Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1891)
t 41.1 iuim 'WrW .1 ' CAPITAL CITY .COURIER,, SATURDAY, AUGUST j, 18.91. JU . mmmmm WHta : st . -o POPULATION OF LINCOLN 66,000, - ATTEND SEMI-ANNUAL Clearing Sale of MILLINERY Everything Reduced One Half from former Price. OPERA HOUSE CORNER. TAKE NOTICE! The Couhikh will nut In rvNiiilbl for any debt made Ity ' "" '" "M "'"" " etis a written order nocoinpiinlo the same, H. R. NISSLEY&CO. COR TKNTII AN'l) P ST. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS n specially.- A mil lino of Dr. Warner' and Hall' Corset HOHIKHY, liNDKHWKAK ANI Kll llt.OVKS III I it rite assortment. Wo luive llio agency for The Buttorlck's Patterns. H. R. NISSLEY&CO. Tim Courier Can be fniniil At Hotel Lincoln News Hliiud. WlmUor Hold NcwsHtnnd. Capital Hotel Now Miami. Odell's Dining Hull NuwsHtnnd, IWrt.O HI. The Gotham New Htuml. I1H Hoiltli lltli Ht. Tliu Aihix, 111 North llth Htroot. Kd. Yiiuiik, HMO O Htrvot. Clnson.KlctohnrACo., IIAiOHtreet. Wosternolit's Harbor Hhop, llnrr Wook. International News Emporium, ISO O Ht Hon Ton Uigur Htoro, KM North llth Street. Mooro' Now Htnnd.llrt South llth Htroot. UTAH oxtrn supply of paper In ulwiiyx loft at tho Uothitm, In ohm' til her Newsdealer supplies run Nhort. Cool Shirts AND UNDERWEAR W. R. DENNIS & CO. 1137 O Street. ' Church Advertisement. Commencing April IliKt, Tiik Couuikh will Insert notice lHirtnlnlng to sociables, festival, lecture, meetings ami sermons for ull churched free of charge. Advertisement for entertainments where, an admission l charged will Im Inserted lit one-half the reg ular rate. Minn l.ultl Chirk rHnt Thtirr-luy III Oiiuiliu Mr J II Mnrtln In vlMtlnnt Hot HprliiK" Mr. C C. Mniseb'ftnn Tuesday for Call- fornlu. Judgn O. Hprlng. Mr. Tom M Ki Mny. Mis LlbbloHeiioiost the oast. Mr It. C Tmgdi-ii I visiting nt MhttiMin, Illinois. Moitoti Hinlth spent 1-ildiiy In P Mnxon ha rctnrniMl from Hot Cooko mux mi Oinnhu visitor Iiiik letmneil from Million Hmlth vMled Beulllou Lcwl ami rorsonal. Whttehr st Coal ami Lime Company. L. Barr.Joweler, HMO street. Ruth M. Wood, M. D liMtl 1 street. Lincoln Ice Co., lOtU O Ht. Telephone 118. Eugeue Hallett, diamond merchant, 113 N Eleventh street. Oeo. A, lUynier, coal ami wood. 'Phone :tW). 1134 O street. Henry Harpham sell chamois skin for carriage cleaning. Canon City Coal at the Whitebreast Coal and Ltnie Co. 100 fluent engraved calling cards and plate for t&f" at Thk Couhuh office. Try "The Finest" for Ice CreaniH, Ice, Cake and Candle, ISM) O street. Ladle kid gloved cleaned or colored at Lin coln Steam Dye works, 1KW O street. Mist C. J. Qullmetto, modiste, second floor' Exposition building. Take elevator. Dr. C. b! Manning removed to new oftloeM, rooma'-SJ and Si. sccoml tloor llurr block. Cabinet Uth for ladles, given by Mm. H. 1). Catlln, profewlonal maiweur, aM nouth Twelth tret, Kennard block. JWSJ -It Ladles can have their tarty drenmrs cleaned by the French dry process at tho Lincoln steam dye works 1105 O street "Not how cheap, but how good" is the motto of the new Btudlo Ia Grande. Call and see their work, 124 south Twelfth street. Gentlemen should now get out their Ian Hummer's suit, take It to the Lincoln Hteaiu dye works 1105 O street and have it cleaned, dyed, repaired or pressed out. Coal of every sice from the best mines in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado and Wyoming for sale by (leo.