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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIKR, SATURDAY, MARCH i5, ,Sc)c k'-fc V V A PLUCKY TKLKGIIAPIIKI BOME OF THE ADVENTURES OF GEORGE KENNAN Tlirri' touts lie) nnd tho 1'itln of OIyIIIiii 1 1 on How tlm Catastrophe to Do Ihiib mill III ('imrndi'of tlin Irmii'tln Ke ill I Inn Ml;lit llnvn llrctl A vol trd. Hvlnl Oorrrapenilcnco 1 Nkvv Yoiik. March til. So much at tention liiiH In on attracted of Into to tlm euljict of Siberia and tliu Russian exile system ly tho uiitliiKd and lectures of Mr. George Kctititin, mid llioio boinj; a movement on foot In America to ntnclio rati if iMttsililo tin- condition of tho unfortunate victims of Russian itilo, that it scetnid to mo icceiitly an Inter view with tho now famous trawler might unearth some bits of his pciwmnl experience that nro not known to tho general public. Mr. rCcnniui Is apparently hotwoon fort and forty-llvo jonrs) of u;o, but pos sesses that pcciiliui elasticity of move mont, not to nay tcinpciiimcut, which makes him appear much voiin'or Ills flKUto Is slight hut ninowy, Indicating a good ileal of losorvo 'smcr mingled with that iieculiat nervous forco that is often found lu jourualiHtH and telcmaphcru (ho belongs, l) tho wa, to tlm latter school), anil his- face IsHtioiiKly marked with tho resolution that linn carried him tluough bo man ilifllculticH, Withal, ho is ovi dentlv a keen observer, retentive In his inemorv , o.nct in hit facts and admiia bl descriptive hi IiIh hI 1( of narrative. I iiHkeil li f tii to give mo oir hand a brief story of his lifo and Iiowuhii voiing American ho becamo ho much inten sted in Russian ti.ivel. l'lungi i,; Into tho Biibject, in iin-dins rea, as tho lawyers say, he ausweied: My father is piob.ibly the oldest liv ing telegrapher in tho United States, be ing now bTvcais of age. As tho mali nger of an ofllco on the Wade, Speed nnd O'Reilly lino in Norwalk, O., when I vvaH iKirn tho Hist line built in the west ho taught me tho Moise alphabet, nnd on my sixth birthda, befou I was able to toad manuscript, I Kent in llrst dlspitch. At tho ago of 12 I wasreg uliulv empli)vsl in a telegraph nlllie At tho out break of tho win, though but a moro bov , I wont to Wheeling, Coluui btiH, and lln.illv to Cincinnati, being all the time iiiimous to get into tho telo graph coips at tho front, then mulct tho com lol of f leu. Staeger, an oltl acquaint mice of in father. In this, howovor, I failed. Mr. I'orry Macdonald Collins mean while had projected an overland lino from America to Km ope by way of British Columbia, Ilchring straits and Alaska to Siberia, tho object being to obtain communication with Luiopo without emploing tho ocean cable, wliiili at that time wan not working with ie;ul.iuty. After surveying tho route ho c.iino back, Intel estetl the West oi ti L'uioii company, and an agieement was made with the Russian authorities to construct a lino to California, thenco to Hehiiug htiaits, up tluough Alaska nnd on to tho mouth of tho Amoor liver. Hole the I'. i.,siaii ovoiument was to meet us with it.s lines from St Peters burg. Thit onterpiiso attiactiug inv at tention, I vvioto to (Jen. Staegi i . asking for a position in one of the exploring parties to ho .sent out. Ho did not lepl to tho lettei, but ono night caino to tho instrument in his olllco ami, being a practical opeiator, inquired for me. I answered over tho when, Ho asked: "Can oii get ready to start for Alaska in two weeks?" "Yes," I lephed, "I can get lead in two bonis. " "You mav go!" was tho messago that came back. I was then IS vous of ago Proceed ing to California with ono of the pu ties of tho expedition, I remained then un til July, 1805, when with threo otheiH 1 started on a Hinall trading vessel for Kamchatka, lauding on its peninsula after a tedious voyago of forty-seven dan. Then begun a lifo of adventure and hatdshi) which lasted two eais, uud took ino over Siberia from nehrlng straits down to the Okhotsk sea, our ob ject being to locato tho most desirable route to tho mouth of the Amoor river. Dm ing this pel iod I traveled six or eight thousand miles on tlog and iciiidecr sledges, horseback and in canoes, fre quently camping out of doors six weeks at a time in winter. Altei tho successful laying of tho sec ond Atlantic cable, I received notice in the autumn of 1807 that our entcipiise had been abandoned. As tho clrciim statues have not been published, thev