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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1890)
MWSWiFkr s (& r "On 'z zri csi rnna c? jsffl,sgh-. .fe-laS? ooo-oots afcsi : V .111,. I .-. , ":...o" -,, .'".,-." VV,"' :. J- .'w.-fvi.n (iuU'UiUU'u: M(sV PoPd-l 15R PAPER ' ol A9PLRN -TIMLIS " Vol. G No HI Lincoln, Nichwamka. Saturday, Ndvicmiiicw Ui, ItiOO. Fls'lt'lC llVIC ClCNT.S mwmmmmMw tmf-'ji i i'.v,Tsr.ii'ri'.i'iiv rn:v.y-j" iiamvyi;.cv ii y rw't ,' IBffifiEKiVWeH . ftaofflBHSSgH "w-ft-vsa, . : iVNWE?xi'cr r-- 'iv r-uL-' Tmascl v&njS$& i mssMNrsJSA. .. -rf tw r -w- ssss wSKbl&SP ftKffl ' ,.vJ ' ., . -; i jJL BaBSSCSiM; Jv: a1Ss--5 aWJ v w" vCC-y rfl 'AV!lWvi KM ffi5'lCT.I(.'i !. , ,'i . t-K&S - " -WB''0'U y.riCSili A- - t-""'-. - i.-inXV JJ "Sfw llVww) Willi I F li i i i' - w --er- r 9BSSS3KfiiMSBaCfU MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. FTKH n calamitous ox liorioniu on tho'ronil K. K. Rico managed to bring n rcinnnnt of tlio "World's Fair" com pany to Lincoln Inst Frldny, nnd tlmt oven Ing several hundred ih'o ")lo witnessed at tho Fuuko ono of tlio com T.nonost, poorest nnil most vulgnr jicrform nnces over given In this city. It In but u fow yours since K. K. Rico wits tlio recognized kltiR of bur lesque. Ho wiib nt tlio bend of Homo of tlio greatest enterpriser of tlio ilny anil bl sue cess was phenomenal. Hut Hum hns worked wonders. Tlio unfortunate manager Is now very nonr tliu bottom of tlmt ladder tioii tlio topmost round of which ho hud nppnr , unity such n secure plnco n short tlmo ago. Tho "World's Fair" is by nil odds tlio trashiest production over launched under tho iiamo of Hlcu, and in lending hisiimuo to this most common-place of commouplnco bur lesques, ho Justllloii tho rumor that has Imh heard so often of Into, that Hlco is going to seed. Strangely enough Hlco himself has ths highest opinion of tho "World'H Fair." Ho has stood by It through thick and thin, and ho shows bis appreciation of tho plecoby glv ing it his H.'if onul attention mid leading tho orchestra at ouch performance. Tho first act of tho miscalled extra vagatmi shows tho dock of tho Hiintu Muriii, A. 1)., WW, with Christopher Columbus, Columbia, Captnln Kyd, etc. ActH two and threo ex hibit various departments of tho world's fair, Of courno thero is no attempt at a continu ous narrative. It is a burlesipjo and any thing nnd everything is introduced without reason or excuse. 'Wo expect tlil In bur lesque and if tho performiinco had only been ns entertaining os "Kvangiillne," "Tho Cor sair" nnd most of Hlco's earlier olTbrts no borious fault could have been found; but in tho "WoiM'm Fair" turloMiio in burlesqued , vulgaiity takes tho place of fun mid instead of originality thoro is merely a reietltiou of tho iliirureut features of other productions and Imse Imitations they are. Lillian Maehl who ns Columbia eshays u rolo similar to that taken by Carrie Perkins in "The Seven Ages" is a not uiiattrnctlvo young voiiiaii,althougli she is not so successful in her somewhat dilllcultpartasMIss Perkins. Miss Virglnlu Earl's Christopher Columbus is "cute" ami that is all. Bho spoils what ever success sho might hnve had by her vub garlty. James Hradbury mid tho othermem bers of tho quartetto aro entitled to some commendation. Tho rest of tho company were second ruto low comedians and varloty specialibts. Thero was not n single redeem ing feature from the rise to tho