-A. lUymer. Telephone . Office UIU O street. Wedding invitations, either printed or en graved lu the f next style of the art at Thi Courikh otllce. Correct forms and best quality of stock guaranteed. Samples cheer fully shown, Commutation tickets at Brown's restau rants (good at either place), five dollars for four dollar. This makes prices lower than any other place in the city when the prices charged on bill of fare U considered , Qkolooihth Havk Decided the earth's earth's crust to be over 100 miles thick. Thi is about the thtckne of the man' head who buys bis railroad tickets by some inferior and poorly equipped line, when he could get a ticket by the "Burlington" at the tarn rate. Mr W Oiniilm Mr. W Tm"day Mln Merlin Burr returned fium Cietu Tucfflny. MrH. M. ImiIm'IIk Bond lift for Chicago Thin odny. Mm. II N. Doicynf I'lultMnoutlilNvlnltiiiK lit tlifi'lly MIm Klttln Kleutch Iiiih riturncl from u vMt to Oiniihii. Mix. K. II. Itighter Is enjoying n vlxit nlth filctiiU in Denver, MIm ICntcr Joiich In vUltlng her xUter, Mrx Keriy of Omnlia, Mix, J. W. Winger returned Wednextlny from Miincle, liul. Mix. Uurd left Hiimlny to visit friend at Dcx Miiliicx, Iowa, Mr J. M. I'Minluxton mid win departed for Ht. lnilxyexterlMiy, Mr JauifxK, Kerrlx has lieen xiendiug the wivk lu Black Hlllx. Mlxx Klorenco Hawley returned Thursday, from Nebraska City. Mr. It. B. Wilson Iiiih returned from a visit to Albany, N. Y. Mr. Chai'llu Crow returned Monday from a trip to the Tai'illi) coast. MtwxrH A. J. Itiistlu and Walter A. Hcott have gone to Han Kiauclxco. Mr H. K Hay is attending the gi'iinil en- caiiipmunl at Detroit, Mich, Mr. mid Mrs. Chat lex Marshall are vlill lug with friends lu Denver. Mrs. A. U Joluon of Crete is the guest of her sister, Mix. A. 1. Fair. Mr. H. T Ht John litis returned from a two week's outing at Hplrlt Lake. Miss Henrietta Hawley Iiiih icturncd from a vllt to Cedar Itnplds, Iowa. Mr. It. I.. Mutcalf of the Omaha World Herald wax lu Lincoln this week. Dr. C. K. Ladd Iiiih gone for a brief visit to his old home, Whllo Hall, Illinois. Mrx. O. It. Oakley entertained a few filumUnt Button and HoIIowIiusVh. Ml Wiley of Dunkirk, New York, U th guct of Mr. and Mix. M. 1). TilTnuy. Mr. H. I). Kllpatriek and Mix Hay Ktlpat tick of Beatrice ate visiting In the city, Mr and Mrx. W. 1. McAithur left yester day for a trip to the. Black Hill country. Mis Lillian Hunting of Clinton, lown, in the guest of Mrs. W. J. Cooer, tilltt J stieet. Minxes Ona Iiuhoir, Htella Klllottaud l.illlo Toft are visitiiiK Mix Htella Karris in Omaha. Colonel W. F. Kelly left Tuesday for a three weck'x visit at his old home in Cincin nati. Miss lottie Thomas of Omaha is visiting her cousin, Mi-w Mamie Uiegg, at lit 1 1 T street. Mr. Hubert W. Furnas of Browuvillc, sec retary nf the state board of agriculture i in the city. Mix K. A. Kiinpp left WMlttewlayfor Alii unco, Neb., where she httx a large clasx lu painting. Misei Margie Winger, Hoho Foster and Beeslo Boyden ale vliitlug In tint TIioiiik,uii at Omaha. Mrs. . liowan of Concordia, lvas.,is visiting Mrx. W K. Kirker, IkJH south Heveii teeuth street. A company of M street Indies contemplate giving a picnic next Wednesday afternoon and evening. L. Wilson, the druggUt, left last Huuday for a two weeks' visit at hlx old home lu IiOgaussirt, lud. Dr. F. 8. Billings left Monday for Chicago to meet Mrs. Billings, who has been visiting in New Kugland. Mr. U W. Hinlth ha gone to Kirkvllle, Mo,, where he will spend several weeks vis iting with friend. Hon. James Kelly, excise