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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY COUKIKK, SATURDAY, ul-X'KMBEK. 19, 1891 S f-at .Jfc bbbbJ I ' 1 rlri ' A a a ' t a . : 1 r " - fc " 1 .rA . v,.. a- .v -. X " J" rf OF Tllr. NKW SUNATORS. WALTEfl WEULMAN ANALYTIC WIELDS PEN. HIS i Vtt't t f H.-4f V'C- Mrs. Graham's Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream Wnot iicmuur-iln In Hie m-iimi which tluil term i popuNrly moil, lull poriiiiiiitmlly tioatitlit.'i. It en-ntes n "ill. Miiooth, lr velvnly akin, uml by tlullv iik Kriuliiiilly miiki Um complexion neverM luule whller. It n ooiMlnnl proleotlnn fro n the i-uVoIa of nun niul wliul uml prevent sunburn nnil frooklpi, nnil liliirklieiiil will never emm' while veil use It. llohmiwullio nice furl'" tor than soitpiuul water, nourishes mul bnllils tin the nklti IImiiih niul thin prevent llio for mation of wrln lo. II kIvi-h tho rreihneiw, alonriia "nil miioiitlini'm "I "kill thnl joii hml wliPitiiliUlniilrl. Kvury huly, juimtt or olil oinht lo 1110 II, 111 It kIvc ii iiioro youth ful appearance to miy Imly, nml Mint perniii ttenlly. It contiilns. no ui'lil, powder, or itlkiill, and l in Imrmloi in tluw unit u nnnrlshluu unlaw Isto IIiii flower. 1'rlce 1.00. Ak your ilrniiKUt Tur It. HAMi'i.K itnrri.r: mulled free In uny I ily on rneolplof 10 conn In stAinpi lo pay fur IHMlnno inul p.uiUlnii. I.mly Aiienl wunti'il. Mr. lervlo (Initmni, "llcuiuy Doctor," KM l'oit Htivnt, 8nit Krmielseo. All lha loiulltni Lincoln dnuulils null II. H. T. Clarke Drug Co., Lincoln. WIIOI.KHAI.K AIIKNTS. Mrlre mi. I Chilton, Ihihnli nml lfelton, IIiiIIIiihit mul llllixui, (liirilnn nml Huns lilonuhi IIIII mul Irby, Kyle mnl Palm er, Puffier mul Prnclnr, VMm mnl While. (HlH'i'lnl Cirii'Kniiili'iicp. W.tmiSMlTilN. Dpi'. 17. 'I'lin United - - - States senate does change, after all. Horn I aroslxtoen now men, some of thum an now , iAi HAN MUOQUiMHD WltH TMi 000rw Cl TMt OOUNtBY Kill 0IAIk MUCH IH.OMtK IIIOM A 1IUOY Of 1HH MA Or TM Chicago,RockIsland& PaciflcRy The DIMOT SOUTB to and from OltTOAOC ROOK WliAWD, DAVBWPORT. DM MOINES, council BLinnra, watkrtown, bioux TALL. MIlfMKArOUa. T. PAUL, ST. J08 FH, ATOItnON, LKAVKNWOKTK. KAMBAB CITY TOPKKA. SKNVKR, COLORADO irNH UtPUIHA SOLID VESTIIULE EXPRESS TRAINS ef Through OoMhM, BlMPon, Tro Rccllnlnii Clhklr Onn nnd Dlnlnu Can dally tetwaan CHI OAOO. DHB MOtlfBB. COUNCIL BLUFFS nnd OMAHA, and iMtwMn OIIIOAOO and DENVER, UOLORADO BPRINOB and FVKOLO Via Ot jToaaph, or Xanaaa City and Topaka. Via Th Albert La RoutOr Vaat XsprMa Tralna dally batwant Ohiomrc Knd Xlnnaapolla and at Paul, with THROUGH JUcllnlnu Chair Cara (FRMD to and from thoa polnU and Xanaaa City. Throuith Chair Car and aieiwr betwaan PmtU, Spirit Laka and louz Fall via Rook Ialand. For Ttekata, Kapa, Folder, or ttaalrad Inforraa Won, apply at any Coupon Tick at Otnca, or oddraai I. ST. JOHN, JOHN SM4STIAN, Oan'l Kanagar, on'lTit.Pa.Airt., CUICAQO ILL. CIIII.TON. MUCK. m tlicy can 1m, nml fully n dozon more lutvo 1m'oi in tlio Hoiinto lint it year or two. Look at thin long roll of mon who nro jiiHt ntiivtiiiK on tliolr Hoimtorinl ca room. HHco of Ohio, Chilton of Texnit, Duliol" of Miilio, Fulton of California, UnllliiKorof Now Hampshire, Gibson of Maryland, Gonlon of Georgia, Palmer of UHiioIh, HaiiBbrotigh of North Dakota, Hill of Now York, Irliy of South Caro lina, Kylo of South Dakota, Potter of KniiMtfl, Proctor of Vvrinont, Vilas of WIkcoiisIu, Whlto of LouiHlana. Tlio old flounto in fant going. Tlio race of htatosiiion whoso iuiiiioh havo been hoiiHuhold wohIh for a dozen or twenty years Im rapidly dlHapiwarlug, Edmund" 1h no more with us, Itoagan hnn rotlrcd, old .loo Drown h In prlvato life, Kvarts' neat Is fillvd hy another, Wado Hamp ton's faco wo look for in vain, Ingalls in Tint yoiiiiK,xt il tin' now nonntor-i, ii lu:t thi' Imhy of the muinto, in Diihuh ilo Is only forty, and yot