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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1890)
"' IMXW mini W'i uiiwsssyww WW mm i i him iwni ill miWUir MpNMWPMMWfK SJ- giyjittniii r " y CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1890 8 iB.' --- : In r is & r 15 t - ft'l s B iseMMWMQ.iwmf At; POPULATION OF LINCOLN 66,000, Saturday Evening, July 1 2, '00 Crnr loth and P Street. -ii:ai.i:rh in- Amcricnn, French, British and German, Dry Goods "Tlm Courier" I"ir Hwle 111 Omitliii. Copies limy 1 found nt Keith's newsstand, 310 Routh Fifteenth street, Boyd's cient house block. S BE EMBROIDERIES -AT- Herpolsheimer & Go. DRY QOOD8. Exposition Building. Ttio Courier Cim bo Found At Windsor Hotel Now Htnml, Capital Hotel Nows Htunil. Exposition DlnltiK Hull Nows Hliiml. The Ootlmm Nuws Htmul, 118 Houtli llth Ht. Bert Uufthor, 111 North llth Htrrut. K.l. Young, 1020 () Mreet. Plotchor A Co., 1120 U Htreot. Llttlo Hiort Ulnar Htoro, 113 North 12th HU pT"An extra supply of papers In always lort t the Oothnui, In ease other Newsdealer supplies run short. DUNLAP HATS SPRING STYLES NOW ON SALE AT- W. R. DENNIS & CO.'S 1137 O STREET. "Wiuit" Ail for the Journal. In order to ne the convenience of lu patrons who niny with to use the "want" col umn of the Jnuntil the Couhikh ofilce will receive such advertisement nt the regular rates mul transmit thorn to the .on nui. l.ccal mul Personal. YVhitebreast Coal iuhI Lime Company. Lincoln Ice Co., 10 10 O St. Telephone 118. Take Turkish at 101(1 0 street. Mineral water used ror bathing, 1010 O st. Don Cameron serve the finest coffee In the city. Belts & Weaver, coal and wood, 105 O street. Phone 440. tf Canon City Coal at the Whltebreait Coal and Lime Co. Far flno watch rehiring goto J.M. Mnrkell A: Bon's 1235 U street. Doctor Bailey & Goodell, ofilce 1347 Ij street. Telephone, 017, Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010 O street, basement Union block. Only place in Lincoln that use mineral water in Iwths la at 1010 O street. ' Dr. R, L. Moore, olllce IW-Kl Lattrt block. Residence 1(01 Washington st. Telephone !58l. A second-hand Remington tyjiewrlter In good condition for salo cheap at the Couhikh office. All the best Batteens worth SO, Stt and 40 cents at 10 cents at Herpolsheimer & Co's, Exposition Department Store. Prompt service, pure and wholesome focKl and the belt of everything Is always found at Don Cameron's. Ladles, misses und children's hats bleached, dyed and reshaped in all latest styles. 6-14-St 133 South Thirteenth street, China firing at the studio every Monday. Edith Russell, room 10, The Bond, corner Twelfth and U. streets, tf Dr. C. B. Manning, ofilce rooms 00 07-& Burr block. Telephone Sail. Residence Cor, 20th and F. Telephone 830. Ladies will find a complete line of line shoes and all the latest stylos nt the proper prices at Sberwin's Boston Shoe Store. All the bot Batteens worth ISO, 5 and 40 cents at 10 cents at Ucrpolsheimer & Co's. Exposition Department Store. Instructions given and orders received in china and oil painting, pastel and water col ors. Minnie Kramer, 831 J street. Scott Bros, make a specialty of prtscrlti tion work, and having one of the most compe tent prescription clerks, with fifteen years experience, can assure all patrons accuracy and prompt filling of all orders. We use none but the purest drugs and make charges rea sonable, Whm you use engraved cards or invita tions, you have the finest work of the kind that can be produced. Even her royal high I), Queen Victoria, ues Just such engraved cards as are sold at the Couhikh otllce, but instead of I.lueolulu pitying 13.60 to $5.00 per hundred for them, which is the price in London, New York and Chicago, they pay but 8.50 iwr hundred. And