in which the yoitni; man was endeavoring to say good night there came a sound like the Impact of a cold boiled pdtitto against the side of a brick house. Chicago Tribune. , i : ' fluid ly Tun Children. Alice's grandpapa had set her bantam hen on eleven cunning white eggs, and Alloo was greatly intere'sted In watching the result. One day she run Into the house, calling excitedly, "Mamtna, mamma, two chickens have bloomed!" Mamie hail been sewing and was looking vainly for the 'scissors to cut her thread. Finally she whined out, "Oh dear! I can't find Anything to unsew this needle." Youth's Companion. Vhit It fttoutl For. "So Mrs. Illllbank Is going away," said Mr. Cuinrox. I see she sent you her card." Yes," replied his w Ife. "It's got 1. I. C. on It. I guess that stands for sotnethln tellln about why she's goln." "Maybe It does. An judging from a couple of hours I spent in lit r neighlKtr- hood it probably refers to 'pianos, parrots ami children.' " Washington Star. UimppriM luted Tlioii;litfiiliii'ss. Husband Good by, my dear. I'll bs dreadfully lonesome while you're away In the country. Wife I know joit will, Joe, and I've prepated for it. Here's a nice new deck and a sot of chips. Xew Yotk Lvetiing Sun. A Victim ( Deliulon. Placid I inn, content, serene; I take tn hIuIi of u) iiim lm ml; And chunks of iiltoiiiiirttiirinu Upon It s tiiMtuliss side I spread. The etftf I i at was never lull! II) mi) mi Wins'. IViitliircd hen; Hut from the I.otil Knows what 'tis madr In Newutk h) nnfiMtliiTiil nun. I wash in simple tin akfastiluun With friibrant c hli knr so c heap; Or w it It thu l' t lliu k ten In tow n Drlid ulllnu leuen I culiiil) stiup Hut If fmiii mau'x lie arts 1 the. And drink pine water from the pump, I Kiilpdiiwn iiilin-uil.f. Ami hlilioiiH riitatotiie, Anil w t lt,-k'llnw !!) K.iMrli le, And film) dlutomnuic. And hard nhelli U urplirici rcttiie. And double liamltd kolpodie, Nolllorinitid amhrieilie, And muIiiiis uiilnmli ulm Of middle, htk'h nlid low iltunc; I'or nature Just lieatx all i rcutlnn In iiiiiltlpllid ailidli i nt ii in - HtibellJ llmdittu In Pood. A friend In Need. OSCULATION. INDIflNATION. A MODEST MONUMENT It Stark the Timili of (Iciieritl lruiil' I'nrt'iil nl ('liiclmiutl. Ss'clitl CorrcstsiiuU ncc.) Cincinnati, .Ititie HO. When Chatiti coy M, Depow, in his leeent otationon (limit, spoke of his parents' modest gi lives in "tlio country churchyard," ho lived a (Iguiatlvo expulsion, no doubt, totlciintotliocnit trast liotween their Until testing places and that of their distin guish od son, However, the nlother inul fa ther of tleneral Urant aio bulled in Spilng Otovo cemetery, Ciiiein nut I, one of tint most beautiful of western cemeter ies. Tito grnves aro in a central pot Hon ami aio mirrouuded It y imposing monu ments of licit MMllP infr"" i:Tcni.jvt ""llllCdllM -,. '1 !(.. t families, beside which the modest THE MONttMEST. little marble shaft Hcctus Indeed small well tended bv the The graves nre innuagement and nrealwavs pointed out tit visitors, but for yeais none of thochildieu have lieeii to see them. The lot is thirty feet squaie. The mouumuut is of Italian tumble with a liinestone base, and is now badly cracked by the weather. The model was de signed by General Orant himself, ho being n clever at list, having painted many pietuies when young. Tho in scriptions tue: It. Caroline tlrant, horn Ike. 11. IK; dtrd Mur 1 1 ii. 1pii.'