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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1890 ENGLISH PAPEK MAKERS. WORK AND WAGES OF WfllTEflS AND COMPOSITORS IN LONDON. lllg Hums I'nlil Member of IMtturlnt 8lnni-ll.ini Bint Flint Lines Wllhlu Which Itrmirtrri Toll Tim "Print er's" Putin nml Wldn Authorlt). (Copyright by American Press Association News gathering, ns It I understood ami practiced lit America, is tabooed In l'.ti gllsh journalism. Importers work In rvstrlctnl paths. They cnnnut Interview nnil mutt not anticipate anything In tlio way of news. If Hob Smith, after a long career of brutality, In at lint arrested fur boating I'll wife, tho liaru fact may Imi tatetl, but thu detail of tlio assault must not bo glveu until they are Ret forth ofll ulZETJN3: t .no OPENING leu's, Boys' and Children's Fall Suits and Overcoats WE have Opened our New Store at 1109 O street, and invite the Ladies of Lincoln and vicinity to inspect our stock of Goods. Our goods are all new and fresh from the Mills and we have marked them at prices that will suit you. J. W. WINGER & CO. 1109 0 ST. . 11 I I I l ,1 I it AT THE T GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Wo arc now prepared to you an exceedingly large as sortment of new and attractive styles in Fall Suits and Over coats. We have devoted more than the usual care and at tention to the selection of our new Fall and Winter Stock and are postivc it is not to be surpassed. Our reputation for furnishing the best possible values for the least money will be steadily maintained. We shall be pleased to be fav ored with an early call and examination of our new stock. Globe Clothing House, Cor. O and Tenth Streets. NHWMARK it HERSCHIJiR, I'rops. iffttftrt&RictiTO g!irvfi!xjaxuuDJjiminTwJAj:o:i,u''':iB wwmtsnaB ocTmmcom (feSW iMEB' 1204 and 1206 0' IDIME EDEN MUSEEO JUIjKH K. OFFNHK, Mmmiier, I Cor. Tenth ami N StrcotH. WEEK OF SEPT6MBER 22 The Wonder A DOG ! B O A D0GV He can Talk, Spell, Count, iVn all Feature 3?rorrarr) ! Bingham Vcntriloquial King. Prof. Geo. Madden Prestidigitateur. La Petite Kitty Premier Child Artist. BELLE VERNA, Tlio lady with luo fuccH. 1'L'XC AXIJ JUDY! A MmiKtcr Mammoth of tlio Deep, the Sea Elepliant and. a Mermaid ! SPECIMENS FROM THE DARK COXTIXEXT. A Coirrct Representation of s ik: is :mi ja: ii :e ies ; Tho Wife Murderer mid fitc hIiiiIIk of Chair In which ho was nLKCTHOClTKIll - 5 Exhibition tel Admits Milton M. Lyon 1 t..l. t'llVtll " IIU llflllV 1 t i " " The Ootbim Newi iP I.cuvo Orders Cor nny Neuspapcr. Mmtadue ur Periodical whatso. ever ami 1 will procure It for ion at imlilUhcr's Loucst Price Uidlos will always Ilnd a full lino of Fndilou MiiKiutncs on my counters, iiIkou full lluo of Mmo. Vouim's Celebrated Flower Htmllcs, Tolstoi's "KrouUer Houiita" now i' eonts. "Madumntscllodo Mauilii," "Notro Cmiiir," it hi' Human Heart , "Peter's Houl," "Thu Turnover flith," "Tim Last Throw," hy tho llltnll.tuM Mlli.i T.ilii.i fun M uti.l llii.lf.iv.l 1"!.. 1 1 ..... I . .. l ..- I .. Street Burr Block. of the Age and Play HIGH FIVE, DE CAMO, Juggler l'ur Kxeellcnce. Departments, 5 "iB HATlllDAY H to All ! ffiSK the Wide Awake Newsdealer ..I... I . . VT Ci nun ouinpiioii ivgcui, iiui ; ai. ', l.lii. ...ll.Jlllll lllIKa VIIII1U lVI IC" III Emporium, Milton" M.lLyonT ProprletarT M. DK IUOWIT7.. dally In the tiollco court next day Should Sir Humphrey Makeshift clopu with Squire Hollngbroko's wlfondlscroet silence must Imj i ) rose rv I'd until a bill for divorce is filed, and then it Is often prudent to only hint at tho names of tho parties until the trial begins. No comments must lie tnado on a case sub judlco. Kvcrj thing mutt "happen" In tho fullest sense of tlio term beforo It can bo presented to newspaper readers, ami then It must bu set forth In a stiff, established form. Sensationalism Is frowned upon, person alities rigidly prohibited and piiitant gov nip strictly forbidden. In fact an English reporter gets no chance to "spread" him self. Ho may report u speech In tho best stylo known to the stenographic wit; ho mr.y wrlto up a 11 ro In stereotyped phrases, or glvo the list of prizes atallouer show with tlio descriptlvu alii of thu catalogue, but to prestimo to exorcise his fancy in re cording tho shifting scenes of lift) would entail upon