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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1892)
g- ft ;4$ TA-PoFdllXR EAPfcR'oPMPPERN -TIMES " Voi. r No 2 a Lincoln, Nebraska, Saturday, May 7, 18GL5. Pkioic Kivic Oonti fflewiflLK The editor of Tub Couhieu wrote a couplo of very Interesting paragraphs last week con cerning a newspaper tnnn who I affection ately called a "snwod-olT Bohemian Joss" by a local conteniorary, and through an over sight thems uiragraphs wore inserted In this department. Now, the matter written by the undersigned never occasions any com ment. It Is probably nover read, or if rend, is immediately forgotten. Hut the reference, to Mr. Koeowater and the Ike appearing in these columns was at once slezed uon and the writer lioreof has been given some unde served notoriety on that account. It pains him that tho first Item in this dopartmunt to attract general nttentlon should have Ihhiii written by another. Ilut such Is tho caw, and his modesty Is such that he hastens to make due explanation in order that credit may bo bestowed where, it Is deso rved. It was said that the lice. M a great nowspa per. Well, it Is; and whether Mr. Itosewater is a "sawod-on Bohemian JW or not, ho understands his business pretty well. Hut the liee is not the only newiqwiper published in this state that Is ' 'quoted in the metropol itan dailies." Hero ngaln the writer's mod esty asset l itself, forbidding tho mention of a certain afternoon newspuer In this city that Is becoming known all over tho country. Whatever may be tho defects of our leading newspapers it must bo admitted that they are a credit to tho state. The newspapers of Ne braska aro bettor thou those of Kansas, Iowo, or any of tho northwestern states. Tho Denver dallies aro colospalaffair. Each ono represents an immense amount of money, and they all have large forces of men; but it is. doubtful If tho quality of the Sim and the Republican and the A'cic is any better than that of the leading papers of Omaha and Lincoln. They're ahead in quantity, but it takes some thing besides quantity to make a good news paper. Borne of ttie most successful journals in the country aro comparatively small. The dally papers of Nebraska could doubtless be improved and they are being Improved every day but with all thefr faults they are conspicuously superior to the press of nearly every western state, and they have had an Immense Influence in building up Nebraska. The Lincoln public bad an opportunity, or rather several opportunities, this week of seeing a real, live, ten thousand dollar beauty. On second thought, perhaps it would be more proper to say a woman who was once a ten thousand dollar beauty. Sev eral years ago tho late Adam Forepaugh created something of a sensation iu Philadel phia by offering a prize of (10,000 for the most beautiful woman who would present herself for an engagement with his circus. A protty face doesn't bring (10,000 ovory day and this generous offer caused a fluttering among the beautiful women of tho Quaker City. Beauties of high and low degroo, of all kinds, colors and sizes, entered into the competition, and 'tis said that the judges ap pointed by Mr. Forepaugh permanently lost their eyesight, so dazzllngly brilliant was the array of beauty before them. It was a difficult matter to discriminate among so much lovllnoss, but Louise Mon tague was finally selected and she entered the employ of the circus magnate, and there after for a brief season rode in the street parades perched high on a gilded wagon, tho observed of all observers. Home, ot the re jected beauties were disposed to question the justice of tho decision and some slighting re marks were mado concerning Miss Mon tague's charms. Bbe was never subjected to very close scrutiny as the crowds were not permitted to get very near to her. Beauties have wants like other peoplo, and after awile she wanted some salary. Mr. Fore augh tried to evade his contract and there was a big law suit. Miss Montague was one of the star attrac tions of "Ship Ahoy" which, by tho way, is a very pretty opera. Critical persons con tend that her beauty isn't of tho ten thou sand dollar sort. However, she appeared to good advantage In this ojiera. having a bet ter part than in "The Uondolloru," in which she was seen a couple of years ago. There Is a good deal in contrast, and it is possible that the appearance, of the young woman who played the part ot "Mile. Georgia Car ina," assisted in the favorable iuqiression made by Miss Montague. V Some quiet movemonte aro being made in this city which may possibly