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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1891)
K7 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 189 1 Chicago and Brie R. R. 't.nlo Chicago A Atlantic Il'y.) .In Connection with the Erie Railway r-'OKMH Till'- ONLY MNr. IIKTWFKN Chicago and New York Under Onu Muiuwtneiil. SOLID TRAINS. T3Nlv1or0kV;l!un,0I.olUh7V,, J ui"" ."""-".".....r-;.T. fi. nVouutiK nniioyiiin-u i"i- orchnnglngcnMoniMKliiB connections. Vestibule Limited Service Vostlbuled Limited Trains. constMIng f gniso, Smoking lui.l I n- 01" '?, with ullnmn Dining ami Sleeping Oars hentwl hy steam, lighted ly gin), ()LT tills 1,1110 livery Day In the Year. Pullman Service to Boston. A l'uUmnn lluifcl Sleeping Car to nmf from Hoston il-illy via this, roiito. This Is tho ONLY MNi: Htinnliig I'ullmiin Unr between Chicago iml Hoston. BUCKEYE ROUTE To Columbus, Olilo.niul Ashland, K. Pullman Sleeping Cur between Chicago and ubovo Points dully. Trains Arrive nnd Leave Dearborn Station, For further Infoniihtlon, call on tho nearest Unllrond Ticket Agent, or address W 0 Rlnearsoa, Oen. Pass. Ant. Now York k H Tocksr, D I Robert, Oen.Mgr. A.O.P.Agt. Cleveland. Chicago c Santa Fe Route ! Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dallv Train Service Between Kansas Ciu and PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Dctucun Knnsas City anil Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Hourton, and all Points in 'lexas. The Only Line Running Through the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan Handle. For Maps ami Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address E. L. PALMER, Passenger Agent, 411 N. Y. Life Building, OMAHA, 3STEB. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting and Shampooing a Specialty, AT SAMJESTERFIELD'S BURR -.- BLOCK. I.udli'K Uh Dr. l.i' Diio'it I't'i loillcal Pllln from 1'nrls, Franco. That ihUIi'I h liovu Huppresulnns, monthly dcriiugeinunU and ll regularities caused by cold, Muakliens, sliock, iiiieinlH, or cuiiorul mirvous ilclilllty. Tlio lark'e pioporflon of IIIh to which ladles and iiiIhm'h nro llablo Is tlio direct result ofa disordered or trroisulur iiienstriiatloii. Hup prcusloMs continued result In blood polsonlni; uid quicKcoiistiiiipuoo. . pacKiiue or;i lor , Mtflll illieci on n'eeipi 01 In Lincoln by II. V. Drown, price. Sold ilrtitfuivt. $3000; A VI1. AFC ! Iiinr1rrthrturilrl Itricliany Ittilylht liyuit rt nort-itl.r tl,to rili rrau ml rllr, tint wlio, ullrr Itulrut iluutwllt wt-ik liittuiilouljr, h v to earn Ihrrv TltititMiil Hollar Yrir In tlirlrwn loialhlt uhrmrrllift livr I will ttafurtiUK lh liuiluatrrtiinlii)tiitiut wMtti f tu rtit rwrn ttf Iim unt No money fur m unlr mc riful i alton I illy and tuU hlr Warn I ( lr tr Imt mii wuikrr Irum tat h iHtirli I i r uuty I liavt alrra ly fUtflit ait I iollil Willi ni ltjii rut a imp immlivr, U ait itiaktuir ovrr JIUIMI a j-a raid lllV ml NO 1. 1 II. lull t.Htil.wUrt Fll i;i Al.trral . m , i: .l(i;.N, lion. 440. Au$ llii Alitliii' FOR MEN ONLY! for IOBT 01 WMUJXQ KAimOOD, Qtairkl and WU1V0U8 DUILITt, WltknwM of Mod w And Mind. ZffaetA of Brronor KxeMUM in OlA nv Taunv. Sui. Siki amuiMiu raiit U......J . .. .i.n. .: amaiik)t(t,iiiirituil'iiuiiHutHHriKTsriiuuT tkMl.ul. uf.Ml.f HUSK THatTIKST-MrMlu la4tf, m Uallf; fnia lit atalra u rnlt tMlrti. Wrtlt !. Mrtatlit HmI, tislutlln ua prr, atllH (utlHirnt . Mint IRIllNIDIOALOO.,BUrFALO,N. V. HINTS FOR CAMPERS, DO NOT LOAD YOURSELF WITH TOO MUCH. DOWN The Necessities In the Way f Clothing, lllatikets, Hilling Titckle, Camp Tool, Etc. How to Make Fireplace Othel I'oInU Thnt Will He Valuable. ISpcclal Correspondence.) New Youk, July 30. Tlio tendency of men who go on camping parties to load themselves with useless linpeiHinentii is in exact proportion to their greenness in tho Held. Tlio older nnd more expert enccd a mnn is, tho less ho believes in tho beauty of transporting an extra buck load. More especially is this true ot camp equipage such a cooking utensils, tents nnd bedding All that a party of three or more really need may bo car. rieu easuy uy mem u uio tent uo saveu for a second load To legiti with what n man needs fot himself, ho should havo ono spare suit of clothes besides that which ho wear, three flannel shirts, two pairs of drawers, six pairs of socks, two pairs of shoes-one n..i. ...i n. u.