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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1891)
.' 9 "WWIV Tr' tffl-'-Vr-fnr.rT.1! '""wilwnr " " .n-i' v ii P-r - ' "IV VTfJa;' 'Tyn'-r wi iwiwmy, y ly'wyw'!!" m'svww .- A- PoPdl UR BPER ' op AX9PCRM 'TliWES tt Vofc. 6 No 43 Lincoln, Nichnaska, Satukday, Ootouicu 8, 1801. F'KICIC Fivic ClCNTS 8!Ps?ipPP7s& ilcc.o.o..c.0., -w?.(a Foster, tlio weather prophet, is Issuing n weekly letter giving n forecast of the weath er, niul ho seems to have Induced paers all over the country, respectable In number and standing, to publish It regularly. A few years ago hi forecasts apeared In one pa per, generally one w Ith which ho was con nected, and leaked out to the. rest of the coun try as best thoy could, very often In a gar bled form. The newspoior wlti made great siiort of his predictions, but many plain folks who watched events with something like rrsjiectful consideration reortod that the prophecies often came true. I have an Idea that the testimony of these observing plain folk has umde an impression on the unbelieving Philistines, und the newspapers are not as Irreverent as they were. Many of them, apparently, have come to tho con clusion that there may be something In It there aro so many wonderful discoveries In these modern days, you know and thoy aro hedging to savo their reputations, for you know the press must bo infallible, V The first time I met Foster he was at Des Molnes reporting the Iowa legislature for the Ilurllngton Hawkeye. Ho was a middle aged man with a full beard and a sober face with a suggestion of sadness in Its lines. In manner he was slow and methodical. The other correspondents were young, active and cheerful, and I imagine the contrast rather emphasized Foster's age and sedateness. At any rate, certain members of the legislature seemed to find pleasure in quizzing the weather prophet. In his desk were a num lxr of charts covered with lines and figures, and circles representing planets. 1 am not sure that Foster ever ate dinner, for ho seem ed to utilize the noon hour, when tho long rnnnrtttV dunlin tvnn fr,m find the bis leelsla- tlve hall was quiet to pull out his clnrts and plunge into interminable mathematical cal culations. Tho lawmakers often found him so engrossed when they returned from their dinners, and wise in their own conceit, they badgered tho philosopher for explanations of the meaning of his charts, or If they wished to appear particularly smart they asked him to forecast tho weather for the following week. Sometimes Foster gave tho desired Information, but more often he evaded tho question. He always hud an air of patient endurance, as though ho hud long since dis covered the futility of trying to educate the ignorance of the world. The nest time I met Foster was in Omaha, where he was employed as editorial writer on the Republican during the Wilcox regime. Our association at DesMolnes had established a bond of acquaintance, aud as I had au honest Interest in the man and his theory, ho talked more freely about himself than I bad ever heard him before. Foster had been on the platform for many years lecturing on scientific subjects, and had then taken to newspaper work. His theory of the weather is based on the belief that all the planets aro surcharged with electricity. Ho believes that electrical energy Is the only force in the universe, though It appears to uslnmodlforms. Hence when two planets, in their flight around tho sun, comu nearer each other by several million miles tho re sult Is an electrical disturbance. When tho earth happens to bo one of these planets' the electrical disturbance results in a storm. Foster's plan, therefore, Is to compute tho movements of the sun, tho planets and tho moon. Dy ascertaining wheii these will ap proach the earth he fixes the date of his elec trical disturbances or storm period. The severity of the storms vary uccordlng to the size or tho number of the planets whoso elec trical force Is uctiug on that of tho earth. Knowing what wodoubout electricity, Fos ter's theory Is not such a very unreasonable one, und if we onco accept tho proposition that the