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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY C0UKI1SU, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1890 M h I .A.1733 M. & D. Wrought -:- Steel Ranges Superior to all Others. FRANK E.LAHR, Exclusive Agent, No. 936 P STREET. "We have made especial ef forts to please the Ladies in Boys and Cmi,miKNs' Cloth ing and Ovicucoats. Our stock is complete and the fin est in the city. Mkns' Dkkss Suits, Box Ovicucoats and Fink. Furnishings in varied styles and colorings, Come and get our prices, P.D..W.G.CL CORSETS. Most Perfect Fitting: Corset Made. ' KID GLOVES. All the most popular makes In the most popular shade nt the. most Popular Prices Gloves are our Specialty. We nre just In receipt of a new line of FINE RUCI11NGS comprising nit the novelties for Fnll wear POBMAtf & CROWE, ' 114 South Twelfth Street. A Fine Crayon LIFE SIZE 1 ' FREE AT SHER WIN'S 1124 0 ST. Every customer gets a head and shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all cost. This work is made direct from any photo you may want copied. Call and look into this matter. Gold : Coin Stoves and Ranges I fTTsm "'. . -"" '!. VjV7 m& 4V.c---fcv; ,1 i;iniir lijer of .liWrrn Timr Kntcrednttho l'ostnttli'o of Lincoln, Neb., ii second oIiim matter. MuiinciiliTiiiNi Ono .Mull or Curried f'KWl Nix Moulin, fl.rsl Three Months, floo.; One month VMOiiUlnrnrnhly In Alliance. AnVKIITISKUKNTSt lUteS flirllMldl Oil application nlthoonico. Hpeclal rnlm on Tlmn INmirnvtM. ''ONTIIIIU'TIONSlHIlOrtsplcy sketches, H'IIK nml stories solicited. Personal awl Hnelal notes "re rsxclally desirable, rnnrritn: Vv make a specialty of I'lno Printing In nil II branches. Hoclet v work n specialty. PubllMliod Saturday. Addros nil communications direct to ths oftlct. WlCHHlCL. PWINTINO CO.) I'Uiu.tHitKim. Courier IIiiIIiIIhk, lift N Hired. TKI.KI'IMNKiiM li. U'khmki., Ju,, Kdltor nml Holo Proprietor. W. Moiiton Huitii, Asoolntn IMItnr. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. LITERARY NOTES. Tho success of thu small cntnoo edition of "llnvcriui of n llnchelor'' nml "I)nnin Life," Issued hy tho Berlbnoni Inst fnll has wnr ranted thorn In bringing out Tlionms Nelson 1'iiro'n "In Oli) VlrKlnln," nml Uoorgo W. Cnblo'n "Old Creole Days" In thu same t'nlnty mid nttrnctlvu form. Tho volumes will con tain etching mid nru printed from uuw plates on n Moo ipmllty of paper. Mr, Kugemi l'lold, well known, eoclnlly throughout tho wont, for I1I1 witty coutrihu tloni to tin) Chicago press, In tho author of two small volumes nliout to Im published by thu Herlhnont entitled, "A Little Hook of Western Verso" mid "A l.lttlo Hook of 1'iollt ulilo Tali's."' They nro full of wit, humor and pnthotlo tenderness for which thin au thor Is noted mid nru to ho Untied In a neat mid Inviting form, liouiid In i-overs of hlue mid gold. Joseph JelTerson will close his nutoblogrnphy In the Octolier Century with whnt ho himself considers tho most important Installment or all, pro'unhly lieenuse ho ventures to Mate hero iiioro fully tlmn before, Ids rellectlons On tho art of acting, He, touches on tho epics Hon a to whether nil netor "feels" his putt; describes a fnnlt of French acting; illcusen Imitators; how to keep fresh in playing a pait; how to learn to net; how to conduct rehearsals, and fnr realism may ho allowed on the stnge. T. H. Peterson fc Hrothcrs, Philadelphia, have Just Issued "Hitting Matrimony" by Corn Cimiera, nutlior of "Hoclety Kapids." It Is mi entertnlnlngsoolety uovel,deuling with tf In New York, Wnrldugton nnd the south. Tho heroine is Paulino Ilerneer, the daughter of n coiijU'iMsuinn, and tho hero Graham Until, n cynical Now Yorker tilth n inystary hmiglug over hU llfo. Hoth these ixtsoii nges nro opposed to matrimony but ovetit ually fall In lovii with each other. Tho Iniok is full of minor characters, all sketched In 11 life-like wny-Price In paper Hi cents. In Onllny for October lenders who delight in fresh nlr m tides will Ihul much stlmulnt lug entertainment. Captain Charles King' U. y. A., has a thrilling story of advei.turu In tho west, Oeorgo P. Mnthes describes in 11 plenslug way, "A Canoe Trip Down the Chlppown." Lieut. Kdwlu b: Cllenii, In writing of the "National (luurd of Mluuesotn," gives nn interesting nccount of tlio Hltielierry war of 1S7I. K. 1). Peterson tins for anglers n breezy urtlclo entitled, "Af ter Musknllongoiuul Wall-eyed Pike." Kd ward Hitchcock, Jr., gives some timely sug gestions on the development ct wit mid muscle In "Wrestling." Margaret Ulslnnd discusses' "Women nnd Their Cameras," Charles Turner sing of "Pheasants." Kd ward W, Hardy i)eplct tho pleaiureH of "Woodcock shooting," etc., etc. SOUTH LINCOLN. Mrs, W. M. Leonanl went to Oniahn Thurs day . 