-1....: . 1. .. I ,iL.. i.n.u.A.M.inr. .. :.i.... r ....' .. I dozen handkorchiofs, a piece of soup, a hairbrush and toothbrush and a soft felt hat, which mako tho clothing outfit. A sash for tho waist or a strong belt will servo to keep tho clothes snug. In addi tion ho will need a rubber blanket nnd a bag to keep his, clothes in. Tho latter at night serves for a pillow. For sleep ing, tho best of all arrangements is the blanket bag;1 n pair of heavy blankets sewn up the sides, with enough flannel added to mako tho whole sufficiently ! .. long to reach tho waist when pulled over , , , i f mi tho head. This Is, of course, when the j "' 9 proper y prepared, fill owner is insldo. Tho pack is made by"0 ? w1,t, lU am h?W "J'T w placing everything in tho blankets, roll- ove.r V,10 ,0, a?n P t V'1" nt " ht ink them up tightly, putting the bundle Rn1 ll ft0.! ou V ''?. ,nofr "f ihftlid rubber blanket and tying or lash-1 w" l wl" b ton ". tno f!0' ,sf iug tho whole thing. oked Pw'cetly. 'll.U is the method of This outfit may bo almost Indefinitely tho 1' nnon, than whom no men eat extended provided ono has trausporta- '""F101 lo"B u , T"8', , . . tton In boats or wagons, but tho list! When tho tent Is pitched and tho beds given includes everything necessary for M. lim, U W wdl lo ,lllI1 " ,'rw a two or three weeks' trip. In case more J,lftCt'- o secret of successful cooking things are taken, tho first additions cm. s tho use of coals ra her ban should be pajamas of flannel or Turkish ",l,nu"s ,l j,01" ?f ht- o aUrac toweling for sleeping in. These aro ex-1 tio" r gravitation is a do show to that .u....i.. .f.,..i.i 1 ..i.i,....i. which oxlsts between tho smoke of a l,ov tnkn ,,n n .rn,1 ,1,-nl nf ,mr M.,... ' space pay for It. in piaco ot a son telt hat a knit Glengarry bonnet, or what is often called a Scotch cap, may bo taken. It forms a good nightcap and is comfort able. It is well to add a couplo of under shirts to the 'list, and a largo bathing towel is never out of place. Do not con sider it necessary to purchase suits of clothes for camping. Every ono has clothes which aro too old to wear in town, and these aro just in tho right con dition for the woods. If you aro anxious, however, to haven special suit, get one made of brown jeans, ttint alAnr nnmiiallin str$4stt fnlivHr sit I of which overalls aro manufactured. It not only washes perfectly, but It will stand any amount of rough usag. It , possesses tho added advantago that the I color makes It almost Invisible a short . distance away In tho woods, and It ls ' therefore very good material for a hunt-1 inir suit. Shootinir coats, iw thev nrol?.'""n """ """'" "fc' ."'"" ""'7' '"" called, made from It can now be pur- chased of any dealer in fishing and hunt ing supplies, and tho multiplicity ot i pockets which marks them show a rate' appreciation of one's needB in tho open, and aro all useful. j There is probably no question over which men who camp out have wasted so much breath as that of carrying a : tent. It is beyond a doubt that a tent is not only heavy and awkward to lug along, but that it is tho source of no end i of worry and bother. At tho same Hum i ono must havo a roof of somo kind over i him at night and when it rains, and building shanties is not always practica ble. I am willing to allow that a shanty is much moro comfortable than a tent can be, and that when ono has a shanty he will neverdong for tho canvas substi tute. Still, putting up a shanty uierel to spend tho night in it is more work than tho average man cares to expend. My own enstom in such matters is to make up my mind beforehand how long 1 am going to stay in one spot. If I atn to spend from two weeks to u month nt tho same place, then a shanty or very large tent with a double roof is in order. If I am to move every night a shelter tent is enough. There is a modification of this rule which is