fall of tho curtain, nud tho (o-calltd lurid melodrama scene was utterly bad. The gamer) nnd cos. tumes bosoke hard times. Thirty instead of sixty jxniplo comprised tho company. A Hirtlon of the audience left the houso ofter tho K-cond act Friday night, and tho next evening thero woio about one hundred and fifty people on tho first lloor. i i l r H VI VWiWS. &--' T. II. French's "Little Ixiid Fauntleroy" company gavo a very pretty performanco at the Fiinko Slonday evening to u large nudl eneo composed principally of quite young and middle aged people. Tho regular then tro goers wero not very well iepreented" If wonro Inclined to bo over critical w ith 'Littlo Lord Fauntleroy" wo must remember that the fault is Mrs. Frances Hodgson Uur nett'sand not the diomatlst's. Much of tho charm of the character of Fauntleroy is dis pelledbytlw stilted and utterly unreason able conversation which the littlo lord cur ries cm with his mother and his associates! but this Is duo wholly to tho original muuu wrlpt. ... . , "Littlo Lord Fnuntleioy" Is u wholesome story and tliero' is n wholesome iluvor to tho pluy. True, its churucteis uro overdrawn, mid thero is, iterhnps, a littlo too much gush where them should bo only sBiiliment; but thero is it pui ity In the charming little sketch that is very winning. Tho company compotes with that or a year ago not unfavorably. There Is a marked dllVeiencu between lidio Leslie and tiertlo lloinau. Kliie'sacllugisatritlo moioartls. tlo- but tho hitter's stylo Is the most ingen uous Her nitlciilutlon is ulso iiiudi moiu distinct Tho child did nor part nobly. In the scene wheielu 1-onl Fnuntleioy tells the Fin I how his chums wen. nlieoted on homing of hlssii.ldon gooii forliili.', she betrajed no little art. Miss Hiidclliro who takes tliepuitof Mis V.n ol othei w li-e know n as "dearest" Is a ;tfaiiii yi! w",,,,,M Mlr, umhr work on n childish d.nw I In speaking. I line Lsiiggesiion of unnaturuluess In al that I, does Tho .W "" " M,,i rnk Aiken, "lis vury cloveil) done, ud MIm Owirglo Wooilthorpo was Mcullnrly successful in Interpreting the part of .Wi'miki tho adventuress. Mr. Jlttrlshini, Mr. Jlobbs, and Dick worn fairly well given. Tharo was really very littlo to criticise and much to commend, tho last two ncU being vivclnlly enjoyable. "MOUTH ANI)HIIAI0W8." Tho Now York IfrrnUI has tho following to say of ''Lights mill HhadoWH:" lho last week of tho thentrlcnl hoiiboh okius1 lust night with Churles (luylor's powerful meUxIruma, "Lights and Hhadows. Tho play has n strong hold on tho public, mid tho Kwerful sconla elTects introduced through tho llvo nets pro duce tho samo fisjllug of pleasant suiprlso, Tho play Is developed grndunlly, each act ending with a startling ilisclosuro this sus tains tho attention of the audielico to tho end. Tho cast is n At long one, nud wns received with frequent murks of approbation from tho largo nudleiico. Tlio mountings of tho play are superb, tho studio of tho nrtlst In tho second net nud tho revolving scenes In tho third nnd fourth nets liolng triumphs of stngo scenery nud mechanical genius. Tlio scones In Union Hquaro and tho Kuat Hlver by moonlight nro very realistic. Tho second H!rfornianco of "Lights nud Hhadows" will Imj given at tho Fuuko tonight. IIOVT'H "A IIUASH MONKKV." "A Hrnss Monkey" will I hi presented ut the Fuuko Wodnesdny ovenlng. Of this topulnr farce-comedy tho llrooklyn Htanilnrd-Unlou says: Hoyt's