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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1890)
L&liiiiuJrklwiw CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1890 8 - " " hill it .,s.w....jw 'n.', SOCIAL AND HHmjCl iwti mi ijfT ' c ii it POPULATION OF LINCOLN 00,000, Saturday Evenin&March 1 600 TAKE NOTICE! Tho Couiiirii will not Ik' responsible for any deb! mndo by any one In tin nnino, nil w n written order mvoninnlo tlio same, rrojHrly signed. !. Wkhhki., Jr., Prop'r. Corner 10th and P Streets. Dry Goods -AND- CARPETS. Tito Courier Can 1m Found At Windsor llotol New Htiuul. Capital Uoll Now Htnml. (Well's Dining llnll News Stand. ThoOothnm Now Htnml, 11 South tltli Ht. llert llumicr, 111 Noilli lltli Street. Kil. You UK, 1020 ( Street. Knton A Smith, USIO Little HKirt Cigar Store. 113 N. lath St. DUNLAP HATS Spring Style Opened Saturday, Maidb. Mist AT- W. R. DENNIS & CO.'S 1137 O STREET. r I.oonl mill l'orsoimJ. Whltobrmst Coal and Llmu Company. Lincoln loo Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118. Perry & Harris, Jowelors. Drown' restaurant for meals. Tako Turkish at 101(1 0 street. Auk your grocer for Qullek's broad. Telephone at tlio Couiukh olllco la 3KI, Mineral water used tor bathing, 1010 O st, Glvo UotU & Weaver, thu now coal firm, n rial. Mlm C. J. Gullmctto'a dro moklug par on, 1333 O Btreot, Try somo of tlio flno fresh fish served every day at Cameron's. Canon City Coal again at tho Whltebrenst Conl and I.I mo Co. Ask your grocer for Oullck's broad. Roast inontii, and vegetables of all klndsat Cameron' Lunch House, Superior iiuality Anthracite coal at ISetta fc "Weaver'. Call up 440. Join tho Terry & Harris watch club. Get a watch at a dollar a w eok. Tho old reliable Canon City Coal at Hutch n & Hyatt1, 1CV10 O street. Improved shower for Turkish Imths at 1010 O street, basement Union block. Only plaeu In Lincoln that uses mineral wator in laths Is at 1010 O street. Ask your grocer for Oullck's bread. Try an oyster stow or oyr tent In any stylo at Den Cameron's. They aro lino. A five-dollar work of 8hakooK'aro given away. Seo advertisement, page 8. Brown is ready to servo Iwiuquets, wedding collation and othor spreads on short notice. Gullet's bread U full weight. Canon City, Mondota, Ohio 11 lock and Col orado Conl, at lietts & Weaver's, phono 440. Now Is tho time to lay in your winter sup ply of conl. Hutchins & Hyatt's, 1040 O street. Fresh mined Lacknwana Anthrnclto and othor line coals at Hutching & Hyatt's, 1040 O street. Cakes of any and nil kinds for bnnquetpnr ties made to order on short notice at tho Qu llck Bakery, 013 P fctreet. Telophono IDS. Winger & McGahey for Coal, Coke and Wood. 133 North Elovcnth street. Tele phono 890. Ladles will find a complete lino of fine shoes and all the latest stylos at tho proper prices at Bherwln's Roston Shoo Store. Buy Gullck's bread. Buy your coal of the VVhitebreast Coal aud Lime Co., aud it will always be well scrcai.od, lull weight, best quality and at right prices. Ashby & Mlllspaugb. are offering their en tire stock ot tine dress goods and silks at cost. How Is the time to buy a nice dress for very ittle money. Balnl Bros, are giving SO per cent discount on all cash sales and a chance on a $45 sowing roochlno on every purchase or bill paid to tho amount of $1.00, Buy Gullck's broad. You can save SO percent on your hard waio and get a chance on a $45.00 sewing machine for every dollar's worth you buyatBalrd Bros., 1343 0 street. The now Felix Govine's face powders re cently received by Mtu Johnston are having a popular Bale and all the ladles who have used it have great praise for It. Edith E. Russell, artist in China, Oil, Pas tel and Water Color painting. Studio, room 140 Jones block, corner Pand Twelfth streets, entrance 189 north Twelfth itrett. Old trunks made aa good as new or taken in trade tor new ones at trunk factory SOS Bo 11th St., tL 063. Wirrick & Hopper. Also a flno line of trunks.valises, etc. Fine carriages, buggies), saddle horsee and the best livery stock In the city at A. G. D11U meyer & Co'. Palace Stable. Telephone orders (No. 435) roceivo prompt attention. J. T. Jones' new carriage repository is now located on the crouud floor. 