has Ih-i'H four years In eongifss, hesldes liolillng ntlit r oflh't'K hofori' that, In his eongrossloinil campaigns ho used to visit all the, iiiln lug eauips iiiouutod on a uiiilo. At Vato ho was calolier for a hasohall nine, and ho and Senator Gorman often get to Bother to talk of tlio two national g.iMos. at which both nro adepts politics and baseball He is a bachelor. Haiishioiigh, you know, Is an editor who used to be as poor as a church uiotiho, and isn't inucli better olT now. In fact, nearly all or theso new senators in- ionr men ho far as money Is con :erued, and It is a tight good sign of the times to sou so many poor men breaking into and breaking up tlio rich man's ;lub. Hausbrough still owns his unwn pair at Devil's Lake, and says it will lie rlK New GOODS. Ilotv lii Helium. MIIiIkw frmii t'liilli. Mix soft soap with powdered starch, add half as much salt and tlio juice of a lemon: lay It on the part with a brush, then lay thu article on the grass day nnd night till the stain comes out. HtFfMrt&(ttlWlY- Hut In Mil Id' km liitioiliirtliin. Introductions, except on raro occii slons and when there are good reasons, hhoiild not be made on the streets. The only warrants for such broaches of eti quette are when some business is to be accomplished then nnd there, or that the introducer is so Intimate with both of it good thing to fall back on when he , t,B HtnM,KorH that he feels privileged to .MTr Jam,? -?X Jfcj i "r'zrs loses his seat in the senato Thu richeit of tho now senators is Feltoii, of California, and ho is worth Hbotit one million to Stanford's three. That makes forty millions hotwecu them, Doth were poor boys. Ilo made his money in mining, though ho was educated to thu law. Next to him in tako a liberty with each. In Introduc lug n gentleman to a lady, say, "Miss Drown, permit mo to Introduce (or pre sent is the better form) Mr. Smith," and he should bow to each as his or her imrnu is pronounced, and tho names should be pronounced with entire distinctue.s, as nothing is more embarrassing than not to catch the correct name of n now ac quaintance. Tho lady meeting a gentle man by such an introduction may smile and say nothing, or she may say, "1 am happy to meet you, Mr. Smith," or any thing else which is pleasant and compli mentary. But Mr. Smith would bo for ward to begin a conversation until thu lady had In some way taken tho initia tive. When men aro introduced to one another tho elder or more distinguished should havo tho other presented to him. sJmJL i H9HH9H O C18Im1oik prwS3PIBf-ty 1039 0 ilEB Formerly of HUFFMAN & R1CHTER. NEW LOCATION. STREET. m.TON. 1)1)11013. lecturing, Kustls Is in Huropu. Wo still havo John Sherman, Hoar, Culloiu, Hutler, Allison, Colquitt, Dawes, Hale, Frye. Chandler, Hlscock, Mitchell, Plumb, Stewart, Vest, Voorhees and a few more of thu old timers, hut thuy look very lonesome. They do not feel at homo among so many new men, and looking down from tho galleries one can seethe veterans forming in little coteries of their own number. Not in thu memory of any man living lias tho sonato had such a shaking up as thu admission of now states and tlio ebb mid flow or political fortunes havo re cently given it. Of the sixteen now men only one, General Gordon, of Geor gia, was in thu senate before. In addi tion to theso sixteen newcomers fully fourteen senators are as yet, as sena torial traditions go, uninitiated to tho inner circle. Allen of Washington, HIM iitnv. point of wealth among tho new senators Is Drlce, or Ohio, who owns a oO.OOO liouso on Murray Hill, Now York. I think Drlce tho keenest looking man in thu senate, and 1 am not sur prised that Vandorbilt "camo down" when this sharp eyed, Imperturbable, penetrating, Invincible faced country lawyer went after him with a parallel railroad. Urico aiid Secretary Foster are chums and business associates and hclR'd each other to fortunes. Gibson, of Maryland, is