Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 27, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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OF wonK.
Tlia Crookril Thing of Thl i:rtli Am
, to lln Mmtr Htrnlght, Allka In lliul.
' tint, (lorrriimrnt, Itnmmtla l.lfn nml
lulior Amwern In I'myrr.
BliOOKLY.v. Sopt, HI. Preliminary (o hi
erinon nt tho Academy of Mimic In thli
city thl forenoon Ilov. Dr. TitlnwiKe an
nounced that until tlio now Brooklyn Tab
ernnclo win completed ho would preach In
tbo Brooklyn Academy of Minlo on Sun
day morning. Ho wii glnd to ndd that by
an Arrangement mndo through Tlio Chrln
tlnn Herald, of New York city, lio wotilil
be enabled to preach In tlio Now York
Academy of Mimic, on Fourteenth Mrcet,
on Sunday evening, beginning with tlio
flrenlng of Sopt, 28. Ho nlno announced
Hint on next Sabbat li morning, Sept, l,
bo would liegln ii erlef of eicrmous en
titled, "My Itcccut Journey Tliromih tho
Holy Land nml Neighboring Countries;
What I Saw nml Ioarncd,"
1 Tho subject of today's orinon won,
'Crooked Thing." Toxt, Ia. xl, 4t "The
crookril hnll Iki inmlo Htralght."
Geometry, front tho tlino ttwn.i discover
d on tho bnnks of tho Nile, which by IU
overflow annually obliterated tho land
tnnrki, nml tho restoration of t land,
tunrki inmlo inch n science necessary I
ay geometry over illicit then hmi been
luy with linen, straight lined, curved
lines, lines in angle. nnd coins. nml upbore,
but lias novor Wen ablu to evolve any
beauty from n lino that vn merely crook
ed. Tho clrclo nml tho Niiunro wcrn always
considered admirable. Isaiah '
tho clrclo nml says, "Tho Iinl alt upon
tho clrclo of tho earth." Tho altar of tho
ancient tnhorunclo wns "four square," nml
tho breastplates of tho priests "four
aqunro," nml heaven, according toSt. John,
Is "four square." Hut tho lllblu has no
admiration for lines Unit tiro merely erouk
ed. Indeed my toxt In prophesying tho
world's complete recUllciitlon declares,
"Tho crooked shall lie made. straight."
There have Won so many moral earth
quakes that many things have got Into a
tcrrlblo twist crooked laws, crooked gov
ernments, crooked fortunes, crooked dis
positions nml tunny of tho efforts to
straighten things have only made them
morn crooked. Ami soiuo good people, sit
down In despair nml become pessimistic,
ami gtvo up life, nml tho church, ami tho
world us dead failures With such hichry.
moso behavior I havo no sympathy, It Is
a promise, of tho Ixml Almightyt "Tho
crooked shall bo mndu straight." I pro
pose, ns I mny bo divinely helped, to men
tion somo of tho crooked things that nw
going to bo straightened.
Much of tho wealth of tho world Is In the
iintids of tho profligate, whtlo ninny of tho
best peoplo nro subjected to distressing
prlvntlont nml thcro Is going to bo n redis
tribution of property. If It went posslblo
it would bo a bad thing to huvo things
divided cuuilly. Some men uro ablu to
endure moro success than others, nml pros
perity that might not unbalance you might
destroy me, Tho Declaration of American
Independence declares that nil men nro
born equal, but tho opposlto Is tho truth,
for thoy nro born unequal. In no respect
la this moro evident thnn In their capacity
to endure success, financial or social. I
havo seen men by tho acquisition of llfty
thousand dollars mndo nrrognnt nml over
bcarlug, and I have known others with
their millions of dollars childlike and un
assuming unit Christian. Wo would all
be affluent, but the ImtA cannot trust us.
I nui glad thcro are thoso ho can trust.
Much is said against capitalists, but tho
world would be a very shaky world with
out them.
