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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1891)
pwYv"l r f wlfW '''Wm-f "-w?- "-T"T ,HHH " "t CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1891 II r I I? Iff'1'??'''' DON'T Bli CARELESS ABOUT YOUR COMPLI-XION it U xrniriiiit'i ohlofosl Pli) ulenl I'liiirm. It U often hornnlv rapliiil 11 l nlMitn worth n Kivnl ili'nl In lior. In liillni'i liivii or soolnl mrulr. No mutter lioxr lirtiwncil or imiulioi willow xotirlln limy ho, or how imicli II l llniinil Willi r rookies, niotlimtnlici, lihtek liomlM or pimples MRS. GRAHAM'S FACE BLEACH will rcmoxo oxorv IiUiiiiInIi iiiiiI leave jour kVIii iispum nml olt'iirnml white as It wiii In tmlty iltiyN. Your roinploxloii will IIiimi lie as imttiri' iiiiiiln It liiNiriiclloiiH tfn wltli oiioh Imltle how lo keep II mi, Prim llxi All ilnii;ll M'll It. II. T. CLARICE DRUG CO. WHOLESALE Af.ENTS. MIAoquaimiO witM imc wooiwmv or f Ml count mt wiu oaiain f MnM1NONMTK tmiM A ttUOT 0' tMli MAI Of 1HI It .?iiX I m-JT '-? .J" . ViIm RiT' K'Tt-X Ghicago.Rocklsland&PaciflcRu Th D1HKCT IIOUTK to nnil from CHI0A00, HOCU 1BLAND, DAVKNI'OUT, IlKfl MOINKH, COUNCIL, 11MJFK3, WATKUTOWN, BIOUX FAI-l-ll, MINNr.Al'OLIfl. ST. J'AUL, HI". JOS KP1I. ATCItlHON. 1.KAVHNW0HT1I, 1CAN8AH CITV.TOl'lIKA. DUNVKlt, COL01LAOO Sl'Nlia nod 1'UKM.O. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Throuch Oonrlien, DUopor. Free Itocllnlnii Chair Cni nnil Dlnlnit Cur ilixlly l4twren CHI CAGO. DKB MOlNKtf. CJUNCII. JILUTFO nml CIMAJCA. and tiftwu CHICAGO ntul DKNVUU, OOLOUADO Bl'lUNOO nnct PUEBLO Vis Bt Joriu or Kniuna City nml Topokn. Vin The Albert Lon Routor a T.vtvfu Trnlu iliill)' brtwoon Clilcnuo uml Mlmwinilla nml Bt. 1'nul. with TIUIOUOH Mccllnlair Clinlr Oir (1'ltKK) to nml from thoso point uiil Knni.ii City Ttmniith Clinlr Oar anil (Uncr between l'rorla, Bjilrit Lnko and Ionic Full vln Hock lolsntt. Tfor TlchrU, Mnon. Folilon., or ilonlrnl Informa tion, npplynt any Coupon Ticket Oince, or lutclron K. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Scn'l Mannuer, Omfl Tkt. ft I'd, Aitt., CHICAGO ILL IjINCOLN 'fe& Z" xo ixhtitutk or ri.xmsimr, hiwtlumt. uml T) wrllliiK. U llm In.t nmt liiwt C'4Itm In lliti VI, mi shuUmiU In ntti nilamv liut rr. Hin.Unti irttnnl lor 1iiiIiic In from Jtov nonlhu. Kxiorli'iml fKOUlty. IVnunml InilriK'tliui, Rrantlfnl lllimtrnuxl ciKAliiir, iillnn Jouriinlt, niul twlnwiu tit n'nmimhli, win rrtv dy nililnlii ULUIUU1K1G ft UOOSK, Llmxiln, .Noli Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting and Shampooing a Specialty, -AT- SAM. WESTERF! ELD'S 11URR : BLOCK. Lmlltut I7n lr. !. Dur'a I'nrloillrnl PllU f nun l'url, Kiniuv. Tlmt ponltlvclj ro lleve (upprcKxloiu, monthly ilerniiKoincnti nml IrroiiularltlCM cnueil by coKI, woiikiie, hock, hiioiiiIii, or Konrrnl nervous ilublllly. The Urge proportion of 111m to whlrli Imllo ami niUiti" arc llnhlo In tlio illroct romilt of a UUontort'd or trroKUlnr tnenstniatloii. Hup. pruHiloiiH conttiiiiiHt retnlt In bloo.l ihiUohIiik n iiuu'K riiuiiiiupiio'i, .- pat'Kn ta or.i lor u. nriii in rec i oil riiccipi 01 price. teat in I.I it col n by or nriei'. Soul II. W, Drown, ilniKKitt. BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. imtT ii taim-kUTCMiitt win Buii9tta tm th tnaltuu M tuivkri no tbkl P"lI"i cms put aiiin. Inrr KM eta U STBOMa B4 VIOOX0D1 Is til riictctl. YOUNBMENOROLD. oBuInf from MtSVODS D. ILITT. Lul .. VaIHr Uftti. kM4, rhrilckl Iictiiii, Mtnltl Wrrr. Stsittd D.T.lopnitit, or Mr MXIOKAL Wf AKMIiS. cB bo rutorti to ruricT health i tk MOBLI V1TAMTT tf itX0R9 MIX, Uo frldo til ronir of Ktttom. o citim ny year ol practice by our exrlulB meihodt m uniform MonoroLT or sucotis" m treat , , -J AfflUttoti ef Uta, Ti llmonlali ' iroiuiMttesnl Terrltorlta. HI NFW llinif "'!'. -'" r,tetled, pott VVH new BUUrV ptld. fork fltnlie.1 time: OH ttwhlloyotcti. Fill lipliBitUiii for KOMI TBtAT BIBST. Tot cto to ytJtLY BESTOBSD tt Thomttdt lJU!i!,25i0Jl,l!!ilB,, o KRIC MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. M.Yi PHOGKEStJIVi: HVCIIRE. on.J 1'iiiUl Note to Joux SlUlirux. O.T.A, f, B. I, A V. K. It.. Colrtiro. anl rrrelt. poitjio Mid, BUMeveiit deck of ctrdo )rou ererr htn Jk-d. Xta taU el. uqo or luanr i?fifiSt WE2&rsm&im, I M MS WlOft J.5f III J1-.W3 w -i-w With His Thumb. A tiny kiiIiI In lino vnnl Hip NillirrlntnM Inmi liiiuiilnlloii, Mtiltltinlt' linn- liron mwi'il limn the linmlim o( ilMrnm by n luitllnnf A)i'r nrnpatllU. Tlili mkmIIcIiio ImpitM tun to llio "ijMi'tn nml ilii'iiKtlirm ccr) nriian mil (lino ol llir bmly "I Inno tnKcii a cronl ilonl ol ini'illolne, tint nntlilnt; lim ilium mo o iniirli kooiI m A)it' Hnrnp.iillln. I oxpi'ili-ncnl in boin. Ili'lnl llwti litfoti' I hml unllo llnliliril "ii Imltlo, nml I mil lu-rly ti'MII) Hml II In llm li(t bloiiil inoillclnn I know of " - l W, Wnnl, ir , Wooillniiil, Ti'XM "Cimfliii'il In mi nfllrr. n I nin, Inuii ono onr, ciiil In ntiiillicr, with llllli' or no mil dour t'XiTi'lir, I nml Html help In A)i'r'i Hannp.ulll.i, which I hino im-il fur vmnl t'.iri, nml mn at prowil ikIiik, with cxci-I. fi'iit main It i,nnlili mo In kt'i'li nlwnji at lay pott. i'iijn)liiit llm brit ol lu'iilth." II. (' llimii-4, MaMi'ii, Mini. Ayer's Sarsaparilla I'llKI'.MICIl IIV DTI. J. O. AYKlt A: CO., Lowell, Mnn, rioUll')-lniKl.i tl,lx f&. Wutllitnliiittlr Nickel Savings Stamps Good (or Deposit in the Nebraska Snv- InRsDank will be found for Sale at the Following Places: lliTiollit'liin'r A Co, M.Mrtlll(in Di'pnrt llll'lll Sllili'. CliiHon A I'll Ii'Iut. Wall I'nporanil Hint Ion t'O.II'.MO. A loHliailoi. Iirniii. Ilookn, I'iiIiiIk, OIIh anil Notloni), rifli'oiilli anil O. Ilahlwln llnw., Ilaulwiin-, 1217 O. Mi'Kt'iui A Hon, linns, Hliiiiomry, ami NotlmiHr'JTIS . HU'luvr A Si'hi'iit, UUponnliiK UtiiukIhIh. oornoi Twi'lflh nnil 1'. Iljorkman A l.liulwall, Diiik'kMk. --'I Norih IVlith. .1 l llnml. tlrnivrli's 'lo., sss Noilh Twoiit.cxcnlli. I.lmli'll lloltl, I'liTiirrTlilrlr-t'iitliitiul M. W.dimi' MIIUt. Conforlloiiary ami Nolloni I'nlM'riilly I'laoo. K. .1 Hullo, Hi-iioral Mori'lmiiillm', ill'., Wt'Ht l.llH'olu I'hnrli'H I'. Mi'Miuni), Hroooilo ami Moat, llolimuit rr Lincoln Nebraska Souvenir Spoon. A ntnulti of altio to cci pnirlotlc A'ncr Icnn, ol luierot to ovcr cltlcn of Ncbinkn. Price, $3.50, plain bowl. $4 gilt bowl, DehCilptlon the Capitol L In bas tellt'f, split rail f ti i h n 11 d 1 e , (.ur in o u n t c d In innul niul dgc n ie- mlmtm- of Pres ident Lincoln. A large line of other distinctive hpoons In btock. J. B. Trickey iVRVl C'n '& CO. JEWELERS 1035 0 St 0 rVi 2 oj aJ OH cu . J o9 li 1 J O S J i a j til u. 1 B.2.3 o cc C J H & N g CO v2 OQ o ous aj 6 THIS GOOD OLD WOULD. A VOICE CHURCH FftOM AROUND "THE LITTLE THE CORNEn.'' Ilnr. Ir. 1 IiiukIi t mi Tnlki llrlllliuitly About Our I'murroi In 8clrnrii, Art nml l.llenitiirr nml Tnlcei nn llnconr nuliiH Vli'tr of Mnnklnil Genoriilly. IHpevlid C'orrcnponilonco.l Ni:w Voiik, Oct. I. At n time when bo much skopticifun pruviills throughout Christendom, nnil men uro Inclined to take pvAsiiuifttlo views of tho world's progress, it Is cheering to listen to tho observations of thoso who stand on tho watch towers ntid with broad enlighten ment note tho various iulluences that participate In tho upward and onward movement of tho ago. Thero nro thoso who see no lofty les sons In tho achievements of science, tho discoveries of tho explorer, tho dissem ination of wealth, the work of tho mis sionary nnil tho thousands of other good things twiug done all around us, but pre fer with distorteil vision to look on tho darker phases of humanity, to regard crime as tho concomitant of civilization mid tho world at largo as In process of moral retrogression Happily, ministers of tho gospel nro nowhero to bo found among this class, find when tho writer called upon n num ber of them, ns ho has had recent occn sion to do, in order to learn how man kind appeared in their particular inontul survoy, It was only to encounter n unan imity of opinion that this world of ours Is growing uotfer every day One of tho most ngrecnblo of thoso In terviews was that held with tho Itov. Dr. George II, Houghton, tho rector of tho Episcopal congregation of tho Church of tho Transfiguration, or, us it is popu larly called, "tho Littlo Church Around tho Corner." It may bo well in this connection to recall nn incident which may not bo fa miliar to every ono When Georgo Hol land, an aged actor, ns well known for tho integrity of his lifo as for his profes sional ability, died some years since, ap plication was inado to tho rector of a fashionable church in Madison avenue to tead the funeral survico over his re mains in Ids church. His point blank refusal was accompanied by tho sugges tion that 'There was a littlo church nround tho corner" where they did that sorf of thing, nnil tho party had bettor go thero, to which Mr. Joseph Jefferson replied, "God bless tho littlo church around tho corner," and it has been blessed over since. Tho burial accord ingly took placo from Tho Church of the Trnnsllguintion, and tho incident ob tained mich wido publicity that the edi fice is best known by this characteristic title. It is u tow, gothlo built church in the form of a Latin cross, seating about 800 persons and containing n number of me morial windows, among them ono to tho lato II. J. Montague, an actor. A charm ing bit of well kept greensward, tho shade from a number of noblo trees, green vines climbing over and around the porch and miniature fountains in the churchyard give it in summer a de lightful rural aspect. Thero aro 200 free sittings In the church and tho congrega tion Is made up from all classes. Almost nil members of "tho profession" who die in or near New York aro burled from it. I asked Dr Houghton what he re garded as among tho most encouraging Blgus at the present time "They nre all encouraging," was the wholesome teply. "IseoGodin his good ness making himself more manifest to mortal vision than over beforo The period In which wo live seems to bo the outeotno of all other periods Wo aro not only enjoying the heritage of past centuries, but in our own century ac quiring that dominion over earth, sen mid nlr which was prophesied in tho first command given to man by his Maker. Witness the expansion of science how it comprehends tho universe, invades nature, penetrates the crust of tho globo in order that it may reveal if possible, tho earliest secrets of the human race; ransacks untrodden regions and investi gates all laws whether of visible or in visible nature to the end that mankind shall derive tho fullest benefit What mnrvelous results havo been achieved! "The Intellectual aspect of tho nge? Look at it The schoolboy of today knows more than his grandsire His 6chool books convey ideas of creation that a century ago were not oven In tho dreams of the greatest minds Education is not merely universal but enforced. Knowledge is no longer chained to the desks nml Interpreted by the tew, but Is the possession of tho mauy Labor has likewise become an intelligent power, mid genius plies her calling at the lathe, the forge ami anvil Tho mechanic and Inventor have become great factors in our modem civilization Business men havo learned to apply now laws to their enterprises, and wealth more than ever is made and moved in masses Capital, too, is being employed in n manner that confeis larger blessings upon mankind building our colleges, supporting our charities, maintaining our mioious and developing the monster enterprises? that mark the progress of tho age. Why, everything, oven to tho very toys of tho children, teaching something about form or color or motion or noise is a part of this spirit of Intellectuality that under lies the prevailing growth." "Out is it not true that there Is also a spirit of distrust abroad that eees in the hopeful conditions you enumerate causes for alarm: that thero aro painful fear3 of evil from tho restless, earnest action that permeates society and breeds dis satisfaction among classes?" "To n ceitnin oxteut all these may ex ist, but it has been so from all time Opponents of progress nro to be fouud in every Held, and why should they not I abound in times like tho present? Theie ' nre men who, notwithstanding the in flueuce and power of inventions, sen ously doubt whether on the whole what nro denominated labor saving machines nro a benefit to tho community The baud of industry is said to be palsied by these, and our population to be growing up lo habits of idletiosH and Ignoranco, while crime and pauperism are spread ing through our towns and villages A superficial examination will destroy this objection "It is not tt fact that Industry Is dis couraged, for Just In proportion to tho rapid Increase of Improvements and In ventions has been the demand for labor and thocorresioudlng Increaso of wages True, tho cry of distress may bo leard In some parts of the world where thero Is a dense population and a destruction and waste of property have been tho melancholy results, but this state of things does not spring legitimately from tho use of inventions Tho real cause is rather to be found In the bad political institutions of the laud, in the partial and uneiiial system of laws by which these communities are governed, and in an oppressive taxation which grinds the faces and eats up the substance of the poor Let tho real simplicity of our re publican institutions obtain general cur rency and those who are now pressed down to the dust will riso to a comfort able Independence of life and intellect. "No, It is 11 mistake to supposo that all advances upon the labors or changes in tho habits of former generations aro in novations not to bo tolerated, Tho world has often cold charity for Its greatest benefactor Kveu when wealth is en listed to carry forward a groat under taking that promises to inuro to the benefit of the poorjis well as tho rich, it is too often considered In tho light of tt mcro speculation or descf fbeu as a mo nopoly that bears In its train a list of sore calamities, when It Is in fact a viist and necessary maclilno for tho accom plishment of those things that confer the greatest good upon tho greatest number These nro questions of political economy, however, that are not to bo quickly dis posed of in an interview." 'How would you dcslgnato tho gen eral tendency of tho age?" further in quired tlu. writer "To mo, the most oxpresslvo term Is nnlvewallty. by which I mean the dif fusion of knowledge in overy form that can affect tho human mind Our arts, our books, our cdilices, our homes, what we eat and drink and wear, our amuso ments and accomplishments, in fact all things show us the higher refinement and broader tasto that is reflected from an expanding and universal education Mn literature, when has there been such a mnrvelous product of thought as now? Books that were once tho prizes of the rich are now to bo lound in the cottage of the humblest laborer, and great names are as familiar as household words The newspapers, each ono n school teacher stored with tho annals of the world, sending light broadcast, keep tug men, women and children abreast of each other in the pursuit of knowledge and in touch with all human events, what a history has been theirst "Can any ono tnil to beo in this wonderful development of intellect ual activity the hand of provi dence? Is thero not abundant evi deuce that some great design ol nature is in process ot evolution the end ot which may be the establishment ol a closer lolationship between us and things divine and eternal';' And it it be bo, surely, is not the world growing bet ter? "Uut this ts not all God is manifest lug Himself to the human heart not only by giving new impulse to man's work, but by enlarging, so to speak His individuality Man has become inoro universally a seeker after truth and is less than formerly intolerant Con scious of his own right of judgment, he accords it to others, and thus, old bar riers being broken down, there is a rec ognition of the real spirit of Christ without regard to sect or name or form Religious teaching is passing into all hands "Women havo become evangelists, and speak to us through missions nnd books The press hns becomo a more mighty power than the pulpit. Tho infidel nnd atheist are no longer dangerous to the masses, because they encounter at every footstep of their antagonism to tho Al mighty an intellectual force fortified by faith that makes the masses invincible. Moral obliquity and intellectual degra dation cannot subsist in such n soil, and the longer the globe revolves the moro does it become apparent thnt though dust our bodies indeed are, and unto dust they must return, our liviug spirits, now passing through a eceneof probation and pupilage, are becoming more and more in accord with the divine purpose. Yes." concluded the worthy rector, 'it is a good world In which we live nnd Its glorious mission is not ended Those who survive us may look back and won der that we knew so little, but we in turn can look back nnd bo grateful that wo know so much ' Feiox Ukkoouy uk Fontaine. 'I'll Merer Tell.' "I'll never tell," would bo an admira blo motto fcr a savant in souiety And spenking of never telling reminds mo of n prime requisite of an gree able man, nnd that isdiscietion Now a man may make lumsell very amusing, anil even acceptable tor a time, by tell iug, that is, by tepeating droll stories and startling on dits about people in so ciety; lie can make every ono laugh and ask questions and beg him to repeat "thnt famous funny story nbout dear Mrs. Choso" for the benefit ot somo now comer But it is n popularity as brief ns It is brilliant, Mis Choseis protty sure to hear of tho story in the end, nnd prob ably neither she nor her husband, her brother, her father, her 6on, nor her fa vorite cousin will see tho joko or aid in establishing tho uarrator's reputation as an agreeable man Also, tho person of least mathematical mind will bo apt, in presenco ot this kind of men, to put two and two together and say "Today it is Mrs. Choso, tomorrow it may be me," and so steer clear of so dangerous a wit. When Dr. Holmes lias slain hij servant with laughter he declares "1 never since have dared to be ns funny as I can." nnd it is a useful warn ing to tunny m.'ii who may slay their own social success with a bon mot. Mrs. Lksub. NEW SlUffnAflfeCOiniWiY- WH Mgj cr'"''"'xi,i'ini,ni.niiniii;iutTujjjiji.iuag Formerly of HUFFMAN & RICHTER. 1039 o STREET. NEW LOCATION, Fret Work, Sgreens and Panels CAHINKT WORK OP ALL KINDS TO ORDER. Full Line of JJ RNTELS Always in Stock, ARE .SHOWN IN Ol'R NEW WaREROOMH. NEBRASKA CABINET WORKS, COUNTERS AND WALL CASES. 1224-28 M Street. Opened Jan, 1, '81. all Improvements The Lincoln, Ti:it.MH-f J M) TO tl III. he Inttei 1 1. Ice lnclmte Until- First-Class in Every Respect! Iliiiiiliii'ti., Hull nn, l..pi,nH. W'fiire espeolnll) well prepnuil to enter tain liirirt'or xmnll icntlici lines nl HnmiiictH, HiiIIm, Heeeptloii, Kto. Unto nml full Infor mation ehturrilll) uiMiinttlK olllee. furl ii ml Utli Hi. siihAiisA Maiikki FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- AtchUon, Leavenworth, ht. Joseph,Kansas CU, St. LouU ami all Points South, East and Wet The dhect line to Ft Scott, luons Wichita, Ilulchln-on and all p-i'iclpal points in Knnas. Theonh load to the Great Hot Sptings of Arknns'a-. l'ullmau Sleepeis ail "ice Reclining Chair Carp on nil tialu. J. E. R. MILLAR, R V. ff MILLAR, City Ticket Agt GsVI V-ni jbmBW jiw ifli'i 'i H t 1 iBBEliiSBEi i lnnllftfilifiiiiin 2 1 WHHnlinUBf1lfHiBl;li 3jTHniHliUUKijlBBHHX JUL -3bbbbbbb8SHBHB5 SIDEWALK AND BUILDING ip J. A. U. MEYER, Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property aoi:nt - ---',llVJt3T'lJh,t-- .X wv h ' m i ! i I n i t North German-LloyfJ Steamship Co., 1 Inmbiirg-Ainerican Packet Co., and Baltic Lines. Alo Ruilinad Ag..-nt for the diffeicnt CoiiipanK Last and West Southampton, llawe, Hamburg, ftUKen, London, I'niK Nontax, l'h mouth, Uiemcn, Sweden, and anx point in hiuope. I'ot Orders ami Foreign Exchange issued to all prominent points In Europe. llnvlim lai','o fnellllU'son.i with the liluift-st Hanks nml nxlie.'s Iiistltullum-, I nut 1110 eil to uuilie all IciihIs of Loansou I'liM iteal Kslnte Moitinn:?, Cltv in rami Piopuily, in 1 toS nais, at the loxxet Inloiost I also ileal In elioul HoiuU, hlalo, County nml City imints, iiltii In Mnto, Connlj nml Clt Lerlllleil Claim, nml will nlwiijti pit) too highest rkotpilru. tall ami si i niuot Cm iepoml with inc. L. MEYER, ioS North Tenth Street. GOODS. TlEB uoJSbSISbbb - Nebraska's Leading Hotel. THE MURRAY Cor. Hth ami llnrnuy Sis , STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Moiloru iiipiocmeuN nml Conveniences B, BILLOW AY, Pro-rietor. UA HIQBY, Principal Clerk BRICK AND- VITRIFIED PAVERS BUGKSTAFF von tiiu- hJL5I!!o mH. im 13 lii . '' . j!I fiHtMBEiiKBiBi mjS IliKaJHeJawMhllJiatll; Jill Lllr'JDI i ITuHMHliBBill ikVbKhW" taWBBBBBiBKirjIBMlHWBMI-1 WkHf 'j