him the severest kind of censure, if not instant dismissal, with tho editorial verdict that ho '.vas a disgrace to tho profession. Ono result of this policy of repression Is that the reporter becomes n inert' machine. Ho (joes through u dally loiitluu mechani cally, takes nml transcribes his shorthand notes liko an automaton, and addles his brain with parrot like phrases that havu ilono duty for time immemorial, and will probably continue to enhancu thu duluess of Uritish journalism until tho crack of doom Ho is a reporter pure and simple, whoso cars havu to bo neuter than his eyes, uml whoso usefulness Is graded according to his ability towiito shorthand and his celerity of transcription Whatever de scriptive matter Is needed by a British newspaper is generally ilono by n "special commissioner," whoso work is heavy com pared Willi tluit of thu average American nuws gatherer, hut who would feel Insulted wero ho classed with tho ordinary reporters of his journal. Tho highest ambition of an Kngllsh re poitcr Is to bo employed on tho parliament ary stair of a London dally. Great palus nro taken with parliamentary reporting, each journal maintaining u separate force of from five to eighteen men. Some of tho newspapers only glvu tho leading speeches, but Tho Times prints a very full report, devoting three or four pages a day to tho proceedings of both houses. The Han sartl.iwhlch is recognized us the olllcial rec ord of the debates, Is inailo up largely from Tlio Times' report, iiiemlors having thu privilege of clipping from Its pages and extending and correcting their remarks beforo publication in tho olllcial volumes. Thu Times lias tho largest reporting staff in parliament. The men begin with "turns" of linlf an hour or twenty min utes; lato at night tho "turns" aru cut down to llvu or tun minutes, nml the re porters drive to Printing House srpiaru to trauscrilMj their notes. Their quarters are very comfortable. An extensive refereneo library is at their command, and so that thoy may not be disturbed in their wrtkof transcription servants aru constant y at their elbows to supply every want. In the matter of accommodation, both for editors and reporters, thu Kngllsh our uiiIh aru very liberal. Kach writer has a separato room, and an electric bell within reach to summon an attendant, and llvu or six rooms aru usually set apart for tlio re el M.I AlOUSrUS SAI.A. porters, whose work Is not very arduous as a rule. In the event of a speech by mon liko Gladstone or lord Salisbury from six to eight men nro detailed to leport it, and thcIr"copy"lsall in by tho timu tho speech U delivered. Neither thu typewriter nor tho phonograph lias yet been called In to assist in reporting or transcribing, Somu eminent men havu graduated from the re porters' gallery of thu house of commons. Charles Dickens was a parliamentary hand, and Mr. Lucy, thu able editor-in-chief of The Dally News, began as a to porter on that paper. Tho city editor of a lyindon journal an swers to our lluauclal editor; ho has until ingto do with thu news columns, ami Is hold solely rtwponslblu for the reports of Stock Kxchungu and other lluauclal trans actions. Thu chief reporter ha charge of tho local uuws In tho provinces. In Iituion tho minor courts, accidents, llres, etc., mu supplied by "penny-a-liners." Importers' copy U often delivered to tho compodng room without revision; this is especially tho case at uigbt whou parliament tdu lato. Tfinlihciv ate tint numerous mrrmions to Ik) tnado by political speakers, who aro keenly sensltlxu lo errors of statement, hows that the Kngllsh reporter, however ilollclenl ho niny Iw hi other respects, can Imj relied upon for tho greatest aecttraey In rcortlng the uttewncpt of public men. Kvcn when condensed work Is required full shorthand notes nro taken. Thick murks me miulo by tlio side of Important sentences, with tho result that nothing material is omitted even If n speech has to In) cut down n half or two-thirds, Almost every prominent hcwspnHr In Knglaud is generous In Ha dealings with its staff. I'.dltors rercho annual vacations of from one mouth to three, reporters have holldiijs of fiom two weeks to four, and tho compositors, pressmen nml stereolyp ers am granted at lwist a week In tlio year with full pay, Then there Is a system of pensions