Who built tho great railroads which,
while thoy glvo such facilities of travel,
employ tens of thousands of lnborers, sup
porting them and their families? Capital
ists. Who built great ships that stir tho
rivers nml bridge tho ocean? Capitalists.
Who reared tho thousands of factories all
over tho laud In which hundreds of thou
sands of employes earn their dally bread f
Capitalists. Who endowed your colleges,
ami opened free libraries, nml built
nsylnms for tho orphan, tho crippled nnd
tho Insane! Capitalists. Hut for them
-there would not bo an academy ct music,
or n picture gallery, or n freo library, or n
steamboat, or n railroad In America. Who
put tho world on scventy-flvo years to
yond what it would havo liecn In enter
prise, in comforts, In educational advant
age, In good things without number? Cap
italists. Tho more money n man gets tho better If
It co mo honestly and Is employed right
eously. Nevertheless wo all see that there
needs to be a redistribution of property.
'Communism proposes to tnako that distri
bution by torch and dagger nml dynamite.
Throw tho midnight express train off tho
trnck and put tho factory Into conflagra
tion; disrupt society, burglarize, assas
sinate. Such people bcllevo neither in
God nor man nor woman, and ,theyknow
bow to muko things worse, but never havo
made and novcr can make anything better.
' I tell you how thcro will como n redistri
bution of property. Under the divine
blessing good peoplo will get moro alert
ness and acumen and nssjdulty. Many
good peoplo are kept In straitened circum
stances because they havo been Indolent, or
lacked courage to take honest advantage
of circumstances, and wero too stupid to
get on. With (lie very snnio surroundings
others wcut on to competency. In the bet
ter days to como good men will havo their
faculties wakened, und will itt consequence
rise to larger share of prosperity, On the
other hand, estates wrongfully accumu
lated will dissolve. If uot the sous, then
the grandsons will make the money fly,
nnd It will gradually scatter in thelrhands,
and become u part of tho general wealth.
Then as to vast properties righteously
gathered und there are thousands of them
such estates will contribute toward hclp
lng the unfortunate, not more by charities
than by helping struggling peoplo into
lucrative business, and tho man who has
amassed enough and a surplus will sayi
"There Is a young merchant without nny
capital. I will start him on Fulton street;"
and "there is a young mechanic who has
no means of his own, and I will put him
on a career of prosperlty;""nnd "there is a
farmer with too big n mortage on his land,
and I will help him lift tho incumbrance."
unoiact Is that If the kindliness and gen
erosity manifested by moneyed men to
ward the struggling during the last fifty
years Increase in the same ratio for the
next fifty years there will bo a condition of
society paradisiac. Wo are going to have
a multiplication of William K. Dodges and
Peter Coopers nnd James Lenoxes and
George Peabodys. So will come redlstri
.button, unit the crooked will be made
Mind this, God never yet undertook a
failure, Tho old book, which Is worth all
.jotuer books put together, makes ft plain
thntUod hns undertaken to regulnto this
world by gospel Influences, and If ho has
tho power ho wilt do what he su ho will,
' mid no uno who amounts to anything will
I deny his power. Owl hns said a hundred
times, "I will," but never unco hns said,
I "I cannot." Wo mny with our tnck limn-
mrrs pound away, trying to mend and tin
provo and straighten tho financial condi
tion of tho world, nnd In) dlsnppuluted In
tho result liecnuso our nrm Is too weak
nnd tho hammer wo wield too small, but
tho most defiant dlfllculty will flatten mid
disappear when (lod with n hummer inodo
of summer thunderbolts strikes It, saying,
"Tho crooked shall be made straight."
(Hilt's 111:1.1 IN IIUHINKM AtTAIIIH.