ma bo of interest. Wo Inula lingo foice of men at work, and wero cut oh from communications from tho ci viliotl vv oi Id. Occasional!, however, a vessel woull come into tho Okhotsk sea, and ovuv spring wo would go down to tho coisi to watch tho hori.on for tho smoke that rose while tho ciew wero tr.ving out then whalo oil, Imping to got news from tin civilized world. Wo hail a w hale boat in which wo could go out a short distance to sea, and, in tho summer of 1807, ob serving in tho far distance a welcome cloud that indicated tho presence of a whalo ship, wo manned our little craft and started to boaid her. As vv o approached tho captain paid lit tle or no attention to us, thinking wo wero onl a pait of natives. Finally, howovoi, wo succeeded in climbing on deck, and walking aft 1 said to iho cap tain: "(Jood day, sir. What is tho naino of our vessel;" You nover saw a man look inoio astonished, for, belli,; dreased Intliocostuiuoof tho countiy. he did not expect to Hud in mo ono of iiisow n iaco, or hear his own tongue spoken. As soon as ho could i ateh his lueatli ho exclaimed: "Good Ivonl! Has tlin univeisal Yankee got up lu leC Wheiotlid ou como from? How did on got heie? What aioou doing?" And then followed a welcome the win mill of which ou must imagine His name was ('apt. Hamilton, anil his baik the Sea liiceo, from Now Jiedlord. On parting the captain gavu us a bundle of newspapeis, homo of them a car old, nnd piesLiited us with n libit al supply of provisiona As soon as we ic.iclnd shoie wo built n cam, i fne and sat down loie new otu iiou un. nice with the outside world. In tho com so of mi hour or two ono of tho p.nty stumbled iimiii a paia giaph In a Han Pruui'ln-ii journal stating that, In uillsi " 'lice of 'he sltcciss of the lecond ocean crMe, all work on the litis sliin-Ainci an telogiti h had been aban doiieil. 'I Ins was the Hist iiotilli-atiou (hat our duties weto at an end Dining the follow Ing September one of our com pany's vessels at rived with unlets for our return to the United States. There being still some hope that the Russian government might Is induced to build the line clear up to tho Itehiing straits, in which case it was thought the Aiuei ican coiiipinv would go on, I was lift inHlhoiit, iiieanw hilo collecting and tupping to San Kiunelsco tho vast mass of mateiial then on hand. Msnil the beginning of vv inter 1 le celved olders to letiirn to the United Stat' h tluough Hibcila, and with another Aiueiii an named I'tice made the jour ne to St. Peteishurg, a distance of near ly six thousand miles, using sleighs and relndeeiH, and Unvoting the last four thousand miles night and da. In that cit wo learned that been tntiicly abandoned, anil accoul iugly lelurned to the United States, u aching homo in Match, IMS. Hilling these two cars and a half I had leal nod the Russian language and i become interested in Siberia and the Russian people. Since then I have made a number of trips to the Russian empiie ' on my own account, inade a critical stud of tliecotiniiy and its institutions, taken its pel ioilieals, and lomiitiiil ill close tout h, so to speak, w it It the pi inch pal events that have occuiied tin le J When the .leanelte tailed tluough Belli nig straits and disappi an d in the Arctic ocean in IHS2, I had an iiisiinctive fetiing that she would be lost and stiongl ingeil on .Mr. H 'linen tin in poitauco of organising a svsti in of lehef I w lieieliy natives iilong tho mail would ' be untitled by the Russi in gowinmciit ' to keep a shaip ltK ait foi the stirvivois ' ot tlto expedition if iniv weio found. Not onl that, hut 1 propotcd to hint dircit- I Iv , also tluough tlio in iiiiiger of Tho ' I lei aid, thou Thomas II. Comiery, and , tluough Chief Justice Dal, of tint mciicnii (leographiral siK'iet, to make :a iorsoual scinch a'oug the nnilhcin coast and with the liuililies which 1 knew I could command, do all that man could do to lescue those in peril. The I proposition, howovei, did not meet with appioval and the m titer was (hopped. I Lieutenant Commander (!oi ringe, w ho hioiight over tho Lvptinn obelisk, then became so much luteiested in the sub ject that ho pioposod, not having the ready money, to sell his collection of Egyptian curiosities in order to procure a fund of say $o,000 in order to prov ide tho means for making a tiip to the not th orn coast, but 1 declined to take the money from such a source and at such u saciillco