planets are overflowing with elec tricity, the theory Is exceedingly plausible. I quizzed Foster about various proposi tions that ho advanced, but he had a ready unsw er for every objection. It was evident he had given tha matter long and careful study, and he was loaded for just such at tacks. The walls of his editorial den were hung with (.'hurts, aud in a corner stood a rudo contrivance to represent tho solar sys tem. At tho top of a stundard was a ball reprinting tho sun. At varying distances fiom the sun were tin circles to represent tho orbits of the planets. Tho hitter wero represented by smaller balls, each having a lg that went through convenient holes in the tin orbits. By this simple contrivance the philosopher could change tho positions of the planets from time to time aud have au adjustable model ef our 6olar system. Why does every pair of lovers in society dtem it necessary to deny their engagement lifter It has actuully been entered upon I Tho butterflies seem to think It a pretty comedy aud they ullpluy star parts in the little per formance, Of course the devotion of two youug people prominent in society will at tract attention and cause comment long bo fore an engagement ensues. Hut after the sentimental contract is made why lib ubout it and protest vehemently uud repeatedly that "tuint so" Ono can imagine proud souls us resenting tho unwarranted InquUls tlveness of friends und gossips, but even that hardly justllles lying. Homo ono might set tho fashion of treating the curious rubble with a lofty disdain that would dlsconceit them and cust doubt in their inferences. It would at least be a change Ironi the pieseut style of falsehood, Any one who has visited the site of the worlds fair must be Impressed with the col nssul courage of those Chicugo people. Tho outside woild umlei stands that the tuir is lo cated In Juckson pin k, but to the visitor it iooks us though they hud chosen u most un promising tnndhaiik just outside the park for tho main buildings. Kverythlug Is chaos now. From tho pork proor one looks out over n sandy waste stretching back from the lake for several hundred feet without a tree or a bladb of grass. At ono place a steam shovel or dredge Is scooping out a big ditch from the lake, and elsewhere the sand is reared in hot, unsightly hummocks, It looks llko mi ImiHissiblo feat to make this beach a sightly and presentable place for tho fair, but the Chicago people have sworn to do It, and do it they will leyond doubt. Tho Job Is a colossal one, and their courage par takes of Its magnitude. The frame work of several of the main buildings is already up, and somo of them aro set back from tho Inko shore among tho trees. Tho statu buildings have bejn located in what Is properly Jack son park, mid many of IU lino tress will havu to bo sacrificed. Nebraska has secured a conspicuous slto on tho left of ono of the main entrances, where its building will 1 o seen by nil who pass in that way. V Ilov. Mr. Hurchard of "rum, Ilomanlsm and rebellion" memory is dead. You may know nothing of that gentleman, but he elected 0 rover Cleveland president of these United States. Tho election of 1SS-1 hinged upon tho result in Now York state. Maine's friendliness for Ireland had won several thousand Irishmen to his cause, and ho was In a fair way to carry the empire state. Of course a great msjorlty of tho Irish o ters wero Catholics. Just lioforo tho elec tion six hundred clergymen cillcd on Maine In New York and Mr. Hurchard, lielng the oldest among them was chosen as their spokesman. Ho made an addresi to tho re publican leader, expressing their devotion to his candidacy, and In tho course of It tho old minister stigmatized tho democracy as tho representative df "rum, Hoinaiilsm and rebellion." The effect was llko au electric hock. Tho democratic papers and sK.akers took It up and pretended that tho ullltero stlvo remark represented Mr. Maine's sentl incuts. Of course the catholics were indig nant ut having their religion classed with se cession and whisky, anil they deserted the republican leader. Cleveland carried New York by only 1047 votes. In all human probability Main would