known to fame as tho handsomest statesman and tho most artistic mixer of terrapin soup in thu business. There is much ulso to him, 1 am glad to say brains, courtesy, lino manners. Irby, of South Carolina, wo don't know much about, but ho has How In AtiiIiI .Morbid Self CnimcloiuneM. Keep tho fact (Irmly fixed in your jiiiud that every man is thinking more about himself than about you. So long as you do not dress, or walk, or talk In au utterly ridiculous way people will bother themselves very llttlo about your appearance. Ladies' and'Ghildren's Hair Catting andjhampooing a Specialty, SAMJESTERFIELD'S 1JURR : ULOCK.I n Lad lea Ua Dr. Pllli from 1'urlt, Franco. La Iluo'a Periodical unco, 'flint oosltlvolv ro llevo luppreMloni, monthly ileriiiiKoiui'Mi and IrrcKularlllea oauxod by cohl, wcnkiieai, ahock, nnomln, or tumoral norvoui ilcblllly. The Urge proportion of III to which ladlea and mlaitoi nro liable Is tho direct rvmilt of a disordered or Irrexulnr inoiutrunttoii. Hup. preMloiu continued remit In blood polnonlns: aau nmo a tutumpuou. ij pncitaio ora lor ao. noni uireoi on rocoipi oi price. lu OALUNOEIt. QIBSON. Carey of Wyoming, Cnrlislo of Ken tucky, Casey of North Dakota, Dixon of Rhode Island, Hlggins of Delaware, Mc Millan of Michigan, Pettigrew of South Dakota, Power and Sanders of Montana, Squire of Washington, Warren of Wyo ming, Washburn of Minnesota, nnd Wol cott of Colorado are' men, so that thirty out of eighty-eight senators on the floor are of the new gen eration. Of tho sixteen new men a much smaller proportion than usual havo seen previous congressional service, Only six of them Gordon, Dubois, Feltou, Galliuger, Gibson and Hausbrough have occupied uats iu the national legislature. Of thu remaining ten, thrco Palmer, Hill and Irby have been governors of their states, and two Vilas and Proctor have been in thu cabinet. Drice, of Ohio, never hold any office either of high KY1.K. PALMER. , face which attracts much attention smooth shaven, Grecian in type and do tail, with a noble brow from which ho combs his plentiful locks straight' back over the top of his head. Ho was once known as n righting man, and was in volved in two or three shooting scrapes. Chilton is a true Texan. Tall, straight, debonair. At homo he wears a big slouch hat and a revolver. Hero his at tire and his manners nro faultless. He has tho reputation of being the most eloquent man in Toxas. Though General Gordon has nged con siderably sinco ho was last in tho senate, ho is still ouo of tho finest looking men in tho chambers a tall, straight figure, military carriago and strong face, which a scar across tho left cheek adorns rather than mars. Ho was shot all to pieces How to Tell the Time by the Sun. Any method of telling tho tlmo by the sun without tho use of instruments and mathematical calculations is necessarily crude, but farmers and woodsmen be come quite expert in it. A man knows, for instance, that on tho 21st of March and the Slst of September wo havo days of twelve hours in length. From tho aist of March to tho 2d of June tho days lengthen, and on that day tho sun rises at about 4:i!0 and sets at about 7:!1G Then from thu 21st of September till tho 22d of December the days shorten until they aro only about nlno hours long, thu sun rising at about 7:30 and sotting at about 4:30. Bearing theso facts iu mind and remembering that the sun is always directly overhead at 12 o'clock uoou,ouu can como pretty close, by observing tho approach to the meridian and thu de parture therefrom, to telling what time it is by tho nun. Tho convenient alma nac will help any one trying to do this, but in this day of cheap watches people do not generally spend much time iu ac quiring u not very useful skill. Fret Work, Screens and Panels CAHINKT WOUK OF AI.I. KINDS TO OKDKK. Full Line of 7 HNTELS Alwas ln stock. AUK SHOWN IN OL'R NEW WaRKROOMS. NEBRASKA CABINET WORKS, COUNTERS MID