for old servants In every depart ment. Kiigllshmen do not change their situations much. It Is no uncommon thing to I'ml reporters who havu Iktii con nected with the same Journal for thirty or titty years. When they reach thu retiring ngu In some olllces they receive a third or half their salary for life. Compoiltors fre quently step In for pensions after long ser vice. The "printer," as tho foreman of n Im don dally Is called, Is n very Important per sonage, and lorreKponds In somu lespecU to our night editor. Thu "make up" Is completely in his hands. Hu keeps careful truck of thu copy, and his word goes n long way with tlio sub editor as to what shall or shall not run near press time. His men are tho pick of tho craft. Kach ono acquires considerable editorial ability; he Is not n slavish follow or of "copy," but reads for tlru'seiise, nml Is on the alert for blunders of omission or commission. Ills proofs are remarkably clean, and the printer keeps him up to tho highest notch of perfection. Somu of tho printers nro n llttlo too auto cratic and exacting. Ono on Thu Standard some years ago forbade tho use of slugs to protect thu matter after (lumping. This rule diwclnpcd exceptional steadiness of ncrvu in thu chapel, since thu slightest shakltic.s was disastrous In the small hours when tho "takes" ran about live tines each Tho identity of writers Is carefully con cealed by Kngllsh Journals. Kven the names of the editors aru nut known out Hldu thu profession. It Is always The Times, Tlio Telegraph, The Standard that addresses tho public, mid in no other conn try Is the editorial "we" so powerful. Many of thu minor correspondents are as Ignorant of the personality of thu malingers of thu papers as thu readers. They deal with Thu Standard, Thu Dally News, or Tho Time. Tho pay for newspaper work varies with tlioclassof Journal served. In lndnu 1,000 a year Is easily earned by a leader writer, and there are several who run as high as f 10,Xm). Kdiiors-lu-diicf receive from f IB, 000 to fci",(X0. The Telegraph pays Its l'arls correspondent li!,MH) and expens'is. I lu Is u very able writer, and sends dally two AHCimiAl.l) FOIIIIKH. columns of the most readable matter printed In lOngland; ludeisl, his letters aru Ierfect pun pictures of life lu the gay me tropolis, ami are comparable In point of attractiveness to tliuwoik of the best jour nalists in America. Men of notu like Kdwiti Arnold, Do Hlo wlu and Oeorgu Augustus Sala aru said to earn fabulous sums. Arnold Is at present writing to Thu Telegraph from-Japan, and Sala has written a dally editorial for tho same paper for twenty years, besides con tributing largely to periodical literature. Thu Times lias tho largest stalT of article writers of any journal in thu world. A number who havu niadu their murk in dif ferent branches of law and scleucu havu retainers of from 91,000 to 1.000 a year, and receive W0 for each article they aro called upon to contribute. War corre spondents and special commissioners nun who do the descriptlvu work receive from fcJ,HX) to $10,000 pur annum. Arch, ibald Forbes had thu latter sum, with carte blauchu as to expenses, when hu was with Thu Dally News. After his brill iant work during tho war between Hiissia nml Turkey thu proprietors presented him with a check for $10,000 in addition to Ids salary. From &5 to f,V) per column Is thu remuneration of foreign correspondents uot on the salary list of the leading news papers. Thu rates paid by thu principal journals of tho provinces aru about one third less all round. Ioudon i cporters receive from 20 to $.7) per week; lu thu provinces juulors get from (0 to f 10, second and third hands from fin to fi", and chiefs of stair from Si'i to 10. Thu London press receives manifold reports of the transactions of thu minor courts, accidunts, llres, etc, and pays threu ' mid four cents per lino for what is pub lished. The Times employs suierul young barristers to make reports of thu proceed ings of tliu higher courts. When cases of unusual public interest aro on shorthand reporters aru engaged to furnish verbatim accounts. Compositors work on "piece," mid earn lu London from tli to ?A a week, accord ing to ability and luck In "takes." Like other English workmen, they do not over exert tlie:iisules. A "slogger," or ono who Is