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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1890)
1 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1890 Gold : Coin Stoves and Ranges r.xSuc- l Hiinfa ttiperof Modem Times. I Kntorednttho l'otoineo of I.litcoln, Neb,, , nnnccoml olnnn matter. A.X733 M. & D. Wrought -:- Steel Ranges Superior to all Others. FRANK E.LAHR, Exclusive Agent. No. 936 P STREET. (tollman Park Hffiff vPfjbH im wp w -am? HuimciurTMNi Ono Yrnr by Mnll nr Carried IJOOj Hlx Months, II.OOiThrco MontliH, NKj.; Ono month !M Cents Inrsrnbly In Advance. AtivxarinsmtM's! Itnten furnished nn Application at tho office, Heclal rati on Tliiw Contractu. (ifrrniru-rioitHliortspley nkficlics, and lories solicited. IVrw.nnl nml Hoclal note urn especially desirable, I'niNTIMi: Wo malm n specialty nf Hue Printing in nil lln brnnolim. Hoolety work n Hclnltjr. PubllMliud Saturday. AdtlneM all comitiiiuioatliin direct to the oftlco. WlCMNlCL Pkintino CO., I'UIIMHUKIIH. Courier llulldlnit, MM N HI reel. Tri.Ki'itoNRiVI L. W'khhki,, Ju,, Editor mid Hole Pioprletor. W. Moiitox Hmitii, Annnociuto Editor. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. SOUTH LINCOLN. A llnnn lines. Gun ilo Smith Tclklng nbout Intelligent nnlninN, I tltltik tlio homo I n Krontdenl morn Intelligent than tlio dog. Will Hurry Jones Dog ro cu.-frily moru Intelligent tlmii homos, "I doVtngrco with you. I onco Imil n rnco homo thnt displayed n degree of Intel llgcuco Unit wits nlniOHt human. It oc curred on tlio rnco coumo. It wiw tl clon est rnco I ever saw. At tlio finish It was not only neck nml neck, but none and noso. Thero was not n iunrtcr of mi I null illlTrr rnco tx'twctm them. Now. wlint ilo joii think my hnrno illil to win thnt rnco?" "I hnvo no Idea " "Well, sir, U'mh fnrt, nml I cnu proto It ly n doren IIvIiik witnesses. Wliuti my homo saw thnt It was going to Ioho tlio rnco It stuck out Km tongue, nml actually won It liy it long tii'h length. "Texas Sift ing. ;.. t'lulii. ThoOrcntltosort of tlio Went. Hcninii ol6oi Wednesday, OotolMr K ASSOTIIfOEMEHTS HATUHUAY. Hoptcnil'criW, HUNDAV, HoptomliorSl Soldiers' Reunion'! Hatunhiy speolnl trnlns '! p.m.. ' ! ''., OtSOp. in., 10 p. m. llclurn 3 p. m.,iltn p m. nnd II p. m. Old Soldiers vs. HtnloTroopn nnd Cadets and Democrats In tlio batllo of Hlillnli to conclude with the biggest enmp llro ilnco tlio war. Humbiy trniiiM 10 n. m 3 p. m.. 0 p. m. Hi), urn lOilW, Ui!W, (lil.l nml 8 p. m. For full pur. tlcutnrs seo papers nml talk with oM soldier. HlJNuAY.HKlT.iW. Aiitl-Vrnhlbltloii. Urnml llnlly. Col.J.l'. Klbock,tho dlstliinulslird OorinnnAnirtcu torntnr. A gallant soldier for tlio union wll spenk In (lornian. The best nml foremost tab ant will ho on limul. Hy order of committer. Mini Ivnto Waters In very sick. V. N. AhUit returned from Hchuylor this witk. MIkh Mm In I.lllllirlilKo loft Innt mk to vtoit rrlntlvcN In WNoinmln Mm. O. H.OmiM nml ilntiRhtvr loft Weil nomlny for I'oitlnml, Uri'KOii Mr. VuikUtikhiI nml ttlfo left oi. Moiulny for ChlrnKo to i cumin nil w Inter. Clnroiu'o liiiiiKton roturuiMl WtiluoHtlny from n two week vlnlt In UIiU-iiko, Mr, WwttlnirR of OHCcoln, Noh., ont fnlr wwk with her ltrr, Mw. I.ou!o Mi-yer, Mr, nml Mm. ,1, A, I.lpplucott nml tlmiit or lonvo next Momlny for HrtHiklyu, N. Y. Mm. U. V. Hoxlo lonvox next wook for Ilos tou, Iliiltlmoro mill othor cltlm In the emit. MIm Itettlo Keefor In tnkhiK in tlio cxki ltlun In Ht, LoiiIh. Hliu uxpM'tH to ronmin n inontli. Mm. K, I., Bovy nml chlMrou of Omnlin, wcioRiKHtH of Chief Noitlmry iliitlui; tlio Ntnto Inlr. Mini A, II, Corlott, who hhs Won vl'ltluc In Lincoln for the mt jcur, linn returuiil to lu-r homo In Clik'URo. John I.ovo enteral thu Unlveralty thin wwk, Imvlni; Jiiht retiiruiMl with it pmtyof surveyem from IVj omlng. MIm Miio AVillliiuu of Denver, Col, who hnn licen vUltliiK Mm, K, K. Itomutt nt l.Vi5 A ntreot, leturueil homo hint Kihlny. Mm. Krniik Hitchcock of Kunt Lincoln, ilmigliti'i- of Mr, nml Mm, A, I), Hiurin, illiii Wt'ilutMliiy uo(7ii of HiiKirliiK coiikumptlon, Mrs, Cunnlnnhum of MitwuuUoo,VI.,Mm. Mm. Undid Dolmon nml Mm. Dr. llnltcock of ChlciiKu, uro the kuchIh of Mm. J.l'. AVitlton, 171)7 A ntreti't. Thero Wnt n tmrprlso iwrty Kililny eveiilni? nt tlio leHlileucoor Detvctivu l'oiuiil, lihrj A Mtrect, In honor of MIm Irmit Muletilx who will Icnvu on Hiimlny for her homo nt Hock Hnplils, In. Aunt Hamaktiia, "If you weren't liluuerthmi I tun IMltrk you." "If you weren't Miimlhir than I mn I'd lick you." Muniiey' Weekly. It Olil IniiiierliiirUlK'n Olinprvittlonn. Tho thermometer Is no Miihoii, but (tikes hoiihi very IiIkIi drKroes. A don cnu mnko piintH cliciipcr thnu n tailor lieciiuo tho uinterlnlrontH hliu notli- ln. Mnttera nru evened up pretty well In thin world. Tho father tun tho win, mid tho huh tuns the father. KukIiiuiI'm drum heat In heard around tho world, hut Kentueky'n hoof heat KetH there too. Texas HlftliiKH. Yes, hut tlioy kith llud America' dead heat theru iiheiul of them. Il'iimvillo l)rcc.i AUCTION FOR THE LADIES. Mr.,' Hlotk to Im Hiierlllri'il Tn iliiyimil llltll Hi, 1. 1. When thn Into flro tool; plnco at Mm. UmporVi ntoro tho oti tire now tnll stock had hecn recelvrd and tho wlmlown nml ntoi e hud lief n niiniiRicl for llio fall opu'iltiR Mondny mormiiK. Hut tho llro fiend got In hi work of destruction nml tho plnco thnt Mm. (Ion per left Hnttirdny lilKht, feeling pioudof the clioivlim thnt flic would lie nhlo to mnko for tho fnlr, twin on Hundny rotiMimed Into Niuoke, dehrln nml dnmnc'd uimxU. Mm. (loxr ami n corp of nrrlttnutn linn tieeii clenriiiK up tho ttixckduiliiK tho week mid muoiiK tho dnmiiRi'd Rmidn linn Utli found ninny tiling that hnvo been iiuhnrmed and othern nllKhtly ilanwi(;el, Themi hnvo heeli movitl to 1030 O ntreet, Kohwnlrt old ntntid, where, UlmilnK today, C. U. 1'nco will ntll to tho hlgliit liidiler no matter how low that tuny ho nil tho gcoiln left from tho llro. In tho ntoek In found n largo nrhortment of trimmed hntn, tlhlionn, liteun, tlw, ploomn, hlrdn, orunmeutn, etc., nearly all of which aro tho now goods junt nvelved for tho fall ami inter Kcasou, llonldes these gcoiln, a choice lino of lino clonks for both Indlen nml mlics together l th a lot of Imby clonkn, slightly dainnged will lw sold. Hticclal provision will bo uindo for tho Indies nnd their kids w ill receive nieelnl attention. It in n nnlo for tho Initios nnd the Indies nru nil enHelnlly Invited to attend, Tho nnlo bo glun thin ntteruoon nml will contiiiuo after noon mid evonlnt; until tho Btock In out. l'-JW! JL CLOTHING AND- FURNISHING GOODS AT Lowest Prices. --' A Fine Crayon (LIFE 'SIZE r r. E E )l:ilV . . SHERWIN'S A l'orKouo Conelimloii, It I as caused no little surprints that thero should I hi koiiio doubt oxUtlng with regard to tho exnet dnto nn to t hen tho pivscut chat ter of tho iAiuliliiiiit Htnto lottery eompiiny ex pires. This It plnlulyoxpii'sod in tho charter of tho comimiiy which lielng it public docu ment, In on tlio nml readily neivisllile. Kven tho pi cxt'tit charter does not terminate until lbUV Moreover, mi amendment hns lieeu ordered by tho legUlntutoor tho utato to lie submitted to tlio people, by which the charter of tlio company will bo extended up to tho yenr llllli. Charters mo necessntily grouted font limited time, nnd their renewal Ian mere inattoruf form. Thin hat boon fully pro vided for, n niiyone fninlllnr, with tho facts of tho case mutt know. Urrat satisfaction Is oxprr;rd nt tho maungemeiit of (lemrols lienuregnril nml lutrly, wlio, ns siiperiiitond