whimsical satlro upon stux'istl stlon "A Hrass Monkey," with now songs nud dances, and Jokes, drew h largo audience to tho bonutlful Amphinu tliculro last night, who camo to laugh nud Ihi amused, and went away not disappointed. Of serious plot the author makco no pretense, but of fun and mush' thero Is plenty. (leorgo F. Marion, who plays tho part of Jonah tho unhappy victim of supeistitlou, who is trying to raio money enough to procure n divorce from his strong-minded and tnrtar-llko wife, nnd who is overw helmed w Ith continual luid luck ow ing to his continual complications with tho number 111, with Fi May, with cross-eyed men, ladders, seeing the moon over his left showi er, opening umbrellas in the house, nud a thoiiHiud other like mtshnps, Is of course tho chief funmokcr; mid ho is ably nsslstod by an exceptionally strong conipuny of clover ar tists. A "Hrnss Monkey" will certainly not bring bad luck to tho Amphiou this week, however his suppositious owners may faro. FI.AHIIKH KUOM TIIK KOOTMOHTH. "Arizona Joe" Is tho attraction ut tho Fuuko next Saturday. "Lights and Hhadows" wns given its III el perforniuuco nt tho Fuuko last night to u good audielico. Tho present has been another good week nt the Kdeu Musee. A strong bill is announced f iv tho coming week. Mrs. Langtry upitonred in "Antony nud Cleopatra" ut the Princess' Theutre, Loudon, last Tuesday night. Hho was suportcd by Charles Coghlar. Tho concensus of opinion Is that Iaugtry nud t'oghlnn uro very much out of place In tragedy. , Sidney Drew nud other well known eople I have Joined iuy Templeton nud Kussells Comedians, and Indications now point strong ly to tho ultimate success of "Miss JlrOInty." Fay has been in Milwaukee this neck. Client hopes uro entertained In Paris for Him doll's "Therinldor." Tho play made a deep impiessioii when the author rend it to the committee of the Comedlo Fraucalse. Twenty-seven soeletaires ami euslominfres will bo in tlio cast, and the principal parts will bo sustained by Constant Coquelin, Jean G'oquelin, Marals, Mine. Hartet, and Mine. Hndamurd. Sol Smith Hussell is making his annua tour of tho west. Ho is presenting "A Poor Relation" to remarkably largo business. I.i Plnvulnlul Mr. ltllkkf.ll ttlftvil In nvi.itlfiw ing audiences anil one jwrformnnco In Toledo lenllzod $1,114, tho largest receipts over known in the lntter city, nt regular prices. T i.c i.tiii.nti tlilu nmitpillfiti nintlp n nrntlt. nf (IX),000 nud his present tour promises to ex ceed tuui iiuiiusomoiiKuiu. Mr. Ijiwrenco Harrett hns coininenced re heursnls of "A'Hecket" nnd It Is osslblo tlmt ho mny produce It at the Hroadway theatre Now York this seuson. Tlio play Is by Ix)rd Tennyson who hns given Mr. Huriett tlio right to produce It. "A'Hecket," us its title Indicates, Is hlstoiicnl and its presentation will le miide with new nnd elnborntoscener) costumes uud nccossorles nud u Inrgo nuxil miy foim of men nnd women. Mny Paris, tho cunning Cupid In Hlco's "World's Fnlr" nppears to lie coming to tho rout. Miss Paris, it will bo remembered, modo quite ufuvoruble impression tvw yours ugo us ono of tho little Chiuoso maids in tlio "lYurl of Pekln," u part which sho doi s very creditably. Each sensou finds tlio little lady in an udvuncod portund Iwforo long wo an tlclpato seeing her nt tho hend of some lurgo comedy or uurusque orgumzaiioi,, nuo is a clover, paiustnklug artiste and deserves sue- . cess. The