305-007 South Tenth street, in the Bohanan block, where his line oi fine carriages of all kinds show to bet tor advantage than ever. Jonm want to Mil you a rig when you want one. Call and see bin. He agroee to make the rioet suit or live you the rig. HOt PERSONAL. Tho editor of tho CoimiKii received a letter from Prof. Mahler of Ht. Iouls during tlm week In which llmt thoroughly accomplished Instructor "f dancing and deportment soaks of his prospective visit to this olty. Mr. Mnlilor hn n number of flattering offers from as many piniuluent cities, but living well known hero prefers t" return to this olty, but ho must havo assurances that n cer tain number will Join his classed before Inula cldos to come. Mr. Mahler needs no Intro dilution, especially to our prominent clllreiiH or social leaden His gentlemanly ways, to gether with u complete knowledge of his pro fow.lon,lmvo won for him mi enviable reputa tion In Lincoln, not only In n husluetvt light, hut socially as well. He would arrive about the llrst of May anil remain two mouths, lmtasnhovu stated must llmt Imi guaranty! a certain iiiiiiiIkt of scholars, Many have ox prosucd a desire to join the classtn, but have not slgnlllod the same to Mr. Mahler. In or der to fncilltalo mutters and wishing to havo that gentleman and his InteroMlug family with us again, thul'ouiilKii will reooho tho name of all dcslrousof Itccomliigmcmhorsof thu class. Names should Imi sent In within threo days, lo tho olllco, telephoned by No 3.VI or sent ier mall, This list will thou bo mailed to Ht, Iiuls aud tho result nuuouuced as soon as an answer canbo received. If you aro Interested In dancing, now' tho cliauoo to learn from n master of tho art one who was veritably liorii a dancer. InstiMid of entertaining tho Fast Lincoln so cial club at tlielr homes Mtwrs.H.Iv. Halo, O. H.l'row,N.B.llalrd,RA,HallettandO.O.Hnlu ongagil Toiuplo hall for Thursday evening and Invllod tho Calumet and Comus clubs to Join in thogayety. Tho result was ouo of tho largest mid jolllest mrtlesof tho sensoii. Tho grand march was led by Mr. Fred and Miss Mngglo Hallott, who iutrislucod several new llgures, Tho muslu, with Miss Wllloiighby at tho piano, was excellent, and the prompt ing was tho In'st tho writer has heard In Lin coln, A third of tho dances wero quadrilles, and many new changes wero introduced. Tho calling was so clear and distinct that no one had any illlUculty In following tho new changes, and tho result was a pleasing vari ety. Miss Kllen Drlsty, for a long tlmo with Her polshclmcr &. (., Is noon to leuvo for KuroKt, nnd on Friday evening of last week tho pro prietors and employees of that houw made her a plenmiut siirpriso vlt at her home Tho party comprised Mitwrs. nnd MendiiineH Her IKilslielmer, Anderson and lloehm; Miwdanuxi Uhaw,WllllamHou, Hedford, Flshback.Uiulth sou; MIskim Jennie and Mock leathers, Pau lino and Mario Hnuck, Drlwllo, Gustason, Ohrstrum, HoImtIsoii, Iiulo and Laura Mo Grew, Hedford, Iltako, Maglunls, Lynn, Lar son, McAllister of Grand Island; Memrs. Mohrenstochor, Tlionipson, Parmaleo, Webb, Wnrnkee, lloriiellus.Btnnloy, Decker, Wylwl, Gntchel, llobliiHou, Ilallio and CIiiih. Ducker. Maungei Gardner of tho Lincoln Parking and Provision company, of West Lincoln, has decided to put a lino of meats on tho market for summer trade, and the article