not without merit- always use a shanty if eomo one else builds it, for the labor of putting up even a bark shelter is much more enjoy able when undergono by another person. in iiemuu ui bulimies lummy mini yuu will need a tent of 6ome cort. The camp tools consist ot an ax or two, a trowel to dig the trenches around tho tent, one of theso handles contain- , Ing awls, small gimlets, screw drivers and the like, and if you havo those who shoot In tho party, some assembling tools for the guns. There should be in the stout bag in which all theso aro kept a piece of shoemakers wax, a hank of i strong linen thread, a tin box of vubo- i lino nnd one or two pieces of good glue. It is well also to carry a few feet of cop per wire, say No. 10, atul a pair of pin cers. Rods will bie.ik sometimes, and , if one has the materials he can mend them very fairly, while otherwise ho will bo reduced to borrowiug. For clean ing or oiling guns nothing is as good as vaseline, It does not run if it gets tin-i corked, and it keeps tlio guns in perfect I condition This tool back should al ways form patt of the p.iek of ono par- ' ticular man whose business it is to see that things are teturned when uk-d. Otherwise tho very thltig you wantjwill be missing just when it is most needed I suppose it is scarcely necessary to say that each member of tlio party should have a good jackknife, and a ten cent whetstone in tho toot sack will come in handily for these. Tho branches ot tho tlat fir what is called sapin in Kanuekia mako the thebestofallcampbeds. They should be tued liberally and piled up until the ii until ,li heap is at least eighteen inches deep It is well to drivo small stakes down ou each side of tho bed in order to prevent the branches spreading over the floor. In default of Hr, mako a pile of grass, hay, small brush, bnllrushes or, (n fact, anything that will serve to ralso you a llttlo way from tho ground. Over this bed spread your rubber blanket, fasten lug It with loose strings to tho stakes to keep It In place. Hy tho bye, get a rub ber blanket with brass eyelets along tho sides, On tho rubber goes tho blanket bag', of course. For eating and cooking let each man provide himself with a largo pressed block tin cup, a deep plato also largo a knife, fork and spoon. Two tin milk pans having been purchased, add ono more of these for every three persons In tho party To a party of six this would give four pans, Have also an eight iptart tin pall, with covert a four quart ditto, with ditto, and for good measure, if the party exceeds four, h second four quart pall Purchase ono or two large, deep frying pans, with covers, and havo do tacliablo handles. Tho best handle Is bent Into a tlat hook which Ills under a strap riveted on tho sldo of tho pan. Get what is called a Dutch oven. This is a largo Iron iot, with a deep cover, into which coals may bo put, and in "' ,c" " nm vu uu" 'V"'' 7. bako bread with gtvatest ease. It must ho pointed out that when tainted out that when using it for baking tho heat must bo taken from the coals In tho top or cover, and although it is well to place tho pot near tho lire It must not be close enough to heat from the side or bottom. This pot is also used for cooking ono of tlio regular dishes of tho woods pork and beans. In order to get these at their best, dig a hole and (HI It with burning sticks. When tho earth is tlwor- UKW: V,11 C,CU,n "1 ,I01, tl1, V!" luffn If tin. n,i,i,i.l t.f nrmtnliiltiir tlm CHIlip IU IHHl tllO uycH of n COOk. The commonest ot all catastrophes In camp is upsetting the frying pan just when tho fish and potatoes aro nearly done. I call it a catastrophe, and tho name Is not a misnomer, for it is beyond a joke to I lose tho supper or breakfast with several hungry men waiting for it. Tho danger may bo guarded against easily enough. Find four or bIx stones about tho sizo of 1 your head atul arrange them in two lines near enough together to support I tho frying pans firmly. Hack of this fire- I place mako your camp fire, anil as soon hs you havo a goodly storo of coals rako these down between tho stones into n good, hick heap. Then cook