following aro this week's attractions in New York; "Pippins," "Poor Jonathan," "Texas Steer," U.S. Wllliud In "Tho Middle mnn," "Hluo Jenns," W. II. Crane In "Tlio Senator,1' "A Pair of Spectacles." Evans mid , Hoey In "A Purior Matcli," Nell Hurges-s lit "Tne County Fair," 'Dr. Hill," Deiiinan Thompson In "Tho Old Homestead," "Tlio Idler," ' Tho Inspector," "Men and Women," "ThoCloiuoueenu Ca'so,"Mr. and Mrs. Ken dul, "Tho Ijist Word," "The Lilliputians,'' "Nero," (loo. C. Htaley in "A Hoynl Puss" "Shenandoah," and Margaret Slathers. "Neio" is having nn unprecedented run n Nlblo's theatre Now York. His undoubtedly one of tho finest spectacle over witnessed in j this country, and tho various pageants in the play have a burbai ie splendor well suited to i tl,,ii luirllonliir tioilod of HoillUII lllstui'V. Tim lions continue to bo u source or great wonder to nil who visit this thtutre, nnd tho gitnt dining of their undaunted trainer lifts never been tquulcd. Tlio noting of Wilton LucU) e, Cm i Id Turner and Alice Fischer, itdils much to tho success of "Nero." Man ago tilliuore bus so much faith in tho pi o duolloii that nothing elso has been booked for tho season ut Nlblo's theatie. M W1NTKK WKArS. IHpeclnl ColluiKHrorrespoudencp.) Nkw Youk, Nov. 'J7, I8IH). When tho fall season oMucd there wero olTensl among many other fabrics, n groat variety of wool en dress goods us Is always the cuso in early niitumn. And tho newest nud most striking of these, wero tho camel's hair seigos in clouded etrcctsnud with tufted llguroH which wero so much like Insertions or appliques of fur that one had almost to touch them to make sure they wero really n woven mrt of tho goods, That these wero aecopttsl with approbation, seems evident from the fact that tho suinodiwIgnswoioHoouaftor brought out lu cloaking, only In heavier weight and texture. For the big, long wraps nud coals which quite envelope the weaier, theso aro tho most desirable or the fancy wont mater lals;uud when trimmed with fur nppiopriato In coloi Ing, they have quite an elegant and luxurious nppeuiaiico. Ho much so ludissl, that even Hedfeiu is using them to some ex tent for his w inter coats, though it is not his custom to sanction anything but plain goods nud tlio inconspicuous plaid uud str!xsl tircodsiiud cheviots. A huge wiupof this French cloaking lecelitly exhibited by him lu New Yolk, had n design in black which exactly simulates mi Indicate and graceful braiding Mitteru. Another one Illustrated below is of deep wood coloied camel's hair with tufted black lozenge llgurcs-. It Ills tho figure por'ootly, Is double broastisl i,ud has it wide collar and entire sleeves of woolscul, a long uuplucked fur which Is quite Kpuliii' this year. KeuNklu lelug more costly nud Hire than formerly, Is naturally to the average woman, far moro desirable than ever, and partlou larly when It is fashioned in a wrap which is a complete nud suH'i b costume, like the one hero pictured. And it is considered vol y st) lish to combine it with tho curled Persliii laiub, asm tliU model in which the sleeves, miltr, collar, est, and bands all down the tiont are of tlio Jetty Peislaul Th s fur in blm k and the gl ay lamb kuoit n us ICi liniuei' is alio much used fi r entire bounds, which me tiimmcd with knots of civet, with me tnllle oiuaments and with feathers. 'I lie (iiime ut (loir. Tho" M'opl and enxvially women whose out door exeicUe Is of a quiet unexciting na ture, who have tiled of tint veiieiablu gaiuii of cioquet, nud whodhdiko the fatigue at teliilalit with tenuis should loud "Albion's' aiticlo lu Outinu for December outltled. "(lolffor Women." This Interesting writer says: "For those who object to the "slow nrss"of niohery tir croquet, or tlio fatigue which it hard-fought tennis buttle entails, a splendid medium will be found III the grand old gameof golf. Like tho thistle golf wns but it few Jems ngo cousldeied liullgeulous to tho soil of Scotland, but, thistle-like, tho "down" has Im'oii waited to many a fresh Held nud has opened pustules now. The main point which distinguishes it from all other out-door games Is that It Is it game of compe tition only and not of antagonism. Aside fioin tho fact that it Is nil cxcitImi of u quint order, It has another ad vantage the fact that It is nuiiMiutagouistle, secondary, to be sure, but of primary imHjitalice to many people who will ndiiilt It when they look Iwick and lecnll the iiiauy games they have left uiilln Ishisl Ih'ciiuso their opponents have sent their balls fur to the other end of the grounds when In it clone game they had but one moro wicket to make before hitting the stake " THANKSGIVING AT THE HOTELS. ITH lov and much lmmhI A 1 II om''1' "''sTIianksglv VV II lngilaycelebiale.lnt the city hotels. The hosts vliil with o'ioIi other In preparing elaborate dluuors,anil tho guests fared sumptuously Following are some of the melius; (Till'. IIONI). Houp. riileken ('i)iisomme it la ltoynl llrolled White Fish it hi Milllrede hotel Julian rutaliN's Celery, Hiilad llrosstiiK, (iuern Olives lA'gof Lamb, boiled, t'nper Haiicn Maslieil Tin nips Itoiisl Hlrloln Hoof .Mushed I'olalo.s Slew oil Toliiatoos Voiiiig '1 urkey, Htultoil,v.'lth Cranberry Haiiee Crown Sweet Potatoes Huddle of Venison, luriloil, OumoHuuco Mn iron fill I'eas baiiih with Mint Hiiuee Asparaitus on Toast Fruit Charlotte, nu Cognac. Small Tliulmlloof Itlco, a la Heine 0)stor l'attles, New York style Fillet of Hoof Chicken Ma) oniilse Potato Hiilud Apple I'll) Mliieel'le IOiikIIsIi l'litiu I'lidillng, Cranberry Haiiee Assorted Cukes Assorted Nuts Cream Cheese, Apples, llanaiias drupes t'olt'eo Milk Tea Till! Ol'Kl.T New York Counts Koup Oyster Mock Turtle linked Hcil Hiiappor, Maltre de Hotel Hauce lloliaiulalse Potatoes Mayonnalso I.etluee Habiil Cream Slaw Sweet JMekles ItKMHIIKH. Lettuce HOAHTH. Hiidlshes Celery Young Turkey, Ojster Dressing, Cranberry Hauoo, Young Pig, linked Apples Antelope, Currant Jelly I.OIIIOII ijherbet i:NTHKi:a. Ilarhociioof Opossum, Hweel Potatoes Quail on Toast Boston Cream Pulls VKMKTAIILKl.. Mashed Potatoes llolled Potatoes French Pons F.scitllopcd Tomatoes AsptriiKUs on Toast I'ASTHY. Kngllsh Plii'ii Piiihli ig, Hard or Hrnudy Hauce Apple Pie Milieu Pie Pumpkin Pie Pineapple leu Cream Charlotte ltiic Cranberry Tarts Assorted Caku Assorted Nllls l.n)er Hiilsins Cheese Apples drupes Oranges Hummus Ton Collee Milk TIIK W'INIIHOII, lllue Points Pureo of Fowl Cr.nsommo a la Xavler linked Striped llass, Madeira Wine Sauce llollctl UumornliiMilnion, Irencli Pons Celery Lettuce Spanish Olives llolled .Mutton, Caper Hiuiee Polled Chicken, Parsley Hauce Itoasl Hlrloln of Hoof, mi Jus Tame Duck, Htiilled, Apple Hauce Young Turkey, with Cranberry Sauce nwioiorcuiiK, inineu uu.M.miiiipl;iioiis Kscullopcd Oyslors, Italtlmore Htyle P.-ucli Fritters, HaiieeKnbayoii PI'NCII.A l.A HOMAINK. Iliiunehol Venison, Currant Jelly Urol ed (Jiuttl on Toast Mujoni a'seofliliMter Cliiekoii Bitlitd Itolleil Potatoes Mushed Potatoes Fried Parsnips HteweilTomati oi.l urolliui Hlee.Ktrlng 1 leans linked f-w 01 Potatoes Kpluaeh Mince Pin Pumpkin Pic Hiigllsli Plum Puilillng, llriiinly Bailee llamtmis loo Crcain Assorted Fancy Cakes Mexican Ornuuos, Iluuamis, .MahiKit (Inqs-s Cream Cheese, Crackers Mixed Nuts Ten Cotleo Improvetho nutritive functions of the scalp by using Hall's Vegetable Sicillnu Hair Ro iiuwer.aiid thus ks.p'the hulr from fulling and tMs.-omiuggrny. I Ladies will llnd n imigulflceiit line of hand kei chiefs and gloves at Mrs. (losper's milli nery parlors, 1111 () street. j Miss Johnston's stool; of hair goods is now ooiupletiiiilld thelillgest ever sliowu in the west. In Hwitcliw a line of the most lieautl- : fill good are shown. Embrniileiiug nil 'rhndes Including uatiiiul while hail Have you looked thioiigh J. II. Mauritius & Cii'h. art uud fnncj goisls ilepaitment. Nothing like it. New cloaks, new fills, fur uud feather trimming in nil kinds Now neckwear. At HcipoMioiuior .V Co's. Lincoln Ice Co., lulu O St Telephone 11H, ..Ml TIIK CHARITY HAM, H all, what Is sweeter than char ity! In the individual there Is no kind I let quallty,auil can Im actuated by iler liiipulso that which causes men to omii their heal Is mid, lemelii berlng the ties of litimuii biotheihiMsl, mukii glad the w i etched homes of the world's unfoi lunate ones, Deeds of chality Me shill ing pages lu the calendar of the soul, Time spent in chai liable, loving labor, Is time given to him whoso ralthrill disciple said: "I'lillh, hope, charily, these thlee;but the gleatostof these Is dim ity. The bilghtost moments lu the life of u good mini or it good woman are those when, rising above selllshnoss, some loving ofllce Is perfoi mod for tlm poor nnd nissly something thnt will lighten tho burden nud liiuko easier the way of the weary, opprotxed traveler on life's Journey. The pieseiice on the cmthof the lonely Nnruicuo eighteen centuries ago oliaugisl for all time the civillratlou of Ihn world. The example of Mali the of Sol rows lifted men up from their lowly surroundings mid illiecled their ga4) away from themselves to the heights of self-saerlllce ami iiiiscIIIsIiiichs. Whether they believed in the new faith, or re It for dogmas of their own, the whole race was elevated and human existence was purl lied and ennobled by the picccpts and tench lugs of Jtus Chi 1st. ir Christianity's claim upon the world tested only on the one fact that It has established human brothel hood on a foundation that cannot bo shaken, It Is en titled to nil the glmy that for ages has sur rounded It The bright star that Announced the till til of the Hon of Mau,heialilislnlsothe dawning of the new eru of luotherly love. I' or with him waslsuu love and chailty. If Chi 1st on earth taught one thing more than another It was chat ity nnd the influence of Ills would uud deeds has grown with time. Wo are told that the world is selllsh, Theie me times when what the hsIiiiIhI tolls us hs'iiis ti in; but when we remember the thous and channels through which aid dally flows to tho mifoitiinutc, uud think of the loving kltiduissof miiny geiieious lives, we know that ail Is not selllslmoss. Society it is said, It Is selllsh. Pel haps It Is; but many of theliudersof fashion arenbo ministers unto the hh)i-iiiii1 sick, uud charity receives many a handsome sum from siK.'lety's devotees. Years ago In tlio gloat rltles tlio Is'iuitlfti custom of setting apiutono grout event In the round of sfieietv's nlensures for "sweof charity's snke," wasorigliuitisluiiil ever since the Charity Hall has Im-oii one of socletyH llx e,l nud most cherished lustitiitioiis. A pe culiar Interest lias always celileieil in these ussembliesof fashion fur I lie beuellt, not of fashion itself, but of the homeless find needv. and they have Ihs.'ii attoiided with Invariable Micccss, Iheiels Komethliig pleasing In the thought that while the floor of the I harity Hall is alive with ineriy dancers, when there is Joy ami happiness everywhere, the sor among us nro also gainers by the billliniit event. It was a happy idea of the promoters of the M'coud animal Clarity Hall which led to the giving of the assembly on Thanksgiving night. What could Imj more appropriate mid fitting than after u day of Thanksgiving ror the ble-sings of the past, to a Id totho Joys of the present by utteii ling in the evening u bull miller charity's auspice? The mem oruble gathering of Thursday night besoke Hie happiness of that thought The capltol of the State of Nebraska, so well suiltsl for social fetes, bus held many a gay and brilliant assembly, and tho four walls of Kepi eseututie hall have cIonsI Hi many a happy party; but never has the great building coiitaiu.'d such a splendid throng as that of Thuisduy evening. For magulllcoiiie nnd dazzling splendour the second uimilal charity ball has never been oqi aled lu the state. For weeks and month- Lincoln has Is-i'ii preparing for the great ih-cusIoii. Htuid matrons uud vivacious maidens, gentlemen )oilliguud mldille aged hate one and nil looked forwnrd to the coming etent.uud never wus theie such eluboratn preparation for asocial Tho object of the ball. ! charity, wus not forgotten, uud ulthough ! theie wus no piodigul exs.-inlituie of money, .the uppoiiitmuits uud gay paraphci nulla weie surpassingly U'liutifnl. The cnslinm' I of the ladles, IrnleM-enl mnlui the iluliug I rays of the calcium lights, uud relieved li) the huge buuksof gorgeoiiilloweisaiid plants I presented it most entrancing ss'ctacle. Outside, the large f quale shone with light from a huiiili ed windows, while within the I 1 YTK i.rlrtwl ,4- ,1 than n k JflwfV sj . w Mist Intel lor wus made blight nnd attractlvo by a most generous llliiiiiliiatlou, sotting olT to grout advantage the lieullllful decora- tlons, Hopiosoiilutive hull, tinlisformnl into it bull loom, wus it vei liable bower of light and Utility. Tho oiiiameulatloii was both pi of me and tasty, and the splendid uppenrs mice of the halX excited iinlveisal ailmlra tlon. The Hour, fleshly cunvassid, presented n snowy surface, f loin whkhiilthe east end of the iimiiii siirioundlug the speaker's dins, lose it muss of piotly Howcis uud plants, couipleloly enveloping the oiohestiu, Two limuelisn Amiillculi lings woio suspended on the wulloii either side of the orchestral plat foi m, the remaining space being coveted with festoons of bunting, uvorgiism, etc. In the ceiiler huge h'tteis made of Incandescent oleelrlu lights, was lho word "cluitlty's, which when load with thecoriospouding In scriptions on the side walls, foimiil the dilut ing legend, 1'OIH'HARITY'HHAKE. Running nil mound the four sides woio fes toons uud sti catners of evergreens nud bunt' Ing, from which hung wriviths uud