Introduced Is homo made sausages. These aro made of choicest meats, prepnrtsl by tho most oxorl enced sausage maker and will benrtlioclowst Inspcct'on. Later on, smoked meats, hami txicous, etc., will be put on tho market. All butchers hnndlo tho Lincoln Pncklng Co.'s goods. They claim their meats are tlio Ix-st that can be had, and liosldcs that, they are always fresh and received dally. It your butcher Is not wldo awako enough to handle those goods call up 487, Mrs. John Zehrung nnd son Frank havo loft Loh Angeliy on their way homownnl, but they will make sevcrnl Btops nnd may not reach Lincoln In'foro May 1st. They could not get along without tho Couiukh for homo news, nnd hnvo lieeu Kondlug for Ixick num-. bers. Which reminds us: The Couiukh will bo mailed to nuy address, aud thonddrcKScnu bo changed as often as nooosMiry by dropping the olllco a iHwtnl card. Lincoln )eopleway from homo may hnvo the Couiukh follow them, nnd they ill nover find a pior so lie. teiestlugas when away from homo. Kach lvue contains more nens than a dozen lettem. Tho Couiukh will bo mailed in this way at tho regular prlco. Tho monthly reception of tho First Congre gational church wns held WodnoMlay evening under tho general direction of Mrs, V. Q, Boll, assUttMl by Mrs. Samuel Nesbltt, MIhs Lonn Gllltnplo nnd Miss Fanny Mnrley. Sun jier wns followed by a program with sleep ns Its theme. Mrs. Will O. Jones gave a cradle song from KJerulf, Mrs. A. W. Jmtson wing tho lullnby from "hnnlnlo," Miss Cochran played u crndle song by Mntou nnd Mi's. Ma nntt snug a lullaby from GottMhalk. Quito a number ot quotations wero given, and live scenes from "Tho hanging of tho crnuo" wero presented. Cards are out for a double ueddlug at tho First Baptist church nt 7:45 next Tuesday evening. Miss Com A., daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. G. Preston, will bo married to Mr. Charles 8. McKennoy. Miss t'nrrle J., daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. McKeuuey, will bo married to Mr. Alva S. MoKenney. Tho two bridegrooms aro engaged In business In cntt Lincoln. Miss McKinuoy tins been living at Spencer Urmk, Minn. Threo uirtlcs wero given last evening that the Couiukh cannot reort becnufco of going to press too early. Mrs. George H. Clark en tertalued tho elder people nt cards nnd MIm Gertrude Mnnmctto ontcrtnlueil a largo com pany ot young folks likewise Miss Florence Putnam, 601 South Twelfth street, celebrated her eleventh year with a party for her girl and boy friends. Llnoilu division, Uniformed Hank, and Capital City lodge, Knights of Pythias, had tho largest social of tho series Thursday oven- lug. Tho entertainment Included cauls, dancing, refreshments and drilling. The la dle of tho uniformed rank, who aro drilling for vn entertainment on the 35th. marched In and wero Introduced by Captain Percival. J. W. Outright, for the past year city ed itor of the Call, has resigned to become Oma ha correspondent of the Journal, George Smith, now filling the Omaha place, has bo- come Interested in n new jorloaicai in mat city and is also part owner of an advertising agency that has already built up a consider able business. John Dorgan and Low Marshall have enter ed upou a contest whoso intensity compels their anxious friends to hold their breath ex itectantly. They aro to run a raco in mus tache growing for threo months, and havo up a Ave dollar forfeit. P. S, Clarence Smith has Joined in tho issuo and W. F. Moyer ought to, Quito a number ot friends dropped in en Miss Nellie Whlto Monday evening, and they organized an informal high fire party. John Dorguu was set back six olntsonce, but even then ho won first honor. His success teemed to putzle the rostof tho company, butperhapi ho kept the score. Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Rlggs returned Monday from their Kansas City visit. Mr. Rlggs has not yet decided on bis busluchs plans for tho future, but is considering propositions to go into wholesaling concerns already well estab lished. It is to bo hoped bo will not leave Lincoln. It si-ems that (ho CouiUKli wns under a wrong IiiihcmIoii In making tho statement that tho last party of the Yoiku club closed Its season. The club's pi (igram calls for an other hop, nnd arrangements are Itelng mndo to have It the most momoinhlo onu of tho series. Honator Frank Tnggart of Hastings was In town Wednesday. Mrs. Tnggart was seri ously sick for two months, hut Is now conva- lew lug, and tho little daughter Is tho bright est nuil lxst girl in the stato. Secretary of Hlato C'owdry has received a letter from Boston announcing that Mrs. Kllrahetli Wrlghtof Kommeiville, MaHS.,ng(sl twenty-live, would like to marry a western man who would supisirt her. Mrs, (Iriitiluger, tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. (J. Zleiuor, has gone to Hloux City for n short visit, and will go thonco to Cleve land for tho summer. Otto Mohrenstecher, Junior member of tho (lrtn of Herpolshelmer iV Co, wns handsomely surprised by his employi-os recently. They pnweutod him nn English stag hot n umbrella nnd a Ikix of cigars. Will Allow.iy, 1318 M, celebrated hii AN teeuth year Monday evening by entertaining a company of young ooplo. Gaines, dancing nnd refreshments, made a very happy affair of It. W, II. Dennis nnd family will soon remove to one ot tho new llarr houses on South Elov enth street. They aro said to bo among tho most elegantly finished residences in the city. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmlttel left Saturday for Hot Springs, Alk. Mr. S., by the way, has Just mndo a deal in Denver real osUito that has netted him a handsome profit. Mrs. Chancellor Dossey wns called enst Monday by tho death of i sister, Miss Athern, nt Cambridge, Mass. Tho deceased sieut a winter in Lincoln several years ngo. Mnjor C. II. Bufonl returned last Friday from Kentucky and hi ought three thorough bred Iioi-m's, one each for J. E. Smith, C. T. ViiudiiHcn nnd E. P. Caguoy. Miss Mary iA'iuist of Atchison, who made many friends while In Lincoln last hummer, has been MK'iidliig tho week with Mrs. A. 11. Coffroth. G, G, Beams and Wm, Ijiiio havo formed a IHittnership In thereat estate nnd loan busi ness. They will uUo handle grain In carload lots. Messrs. 1L II. Oakley and C. E. Yates and their wives left Friday for Fortionvonworth to Kicnd Siidday with I.Uut. and Mi's. Dud ley. Edward K. Harris of Onl was in the city Saturday on his way to 1m Vegas, N. M., to Join his father-in-law, Fred Fuiike, II. 11. Dean says ho has had enough city council in his nnd Al. Hurgieaves stands u good chnnco of being his succcor. It Mx'ins tho prollts of the Kirmcss ncro oven linger than at flrst reported. They glow from $1,350 lo $1,:I13. Walt M. Seeley returned Tuesday from tho Piicillo coast. Ho has been npK)!ntcd(i special agent of the comma bureau. A telegram from Ixis Vegas, Now Mexico, on Thursday roHrUd Mr. Fred Fiiuko to Ihi in a very critical condition, Tho Lincoln Diomlos, Wing and Walsh, have taken up their summer residence In the Chirk house, on 11 street. Lieut. Grllllth has had ouo hand in tho hos pital. A mucilage bottle broke in his hand nnd cut an ugly gash. Miss Mugglo Dormice, the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Alt Shilling, has returned to her home at Carlton, HI. Llucolnltcs may Hud the CouiUKn on sale In Omaha at Keith's uon stand in the Boyd opera house block. W. E. Painter has boon promoted to con ductor, ami went to Aurora Tuesday to take out his first train. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Camp are glorying in tho possession of a new ton, who arrived Thursday. The Elks w ill probably have u social for members after tho regular meeting Monday evening. Miss Olive Lntta will entertain the Heart Whole uud Fancy Froo High Five club this evening. Miss Esther llrlggs, tho guest of Miss Maud Biickmnu, has returned to her home at Free port, HI, Mrs. C. C. Valentino nnd her daughter Enid of Omaha aro visiting Mrs. M. K. Wheeler. Dr. Charles Spahr loft yesterday noon for allying trip to Domer. Ho will bo back Monday. W. R, Dennis left again for Kansas City on Wcdnenlay, but w III be back tomorrow. John Stlro has been enjoying a visit from his In other, dipt. F. II. Stlio of Liicou, III. Tho Yorko club will hold its last party on April 11, and will make it a notable affair. Unvreueo HeUkelhnud 11. C. Eddy will race with Judge Houston for police judge. Mr. and Mrs. Mnsou Gregg entertained the whUt club Monday evening. A. B. Cherrlcr has been granted a divorce. 11. C. Nutt has returned from the east. Other Social Now son Page 3. Joo Semmons, a brother of tho prominent clothier, is again a resident of tho city, but, unfortunately for Lincoln, only temiornrlly so, George Semmons Is east on a purchasing tour and during his absence of about a month jovial Jokoph presides as manager of the "Outllttors to Mankind" headquarters. AN ter Ills brother's return, which will be next week, Joo goes to Beatrlco to tako charge of tho now store. To our readers and friends In the city by the Blue we would have a word: Joo is an enterprising and sociable young man and tho Couiukh trusts his reception there will bo a pleasant one. The many friends of Miss Toto McMurtry will bo glad to know that letters received from Colorado springs report a steady Im provement in her health. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boehmer entertained a comiany of friends very delightfully Tues day evening. Cards were the feature of the evening. Mrs. F. A. Chapman has returned from Boloit, Wisconsin, whero she was called by the sickness and death ot hor grandmother. The brakemnn's brotherhood annual ball will bo held at Temple hall Monday evening. The university boys aro arranging for a hop at Temple hall noxt Friday evening. Hoarseness is tho llrst symptom ot croup. By giving Chnmlerlaln'a Cough Remedy freely as soon as n child becomes hoarse, It will prevent tho croup, which can always be dono It the remedy is kept at baud. There is not tho least danger In giving it. Sold by A. L. Shrader, Oysters uro served nt Drown' cafe overy stylo. Orders filled on short notice. In SPOilTS. Lincoln has ono lady bicyclist. Ouinlia has none Miss Ilurnnell of Buffalo, N. Y., covered 350 miles on a bicycle in 18811. Tho Omaha Wheel Club netted $3W from tho reevnt tournament In tho coliseum. II. II Rhodes of Omaha claims tho half- mile wheel championship for Nebraska. 'llio Semmons lacrosse club nro talking about changing their name. Tho prowltlon will bo discussed at tho meeting Monday night. S. L. Gelsthnrdt Is publishing n manual to stir up interest In thostnto tennis association. A slato tournament will lo held at Kearney in Juno nnd nt Omaha in September. J. I). McFnrland, R. II. Henry nnd I). T. Mount wero a committee of thes tnto Uinrd of ngrlculturo npolnted to arningo u racing clr cult with other stato fair association. The season of tho players' baseball brother hood will oH-n April 31. A $30,000 piirofund will lie distributed ns follows: To the club winning the championship, $0,350; second place, f l,NX); third place, $.'1,500; fouithplaco $31(10; fifth place, $1,750; sixth place, $800; seventh, $ 150, An Iowa, Nebraska and Kaunas sccd cir cuit has U'on formed. Hut why should tlio stato fnlrs of the states last named Ihi joked with such mi Insignificant place