commissioner, and wife have returned from their sojourn to Colfax Hprlngs, la. Mr. M. E. Paddock started Monday for hi former home in Illinois where he will re main until Heptember. Mrs. H. B. Hawyer ami baby Helen left Monday evening for a two weeks visit with her mother in Michigan. G. C. Ht. John und bride nrrived yesterday lu Uncom, ntler a weiMing tour of three mouths. Mr. and Mrs, Ht. John are stov ping at the Lincoln Hotel. Mr. Abe Btelnberg and family of Topeka, Kas., are vUltlug Mr. and Mrs. Barr at their residence 1218 Q street. Mr. and Mm, B. It, (Jowdery and fimlly retumeil Monday from a visit to Halt Lake City. Denver and other points. Mr. W . Townsend, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. E. 1. Holmes, returned Mon day to his home in Utica, N, Y. Mrs. Thomas H. Benton, Miss Muggle Eng lish ami Miss Gertie Aiken left Huuday for an outing at Hplrlt Like, Iowa. The Misses Nouah and Nina Lawe of Mon roe, Mich., are the guest of Ml. Kim Kick etU at Eighteenth and M streets. Dr. Leonhardt and daughter left Wednes day for Buffalo, N. Y., the lakes and the islands of the Ht. lawrence river. MUa Georgle Hawk arrived from Nebraska City Thursday and is the guest of Miss Halite Hooper at Eighteenth and M streets. Mr. W. C. I'omfret, accompanied by her daughter left Thursday for Washington City, where she goe to visit relative. Mr. B. Behne, who has been staying in Lin coln for the past three mouths, returned to his home lu l'ropheUtown, III., Monday. Mr. F, F. Boose went to Grand Island Monday to meet with the A. O. U. W. Fi nance committee In session at that place. visiting in Lincoln till wek ami lm nlKiut dit'liloil to make Lincoln hi pvrinniieiit home. Ml'sJMnu Lnimtif DeiMnliiM, In. I" the guest nf her sister, Mrs, W H, Hummel on II street and "111 remain iliirlngtho summer Prof George W. Hill, who litis liten spend ing hi vncntioti In the east, will return next week to ohii a cIiim In elocution ami oratory Mr and Mrs. H L Hinlth, Mr ntnl Mrs D. D. Pleison, and Mln Mary MiKirn left WiilmMlay for a visit to Hot Hprlngs, H. D. Mr. and Mi. George Wiley, who have la-en visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Tiffany, left Wednesday for their home In Dunkirk N. Y. Mr. M. A. Warren, Mi's Fay Warren and Master Hurry Warren of Jersyvllle, III., are the guests (,f Mr. C W. Cockrell, nt tlie l.lucolu. Mlsx Etta Mnwu left yesterday for Clilcngo euioutttto Htirluglleld, Illinois, wheie she will sK-nd several weeks visiting friend and relative". Mls Clarkle Pace, after visiting at Wex tervlllu a inoutli, hn leturnetl and I mice more at home to friends at Twenth sixth and N stieet, Mr. D. Cunningham of Cadi, O., presi de! t of tliu Harrison National hank Is in thu city on a visit to his son, Mr. John B. Cun ningham. Mis Hi-leu M. Ntiuce, daughter of ex gov ernor AlblntiN Nance, I a guest nt the home of her mint, Mm. V. C. Blnrens, nt '-''VIS Gar field street. Miss Alice Coffey and sister of Chicago, HI., arrived In this city Thursday ami are the guests of Mr. and Mi. John Filgerald nt Mt. Emerald. Mrs. Liuranud Miss Louisa McGrew loft Wednesday evening for Montrose and Fort Madison, lown, where they will visit for several day. Mr. Ackertnnn left Huuday for the eust wheie he will remain u few weeks, purchas ing his fall Hue and securing nil early selec tion of novelties, Mix, Henry II, llnrth, who ha U-eii visit ing Hot Spring, Odell, Custer and other pleasure resort of .South Dakota for the past month, ha returned. The