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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1890)
K CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SlSl'TEMHKR 27, 1890 I f SPECIAL SALE Next Week of FALL OVERCOATS At the GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE The popularity of Fall Overcoats is steadily increasing. Their usefulness and we might say necessity these cool even ings and mornings is fully recognized by the growing demand for them. Wc have this season an unusually large stock of Fall Overcoats and to boom their sale we will make special prices for this week. A 4. ClTfi Wc w'" RI,)W fine silk faced Melton Overcoat thnl has not Itneinml XXL spiKJ for the money. A i. (t-TQ n A mie Imported Worsted Overcoat, silk faccil nml with silk XXL vplZ.U sleeve lining, not to be duplicated for am thing like the inone. Ai. (!- . We will sell a super!) Kersey, silk faced and sleeves silk lined, n " r JD very dressy coat. In addition to the nbovc we have an elegant assortment of Casslmcrcs, Meltons and Chc lots at equally low prices. Call and wc them at the Globe Clothing House, Cor. O and Tenth Streets. NKWMARK & HERSCHUiR. Props. TEETH EXTRACTED -33TT- DR. H. K. KERMKN SURGEON DENTIST, Who has the Exclusive Use of Steauna's Anesthetic No Chloroform ! No Kther 1 No Gas I A Full Set of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. All Fillings at the Lowest Rates. DR. H. K. KERMAN, Rooms $&g'Jr Block' CLOTHING -AND- FURNISHING GOODS AT Lowest Herman Bros. 1017 0 St., LINCOLN, MB. ; - Branch Stores at Falls City, Grand Island, Beatrice, Weeping Water and Auburn. HEATING STEAM AND Hot Water F. A. Telephone Hi mmmmm VUHL. Milton M. Lyon the Wide Awake Newsdealer and Suhsrimlnn Airent. 1 101 N St. MWk Icuvo Orders for ntiy Newspaper. Mnuu.ino or rcrlodlcul whatso ever nml I Mill procure It-fWr jimi nt publisher's Lowest Price s Ladles will uluitjs II ml 11 lull lino of hushlon Mnuazllic mi my 'l jilunii full ll.t.i nMimi .... ....... .'..,.. I. .- I I.M.. U....11.. "T &mmm lit .IfrV -"" -"! '"""' .Mil imv . ! iii' iiiik. " i.-II-111 1. it'll - ill ir IT rMlllllCrl, ft Tolstoi's "hrciiter Suiiiitii" now 'J.'i cents. W ".Miiilauinlbullodc Mnuplu,"' Notre Coonr," (tin1 Human Heart, ! "Peter's Soul," "The Turnover t'luli," "The Last Throw," by the IP Iluclioss, "Hie Toltee Cup," nml Itiiilyurd Kipling' entire scries In ""WWMW mil' "'. M'lHI n III"' The Qothim Newi WITHOUT PAIN Prices. - o - Plumbing KORSMEYER & CO. 536. 115 S. Eleventh St. Emporium, Milton M. Ljron, Proprietar. Our New Kansas ell) i,iiii. For year Lincoln linn pined for proier railway facilities to Ht, JoNeph mid Kansas City nml when tint Missouri Pnelllo hullt its lino Into tho enpltnl eity, wo hail about dc eltltMi that nt IriiKtlt wo would -vt tlm de sired tlrstschirs service. Hut nlns, such wn not the enso. It wns practically the same old day coaches with Its "chniiKo cars," mid Hint, too. Into nt nlRit. Our fi lends, how -ever, of that Kiatcst of nil western railways, "llin IllirllliKtou," now como dclllicintoly to the front without 11 Hash of ti limpets or kIm" Iiir nntiouncenients nud place!. In ( jvornllon 11 service thnt for convenience nml comfort stands fnr iiHrlor to ntiythluK et Intro tluml A through pnrlor mid sleeping cur leaves lilucoln every evening nt half-past eight, run direct through to Ht. Joseph nud Kansas City, arriving ut Hut sainted city nt ft:'J7, n. tn,, mid tlm latter plncont?:oO a. in , In time for 11 full day's business nt either )olnt. The return trip In Ktnrted In the evening nt Uli, Ht, Joseph nt II 15 reach ing Lincoln iigiiln nt 7;M) In I ho morning. The pntwiiRpr ts-foro letlrlng lint tlm 110 of n luxurious drnwlng nximwltli heavily upholstered pnrlor clinlrM, not Hie emit en tloual chairs used on ordinary tinlus, hut l'ullniMii pnrlor clmlr cars and nil who hnvo traveled In Pullman pnrlor earn know full well what Hint menus, Those palatial cam are so nrrnuged tlintoiiflinlf coutnlimn Inrgn nml tmuiUomely furnlnhed drnwlng kkiiii, while tint balance of the car In mnile up nlliil tnr to regular l'ulluuiu tleeeri., The CotmiKIl coiiRintiilntei. tho Hop1e of lilucoln on thN ouq of the inotluiortunt no qulxltloni. rwently made to her inllwny facil ities. The lliirlliigtou han ilono much for Lincoln, much more than any 1 tlier line, mi 1 tho lu-nrty uppreelntlon of our eitlr.enn nhoilld Ir extended the egmpnny In thl', their latent move. It wnn not n mutter of coinpiiUlon thnt mnile thin step mveiwnry for the lliirlliig tou, ni will irot,ahly lie the cae with the