this price does not change the quality of material or work raaiutiip, for in the large cltiea you pay for style,' while in Uncoln in order to create a d Rwad we mutt get down close to cost price. Call asd we our work. PES BsssssSMB'BSSSSSSKI&'myji sssssssssssnsssssssssssnmw; II, (loldttulth, for tliu iHift twenty years it resident nud merchant of Philadelphia, I linvlnir l.ltmdii n vlalt llila wwli ultli n view of locating, lie Is so well pleased with tint cny limine thinks or imyiiig it, nmi in ciiao his olTcr to the council Is not accepted ho ill manage to secure local Intercuts nnd excts to rat his lot with lis In thn fnll Mr. (lold. smith's son, who rninu to Lincoln several tuoniiis Ago, im noon writing homo In such praise of this city that the "old man" nr rived on tho sjsit to see for himself nud with the results above stnteil. They will oH'ii nn extensive house furnishing goods store hero nltout ReptemlHr flrst,at which tlnm the fnm lly will Iw removed to Lincoln from the Quaker City. The Couhikh is plenwd to roiigrntulato Messrs, (loliUtulth t Son on their choice, for nfter visiting various other K)lnts Lincoln seems to hnvo real I ted tholr Idenl view, Jus. Lewis, the rustler nud one of the tnnn nglng jwirtners of tho Iwls Hnrdwure and Implement Co., left for tho riiht yestenlny. Ho will stop nt Kreeiwrt nnd see tho Henry Rt'KKJ' Co. to arrange for n line buggy ex. hlblt nt the coming Stntu Fair, nfter which ho will do Uhlcngo, He excet to return noxt week with his estimable lndy, whohns U-en visiting nt Klklmrt nnd uufortunntely tK)k sU-k w hllu there, but is now considered sulllcleutly recovered to le nblo to Journey homownrd, Prof. Ollwntilt sends the Couhikh n pro griini of thu Theo. Thomns orchestra oteiilng in Chicago Monday evening nt theExHltIon building. The llt shows somo of Thomns' most exiiulilto selections together with u nuiu Iter of uownrlns. Prof. Olbenult wrlts tho Couhikh thnt he has ln-en Invltwl to render 11 nUmtMr nt It I7rnll.l linl'lni imnrwirt ,, lu. given at Mine. BehwerU's beautiful home next Mondny evening, nfter which he will iimiu uiu trip in uio iiiouxnuu Jslnliils. A plensnnt outing party ut Uuslimnii U ediirodny uvi-nlng wns coiuiiosed of Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. II. Patrick, .Mr. nud Mrs. Minou (Iregg, Mr. nud Mrs. Geo. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Stlrej, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Brown, l)r. nnd Mrs. Iittu, Mrs. Espy, Mr Htull, Mr. MohiiMistcher, Mr. Thompson, Sir. Hall, MIssBabln of Ileatilce, MIsih Mlniilo and Olive Latin. J. W. Clltrlsht will fnka liiirtr.. .if tl, ..I.,. department of the .niiriiuf tomorrow. Ills work while In Omnlin nttrncted the ntteution of the lit nnd brought n linndsoiue offer from thntNiier, but tlio.oiirnnf very wisely con cludetl that It could not nlrord to lose him audit llindtl thu lliCihsnrv nrnuii'..iii..iit m kivp hlm. Miss MnV Burr, lifter n livn lii Onmhn with the fnmlly of Judge Dundy, hns returned. While nt tho inetroK)lis Mlsallurr m-elvisl instructions in swimming nt tho mnviiaiiHoriuiinuin such excellent remit h thnt sho hns btcoiiiu miltn mnut..r nt ii... accomplishment. Charles W. Krankle. tlm liiiiwlunmn un.1 courteous gentleman nt Semmons' store, Is I'miiuiiiK ii inp io uoiwnoo, nnd it is hinted that one of the fnlr sex out there will lie mnde hnnnv bv the visit it . .mu,n.u.i that his nirwtions were centered In New York state. Jesse J. Rooks fell out of n llilnl ilnru !.. low at the Uslwlth block Tuesday morning linn mm oi ins injuries shortly nfterwnrd. He wns sitting m the window and is supposed to lmve fallen nslcep. At one time he was In the grain business with Win. Coombs. Mrs, L. C. Burr und daughter. Mnv. ox- liect to leave in n few days for a trip to tho northwest, their objective point being Olyni- pia, vt nun., me homo or .Mrs. Burr's niece, Miss Loiui Giles, who visited here lust sum mer. Miss Katharine Bmford of Chicago will make her llrst visit to Lincoln next week. She will tie the guest of her cousin, Miss rnuuie minora, i weniyviixin sireet,aii(I will remain till early August. Miss Tote McMurtry, according to u letter from Colorado received Thui-fday, has been Improving and Is considered out of danger, for tho time, which will lie grateful news to all friends of the family, Walt Roberts Is now thu owner of a verj line undertaker's wagon one of the (litest In thu land. The Couhikh Is pleased to note the prosperity ho is enjoying, made apparent by such enterprise. Judge Parsons, formerly Mllce Judge of Uncoln, but now practicing law at Grant, was in town Wednesday to deliver Perkins county to John Stewart for attorney general. While in New York tin Couhikh'h travel ing representative met Elmer. Stepheiuou, city treasurer, who was rushing around Gotham to place some of Lincoln's tionds. John Gross was very handsomely remem bered Tuesday evening by n company of friends, who presented n gold handled um brella to commemorate his fortieth year. The plcnlo of Holy Trinity Sunday nchool, announced for Wednesday at Cushmiiu, was IKwtpoued on account of the hot weather nnd the sIcknehM of the superintendent. L. Wefeel, Jr. the Couhikh's great Ameri can traveler, returned home Tuesday alter a three weeks Jaunt through New England and the eastern states. Mrn.Tbos.Bowelland daughter left Tues day for St. Paul, whence they will go on a li ng trip east that will keep them away from home until September. Eugene Heaton has" received a diploma from the Oriental School of Embalming of Boston, and Is one of thu youngest embalm-ersinthecc-intry. E. W. Pitcher of Denver, a cousin of the late C. D, Pitcher, passed through Lincoln Tuesday enroute home after a month's vacn tion trip east, Mrs. W, E. G. Caldwell has gone for a summer stay among Wisconsin lakes, accom panied by her daughter, Mrs. Daniel Cropsey of Falrbury. Prof. Hartley has resigned his positlou as uierintendeut of Lincoln's schools to give his whole time to his private alfalrs. Mrs. V. Abrahamson has returned from her Illinois visit and is entertaining her sis ter, Mrs. Don Anderson of Axtell. Lincoln people going away for a summer vacation should remember that they may have tho Couhikh follow them. Harry Dow us has Ueu appointed by Census Superintendent Porter to gather statistical information from Nebraska. Miss Tillle Humphrey is visiting at Mons mouth, III., and will make a trio through Canada before returning. Mr, and Mrs. Win. T. Duncan of the Musee lett Thursday for Bt. Louis. They then take a trip up tho Mississippi. MIssEllnll wlesofQulucy, III., Is visiting Ml Jennie Kruno nt HI5 north Eighteenth street, Mls Bowles will snnd tho greater ni t of thu summer In Lincoln. Miss Kiln Bowles of Qulucy Is visiting Ml Jennie KrtiM. I-ii'or in tho summer they w II) nmku n trip among thu not tliern Inkes. Mr llnnsfoid Little nnd Miss Iauru Day ton were mnrrltil Monday evening, Rov. L, P Ltiilden olllclntlng. Krnnk Dorgnn, who Inn lioeu visiting lu northern Iown, uliout tho old fnmlly home, Ir expected bnck today. Prof. II. H. Jones of Eilo, Pa,, hns been elected superintendent of the city's schools, nt n salary of f 2tJ0(). Mrs. W. 11. Brown will leave lu about n week for Boston to visit her dnughter, Miss Florence Brown. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. S, Goidnn hnvugoue for n summer visit among fnmlllnr old scenes in MnssncliUHctts, George Covert returned 'Monday from n 1 1 In to Denver, Mnultou, Emiiorin, Topcka nnd Atchison. Mr. nud Mrs, Charles S. Brown of Spring field, III., nru guests of Mrs. Mnry Reed. 1TM O street. Mr, nnd Mrs, A. M. Bnird left Sunday for Colorado, where Sirs, llnlrd may remain for the summer. Deputy Register John Fnwell returned Tuesday from a tilp througJi northwestern Nebraska. Mrs, Zehruug has been irtilto 111 for pnst ten days, but was reported convalescent yesterday. J. M. Holfmnn returned Tuesday after it two-month swing ntound tho circle In the south. Carl C. l-nntz and family left Wednesday for nn extended tilp to Mllwutikeo nnd the enst. C. Vun Roden left Monday for St. Paul, Minn,, to oiguuUe it cntnp of Modern Wood men, J. Baughmnn nud daughter Minnie return ed Tumlny from n sojourn nt Idaho Springs, Col. Mrs. Austin Humphrov nud Mrs, O. M. Humphrey hnvo gone to Hot Springs, S. 1). Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Baldwin nnd sou, Mutt, are off for a summer Jaunt north nnd east, Mr. niidMrr. E. E. Bennett nrenwny for n mouth nmoug tho resorts of Wisconsin. Mrs. L. C. Pnco nud dnughter, Clnrklu, left TliumJay for a lslt to Salt Lake City. Will Johnson of the First National Is visit ing at his old home, Cumbildge, Ohio. A tnrilf leform club hns been orguulrcd with James R. Covert ns secretary. Misses Myrtle Bohaunu ntul Mny Grnut nre siendlug several weeks at Seward. Mrs. James Partington nnd dnughter left AVednesday for n trip to England. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Huddlesou nru on for n trip through Canada and tho east. Russell Brvdon returned Wednesday night from it business trip to Chicago. Miss Mary CnllKcr of West Grove, Iown, Is visiting Mrs. B. F. Scott. .Mrs. J. W. Menlovo nud daughter left Thursday for Freeport, III. Misses Jennie and May Underwood are visiting nt Dayton, Olilo Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bell returned Monday from tholr western Jaunt. Mr. and Mr. R. H. Moffatt were in Wash ington, D. C, this week. Mrs. Cnrolluo Williams Is spending the va cation ut Oswego, Kas. Mr, nnd Mrs. John Sheedy left Wednesday for it trip to New York. Prof. Parks hns gone to Pennsylvania for tho summer vacation. Mrs. R. M. Simons nnd daughter nru visit ing nt Geneva, N. Y. Miss Belle Sablu or Beatrice Is visiting Mrs. II. B. Putrick. Lieut. Grinith left Sunday for Mllwaukeo and Pittsburg. The Misses Cook of Norfolk are guests of Mrs. A. Bax. W. O. Fletcher and daughter have gone to Boston. J. 11. Lcmlit returned Tuesday from Chi cago. I rank E. Lahr Is on it trip east. Rov. E. S. Ralston Is home. (.Other Social News on Page 2. That tired feeling now so often hoard of, is entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparillu, which gives mental und bodily strength. The attention wild by tradesmen to the tatte and preferences of tho fair sex is one of the features nfJmodernhusiness. Tills Is con spicuous in no lino more than In tho shoo trade, and the ladles of Lincoln have awak ened to the fact that Briscoe the Shou Man Is catering to their trade most successfully with a big stock, a beautiful store, Kl!te salesmen nnd courteous treatment. Special attention Is invited to the lino of ladies' fine French shoes with front lace and patent leather trim mings, also to tho line of tine dongolas with patent learner tips lor misses und children. These nre but two line. There are many others, und all tastes cull be suited. The leading question now is; "Are you provided with a bottle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and dlnrrluua remedy, as a safe-guard against an attack of bowel complaint during thu summer months l" No family can afford to risk being without this Invaluable incdi cuioiiuring tne not weaiuer. it is almost certain to lie needed, and Is a friend' Indeed when required, as it never falls and is pleas ant anil safe