ns Crouton, Iowa. EutiliM will close Juno 3. Tlio pi o. gram In this city calls for races Sept. 8, l, 10, 11 uud 13. The Lincoln tennis club Is arousing Itself from Its wlntersomnolenco. Tho now ollleors nro: S. L. Gelsthnrdt, president; F. L. ShoN don, vlco piosldont; C. A. Ilniuin, secretary nnd trensiner. These gentlemen, with W. E. Hardy nnd R H. Tow nicy compose tho oxec utlvo committee. The grounds ill Ihj put in condition MMin. Heieaftcr, tho dues, one dol lar per month, will bo paid In two six-dollar lutallmentf, ouo In April mid tho other in July. An Incrcaso in the taxes will make tho rent of tho ground this year nearly $150. Tho club will use over $135 worth of tennis goods in a seiu'on. It is probable there will Ik) n club tournament In Juno. PEN, PAPER AND INK. Tho leading illustrated pacr of tho March number of tho Mayatlee of American Ills. for Is a nondet fully vivid plctuie of "Life In Now York Fifty Years Ago" by tho editor, whoso genius In wonl-nalutlngcomblned with exact knowledge of tho theme produces bril liant results. The jierhsl icprodticcd ox;ns with tho completion of tho Erie Canal, and glimpse? uro given, through the diary of an old New Yorker for twenty- llvo years, of characters uud attains of Inventions, K)lltlcs and panics, of clubs, dinners, faney balls nnd foreign visitor. Dickens was here, and be ing then legnrdod as the greatest living nov elist, was feted and complimented lmyond nny other writer of his generation. Tho do IHirtments of tho mouth nro unusually full and nluablo. The twenty-third volume of this unique crldicnl, now half Issued, prom ises to eclipse ill practical Interest tho whole series thus far. Prlco $5 a year. Published at 7:i Broadway, Now Yoik, N. Y. In tho April Cosmopolitan Miss Elizabeth Blslntid will iH'gln a series of Illustrated arti cles describing her flight around tho world. The C'i).i)iio;i(ii7(in, now one of the haudsouis est magazines published, and tho COUIUKH can bo had for $!1 a year. Obituary. Isaac C. WIso of this city died nt tho homo of his wife's parents In the city of Cincinnati, February 31st, of a complication of stomach troubles. Mr. WIso was born In Walnut Hill near Cincinnati, O., August 10th, 1854. Ho enmo to Lincoln in 1881 to enter tho business house of his brother, David Wise, which wilh established hero In 1875. Ho was a member of the order of Knights of Pythias, belonging to Lincoln lodge, No. 10, of this city, and the lodgo has adopted a scries of resolutions ex pressing a very high regard for tho deceased. In may, 1884, Mr. Wiso io turned to his homo In Cincinnati nnd took unto himself a wife in tho person of a Miss Lowcnstoiu. After a brief honeymoon they settled down to enjoy n life of blissful happiness In this city. Their llrst home was on Twelfth near K street, but they subsequently moved to a more commo dious residence on K street, which wns tho homo of tho deceased at tho time of his death. The first intimation ot serious Illness wns dis covered In Juno of Inst yenr, and nftor being treated by local physicians for n whllo with out kuccess it wns decided to tako tho patient to his former home. In October he went to Cinclnuntl, but without getting jiermnueiit relief. Ho died nt homo, surrounded by his wife, parents nnd other lelntlons, his mother holding his wrist when tho pulse bent Its last feeble stroke. Tho funeral service was con ducted nt tho residence by the Rev. Dr. Wise, the last sad wotds ut tho grave wero uttered by tho Rev. Dr. Levi, and the body was In terred In its final renting place In the Jewish cemetery ot Cinclnuntl. At tho time of his death tho deceased was 110 years of ngo. Ho was considered well to do in tho way of worldly K)hMh.s!on8, and nmong others ho was owner of the Gotham cigar and news business on