have very Im portaiit results. There, has loen n world ot talk the past few mouths about tho develop ment of Lincoln's jobbing Interests and w hat is more to the puroso tliero lias been some thing besides talk. A number ot men havo interested themselves In this subjoct and for some tune havo loen at work on schemes to establish wholesale houses In this city. It takes a good foal of time to perfect plans of this sort and developments aro slow, but matters aro said to bo progressing satisfac torily, and before many weeks some im ortant announcements may bo exected, It is a little strange that Lincoln should havo waited until now to awake to a realization of tho importance of wholesale business houses and to an understanding of tho un usual advantages which this city ossessoi for tho building up ot a great jobbing centre. But it has come at last, and it tho agitation Is kept up there aro sure to be valuable re sults. Hustings, Beatrice, and a number of uear-by cities havo taken advantage ot Lin coln's lethargy and secured several jobbing houses which might have been induced to come hero. The great Black Hills country , with Its unlimited possibilities, is u standing invitation to Lincoln to stir itsolf. If tho invitation isn't heeded pretty soon, it will be too late. W, Moiito.n Smith ' .' vfefe EBi WMMnMHlll.MJiWm fclSSSsisF3 Taking at Until. II, if- :- .J G&JL mm For really nrtlstiu Indies hair dressing try Tliornburn Sisters at liM'J O Street. We deliver all goods promptly and take your orders for next day. Ulvo "Your Mar ket," 1-120 O street, it chance to please you, Herpolshelmer & Co., display the finest line of Millinery Novelties, new styles, new shapes, new colors. Miss Maddern, trimmsr. Travelling Suit Fur Hale. Ail elegant travelling suit for sale cheap, Will lit a medium sized lady. Inquire at 1413 O street, n I. ' ' ' 3 . ' - .. U-S 7 HI. !,. zj& BEmXJmmiJtfBBHJUMtpBr KHHIIIIIIIIB!Ey zjj2jZXSmKKmHZZZz:l TRANSPORTATION HUILDING WORLD'S KAIR ni-LOuG-nfflifts A kindly word, oh earthly pilgrim Is no morcdenr Thau Is the word of llttlo meaning, Or chilling sneer; One lights with smiles tho vnle of sorrow, One brings a tear. I II So many lions ot society ore undergoing, or havo undergone, treatment at Keeley In stitutes that tho subject of the euro Is a le gltlmato topic ot discussion in tho columns of all sorts of papers. Tho heroes of many a ball room are now adulterated with chloride of gold; and they will bo sorry to learn that a recent "graduate" who achieved distinc tion by his valedictory, has fallen by the wnysde In Lincoln. In tho valedictory in question he stated that ho was a man nuco more; that the world was full of beauty and promise; that ho desired drink no more than a bird desired to chew gutta pcrchn. And bo went forth Into tho world to show what a sober and rejuvenated man could do. Poor, frail mortal I The beauty and tho promise ot the world didn't lost long for him, for mi Sunduy when o'thcrs were going to church he was raving In the Lincoln city jail with a copious shower of jlmjnms. Deal gently with him. Human nature is so deplorably weak. It will be something of a shock to other social princes who have delivorod simi lar valdlctorles, but they must be bravo and chain themselves to hydrants. II I "Ye editors" of sundry Lincoln papers took "a Hying trip" to the Ilocky mountains a week ago. blnco none of them will admit that Colorado bus anything suerior to tho attractions of Nebraska, they will doubtless describe tho elevations in question as rather rocky mountains. Ill It Is painful to notice that tho intellectual giants who do newspaper work In Lincoln 11ml it impossible to get a'oug harmoniously. The colonels of the J our mil frequently say I harsh things of the colonels of the Cull, and the latter colonels treat with withering scorn the colonels of the Xews, and the colonels of all these papers throw Javelins at the colo nels of the Sun, while the colonels of tho weekly wipers frequently add to tho general confusion by printing whole columns of un called for sarcasm. Truly, this condition of a IT airs is heartrending In a land boasting of its gilded and embossed civilization. Why can't other papers do as Tlir.Coi'lllKK does disseminate knowledge and boom culture and progressive thought In a quiet way I 1 I I If you are going into the newspaper bus! ness, Willinm Henry, do not Inaugurate yourself with the idea that you aro going to cause this weary old world to revolve liack wards by your able articles. The earth Is set Ir. Its habits to a degree, and although numerous young men whose hats were too small havo engaged In iiewspaer work at di vers timos and seasons, the world continues to whirl around just as It used to. I I 1 The quarrel as to the authorship of the poem commencing "laughs and tho world laughs with you" has been sprung on the publlo again, and Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox and Col. Joyce are describing each other as horrid creatures who should bo boiled in but termilk or wade into an omelette. Asa mat ter of fact neither of them wrote the poem. It was written by C. II. Von Wyck on the register of the Capital hotel several years ago, when E. P. Hoggen was landlord, and the latter was co pleased with It thot ho told Mr. Van Wyck to go into tho dining room and order whatever he wanted and it would not cost him u cent. Mr. Von Wyck ato a hearty menl of horse todlsli'nnd Bnrbudoe's picillli and hasn't euted anything since. II I A man who lives hard by th shore ot the raging Platte informs this detriment that there is a weed, common us sand in Nebras ka, which, when propel ly used, U a inur vellous hair grower. The man In question used to bens bald as a church bell but ho boiled u lot of the weeds, or did something with them, and rubbed the juice on his scalp, and tho top of his head Is now ndorned with tt luxurious iM'anl. This Information is cheer fully given because it will doubtless encour age people to pull weeds, I I I Some day when the fool killer has his tor ture chumlier operated by steam jwwer and running full time ho will make a frightful example of the man who annoys you in tho theatre by keeepiug time to tho muslo with his foet. No doom could be too severe for the nuisance in question. His feet aro like T t? J brickyards, rind ho oumls them on tho floor so that they jnr tho whole building, and ho destroys all the pleasuru of your evening, and he soems'to exalt In doing mi. The fool killer is over .worked and It Is not right to bo always setting now tasks for him, but thero are ninny whb hoMi that ho will tlnd it con venient to attend to tho floor iounder at an early date and run tho wretched creature through a rolling mill. I I I Tho enterprising managers of tho weather department aro making it specialty of rainy Sundays this year and are charging noth lug extra. Some of us would enter n protest, only that experience has convinced us that tho best way to get along smoothly la this world is to tako things as they come. If we were to kick too energetically against the moist programme the enterprising managers might turn loose iixii tho community a great big old drouth with antlers on it. As between swimming and struggling through dust and auushluo most peoplo will prefer to borrow umbrellas, III Borne of tho questions sent to editors by subscribers who aro In pursuit of knowledge are worth framing, Here Is one recently received: "Who was tho author of Q ray's Elegy Hn a Country Churchyard"! Tho editor replied that Gray faiasMlf gener ally received (he credit and doubtless wrote it, and then asked the horse editor what time the 8:30 train came in. Ill Tho man of "influence" who ha done noth ing since 1888 Is ready for the fray aguin. Ho always Is in presidential years, and his In fluence is In such demand that ho Is frequent ly nolo to purchase a collar and get his watch repaired when the summor is over and the harvest ended. To a man who won't work there is nothing so valuable as a quantity of "influence." ,. I II Upon returning from Denver one of the oimuil editors published an InuwtRsloned ap peal for good whisky In Nebraska. Tho kind they all sell In Colorado is rather rocky. Walt Mason. A Mice Way. "What do you supposo Mr. Clinker said when I told him that his necktie was up behind V ' "I haven't tho least Idea." "He asked mo to stand in front of him and fix lt.'-Llfe. Home Queries for Walt Mason. The following letter from a fair reader Is resiectfuily referred to Walt Mason, the ed itor of The Couhikk'h "At Long Hungo" de partment: Dkah CouitiKH. An inqiililtlvo reader would like to know if Walt Mason Iwlougs to "The Boys of Long Ago"! also If he bus been taking lessons from "Ell Pel kins" lief ore writing his last article Iu "At Iong Range" for the Coimiiml And where the ccutleuian at Fremoi)t found the "cook book" contain ing the advertisement of "Snootover's bit ters"! and why he don't Mart a "Snootovor" sJiop nnd make his fortune! Thero Isn't a lady in Lincoln but what would buy a Intttle for her husband, anil those having none (no husbund, 1 mean), would buy a bottle ami prt-ient ll to her sweetheart sho would be very foolish If she didn't. If one cupful of "Snootover's bltte i'' will cure a man as near dead as Mr. Mason was when he took it, 1; :i It mlKianecomplUh for a lazy man who Is not sick at all, but yet not able to saw a cord of wood iu a year. I would suggest three cheers for "Snootover's Bitters" and three more for the man who In vented tlwm; anil If Mr. Mason will kindly prevail upon n few ot Lincoln's street loafers to take a dose we will consider him a bless ing to humanity henceforth and forever. Yours, Aunt Samantiiy. t , ,-i Tho Newton Beers company lias been play ing to largo business at tho Funko this week at popular prices. Monday evening "Kloped With a Circus Ulrl" was put on uoiuro (wicked house anil seemed to please all. Tho pleco Is a now ono for Mr. Doors and contal in some real good points. It was reiieated to a good sized audience Thursday evening. Tues day night "Itoger and I" was put on, Wednesday evening Mr. Iieerr great suc cess, "Alono in London," and last night 'Louis IV" was well staged and received with general satisfaction by a largo houso. As a llnale, for tonight's bill, "Alone In Lon don," tho best piece In the rcrtolre will be given and at the matinee today "Enoch Ar don" will bo seen. The support, which In cludes Miss Charlotte Wayland, a clever actress, Is very fair, and throughout they give a very creditable and llnlsbed perform ance. Never did a Lincoln audience enjoy a performance better than the program offered at the Lansing Wodnesday ami Thursday evenings. The attraction was Miller & Donnelly new and brilliant American oieratlo success "Shlu Ahoy," and It must bo credited as being Mot brightest, wittiest and most attractive of the seasons product ions In Lincoln. There Is not a dull moment In It, but a constant stream of new and sparkling music, witticisms and action going on all tho time, it is ummu niiju"it "" toforo presented and certainly deserves tho brilliant success with which It Is mooting. Tho cast contains n coterlo of excellent artists not a stick Is noticeable. Mr. Harry Bell as tho comodoro presente a mot ndmlrublo appearanco, sings well nnd assumes the dignified rolo iu a satisfactory iimnnnr. Mr. McDowell's Lieutenant Lolly- pop was a refined pleco of work, and that of Elislgh Toddles ly Jessie J ennuis iinnnj us well sustained, although of tho singing the latter's work is for the superior. But none of tho parts come up to that of Col. Mapilsou Mulliorry which Is an Ideal character, well defined and most successfully dono by Mr. James Sullivan whose droll and distinct cniiiMlv Is much liko that of Eddie Foy. His topical songs lellcltod trequeui applause, air. Eddie Headway's "Christy" wok a clever bit of acting and showed the little man to le thoroughly at home In his rt, the success of which depends not on singing but on being worked up by facial expressions, in dialogue, dancing and cutting capers gcnerallh. The female portion of tho company is also up to a high standard and contains loslde a very fine chorus, some excellent voire, Miss Loulso Montaeue has a beautiful voice and uses it to good advantage, yot in her solos it mnst bo admitted, she often over acta and becomes too excited endeavoring to enstill pro)or emotion. The costumes In tho first two acts are not suen as to give aim Montague's npearanco the Imuty that has heretofore been o lalmed for her, while In the Inst net sho apjwars to better advantago In evening attire. The role of Georgia Carolina could easily bo improved upon, not so much from a musical standpoint as from dramatic ability. Miss Dunbar has no figure, makes up poorly, acts mechanically and save in one or tw o Instances doesjiot do the art Justice, notwithstanding tho fact that sho has a rich contralto voice which Is well modulated, Is swtet to listen to but loses much of Iu charm by tho a'.ence of genteel carriage and easy appearance. Annie Barratt's "Luln Lolla" was a winsome and vtlte character that took well from the start. She has not a powerful voice, but accomplishes in acting what Miss Dunbar lows. Sho moves about gracefully, has a neat figure and proves a most atti active part of tho performance. "Ship Ahoy" Is altogether ono ot tho most satisfactory operas now lefore tho public anil the writer deem It a production worthy of the highest success and Iiomm soon to see it iu Lincoln again. Hendry's New Iondnn Circus has Ihvii playing to largo and enthusiastic audience on -Market Mpuire miring ino wcvk, except on the very disagreeable nights of rain. It is a nent show giving a clever performance and everyone certainly receives their money's ' I L"1, i tlds afternoon and evening at popular prices 10, 'JO and W cents. "CHUIHKEEN LAWN." One of the greatest succtMsesin picturesque Irish-Aiiierican Comedy Dramn-t, since the late Dion Douclcault made his famous sue cess III "The Shaughrail" has been "The Crulskeen Lawn." This drama from tho pen ot Dan McCarthy, telling its story of Ireland as It Is. In plain, simple terms, has scored an unlimited triumph wherever produced this season, and Is today one of tho biggest mousy winners on tho road. "The CruUkven Lawn" taken as a whole, Is as pretty production as has been seen hero this season. It will be given at tho Fuuko 0iera house for thr nights, beginning Monday, May Uth, and should do an excellent business. The cast contains some clever comedians and ex cellent nrtlstf, and the piece will bo baud Homely staged, Heats aro now on salo. FltANK I.INDfW AM, NKXT WKEK, Those of us who havo lived, loved And labored In and for Lincoln for a number of years will remember Frank Lluduii, the popular rumautlu actor, who used to visit this olty and pluy engagement of front one night to two consecutive weeks to big bus!, ness. Mr. Lluduii KrnouaUy Isn "hall fellow well met" and by mingling with the ioopl generally while hero on previous visits, ha gained quite a largo personal acquaintance among a very desirable class ot our wople. It has been several years slnco Mr. Llndon was seen in Lincoln, during which period he iKuStsHBil has been playing the large cities of tho east with most excellent success. He carries a superb company Including his talented daughter Edna Earlle, and preaenta a wide rango ot successful plays, prominent among which is Mr. Linden's great production of "The Son of Monte Crlito." Tho engage ment opens Monday evening at the Lansing theatre with Hartley Campbell's "Oalley Slave" on which occasion any lady will bo admitted true whoti accompanied by a twrson holding a thirty cent ticket. Prices for this ensasemrnt have been reduced to 10, 20 and 80 cents and will undoubtedly be sufficient inducement to fill the house every evening. Only matinee next Saturday afternoon. Continued on fifth page. "Keeping It Dark." -Ufa, For the newest Ideas in Millinery call on Mrs. Correll, 1413 O street. Is It 8afe7 Quite a numlior of unexpected donuemenU have occurred to patients who have suomlt ted to the different gold euros for dipso mania. True, men enough to form an Im mense army havo been cured of this disease and become respectable and enterprising citizens. Of these the general publlo hear but little, but when an accident occurs tho entire country holds up its hands In dismay and asks why those institutions are allowed to exist, or at least whv canuot the cure be modified in some way that death or physical disability can be avorted. Our fellow-towns-man, M. II. Garten, D. 8. M. D made tho Important discovery some twenty years ago that this desire could bo curod, but before giving it to the publlo he put his troatinent to tho severest teste and eliminated all tho deleterious ingredients from tho compound, and the immenso number of intiuuts whom he has successfully treated are living wit nesses of the veracity ot this statement. Some of the brainiest and most responsible citizens of Lincoln are rwuly to testify to the boneflts received and hundreds of others In different states have been relieved from tho thraldom of tho liquor lublt by his medi cine, and wo have yet to hear of oiw acci dent or one sickness caused by his method. We could fill a column proving Garten' treatment to be Immeasurably better tliau any other, and that in tho near future It will bo tho O'lly rocoguizl cure. Again, tlto gontlemon who compo-m the Garten Medical Comiwiny are nil responsible financially, and If an accident could jxisslbly occur, a judg ntent against thorn could bo collected, but thero is no fear of an action being brought us tho remedy builds up the system In such manner that the patient on leaving fejls a though ho had Imwii bathed in the "fountain of eternal life." lUrr'a New Jewelry Store, Mr. L. Harr, tho pioneer jeweler, U re moved Into tho most central locution in tlio city and will hereafter Iki found occupying the east hair or u: u street, next to . iu Dennis & Co.'s. A reKrter called thero yes terday and found .Mr. Barr busy selecting a supplementary stock of new good from tho finest line of samplei that ever left Now York. Mr. Barr's place will soon bo head quarters for the very finest iu Jowlry a well as in all the now novelties. Now centrally located at liiil O street Browns opulnr Cafe, tadles hats trimmed iu latest style and at reasonable prices at Mrs. Carrulls, Hill O Bt.