have cai ried It and lieen president but for the II. It. It. remark of Hurchard. The incident shows how im portant may be the results flowing from a trilling bit of fanaticism. How fast a horse may u clergyman own A Methodist conference over In Iowa has disciplined a good brother for the offense, of owning a speedy roadster. Now horses ure fast only by comparison. Kveryequlne beast is faster than some and slower than others, Now the query arises, How speedy a nag may a minister own without fracturing tho clerlcul proprieties Clearly the Iowa confer ence did not do a finished job. It should have fixed u gait say about WW for the mile and thus In effect have said to its mem bers: Thus fast may yo go, but no faster. There are more ways than ono of looking at a thing. When tho average person sees u young woman putting in ten hours at a type writer Is likely todeploro tho long hours nnd the stooping of tho shoulders; and the young girls themselves! One of them, when these things wero mentioned tho other day, said: "I don't mind that so much as I do tho fact that It will In time spoil my hands' I think there Is nothing prettier than taper lingers do you I The constant striking on the keys of n typewi Iter with tlie ends of tho lingers blunts and spreads them, and In time makes them look as square as the lingers of a girl employed in hard manual labor. You can see the elfect in my own hands. I iiio-tTy use the first and second lingers in striking the keys. See the difference between tlieui and the third and fourth lingers. There is no way I know of to prevent this effect on the lingers except oh, no, not yet! but he isn't bail looking, aud lie is a pleasant man to work for." Women aro getting mure consideration every day in this glorious country of ours. In New York a number of tho leading banks are making special efforts for the deposits of women, and tho result has beeu very grati fying. In two or three cases banks have fit ted up building in such manner that female iwtrons need not come in contact with male deiwsitors. They have their own entrances aud windows, also toilet and waiting rooms. The wits have often made merry at tho exs penso of these women, nnd have written up somo real as well as many imaginary stories of the woy women "make a mess of It" In the banking business. It has been charged, for example, thut women aro so busy with drawing out funds that the often forget to deposit money for future withdrawal. There Is the venerable joke of the woman who said to Ler husband: "Why, my money is all gone, und my check look Is not half used up." There Is the other grayhalred veteran about arlstocratlo women who order the bank to send money to their houses as though It were so much sugur or silk. It has been charged thut women ure apt to overdraw their accounts on the strength of their hus bands' known responsibility, thinking thut susceptible bank otllclals will not refuse their checks. They have been accused of jiestur lug tellers with checks for trilling sums. It has been said that they are always surprised when their deposits ri e exhausted nnd that they invariably distrust the banks figures. The fact remains, however, thut tho banks which get tho most of these deyosits show no desiio to get lid of them, but aro after moie. While it may not be equally us cheap, the engraved invitation or calling card Is rapid ly taking tho place of the cheap looking nnd time worn printed goods. There is some thing rich and nrtfstiu looking ubout them. They have the appearance of chaste and re fined taste uud lu themselves speak volumes for the party using them. Nothing liner can bo had. And us to tho price well , there's not a gieat difference between tho printed aud engraved, Tho art of copper plate eu gi living has gotten into so many hands In tho Inst few years that competition has greatly reduced tho price, so that tho gener al public has accepted tho best at a little mm o expense In preference to tho cheaper work turn out on a printing press. All en graved work Is stamped by hand, engraved by hand and likewise Is hand finished, whllo the printed stationary generally comes from a steam power pics. Tun