ouUof tho drawings, have maintained thn high ttttndnrd to which tho Louisiana Htnto l)ttery compntiy hns nlnnya lived up. Memphis (Tonn.J l)e August !)7. vfAA- 1124 0 ST. Every customer gets a head and shoulder Crayon Picture Free from any and all cost. This work is made direct from any photo you may Avant copied. Call and look into this matter. ' a NOW IN NEW'lUARTERS ! Lincoln Trunk Factory o st. 1133 st- Where we will be glad to see nil old friends nnd cuttomcr nnd n many new ones ns'can get Into the store. C. K. WIRIOK, SUCCKSSORTO VylRICK & HOPPER. lolin Was Ho Literal. Her Girl Cliuni (sweetly) Wlint did John Ket you for u blrthdnv pi-esontf Mm. Youmtwifo (mournfully) Not u thltiK. II. 11. C. (cmplintlciilly)-Why, how did that happrnf Mm. Y, (wccplnvl Well, you sec, he nuked mo (sobs) what hu tdiould Ket for me, nnd nnd--I (inoro nobs) told him I'd lovo him just ns Just ns wull (sobs) II hu didn't Ket mo iiuythltiK, nnd he ho didn't. West Bhoi-e. - A I.IUY Abiding C'ltlen, Drnw'iiliiK Mnn llelpl lam drownln; Btrntwr (on liiiuk hastily dlvcsthiK him salt of his clothes) Horriblo: Can't you swim? DrownliiK Man (rising to thonurfucomid thu occasion for tho hut time) Of course' Hut don't you sco thnt notlceoti tho bridge, "Swimming ntrictly forbidden hero?" Tinnslnted Dux-olilorf .elttliiK In Texas SlftliiKs. llollIK Ills lli'xt. "Sir," wild thu youim mini to his cm ployer, "I thought I might tnko tho liberty of rvniluilliie; you thnt you promised to rnlso my salary this wool;." "Certainly, I'vo got two collectors out now, nml mn Just goliiK over to tho hank to try nnd get my note discounted. Just keep culm, mid I'll raise It somehow if I hnvo nnysorl.of luck." Washington Post. MS. Hrllllig Hooks liy Niltmrrlptloti. Tho method of selling books by subscription hns many advantages over nuy other, nnd in daily growing in Importance ami popuUrity, liy this mrtliod tlioattcutloiiortliopuminscr Is culled to vnlunblo hooks of which he might remain in eutliv ignorance if they wcro fold in nny other way. It Is tho most direct nnd altogether tint uvMt fcoiioiiifaif wnyto buy bookt. Hooks purclniMsl nt it retail Isxik store hnvo geuorully passed through tho hands ot from firo j'o four tnUUllemen, each of whom imif f hnvo n prollt. The llivtrtiilr. iMbffsifiin Co., St xntf. .Uo., olTers protltablo employment to nil who wish to engngiS In tho bushiest. Experience it not necessary, but nny lady or gentleman w ith lutelllgenco nml industry can mnko n surves of tlio worth. Their publications are tint class, Just such tiooks nsour young people and our older peo ple should read; books that tend to make in telllgent men nud women; books that tench lieople things thnt they ought to know; such books nsn splendid Futility IHbU, which Is In lUelt it ierfect cyclopedia of biblical kuowl edge, llldiHithU Ilhtoru of the United States it another f plcndld book ; n sale ot over 800,000 copied speaks loudly In fnvor ot Its great worth. The JVojife' Cyctoj)ediii of (fniterud Knowledge Is another work that has carved Us way ton wonderful succest, 100,000 cophs ot this splendid cyclopedia, made and edited specially for the iiiiunii, have been sold, nnd the sale is still very large. They nlso handle the lied Letter Life of the iVpuMiV Stanley Explorations In Africa. The l'ioiteer History of America; l'eople's Fnrni nnd Stock Cyclopedia; The Physical Life of Hoth Rexes: Courtship, Lovo and Wedlock, nnd History of the Ornnd Army of the Hepubllc. Another splendid liook, nverngmgnt fifteen hundred sets n mouth, Is llldj)nth, Ciclojte diu of Universal History, a liook thnt is bound to be read by tens of thousands of scholar, and by those who lay no claim to scholarship, mid who yet love a clear, straightforward, understandable record of the great events of the world's history. The popularity of this book Is something wonder, ful. For further pirtlculnm, clrculnrt, termt to ngeuts, etc., nddress, TheHlvemlde Publishing Co., 703 Olive stnxt, 8t. Loul, Mo. ClWiii flow Tlmn Increases Values, Eudiicnt Author You hcuuht u from mo some ten yearn ago for fi'i. I'tililislicr- Yes. sir; but we haven't printed It yet. Eminent Author Well, let io have it Kick ai.d I'll i;lvo you n hundred. I'vo got n reputation now nml don't wnnt to spoil it.-I'uik, j A itooil Koltlng Crop. Farmer Hacklot (toiigrlculturnl editor, tftkliiR his vactit ion) What do you think Is tho Ust soiling crop, slrf Agrlualturnl Editor Well, I don't know. It Hceuis to mo thnt potatoes uro nlout iu dirty to harvest its anything. Ilurllngtou Free Pivss. i 1 .Not Tested YeL Lnurn Whnt a (pilot young man kMr. Tlmklns is. Flora Hnw you invited him to dlnnerl "No, not yet." "Hefom you call him quiet wnlt until you hear him eat." Texas Sittings. Didn't Titkn Very Well. Do Witt Scadds, Sr. I must tell you cm phnticnlly that your oxtravngant mode ol life must ceasel What hnvo you lieen doing during your Inst term at collegof Ditto, Jr. Took it eoumo of lectures on "Social Economy."-Puck. Hoard nt tlio Shore. Smithera I'vo Iwconiu a yachtsman. Dnrnloy Hather nn ncrolmtlo move, It It not? Smlthem Acrobatlcf , Daruley Yesturnetl it Hummer salt, bc to spenkl New York Press. Mud. "What did your mother sny when yoi told her wo were engaged, Mnmlol" "Sho didn't saynuythlug. She Just went over mid spanked my little brother till Ik could hardly stmul," Hoston Courier. IVvllUB All Conn. Doctor I low do yt a feel now, my deal lr? Patient (feebly) I can't feel at nil, doe tor. I'vo been paralyzed ever sluco I saw your bill. Yenowlne's News. Tim I'jiuuI Uvwnrd. "What did you get for your poem?" "Thanks." "Well, that was nt least something." "Yes; theodltorrcturnod'it with thanks." Hohton Courier. i:uet Application ot tlie Instrument. HurWrfcNccutiug an artistic swipe down his customer's cheek) Does It pull? Customer (with his teeth firmly hot) No It doesn't pull It oxenvates. Chicnge Frtbune. Wumlors of tlio Deep. "Did jo't over sco a shad row?" "No, but I'vo seen n sword fish." New York I.leruld. Boils and Pimples Are nature's efforts to eliminate pohnn fiom the blood. Thin result may he accomplished much more cITcctiinlly, nn well nn ngreenhly, through the piopcr excretory channels, hy the mo of A)cr's HaisajKii llht. " For scvcrnl yenrs I was troubled with hnlln nml carbuncles. Iu canting ntioiit for a remedy, It occurred to mo that Aycr's Sarsa p.irllla lmd been used Iu my father's family, with excellent nucconn, nud 1 thought that what wan good for tho father would nlno he good for tho son, Three or four hottlen of this li.eillcluo entirety cured me, nud I hnvo not since In more than two yenrn had n boll, pimple, or nny other eruptive trouble. I can coiincleiitlousty spenk In the highest termn of Aycr's Sarsnpnrllln, and many years' ctpcrlcucb Iu the drug business en allies mu to spenk Intelligently." C. M. llntllclil, Farmland, Ind. Ayer's Sarsaparilla rnEPAiiEn nr DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LowoU, Mass l'rlcojl; (Ul.Dtllti.ti. Worth if 5 ft Lottie. Hepman Bros. 1017 0 St., LltfCOIX HER Branch Stores at Falls City, Grand Island, Beatrice, .Weeping Water and Auburn. HARDY A PITCHER, LARGEST FURNITURE STORE IN THE CITY. .4-r 211 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. tm ULsw99sssssm C'Alll'KT ltOCKi:it-ANTIOtM: IAK WI.OO 1540 O STREET, Ceirriag:e for EYcrjlpody ! MUST MARK ROOM FOR STATE FAIR GOODS. LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE STATE ! Tliree Car Loads more Coming for tlie Fair. to see us before Buying. 4 WILL MAKE TERMS AND PRICES FOR EVERY- BODY. Don't fail 4 1 .ff