In your business concerns thern are In
fluences perplexing. Votir nlTaln mny pihiii
nil right to outsiders, for business linos do
not advertise their private troubles; but
where one firm has everything Just as they
want It there aron hundred llrmsnt their
wits' end what to do with that partner
who draws moro than his share of tint
profits, or with thatstnekholder who comes
in just often enough to upset things, or
with that disappearance, of funds which
you cannot account for, although you havo
suspicious you cannot mention; or with
that Investment which wns mndu contrary
to your judgment hernusu there was it de
termination to push it through, orbecausu
you am going behind month by mouth
without any prospect of extrication. Tho
trouble Is putting a wrinkle on your fore
head that ought not to appear there for ten
yenrs yet, mill you will he 40 yearn old
when yon ought to lie only 80, or (X) when
you ought to lie W), or 70 when you ought
to Imi only 00. Stop worrying; either by
the dissolution of that II rm or by readjust
ing tnntters you will Iw brought safely
through If you put your trust in (lod.
When commercial houses full the stm-
pension Is ndverttsed, but of tho tens of
thousands of men who nro everyday ex
tricated no public mention Is made. Yes
terday was Saturday, and I warrant that
nl tho windows of bnnks, nnd In counting
rooms of stores, and on every street of
every city, God appeared for thn deliver
anco of good men as certainly as when
with his right foot ho trod Uko Galileo
Into placidity, mid niadu Daniel as safu
among the lions as though they had been
house, dogs urdeep on n rug before n win
ter's Arc. Throw yourself on tho promise
of thn text, orn hundred other texts mean
ing about tho H.imo thing,
I never yet nsked God todomiythtng but
ho did It If It wero best, mid lu all tho
owes wheru my prayer hns not been nn-
swored I have found out afterward that It
was best uot to havo been answered lu my
way. Hut nonq of us has tested the
full power of prayer. It Is n force very like
soiuo of tlio forces of nature that wero In
existence, tint not employed. For ages
electricity was thought good for nothing
but to burn barns mid kill peoplo with one
fell stroke. Tho lightning rod on the top
of houses wns tho speur with which tho
world charged on tho thunder storm, ns
much ns to say, "If you dnru to como this
wny I will hurl yon Into tho ground."
Hut now electricity lightens homes und
churches nnd cities nnd Christendom and
moves rail cars, mid ho (s n rash man who
mentions anything ns Impossible to this
natural energy.
So tho power of prayer wns to tho world
rnthor a frightful power, if it wns nny
power nt nil. Hut Unit hns been dimmed.
nml mon begin to uso It In soiuo things, mid
tho time will como when It will bo used lu
nil things, nml there will bo a Ulbto In
every counting room, and supplication will
nscend from every- commercial establish
ment, and when business Arms uro formed
tho question will uot only lie asked as to
how much this one nnd that nuo nut in of
capital, but tho question will bo nsked,
"iw you Know now to pray?"
Mightier agent than any natural forco
yet dovolopcd will Iw this gospel electricity,
flashing heavenward for help, flashlmr
earthward with illvlno response, God lu
imsinuss lire. Uod in agricultural life.
God lu mechanical life. God in nrtistlo life.
God in every kind of life. Your religion
for tho most part is hung up so high you
cannot reach It, It Is hung up oii tho
cloudy rafters of the sky, when you expect
to snatch it up as you finally go through
for heavenly resldenco Oh, havo your re
ligion within easy remit now! Itelluiou is
not for heaven, but fcr this i orld. Oueo
in henven we will neul no prnycr, for wo
snail imve everything wo want. Wo will
need no repentance, for wo shall have for
ever got rid of our elni. We shall havo no
need of comfort, for Ucro will Iki no
trouble. The Christian religion is not for
heaven, whore everything Is nil right, but
for this world , where wi many things are all
Washington Allstou, whose niimo you
rccogulzo as that of n gnat American
painter, was minced to extnmo poverty,
nnd ono day got on his knees and asked for
a loaf of bread for himself mid his starv
ing family. While he was bowed lit that
prayer there was n kuck at the door and
a man came in mid said: "How nliout your
painting, the 'Angel Uriel,' that received
tho prise at the royal academy? Has it
been sold?" "No," said Allstou. "How
much do you want tor it?" Allston re
plied: "I am done fixing n price, for I can
not get It," "Will four hundred pounds
be enough?" asked the stranger. "Why,
that is .more than I nsked," said Allston.
The four hundred pounds (two thousand
dollars) wero paid, and tho purchaser in
troduced himself as Marquis of StalTord,
who thereafter wns ono of the most liberal
patrons of the rescued artist. "Oh, that
nil Just hiippcued Ml" Did It? Tell ui
to some igfloratil man, some lenlghted
woman, who has never read the promise,
"Call upon mo in tho day of trouble, I will
deliver thee," or that other promise, "The
crooked shall be made straight."
"Well," bays one, "you don't apply this
in every direction." Yen, I do. Take the
most uncertain thing ou earth tho weath
er. The Hible distinctly says that prayer
controls tho weather. James v, 17, 18: "Ell
as win u man subject to like passions na
we are, and he prayed earnestly that It
might not rain: and tt rained not on tho
earth by the spneo of three years mid six
months. And ho prayed again, und the
heaven guvo ruin." Do you say that was
the weather of olden time? There havo leen
instances in modern times Just us marvel
ous. There's uot n Christian ship captain
but could give you Instances of dlvluo In
terference with tho weather in answer to
It has been my good fortune to know
many ship captains. They are in all our
services. They leave their vew.els on Sun
day mornings and join us tit worship, I
warrant thera are enough of them present
this morning to take a whole fleet lu safety
iicrosa the Atlantic Whenever I have
heard them testify it has mightily con
firmed me In what I knew before, that God
answers prayer concerning the weather.
And there have been cyclones that started
up from UioCurribbeunteu, sweeping down
every nail, and every smokestack, and every
mast in their course, which lu answer to
specific petition have been diverted und
made to curve around some particular ship,
leaving that in calm waters, aud then re
suming their original path of destruction.
Tho weather probabilities again and again
hnvo announced a tempest, and wo wero
all ready for It, but to tho surpriso of most
(leopln tho next day wo saw tho announce
ment Hint tho atmospheric fury had
changed Its course. The probability Is It
struck a prayer. The probability Is It
struck a prayer nnd glanced off. If Kilns
prayer affected the weather of Palestine
for forty-two mouths I should think some
body now might havo n prayer that would
affect It for n couple of days.
ni:.MAiiKAiii.r. anwi:ii to ritAvnt
John Knstcr was ninny years ago an
evangelist lu Virginia. A largo outdoor
meeting was being held lu that state.
Many thousands had assembled In the
open air, nml heavy storm clouds began to
gather. There was no shelter to which
the multitudes could retreat. The rain
had already reached the adjoining fields
when John Ivister cried out, "Hrethren,
Imi still while I will upon God to stav the
storm till the gospel Is preached to thin
multitude." Then he knelt nnd prayed
that the audlenro might Imi spared from
the rain, and that after they had gone to
their homes there might como refreshing
showers. Heboid the clouds parted as they
came near, mid passed to cither side of tho
crowd, mid then closed ngaln, leaving tlio
place dry where tho audience had assem
bled, mid tho next day tho postponed
showers enmo upon tho ground that had
lieen tho day leforo omitted. Do you say
It only happened so? I cannot seo what
you keep your Hlbles for, nnd tho God you
worship U not my God. Your God Nan
autocrat, mid ho Is so far off and so far up
that the world cannot touch him, mid hit
throno Is nn eternal Icelierg. My Owl is a
father, hero mid now, nnd n fnt her will
glvo his child what he asks (or Is Lest
for htm to havo It. I'ray about everything
that concerns you, seeularltiei ns well iih
spiritualities. Tako to God nil your mi
noyances mid perplexities. Tho crooked
shall bo mndo straight.
Homo peoplo tnlk as though God control
led things lu general, but not In particu
lar; that he started everything under cer
tain laws and then let it take caro of it
self, as an engineer might start his loco
motive on nn Iron rcllrond track and then
Jump off. Whnt would happen to such a
locomotlvols what would long ago havo
happened to our world If God lind started
It aud afterward allowed It to look out for
Itself. Thern Is no such thing as n general
providence. It is a partlculnr providence.
God hiiK-iioigennrnl'cariufor u fonst. It is
n care of every cell of every leaf aud toot
In that forest. God has no general enro of
tho ocean. It is u caro of every drop of
water In tho liquid magnitude. God has
no general care for the human nice. It is n
earn of every Individual of thatraco and
of every Item of Individual history. I
preach him, n God In lullniteslmals, mi
everyday God, n God responsive, mid one
brent h of earnest prayer, though that
bn-ath should not bo stmng enough to
muko it candle flicker, will absorb moro of
tho divine attention thnn If tho nrchangel
standing nt the foot of tho throne should
flap lioth wings.
It Is remarkable how many crooked
things nro lu tho provldenco of God lielng
made straight. About thirty years ngo
our national alTalm wero as crooked as de
praved Atnerlcnn politics nnd had men
mid Satan could nmko them. Front the
top of Malno to tho foot of Florida the na
tion was nil with wrath. It was wrangle
and fight nil tho way through, nnd one of
the mildest things that the north and
south promised each other was assassina
tion. Dm lug this summer I have traveled
through New York and Ohio aud Illinois
and Indiana and Minnesota nnd Kansas
nnd Nobrnskn nnd Missouri nnd Texns
nnd lioultlnnn and GeorIii ami North
nnd South Carolina and Virginia mid
Pennsylvania, and I havo shaken hands
with tens of thousands of peoplo, and
talked with men of nil sections nnd de
grees, and I hnvo to tell you it Is nil pence,
and In all the states of the Union you could
not now marshal, n military coinnany of
ono hundred soldiers to light ngalnst tho
United States government, unless you got
your men out of tho penitentiary. Did the
corrupt and gangrened political parties do
this work of rectification nnd pacification?
No! It wns by dlvluo Interposition that
the crooked has ben mndo straight.
On tho at of December, 1851, Louis Na
poleon Honnpnrte rodo down tho Clinmps
Myseoof Purls, and under tho hoofs of his
horso a republic was trampled as tho
rider went to take a throne. It was tho
outrage of the century. For nineteen
years the wrong triumphed. Tho will of
one man who wanted to remain emperor
..ept down a nation who wanted a repub
lic. Hut Septcnilier, 1870, arrived, and Se
dan unrolled Its crimson scroll. The, em
eror surrenders with 83,000 troops, 410
Held guns, 0,000 horses nnd 00,000 muskets.
Front thnt day the ballot box was up nnd
the throno was down. Free Institutions
have iM-eu substituted for mi Infamous mon
archy. Thank Godl Tlio crooked has been
made straight.
Hut why go so far to find fulfillment of
my text? In all our lives there are crooked
things that need to bo made straight, und
each hearer or render will enumerate for
himself or herself. With one tt Is dilap
idated physical health, and you are say
ing, "Why cannot I bo In good health when
I havifSlch'OpiK)rtU!iltles amlsich. rcino.ii
slbilitles?" Alas for the sick headaches
and the rheumatic, joints, mid tho neuralgic
thrusts, and tho lame foot! Hut you will
Imi well soon. Life nt tho longest is an ab
breviated durance. There Is a bluck doc
tor that will cure you. Soino people call
tilm Death.
No dlseaso wns ever nblo to stand before
his touch. Uso nil tho means afforded for
physical recuperation, but If they fall tho
hour of release Is not faraway. There need
bo no Incurables. There In no sorrow that
heaven cannot cure. Those who in this
world have always been well will not get
tho best part ot heaven. They will not
have tho advuntnge of contrast. They
were well before t'aey left this world, and
why should they bu so grutulated at being
well lu the next world? Hut to thoso who
on earth were hindered or broken down in
health what a contrast us they step into
that domain where there has never U-eu
mi aching brow, or lume foot, or Inflamed
muscle, or dlsonlercd nervel For forty
years thoro may hnvo been a stooping in
belmek, o'r a twUted' muscle, or.a curved
spine, or a crooked limb, but the promise
has been fulfilled; "The crooked, shall bo
made straight,"
In tunny u domestic life urodllllcultle.s to
be removed. There aru thousands of
matches that were not made in heaven,
Soiuo of tho loveliest women have been
united to so mo of the meanest, men and
some of tho grandest men to tho most
wort Hess women. There may be tiosulll
dent cause of divorcement, but there has
never been any accord. For them tho wed
ding march ought never to have been
pla is I, The twain divergent in sentiment,
tho north polo and the south pole might
just as well hnvo been married. A twist of
nettles would have been moro appropriate
than u garland of orange blossoms. The
unutterable mistake was mndo to plense
parents, or for tho acquisition of estate, or
for heightening of social position, or from
thorough thoughtlessness. I cnll the nt
lentlou of such to thotnpld dbsolutlou of
This thought, which Is n sndness to n
.hnppy marital state, might Iki consolatory
to thoso unequally yoked. A very short
path Is the path of life. Tho rolling years
will give quick emancipation. Kverybody,
for discipline, must hnvo soma kind of
trouble, .mil that is your trouble. Put lu u
song now and then ro cheer your spirit.
Muko the In-st of things. Find lu God that
peace which 4i ono else can bestow. The
days and mouths aud years nro crowding
past, and tho last of tho procession, so far
ns you nro concerned, will soon have gone
by. Itenicmher thnt some of tho let men
nnd women who ever lived havo had tho
same lifetime of misfortune. They bom
up under it nnd so can you. Tho expira
tion of the life of one of you will, nfter n
while, remove tho ntlllction. Let the ono
thnt remains make no bytocritlcat mourn
ing nt tho obsequies of the ono thnt goes,
or Imitate those whom we have all no
ticed, who fought like cats nml dogs nil
their married state nnd then could not get
organs to sound dirges doleful enough, or
furnishing stores to prepare weeds black
enough, or tombrtono cutters to chisel
epitaphs eulogistic jnougli.
It Is it mnttenof congratulation thnt the
unhupplest conjugal relation will terml.
unto. Tho crooked shall Iw mndo straight.
In the ages of the world when peoplo lived
flvo or six or eight or nlno hundred years
such consolation for any kind of trouble
would havo been lunpt. It would have
brought no relief to some of thoso old patrl
archstosay, "You will have only seven him
dred years more of this." Hut life bus been
abbreviated by the cutting off of century
nfter century until wo can console people,
whether their troublo Imj fliinnclnl or social
or domestic, by saying It will uot Imi long
iHjforo tlio crooked shall be mndo straight.
(IOII WILL lin.lKVi: TDK StlllliOWFUL.
Hut to thoso who were once hnpplly
united on earth but aru now separated tho
same thought comes in a good cheer. Not
lougseparatedl Tradition snys thnt two
bells were molded and sent from Spain for
u distant laud tochlmo in n church tower.
Hut while In a storm at sea one of these
bells was wrecked, nnd only ono reached
tho shore and was hung in tho church
tower. And somo peoplo thought that
when standing ou tho land they heard that
bell ringing for worship or lu a wcddlim
peabthey could at thowimo time henr front
tho sea tbo IostbelI 'ringing us if lu re
sponse. Somoof our friends und kindred
Imve crossed tho stormy wn, and nro In tho
tower of God on high. Hut wo nro still In
tho tempet-t, nnd sometimes the surges
bent over us, but our souls are still in nc-
conl with thoso who nro gone, nnd they
ring down to us and wo ring up to them,
nnd there Is a sympathy between us that
can never die.
"Oh," say wiine one, "tho crook In my
lot you hnvo not mentioned, nnd I sit clear
outsldo of nil tho consolations you have of
fered." Well, I will taku after you with
gosjiel comfort and reach you before I
close. Do you think your woumj is so
deep the dlvluo Surgeon cannot treat it?
Havo you n troublo Unit overmasters God?
Is your annoynnco of such n nature Unit
you must suppress It? Ah, thnt Is what Is
killing you. Troublo must bo told, or It
stings to deatlt tho ono who carries It. If
there Is no man or woman that you can
trust with tho secret you can trust God.
Iilo away to him. Tell him nil about It.
Iick your door and tell him aloud, and If
you do not get relief you will Iw the llrst
soul in the six thousand years of the
world's existence, and tho only ono of the
hundreds of millions of tho human race,
who over called on God for help and did not
get lf In all tho universe, hi all eternity
there Is not an exception. Stop brooding
nnd commence praying.
I bless my God that whllo there uro so
many crooked things in life there nro soiuo
things so straight God himself could
uot make them strnlghter. Dlvino help
comes straight to thoso who will have It.
Tlio angels of mercy tly straight when they
undertake n rescue. Tho hour of your
Itnnl deliverance marches straight out of
thu eternities. And ns tho carpenter puts
down his rule on u piece of timber, nnd
with his nx hows nwny until tho lust ino
quullty nnd Irregularity disappears, so
when God in tho lust grent dny shall put
down his unfailing nieusurlug rule beside
thnt event which seemed the most twisted
in our lives or lit tho world it will bo
found out thnt tlio last discrepancy lias
vanished, nnd tho last wrong hns been
righted, and Jho last crooked thing has
been mndu straight.
Old Tlino "Circuit Illilers."
It Is I m posslblo for the present generation
of j reuchers tonppreclnto the tolls of their
predecessors In the west und south. Tho
labor of "riding a circuit" was incredibly
great. Itonds wero mere bridlepaths
through tho wilderness. There wero no
bridges. When streams wero narrow aud
shallow they were fonled; when deep nnd
wide the lonely rider tied his clothes in n
bundle on his head nnd forced his horse to Often there wns not even u
semblance of a road, and the preacher found
his vuy by tho compass, or, if ho had none,
by tho course of tho sun by day a id the
position of certain well known stars by
night. If ho lost his course thoro was
nothing for him to do but camp out all
night. If he had tho means he built n fire
to ficnro away tho wolves-, bears nnd even
more feared panthers. If tho wild beasts
weni not numerous ho slept, but if ho saw
half u pairs of glowing oyes in the
clrclo of darkness round his lire he stayed
nwuke, piled on more wood nnd now nnd
then shouted end enst limning brands nt
the "varmints" that came too close.
Nor were tho discomforts of travel his
ouly nnnoynnces. After u dny's severe rid
ing ho would reach, long nfter nightfall, n
irfttientent where Methodists wero in
plenty. Tired utmost to death he enters
the log cabin of u good brother, and would
give all his worldly possessions for a
chance to lay his head on his saddle and
go to sleep at onco. nut not so. The
preacher must be entertained. Tho old
woman and tho girls began hurried culi
nary operations. A boy is sent out of the
cabin with whispered orders about "that
red pullet." Five minutes Inter tlio preach
er hears a chicken squall, aud knows lie
must wait for supjior before he will bo al
lowed to sleep.
An hour passes nwny, relieved by the old
man's inquiries about' Hrother So-and-ao
mid Sister Such-u-oiie on the snme or an
other circuit, und the weary preacher sits
down to u supper of corn bread burned ou
the outside, dough In the middle; fried
chicken swimming in fat, nn.l rye coffee
sweetened with miiplo sugur. Aud ho
must eat, too, else his host nnd hostess
may think him proud unit "stuck up," and
"too good to eat common folks' victuals."
St. louls Post-Dispatch.
A prisoner in jail at Freehold, N. J was
on tlio verge of escaping, when, as ho has
sluco explained, his conscience smote hint
and he concluded to stay where ho was.
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Burlington route
R Ever Introduced in the West !
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X "the BURinraioir flyer,"
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nt 8 o'clock, makes
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London, 1'arU, Norway, Plymouth, Bremen,
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