Cot) hi Kit olllce, as has boon tho caw for seven years, Is head quarters for all classes of society work, either printed or engraved and Its samples of work dono in tho past show just the workmanship that wo furnish on all aiders. In printed caids wo hovo tho choicest styles from ono dollar tier hundred upward, while lu tho fin est uinirnveil work we liirnlsh one hundred cards nnd a specially engraved plate fort f'J.SO, which is Just fifty cents cheaper than Is charge 1 by Chicago houses that furnish the siiiio grade of engraving and cards. Tho stock used in all our engraved work Is strictly llrst class and tho very best quality that money can buy. As to prices of our finest engraved Invitations, they range from about ten dollars a hundred upward, depend Ing altogether on tho number of lines neces sary to bo engraved. Lincoln ladles llko the fair sex of other cities aro gradually accept ing the engraved work lu preference to that formerly used. Seven years ugo compara tively few of our ladles used an engraved calling curd today over one-hulf of their calls aro mado with them. After tho Urst order Is given, tho plato Is tho property of tho customer and may be left with us for safe keeping, after which each 1(X cards cost mill f I.. 111. This price, after tho plato Is once engraved, Is fully us cheap as a good printed card. Wo aro always glad to show our samples aud fully explain tho work. Indies ure invited to cull. A. C. Anson, captain and manager of tho Chicago club, whoso picture npjiear on this this page, In now the biggest man in the base, ball business. With a team of Colts, ho will prohaby U-ut the veteran clubs of the National League lu their rnce for tho pen nant of lb'Jl. Anson was born in Marshal town, la., uud bus been u prominent figure on the ball field for many years. His base ball career began with amateur nines of his native city, in lSG'J. He remained, an ama teur until tho end of the season of 1S7D. Ills first professional engagement was with the Forest Citys of 1 lock ford, III., lu IsTl. Almost from tho start Anson was a brilliant success us an all 'round player. He gained such a reputation while with the Forest Citys that he was engaged III Vi by the Athletic Club of Philadelphia, I'u., which was at thut time the champion organization. Anson remaiued with the Athletics until the close of tho season of IS.'!. In lSttl, how over, he went to tho Chicago club, where he has been ever since. As manager and cap tain , Anson lias few if any equals, and certainly no superior In the profession. His value as a player, captain aud manager, can not be overestimated, us may readily be judged by the able way in which he has, during tho past year brought his experimen tal team to the front lu tho National Leaguo, and kept them there nearly the whole of the season, despite tho great odds he has had to contend against. St. Louis Sporting Sews. For months and mouths, nye, years, the State Jon null's Sunday edition has secured much of its reiort of society doings from the columns of Tin: Couitiun, very often taking them liodlly without even a change of word ing. Oft times tlio mistakes that are bound to occur in getting lists of names also appear. THE Couuieu has all friendly feeling tor its able contemporary anil has never before raised an objection but it does not seem to be treating tills paper with proper courtesy to continually use its reports without giving the ci edit due. If the Journal would occas ionally appropriate uu item there would le nothing said, In fact wo are willing to as sist them to that extent, but to make It a weekly practice Is taking advantage of good iiatuio The Couuieu has two reorteis out all neck gathering social news for which it pit) s them well. Why then should the Journal not do likewise if thuy want to cover the same fleldl Certainly they can uf foul it as well as The Cot' 111 tit. Special Co u it mi Correspondence.! Nr.W Youk, Sept. !'