1L Murphy miule 11 tnisluess trip to Omaha Thursday. Mrs. J. M. llurks left Tuesday morning for Wnverly, Mo. FredFnucett left tho first of the week for California. Mr. Fred Williams has returned from a three months visit In Now York state. Them was n church social nt tho residence of Hew Hilhurst on Wednesday night. Cnpt. Malles is putting up two two-story frame residences on Sixteenth and Klin streets. Miss Adele Wndo left Thursday noon for Salt Lake City to give Instructions in draw ing nnd art. W. S. Morton returned from Chicago to day where he has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. a. W. Murphy. . A new arrival in the shape of a boy made his appearance nt the home of Henry Frank, the butcher, this week. E. E. Dennett returned Thursday morning from Oshkosh, Wis., where he had been call ed to nttend tho funeral of his father. -Mr. nnd Mr. A. P. Lnnphlre of Prairie City, III., arrived here Wednesday, They will bo the guests of Mrs. J. A. Shetlleld. Mrs. M, W Witten leaves on Monday for Chicago to visit her son, Sho will also visit In Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, on her way home. Mr, nnd Mrs. Kd. Sanborn of Cedar Hnp Ids, Iowa, sivnt Wednesday night with Mrs, W , 8. Morton, IBM O street. They leave to morrow for home. Dr. E.8. Heed of Hastings, Neb., who made n short-visit wlthUr.Mooreat It)'.' I Washing-, ton street, left Wednesday for Chicago to finish hU course In dentistry. J, E. Meadows nnd family of Patteusburg, Mo., arrived In the city Thursday nnd are the guests of II. C, Meadows this week. Mr, M. will locate here mid go Into business with his brother, C. II, Aunt Samantka. ' The Couiukh must of necessity again. Im preM upon its coutilbutors the importance of giving their names when sending in Items. Two messages were tent in yesterday without such addition, tlieiefore do not npin-ar In this Usue. We nre always appreciative of such favors, hut must know f mm w hence the fav ors come, not for publication but for our own protection. It commences next week "Ills Fleeting deal." HmmHMSMasfaffl &c.d&s3 i-sLJa4 GAHMKNTSKOKAUTniN. IMpeelal Covin Kit Correspondence Nr.W YotlK, Hepti'iulmr SW, I81HI, Wl your summer merry-making Is nil over, Me iliiiui'S, If you would begin the fall Hcasnu by glvlng yoitifelvesn ivnl treat, go at once to the big white mid gold showrooms on Fifth Avenue, opHstti) Madison Kipinru where Ited feru is commmidliig-general of 11 snuill army of clover workers, and them satiate your appetite fnr benuty by an Inspection of the unlipio nnd charming novelties which nre tho lesult of n summer of study and preparation, III tho jaunty cloth coats alone, which are 0110 of tho specialities Hint havn ninth) the Itedfeni tiniiio one of miigle meuning In the woililof women, there inn almost as many styles us them will bo ncnivni for them, mid mid all of them nro not only elegant ami striking, but marked by mieh originality In shnpo or orunmuiitntloii as nets them alto gether nirt from tho uunl run of shop made garments. Tnke for Instanci), this long, CLOHK-FirTINO I'OAT OK tlllKKN MUI.TO.V. It is cut Into rquiire turrets all around the liottom, anil is edged with a narrow band of golden otter, with n tiny braided bending in green and tinsel mixed cords. Tho collar Is very high, and is alno braided nnd bordeicd with tho fur, and has two trimijular uppll ipies of the fur Just below It, mid up in the close tout sleeve. Now Isn't that n benuty 1 A IIKDKKHN COAT KOH KAI.L WE A 11. Number two is longer than any of tho spring styles, as it extends far below tho hips. It Is a fawn-colored henver cloth of moderate weight, nnd is elaborately decorated hack mid front, and uixm tho skirt ns well ns thu iKXIy, with nppllipietl designs of bronze 6 row n velvet, w ith n loop l)rder of brown and gold Paris braid. A baud of otter heads the collar and the small braided tulTs, The sleeves are set smoothly Into the nrmhole and tit snugly to the arm. Soma of the herbs In Hall's Hair Renower, that wonderful preparation for restoring tho color nnd thickening the growth of the hair, grow plentifully in New England. nrlscoe, the Shoe Man, had a display nt tho state fair, and he was awarded n diploma on everything