WALL USES. U24-28 M Street. SIDEWALK AND BUILDING RICK -AND- gB VITRIFIED PAYERS A.BUGKSTAFF How to Olve Castor Oil to Children. As in various diseases of children there is no medicine so beneficial us castor oil, it is well to know how to give it without aggravating the malady by forcing tho child to tako tho disagreeablo dose. A tablespoonful of castor oil can be given iu a glass of sarsaparilla or ginger alo without the child's knowledge. Tho soda or ginger ale or coot beer should bo freshly drawn, nnd poured in such a way as to diffuse the oil all through it, and it will bo drank with pleasure. Thu carbonic acid gas completely disguises thu taste of the oil, and it is not visible in the foam. L. S. E. MOORE, NtilVKNT KKr'KCTS IN Fine Walt-t- papers and Decorations. Cull and enmln: the largest line in the City. None but the best uorkincu employed. Prices that can't be beat- step in. Telrpliiini' 1)1(1. 1134 0 STREET. P M E R H. W. BROWN DRUGGIS'IHIBOOKSELLER Has the New Books soon as issued. A Choice line of Perfumes and Fancy Goods. 127 South Eleventh street! LINCOLN'S NEWEST AND FINETS STABLES out direct on rocolm of nrlce. Hold L.1IICOIH by it. w. lirown, tirugiiiit BE A MAN AfOUO WAS A PERFECT MAN. rtHiiT ii tMH i-ammiti n win Milan m u. niloii a miui mi ittt puaj ! Miia trt pit i d.aia. btiit aaa arsoaa aa t ISOtOUl la all rupicU. I Jfj7l &&M YOUNI MEN MOID, tarda flroa MEBTOUI SI ILITT. Imi ir ralllic Mia. , Mtaui How to I'ollih Shirt lloioma. Tako half an ounce each of white wax, isinglass and gum arable und half a tea spoonful of alcohol; put them in a gill of boiling water, shake-well und bottle. To each quart of starch add it teaspoon ful of thu mixture. kM4, rartlcal Iicium, in nuri4 ta rUrtOT IIALTH aa4 Worry, ttaatia D. ar aa rXMOMAL WIAIHtU. (take til BOILS TITAllTT at itAOBO KM, M rrli aa mini atiiaa. Wa claim by yrara of practice by our exclusive tnnhcxli a unllornk "oaoroLT or idcciss" in treat- Ihm a!1 TAla a a aaa Wiik Bum amrl AAaittlSBsetMia, Tratlrnonlalt I ImmRUKl.ta. .nil Trrltnrii.a UIB lirtif !! tvllttw (rut yr,aealeil, post fJH HEW DR paid. forallmllrHl time; Ort BvaUsriasaa. rmllltUaitliasriraOBll TAtAT at. Ta taa is IVUT BUTOAXD as Tksasaaaa kaviaasakyas. IsMaBrtssUsiialalsJtMrsssatsasa RIB MKDIOAL CO. BUFFALO. N.Y OaatEaMIIVB BHICHVIbT. i WXWi.Rota to lcf stu. o.t. a. Osaat aar smb. one or uanr LINOOLN Hiiumfec aid tuTrroTS or runuxsmr, Bbortbaud, and Typewriting. Is the tost and largest Cullan In the Watt. SOD minimi In altinUnn Tut year. SuiienU ureeand tor business In from J to itoatka. Itxpsrleneed faculty, rmonal Instruction. eauUful Ulustrated catalocue. oollaxa Journals, and u ivaniaawup, kdi tree 117 addressing tOXUttUDOB BOOSE. Uncoln. Mali. QOItDON. HANSIlltOUOll. or low degree, and Chilton, of Texan, had nevor been anything greater' than assistant attoruuy general of his state. PefTor, of Kansas, was a member of the state legislature, us was Kyle, of South Dakota. White, of Louisiana, had been nu associate justice of the state supreme court. Senator Hill has not yet taken h' Beat, but when ho comes I fancy he will attract more attention than any of the other new senators. Next to him in popular interest, and now by all odds tho most talked of man iu tho chamber, is hearty, frank, honest, bluff old Gen eral Palmer, of Illinois. Ho is quite the hero of the hour and is rapidly wlniilnit his way to the hearts of his associates. General Palmer is often spoken of as the grand old man of the west, but he i not so very old. Mr. Morrill, of Ver mont, is his senior by seven years. Dawes and Sawyer are a year older than he, und John Sherman is but live years younger. Palmer is seventyfour, but he has tho uctivity and thu memory of n man of fifty, Ho looks like a combina tion of Uncle Sam and Allen G. Thur man. and a very wholesome American face is his too. rilOCTOn. l'EFFKR. during the war, being wounded five times iu one battle, but ho is u pretty good man yet. Gordon has mado tw fortunes and lost them, and is not old to uiuko another. Poller and his whiskers you havo all heard of, but Kylo you do not know so well. Ho is said to bo tho only man in thu r.enato who ever filled n pulpit ns u regularly, ordalntjd minister. Ho preached for three years, is u Congrega- tiouulist and never misses prayer in tho senate chamber. Vilas is u well to do man, but not ns rich as his colleague, Philotus Sawyer, though I hear Sawyer has lost it million dollars during the last year. Vilas and Proctor are well known from their re- How to I'ut Two Thlnsa at Once In One I'lucr. A simple trick, easily performed, will puzzle any ouo who has not seen it. Take u common tumbler and pour water carefully into it until it will not hold another drop without overflowing. Ask tho witnesses if anything more can bo put into thu glass without removing or J spilling th) water, and the chances are l that all will say no. You can, however, add (if you do it carefully) n very can sidernblu quantity of salt, and when no moro salt will go iu you can add sugar without increasing the bulk of tho water or spilling uny. You may do something still more surprising. Instead of salt and sugar, you can put a great many pins or needles Into the water without making it overflow. Philosophers de clare that thu particles of water rear range themselves around tho plus. W. J. I'ltATT, Proprietor. First Class Livery Rigs At nil Hcurs Day or Night. Family Carriages, Gentlemen's Driving Rigs, Etc. BOARDING DEPARTMENT. Wc nrc especially well prepared to board a limited number of horses and having the largest nnd finest equipped stable in the city, can take best of care of all horses en trusted to us. Our stable Is light and roomy with unsurpassed ventilation. All vehicles nnd harness receive dally cleaning and iihvas leave the stable in neat, clean stylish appearance. CALL AXD SEE US.GIX'K US A TRIAL. Telephone 518. Stables 1639-1641 O St VU.AS. WHITF.. cent service in tho cabinets of Presidents Cleveland und Harrison respectively, Walter Wnu.JLi. A Clear Case. I've been cudgoliug my brain for an hour over this thing," said n young De troit attorney to tlio older ouo with whom he Is associated in a knotty case. "Bo careful," was tho quiet response, ''or I'll have you arrested for assault und battery. I'd be sure to win tin case, when u man of your size would jump on a little thing like that with a cudgel." Dotrolt Free Press. How the Term "I'ln Money" Orliclnutt'il. This means u lady's allowance ot money for herown personal expenditure Long after thu invention of pins, iu tliu Fourteenth century, they were very cobtly, and the maker was allowed to sell them in open shop only on the 1st and 2d of January. It wiis then that the ladies of thu court and city dames flocked to the stores to buy them, having been first provided with tho requisite money by their husbands. When pins becaino common and cheap tho ladles spent their allowance on other fancies, but the term pin money remained in vogue. How to Sharpen Kilijo Tools. Add to water one-twentieth of its weight iu sulphuric or muriatic acid. Placo the tool iu it and leave it for half an hour, after which tnku it out and wijw it dry. Three or four hours afterward fin ish tho edge on a hone. Thu diluto acid cuts the steel away nnd does the work of a grindstone, making thu honing all that Is necessary to put tho edge on tho tool. This process will actually improve blades that have been badly hardened, although thu reason for the improvement is not known. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US FOR IQK CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER AND THEY. WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbush Makers of Bon Bons and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. W HEN YOU WANT FINE JOB PRINTING See the WESSEL PRINTING CO. 1 VSSF