flags. Costly paintings loaned for theoccnslon'by cltirciiN of Lincoln, ndiUsI color mid viii lety to tho skilfully m ranged deem at Ions, 'I wo calcium lights opoialisl from raised plat- foims lollecteil illlreront coloison the bright scene, and this last provisl to be one of the prettiest features of the bull. It was u row minutes after eight o'slnck when tlio llrstcnri lago rolled up to the onit entrance, nud it wns Hourly ten when nil of the guests hud nnlvisl. The onily comers wore prliicipallysH'otutorswho sought places ill tho gallery commanding an excellent view of the dancing lloor. At 8:110 tlm latter wns well filled, and shortly after nine the grand inarch coininenced, lu which nearly one bundled couples participated (lov. John M. Thuyor uud Mrs. J. H, Wright led tho stately promenade, which oonoil so nuipl clously the evening's enjoyment. The pro gramme luclililisl eighteen numbers, mid It was after Up m, when the strains of "Hume Stvis't Homo" announced the end. The mu sic rendered by tlio Philharmonic orchoctrn lidded uppris'luhly to tlio evening's plcamire. , The Charity Hull wus the most rrtdltubl showing ever made by Lincoln society, nnd it attests the growing popularity of this com moiidable Institution. The ball was strictly full ill es ami the costumes were unusually rich and handsome. Rcfid'liiuciils woio served In 'the senate chiimlH'r during the evening. It is thought that between t700 nud W) will go to the pfsir as the lesult of the Mcond annual bull. TIIK I'AllTiril'ANTH. Tho following is it nearly couiilute list of those present; Mossis. uiid Mesdnmes AC Zlemer, T 11 Honton, J II Wright, T W Urlli lib, Cliarhss Mayor, C S Llpplncott, Frank Sheldon, J A Hiickstntr, A O Heesou, J T McDonulil, II II Dean, 'lorlinm F Hetts, R B dim n, M I). Flunk Hull, EKCilley, CT Hi own, Oiuiihu, W J Mux well, IIS. Mcintosh. Mason (Irogg, II P Foster, R O Phlllljis, W B Ayors, I M Ruymoiid, Joseph Houlmier, A W Jniikvu, O N Hiiiiiphrey, R II Oaklev, K K Huyileii, J F Umsliig, J M Knox, H II Nes blt, VlvvMi. Davis Wise, C II Iinhoir, R Hchlunilcr. E P Holmes, L II Towuley, C II (iere, (I M Hmtlett, J Cutwrlght, A H Itiiymoiid, C S clo'soii, R O'Neill, Vun Dus eu, F A Hrowu. Missed Hortlo CiHik, Hlnlr. Nelllo White, Naomi Weaver, Anno Fuuko, Heslo Mason, Minnie Ijitta, Olive Ijttta, Cra Hardy, Clara Walsh, Clara Carmody, Margaret llulril, Muuil Stobbs, (ienevleve Wells, Cin cinnati, I'Miuie Newman, P.vit Knapp, Fay Marshall, Haldwiii, Sadie (liiinlnger, (lert i tide Marquette, Mint ha Fuuko, May Mc- Donald, Minnie 'Vott. .Maud" Smith, Claikle Puce, Abble Covi-it, Halllii Ilisqsr, .Margaret English, dertrude .ieiuer, Hitttie U'land, Florence III own, Fuimle Hitwley, Mnud Humuiond, Corn Weaver, Oiiiahu. Mnrlo dale, Chlengo, ivyau Ma Hun Maud Oakley, Hnydlo Hlerwlth Maiie Mailiall. Clara (loldbiirg Duirj (,tiiliu III Altkon, Kittle Cow dory, F.llu RaMiioud. Ada (li egg. Dais) Hiuks, Jinniu I'lb. Mesrs Clari-in-e Hiuwn, Omaha, (loo N Foiesmaii, 0eai Fiinke, (iei Ciaucir, Fitsl C Howe, Mel'all.M I Aitken, Frank Huir, I'lmili-s lluir, J K TlioinpMin ST Hi John, Hal Noithiim, V I', lliiiih, I) C Van Duyn, II J Hall, Clmiles Hall, C I) Mullen, CR Hichter, C F Ludd, M D;t) A Mohichsteokcr, Frank Hathaway, M W Folsnm, C II H.siv.s, Jl D; Fred Smymr, F C Sholcs, John T Dor giin, Will Johnson, KO Hiadley, CK.Mii giKiu, Irf'w Mai shall. Mutt Haldwiu, (Union eon need mii f.mitli pa -e