over them, Tho sill, 8tones Kjveyou a rest for tho !? "n,! on need havo no fear that it w, tip when a stiek burns out. ou c"n niako tho Oro itself between these "tones if you wish by placing tho ends f, ' "ticks together and shoving the there Is more comfort to bo derived from tho coals. Add to your equipment one long iron spoon. Stores for a camping trip may bo as many as tho money available will buy Thoso necessary, however, aro not ex pensive and aro not difficult to carry. Generally speaking, you should allow fdr each perbon in tho party, per week, three pounds of pork, two pounds of flour, half a pound of coffee, half a peck of iiotatoes, one-eighth of o peck of onions, a pound of sugar and an ounce and a half of 6alt. For tho whole party carry a can of barring powder, half a pound of pepper and a bottle of Worces tershire sauce. In place of coflee, tea may be taken if you prefer it, and tho best way to carry either is in a wicker covered demijohn with a good cork. And speaking of coffee, the proper way to mako it in tho woods is to soak it for twenty-four hours in cold water, strain through a cloth and heat up. Two or three cans of condensed milk are not amiss. One does not go to the woods to bo sick, but for all that a number of the pany may we auacaeu or nijureu, unci k Is well to havo home medicine. Quinine In 2-grain pills for fover, Sun cholera remedy for dysenteric atto'ks, somo lep tandrin and podophyllyn pills for bilious ness and some laudanum and arnica for bruises will make up tho camp medi cine chest. Add to these somo drachylon plaster, a roll of bandage, some absorb ent cotton, a good bistuary and a pair of tweezers. The greatest danger to which men in camp aro subject is an accident while chopping wood or a sprain while fishing. For tho first it is impossible within 11 short articlo to give any direc tions. The cut may bo 11 mere scratch or something which demands the atten tion of a surgeon as speedily as possible. For the second no man need sufler from a sprain who will put his ankle into a water bucket and keep It there for a day or two. A useful thing in tho woods is a small bottle of ammonia, for this liquid is an almost certain euro for all forms of Insect bite, from those of mosquitoes to spiders. Poultices in the woods are mado of wet clay, and If they aro kept wet they draw splendidly. Alfred B.t.cii Women In Floriculture. Larger and larger grows tho cut flower trad of cities. Many women nro en gaging in floriculture for a living nnd doing well Little capital is needed, and uxperienco will como with effort. It is a work apparently cut out by nature for women. The main point is to secure an establishment near a good market. Of course this is a necej-aity Special lines of flower raising are the most prof itable probably A woman might get a reputation on her carnations, roses, vio l..ta .....I .,...!..;, ,.. !... ,1 C, m "' t " ,HV:" b I. .... - ....o tier in a competency. Then. too. this work Is ono of tho healthiest of occupa tions. It leads to outdoor existence und turns our faces acaln toward the life of 1 nature that wo left foi civilization, THE 8AD TRUTH. II Wat Hard to llrar, tint It Stood II llravety. I was lonktnti at tho Murphy family In tho big tank at tho Zoological gardens tho other day whoti I observed a umn on tho other side of the troll fence slyly take a handglass from his pocket and look at tlio big "hippo" and then at himself, If )ou'u been up thoro you've probably caught the big boasts standing with only their uuly faces out of water. Nature novor tried her hand ou anything else after creating a hip popotauius. It was her Inst expiring ef fort, and she giivohluiotio look nnd fainted dead away. 1 didn't mean to lot tho man ice that I was watching him, but ho tum bled to the racket after a hit and started olT toward the elephant house nnd beck oned to mo to follow him When wo wero uulto alone ho leaned up against tho fonos and looked me over a fow seconds and snlilt "You look like a candid, truthful man." "Thank you." "If I should ask you for an honest opin ion ou a certain mutter concerning myself I belloxo you would