continually on thu rush to make a "string," is frowned upon by tho chacl. They get their Imjct or gin lit regular Inter vals during thu night, tho chapel paying a man to wait upon them In thlre,spect. Time hands gel from 15 to ) n Bk. In certain provincial towns time wH Is paid, usually 10..V er week of llftwo hours. Proofreaders receive from ?to fci'iaweek JOHN W. I'ObTUATt: Tim lcMiiiiliitlm of Trance. The low birth rate In Krone, which means a gradual depopulation of the couu tr, eliuaged the attention of the French academy the other day. M Lagneau, af tur rending a mperon thu subject, suggest etl these remedies among others. Mmpllll cation of tho marriage laws, limitation of military service, clalmrutiou of thu colo nlal Idea, naturalization of nil tlio strangers in France, numbering l,200,0iii, and tho establishment of refuges for poor or unfortunate mothers, who would then have less excuse for abandoning their Infants 4 ill wPHBF Lincoln, Wednesday, OCX. 1 BARNUM & BAILEY'S GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH Irme Kiralfy's Nero, or I he must Magnificent hntcrtalntncnt ever Organized t'niiltnl Invested, fn.'VKikK) m.iKii 7,nm iniiiy I'ixpuiiHes, I It? JfZ' s?- i-"-ir 'f. " -- 5.-':,"rvi -arl Vr-!"-" Z.-Pzr tMIVytl rtmHn YlillHHrrtfuml)lywk'Uiiliiv " " .JZmL. Now Offered to tile American Public l'reeiM.-ly tlio same an It was proenlcd in ICu rope, whuru It amaruil, astonlslii-d and ilillnlitoJ The Untlrc Koynl I'nmlly of Great llrltaln, The I'eerage, Clergy, Kress and People, Kiitliuiilastlcally Kndorkcd by Krlnces and Potentates. 1,200 Performtrsl 300 Terpslchorean Artists! Tent 650 Feet Long! A Colossal Stage 450 Feet Long! filters. Three fully eiiulppeil Circus Companies In three rlnijs. 1 .MKNAOKllir.M, Killed with tho rarest ami ureatett spenlmuus or wild hunsU, birds anil mammals, all properly classified. . OI.Y.MI'IA llll'I'onlto.MK, Thrilling and Inciting Knees, Contests and Gladiatorial IHsplwys lioitsr. I'AIIt. lu separate tent, with positively Kil First Premium Horses. i:i.KVATKI HTA(li:s, For the Kxhllilllonof 'oinlerfiilOlymnlanUaiiK's.'is 1'AIIt, Kmliraeliig Myriads of Novelties and Atlraetlons. ho ontci'N acts. an oi.mvNH. a iinitns if i:i.i:i'iiantn. a intovi:s or camki.s. no iiknh or u'u.o mkaht.s. Positively 300 Circus Performers I Atlllptlf. flim..y. Alilll.tln MluirlM Inlk iig Heals rorelgn 1-eatiircs, JapancM'Tniupes, ItiineliiK Olrls and Illusions, llesldcs uiiuioei less ami eoiimiesH leiiiures oranuxtraorilluary kind ami chitrncUJr, all new, Krand, eniiiplete, nii sijl ln nml hewlldorlnK, and noMrseon hofore. Touctlier with thoOrund His tnrlcnl Hpectaclo Irme Kiralfy's Nero, or, the Destruction of Rome ! Produced under tho Immediate txirsoual supervision of tho author. Presented on the largest sIhro Intlie world, with l.'.iu people In thu cunt, besides homes, elephants, and triumphal chariots, A (lltANIl UAU.lVrT DIVKUTIHKMKNT. Hoinan Cninbats. Circus Muxlmiu, Chariot Itaees, llarharlons, Hlaves, Priests. Sacred Cero monies. ItellKloiiK Fetes, llucchnuiillan Ornlcs, ChrMInn Martyrs, Holdlrrs. Henators. V otiil Irullic, Mlmlellattlcs. Famed Kxperl Dancers, ami a tlwituand uraiicl etrectM of Keener.v. t'ostuuies ami Accessories, Kiinuuhs. I.lelors, Conspirators, UmluiHsudoni. Hplrs, Hostages, tlvlllaiis, t Itlens, SncrllHIni OIlcrliiKs. Ancient Armor, $7S.(juo in sjs. vj T-'r" ' 'BIIIIIII - LAri1-., mJL' . Xl rtRoMlh 'lUhtdna aaw .. 11'" . L"- -. JW fM . 1 Z "" .rT MB -- -f x j. yr .tr rm0 - - w vHKk-- zs-m -isr'pir ri'rforimiuct'H ut 1 nml 8 l',M looroiffii un Hour earlier Admission to Everything, 60 Ceats. Children under Nine Years, 25 Cents OBTAT TOES CSEttT IJWXl.33i:, With all the new features lu tlio morulnu at U o'eloek. Ow lim to the delicate material of the costumes iiKed In Nero, the lll not he k( eu lu the street intrude. As an necoiumodatlon to the publican olllee has been esliihllkhed at J. H. HAKI.KY'rt Dtmr Store. IIUI O street w hero reserMM iiiiiuUTed seau can lie purchiiMit et tho ri'KUlur price, and admUtlou tickets at the utiial slliiht adMiiiee. Cioap rxcurilana on all Zts&Aa, the Destruction of Rome, K.,u..l Owners ) " k'nnl. 1..i.i.bI .( .. fla..l..,u rTm ..!... I 1.I...I. lk il. .....kl, 1. 1 i".'? TJl. "ffzSX dr-gr "..rf "i ;sv jz, jjnm. - Zr... - TNX.V.JV. Ji-J-tr-- xn f: