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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1889)
-ttM-- V CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1889. MS V II : DR. ROLAND LORD, Yeterinary Surgeon. Grntlunto of the Uoyitl Veterinary College, London. V-mwv varan. IT ft! '"Sftfc1" All Dlcnsc o( tha Domesticated Animals Carefully Treated, Onicc, Room 3, Webitcr Hlnck, 336 South nth St., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Call Out of tlio City Attended.1 mm E. THOMAS, UNDERTAKER f AND Funeral Director. 121 S. 12th St. Lincoln, Neb, WESTERF1 ELD'S Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladies- and- Children's- Hair -CMtlng ASJ.At'lY. COR n&OSTS., NEW MJR.U HLK Roberts & Co, 212 Norlh nth Street, Undertakers aildEQibalmers. JhftOt Telephones. .Office 145. Rcslde'icc 1 56 Open Day nnil Night. E, T. ROBERTS, Manager. AiTeT. lhMrol MMl4, t4 lilr twdi m will md4 rx 1 1 tiMB riuotf kftaaAfc lacalltv. uaboia. Oily MM who writ mnUhhwbui Mnol IMtkMM.AUrwkntdtU ratura u as mw ar ivoaa io koM wk ttil 1 aatjtkan. 1 tad tkoaa amu r. 'nub. 'tutu r tku Stairl tka HUll Md ( Ik. talk. Tka NBnrlg wt Uw HMMimitttiXMifj. boat tk urt of Ito klk Jl U t nM, 4ouU kt 1.1. Stat, at Uri ,Uuti .Mir: w UI alaatkaw jo kw nm 5?.ftJll44y.nrlk..url,k- lutU, h, iuu..rrr ,, aw mhVVoiusd, mi. The New Yost 'WRITING MACHINE. WESSEL I WHEELER, Agents, "Write for Circulars. Lincoln, Neb iiawtic.rilklBa ertti aiM.M,TJri Mpt r. wmHi4 b4ry( child Miirar cuw, Kki nl ff it. oj rvKtoila tar e Mf b4 SSli KH m&s&a All (k. WMk M M.1 4a I. lit U. wk.l IKIJIHII IkaM rb ckll M l.a. ...I H.I(kki.tu4lkM nhiMI 7M-k.ltl;lltMln tanlklmlMK.tMkUkbll.(rraMk.aautunM, ul tkua an nidt V nir all livm, frtljkl. .It. Atll M kH all. If m wmiM Ilka la f M wk t"' T AVftJmMI,, MaUa. n. I tea Bl ik 1 BMfeUk h .Hi aad .UWIftl. ffll&Wil i. dCtKAOuu SrSukL to Ulrodttca out fcTESHB ti MJHLw- hhuX;av.i iV.v; Keif r l'T6fHCfUi.W7 n eV SOCIAL Ml) PERSONAL. Mr, I). 15. TlioniMim gnvo nnolhor pleasant ouehro party Monday ovonlngnt hi homo In Mr. Otto Kunko'H resldenco. Tlio prim were won hy Hon. l II. Kenton, Mr. It. 0, Hurr, Mis llnllcntlno of Oinnlm nml MIas Mansfield of I'oorln. Tlio guest wore Governor nnd Mm. John M. Thayer, Messrs. nml MiwdntneM John It. Clark, Tho. II. Kenton, I). V. Cow- drey, I. H. 1 Weeks, H. J. Alexander, 0. K. YntoH, W. M, Ioounrd, John MoDontld, h. 0. Ilurr, W. H. Ogden, 0. W. Moshor. O. M. TIioiiimoii, J, V, Trnmmell nml 0. Thom mm, Minso Miller of CIiIciikq, Graham of Chicago, Radio nml Nellie Mnnsfiold of Fot. rln, Klshop of Oinnlm, llnllentluo of Omahn. Volghtof Kurllngton, Kurst, Weaver nnil Kuiike, Messrs. Zohrung, lllchtor, Million, AintiKuolil, .Mngooii unit Foucon. Tlio attendant nt tlio first nssombly of tlio J'.iin i.iueolu Hoclnl cluli wero Momr. nod Mi-wlnine Alexander, Daubach, Lyon, DIN Ion, A. Hinllli of Coueonllit, Kn., Hoxlo, Hi rer, Hholnndor, llnlnl, 1'uee, Tuttlo, M0D011 nlil, Clyco, Huwyer, Wlekorshnm, Htovou, Cliurclihlll, Lyinnii, Hnlo, Wilson, H. I". Slo vens, 0, V. KoiiiipII, Thompson, Thon nml Honum. Also Mr. Ilosm, Mm. O, V. Inw, Mm, It. A. llowem, nml Mn. Bmlth of Auro ru, III.) Itnynioml llnlo, F. Itholnmlor, Elmer llleo of Oinnlm) Ouy Hnlo, HomIo buttle, Krol Hnllott nnil tUtxr, Otto Kroiv nml laUr, Mlm Hnlo, I)nly 1iUe, Clnrklo l'neo. Dr. Ilolnml Ijnl, n vetorlnnry Mirgnm.lmK lwntiil In Lincoln. Tho doctor li n Krndtmto of tlio Iloynl veti-rlnnry collogo of London, KiiKlnntl, wlicro ho lind opportunltlcn for Rtudy nml pinclk-o prolmhly notiunlleplif wIiito In tho world. Ho linn lwn prnctlchiK In Now KiiKlnml for