Eleventh street. Ho was recognized as ouo of tho staunch young business men of Lincoln and had a promising career lieforo him. Ho had a largo circle of friends, commanding tho warm est regards of those with whom ho became In timate, and hisdoath is sincerely regretted by many In the Capital City, the homo of his adoption. Teeth Treated and Killed, Dr. R. C. Trogden, Dentist, 338 South 11th street, over Elite Studio. Telephouo 410. Ap H)lntmenUi made by telephone. Gentlemen, Think of Itl Now's your chanco. Baker, the clothier, 1135 O street, is helling 30-ceut collars tor ten cents anil cuffs worth 35 and ISO cents at 15c. These goods aro guaranteed to lie 33000 linen and 4 ply. All tho latest styles in either turn down or standing collars. You need but see them to appreciate this bargain. Call and gee. 1135 O street. Bidder ami Fly I'uEiles. The sale that tho great puzzle, Spider and tho Fly, has had, has licen wonderful. The first invoice has nearly been exhausted and wo havo had them but ten days, nnd there are but a dozen left. While In NowYork.wo could cot only two cross of them mid had to await our turn for tho 11111111110. We have been no tilled that tho balance of our Invoice would tie shipped next Monday. You ain't up with tho times if you don't have a Spider and Fly puzzle. Tho new lino of canl cases just received at the Couiukh otllco aro worthy tho lnsoctlon ot the most fashionable callers. The line em braces genuine seal, ooze calf, Russia leather and numerous others, Including a nunis lier of beautiful Imported novelties. Wo havo them for both ladles and gentlemen. Ruth M. Wood.M. D Conservatory Placv, Tnlrteonth street,threodoorshouth of L street. Fine watch reialring at Perry & Harrlr, 1331 O street. WE ARE ALWAYS ON TOP. Just to make It Interesting all around, we've been doing some smashing of prices, In fact wo nrc so well pleased with our last weeks' efforts that wc ore trying It ngnln for this. To Illustrate our position wc will call your nttcntlon to n colored child and little dog bent upon making a noUc In some way. The story is short. There was a dath, a crash, nnd a smash, hut the large party does not appear to have suffered nny Inconvenience unless It wns that he was out a little furniture. Wc ntc always ready to conic down whenever occasion demands It, even If we have to lose money by the drop, but you may nlways depend upon It that wc arc nl the top of the heap Don't fail to sec our $14.00 suits. A. T. GRUETTER & CO., 1116-1118 N Street. Know What You Eat r ASK YOUR MADE SHUSHG6 Lincoln Packing & Provision Co. Every Pound Warranted Eresh and Pure And made of Choice Meat. If your butcher does not keep these goods, Call up Telephone 487. FncifJn'C Ilus Carriage and Baggage Line UUDlgll u 0. it at. Hacks faunae Tandauc and Pilirtp , uuupuj, uuu uaiiiagoo INSTANTLY FURNISHED. Telephones: DEPOT OFFICE, 572. CITY OFFICE, 303. . woiinvon nncK in wailing ntolinor olllco iy lolepliono or In person aro Immediately trips, also for shopping, visits to Htnto Prison, 1-4, OFR SALE The Greatest Sale Yet Having Purchased the Entire Stock OF LINCOLN SHOE STORE We propose to offer Shoe Buyers the best chance to buy new, Discount of it well known that these goods were bought for cash by of the best shoe buyers in Lincoln. We hnvr nnr one moved these choice goods to we will close out the entire Store " at a discount of 25 deceived, but examine for marked in plain figurs. Call WEBSTER 1043 O BUTCHER FOR BY THE nt nil Hours, day or night, nnd calls either answered. Special arrangements for suburban Insauo Asylum, oto. THE. fresh goods at 25 per Cent our store, 1043 O st. where stock of the " Lincoln Shoe per cent. Shoe buyers don't be Goods are all yourselves. early. & ROGERS, Street. totec&WmfcW flaHRal7ASipucff) si -