(. "Nero," an Italian drama lu live acts, by Cossa and (leolettl nud worded into English for lllclmrd .Mans field by T. ltiisscll Sullivan, was pioduced at the Harden Theatre on Monday liefoio a large audience. Tho play Is consistent, dig fillled and on tho whole well wiltteu. Mr. Mansfield's Nero Is tho Jaded, vicious1 callous, rowaully CVsar handed down by history to (gnoiiilsy a Co-sor whoso bestial Instincts have lieen sated with lustful caprice whoso loves are sensual and tigerish, hlsouly redeem Ing quality being tho lovo of art. Hill Nye's first attempt at comedy, "Tho Cadi," was seen for the llrst tlmo in Now York also on Monday, at tho Union Square Theatre. Tlipmts Q. Seabrooko apcared 111 the title role, a personage supposed to represent Nyo himself. Ho has more Hues than Hamlet uud Is made up as n bald-headed, red-nosed, thin vlsaged uud spectacled Individual w ho says funny things In a quaint manner. John J. McNnlly's newest force comedy, "Hoys and Girls," i oceived Its llrst Metropolitan repre sentation on Monday at tho 1'ark Theatre. It Is made up of such antics as boys uud gll Is are'i'ommouly supposed to do and Is suto to repeat the success achieved on tho road, John Douglas' "Darlington's Widow" has also made its Metiopolltuti debut timing tho wfeek at the Columbus Theatre It has material for a good play. Tho fun of the piece consists of the attempts of Adonis Featherlleld aud Mrs. Darlington to hide from each other the fact that euch one has a stelichlld a boy and n girl who aro older than themselves, and the attempts of Mr. Feathenleld to marry his daughter Fellclte toi Captain Compass. Sydney Itoseiifeld's new play, "Tho Club Friend," lu which Roland Heed Is playing ot the Star Theatre, Is doing a very poor business and will proh abljj not servo tho talented comedian For soma years everybody has been looking toward Mr. Hosenfeld to write a great play, but lie has misted Are once more and will hayi to try again. "The Soudan," at tho Acajlemy, is also doing badly aud the play wllljnot have as long a New York run as wus oUofted to It. Neither will "Nlobe," at the Hljoii, which shows unmistakable signs of weakening. "Tno Struggle of Life," at the Standard, and "The Dancing Girl," ut the Lyceum, at llrst not well recelvtd, have both Jumped Into popular favor. A: DU.NLOl". The 'he uuthorsof "Tho Charity Hall" and uora luuuue) urougui 10 me construc tion of "Men and Women" cousumate ability in dj-umutizatiou. Perhaps no two men at prefent writing for tho American stage pov gesso similar aptitude lu literary composl tiorj'nud a like knowledge of diamatlc pre requisites. DeMille uud Helasco form a singularly fortunate combination, their long acquaintance with the practlcol of the theat rical profession ndded to their acknowledged creative ability and lightness of touch, giv Ingtheiu a decided advantage over most playwrights who write plays as they write books. Their work Is invariably skillfully done nud is withal distinguished by Its artis tic finish. "Men and Women" is a fit com parison of the earlier pieces. A simple story , not strikingly original, Is told m a way that must charm the most collotis nnd Indifferent. There nro no iridescent flights of genius, rather a steady stieoni of llne-tait. HialUm is the end sought for and In the successful attainment ot the desideratum there Is no sacrflce of the subtlety which is sometimes supposed to accompany only the ideal. Hu mor in its purest strain ss blended with leal lathos harmonizing perfectly, anj the story of real life Is told us only aitists can tell it. The basis of the narative is the loss of valua ble bonds from the vault of the Jefferson National bank and from this somen hat com monplace beginning is woven it natural uud .r !i .i i.. I . - .- . reasonable story with tho Interest always centered In thu batik, around which tho shadow of bankruptcy seems Inqiendlng. Defalcation nnd liilrlunn urn Invnlv-.ti ,.iii, love and matchmaking and seriousness Is mingled with fun. It Is it ploy with wrong doing without a villain. Kven tho defaulter Is raised from self lninsed Infamy to n mor al horn. Tho tone throughout Is elevating. ".Men and Women" Is a play tho seeing of which leaves one with a more exalted Idea of mankind with mow consideration for man's liillrmltles. 'TIs too bad tl ero aro not mom such. Charles Frohnmn, under whoso dlrco tlon It was produced, following the custom which ll'is mildo Ills uomn vtiiuieiiiinw will. excellence, has selected Ids cguinny with uu u nun iineiiiguiice, tho ladles and gentlo nieu to whoso euro tho pleeo is committed lire ill eveiv wuv calculali4l tmlii li r..ll and TiikCouiiiku but echoes tho Judgment of every person who wus ut tho Funko Mon day night, when It u)h that no more llnlshed lieiiormancoiioseter lioen seen lu the city. It tanks with "Tll.l rinn-ltu II..II It v Sothern uud his supiwrt In "Lord Chumley" nnd Kobson'M "Henrietta" nud It has somo points siiierlor to them oil. There nro no "stars" in the compunyi neither aro thorn any sticks. All nro capable actors. Miss Lleuuor Tyndalo familiar to Lincoln theatre KOersthroiiL'h lu.riiiltii.tb,, wi, i,.hui..... undoali" and other productions and who iiussmsvs it iioumo interest with many through her lehitloiishlp to tho Wcsterman family of tills CltV WIIH UlVlll H V'nrv ....r.ll.l . .1.... the iwkji taut 10I0 ot "Mis. Koto Delo- neiu. one devilled honors very evenly with "Agnes Itodmon," K)r(roytsl by Miss Ksther Lynn, who inorred her otherwise effective acting by Indistinct speiiklng. Tho tatter's fuliitlng scene lu the third ait was thorough I)' oilgiiial; so much sous to effect tho rlsi Millies of a iinrtfnn ut 1 1 ... ...,,ii...... i. -- .......i-uiv. tv could not bo culled unnatural, however. mo minor iimuie paits were uniformly well taken. Mr. Hardy Vernon us "Mr. Stiil tnuif1 succeeded ndmlrablv In iiu ili.n .. cold blooded, hard hearted attorney with seiiiMi.inumis miner a II lendly and pleasing exterior In tho third act his was a tr)lng position : llllt he SUsttlne.1 lilnmolr iv..ll Tho "Governor Hodman" of Mr. Theodore nummon, with ids Imtiertublllty and cool mss, his gentleness uud manly bearing was a telling bit of staue ait. Mr. f)iilin r..,... seiited tho president of the bank in a way wiui ieu nun, 10 io ueslreil and Mr, Hyron Douglas as tho cashier n.ude thu most or n dllllciilt part. "Zuchiiry T. Kip," Mr. Thus. J. Wise, the Jovial ccngiessmoii from New Jersey guve us something new uud frtsh and wus ultogether enjoyublo, his entcrviow with the widow being particularly entertaining. "Sam Dclufleld," just a bit suggestive of ton" were equal to their parts and not a sin gle churrcter wus in Incoiwblo hands. The climax of excellence InMen and Women" is in tho third act, tho midnight meeting of the bank directors. It Is tho culmination of stage realism und there uro few more effec tive hci-ueH In the whole realm of modem theatricals. It Is it pleasure to tto nble to say that the phty in every woy deserved tho at tention It recelvtd In this city. Every vocunt seat ut tho Klllike Wediies duy evening reprtsenttd somebody who wnsn't"in it." Tho audience while not small was not us largo us Itshoiild have been. "Mr. Wilkenson' Widows" Is tho story of the complications which ensued after tho deuth of Mr. of Mr. Wilkeiisou, who llko Jim Hludso hud two wives, ono lu ISdluburgh and one In Iondou The IJilluburg wife was Inclined to flirt. After the demise of Wil kinson both wldowk runarrled and Major I'. Ferguson Malloiy a gay lotharlo, creates it sensutlon by recounting to tho huslwiid of the Loudon wife, the Innocent one. tho story of his little affair with the former Mrs. Wilkinson. Of course tho husband Imagines that his wifo Is the ono Implicated and from this follow h a story of misunderstanding in which affairs Income hopeltssly tangled. Miss Essie Tllttell, "Mrs. I'erclvnl IVrin" the innocent widow won applause for her superior work. Tho otlur widow, Nina Heyward did not do so well, but then so much was not expected. Frank Norcrcs , "Mr. 1'ercival I'errln" had a keen npprecla tlon of the inabilities of his psrt and his creation was delightfully facile. Neil O'llrlen made a jovial and taking "Mullory" with his smiling visage and eosy laugh. "A Trip to Chinatown" was given its sec ond performance in Lincoln at the Funko Thursday evening. It is the same conglom eration of Inconsistencies as of yore, with tho same doubtful humor and brood suggestions. This afternoon at 'J o'clock the (loldeu organization will give a grand ladles and children matinee. The piece selected Is "The Little Duchtss" a very clever comedy. To night the engagement close with "Our Hachelors." The company engaged to in terpret these plays ore of the best available talent. Matinee juices are child ren 35 cents adults SO cents. nOKItlHO.N I.N KAl'hT. That powerful American actor, Mr. Lewis Morrison, will be seen at Funke's Tuesday evening in n version of that part of Goethe's fmmoital Faust which tells the story of Mar guerite. The study of Faust Is elaborate and carries the proiier impression of austere gloom, and the (city quuie Is very clever. Hernnrd's Jewel business is placed lu Mar querite's room, but Mr. Morrison adopts the device of the ojiera and puts it in the giiideu, which is set almost precisely in the same way but very hindsoniely. The "square of the fountain," in Niirenburg, with the spires and roof of the iity thrown into high relef against the sunset ky, is u ry handsome scene. The fourth act 1 on the summit of the Hrockeii mountain, and is remarkably striking. Very few ploys other than those, which weie itvowcdly spectacles and little or nothing more, ever having beeu produced In this countiy, with equal seenlo mid median leal eluboi oteness. THE HIIK.VANIIOAII. Few American peoplo have won the suo cess uud admiration that has been mvordisU this great military drama, and although In Its third season, Its popularity remains un diminished. It Is needless for Tin: Co uiiicu to Introduce tho company to Lincoln theatre' goers, but an extract from tho Now York lleroUl which opoars below will prnvo ample recommendation for its merits this season: "Shenandoah" Is a far better play thou "Henrietta." Tho second nnd third acts show us it charming view of tho Shen andoah Valley and the Interest deepens until it culminates lu u distant buttlo scene and tho temporary defeat of the Federals, The retreat of the Union forces is lBKtttarM ef- fMHTft Ttf frmfnir TVIwarm "!' 'WWaijdojFlirHkriVbm'.tbeTilCto the gallery tho verdict Is the same. I He Shena iiilooh Vulley scene Is admirable staged and Sheridan's rfdo down tho ranks causes an explosion in tho house," Shenandoah will be at the Funke's Wednesday oveuim;. KIIA.NK DAMKI.H "LITTLE I'UCK." Who Is there that knows anything about tho stage or that goes to tho theatre that docs not know of Frank Daniels) Lovers of pure comedy thut huvo seen the greater number of success.- remember Mr, Daniels In all his varied triumphs. Starting In ten years ago lu Atkinsons Kletrlcul Doll, then as "Spoil" In a ling Hah)' and in-i hups u half dozen other successful characters. Ho has always been that Jolly, good mitured and clever entertainer. Daniels has a pe culiar stylo of acting that actually belongs solely to him. His every move is quaint and unlike any one else, uud his dialogue is pe- cullorly his own. Others have tried to Imi tate him, but made a dismal failure of It notably Charlie Heed In the Hag llaby, this play by the way having lost Its brilliancy abandoned by Hoyt shoitly after Pun lets took tho road as a -tor. Likewise tho charac ter of Johny lloblo Twit lu the ''Elo ctrlcal Doll" which character he made famous anil dietl with his withdrawal from tho company. The Couuieu has watched Mr. Daniels' course from the start, and his sitccesstst . everywhere have placed him in tho front rank with America's most celebrated, comedy artists. Ho w 111 lie seen at Funke's Friday evening, supported by clever cast lit tho greatest success of his career "Little I'uck," which was seen at Fuuke's last season anil gave universal satisfaction. THOriCALTHEATUICAL TALK. Arthur H. Chase is building another New York theatre on paper. The Minnie Hauk Opera Company U-gau its tour at the Chicugo Grand Opera House Monday. Oossip has It that Murle Jansen, Just re turned from Europe, is to marry II, C, Has.,, of Hiiss ale fame. Edward Hariignu has begun rehearsals on his new play, yet unnamed, which will Iw put on when "Hellly uud the -U0" begins to. drop. McKee llaiiklu has become it grandfather, his daughter Gladys, now Sirs. Sydney Diew, having presented her liege lord with a bouncing baby boy. (Continued on page 5 ) ar