when more wealth people could easily stand in the hi each. After this Chief Justice Daly suggested the matter to Mi. Charles A. Dana, of Tho Sun, and for a time there seemed to be a piosptct that lie would lcar the ex pense of an expedition for the rescue of tho sin vivoisot tlto Jituiette, but while tho negotiations wile pending President (iarlkld was shot, and attention thus be ing divel tid the idea was abandoned. In tho meantime the h uig and dead weio found on the Stbi nan coast after the dis aster, as 1 pnthctcd. and I Hli.ill alwa.vs hi lii'vo that it iu plans could have been i aim dout the worst conseipleitci sof the catastlopho might have been aw lied. I lie sad event, howovei, was not w itli out its compensations. Tho htteis to The New Yoik lloiald from Mi John P. Jackson, vv ho w as suit to Ru ,sia; his do scnplioii of Siberian stone along the louto he tlaveled, Iho uan..tive ol lat giueei Melville and the invi stigatiou tie fore tho congtcbsioiial couimittie, ell served then put p. ho in nitl.iii; mi leans moieoi less acquainted with a io gioii compaiativel iiiikuowu. Mv own public addresses showed in tlio populai Intel est the elicited that the pioplo weio eager to know more coiiloi mug this w ou tlet fill c ninny nnd its institiiuoiis, espe cially that put of its political ssloui connected with the histoiy of tlto Siber ian exile, and the iuteiest is b no means abating. While theio has been much exaggera tion witli logard to thetieatiueiilot Rus sian prisoiieis of state, it is not in many cases as seven as it has been deseiibcd. lu all of my tiipsl have mot political ex iles who wero in compaiativel comfoit aide ciiciiiiistauce.i, and tlio mo not h an means exceptions to the mle. Theieloio 1 have defended the Russian government when it has been misrepie seined, at the same time that 1 have pre sented the shadows of a most hateful pictuie. Tliat thiso etroits mo healing Hull is proved I) tlio lnct that conceited nieasuns ate now being taken b a mini liet ol pliilantliiojiicciti.ens of I'hiladel phia, who liave begun the circulation of a petition thioughoiit tlio United States asking tor an aiiiLhoiatiou ot the vvoist evils of bibeimu exile, and the document will bo pioscntcd some time next eai to the piopoi RiiHiiauautlioiitiestliroiigh the lutei national Piisou association, at its meeting in St. Peteishurg. And in iu judgment, concluded Mr. Konnuii, the cz.ii, who is not so bad as he is painti d, will gnu heed to it. l' U. DK Fo.NTAINK. 'lllu Cltllliillll Svttli'lllclil. In 17.ii! James Calhoun, scion of an eminent Scotch-Irish faun! whoic name is vaiiuusl spelled, went from Donegal to Peiiuslvama, taking his sou Patiick, and in 17.1l) tlio fauiil founded the noted "Calhoun settlement" iu Abbeville dis trict, S. C. Tlieio Patiick's son, John Caldwell Calhoun, was bout Match IU, 1772 His mother was the daughter of an exiled lush Piesbv teliall. Tiieiewas lighting stock on both sides, ami Patiick won fame in coullicts with tho Indians and Toiies Of the political career of the sou this is not the place to Hpeak, except to say that his Hi si move in emigre', indicated the sphil ol tiie exiles towant Cuglaud. As cliainuaii of the committee on for eign relations, iu thoiongress of 1M1 !.), he brought in the act iki hiring wai against It it.uu and ciriicl it through in iimini ' J, II II A GOOD STORY OF BEAVER. Wtinl ('iitim nt mi ICITiirt of tltn (lotrrnoi In 'liiirli i:iliiii'ltn In ii I'rlMitx, (lovi'iiini Itcavii Is known b every Pitts btitg Imy la tlte national giiutd to lo a very I rttiiotdlM Ipltiiarlitii lu inllltai) etltpinttiuiiiil the drill XtiMtii t'tirtlii, of the governor1! liatlvi'tovMi, tolil thin Mnr reiiiliitM'i'iiennlMiiil ' him lust iiIkIiI to Noino of the ili'li'tfiitcs lit tin (1. A 11 iiieiunpnii'iiti While Itt'titcimnt colonel of tin. Pnrtv lift It loglineiit, lleavei was one da sitting In flout of his tout, vv lion iihIiukIiv looking mililler with III llttlng mil form eatiii iilong, stopped nnd Impiliisli "Vi'IkIkIi del doetorl" "I that the wav to aildii'ss jour stit'rlot olllci'i, slrf iimiiil Col Denver 'I lie (lei limn Mined at his miniIi olllect III blank aiiiareini'iit, hut said itevi I a wonl. "Ih'ie, sir, take this elmlr, Ymi Imi tin colonel, and I will teach ou how to iiiIiIicki an oltleer " "Viih mo del' Ikns of iIit leglnu'iitl" "Yes; dike this i hair, nnd I will show on how to net " 'I he koIiIIit sat ilown In fi out of the