he displayed. He received a diploma for the best general display of lino shoes, for the best display of ladles' tine shoes, for tho best display of men's line shoes, and for the liest display of children's flno shoes. He would have received More diplomas if them had been anything more to display. Theso certificates nre now being prepared mid will be placed on exhibition In lis handsome store in tho Exposition In a few days. In the meantime leiueniber If you are looking for something that will suit, as regards tit, appearance, durability mid price, call on Hrtscoe, tho Shoe Man. He hits the largest nnd best stock of foot wear In the city of Lincoln to select from, KID GLOVES. Fosters 5 Hook Kid Cloves In colors and black. Special sale 87 1-2 worth SI. 25 We Invite attention of Hie public to our Immense Htoelc of Kid Gloves. H. R. NISSLEY & CO. sHE-lf Hi w WW) liiigriin lliillctt. For tho hut nineteen jrnrs n prominent Jeweler of this city is nlToJliig his elegant and exHslve stock of watches, diamonds, clocks, Jewelry, etc., nt public miction Mr, llnllett lscnmHllcd to ninko thissacrlllco In order to unload n ory large stock which has accumu lated In tho lust year owing to tin extreme dull trail, lie extends mi Invitation to his f i tends mid thu public to cull nnd get tho ben efit of the lino bargains Hint will lw nlTcrcd. Mr. llnllett has an enviable reputation as an honorable dealer mid everything nlTered nt his sale will Ih) fully guaranteed. Mr. P. J. Hor roughs of Chicago will ho the auctioneer. Halo will cnnimeiico Oct. -Ith at '2:M p. in, and continue every afternoon mid evening. Another I'liko, It thus Hoem strange that merchants and busliu'M men with apparent vommetidnble foresight mid enterprise will over fall Into the snnro of some fnku ndvertUIng man that Comes to the city today mid Hies to green quarters tomorrow. Hut such Is the ensu, Tho traveling fakir comes in, shows his color, Is a sleek talker mid gotss iiwny happy with game biggisl, bragging to his brother fakirs how ho done up the town In so short n time. Tho last of theso pretty schemes) wns tho cluck advertising method, by which n clock was placud nt the corners of O and Kleveutli, mid O nnd Twelfth streets, nnd the space bo. low tho dial of nbout twclvo by eighteen inches wns to show tho advertisements of tho prominent business men (who wero anyone who would Invest In the iclieine) of tho city, at Intervnls of every few moments. At first, ns with nil now things n crowd composed ol passers hy nnd principally hoodlums, stoped to soo the leaves fall and nf tcr n few tlnys its attractive power was oven lost to them. The advertisement was to ben "big enrd' all tho year round, but now both clocks nro out of repair, the advertising loaves fnll to drop nnd ns results with nil fakes the Hchenio is slumbering. Advertisers who Imvo paid their money for tho work nru perhaps nbout ready for another fnklr. Nothing Else eipials A)er's Pills for stimulating n toiplrt iler, .sticngtlieiiliig digestion, nml regu lating the action of the bowels. They eon. lain no enloincl, nor nny other injurious drug, hut nro conioseil of the nctlte princi ples of the best wgutnhle cathartics. " I was n sufferer lur ems from iljspepsln and lhcr troubles, mid found l o peiiiitmelit relief until I commenced taking Acr'.s PUN. They hai effected n complete cure." tleorpc Monuey, Wnlla Wnlln, W. T. "licncor I ma troubled with constipa tion, or sillier from loss of npclltc, Ajei's PUN set me Unlit iignln."-A. .1. Klscr.Jr., Hock House, Vn. "Tor thu cure of headache, Aer's Cn tlinrlle Pills are the most effective medicine I cer used." It. K. .lames, Dorchester, .Mass. "Two boxes of Aycr's PUN cured me of se t re headache, from w hlrli I wns longn auf. ferer." r.ium.i Keyes, Hulibnrdsteii.Coiiii. Ayer's Pills, ruvt'AUKii nv DIt. J. C. AYEIt & CO., Lowell, Kubs. Sold by nil Dealers in Medicines. HARDY & PITCHER, LARGEST FURNITURE IN THE 211 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Q O CO W PQ u o 4-) W D U 0) O H '0 22 Call and See what Bargains vou can get by Buying this Fall. E. R. GUTHRIE, 1540 O STREET, LOOK His Fleeting Ideal Next STORE CITY. CAUI'KT Rambler Bicycles arc all convertible for La lies or Gentlpmon ntsrl nm Un IT.ioIr,.- -,".wii IIIIU (lib V.IIU iviuii.Oi A Riding Bicycle Made. Carriages and Buggies OUT FOR Week! KOCKKIt-ANTIIJl'i: OAK Ot.llO. , II n vHk imHjB WW LM (ft "IBHBbH mi .Jk oTT. ( 3tA NfxilsSV 'X. I x ' i T1 O W H W 33 W Z l-H H W ) w '' 'T