thrcoyenra, nml wnn nt trnctil to Lincoln hy tho Ixinnl of trndo mU virllnhiB. llo nrrlved lout Hntunlny to vlow Iho city nml won no well tilvnHciI Mutt ho linn men ojmjiioiI mi olllco nt iSW 8011th Klavriilh Htrcvt. Tho doctor coiiu-h with nil exiwrlciu-o Kdlmvl In two houiUphvrtw, nml will 00 n vol imhlu ncipilrltlou to tho city. Tho onitorlo Bocloty hni nrrnnniil to k'o Tho Memlnh" ilurlnz tho holldavi. Tho londliiK Roprnno will to MIm Ahhlo CnrnliiK ton, who unntf with Ullmoro'ii Imnd novcral ycnMBRo, Mln KliiKloy of Denver will bIiir contnilto, Mr, Kuorr of Clilcugo tonor nml Mr. U. 1), Young of Omnhti bnrltono. Tbo conductor will Imj Mr. L. A. Torrons of Tole do, Ohio. Mm. I'. V, M. Hnyinond hna boon tminluK tho choniii hIiich lat Mny. Tho (Into win 110 TiiKnilny, Hoc. SJ. E. E. Chnuiliorlahi nml Ii'h klxter loft WiHliu-mlny for Tttcomn, whero their father li locntoi. Mr, 0. will Iwik over tlio city care fully nml may remain. At nny rnto ho will lw Rono until nfU-r tho holiday. Ho prom (not tho CuuiUKH n letter with liU IniDroMloua of Tncoiun. Mih. David HnrrU, wlfo of tho deputy dis trict court clerk, while walking down town Monday evening Mopped Into nn uiiRuanleil illU'h nml wni severely cut and brulmsl. Mlf8 Dorr wni Ith hir hut wu not 8f rlously In jured. MIm Mnrgnret Myron of thU city han enter el the convent of Mercy nt Onmlm, nml will lierenf ter b known iw BUtcr Mary Meehtll lira. J. U. HlKlnhotluim, ertwhllo iwcreUry of tlu Elk, nmn about town mid tho ndorod of tho fair kox, U In CIiIciiro nt hend lHokkotier for tho Abbott Inigjy company, Mr It. C. Burr returneil Wolnenlny from u wioVh vUlt with the family of Senator WoUhtiiU at Hel.n n. MIkii Nellie nml llronle Ilaum of Omnlm arriveillii tlio city Tin mliiy nml are tlio KiienlH of Miiti Maud Hurr. Secret iry of HUito Cowdry hat been enjoy I ib n vWt from hl fntlior, J. C. Cowdry of CoIuiiiIhh. Mr. mid Mm. Kniuk Clomou oiitoitnlued tho (AiriHvlluin socloty Monday evening. Mri. J. D. I'.uUh nml daughter iicnt TlmnkHglvlngnt I'ronlioUtowu, Ill.k MIm Lunn Dumly of Omaha was n Thanks giving guest of Mm. L. O. Ilurr. Harry Wells, for Homo tlmo In biuhiMW at York, linn returned to Lincoln. Mlw Paulino Friend Ims lieeu entertaining Aiissuenmo amy or iinsiiugM. Uox'. ami Min. Thayer nto their Thanknglv" lug turkey nt riattsiuouth. MIm Carrie Hill linn been entertaining MIm GrneoYuloof Ueatrlee. H, J, Tut lo contemplates n trip to Europe soon. Arthur Gregory has gouo to Galveston to live. IcMKi'oikiJ Socfut ami iVromi on ltye 8. PEN, PAPER AND INK. Dandkuon TniKby Mnud Humphrey. Fred crick A. StokoH & Uro., Now York, pub ll.liers. lrice, $1.00. For sale by Leuilng. This is a dainty colored print showing a number of pretty children in a field gather ing dandelions. It Is mounted In a heavy mat and supplied with ring for hanging. The Bontku Caucndkh by Mm. J. Paulino Suuter. 8tokes&Ilro., publishers. Price, 60 cent. For nlo by Leuilng. Mndo of twelvo ruggod-eOgo lealleU, each with tho cnlender of n month, illustrated bv a child's figure set In a scene suitable to tho Jason. 1 ho lentleta nre bound with ring and rllbon. Thu HonauaiiOE Calendeu. Stoke & Bra, publUher Price, 75 cents. For salo by Leuilng. A dozen sheets tied with a ribbon, o.ich with a Iioi-mmIioo printed in sllvtr, tlio null holes in gold. In iho center Is thooilcndi r of u month Illuminated with a tlower or plant appropriate to mat month. Oale.ndkh ok thu Seasons. Rtokes & Uro., publishers. IVlee 60 cenU. For tale oy Leuilng. Four largo rnggil-lgo cards, each with tho calender of tlireo months nnd each orna mented with fac-stmllo prints of water-color designs by Mnud Humphrey, The' picture khow chlldren'ai llgures wlih foasonablo em- Ix'lllnuinonta. America oy Samuel F, Smith. Stoke & Uro., publUhom. Prkofl.60. Forwiloby lxmlng. , A tittiidsomo and unlquo totting for tho song "My Country, Ti of 1 hee," Tho versus are pivttdy Illustrated with monotints, and extra leave bear somo cf the most famous pceneu iu America. These are lu colors, nnd all are ir.nbd on tut hit's paier. Tho cover is a botiutlful thing, piiuu-d lu gold and illustrnt-. el with views of Niagara, Iake Georgo and tho Cuukll'u, 1 kaveijj and ADVK.vruiiEa or Little Dau on Thump by Innoisoll lckwooiL Leo & Hhepaid, Ik ton, publUUem. Price $2.00. For salo by Leiniug Tlio Littlo Huron may have been suggested by Baron Muuchauieu, but evideutly it wai written for children. Tho author has allow. cd hi imagination to Indulgo in the wildest of fancies, and the Little Baron lias quite as remarkable adventure as hi famous protc- . Ho I-neeotniwinled by n wonderful doit calliil "Hulger," which Im- no Inlelllgenco that In nlmoftt liiinmn. Tlio text li llhmtriited with Rrotrwpio lrnviigR by Goorgo Wharton Dnvk Tim liook In on lino hoivy pnpnr nml IhiuihI In broiir.o. llKIIOKH OK TIIR ClIUHAtlKH by Amumlii M. DoiikIi". Lw St Hliepard, puhllnhem. l'rlco f 1,50, For nalo by Ixmilng. Onteimlbly n history of Individuals, thlf liook U no eouiirehenlvo that Jt nlo hecouieii n hlstcry of tho rnimiln, Thero Is ierhnM no eiKx-h In tlio hlxtory of innn nhout which cluster wo much of romauco nml h"-rolin ns tho criisodiM. Thoy mo jxirvndiil with n glamour of rouinutlalittcrdst that !iinki their Moryn never Inllliiireutoitnliimont. In this work tho author has taken ton of the loader of Ixith sldm nml given n very lo'idiblo nc count of tho parts. Ihoy phiywl In tho cru sade. Tho slot y of their valor cannot fall of being 1111 ItHplrntlon In tho yomii'. 1'nrentH should lw careful Hint their chil dren do not contract colds during tho fall or early whiter months, Kuch colds wenkeu tho lungs nnd air imfwagw, making tho child much inoro likely to contract other coldsdur lug tho winter. It is this succtwilon of colds that cannon catarrh or bronchitis or pnve tha wny for consumption. Hhould n cold 1r con tracted lose no time, hut euro it ns quickly as pomlhlo. A llfty-eent Iwttlo of L'lininlier Iain's Cough Keniedy will euro nny cold In n fow days and lenvo tho respiratory organs strong nnd healthy. For nolo by A, U Hha dor, druggist, T11 llin iMitillo. Halug changed Iho location of our city ticket olllco fi 0111 115 Houtli Tenth street to tho morn tent nil one of 1IK3 O street, near Fuuko's 0ern house, wo tnko this owulon to olfer our thanks for tho genorous pntronago tho North western Lino, Elkhoni rond, has re ceived, nml to solicit n coiitlutiaiico of tho wiiiio In tho future. Asn mutter worthy of attention iho tate nient U iiiiule 1 hut, when as, tho first sorvlco 011 this lino tx'tiveon Lincoln nnd Chic igo con siiuhmI n-aily 'l hours, suverul more than by competitive lines, tho tlmo Is now 17 hours mid l!0 minutes, or fifteen minutes loss than nny other service, Hy our fnst tialn, connections nro inndo nt Missouri Vnlley with the North western's vea tlbulo limited, coihi-om1 of Palace sleeping. dlnliuniid lecllnlng chnlrcam, ulowlth thu Ht. l'nul llmlteil rortjioux City, SllnneoH)lls, Ht, Paul and tho northvet, Hleeplng 1 nr no eommodatlons mo reserved In advance for Ht, I'.iul and thu Korthwest, Chlengo mid tho east, when denlrcil. A cordlnl luvltntlou lo rnll H uxtended to nil who desire Information concerning our Hue of railway, assurelof Itslieliueh irfully furnlsheil. Geo. N. Foresmnn, Agent. A. 8. Fielding, City Ticket Agt. 1133 O street. VERY MODEST INDEED. A Young Man Wins III 5,000 In tlio T.iiuls- lunii HUtn Lottery, but Hays "For lleitven's Hnko Don't Nay I Tolit You." Perhops tho most molest young ninii who over stmck tho capital prlzo lu tho Louisiana Stato lottery is August J. Miller, a vomg printer with a oiiip ulour I. air cut nml a lit tie black mustache, w!.o Is In tho employ nf tho Nixon & Jonei Printing company, No 212 Pino street, nnd who lives nt tho houso of his brother-in-law, Mr. Coleman, n hor.o ciillnr maker nt 1417 Suth Twelfth street. Mr. MlllerJ hel I n SOth part of ticket No. W.STiO, which drew the f.'U1,000 prize In the drawing on Ttiesdnv. Oet. 15, ASfdr-Sajfnii reporter willed in .Miller a fow days ngo nnd he llatly denied diawlug the money. Tnls moriihig ho called again, alter ascertaining that tin re mim no doubt whatever as to Mr. Miller's receiving tho sum of 915,000 by chock through Iho New Orleans National bank. Mr. Miller still retained liU modesty on tho sub ject, and declared that ho did not want his 1. nine published. "I will toll you I won 15," said he, "which wns n h)i lion of nn npproxlmntion prize of 4'J00. "Are you sure you did not draw 15,000r" After some consult ration tho young man Anally ackuowhdgetl that ho diow iho entire amount of f 15,000 through Mr. Purdue, tho ngeutof thu Southern Kxprehs cnmimny nt Now Orlinns, who in turn collected tlio mon ey at the bank nt New Orleans, on account of August J. Miller of St. Louis. Hut Mr. Miller persisted tliut ho did not draw tho money for hlmw'.f, but that ho drew tt for a club of lirteeu. He said: "I drew tho whole amount, $15,000, U8ldi4 tho ?15 I won myself, mid tlio amount has lieeu divided equnlly Iwtweon the mcmlierH of tho club." Notwlth-tniiding the fuct time Mr. Miller's dally occupation Is setting typo fi r tlio great weekly Journal knoun as tlio SjKctator, ho was urgently nverso to having his name up jnar lu print, notwithstanding Ills gr at streak of luck by striking tho lottery's richest vein. St. Louis (Ma) Star-Say h o, Nov. 1. A preventutlvo for ei oup. There no longer exists any doubt but croup ran bo prevented. True croup novor appears without a wariiincr. nnd If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is given as directed ns soon ns the first indication of croup appears, it will Invuriably dispel all symptoms of tho disease. ThU can always I done If it Is kept at hand. 6O0 and $1 bottles for mlo by A. L. Blinder. "The Mmlteit Fust Mull." Tlio Union Pnclfla Railway, the Overland Route, has Just put on n Limited Fnst Mall truln to enrry the United Stntes mall be tween Council UlulTs nnd San Francikco nnd Portland. This dally Fast Mall train will cany a limited nutnlier of passengers, nnd In addition to the United States mall cm and a baggage car, will bo comoscd of it Vestlbul ed Palace Sleeper and a Pullman Dining car ror rortiMiui.iimi n Vchtllmled PulaeoBleejier for Ban Francisco, thus accommodating 11 llmlteil number of passengers. The Meopem nnd the diner will run through from Chicago via tho Chicago & Northwest ern railway. Only firat-class tickets will bo honored 011 this train. This train, with Its cor.nectlons, makes the extraordinary tlmo of 107 bourn Now York to San Fianclseo, and 101 hours to Portland. As accommodations nro limited, early nj pllcatlon ror sumo should be made to tho Union Pacific agents or lo E. L. Lonuix, aonoinlPussnger Agont, Omaha, Neb. Now Mr. IJeoklor Will Take Thing. V.tuy Mr. Deckler li a married man and has to children. Ho resided at Kil Ninth avenue, . 11 the third floor. For six or f-oveu yearn ho I in workod for the firm of Wessel, NlcW'1 & Groat of W west 45th street. Tliey are manufactu rers of pUno actions On Lnbor Day ho In vested n dollar lu a one-twentieth tlckit tn the LouUluui State Lottery. Tho number was 8,174. Ho read In the .Yews tho dlsutcli from New Orleans that ticket No. 8.174 had drawn the capital prbw of U00,000; it made his wife opwi) her eye' Ho received u tele gram that ill (loll tr Investment had J folded $15,000. Ho took the ticket 10 it ell-, Forgo & Co. for collection. Ho received the $15,000 Iihs the collection chaago of $uA50. Now York aVew, Oct 5, A CONVENIENT MOUSE. Plan for n llrnlilrikrn In Which tin, MIs Irfwi Star "Uu llur Own Work." "Bhoiloos her own work" Is 1111 expression freucntly used of n lady who doit) not 0111 ploy help A difficulty lu planning a one tory house Is lu providing room for a sorv' tut, tt Is not dcslrnblo to liuvo her room oH'iilug from tho sitting room or dining room, nor Is It altogether satisfactory to hnvo such n room owiilng from tlio kitchen. Furthermore, tho oxieuso of placing It In nny of those places Is n very material nm Monition, lu tho plan which Is heiv given this dl'lli'iilty is mot by providing a stairway that lead to tho hlyli mrt of tho roof over thudliilug room. Thus, with very littlo nd illtlomil oxieuso, n largo, nlry room, one which cannot but be lu every wny satisfac tory, Is provided for tho servant Tho nrrntigenicia of tho pmitrltN hotweon the kitchen nud dining room Is lu every wuy mouern. un 0110 side is n ehlnn clos et with glass doom In tho upper sec tion, and on the o t li o r side Is n kitchen cuplionrd Tj with ninH doom t Under this eui board Is 11 Hour bin, mid lu rouuii'tlon with It a marble dough stone, than which iinthlng can bo better for mold' iug bread or ui try It Is one of tlio requirements of a popular lloor plan, no hint ter how small or unpreten tious tho houio may be, that , thero bo tho semblance of luxury lu all Its nppo hit mon ts. There must bo nil approach In thnt direction There OHOU.Vt) VtJOOH. must bo tho sauio classification of rooms In a small, one-story lioufj that Is to bo found hi thu more cxpcusivouud elnlmrato struct ure. In this case, lu 11 small, Innxpouslvo. 0110-story houso, there Is parlor, sitting room, dining room and kitchen, and ns well the bedrooms. This makes tho planning of low co-t, 0110-story house a very troublosome matter The clamlflcntlon Is on tho wrong side of the house. Thero Is n very large amount of saco for wirlor, sitting room nnd dining room, but when It comes to tho bed rooms, classification is not to bo considered. We often wo families living In houses whero they Insl-it uion the use of nil of tho dny rooms nbovo mentioned, hut nro apparently content with two, or nt most thrco, bedrooms. Mr-, 'jU)t, IKS- y j ti mm .J 1 m I I . al 3V-a, 1 I U I CI apelrVsoT- SECOND BTORY. This suggests n consolidation nt night which Is uncomfortnblo to contemplate. In making usoof tho attic space a part of tho problem of added bedrooms In 11 low cost house, which has nearly all of the rooms on 0110 lloor, Is mot. Those nttic rooms nro qulto as comfortnblo unit lu every wuy 111 satisfac tory as those which nru bolow, ns tho colling nro square, tho storle sufficiently high and ventilation by windows amply provided for. More than the ono bedroom could bo added If desired. Another peculiarity with respect to tho planning of ono story houses Is Hint poplo will content themselves with n bedroom much smaller than they will In n two story houso of tho same cost. ThoKamonccommodations can bo provided In n two story house at a loss cost than In n ono story houso for reasons which nre obvious to nny ono who will stop to think about It. Thu roof nml foundation of a one story house would bo amplo for ono, two, or more stories high. A two story houso Is more hnjioslng, affords better ventilation, and with tho convenience! of plumbing, U In every way us convenient as tho ouo story houso. ELEVATION Tho ono story dwelling was altogether logl rat at a tlmo whou nil of tho water and fuel had to Ira carried to tho second floor nud nil of tho ashes am Uops down stairs and out of the house. Furnnces, plumbing apparatus nnd other hols to housekeeping suggest something dlirerent. If wo hnvo four rooms down stairs wo have place for four rooms and a both room up htnlrs. This number of rooms can bo built at nbout tho saino cost as tho one ktory houno, which Ugiviin herewith, There are conditions wherein thu houso which Is given wuld bo desirable as n homo for n man and4hU wlfo. with 0110 or two chil dren, or for jieofle without children. The annexed schedule gives nn Idea of costs 1 lliillJuig-Hrst tlnr. pluo. Ji.aoo IVIvy, vaults 3) Cittern, connections . ..,, 40 lllilinliintln gasplH. . . ... &1 numbing -Cellar sink, kitchen sink, bnth tuh, water closet, nulmUinL street washer, city and elfitoru water Oru fixtures ,,, Mantels and grate . Furuoc-ti ... , ,,, too u 4) 170 tl0 TotaL .. Not n llerrilltary Tart. "Mamma, what's hereditary!" askrJ Dob hie, laboriously tripping over tho sylluhlesof the long wonl. "Why, It Is It is anything you get from your father or mo, replied tho mother, a littlo puzzled fur a definition suited to his year. Silence of two minutes. "Thou, ma," ho asked, "Is srnnklns hered itary!" Health Monthly. Master Bobby Henpeckt Papa, what Is a bochulorl Papa Henpeckt A bachelor, my son, U a man to be envlod, but pleaao don't toll your mother that I said so. Exchange, Christmas FailCy ROCkCrS lt of artistic and useful presents :Z: and our line of these goods is remarkably full and complete, and our prices range from $3.00 to $50.00. An early selection will be the best. Chamber Suits !r line at a very low figure. UIIIID5 11911 goods arc also offered at prices to coin- mand sales. We desire to close out as Rlld ParlOr muc sto as possible before January 1 st, so that we may have room for spring goods. An inspection of our line SHELTON 234-238 South I 1th Street, LINCOLN, Carpets and The bulk of the Carpet trade for 1889 is now done. We still have six weeks left in which time we propose to reduce our stock as low as possible before purchasing for our Spring trade. In order to do this we will make prices that MUST SELL the goods. If you are in need of anything in either CARPETS OR DRAPERIES get our figures before placing your order and you will find you cannot afford to purchase elsewhere. MiA.M.DAIS4S0NJliI Steam aikl Hot Water Heating. F. A. Telephone rl JK' ;","' ia,aSISUJ,MifraMSja SCSK Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S - DINING - HALL MONTGOMERY ULOCK, -o ui9, 1 12 1 and 1123 N Street. o Meals 25 cts. $4.00 per Week. is approaching and in anticipation of the great Holiday we have placed in stock a line of goods that will be suitable for all classes. in all styles and grades, including the great Eastern Novelty Finish, Cremona, Violin, and XVI Century. We are over stocked with goods in this line and until December 1st we will offer our entire is respectfully solicited, & SMITH, NEBRASKA. Draperies! Plumbing KORSMEYER & CO. 536, 215 S. Eleventh St. XaKiaawiSsaiJlB si m SI r 1 St agjfeiflCUiaaaaa. Wifa. ,rf&A -M.i.f JA .