eompi'tlng lines who niiint wwiier or Inter try to Imitate their move, hut nlmply a matter of Improvement thnt mint eventually come, nud If the reconN nre looked up, It will ho found thnt the Iluillugtou him nlwnyn taken the initial Hep in such mallei h. Tn the mat ter of flyer, the union dppot piojoet and nil' inerom other eiiterpilnes the Ilurllngton has nlwnyM taken the lend and in the construction of new lines no honin N ever asked. Com pale this with tho work done by other linen mid it will he found that they never make a move until roiniietltion romHln them to do no. TlIK Coi'lilKli iIoon not want tlicM IIiiih construed in a niai.ner that would Indicate thnt it linn lvconio the organ of the II. & M. railway, for hiicIi certainly In not the caw. It, howmer, cannot hut ho adiuitti'd that till corporation linn done 11 gi out denl for tho city, has given us fncilltien rqurl to Ouialia mid other larger cities, and Hh last eutei prising stroke, nlthough it Immi matter of llnanclal lutereht totliem giK-N to show that they want the travel mid me w tiling to outbid all others for it. Common judgment would, theiefore, "give pinlso to whom pnilse is duo " Don't Cure to Kat. It Is with tho gieateHt coullilenco thnt Hood's HarKnparllln is lecomiupuihsl for loss of appetite, inillKotlon, rick headache, mid similar troubles. This medicine greatly tones the xtomnche, (insists digestion, and makes one "real hungry." Persons in delicnto health, after taking Hood's Hnlsapnrilln 11 few days, lliul themselves longing for and entlng the plainest food with unexpected lellsh. A IV u I'aeU, There seems to Imi some misnppieliemdou with regard to the time when tho present charter of the Louisiana (Slate Iittery ex plres. It Is true thnt the conipiuy hns ap plied for 11 new chin ter, mid on the loth of July of this yenr tho lcgislnttii ordered that an mneiiilineut to the coii'tltutlou of the state be submitted to the peojilo nt tho election in IN'. Thus, the charter of the company will lie vim led up to the yojr 1010 However, tho prehent chnrter, which hnd been rntllleil by tho Hupremo Coin t of the United States, does notexplie until the llrst of January, 1WI.1. The nppllcntion for its extension wns merely a matter of routine legislation, and theie is not the sllghtert doubt that when tho present charter has expired, tho eople of Louisiana will order its continuance till ItHU The man ngemeiit of Ueiierals Hcnurcgiiiil mid Harly has chnlleugisl the admiration of all men both in this country mid abroad. The high cliar uctermid surling Integrity of these gentlemen Is tho"biisti gunrnntee'tliat tho company will fully justify the confidence plnced In it by tlio Htnte of I-oulsIaiia. Hichmond, (Vn., State, Heptember !l. I.lni oln, St. Jop & Khiisu City. TliruiiKli Sleepers anil I'arlor Curs. The day of transfer, changes and delays between Lincoln, St. Joe mid Kansas City is over, the 11. & M. having placed in service a lliieof comhiiintiou sleepers mid pnrloi chair curs that for convenience, elegance mid com fort surpass anything heretofore run between these points. The present schedule Is ns fol lows: Leave Lincoln, S;iH) p. in. dally, arrive in St. Joe 5:27 it. in,, Kansas City 7:S() 11. in. ; letumlng, leave Kansas City 0:1.1 p. in. dally, St. Joe 11:45 p. in., arrive at Lincoln 7.50 p. 111. These trains run via Kentrlce, Wyinore and Table Hock and make close comiectlons at terminal points. Tho service Is really excel lent and we can recommend It with much confidence. Further Information can be oh tallied at union dopot or city olllce corner O and Twelfth streets. A. C. ZlKMEIt, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. A professional mawieur from Hattlo Creek, Mich., saniturluiu will administer massage treatment on recommendation of physicians. Mrs U. D. Catlln, olllce Lntta block, Houth Kleventh street, room (1. Reference F D. Crlm, M. I). IMJiHt To Sioux Clt Corn I'ltlnre. The Union Pacific will sell tickets at 0110 fare for the round trip to Hioux City, Hept. 24th to Oct 10th. Remember that the Union Pacific is the only route running solid trains between Litis coin and Sioux City without cIiiiiiko or cars. Free chair cars. Coll for tickets at the union depot or ut KH4 O street. K. II. Si.oskon, City Ticket Agent. "Wuni Ails for the .loiirintl. Ill order to serve the convenience of lis patrons who may wish to use tho "want" col umns of tho Jounuil the oi'llIKU otllcj will receive such advertisements ut the regular rates and trunxiiilr them tntlii..irmif Tho Ilarnutn it Ilalley show in connection with Iinro