monthly social of the Plymouth Con grcgtttiounl church was held lant WednestUy evening on Mr. Walllngford'slawn at Heveii- teeuth and Clieny streets. Mr. and Mr. H. J. Tuttle und daughter, Ml Helen, nre lu Boston visiting their daughter, Mis Daisy, who 1 completing her musical studies in that city. A very enjoyable party was given by Mr and Mr. Barr nt their home 1218 Q street Inst Haturdny afternoon In honor of their guest Miss Iittlo Steinberg "f Topeka, Knh. Mr. ami Mrx. J. II. Howe and grandson, Harry Murray, who have been visiting ith fi lend au relatives lu Denver and Colorado Hprlngs for the past two mouths, returned Thursday. Mr. and Mr. F. A. Brown returned Mon day from n three week' trip to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Toronto and down the Ht Lawrence river through tho Thousand Island to Mon treal anil Quebec. Mr. Will Walton of the Clark & Leoimr Investment company Is enjoying quite an ex tended vacation. He stopped off lu the city last Huuday on hi way from Halt Lake City to Toronto, Canada, and the east. Mrs. B. W. Preston mid little daughter Edith, of Oskaloosa, la., arrived in Lincoln Thursday and will spend several week visit ing with thu family of Mr. and Mr. M. A. Blauchard, nt 0.14 south Tenth street. The Misses Bertha mid Birdie Hughes enter tained ii fuw friend at their home. Twenty fourth and O street Thursday evening it high live. Elegant refreshments were nerved mul a pleasant time was enjoyed by all pro tent. Thu approaching nuptial of Mr. George A. Crnuccr mid Mis Mnuilo Yott I an nounced for next Wednesday at high noon. The ceieiuony will be witnessed by none but relative, after which Mr, and Mm. Crancer leave for the east on an extended bridal tour. Mrx. B. W Pre-'ton and little daughter Edith, wife nuddaughtur of County Attoi noy Preston of Oskaloosa, Iowa, arrived in the city Tuesday and will spend several weeks v siting lelatlves and frlendi. They are thu guests of Mr. Preston's parents, Mr. and Mrx. M A Blntichard at tai south Tenth street. most elrgnnt refreshment were served, after which music mid pUasnnt conversation were Indulged In until n late hour when the guests departed wishing their host and hostess many happy return of the day Among the guests weie Mr ntnl Mr. A I' lllcket, Hnrgrtnvt-s, Hum ley, Abbott, Prof. Joins nnd family, Mrs. Iliirge, Mrs. C. II. Hooper, H V. Wil son, Mrs, H. Wessel ami Mrs. Htrasburg from Chicago, Mrs, Hartley and children, Mr. English, Me-rs. Elliott and Kelly. Mr M Ackeriunii eiiteitnlned u party of friends lu u most delightful manner Thurs day afternoon nt her pietty home on G street. Elegnnt refreshment were served from dainty decoiated table scattered throughout the apartment. Among the fortunate pin tlclpnlit welo; Mosdwues, M. A Nun murk, Cha. Mayer, D. Brui-ks, L, Wessel, Jr.M Kolm, H, Mayer, 11 Gold smith, H. Wessel, A. KnUensteln, Jr , I Op peiiheiuier, H, Hellgsonn, H. Meyer, Ed. Htrns burg, 1 Hteluhei g of Topek i,M. Oppenhelm r nnd I Friend. Miss Anna Barr entertained u company of friend last I'uesd ij evening on her beauti ful mid cupaclou lawn at Thirteenth und II streets, The evening wa nil that could be deslted for such an occasion und passed nway very pleasantly. Those pieseiit weiu the following, MI-xh Ik-rtlo Buir, Gertiudu I.uws, Theodositi Laws, Mluulu Lntta, Maude Hmlth, Clara Walsh, Maud Mlllorof No mirk, N, J , Grace Grilllth, Delia Loomls, Messi Hnrry Fret-man, Will H. Htull, Otto Moliren steelier, W, Morton Hmlth, Will Hardy, John Doigau, G. W. Gerwlg, Will Meyer, F. C. Zehrutig und Dr C. F Ladd. Mr John Hood celebrated hi sixteenth blithday auulversary lastHatunlay evening; by giving a reception to his friends at the j residence of his parents 115 J stieet. The re- I ceptloti lasted fiom seven until eloveii und u Very pleusinit time was enjoyed by nil, Fol- ' owing nro tlii name of thosu present. Misses i Lulu Krone, Mue Nooiian, Daisy Condon, Mary Sullivan, Maude Tylor, Mprtle Hteven sou, Laurie Dethlefs, Mjrtle Bohannu, Clara Wolf, Madgie Lnnnle, Fannie Geuting, Nnn lile Hood, Messeis Fnsl Kone, Hobert Char ter, Henry denting, John Fimiklin, Will Tyler, Charles Caldwell, Fred Grimes, Her belt Gaiduur and Charle Hood. The residence of Mr. and Mr, Chapman at Fourteenth nnd T xtieetR wa the Kcene of u merry gathering of young people last Katur day evening. It was the occasion of a de lightful little paity given by Mr. Boy C'lmp- inun In honor of his cousin und guest Mis Chapman. Thu evening wax spent lu dune- lug, curds und other xoclal amusements. Elegant ref i eshmeiit were served and the evening passed In a most enjoyable manner. Those pi esetit were: Misses Chapman, Marie Marshall, Lucy Oillllth, Maud Oakley. Kit tie Kleutch, Ethel Hooper, Messrs, John Lot terldge, Kase Edwards, Matt Baldwin, Boss Curtis. A nla Chapuiuii. Thu parly of Lincoln society people now lu camp at thu Crete Chautauqua gtouiid seem to be availing themselves of the usual amount of amusement mid enjoy ment that this popular and favored placo iif fords. A number of Lincoln young men vl Bed the cntup during the week and rupoit a very enjoyable time. Hpeclul provision wax made for the entertainment of their visitor last Haturday evening in the way of a inln ttrel show which proved a great suct-ex. Tho following K!rsons comprised the party Haturday and Huuday: Messrs und Mes dames, A, B. Coffroth, A. G. Beuion, Greene, F. L. Sheldon, J. A. Buckxtnff, C. C. Burr, Mrs. Zehruug, Misses Minnie ami Olive Ijitta, Bertiu uud Maudo Burr, Faiiuiu Haw ley: Messix F. C. Zehrung, Will Hardy, Charles IWw ley, Frank Burr, Fred, H. T. Ht. John and Dr. C F. Ladd. LETTING DOWN PRICES -ON- Summer Underwear. The season for light weight underwear is nearly over with the retail merchants and we are anxious to dispose of what we have left, even if it must be done at a sacrifice. Friday and Saturday We place on sale on our center counters the following: Our tot of .in'i-V yot'y JtifM Giime Our luf, (onihtiiii,' of nil out1 fiiifi finite ..I !.'.....!. It .11. It. I ... .1 . ntnl I'micti iiiln,'itn Umtrrxmir tlmt that :i- snil fur jo, 6j mul ffi cmh. font ur oit ,i jo,j7-Jiin,tjjc,ciicr,ftir its toilrmul fat clioiir of tlii' In foi 2ic Each. j 33c Each It will pay you to buy Underwear at these prices even if you have to carry them over until next season. Special inducements on MENS SHOES FOR SATURDAY. Call and see what we are offering. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS GO. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. 1518-1520 O Street. Telephone 448. NOITNETTA RUOY STCARTTA. The liculliiic of this advertisement is not printed in ;i foreign language, but has simply been tinnpo-od and is read from rlijlit to left. It has been ct till I I way for the purpose of nttr.u-tlni; our ak g attention A this ha been nccoin- Lv)V' ii.i....i i... ...... iNT.' r A bald headed woman is unusual before xho is -10, but gray hair Is common with them earlier. Bnldne and grayness may bo pre vented by using Hall's Hair renewer. Mrx. Carolina A. Jones, wifu of the super lutendent of public Instiuctlon of this city, left Tuesday ufteruoon for Detroit. At that point she will take an Anchor Line steamer for her old home. While in the east, Mrs, Jones will visit Cambridge, Mineral Kpilngs, Chautauqua, Niagara and other olnt.s of in terest. Thu Uonnaslunco Literary club held u veiy pleasant outing at Lincoln park yesterday afternoon. Thoe present were; Messrs and Mesdnmcx. Frank Hall, E. H. Huwley, A. W. Field, A. J. Hawyer, A. C. Biekelts, E. T Hartley, II. H. Wilson und the following little one: Georgle Flak, Al'ln Field, Helen Wilson, Blossom Wilson, Curl HaitUy, Nel son Hawyer, Charlie Hawyer. Miss E. A. Kunpp entertained u few friends at tea Tuesday evening at the Bond hotel In honor of Mr. lOngwell, who is about to leave Lincoln to take up his permuiient abode in Omaha. Those present weru: Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Miltonbesger, Mr. Kent of Peoria, 111., Mrs. C. W. Ku.-tpp, Miss Grace Ktiapp, Mr. L-jngwell, Mr. Comstock, Mr. J W. Hmlth, Mr. Mlltonburger und Dr. Vandala. A congenial party of Lincoln people en joyed an outing and dance at Lincoln park last Tuesday evening. Among those prese nt were tho following: Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Tate, Miss E. A.Knapp, MUi Talbott, Mis Lucy Grilllth and MWxCur iimudny and Hteeu, Messrs. I)ngwell, Gom stock, John Ittteradge, Charlie McCall,J. W. Hmlth, Kind and Polk. A merry gathering of younk people drove to Lincoln jark yesterday afternoon about four o'clock nnd enjoyed a delightful after noon and evening. Dancing was the princi pal feature of the occasion. Thosu present , were: Misses Ena Hickstts, Florence Winger, , Llbbie Heacreat, Dora Harley, Joe Winger, 1 Ella Haymoud, Nonah mid Nina Iiwe nf . Monroe, Michigan., Fniinle Hawley, Flor ence Hawley, Henrietta Hawley j Messrs I Fred Plummer, Fred Whit, Will Baymond, Eugene Pace, ilarry Harley, Harry hvans, i Freil Hmizer, Lowe Bickett, Halsey Yatex . and John Farwell. ' A most delightful social occurred at the corner of Eighteenth and-M streets Tuesday evening. It was Mrs. George H. I'oehlerV thirty-tlrst birth day, and her husband sur prised her most agreeably by inviting In their friends and neighbors to help celebrate , the event. Mr. P. proved himself a host of ! no ordinary ability. He conducted the affair so admirably that hi better half had not even the shadow of a suspicion of what was going on. The lawn was beautifully lighted with Chinese lantern. Tables nnd chairs The celebrated Egg Hhuiiipoo removes dandruff and pi omotes thu growth ot the hair. For sale tv Miss Johnston, Ull O street. Thu day of souvenir spoons becomes uioru populm with each settinil of the sun and thi fact is clearly demonstrated at Halletts where the demand Is nlwaj good lor novel ties. Inflict Hallett seems to be headquar ters for this class of good anil certainly hi elegant lihu miikt liiiu wuithy ol Mich do stiuctioii. Theie is nolhlng in sooiHtlmt he ha not In stock, from ufterdlnner coffee to tho largo mul uiaguitlceiit up Indie. They nro in nil shape-i, in thu vnrlous new design nnd in nil weight and quulltles. At such price u to attract your attention und admiration. Call and see Eugene lhillett nnd buy nothing in hlx line until you have. Frank Lahr is uiuklngiiblgrun on Mason's fiult Jars, stonu fruit Jnr and Jelly glasses. lie I closing out refrigerators, fieeers, x-reeii window uud all summer good nt such price as will inovu them. Don't buy anything In tho above line until you havo seen Frank I.ahr, Will P street. The best domestic coal in thu market for 4.40 delivered. Be sure to try Eastern Wy oming nut for sale exclusively by Geo. A. Baymer, 11IIIU, Taking the Conceit Out of Illtn. "How do you like my new suit, Maria? All wool and a yard wide, chf" said old Blnks. "Yea, that' tho trouble," returned Mr. B. "It's a yard wide, and you ain't more than twenty-four inches acrott." Harper's Bazar. If Still Standlus;. Visitor to Chicago (In 1893) I've heard a great deal about the wonderful architec ture of this city. What do you consider your crack building? Chicago Man (with great promptness) The postolHce. Chicago Tribune. Mr. L. P. Gould of Owasso. Mich, a friend and claw mate of Mr, Ham E. Law ha been j were placed about under the trees where the What is Scrofula It It that Imi'iirlty In Ilia Mouil, wlilcli, soeumu Utliitt In tlm ifUiuU of tliti nick, produces un sightly lumps ur swelllnga; which cauivi painful running sure mi the snnt, legs, or feet; which developes ulcers In the ejrei.esr, or note, often csuilng bllndtien or def neii ; which It the origin of pimples, nuicerout growthi, or insny other manlfeiutlont mushy ascribed to " huraort." It It a more formidable enemy than consumption or cancer alone, for scrofula romblnes the wont possible features of both. Ilelugj the molt anchnit, It It the most general of all dlteaiet or affections, for very few pertont are entirely free from It. How can It be cured 1 My taking Hood's Saris parllla, which, by the curet It hat accompUined, often when other medicines have failed, bas proven Itself to bo a potent and peculiar medicine for thlt disease. Kor all arTeotlont of the blood flood' KartaparllU l uuequr lied, aud tome of the eur'et It hat effected are really wonderful. It you suffer from tcrotula In any of Itt various forms, be sure to glveHood's Kartap&rlUa a trial. Hood's Sanaparllla Boktbyalldruffttts. fllxforfi. rrepsredouly by C. I. II OO I) CO., ApoUiscarlM, Lowell, Matt. IOO Dos On Dollar plishcd, we now Imltcyou to visit our store nt 1 13 1 N street, nnd see the beau tiful line of paper hanging unit mould Inn we c.irn . You might want some of them one of these days nnd It would be n yowl Idea to know where tlic enn & V be found THE INTERIOR DECORATIVE COMPANY. 1134 N street. A. C. Zikmku, Pres. Carl Ki.wick, Mgr. C. R. RICHTSR KriVKHSOll TO liffnArtsiRieHTER I p-i i rrfffi r u i u I imi no itjvi 1 1 '''.Aju.i ojuxiO n 1204-120M O STIIvRT THE FIRST. WE regret to have louliioiiluluthu llrsl boating aeclduul of the season, which took place on Tuesday last. It appears that two men lull here ahout 5 o'clock on tho evening of that ilay, ami when In the middle of Halt Creek a kuiMoii scmall struck their frail haik. They Immedi ately put about nuil endeavored to reach the opposite side, hut owing to the suihlcn blow an oar wax lot, so that nil chance of gaining shine vanished. They were about abandon nil hope when out, ot them dlt-overed that he had on a pair ol Nlshot'-. chenp hut survieahlu Watur-prool, Cork-lluod Hhoes, in which ho wuded ashore, draw In the hoat ufler him. II wa a narrow escape. Ludlis', Mh-HeH'.lllrlh' Meu'H, Q LI f CQ At price that will astonish Hoy'. Youths', Aiulhlmr OnUDO you. fall ami seo them. IOI5 O STREET. S. B. NISBET, 100 Engraved Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from. same, at $1.50. WESSEL PRINTING COMPANY. IT- " f sjtSMJssmss ter?r"v.