tent. Col Denver walked oil" a few pneis, tut nisi nlsnit, it'ttiriifd to a position In flout of the olllivr pro Iciiimiic, Miimiil hlinself aioiunl ' itinile a militai saliitnaad ItiipUrisI: "Coloni'l, can von inform me where I cut (ttid tin sill gism of the leglnti'titf ' The wililii'i arose anil, looking set linisly anil utralglit nt Denver, lepllisl "llaligeil if I know where tin 1st" I'llts ' burg I)l.tuiteli Thi'v Took tlin Hint, All Inside ear full of travelers vviin lullliifi up one or the long hills iu the count v Wick low 'I'lie ill i vet lenpeil down flout hit wilt iu front and wnlk'-d It Ihosldnof thclmi-e Tho nh) Is nst lolled slowly mill Hint ll , lull the six insliln wi re too lni.l) engiigrd In eon versntiou to notice how sluwl tlin inrpro I'iimmiII) the iltlvei oH'tni tli. ilooi nt the teal of the em mid slnniliteil it .(i ngnlti 'I lie pii'-M'iigi is kImi lisl, luit thought thodrlvei was ottlv iismii ing himself iIiimIihii wnSMs'tiielv t losiil AKtiln the fellow oH'in ii the door Mini slninined it to ngiiln The ttav eleiH tiirinsl atoiinil 1 1 1 1 ).- r 1 1 v and nski-d whv lie ilitnrlHsl them in that iniiunei "Whist, lilH.'ril tho filtow, "ilou'l spnko ni loud she'll overhenr lis" "Who Is slinl" "Tin nmre. Spnko low," heeontiiuii'd, putting he lininlovii his nose and month "Sate I'm ilesavln1 theciattlle 1'vityilinn she lio-it the disir slatuuilii' that wnv she thinks one ol ez Is gettln' down to wnlk up tlm hill, nnr that rises In I k'm'i i lt " The tiixidi'iH tiMik tin hint. Kxt'hniiKc Chin iik il llliu SHU. "Pwislily, I eiwn't Ksiwlmtott Had toad uilah In that MIm (lolllnglioii-i'. Kho'silwend fully piltisl witli tlto stiinllpox " "llali Jove, Chollv, she (aught It, don't know, while she win taking cure of that wlel old uncle that died nnd left huh a gwent lnf hllltdweil thiMisniid ilolliilis, hull .lovol" Chicago Times Tlio Sin niil I nrtner. PfllHjii! .,.. .. U, "-" " .u vy,.'-, ,'lfo Ami He Dlihi'l llra-iik II. Mamma What Is tint iimttir, Toiniti Toiniti I had thu rule of llm school brought against mu foi being had Maintiin Well, joti itiiistn't bo bnd What rtllo was brought ngninst mil Toimnj (wlthafnsh mitlnust) Why, tin grout big ellow one Phlladtlphla Thnos. Still 'I lie) (lol Hot... "Tlioio are two ntenilieis of tlto United States senate with bat one leg apiece," ro markod Lnrkhi. "When t hoy won elected thoy didn't got thoro with both fis't, then," rejillod Sltntrnl Yonow Ino's Nowh In ii llurrj, Too. Hail How did that lovo affair of youn como out. Willie Tlto lov o atralr and I camo out to gothor. I caiau out of tho w indow. Winiil H)g Siftings. lllu 0)iiirtuiilty. Wo quarreled o'er n lslilng Iwnnt JuHt when I thought I'd won mo My foiKlist wish, 1 foiind tlm fact Of wlntiliiK hml timlouo me My littlo lady roso in wriitli, II el silken train slui shIsIhsI it, As sho sanpiHsl out, "I'm lt my wish I I v I'd nevir wished It' "Voa tliow) tho tM'st Bldo of thu bono Oil, )i'K, )ini illj, thu loiiKistl And tin a tho wa) . on pulled' Oh flu, I'or bhiune, when j on wero 8troiif,i htl "Yon tot n nro horrid, liulefnl things, I know ou ineiuit to cli" it mo'" And then nt) littlo luJ) looked (Jiilto mini ciiuiin'h to i nt mo "1 linMi to heavill jiiu'll Hi vnr KLt Hie wish that )ou wero wishltii;'" And 'iti'full), tuloun the hull, '1 lie silken train wuit snUhiiic And thi'it 1 sworn I Iioj-j so too, biiii'e Nitna's w'lf ws in her, I lux-l I I'oiildii't win, sltuoIM lint wUhod that I inls'ht win her I Ah, wnrtl) ami well, for whut I'd walti'il lone, hid I tidied! film iivlted, its sho murmured "Why, Yoa wrttch, tint h Just wlmt I wishodl" -M .N 11 , la Uo-tou Olobo. MDlll JT i vf Jf J Nb II ! ssi ODDS AND ENDS. A tnnli must got tight down to his work lu ordoi to got up lu tint world. Them Is a new KIlTol tovvor on tint Imnks of tho Neva, iiiiii Ht. Poteinblirg, eotiNtlitetod entltel) of 10,000 hliH'ks of Ice, with livdau ruuts, otiservallou plntfornis and other at tractions It Is KO fisil higlt In the Di It Mi navy iu IKKM the sick list lu eluded H17 men out of ever) 1,000 In the ser vice, nnd Hint wax tho I test nhnwlug the navy had Hindu sliue 1S.V1 Tlto dentil rate wan ft7t to l,i (Ml Heleittllle fnintlng In Italy Is to ho under taken this join liy it company owning a en pi till of f.M.OOilooO If tho oH'iatioiis ptovo NtieeesKfnl the old wooden plow, pllllisl Ii) oien, Hint hits held the Held sliteo nit i in Ini fine the ltonmii Ciewiis, will ptohahly have to go In the elmln gimgnt Atlnuta, (In , ale two isiloied I nls aged II nnd l'J jonrs lesHS'tlvi I) , w Ito nro sei v lug out sentences foi thi'ft It npiH'ittH flout ollleial Rtntistli'M Hint fisit nnd liioitth dltonso existed in Ileal I) ovei) put of the (leiinnn empire, and dm lug thu thild ipimtei of ISslI nttaekisl the following ililiul f inilliiaN "S,.V)I entile, r.S,rh'IC sheep T"."! gouts Mild ITi.tHT sw Ine "Iho Vnii'i leans' Iomi of gigiutlii tontli sloiii'snnd iiioiiiimii'iiih," mijn li'iiidon Titith, 'ishlghlv ptotllnhle to the Altetihs'ii giiuiltn inetelinnls, whoseud l'nn.tHHI win tli of kIoiiii uvei) ve.'it to the Unltisl Stntes, neat l the whole of which finds Hi wn) to tho cento teilis In whii It wealthy Americans are liar lis! " .Mouthlv m llee teHiilsof foielgn v Islloii In the lintels and hoiiiillng houses nie Hindi nt Calls On I'i'li I the ollleial nuiiili.'i ion J7.riOI, ll slight dis'lease ftolll Hie pneedlliu iiiouth, lint with slight vailations Hie mini Ih'I leniuhis alMiitttho saiitn for inch niontli, excluding August and Kepti'inlii r, Iho dull season I'ioiii statlstles Just ptihllshisl Mltuiesotn slanils lit st In tho Unlltsl Htatis as a wlnat growing stall', hav lug pimluei'd the past )eat r,O00,0O(l Inishols Callfin nla comes next with 111,100,1101) hiishels 'lh Dakota plo dined l.'.tUHMKKIIitiHhi'N, i miking tlilnl .Mitt insula had M.lllll.OlK) neies In wheal, Cnllfot. Iliti, .1 M).IMN). the Ditkotas, 1,100,000 Out of the S'-itio tin le worn llslied last iat tho following dead nnluiaU 'J.OJI dogs, Il7i cnts, J.ii'M lots, fill ehleki'tis nnd diieks, 'Jll lahlills and limes, III shicp, y Iioim's, 71 pigs I'l gissi ninl lurlie.vs, ID enlves nnd gonts, i inonki'Vs, 1 snake, J sipilmls, M poieuplnes, I ptriot, nr) Mids of Mil lous kinds, II foxes IIK) plgisuis mid pal tl idges, 11 hedgehogs, ' 'aeoe,s mid wai Thnoilgiii of the word gt Iimi has he. n hael, to the )enr 171 1 III mi old litliu Is'i ol The Join lial de Medis'inn thi'ie Iran aciotnit of the winter of 171.1, iluriiig whn h aMiplex) and cntni i lis went vi i ) common Tho colds mo deseiihed as similar towlint were cullisl folettn the prccisling )eat, lint in 1TII the) wen called gllpp" I'ow x'isoni fsciiNsl the iiinlndy, and It leudtl nttnelnsl the weak chested It is issitiy to think a gill looks pioll when sho sleeps, but site don't Hi r linn ii tied up in hanl, tight littlo kuolis all over her head to give It tlm MulTy npH'niiineo thai ou iidmiio so much during llmdaj , hi r fuci Is com ml, all hut thonvos, uoso nnd mouth Willi n white, ghost!) piece of muslin, called a face iiinsl,, to iiupiovi) thocomploxioii, and he! hands mo Incased la glens) lisililng glows Io make them soft and white If )u think a gill looks ptettv at night It is he cause oti have novii well ono whoso amlil tiou in lifo is to bo pietty in tho day, sli iniiuli, tlm Mhlllsi. Stepiilnk, the Itllssluii Nihilist, wllolsss'iid illg some vi nt h of exile In liOiiilou, Is not III ilosH ions ns ho might, lie, although ho lull liseiitlv bull paid a lilg Sinn foi his now wi 1 1, on Nihilism Hois one of tho most in dii-.Ui usw'il.iis in Inidoii, Im Is alwa) wilting oi stiiilMon Ho spends Iioiii afler Ii' iii in tlm Hi in. h Must mu, aiciimpaiiied tisinilU li his i Inn mhig wife 'the) lansai It thlollgli the hlg IhmiI.s, miiki. piles of notes, mid tin ii the gieut so lalisl gis-s homo ami t wol k lie Is povM sM'd of n woudi fill const i union, lol fnipiiiitlv, nftii sHiiding mi in tiie dnv in the mtisi mu, ho illinswi) fin gnllj.theu goes into Ids litth slud) audio until ila)lneak But sunn how with nil his liuril woik, ho dis's not seem to ma I e as nun Ii he nlwii) ns ho should Hi is ih i nsioiinll) mi n nt the ellilis mid ul the tin aln , hill ho iIim-s not miike u pun tlei of gonij, nun h into sueict) llo wi itos Kng lihh with inso, hut la sM'iiklng of ti n social lost foi the light wonl lie lias a small arm of fl lends wlio still, to him lo)all) , and III theii soc let) and that of his hooks ho sis mi happ) Ho is iH'ihaps the hist liiformid man III I'tiglainl on tlm Itiissiau ipuxtioti Ho Inn bun nskisl to coine to Ami ma mid take hu lis'tuie plulfoim, hut I dotilit win tin i he would heustieiess Inie Ho could liaidlv till Us mi) thing new, nnd Ids Use of Kuglisl Is not sin h that utll public would he pleads I with Ho sieius to iiiognio this fiat, mi gins on plodding, sliid)iiig mid wilting, hoping thai tho miii iiiuy hreak tluough tho lilac k clouds that ohscuio him, ami Unit he mu) wake up some iiioiuing ami llml thai tho ltiissiiiu d) nasi) is a thing it the past. l'liilailelphlu Times. Illi' rxjiinllltliill of 1'lllisll The ipitutill slnteiiuiit of tho I'ulestllie Kxploiatioii tmid, whn Ii has Just Ihm ii issins, nlthoiigh it does not lecordnn) extinoidl nut) dlseovei , ji't iIosciiImis liineli Intel est ing won. that is la piognss Two clsturns have bvuii found near tho Damascus gnto, the stiialloi of which would contain alsitit thus, thousand skins of water. It is entirely hewn iu tho rock, ami lieforo it was made into a eistuinwns lock cut Jewish toinhs lu tin lock coiling is a square 13 foot h) 13 feet, vory nicely woiko.1, with a kind of coiiueo round it oxm tl) as la tho tombs of tho kings 11 tho oxiavulloiis uiiiilo on tho eastern brow of Zlon it has Ihsju fotunl that thurt wore la aucitiit times caves and dwellings ox cnvntisl in the nsjk, which in Intel tunes wore convened into clsti I lis Hill N Illi k do sciilxmn chtirili whn h has hien ilisioviied in tho village of hllwnn, which has Usmi hewn iu iho lock, and which contains a (Jrook la stilptlon, in which tho nniito of tho I'rophot Isainh is mentioned ,n Schick thinks It prohnhlo tint Kiiah's tomb mil) Iw under tins iluiM)l, ninl iokh Ii ftntlter digging to llud an entrance to iho cavo which is under tlm look) cum i and is at prtsont full of oai th, and to discover ns'k cut tombs. Ho thinks that tho risk cut cliamb. rs of tho i hill ell Weio Jewish toinhs liefiue tlio Chris tinii i in, and that aftoi wards limy wero con veitisl Inloi hiK'ls lij the Christians. Jow ish Cluoniclo i: ii llio ( ins In I he snow, 'llm prevalent opinion is u a well foiiudisl, It sis'ias, lliut an . leenu .u lannot inn ill tho snow Mi T D Mivmit, ina.lei enr huildei of tho llm tf ml and Wothirsllold Hoi so Hull w ii) compnii) , mado miiiiu uxierl im ills with kumo new nui'i scrnH)is on tho electric cam in Wotheistlold Tho) wero attached to tlto axlo boxes of tho cars, and domed tlio six inches of snow and ice away o elTectuallv that tlto car movod sniootlil and wltlmut of upeod llnrtf ird Com ant 1'iimIIhu I'lisleia, Ailvel tlsels on hisIs ninl lenees no diniht do Hull uliliosl to havn thell itliiioiuieeuii tits so cleat I) t xi lessisl Hint "ho who itllis may lend," but now and tin n the hasln w Illi which the bill sin km diss his pun of Iho w oik so lloiisl) lull I feies with things I lei onto two cases lu siliit, given Ii) 'llm Kxiuiiliior, of Coik, llelatld As an lllilstiiitloit of the linlleiolis leslllls piisllieisl h) hill stlekeiH pasting one hill over nitothei, Ml C Hptllgisin, sou of tlm I'.ev. 0. II Hpuigeou, tin nt Iimii'iI In a Icetiuo that on nil" occasion in liiiilon, when he and anolhei gelitleuinil weio adveitlsisl Io plenrh Npis'inl sol mens, lie was aslniilslu d In rend thn foi lowing niiuouneeiuenl, " JU 111 Uewnul lwt -Two Knt HiifiiH Mr. J J ICnlght nnd Mi (' tt hi i gism ' Aliothet lends ns follows "Pigs fattilied III six wis'l.s on Tho Hiigllahtniui, editisl h) Di Kiuiiilv I'l ice vM wis. Ill), nml kills thus, Ihs'Uih, Insects and all kinds of viuiiln, I'at I'el kins' I'liluklllet euies smok) chilli tio.VK, nnd Hollin to inolheis, feisl otir lu fants on Bond's unit king Ink, IVI. sn Isittle." VV Ii) lie lli'iiouiiii'il Iho Nil din A little hov wns i nice plajlng with a pin cushion, when it pin pilekisl his linger Ho dtew his I in in I ipilekl) nwiiy, but said until lug Aftii u while n medio mu its sharp Hilnt Into hU hand, nml thou iihiii he begun to ileiioiHico the nisi lie In a most einphatlo wn "What do )oti iiteiin, JoluiU) I" nskisl his iiiothii "You said nothing whin llm pin hint ouf" "Well," tepllisl Jolimi), "I cnn'l hlaino tlm phi, hut this nisslle has mi eve, nml when It saw uiv liiind coining should h ivo golUiu out ofthewii) " I'lilladi'lplilii I'lines Vn ICxIi'lislnii. rii)slelan's Wife- Aio)om ntralislii ry had sIiiih' Jnhnf l'li slcliui Vir) hut I hiisitopitll thionglL M) erislllnrs have extemlisl my pnier to the llllilillo of the wati I melon wiasoil. Ytno wlito's News tin u llurl Mkhl. 1 H-. Voice (from Uir window l -In that )ou, Haloid, ihart Ollgglnson tin k dlsgtilwsl voice) Yes, dearest Voice I'lipa's indoop In the librnr),anil if you'll take my trunk nnd Jewel box we'll l elT to tho inliilslet's. Gugghifcoii All right, lovo; Jest lot 'in down mi' wait till I gt i over tli' fonoo. (Tohlmsolf) Howlln tlnl what a tnap. J ml go. Ct imp ma) be provi utisl b) giving Chani bet Iain's Cough Helm d) assooii as tlio chili) shows the Hist sv uiitoui of the disi use, which inn alwn)H IhiiIoiio if tin liiind) is kept ul 1 ill I li 1 HoaiMiieN is tho Hist s)initolil of iloiip hold by A H. Slu mli I. The lust slis I, of boots mid shlM'S ovei sold at liailklllpl pi lies at llV."l () sins I. I'iiiiitncss is n good motto It Is haul to Hml an) thing mine pnuiipt IhiniHI I'ntilek's I'ills The) nie ii pliiisnut iiithuitlc ami n gisiil tnislu hie Hold li) A I. Mluailii liidiisiun) nidi r imvthliig in tho giisei) Illi" b) teh phone (I'lS) of the titiluk Dikii) nml di H'iid on gi tting the best nt iisisoiinldo pi lies di liven d at lis it iloui .N ot li e of Sale III I'm I II Ion li) III Ion es, III tho lllslrh t I'ourl ol l.uniastii lonnl), Ni hrnska I'linulo l(uai Id nhiisli , vs 5 IsiiIm tin Ilnrilinaii. 1 1 nl ) Notice Is horoh) ulvin Unit h) virtue of mi otih r of suh Issiiid out of the District i our I of I.iiiii nsti r iiiiint), Nebras'ia. lu an ni lion wherein I'minle ijuuiki uhiishls pluln llll and Isabella llordiiiuu 1 1 nl lire defend mils, we, tlio iimli rslitned ii fi ri i h, diilv up poliitid h) Niild lllstrh t I'oart, will on the Jd dii) of April, I win, ut tin hour of J p m.uttho i list LiitiuiKc Io the Court House on 'lentil slri 1 1, In lie ill) of l.luiolii, lu Hold minify nnd stall , oil. r lor sali al ptililli million Hie lollowliik'di scrlbi il p nl istuti, lo-wlt 'I he Houlhi asl qiuirli r (S I, i, ofH, , lion Nuinlii r I'lvi 'i , lu township No. li n III!, N'oilh of KiillKc No.hlx 'II,, oast or tin Nth 'lith, 1' M lu l.uiii usti r lotintv, Ni hruskii 'the linns olsale hi IllU' oile-lblld ' . ( asli, olu -lllllil ' ,i lnonc)iiir nml one-third i lu two )curs, with Interest mi difirrid painenlH al the late of seven ( , pi rtenl per iiumiiii, w Itli ap proVLd sn urlt),lor sulil ih h rod pu) incuts. H M. MI.MCK i JOHN II. Mi CI, Vi S Iteftries J ('. Mellllllii: ) Houston V Ilalnl, AlloruejH for I'lulntlll. 11-lvvS Nollie lllstrh t Court, l.aneasti r loitni). N'eliraska. (liorueW llliblile, philiitlll, vs. rannle Hubble, di fi nilanl. To rannle Hubble, turn risldent ileremluiit' You lire hereby uotltli d that on tho .Ultli dny ol Juuuurv, ISM, ) our husband, (leorgo V. Uulililo, lllul u pi tlllon iiK'alnst miii In the ills trlet iinirt or Ijincnsler iiiiint), Nebraslta, the olijo t ami pra) or or which Is to obtain n di vorce fnim ) on on the urotind (hut oii have wllrull) nliniidoniil tin pliiimlll without L'ood rniiso for tin- lerin of two Mars last past on are reiiilred to iinswi r said isillllonon or Im fore .Moudii) , the 17th da) or Man ll, Is'ki. (iKin'dVw nriuiu:, 2-lwl) ll Pound A lltirr, Ills ttornojs. .limn s Mathers Ids In Irs ami dev I si i s, w III lake notice that It hits In en show n to me, S T ('iM'lirnn.aJustlioortliepiiiii In and for (.mi nister tumilv, Nibraslia, Unit the Juduineiit ri tillered In the in Honor Hnss anil i liimulnst IniniK Mathers ror the sum or Us 'a and 'J Vi losls, iiL'iilust the ih ft ndiuil, InforeA. (1 Niott, u Justin of the pi in e In and nir I.un ilstor eoiliil). Selirusku on the stiiduv of Mu), S7, has Ihioiiii' dormant liv lapsii or Hun, and Is unpaid II ,s llurel'oie orderid hv im Unit uiih'ss miii appear at uiv olllee on Mureh llitli. Ism, ut I p m , anil show iniise iiKiilnst sulil li vlvor, tiie said Jiidginenl will stiiud revlvid. S 1 COl'UUVN, lllstlii-of the I't-iwi' I.lni'oln, Ni b , IV h, ll H!) l.'-bwl Nollie. In JllstleoCourt or l.lmoln I unea-li reoiin. ty, Nihrnskii. heior. I II llroui. In.iln or the 1'oni" In nnd lot snlil i llv . touiilv nml state. riioWmHil I'rliiiliiKCompnnx, Philnllll. M, I he (I, I lurvls I'oinpain, Iiel. mlanl lliod. M. .lurvls eoiiiiiaia will lake miilci Hint on tho 'JStli du of lauuiirv. Jsim, llrown.n lilsth e id the I'niei wltlilnund lor tin ll ofl Im oln I uiicnsti reoiinu , V, l,i ,0, leu Issiu im nidi r oruttiu him ot r ir tin sum ol lioln un in Hon peiiillnu n, too. hilo whiiiiu tin Wiuil I'llnlliu; ipam is philntll! and tho ll M Inrvls eoiiipun ,. leiidanl I lull pmpi rtv oftln di fi lubinl, coii slstlni; ol inoni'i ilulils and eledlts In th hands i, I I I Indsa) hiishei n uttiieliid au di r suld onlei, Mildiausi wasionllnued Io the 17th dnv ot Miiiih, 's'i, in ti ma in I III' WI s' I'ltlMIN'iKO. ,, ,, I'lulntlll, llv ll.iiistoiiA llulrl. I'lninliil h iis Datid I In i In Ni b , h, ,i . l w I DR, ROLAND LORD, Veterinary t Surgeon (iimluiiic ol the Itoynl Veterinary C ollcgc, London. T-k . JjH All Diseases of the Domcstlcnlcd An inn Catefullv 'I rented. Olllco, Room 3, Wehslcr lllock, iY South nth St , Also at Palme Stnlilm, M near Eleventh LINCOLN, NKDUASKA. Or-Cnll (lat or the Clt) Alleiuled u NPRECEDKNTKD ATTHACTION ! Over A Million Distributed. Louisiana Slate Lottery Comp'y. InisiriMiinli d li) the U'ulslalure for Kdil I'litlounl Id I bio liable purposes, nnd IU frnnihlse linili ii purl of (ho present stata loiislltutlou li IS7llb) mi overwhelming po uhir vote. Its MAMMOTH DUAWINOS take nlaie m ml Annuidl fjime and Decem ber), and Its (h and .Single Number Draw ings take phuc iu each of the other ten mouths of (lie v car, and arc all drawn In public, nt the Ai ailcmy ol Music, New ( Montis, La. Famed for Twenty Years For Intcgrcty of Its Drawings and Prompt Payment of PrlzcB. Altatrtl im niiiei We, do lierehv lertlfy Hint we supervise the iirriiniteiiienls lor nil the M uitlily unit Hi ml Annual Drawings or 'Iho liillslami Htnte Uitterv oiiipuii). mid In person man nk'e and coiitiol iho ilruwluus Iheinselves, nml Unit the same are eoiulueied with hon est) fairness, and In nood lull ti towarilall eartliM, and wo nnthorlre the Cot. iiintt) to into (his cert I Men le, w lib hio-slmMles of our sIkiiii 'iies iilinolieil, In Its advertisements " JfctJ Commlsslencrii. We, tho iimlorslKiied llauks and llankorii will pu)- all prles drawn In tho liulslaua Htnte UillurliiK, vvlileli may ho presonled nt our i onuters. It. M. WAIiMHI.r.Y, I'res't Willisana Nat ll'lc i'll'.ltltr. I.ANAUX, I'res Stale Nutloiiul ll'lc A. IIAI.IIWIN, I'ris. New Orleans Natl Hank CAltl. KOIIN. I'ns Union National llaiilc Grand Monthly Drawing. At the Academy of Music, Nnw Orlmni, lueiday, April 16, 1800. Capital Prize, $300,000. l(,limi 'I'lekels at fjll; llulves till; l'i. li iiths, f.; IwuitleUis I.IHI ok l'llll M. i iMtr.i; (irmu,iiiis . i i'itii. (irtiKMiois . ... I l'ltl.i: ol' rin.omis IJuarlers ft. t V,( ,. inn,) . tSi.HH .. ai.uw i'l.UW (le.mii . iim.KX) .. $ Wl.llOO .. :), iW,UIX) i pitii: tii' ivns . .' I'KI.I SUP Iii.ii'lnr Van nro l.i'Mlare fiOUure .HU lire 'Jiiluro r, i'itii.H ir ri'ini:is(ii' iniPHi.csor '."ni i'itii:nni" fillil I'lllHHDI' AI'I'IIOXIMA rtON I'ltl.I'.S. HU) I'rlresor 'm lire il do no are IU0 do. AMI nie II'IIMISAI, l'llll H. ITM I'rlesof Itnilare ... vn I'rlesof linn are w,vn a.lll I'l'lesaniouiitliiKto ,.W 1,0.1 l,H0O Noil. Tickets draw lim Cupltal l'lles aro tl ( uplti l'rli h. 1101 ouiiiiii; to leruiimu AGENTS WANTED. I'or Club Hates or an v further Informa tion desired, write Iculhl) to the uuilerslK'ned clearly stulhiK jour reshlouce, with ritato Count), Htm t and Number. More rapid re turn mall deliver) will lie nssiind l) ) our on closing mi Huvolopu heariui; )oiu full ad dress. IMPORTANT. Address M A DAHl'H IN, New Orleans, m. Or.M. A. IIAUI'IIIN, Washliik'ton, I) C II) ordluar) letter I'ontiilulm; llmioy (lr ilur Issuod liy nil I'.xjiriss Companies, Now Vork KxeliiitiKe, Ilrntlor I'ostal Note. Address Registered Letters containing Currency to NKW OKLUANH NATIONAL 1IANIC, Now Orleans, Im. lir.Mi:Mlli;it thai the piomoiit of the I'rli s Is Ktuirautied by four National Hanks of New Orleans, and thn tickets are signed by tlio I'rishlent ofan Iiitltutl vvlioso chur torisl rlKhts aro ricnmilcd lu tho highest oiirts; then fore, beware id all Imitations or anon) mous schemes. ONL DOI.I.AU Is the prheortlio smallfsil part or fraollou of a ticket IHStTIM) nV UH hi nil) ilruwlni; An)lhliiK In our nsmoof. fonsl for less than a Hollar Is n swindle. iN,cors- (Mim 2T ASD ISSTITITE OK I KMIlSlllllr, Shnrtliuiiit, nml T)vwrltliiK. U tlio ts-it ami liuvisit 1 1 llbw In llm Wisit mi stuili'iiU In nttiniluiKv lt )eir siulrnts inpsris ior Ininlmwi In from 3 tot iniiiitti; hisrli-iirst fucnltr IVrsnnnl liiatrurllon. Iknullrill llluitnitislcniulivur, eollnc Joiirnnln nnd ss.Imoiu of s imminhlp, miii frio liy ml Imsiluu UUdUUIDaE Jt IIOOSK. Uneolu, Neb. mnti'COiiC CD MllES.1(ftU, wf, .. 'iiLrlili.l& wm lit u nit ur uttiiti -tr , i f i U i1 i !i I I K PYF If i Hi l ic hik ul it r vuiJ lu wotM ThftU w ut si Ofaji'.'.n.-j.-. . i , iSrtKijRG-jV tS.Mll III ASMS MM III. I". II. ll . I " !' I " s S4lt II lir.iy I .1 W I I I u .iiliiak ii iSIi Slllilirn i l 'l' Ulrlls .-n 11 UvirMl ii W l i l,r . I -rifw tjji m, II iivcli rrco ii i hiso i.kiiAM )l. an &$mg& mw Mfs&a: