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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1891)
TNjjIJfV J IV Ti7? vfj V d .t - a jgNP "A- PoPdl 15R PAPER op A?Pl!RN TI MlfS " Vol. 7 No a Lincoln, Niouhaska, Satuwdav, Dkokmiihu 1m, idol. F'HIOIC TlCN ClCNT Wfm ms.;fei!f t w-iimswBr W, rMRtMsmrmm 5 m : i t i k.1 i.ifii as. " . . i .j. wi iiimBiiniuc r - - . -v s t- i- i m . - . -v . r- " b i . i . r wm i . . 1 .1 - . 1 ' it v s: . i- . . ItUft-1 -Ti - mi&!!!toi"iiM AfeiM.- M eM?k 0 IMl 11 IT"-" -"" " VK--r 's'U'.'s &!m ,-r.t:,l..-Lrji,'r.L " ",-. ;.: Kasssa--rLi-:, i .'.y ' : f v... iv-.- u. --vj - --' v---- - - J "J. Ir cab would only, alcp af nlcrh t . Hov (harmful ve should. be' fe If money would, nor gar so tluht, How OuikuY, khouia be' If wtm-m w(u4 Ml- tclK.fartcttti, l,l,r rl-rs utt rll IMIfkfk. Without thu usual liirn of KlilkliiK an nouncoments or tlm iiksomu rwitlhiK for wwkHiirovloiniiliout what to oxH?ct la tho grntKl ClliusTMAH Couuikii. tins holiday Issuu U 1 iced heforo ibi roailvrx uiiaiinounu Ml toj;nlii riicIi uompllinciit or comment us It may ikxervo. That It Is not qulto up to ltn annual forerunners In mutter of uxiciikIvu illustrations unit llthogniplilo work the puli llsher knows full well, but for a rqiidr 1.1 kiic it ;ls undoubtedly tho handsomest ever published lu Lincoln. Special numbers are a very uxH.-nslve luxury and entivjl no end of labor, and as times hav bisn foiiiowIiiiI stringent It was decided several mouths ago not to Issue it special holiday edition, conso Hitently thunbsencoof customary imnoiinoe ment. This regular Issue contains ninny ex cellent features, which, when perused in thu home, club house or olllce, will, wo are sure, Imj of general interest itnd pleasure to all. TlIK CuUHIKH which has just attained Its seventh birthday, feels its iinortanco In the community that has so generously fostered It front tho very day of Its Incept tlou. Its past pleasant relations with Lincoln's most prominent citizens and thu rellnod element of tho city 1ms never lacked appreciation. That tho CoUlllKK has always endeavored to merit such favors its wero shown it by giving to tho people a worthy n place lu the most sacredly guarded home, is npnreut to all that hnvo noticed its growth ami awaited Its regular visit each week for (.oven years. And now with tho near advent of tho promising new year nnd the occasion at hand of the joyous Christmas tide, let us extend our thanks to nil for their generous patronage and kind words of encouragement and close with wishing 0110 and all a merry, merry Christ mas and a happy New Year fraught with ample prosperity mid a full sharo of the blessings of life. Americans llko to make Chicago the butt of their good natured ridicule because of its unconventional habits, but once In awhile it sets an oxample that the whole country might emulate with beuellt to itself. For Instance, the Chicago suiierliitemleut of K)lica has just been disciplining a lot of ollicers for various oirenscs. Not only were several discharged for drunkenness, but this Ruperintemlaut ac tuully had the courage to bounce a policeman for maltreating 11 citizen. Utheiv were dis charged or lined or suspended for using oli sceno language or for conduct unlKjcoiuing to an otllcer. It Is unrtitbouablo to expect policemen to be Chesterfields, but the opera tion f politics brings tough, coarse charac ters into almost every force, men who are an otl'eusu to decency, and It Is a hopeful sigh to tlud a chief of police with tho nerve to dis cipline these fellows. It doesn't follow that this is a reflection on all policemen. Almost every force hus men who nre worthy of the warmest commendation for good sense uiid devotion to duty. . We have heard a great deal nbout the mag nitude of the coming world's fair, but as ev ery man lu this country is expected to blow his own horn some of us huve taken the glit tering generalities put out by Chicago with n Sgrnin of allowance, When she said it would bo tho greatest on enrth those of us who had been duly Impressed with the mar vels of the Paris exposition of 188'J wero in clined to receive thu Chicago boost with some reservation. It Is a genuine satisfaction, therefore, to have a statement In figures which shows these claims to he true. Most things In this world are relative, and we Judge of them best by comparisons. Mr. K. T. JeHery, a prominent world's fair ofllcial, left Chicago a few days ago to look after his interests in the Denver & HloOraude rail road, of which he was recently elected presi dent, and lu a brief interview he druw some comparisons that are very fluttering to our national pride. The Purls exKsitioit grounds contained 'J.T8 acre?. Thu Chicago fair will lutvu (Mil acres, ninety of which will be lakes, canals and lagoons luld out with a view to tliu pret tiest laudscit)u elTects. Chicago will huve a lake froutugo of it mile and three ipiarters, and visitors will be ublo totraNei'su a dis tance of thrco mid three (piarter miles 011 thu interior waterways. Thu main exhibition buildings at Chlcugo will cover about 100 acres, while tho grand total of all buildings will reach 1!I0 to HO acres. At Pails all buildings covered ait area of only seventy six acres. At Paris tho machinery hall was the great distinctive structure. Its roof spanned "M feut lu thu clear, at that time the widest span over used for it roof truss. At Chicugo tho building for liberal and In dustrul arts will have it rou. span of 1175, and A CH Juiufi c Lt 'Sk tho building wll' bu nearly 11 imititer of a nulo long on all sides. Tho Paris exposition cost U,MKI,000, It Is estimated that thu Chi cago fair will cost $17,000,000, to which fl. 000,000 or moro should Iw added for tho ex penses of prlvnto Individuals, tho states and thu general government. Tho probabilities, therefore, areitlmt tho fair of 1 SKI will lw far greater liijovery way than any similar exhibition everlnlveu anywhere lu tho world, and those who feltjhurt nt fato Iwcituso they could not go to Paris two years ago should bo consoleJ, In speaking tliu other day of girls at col leges it lady who has Itcou there herself and used her eyes and Intelligence to good ad vantage said: "A girl will live 011 itlioiit half as much its it 11111I0 collegian who maintains tho same relative portion among his fellows, A girl can Imj a 'swell' on fcl7ft U) 400 n year . That Is, sho can not only hnvo all necessaries, but she can entertain mid extend gracious courtesies to friends, and those tiro things that tiro very grateful to women. The prov ident ghl in college shares a room with two or threo companions, feasts oir crackers, cocoa, eggs, cereals and other InexiM-nslve food which sho prepares herself, and oven indulges in an occasional 'spread' of tally, olives or surdities. Men like to talk about thu extra vagauco of women, but ouu of our sex will livo better and moro coinportably on 11 small income than a man will. It is a ,guu era! rule of college life that.incn nro always In debt nnd very often leave school wllh it big account to wipe out. It Is tho exception to find a girl at college in uebt, ami sou leaves school free of such obligations, some times Hilly to marry n malo gruduato and to economize to pay olT debts that ho contract ed before they over know each other. At Vassal' thu oor girl hits tin advantage lu be ingitble todtnw ouu pin-money fund. It was donated by a kind-hearted old New Yorker to Imj used for the entertainment of girls in need of assistance. Theieare money less girls at Vassur who have been smart enough to win scholarships and depend on their darning baskets for money for little ex tras. Parties aru constantly being iimdo up for concerts, excursions and other eiitentafli meiits, anil the poor girl who needs money to join In thu fun can draw 011 tho pin-money fund and none of the other girls aru the wiser." What n contrast llussia atrordsl Thu hangers 011 at court aru collecting money for a silver wedding present for tho empress nnd projioso giving her n solid silver set of 'A) pieces. In several parts of tho empire chit preu nru dying because straw and rugs will not sustain life. It Is only fair to tho em press, however, to say that she had publicly asked that Intending givers of presents should donate tho money to tlie fund for tho relief of the starving, but the scheming courtiers have ambitious that aro too selfish to heed thu sulferiug. At Omaha thu other day I met it young Russian who recently escaped from the hor rors of Hlherluu exile. Ills arrival in this country was niinouucisl u few weeks ago in a dispatch from Victoria, Vancouver's Is land. Tho exllo had been condemned to llf teen years servitude in the mines of Kara be cause ho dared to criticise the government of his country. Hu Iki-o tho slavery of tho mines for six years, and last spring escajMsl from the penal colony. He btnrted east to wards tho Pacific OceAil, traveling in 6tit of thu way paths and under cover of might to elude pursuit. After months of weary tramping over a dlstaiico of neuily 800 miles he leached tho coast and got pus.Migo on a vessel to Jnptti, Among the murks by which thullusslaii ollleliils Identified lihti was 11 bit of tattoo work on his left arm. Fear ing that this might lead to his detection he took u razor and deliberately sliced olT it piece of skin and flesh to remove the danger ous mark. It left it frightful scar which Is not yet entirely healed. His ankles a No bear thu sores Hindu by wearing iron chains. At Yokalioma hu smuggled himself aboard one of Iho big bteumers belonging to tho Ca nadlun Pacific Una and remained concealed for two days. Hu speaks French mid Polish as well us Russian, and was able to 'ell his story to thu captain, who then gave him good euro and let hint go froo on iirrivlnj; lu America, Ho 'immediately crossed over In to thu United Htutes and took ou his first naturalization papers. Ills description of thu cruelty of Slberlun life tallies with Oeorgo Keimaii's story, and hu says hu saw the American traveler when nt the Kuru mines. This exile was once condemned with another convict to receive sixty laBhes from the knout, mid his companion died after receiv ing foity lushes, Tho uscuped exile was seven months in reaching America. Ho is a young, fairly good looking man with 11 smooth face, uxcept for it moustache. In h's American attire ho has none of the tradition al upjieurunce of it Russian, but there Is it suggestion of the Uernuiu In his face. His name is too much for 1110, either to pronounce or to spell. Ho hus found a Russian or two in Omuhii, ami of course there are plenty of lx'oplo with whom hecitiicouversolii French. A friend camo to 1110 the other day with it circular advertising a very low priced set of Dickens' w oiks offered for sulo by some un known Chicago concern willing under n high sounding name. The circular expatiated on the merits of the great story writer and thd desirability of having his works in every household, hut it said very little, except lu most genet ill terms, about the quality of stock any workmanship lu the books. My friend was enthusiastic bccutlsu of.the cheap ness of the olfer and wanted to buy, but I dissuaded him. Now this one little incident has no particular Importance, hut it suggests a few reiimi ks for tho baneflt of k those who want to pofcM'ks staudnid works and aro tempted by thu cheap prices of unknown con cerns. In tho case mentioned above the chuncosuro that some fellow had bought fi out 11 tegular publisher a set of old and worn-out eleclrotyw plutos of Dickens. Tho publisher pi ninthly wits about to throw them Into the melting st, when thu fellow with a scheme lu sight olfeied him atriltomoro than the inetul was worth f(. i-oineliiiig, Tho chances 111 e that tho cheap books referred to In the circular were it luted otconn,t!irushy paper made of wood or straw and bound in 11 wretchedly lllnisy manner, thu whole work Ik'Iiiu rubbish, nlTo'islvo to thu eye, 11 robbery of tho purse and 11 reproach to the self res msH of the voison gulled into buying It, And right here is one of thu hist (duces In the world in which to pntioulzd homo dealers. Reputahlu publishers nru Issuing standard authirs in it gi est variety of editions, some of them marvels of cheapness. A pel son ih siring cheap honk can go to the local deal ers and order standard works almost If not quite as cheap its most of thu clap tl up stuff offered by outsider'. Thu buyer en 11 1 o assured of getting well nmdu looks, Km, and hus within reach it ressiuslblo dealer who must make good thu repieseu tat Ions of both himself and tho publisher. It Is considered tho proper thing among newspaper wits In poke fun at the amateur photogiapher, but very fieipiently you llud one of these enthusiasts who is able to turn his hobby to advantage and t" deincn striito that It is good for something h'-sldcs mere amusement. A few weeks ago Will O. Jones of the Journal was seen so fre quently on tho streets in company wllh n camera that Ills friends begun to wonder If ho contemplated roth lug from Journalism to devote his whntu attention to this branch of art. They will nil understand what hu A DRAMA woj doing wlien the Journal issues its I educational souvenir, which will bo early in tho coining week, or on Christmas day at the latest. It requited just IS'.! separate photographs for that work, and It Is suld that those produced by tho amateur wero fully us good us tho pictures made by the professional photographers, Advance sheets of this sjiivoir show that it will he a very attractive publication. It is printed on heavy book (mper and tho illustrations nru ull intdo by tho half tone process. Tlmt means tho direct leproduo tlou of photoginphs. Thu sixteen imges aru crowded with educational facts and pictures of schoo's and colleges, the wholo having a showing that will astoulsh Lincoln leoplo as well us iIiojo who hnvo never seen the city. Perhaps tho most comuieiiduhlo thing about tho work is the entire ab-teuco of advertising. It is all education, and probably the only publication of the kind overproduced In tho country. Newspaper men well know that there is no money in such it xi)cr for the publisher, hut there 111 bo u great deal of glory in it, and per hiis that will satisfy tho Journal. Tho now Lincoln f 1 auto and art company iniiku a scciulty of frames for tluu crayon work, with Klltu Studio :,'! south P.luveuth stioet, The only place to get tho "Time lock regis ter bank" nt tho gieut 10 cent store, 118 south lUth stioet. New etchings, many tluu plates, just received. Count early. Cranctrs Art and Mllsio store, Ijidles huirdiesslng, Miss Johnston, 1111 O street. MHHHIIll lHP iEsrHiiiH iiiiPlsBMBal HwlfSiH ijKM'Jl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIEkTJIIIIIIfl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT IIIIIIIIIIIH iiiiiiiiibH iiiifl tiHiiiiPrHiiil -v V2 l-' BBaHI I' I ISTVIH wrrfifi fBVWl.lH iH iHSflflHBflBbJMMajlH iiiiiiiHiiiiiH BKPB!9viH iK'iiiiiiiiH rjliKf JMlm lA 1 1 U'. ..' IfiM K VC WlK?1) 'Vvw SS0PVHuLhniHiJMvr7w The concert given by tho Oratorio society last Friday evening attracted most of those who me musically Inclined and Inlerfensl iii'tteilully with the attendance (at the Lan sing. Tho Austrian Juvenile hand Is ouu of the lMst oigiiuiMitlons of the kind that has ever come to Lincoln and It merited it crowd ed house, To I hi sure there was no attempt to render any lilli it-classical selections, but most enjoyable programs were given both at the matinee and lu the evening. The Hun garian cardus of which there were several, weiu it decided novelty and gioutly appio elated. Hun Ltmberl Htelner, the conduc tor has the bund under the most pel feut con trol. The capacity of the I iinslng was tested Hntiinliiy alteriiDon when John Palmer and company piiscnled "Tho Last Days of Pompeii" to an audience of over U.lMNI people. It was thu Kveiilug News mutiliisi and tho little folk eujoisla genuine tteat. There Is enough of the spectacular lu Pnhuer's lira lint z'ltlou of HulnerV famous IN SIX ACTS. novel to atti act and interest tho young and thu piny itself is of a kind that cannot harm lu any way tho juvenile mind. The evening performance was a I mi largely attended. John Palmer will hu rcutcmlicrcd by some its 11 former mouther of Frederick Ward's suppoit. He is an actor of considerable force, whoso chief fault lies lu a tendency to over act; albeit he is digullhsl and inatily. and his "Alhaces" was intelligently or trujed. It is not an easy ioie and Mr. Palmer acquitted hlm-elf with great credit. Tho suppoit wns not ot it high grade. Miss Gertrude Dorrltty as "Nydla" and Miss Annie Davis us "lone" went attractive and winsome, the character of "Nydiu" csMc!ally is'lng well pii-enUsl, Thu scenery and effects were such as to lend Intel est to the presentation. "HK)rl McAllister" which wits presented ut thu Funke Friday and Saturday Is it tlrst lute farce, as farces go, but the people diil not tin ii out to see It. Verily the fuico com- idy is on tho wiine. Geneva Johnstone HUhop guve a iccital nt the Lansing Tluirsd ty evening. A very enjoyable progrniuuio was reudensl, the attendance i,i-, sin ill. "The Hunter's Songs" and "ileluiuud .Sweetheart" weio warmly gieotcd. "rile Iteglua" was one of thu best uumheib. "Thine" and the "Jewel Song" fiom Faust were among other Miiitlful selections. Mis. Itishop has mi exceptionally Hue voice in time is a noticeable dramatic element, Kilwln Travels, "The Pilvuto Secretary" was the thill at the Funke Thursday and although the play hus Us'ii seen several times siu this city thu new company was greeted with a good audience. The mil Ih provoking qualities lu (llllett's comedy rise superior to the Might of tluiu and the play remains fresh mid It Is one of the funniest comedies uf thu present decade, n crind unusually rich In this particular Held, and Its stiotig situations and bright dialogue will Insure It it highly respectable longevity Many prominent people have upHuiisl lu the "secretnry" mid tho fuel makes it dllllcult for mi oidlniiry company lotwsay lis production, However, Kdwlu Travel's company can lutrilly lie cnllid ordinary, us It contains some Hist into people, though not widely known. Travel's himself as "Douglos CiittcrmnU" Is n tluu personation, even Iho most captious could find little lo crlticle lu his poituiyiil of the wild young lihxsl, The pat I was well siis lalnol and the actor was equal to tho demand tor ilivcrslllcd ability. Win, Fairbanks, "Mr, Hpiiiildlug" was much better for some attempts at this not over easy chanicteilzatloii, Recs Duvls us "Mr. Cutferiuoll" was breezy and entertaining and II ury llhislej'H "Harrv Mursluud" was iiuuhjoctlouul. Tho "Mr, Mnishilid of Kvoly Mviiiis" wns still" and u trlllo chinisy. The female putts went In' goisl hands, cssj(nlly "1'Mlth" which wns done by (linen Graves. Til') nrent preseiitatloii of Mendelssohn's "Hymns of PruUo'' prooves again that lu Lincoln them is much to admire In homo talent, especially when strengthened with capable hsiders. Mrs, P. V. M, Raymond has again shown heiself as a most capable director and the success achieved only adds additional laurels to her past ris-ord of exceptionally artistic work. "Hymns of Prulso" wns heurd by n thoroughly de lighted ntidleuce, thu orutoilo proving a sti linger attraction than rival elitortnlti lucnts nt thu theatres and elsewhere. The tenor, Mr. ICuorr, ws as usual excellent, while tint soprano of Mrs. Luwsou was iiculvisl with generous applause. Tho oiatoilo society Is certainly a credit to Lincoln, Their next will be a concert given In the near futiilu, which will bo Inllowcd by thu .May Festival at thu Lansing theatre. Francis Joseph of Austria sets great stur dy tho Austrian Juvenile hand. It Is a lourt institution, and admission Into it Is hinged with so many conditions that member ship is highly prlisl. Most of thu members mo )oiiuger scions of noble or wealthy fund ties, After ten years set vice lu thu baud thu young musicians aro commissioned second lieutenants In the Austrian army. Many good companies hnvo gone to thu wull In the last few weeks, particularly trav eling combinations. They say It Is duo to limit times. Manager Church of tho Ioni sing has had hard luck In this direction. He hud some really good dates for thu latter part of December, shows llko the "Castles .In the Air' opeui etc., but bad business else where pievents their iipearauce here. If tin, liiilireiiipnt of those l.lnciilnltiM who niw the Aronsou 0K-rit company In "Undo Celestir" In Omaha can bo relied iqion, there was littlu losy ill thu cancellation of thu date for this city. Thu piecu is not an opera but it iniiHl('ai;conusiy ami the management is now yellow dogging It through the country prior to presentation ill Now York. VON YO.NHO.V AT Till: I.A.NHIMI. All unquestioned anil unquestionable fact Is that no production lu many years hus poss essed so many elements or unusual novelty as "Yon Yonson," which will Imj scon for the tlrst time lu this city at thu Lansing this af ternoon mid eveiiltiij. The Immigrant Hwodo is it charactor ontliely now to tho stigo, ami for that mutter comparatively unfamiliar to that insignificant portion of tho United State' not embraced In thu great Northwest. Mr. Gils Hoego, the in Iglimtnr nf Sc.tndlua- vlun dialect eoinody in "Yon Yonson" bus given theatrical history a character so quaint, so oi igllial, so clearly lined that the I in I eisouatioii cannot fail to stand Itoldly out among tho most celebruted Kirtroyulo of the American drama. In the company en gaged by Manager Litt to suppoit Mr, Heego there are such clever people us Annie Utwis, whom most of the critics have agreed iikii as the coming national souhrette; Sitdlo Con nelly, whoso imH'rsonutioii of an Irish land lady Is it gem lu Its way; Heleuo Iowoll; Master Frankie Jones, H. D. HyJrs; Win. Stuirord; Tos. W. Duveiqtort and Primely n Hiiilelgh. The scenic and mechanical equip menu of "You Yousou" ar the most elalsir ato and effective piodticisl in recent years. The great "log jam" scono lu particular lw iug fairly thrilling in Its marvelous realism. Theatre mrtles promise to be moro popu lar this season than ever lu largecities. One of tho prettiest parties of tho Chlcugo season wn calhsl a "violet party", uud consisUs! of thirty-three couples, each lady wearing it violet-trimmed hat. it spray of violets in her corsage uud each carrying a violet fan. It was as unique as it was lieutltlftil, and has been largely copied In other cities. Dining the engagement of Snlviiil at Clinttuuoogn, where hu opened his present southern tour, it osu party was one of tho features of the oo ciimiU of thu I sixes uud ouu that was great ly ailmiusl, The lad is a putty one and one that makes theatio goers thoroughly en joy themselves for the novelty of tho situa tion and the pleasure of social companion ship between the acts. "Here's an idea I've just given Mr. Litt for a scene in a new pluy : what do you think of lit" said Mr. Lltt's;hrlghl little comedienne, Annie Lewis of thu "Yon Yonson" company to the CouitlKlt imin who "does the dm nintic." "I have the villliin pursiusl by mouuteil k)1Ico ollicers for the robltery of u bunk. Hu comes on t he stage out of In wit h,u lid heio'siny sensational realism. Just U-fore the vlllluu comes on, the fnther of the hero ine, it farmer has with a real team of horses and a plow, plow isl a furrow across tho eu tire width of the singe In slmon nuro soil, nnd hu Is plowing back again and gets to the center of thu stage when he Is stopssl by tho fleeing vlllluu who demands one of thu horses that he may i'scato, Tho farmer refuses,' nnd Miss Iwls Is'gan to not the two charac ters, "Vlllluu, desperate, strikes farmer with n wrench hanging to plow) farmer fulls; vlllluu with knife cuts traces, mounts, hoise, gallops nlT; two moiinied policemen gallop on; see vlllluu, gallop after him; scene changes to country road; vlllluu gallois across stage; policemen In hot pcrstilt; scene closes In one; vllllaii again gallops on; falls fiom liois and Is raptured by police cur tain. How Is Hint for sensational rcullsmr" said the dainty little lady, with her eyes Hushing with tho excitement of description, TIIKTIW OK WAII. Last night nt thu Now Lansing, manager Hlekey Introdunsl the latest American vmro, "Tliu Tug of War" uud it certainly proved a great novelty In the huge audience that witnessed the sport, It In it clever enter tainment when well managed, us was tho case lust evening It proves n most decided enjoyable as well as exciting and Interesting. It was the Hrst presentation of "Tho Tug of War" nnd ss'iiks well for its lKipulurlty In Lincoln, Next week commences the most interest ing featliie of tho entertainment. Tliu grand tournament will bo Inaugurated Thursday and ciiutlu ties live days, viz, December -I, 'Si, ',11, W and !I0, If you were not present last night, make It a point to go sure next visik. The admission fist is only 'J-'i ami fill cents and It Is woith as much to see it as thu bust attraction appears before tho foot- , lights. JIM, TlIK. WKSTI'.lt.NKIl. As a Christmas attraction Manager Chinch has secured mi exceptionally strong produc tion In A. M. Dellssers company of sterling actors who op-jn n two nights ongagoineiit at the Nuw Liitislug In "Jim, thu Wtsternei ". This Is the pliH'o that, has been creating such favorable comment hi tliu Now York press recently uud in it one Hods much to admire. It Is not n wild west show nor the story of iHitder lifu driitmi us somii might Infer from Its title, but n genuine American couusly drama of rare merit. Thu piece Is hand somely ttnged and tiovcr fulls to receive thu applause duo it. There will hu a iimtluou Chr stums day. Seats go on sale Wednesday morning at the box olllce. IIAVIIKN AHT CI.UIl'H KOUIITII. Tim fourth aimiiul exhibit of thu Hayihtn Art club takes place at Grant Memorial Hall anil commences next week, nnd that it will be up to tho usual excellence of the club's past records Is nlieady assured, The arrangements lutvu been going on for the punt two weeks and on Monday all will bo in readiness for the opening. KOOTI.IIIIIT FI.AHIIEH Thoro will 1st no matinee of "Yon Yonson'' at the Lansing today, Paul Potter Is writing a play to bo culled "Tho American Minister." "The President" Is reported to huve closisl Its season at Spokane hulls lust week. Qileonlo VasMir has Joined "A Trip to Chinatown," replacing Illaiicho Arkwright, Nittit Salisbury of ilulrulo Hill's Wild West ' sallisl from Kngland for Now York, Decem ber 0. Isuliello Kvessou has Joined Manager Char les Frohuian's company, mid will travel with Henry K. Dlxey. Wilton A. Lnc kayo, who has been playing" nt Ijoiiilon, Kngland, sailed for Now York city, December II. lone Dunham, ono of thu pretty gills in "lot Cignle" chorus has fallen hoir to a fl!i"i, 000 estate in Klinlru. John J. Ruddy, is again with the Hoyt & Thomas forces for the rest of the season,. in "A Midnight Hull," Charles Wyiltlllum hits revived Dron-ori Howard's "Saratogo" ("llrlghton") at tho Crlteiiou Theatre, Ioiidou. Jenny Kddy has been eiigugisl by W. A. Mesteyer for "Tho Grub ling" compniy which omus Christmas week Tho next pluy Sir. Cuurles ll. Hoyt will write after ''A Tenieriinco Town" Is pnslu cist, has U-eu named "A Man Horn in Mis souri." Two nights are booked tor the Ioni sing next week "Jim tho Wosterner" nnd Chritmas Friday Hatunlay with kt matinee, on thu latter date. "Slnbail" continues to attract tremendous aiidieuct'S to Manager David Henderson's Chicago 0Hirn It is tho biggest success that Helideisou hnsyet hail and could Mill out tho entire season. It is booked at tho Lnu. sing. Mr. Joseph Ha worth has been Immensely successful In the South where he is at present coining money Next week he is to appear in New Orleans where ho is promised mi ova tion uud later on ho will bo seen ut the Lan sing. R, I), Mac Ia'iiii and Mario Prcscott have decided to okmi their season at the Union Square theatre, New York, next Monday with "Spurtlcus," to lie followed with "Cloo uttru," uud their entire lepertorie of classic pluys. Fred I Vol, "tho Amusement Inciter of Public Intel est" for "You Yonson" has come to town and is booming his play, which will soon Imj given a Metroiiolituii production, says thu N, Y, Stage News. It will Im tho identical piece and coinpiuythut will be seen at the Ionising tonight. Jeweler Hallett hus been enjoying it groat lush the past week uud Ills holduy tlttde thus fur more thuil doubles his lust) oars business, Hallett is Lincoln's popular jeweler and tho fact that thu people know it it the ivu-sou for his great success. a All the Intent styles of picture mouldings. Work guaranteed. CitAMCKii'h Am ami Music Stohk, -I- South Kluveutli strtsit. Lincoln U-o Co., 1010 O St. Telephone ft!5