Kiralfy's "Nero" will lie hi Lincoln AVediiesilny, October 1 The addition of Iinre Kiralfy's no.v wot lihfumou ilriunutlo hims taele of "Nero" to the "Greatest Show on Karth," it rhotild Im) well hoi no In mind, hat not oiierutetl to curtail, in the slightest de gree, its vast Ntandni'i features. Not only nun, rai in us mm iHas,ciicus, lilpMxlrome, museum, enoinious and sensational Fieo Street Paiuile, and other not el and exclusive attliictlons, It has lieen most notably mid ex eniely enlarged for its present American tour. THE NEW AND THE OLD. I'liiieiiU l.llie, Mrs. (Iiisper's Sim,. Klues rroin the Ashes After a suspension of tlueo weeks' huslnets owing to tho Into lire, Mrs. (Insper will on Alotidny moiiilug ngulu oieu her store nt 1114 O utitiet. The entire place has been ten- ovntisl, tho walls mid iHdlliigsornmiienhsl mid the llxtiueN hnvo nil been repainted In fact tho place now looks even mine Inviting than eer. Commencing Monday morning Mrs (loss per will place on sain 11 tot of tine clonks for Indies, misses mid children These w ere saved from tho lire without tho least pattlctoof damage, but ns Mis (losperwlll not put in another lino of cionks this season, they will ill lie olfensl nt itnmngcd goods prices. This Is n good chance to buy n stylish fall garment nt fiom one-hnlf to twiMhlrds the regular price A large consignment of new mlllinei y giHsIs was roeolxed yestenluy nud more will nrrlto earl) next week, Including an Iiuhi tntlon of flue pattern hats. Mis. (losjier will when nil tho new goods nre in give a grand chliig. The date mid pnrtlculnn of which will soon lie announced, (I. A. It. Honks Verj Clienp. TheJWessel Printing Co. has so ernl copies of Col. ltoUrt H. Ileal' well known history of the (Irani! Army of the Republic hi lino bindings which it will sell nt MM) per vol num. Ordinal price, sold only 011 subscrip tion, nt f.l.lHl. These Ixxiks nre fully illus tratisl mid complete In every detail. Call mid si them. KID GLOVES. Fosters 5 Hook Kid Cloves In nil colors unit black, Hpcchil sale pilees 87i Conts Worth $1,25. Velnlte tin, attention ef tlm public In iiurlmineiiso stock of Kid (Hows H. R. NISSLEY & CO. Dime Eden Musee Week of Sept. 29th. Blggor than Last Wook I Bottor than Evor 1 The Lndics nud Chlhlicu mo moiw than Delighted with the manner in which thev arc handled MAX LRROY The human Hleilue Hiimincr A iiinu who with his naked MM drives splices tlnoimli 11 - Inch board BUSHNELL The Aerial Artist Supreme and his School of Russian Poodles. The Modern Hercules. LIZZIE MASTERS, Queen of Lyrics Bobby Fields,1! Dutch Comedian Trudell -:- Children, Cute, Cleer, CuiiiiIiik Comedians FRANK EMERSON, Hone Soloist Grace Mil burn, Souk lllrd nud the Geo. Edward's Comedy Co. In Cupid's Capers. Free Sonts for Ladles ami Children every Afternoon except Friday nml baturdity 10c. Admits to All 1 Oc. No Improper characters admitted Cushman Park 1 iiiM P'Mi iSNMPPSrS d3B!rL-tJl'OC0lU tLKJ2tiZZmP'!X Theorem Resort of the West Season closei Weilaesda), October H AMOMOEMEHTS SUNDAY SEPT. 28. Antl-Prohlbltloii iirnud Hally Col. I p. Klbock, the dlstlniMiWIictl (leruiiiii-Alueilca orator. A. kaIIuiii soldier for tin- union will speak In (ierinan The bent and loiemost talent will boon hand lly outer of eoinmllee. KID GLOVES. FOR SALE nY llClto l'l Houth tlTOfl&RlCfflBh I rmiixfturiiii-ii:rMrinTiii:niiii-ojjit.Hiiiuj.ri - ImcoLri -- S) SM 1204 and 1206 0' This is the Season of the year when COAL IS KING when Competition is Close and Everybody has the best. Then is'thetinietogo direct to Headquarters. Yon need a supply for the Winter and as now is' the time to buy, why not call on BETTS & WERVER and see their line and j;et prices. There you can get the pure article direct from America's greatest mines noted for their purity and excellent quality. Call up Phone 440. - - Office 1045 O Street. $5.oo UK WARD will he paid for the mun. Hcescapcd last nlL'ht from the -tore be still at large. He was seen riding down (J street on nn exceedingly fashionably This valuable was also the pmpcrtx ol A.T. tiructter .V Co. rocking horse. Tl aiui lor its rccoverv a similar amount wl their departure. The) were In select and hlihconipan at the store where thev were brought Into contact wlthonh such articles ns no furniture man could icasonable refuse to associate with. The police have been notlllcd and aie belched to be on the of the fugitive. 1 l.lowilllll Ht. y f B ' Street, Burr Block. apprehension and return of this furniture of A. T (iruetter A- Cn nml U b..H..vH,i ir, be n.tul. There U mi known cnn.u for