. It. (Irani, dkd .littm 111, IS7J hrimI 70 )eursR miiiithsimil ililn. Ilutiuiih .Slinpioa Oritut.dlnt Mny 11. IK.H.1. uKed M )iarf iniiiitlis mid ISilujn. ' "lllessid are thu dead that die In thu lnrd." On nuother side is the inscription: Haintiel Slinpvui Orant. Isirn Sept. -1, 1K2.1; (Hid .Svpt. II, IM1I. He, Itowover, is not buried in tho lot. The first to be bulled thcio was the father, .Jesse Grant, who died in tho seventies while Ulysses was president. Ho lived and died in Covington, across the river, wheio ho was made postmas ter, for which tho cry of ucitotisiii was raised ngainst his son. The mother died in Elizabeth, N. .1., in May, 18811, and her body wns brought hero for burial by tho general, his sister, Mrs. Cramer, and other i datives. Tho fu neral had been held at Hlizabeth, nnd nothing but tho burial servico was had at the grave or in Cincinnati. Tho same undertaker who had years beforo burled the father met the party at the station, and the casket was taken to his rooms in a Sixth street stable, while the gen eral with several cousins went to break fast. I was tho only newspaper reporter who had guessed tho exact time of the general's arrival, and boauled the train at Loveland, an hour's tide from Cincin nati, taking caio to conceal the fact that I was a repot tor. A morning paper man was at the depot, but that did not en danger my story lor an afternoon paper. Together we were at once made pall beareis for fvery pint of the subsequent ceremonies, and afterward the Grant family and lival newspapers wondered how such a complete and graphic uc count of the atlair could have been se emed. Inside the stable tho casket was opened to see if the embalmer had done his work well. It was a strange sight, tho opening of that small cotliu containing the clay of a woman who gave birth to America's gieatcst general. Stable hands, assist ants and tho undertaker only were pres ent. Tho resemblance of mother and sou could bo easily tiaced in the dead face and occasioned remaik. . Then tho body was taken to n modest homo on Clark street, Bishop Joyce of tho Meth odist chinch joined the cortege, and with the leading ot the burial service ami a prayer tho mother of General Grant was placed beside the husband. General Grant was, as ever, cool, unmoved, and with his sister on his arm held his hat to one side of his head as the first clod struck tho cotliu lid. His sister Caroline, who never mar ried, lies buried with father and mother. She was Grant's favorito sister, and died just as he took command of the Army of the Potomac. Sho was very fearful in her last days that like his predeces sors he might fail, and her last and dying words of him weio, "Tell 'Lyss to never give nit and do his best to win." Her dying prayers were niisweied,as history tells. An elder biotherof Grant died In tho far west years ago. His health was bad and ho undertook a journey by wagon to Minnesota. He died on the way and was btuied in some village cemetery, and lew If any of tho family know where. Undo Sammy Simpson, who sun i veil his nephew and died aged ninety-two, is btuied at Bantam, a little village of Clei titont county, near the eceno of Grant'!1 boyhood. Orvillo Grant lies btuied at Galena. Fua.nic B. Gf.ssneu. Special oidets for Hue i tikis, .iipi-rb ice cteaiti and ices piomjitlv delhcicd to an) pait of the eitj Telepho'ie No. V' Finest ice cteaiti in the elt an I hand somest lefiesliltieut pill es, at tho llontoii I l'ueliler's old stand, Twelfth nil 1 I' stteets (et)our tlowei nnd gulden seeds and ImlUnt Oiiswold's. HO South lltliM win"'" M mii inn s 1 i vJpSJ. L 0W Vkl 25ozs.for2S9 Absolutely Pure JustTIiyIt. FrjAHUICsN KOI! N,KASniK TIM PS. WHAT THE VARIOUS nAILHOADS HAVE TO OFfEH GRAND MUSICAL EXCURSION. .Mil-I'li'te mid III linn ntle. On Miudu),.liil) II, tho H A .M.wliliim a spielul ttitlii, leaving Lincoln nt thin p. in,, li'tlll nlllK. leiiMi Cute at II p. in , or sihiii lis conceit IsoM't. 'Ilin tiiuiiikiilily low tale of ,M ci nts has In i'ii scented for the occasion, mid thl aloiiii should ItiMltc a large attend mice 'I he uimiiiI conceit given tiinlri thnill lictlon of Mis. P. V. M. ltii)iiioud will It, elude the .Mii) fetlnl chotimof UMuilees, and will noe the ginit musical exettt of the st'itnon lloti't miss t Is UUII'tllll 0lllll tunltj of spending tin ei nlng on the liatiks or the Itlne, Including n conceit of lute iiini excep tlotial cMelltlice. Tickets at II, .M depot, or tit) ticket olllce, cot in r (J iilid't'eutli stliets A. V. .IKMKII, City l'asengei' Agent. Itiitllillituii Ittuiie, Npi't lul Ttiihii, Dle.i The II & M. will nell tickets to New Yolk clt. nnd i etui it at our lowest. Mist class rate, on .lul) I to .') liii'ludxc, goo I for letlliu lioin.llih 10 to U exclusive, with exteiitlou of time till Aiigul 111 on ceitnln conditions, NATIONAL MUTATION' L TOW KNTION. 'Die II iV M will sell tickets to Kaiatogii SptlllKs nnd tetllt ii at one lowest Hist class tale, plus PI, on duly !l to n inclusive, good for lettitu liiim .lul) l.'ito'JI Inclusive, with exti nslon of time to S,ptimlu'r V! on eel tain conditions, IIKVTIUI HI It At TM'ol'A The II M. will sell loliml Hip tickets nt taie lure ftom Jiiiiii Vltl to Jul) PI, goisl fin lettiin to Jul) IT I ItKTK t II.UTUul A. The II M will sell loiind (tip tickets lit one tine Jul) ,') to HI Inclusive, good for le tin u to July IT, A . C. .ikmimi, fit) Passenger Agent. liuiitiiiHiiu .einlilli', I'or the accommodation of those desli lug to visit theilllleieut ('liuutuiiipiu tissmhlles the following exceeding low exclusion lutes are offered hy the I'. IV IIIIITK, M.ll , .tl'L Urn TO Pint. One fine for the i omul ttlp us follows: 1st, l'toiii nil points In Nehiiieku, July Mil mid tith, good for lettnn until and In lading Jul) lTth. 1MI, '.M. Ki out nil points In Neht.tskii nlid Ivan ms within ir.0tnllesof t'lete. July .Mhto Itlth. Inclusive, goisl for lettilii until mid liioltnl lug Jul) lTth, 1V.I,' KHKVIIl.NT, .NKII , Jfl.V iHTTt) l.'iTII. One fate for the loittid ttlp plus il'i cents nduil-sloii to the giouuds 1st, I'lom all points In Neliiusku, June JlOtli and July 1st, good for lettiin until nnd Including July Pith, 1MU 'Jd. I'lom nil points In Neliiusku within tr0 miles of I'lemoiit, June IKHli to July 1 Ith, Inclusive, gisiil for I etui n until and Including July Pith, lSf.1. I'or fitithei' lifoiiiiatlou appl) to.l.T. Mtistln.C.T A , toil Osticet, oi L. II. Slo-son, Gun. Agt. 1'. P. s)Mtem. Half Itules to Sitiutiiuii N, Y Vlu II. .1 O. K, It. The lliiltiiuoiu .t Ohio Hulhoad will sell tickets to Halatogt KptfiiKs, Neiv Yotk,' on the occasion of thu National IMiicaMoiiiiI Association, ft r one fare for the toillid trip. Tickets will he on sale July .Mil to Tth Inclusive, and will lie valid to I etui u iintl'July UUh Inclusive. All II : (), Ye-dl-litilecxpiehs tialiis, with I'ltllmau sleiplug cms, puss thtotigh Washington. I'or full In foiinatioii us to rates, time of trains, and sleeping car accoinuiodutioMS, uppl) to near ist 11 iV O agent, or L. H. Allen, As't lieu Puss Agent, the Hookery, Clilcugo, I'lillitiiili I'-lllnilfil linnet Sleeping Cur sci vh e, I lilt iik" to I'litlliiml, M. Coiiiiueticiiig June ','iitli ami continuing tlitotigh the totnist miimiii, thu Clileugo i: (lliind Tliiuli It It will tun a I'lilliuiiu es tlhttli) Initlet sleeping car of the most modem pittteiu, tlitougli without change, fioin Chi- eagn to Portland, via Toi onto and Monti eul, liiivlng Chlcugout JI.Oil p. II. except .Sttitr du) , in i Iv lug ut Pot timid for lireukfast sec ond morning On this ttaiti there will hen I'llllinail tar for Old Oichaid lleaeh, mid tourists for all not tit Atlantic seaside and mountain lesotts will ll'id tills impiovcd tin utigh service worthy of pntiouuge. S ctiiuslis-plng car lesei vntlons inul further infoi uiatiou liy applying to K. II. Hughes, general wenteru pusseuger agent, No. lo:t South Clink stleet, Chicago. 7 '.' It 41 llrket lor ut Udell's. The pi Ice of bouid nt Udell's Teiiipln dining hull hy the week Is now only :i ,'i0, which is ns cheap as the cheapest nnd the tahle fniu is full) up to its usual excellent standard. Wny not go to Oilell's to hoard legiilui I You gell tickets for .'SKI. Ileer I'or I itmll) I e. For fumily tiiidu the John (iittid Drewlui; Co Is now ileliveiing it Mixrli)i' nimle of ex tra pule licer in either pint or iiuai t liottles. I Tills beer for tahle use has no "ipi il unit Is meeting Willi isipulur favor with all the liet ) trade of the ctt). Piices us cheap us that I charged for iufeiior Leer. L"uve onleisut illlce,','ll Noi til Ninth street. 0enr lieu 'k, iiKelit. Once tlieil tioother beer will he Why not order n sample ciisb of it. Nothing so nice for tahle use us mineral water. Cook Pulley (Srocery Co. hnve u lui ge line of the most nourishing good, In eluding the genuine Imported Polliuui is He geut Sprlnu' ftoui Lxcelslor hprlugs, Mo , illllioited (iiliger Ale, etc. ICjciind Km Mirtfeon, I)r W L Da) ton, oculist and utirist, r.HJ O stleet, tpiom!iiA, Lincoln, Nehr Ilinwu's Hestutifuut l in n new locntlcd ' l','l Noilh 10th stleet mid is known us the j licutltlflll new Cnfe ltd) al All the latest toilet ill tlclis will ho found I at Mann A, Mull's p.N) U stu-"t I L Kill I, Juwelel, lemoved to 1.J. U sirivt BAKING . POWDER IkCO, KAftiAj Cirv.HO Before Leaving .... Home Tot the Scitshotc, Mountains, Lakes, ot an extended vltlt with blends, LEAVE YOUR ORDERS at this oll'icc, nnd have The Courier follow vou. Its columns each week will keep uni posted its to the doings at home, anil will liun.irt more know ledge of doings about Llntolii, than a doen Icltcis a week. Lenve oi tiers nt the ollicc, 1 134 N STREET or call up Telephone 353. POLSOM'8 HAS NO ice Our Parlors are the handsomest and coolest in the ell v Fine line of Confection erv and ll.ikcn Goods always fr-sh Sunday Orders Frorhptly Delivered. Telephone 501. PRICES KNOCKED CLEAR OUT wS&fe: i No time like thi pjv. t m to bay a Bib Carriage. Don't fail to see our immense line and prices. CLASO & FLETCHER CO. l CREHM 1- EQUAL. 1307 O Street. From $3 to $50