glo It." "1 think 1 would." "You saw mo looking at the hips?" "Ye." "And also observed thnt I hnd this hnnd lllnssr" "Yes." "I do not live In Now York. I llvo In a village up the river. I atn a single man. Up to a fortnight ago 1 was engaged ton sweet girl Do you followf "I do." "Engaged to a sweet girl, and wo wvroto ho married this fall Two weeks ago she catne down here with her father nnd mother. They took In the Zoo. They saw the hips She returned homo to treat mo so coldly that I had to ask for explana tions, She explained. Whatdoyotis'pose hobaldr" "I have no Idea," "Well, sir, she faticled she saw a resem blance between old Murphy's faco and initio! Yes, sir, and her father and mother did tool" "Great Scott!' "And now, sir, I've como down to see for i myself. I think slio Is right. I think there a resemblance. Look mo straight in the faco and tell mo what you think." "1-1 hardly" ' "Spit 'or right unit Do you see a resein- 1 hlnncor" I "Must I tell tho truth?" "You must! I can hear ltl" "Then I do sec a resemblance. Indeed when 1 first caught sight of you over tin i fence I thought one of the hips had got out of the tank I'm sorry to toll you this, hut ou" i "I wanted tho truth. You havo told ll to mo. Tho fact Is settled that there Is n resemblance, and I go home to releaso Su ban from her engagement Sir, I thank you." "But the fact that you happen to resem ble a hippopotamus needn't necessarily blast your hopes." "It must with Susan, blio could never look at mo without thinking of old Daddy Murphy, with his snout and eyes just aho o tho water, and her love would grow cold. Good by, flirl You aro atruthful man. Am a man and a hippopotamus I bid you good day!" M. Qtind In New York Evening World. A Woeful State. One of Philadelphia's most prominent 'physicians, while In Virginia recently, wandered Into a village courtroom where a trial was in progress. As ho entered a dispute which was being carried on be tween tho prosecution and defense as to the advisability of admitting a certain let ter as evidence was ended by tho judge do tiring that tho letter be given to him In order that hn might decide the matter. When tho letter was handed to him he put on Ills spectacles, turned it first inside out, then upside down, thon sideways, examin ing It carefully all tho time. "What's tho matter with tho judKor" asked Dr. Blank of a bystander "Why doesn't ho read tho letter?" "Pshawl" said the Individual addressed, with a world of contempt in his tone, "he can't read read in' readlu', let alono wrltln' readln'." Harper's Magazine. Gradual, but UfTuetlvu. "That's a very protty charm on your watch chain, Mr. Stayforover." "I am very glad you think so, Miss Tired todeath." "Tho chain is very pretty, too, isn't Itf" "I am quite delighted that you" "Is your watch pretty?" "Well, you can judge for yourself." "What, Mr Stayforovorl Is It really quarter of 11? Who would have dreamed It was so frightfully late!" Boston Cou rier What Might Havo Ilcen Tragedy. Do Sappy Yans, nt the club last night, rl i Irnnu ,lw. f,lli,lia nptmillir tmt mv 1 illlt Up and shot weal bullets through it I havo bwought It awound as a curiosity. Here Is where the dweadful bullets went through. Miss Summit How very Interesting! Did it hurt much when it passed through your head? Clothier and Furnisher. Ilallrnail Cooking. Traveler (in dining cur, fast express) Waiter, theso eggs arc too soft, Walter S'prlsed to honh dat, sub. Traveler They wore taken out of tho hot water too soon. Walter Well, sab, I'll put 'em hack an' let 'em boll another mile, sah. New York Weekly Providing fur tlio Funeral. Greene Your friend Penn Wright has taken a novel means of providing for his burial expenses, White-What is It? Greene no has written a lot of articles for the magazines, when ho dies they will bo printed. Lake Shore Nows The Other Utile Hoy. "Wl" rr.T7T The proprietor of a corner grocery hap pened to be a small man withouT any beard. "What can I do for you, sonny?" he asked a small boy In front of the counter. "Nothing. Tho other llttlo boy Is wrap ping me up n pickled cucumber." Texas Sittings Jfel-T7r(vV I U law v i" lMI 1 l4 At III Old Tricks, Sapeck gravely walks Into a grocer's' hop, nnd Introducing himself na the stew ard of a largo educational establishment, he saysi "I Intend substituting candles for gas In our Institution Wlmt nro your best brands?" "The PhuMilx, tho Ktollo, tho Boiiuo Mere," wns the tradi Milan's eaer reply "Wo keep ten vnrletles in stock." "Will j ou please light one of ench kind and put (ton thecouutoraiid I wlllchooo." The grocer compiles Sapeck watches tho caudles burn with tho eo of a phlloso phor. Suddenly he exclaims "You can keep your caudles I think I prefer gas, after all " And ho walked out, leaving the enraged grocer with his half burned candles. Lo Petit Parlslcn A Hytiipntliltlug Nplrlt. Ho I think she gave up overythlnR when who married thnt mnn. Sho (who Is feeling vory queer) How drendfull Was It at sea?-Llfo. Negro I'lllloaopbjr. Tlio train was speeding along when In the distance a wagon loaded with wood was sighted. It was standing In the road beside the tracks, and as tho train ap' preached it was seen that four sleepy look ing mules were attached to It and that a Wk ncisro was asleep on top of It. "Why, dam 1110," said tho old northern farmer who was going south to visit rela tives, "he's stuck In the mud." "Right you are," said the Pullman con ductor Just then tho train shot by tho wagon and nuo of the mules dipped an ear as a sort of courtesy to tho passengers. "And bust 1110 all up if tho driver ain't asleep," exclaimed tho old farmer, hurry to the rear of tho car to got.anothor look at the wagon "Looks that way," admitted tho con ductor "Why, he ain't stuck bad," ho said aftor a last look. "No?" "Naw. Old Nance, my gray maro, could yank that load ot wood Into tho next county and not half try." "It wouldn't take much of a yank." "And that feller with four mules jest lies down on his load and don't try to get out." "Yes; that's tho way they do down hero." "Well, what In blazes li ho waiting for?" The conductor seemed aurpriscd at the question. "For tho mud to dry up, of course," ho said. "What did you think he was wait ing for Gabriel's horn? I'vo seen half a dozen of em Ho two days in that hollow." Chicago Tribune. The l'ower Ilelilnit the Throne. Bingo 1 wish you would tell tho lady next door to be careful about her hens getting In our hack yard. Mrs. Dlugo Hadn't you better tell her husband? Bingo Not much Ho hasn't anything to say around that house. Mrs. Blngo How do you know ho hasn't? Blngo I notice hy their wash this morn ing that he wears homcinndo shirts, Clothier nnd ! urulsher Unite the Thing. Manager I want you, Mr. Chlseller, to prepare a monument for one of my freaks that died yesterday He was a giant of splendid proportions and seven feet six inches in height. What do you think would be an appropriate Inscription for a monument to such a man? Mr Chlseller Uml Iet mo seel Why, "Gone to his long home," of course. Bos ton Courier. Very Apprehensive. Miss Wlnslow (petting tho mastiff) Just ee how roguish Bovis looks. Sometimes I think that he understands and appreciates all our jokes. Charlie Wheeler (who has been there, somewhat grimly) Yes; I've noticed that he catches on very quickly. Fun. II Found II I m Out. Bridegroom (to brido on arriving at ho tel) Now, Liurn, darling, don't let these people know we havo Just been married. Manager (as bridegroom enters, to por ter) Tom, take the gentleman's hat, and brush the rice from tho brim. Yankee Blade. A Had llrenk. "They say Professor Barkins' address before tho Dorcas society was not well re ceived." "Well, why should it have been? The Idea of his addiesslng a lot of old maids as 'My venerable frieudsl' "Harper's Bazar Aggravating. Flemish Milkman It's very strange The milk Is genuine, so Is tho water; but as soon as you mix 'em they charge you with adulteration. Ktollo Belgo. Itetrlbutluu. Ills energetic action, lu a aplck-Aiid-ipau claw. hammer, would lme paralyzed a buzz saw Id tlio fraction of n w cvk. And ho spent n annum r senaou try Inn hard to And the reason for tho mortlfj Ing mujlc of tho 1 nitcm leather squeak. Hit olTortt)lng neckties would liau taken him to China, if lio'd skipped this dally torture nnd had started out to walk, And tlio nnmet thst ho Invented for tho scents with which lie scented. If a polyglot had heard tliem would have turned httn white as chalk. The geometric creases hi bis trousers were a pnslou which developed In proportion to the tailor that lie had. And he pustt-d his nights In tbtnklugof no un known wa of prinking, which would give him proud distinction as lho author of a fad And then be met an heiress with a taste that wasrestheticand with all the calm assur ance of the latest tblug In clothes. He sat right daw n and waited In a manner cul-thnted-but she shook him for a farmer with a wart upon his uoso. Tom Mauon lu Clothier and Kurnlshr. ---- .'' -i?ii -' 33 .A. ITJK . : Lincoln, : Nebraska. Capital, 250,000 Ojiint ami Diincn; Jnbn II Wrluhl, l'ie, T. 15. Hamlers, V.-t'- .1. II. McC'lay, Cashier, i A H lta. iikiiuI, 111', Thus Cochran F. It Mirer, Chan WeM, V I, Hlmldon. (icncinl Hanking Business Transacted, Accounts Solicited. REMOVAL i Lincoln Shirt Factor; To 1 402 O Stroot. Ill lis uuw location this eslablMiineiit ullr lian boiler rarlllllcs than ever Tor turnluK out Mrst-cliiKS Miiilt.nudiin lnciened lino ol dents' I'lirntfthliiuHoodN will always bo on sale, To our bilslncss has been added a LADIES' TAILORING DEPARTMENT In which varment' of nil kinds will bo nuulu to order nnd an.Mbln fiom Hie siniillent 11 it debarment to tho llnost Dress or Cloak wilt bo kllllully evented uml tniide on short notice, In tbi department we employ ono orthtibest cutlets and Miters In thn country and sallifaetlnn l uuiitiiiiteed In tuery par tleiilnr Out factory will hereafter bo known n the Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co. A IvittciKtcIn, Hr., MauiiKcr. Call and seo u. Cor. lllli and 0 His SUPERIOR WORK -tio 'IO- SMALL'S M IT I . H Steam Laundry 2014-16 O Street, Office 138 N. nth St. Tele. 579. Leading PHOTOGRAPHER! Flno llust Cabinets 3 per dozen. Hpeclal rates to students. Cnll and see our work. Studio, 1214 O Strtet. Open from 10 a. 111. to 4 p. m. Sunday. ilRtwfcsb 0lt.1?Bi(ttlCrN 'OCl' ArTflENCYJetN l A namnhletof Information and ah. ,," - Tr-." .-. . .. ...A Jiitracini law iawi,uuwiin uuw iu kOiilaln raitiua, cafoau, 'inwoA .Harks, uoprnsnii, uni r.. . Aaina MUNN OU. t4Hl Hroaa-war. Hw tar-. tNACQUAINTID IIM THC OtOulM'MV Or THI CWTiHCtil MUCH ,0"MMIO rROM A aTUO 0 THIS MAP Or THC Cbicago,Rock Island & Paciflc Ru The DIRECT ROUTK to and from CiriCAOO, HOCK ISLAND. DAVENPOHT. DEB MOINEti COUNCIL BLUTFd. WATKJiTOWN, SIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS. ST. PAUL, ST. JOS EPH. ATCHISON. LKAVENWOHTHt KANSAS CITT. TOPEKA, DENVEit, COLORADO SP'NOS and FUKJJLO. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS cf Through Conchas, Sleepers, Free Becllnlnir Chair Car and Dining Cars dally between CHI CAGO. DES MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS and OMAHA, and between CHICAOO and DENVEU, C-OLOKADO BP1UNOS and FUEI1LO via St. ,foeeph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Via The Albert Lea Route. Faat Expreas Trains dally between Chicago und Minneapolis nnd St Pnul, with THKOUOH llecllnlnK Chair Cars (FIIEEI to and from tbosa points and Kansas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake and Sioux Falls via Hock lelnml. For Tickets. Main. Folders, or desired Informa tion, apply ut any Coupon Ticket Office, or address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Oen'l Manager, Oen'l Tkt. Pass. Ant.. CHICAOO ILL LINOOLN r- C&tfdMl&& ami iMmiTt. ui nxtHir 8lrllminl, and T inrltlnrf, U the l-el and lann-at Cullei lu lho Witt iii stuJt-iiU In altt'iidjiuv lt ) Stu touts prrtuitvd lor Imdm-ei In from Uo'J mmitlu KMxrtimvdriiculty IVrnmal Instruction. Itcautirul Ulciitni!t cilulonue, oolh-wo Journal., and sjvclniens of i'iiimiiiIiIs wnt frfvliyniMrt-Miiis-ULUMtllMll'. & nOOSK. Lincoln, .Scb PHOGRENIVG GVCH-tK. , Semi I'o.tal Note to Jons ssiuem. 0.T. A. U . Ill, .t 1' a !(.. I'Blrafo an 1 rvoelre, postage paid. ItM) sllokr.t dtvk or carte you erery handled. Tea Vests err aW. one ur luanr 4EPya&i zwtaef