to take, 25 and 50 cent liottles for sale by A. L. Shader. Housekeeping Made I'.U'y. The torrid season has come upon us In earnest, and after such n cool spi lug it Is se verely felt among the large and estimable class of women who do their own work it Is a pressing problem how to lighten their work and still not reduce the comforts of home. On this head a few suggestions may not come amiss. Cooking is of course the chief labor, and it is surprising how much more of it Is done than is really necessary. Few peo pie know how completely a fumlly may lo provided for froiji the .shelves of it good grocery stock. Ill these' modern times there are ready made soups, potted meats and fowls, cooked vegetables, relishes, crackers, cakes and other things that, If carefully se lected, fix the meal almost ready to bo set ved tho moment they are oiened. By steeping tea cold and serving it iced the necessity for a tiro is wholly avoided. And a three-minute tiro will provide soup and warm such articles as are preferred that way. I.. Meyer & Co. advance these Ideas and present the stock from which are to be procured tho articles necessary to carry them out. Furniture, carets and general merchan dise, sold on easy weekly or monthly pay ments. Address R. Goldsmith, rare drawer 03, City. What is Scrofula It li tlist Impurity In tho hlisxl, which, ncrutmi. luting In tlm gUtuM l Hie neck, irolucoi uti alfditly ltitiiMnrwvltliiK wblch mines julnful rutmliiK tores on tlio nruii, lct!, or fecti which loToln. ulcers In tlm ejci, cnri, or noie, often canting- MlnihieitnrilonfneMi which U Hie origin of iilinplci, cnticrrom urowlln, ur many other inanlfettntlnn uiualljr nicrllieil to " humors " It It ii more fiinnlilalilo rnemjr than coiimniptlou or cancer Mono, for scrofula romlilncs tho wont H)Mllilofriiturptof hotli, llcliiKtlio molt ancient, It It tlm most Konrrsl of all illicniei or sffoctlout. for very fow crniit nro entirely freo from It. How csti It l)i rureil T lly taking Hood's flaria pnrlllu.wMeli.liy the cures It lias scrompUilicil, ottcu when other ineillclnes have failed, liai proTf ii Itself tn lie s potent nud peculiar medicine for tlilt illicain. For nil nlTrrtloni of the Mood llood'a Sariaparlll t It unequalled, and ioino of tho t urea It has effected aro really wondorf ul. It you suffer from tcrof uU In any of Ha various formi, be sura to em Hood's Rarispsrllls a trial. Hood's Sartaparilla Boldbyalldrugjiiu. ltUforJ. I'reparsdonly by 0. 1. 1IOOU CO., Apotkacarlea, Lowell, Mast. IOO Doses One Dollar You cannot afford to waste your money in ex perimental trips by other lines represented as being equally as good as the "Burlington." They are not. . J. FRANCIS, General Passenger nnd Ticket Omaha. N6W in the Exposition ! JAMES A. BAILEY'S Wall Paper Emporium urn BSKUfl I3attei Tfte Waft t?aier Man. American Unlit Hammer BYCICI-ES, Largest and Finest Stock of Pleasure Wheels": in the city. CALL R. R. Ideal Rambler, H sfSll tJJmi flsi Rkl I Oi sfifcfln 1204 and 1206 0' Agent, City Wheels for the Nation All Kinds ! All Sizes ! American Champion, AND SEE US BEFORE GUTHRIE 1540 O STREET. 5, SHFETI yi.iiTinxoou rqrijj'wsrri u.i u.i tu:oi.ijcT i.m 1 1 ixi fl rae w Street, Burr Block A. C. XIEMER, Passenger nnd Ticket Agent, Lincoln. i ( Will be found in the center isle, second iloor, at head of the stairway. '..In Ills new quarters the stock will em brace the finest line of Wall Paper and Decorations ever shown in the west, Including Imported Embossed Papers,, Silk Decorations, Artistic Ingrains, Etc. And in fact all the latest productions of the Wall Paper Industry will be shown by American Itnmhler. Every Style Known, to the Trade at Wholesale and ' Retail. BUYING. &c CO. Humbler. A 1Ki SV . VI .I'.iM imirfil dm Hi I e