Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1889)
'"Vi " "rj'V"JfVr t'iffW''T? yrrj-w Ty '"T TWTVM "V ygW -ff yifpt ' f'"MBi!fT,r W- VTT -Wf ' l'W-'r--rtiirVf.h-r y rt gW "1-TlM Ji-.p-w.wrl VHri4V W"""!- i ""V JP4 ' -YV-T " r 'VtlLES'4" ' -1--- MV - .wf ? rt-Hf-JfarW :'l Poni liR FAPER op AXPPmti -TIMES :r Vol, A. No 62 Lincoln, Nhuuaska, SatukdaV, Dicoicmuick 7, 18SO. PwtOIC KlVIC OlCNTJS mffiht"'J:i!!Srrv .k'j!.1 - '." -- v - &, - vr- s"lJM'rr,i-ii a-fiiia Uc.v 'A ft: i i!. J-1 t ! I :! E 1 K I ? rL. ft UV V I IT r BYB TIIK 1JYK. Tho trend of business In Lincoln Is eleuily towards the south mid west The now Kxjio Httlon ImlldliiK I" strong ovldenco of thl. It biM been by Horiiolsholmer & Co., who will occupy tho three divisions next to TwoUth sti oet. Funko & Ogdon linvo leased ono of the other divisions, and Perkins Uros. havo sjiokon for tho llflh. Across tlio street tho now Hnirls building nironls nnother lllun tratlon. Tho Unit lloor and basement are oo uplcd by tho Couuiku establishment, tho third lloor by tho Hlks And tho second In to bo taken by tho city llbr.iry. Tho removal of Kwlng's clothing house wns significant. Lcnv Itt, tho conl man, und tho Klkhorn ticket of fice havo Joined tho movement and secured a moro contral location on O street near thooi ern house. As tho city grows tho business part of it must sun-nd and Its center shift. Straws like tho above show which way It Is going. V Tho attondaiieo at tho Central law school Is Increasing, and tho school Is In n fair way to becomo ono of tho notable Institutions of tho city. An effort vv III bo iiinde to havo tho leg Mature authorize It to confer degrees, and tho next step will bo to make Its diploma equivalent to admlsdon to the bar. Theroaro many reasons why a good strong law school can nnd should lie built up In tho Capital City of Nebraska. Soverul young man havo asked the Couuiku U thcro will bo New Year's leceivlng and call lug. Tlio conundrum U too hard. It Is re spectfully rofei led to tho ladles. Tho young men In question explain their anxiety by say ing: "Wo wor.t to know, you know, so we will have time to got suitnblo New Year's cards In caso we want them." Hereafter buyers of baker's bread will get sixteen ouncos In pound loaveslnstojulof tlilr tn nml ihlrtv-twa ounces Instead of twenty- six In t no-pound loaves. Of course tho bakers rejlndlgnant that tho city ordinance should bo enforcod, and thoy havo issued a pronuncl amonto. Hereafter thoy will sell their bread at straight prices. Instead of six small loaves for twentv-flvo cents tho buyer will get but five. Well, let us seo: Six thlrteen-ounco loaves mako seventy-eight ounces. Fivo six teen -ounce loavos make eighty ounces. Tho buyer makes two ounces by tho operation. But very fow consumers buy bread by tho Job lot. An Increase of th reo ounces Is a clear gain of nearly 35 per cent. V Tho board of education has fixed on 175,000 as tho estimated cost of tho proposed nw high school building. It was also ordorod that tho plans provldo for a genoral assembly room, n feature greatly to le commended. V Tho latest: A friend, perhaps a young ludy, remarks: 4,Thoy aro going to removo tho electric lights from tho stato houso." You Innocently ask: "Why I" Tho other party rosjionds: "Uecuuso It is feared thoy will slngo tho whiskers of the man in tho moon." Thou tho whole crowd laughs all but your self. Wns now building over finished when promised? , The COUUIKU ojqectl to bo in Its new quarters three weeks ago, but did not get moved until Monday. This Issuo has lieon gotten out under difficulties amid a litter of lumber, shavings mid dirt, with tho rasp of saw and tho bang of hammer driving thought crazy, whllo tho dust of plaster filled lungs and inkstands Uutpntlenco nnd tiersever ., l,nvn worked wonders. Chaos has yield ed to ordor, and the Couuikh establishment is in good running order. Tho oillco is now prosentablo and friends are Invited to drop In. Carpets and other olnlwrato f mulshing will bo added ns rfoon n tho rusli of work w HI permit, and tho Coumku will then presoutns handfomo an establishment ns can bo found anywhoro In tho west. Komemlior, tho now ofllco Is In tho new Harris block on N street, botwecn Eleventh and Twelfth. warrant Its owner lit unking it n permanent adjunct to Lincoln, Mr, Audrtis, however, Isn public-spirited man, with his wholo heart in tho jinrk, nnd ho Is net easily dlseouragoit. We aro now assured Hint a street railway will In) built out on A striHit towards CuMiman next season. Whllo tho road may bo project ed iirlmnrily to bring certain lots Into tho market, wo havo aildltioiiiil assurances that tho lino will bo extended ultimately to tho park, which will lio cause for genoral icjolo Ing. A mooting of Interested men wns hold Monday night nt the oillco of Lamb, lticketts Sr Wilson, and It is given out that (311,500 worth of stock in tlio now enterprise was sub scrllied for, V Hoeaklnc of the Exposition building, tho name Is said to havo been selected by It-t own er, Mr. J. J. ImholT. Ills idoa was a depart inent Btoro somowhat after tho stylo of Tho Fair of Chlengo, but ho did not wish to us o tho same iiiimo iKicauv It had becomo so com mon astolososomoof ltsvnluofordlstlnctlve- 111. Ho thcrciiK)ii hit on Exposition, Tho word, somehow, doesn't strike ono ns Jut tho right thing. It Is clumsy nnd nwkward to handle, and to a stranger Is liable to convey tho Idoa of an oxhlbltloii of machinery or fat cnttlo. That would be wholly misleading. If tlio gentlemen who are to occupy tho bul ling want a distinctive nnmo why would not Tho Glass IIouo lio a good one! Tho front of both first and second stories h almost entirely of glass, and that article figures largely in roof and rear wall. Tho name would npienl to tho fancy of tho average man nnd woman mid bo remembered. It would plquo the cu riosity of tho stranger and In iii.iuy cases lend him to come around and look at the place. It would havo tho tnei It of originality, ns it Is not likely that the nnmo Is usjd by any other business establishment in tho country. It would niuko un easy, catchy wind in adver tising. Tho Glass Houso would bc-onio a liotablo center from which distances and dl roctions to oilier points would bo measuied. In short, thoro Is n great deal In a name In these duys of business, and thoro would bo a big nd, in Tho Glass House. V Tho Saturday Evening Herald, tho society paper of Chicago, published fifteen columns of social nows last week, and about one-hnir of It consisted of tlio namos of guest nt thu different affairs reported. V Jtulgo Field has Just decided an unusual caso incouit. It wns tho divorce suit of Mary Wing Fong, nil American girl who nskod to bo released from a Chlueso husband, Joo Wing Fong. 8ho charged cruelty and deser tion. The com t said she fallod to sustain tho first' charge, but granted her a dlvorco on tho othor nnd allowed hurto losumo her midden name, Mury Fulton. Tho caso was compli cated by lioth father and mother seeking to get control of tholr infant son. Tho court awarded him to tlio mother on tho following conditions: "That tho plaintiff keep tlio said child at all times within the jurisdiction of this court; that the phlntlfT keop tho defend ...t. a, nil times advised as to the icsldcnco of herself und child; that tlio defendant havo full nnd friendly access at allroisonablotlinos to visit said child; that tho plaintiff teach and Inculcate in tin mind of tho child, Eugene Paul, honor nnd respect for tho father, tho defendant horelu." V Lincoln has a pietty resort in Cuslininti park, but lust season's exporlenco, oven with the lllwrul, onoretlo management of Mr. An rims, demonstrated that there must bo homo butter moans of transportation In ordor to mako It popular with the masses. Mr. An drus arranged for special trains on the U. & M., but thev came liiili and could not bo run ofton enough to suit all classes. A great many poopla st lyed tit homo rather tliuii go out ut two In tho afternoon with tho certiilnty of not being able to get back before B or 0 ut night. It soemod u pity that Cusliiiian should not havo received n patronage tliut would Announcement has boon made from tfmo to time of mi unusually lino holiday nuuibsr of tho Couuiku, and, although tho public mny not hnvd fully realized It, preiaratlons havo liecn under way for weeks and months. Tho publisher has long boon planning nnd securing features for this Issue, nnd tho preparations havo so far culminated that somo of those can now bo definitely announced. In picking up tho Holiday Couuiku tho first thing to be noticed will bo tho fact that It Is bound in a iswutlful cover. This Is n heavy lemon-colorod paper, nnd tho title pago, u handsome original doi jn, will show throe colors and tints, all blending most har moniously. This number will htvo sixteen or twenty pngos, and the Inside pages will bo on extra heavy sized and calendered paper. Tho pages will be of the usual sizo. Lincoln Is n city of lieautlful homes, nnd many of the flnost will bo represontisl In tho Couuiku by engraved Illustrations. A feature of sieclal Interest will bo a series of finely engraved portraits representing tho gentlemen in an inior!aut lino of business. Among tho art Illustrations will bo a largo engraving, representing six notable paintings by EurniHMii artists, but now owned In Amer ica. This engraving Is made In thooxcnslve process known ns half tone. It Is mndo from photographs taken direct from tho pnlntliigs themselves. The Couuiku has boon negotiating for a photograph of tho famous picture, "Tho An gelus," for a half tono engraving of it, nnd whllo It cannot lie piomised Misitive1y nt this writing it Is oxocted this engraved copy will ben feature of the holiday issue. "The An golus," it will be rcniembeied, wns taught by Americans for 110,000 in competition with tho French government. It Is now tho central attraction lu n big art exhibit in New York, and it lias a special Interest for Lincoln yvo plo becauso tho Hiiydou Art club expects to have it heio on exhibition tho lutter part of tho wli.ter. "The Coming of tho Storm King" will lie an engraving symbolical of the season made eqiccliilly In Now York from the drawing of a Getmiiti artist. There will be other engravings of minor interest. Among the contributions will bo n spocinl article on art in architecture by Miss Harah Wool Moore, who Is at the head of tLo art depurtuiont at tho BUito university, Ml"8 Moote's life hns bot'n given to the study of art, and this article will bu of great practical value. Hon. C, II. Goro, editor of tho State Jour nal, will bo represented by an able nnd coin prelioiislvo nttlclo on "Caricature." Tho writer begins with tho Kiiu-diicd bricks of Chuldcu and traces tho i Ise nnd development of tho art to the colired cm toon of today, Tho article shows txlmustlvo resoarch and philosophic redaction, but through It runs a, Hue vein of humor. Under the caption of "Look to Your Daushters." Ella Wheolor Wilcox will ex plain why somo gli Is elopo with a coaehmau. Hhe will tell something about girl nature, Its beiitlment8 and its ideals, and she will sc'io mothers for tholr failure to bo tholr daugh ters' ooiilldnnts. It toucho on delicate ground, but it isdonoso tactfully as to givo no olfeuse, whllo its sound sense will com mend it. Among tho special articles will bo two copy lighted v hriitniM stories. One isfromtho pen of David A. Curtis of tint Now York press It Is u story of roil life, nnd its scono is laid at tlio famous Five Points of New York city, Tl.o other story wus written by Homy Daw sun, It has a Christin is leconclliatlou for its ceutrul motive, about which plajs much sen timent that will upiica! to ull whoso hearts havo not hardened. Other featuio now in preparation will make this Holiday Couuiku by far the most notable puper ever issued in the Capital City, lion. Tlio club does not sot itself up ns n cen sor or mi nrnclo In matters artistic, but out of tho fullness of Its lovo for tut It gives tlmpub llo n clmnco to enjoy lecttues anil displays which arc d 'sUned pi im iril y for Its own lien ellt. Its exhibitions are not inoiie)nmklng nlTalrs. Tlio club Is iwi'MliI to make ox pensos, and Its greatest gratlllo it Ion isln hav ing the tribute of u visit to Its collection. Its pride Is In h-ivlug many guests, V A branch of the Woiiinn's Indian ntMoola llou was organized 'n Lincoln n short time ago, nnd its members crpw lully will be ltr teiostod III the following stitementt At the anniversary of tlio Woman's National Indian tiHsoclatlim held Nov. SO and 21 at Newark, N, .1 , it was retried that over f 10,000 had been paid Into Its tieasury for Its gem ral nil Jectsduilug thoyenr, This probably repre sents not motu than half of tho funds raised and oxK'iidcd by the various auxlll tries and lirnurhos of the nssochitlon. largo funds being rnled directly for state no 1 otherobj.icls. In tlio homo building dedartment f M.'JIIMHI had been I'tcolved uml illshurstsl, thirty or for ty Indian homes In all having been built, besides many small loans in ide since tho In troduction of this branch of 'ahor four years ago. Tho missionary department retorted $7,770.1:1 expended this year, seventeen mis sion stations In llfteou iliirereut trllies having been oHiiied, iiitoetly or indirectly, (lining tlio last live years lneo lids department of labor was introduced Into thesoclety, Among tho olilctrs elected for tho coining year tiro tho nnuies of our best piopl.i: Mrs. Win. E. Dodge, Mrs, Lvmiiu Abbott, Mrs. Keimtor Dawes, Mrs Albeit Hmllle nnd others. Mrs. Amelia 11. Qulutoii of Philadelphia was ro cketed president. , Messrs. H. II. llenson, O. C. Oell nnd J. 8. Dnrwlck havo Issued the following iinuntit ce ment to soldiers und sailors of Liiicastcr county: This communication is a reminder that on Thursday, tho 10th lust,, theie Is to lie n leutiloii and enmp lire lu this c'ly for tho purpose of organizing n county vetoi nil's as soclntloii. A conllnl Invitation Isoxtetuled to nil union soUIers, sailors and murines of tho Into and Mexican wars to ineetwltli us on the nbovo ditto and crttct an organization that wo may moot in after years in reunion nnd talk about old battles, battle semes, inarches, camps, meet old comrades once again and re new old friendships. All nre invited. Come meet with us at Farragut Post room ut' , Thursday, December 10, and let us havo a rousing good time. Good spenkers will be present at the camp lire. Turn out; lid up tho ranks as In tho past. You will hearsome thing to pleasu nnd benefit. This organization Is esiwclally for the benefit of old soldiers who aro not able to attend tho reunions ut n dis tance. MUSIC AND TIIK DRAMA. "Tho Uoclnl H sslon" company has clever Individual inoiuherM and sonin bright business, but Huiirhow the iM'rformimco hu ks co. It seems constantly on tho vere of a brilliant success, but lacks Just a little Miuiothlng to get there. The Muck Hussar bind U n mng-iillli-eut drgitiilnitlnu and cm rlcs several very Hue soloists, Tho Peak family, niuslcl ins mid boll ring ers, were ono of tho well known traveling companies of lomr uo, mid ten or twelve years since a bin l'iui on them wns n Mipu lir church oiiterinlnmont throui;li the oast. The Peaktsl fnui ly was given nt the hall of the conservatory of music Thursday evening for the bciielUof tho AUnr Guild or the I Inly Trinity chuivh. It was under tho maiinge meiit of Mrs. ColTritli nn I Mrs, Iluhbird j niul pusMsl otf HoUmltlly Its vvhlmslcil trnvosty rauso I much uierrliuont, MlssOak ley ca'Hed tho burden of th mounUuuo lluely, mid Mr, CLiiojicu rliulth scored a hit lu ti hutloftqilttnt Hnuilet's su.Uoipty, Jarbenii, a bright, vivacious, spilghtly nc trossof tho llUi stjle, held tlio boards nt Funke's lust evening In hor well known ier formaiice cnlle I "Htarllght," KAUNTI.KUOY, "Llttlo Lotil Fnuntleroy," ono of tho late successes in New York, Is booked ut Funko's for next Thursday evening. The ICnnsis City Journal says of It : "1 bus w hoo giwd for tune It wus to bo present tit tho CVatcs 0cni houso hut evening hiul the pleasuiu of wlt nesslug one of the best productions that Kan sas City has ever been nffiudcd. To ono who saw Monday night's presentation of 'Little Iord Fnuntleroy' It steiued well-nigh luiios slb'o for nnv child to Improve upon tho work of Tommy llii'sell. It was left for Hay Mas koll to demonstrate that improvement, und marked luipiovomelit, too, was porible. The little girl, and a very dimming llttlo girl she Is, possesses mom dramiitlo ability tliati Tom my Iluosell, though the boy tlre-ses the put rathor the b.-st. Btlll, on the whole, Hay Mitskell is the bttttor Fauntleroy In many re spects. Hor onceptlon of the pirl seems to ho the liest, and her minor business Is better and more cleverly tlouo. If nnyoiie Is of the belief thnt it Is n play for children only, they nte laboring under a wrong impression, for it isn production that delights the old und )oimg alike." KOKNMUBKK. On account of moving, this lssuo of the Couuiku Is sent to press Friday afternoon, making it lmsoslblo to more than barely men tion several entertainments of yesterday af ternoon and evening. Friondsof the Couuiku should remember that Its oillco is now lu the now block on N street nearly opposite Odell's restaurant. Talk nbotit carrying coals to Newcastle! Lincoln men aio shipping apples grown in this state to Now York, whoie there has been a failure In tho crop. Two young uu-u in this city have several thousand barrels of apples stored In this city. They have twelve to llf teou thousand dollars Invested, and tholr prof Its will probably mil over half that sum. Some fancy, selected fruit that cost them $1 .75 a b in el they havo sold for $ I 00, nnd an Omn- ha firm hu ollVivd them a d liar profit on every bsrrel thoy have. This fruit was ruls ed In the southeast corner of Nebraska along tlioMl-soutl, nud the yield was enormous. Tho ihi ewd, enel getioyoung fellow s f i urn this citr who dropiied to the bouatizn bud to scramble right lively for their share. At ono time thoro wei o seventeen men in n single county bu ing up this fruit. lu order to seuro n fati'fiictory delivery of the Couuiku it has been decided to invoke the aid of Uncle S'tiu and hlsgt ay uniformed car riers. Only ono tlollvery, that of tho early morning, tenches nil parts of tho city, nnd lu order lo catch It tho I'ouniKit must be in tho postolllcoby seven o'clock Haturday morning. That makes it necessary to go to press Ft Iday night. Ft lends of the Couuiku with news notes or advertising favors must thoieforo have them In by throe o'clock Friday alter noon in ordor to got them into tho paisr. sjouietl ties they may be used if delivered la ter, but It will not do togtiiublo on it. Many tiooplo havo been skoptlcal about tho so calks I glass-caters, but Bill Jonos, who has been at tho Mnseo this week, seems to fill tho bill. Ho olrirs to chow un and swallow any glass brought to him This human ostrich dines on tumblers and lamp chimneys before his uudleiice.nud offers to lot nuyono examine his mouth to mako sure that hu has nctunlly swallowed tlio glass after crunching It be tween his teeth. Tho sunko charmer has one of tho largest dens of sereiitB exhibited hero. Thoy Include a cobrannd a number of cop er headsand uptimes rnttlo-mtikos They aro in n largo wirocago and the man sits lu their uilil.t, bundling them wlthlmpunliy. Ho has lieen bitten In a great many places, twenty sovoii times by rattlers alone, but sunku poi son seems to have no III elfect on him. Ho discovered this curious fact n few years ago while in Texas. Howes bitten by u rattle snake thirty-two miles from it bouse and ex-K-ctod to die, but, strange to my, tho only ef fect was a little sorenossnt tho place of biting. ol Stone, tho lightning calculator, docs re markable mathematical work. The chief features of the big stage are good bicycle tricks and odd shadowgraphs. The program for next week will lueliiilo several star attractions. Stanley's scout lu his African exploration, Zomasa, is auunuuo ed. Ho was sent to Hiiruum for one of his next so ison'sntti actions, and Is the llrst of his nice seen In Ameilcu, Zun aretta, Into of Kellnr's mystic combination, will give un exhibition In legerdemain. Urny tc Walker s company will produce "Humpty Dumpty." Tho famous llijou qu irlct, acoterloof vnuile villostars, will give a week Ut Lincoln. Among the other features will bo Nlo Cordona, tlie one-man baud; Alf Dorian, the contortionist, Palta Fondy, late of the Allminbrn, luidon; Low Runilall, giotetupio artist, and others, TALK OK TIIK STAOK. tests niul found to meet nil the requirements cxiMvtcd from It, It lifts tho lmiuetio Iron ciirlnlus, raises and lowers the intitiy seel Ions of the stage with any ihgree of rapidity, and jh'i forms tlio sumo service for the painters' frame which covers almost all of tho bank well of the stage. The usefulness of this won. del fni machinery will be demonstrated dur ing the piMuetlon of operas which require great Hceulo effects. It pel forms the work of hundreds of men. An eiiniinous tank In tlio roof contains the water which supplies tho hydraulic rams nnd thirty lovers un the Inter uicdlatn stage control the sower. The following attractions weiu announced for thlsweeklu Now Yoiki litHitli-ModJeskn at the lb oadwny; Seauluii lu "Myles Anion" at tho HUr; "Krinlulo" tit the Casino; Dlxoy lu "Seven Ages" tit the Htundnrtl; "A llrass Monkey" at tho HIJou; ClmrlcM Wynd ham at Palmer's; WIUou llarrett nt the Fifth Avo. ; Doekstnder'smliislielsat Pockslmlcr's; "Aunt Jack" at tlioMiullxm Mipmre; "Hlbo. rln" nt thn Windsor; HairVcS Ftiyut tho Park; "Hlieiiandoali" at Ptoetor's; ClovelnniMInv inly inlu-ttols ut Fourtrciilh stns't; Demuaii Thti'iipsor, nt thu Aoulemy; "Ivnjanka" tit Nlblo's; "The Oivnt Unknown" it I Dnly's; Nell llutgess In ' Uouiily Fair" nt the Un ion Bqii'ire; Vtiudevlllont Tony Pastor's ; Co ra Tanner lu "Faselualloii" at the Peoplu's; "Hands Across tho Ken," ut tliuGraud ojiei'n; German plays and operas tit Andiorg's; John Wild mid Dan Collyer lu "iluiiulug Wild" at tho Comedy; "The Charity Hall" nt tho Lyceum, liuurn Dainty, who was secretly married to Fio I Pel ha in In Mllwnukco, has hail u slot in- tossed life fioui her days of elocution to her stauoctieer lu "Tlio Mount tin Pluk" ami I other plays. Kor the pist two ynr she lias taken udviiuttrgo of tho New Yin k fad of tell ing stories nt evening parties In the mansions of elite. Mrs. Dainty utteudtsl as an invited idlest, nud when asked by the hostess would recite or toll n tale, and upon dopai ting would find lu her glove a VM or (100 note, as thu case mny bo, Young Fred Pollutm Is n well known maimgorof concerts nud lecture tours. Pnttl snllisl from LiverHol on tholi7th for Chicago to osju tho new Auditorium. It is said that tho pi Ice of seats at the Motroplltan oporn houso, Now Yoik, on the Pnttl and Tninaguo nUlils will be seven dollars oio h Paul's recent conceits ut Albert Hall, Lou-, don, were llnancl illy as successful us ever, but It Is rumorisl that her voice shows signs of wear, though Loudon criticisms deny tills entile report. On hor Hint night in Chicago she will slt.g "II lino, Sweet Homo." Fanny Oavunportlms an on tiro new ward rnlMi for "La Ttisca" this season. Tho drosses were mndo by Woith expressly for this sea sou's tour, and aro sild to bo uvon llu-r than those worn last season. Ulllo Akersiiom, who bus made n big bit in Now York und thu east, is expected nt Funko's soon in "Annette, tho Dancing Oh I." for this Impiovomcut. Itlstmlly nxplnluid nud given In six wind, vl.i Mis Odell now superintends the culdiie. The breakfast us usual remains on the Eu ropean plan mid ou pay Just for what you eat nothing more, niul I ho prices mo even lower than the lunch counters. If y. ti havo not tiled Odell's meals lately j on know not how to Judge good living, Ho hns always hud the repiitat'ou of setting it good table, but iiiidouhlislly ho tines belter now Hutu ever, Try tiilln.ierniidsee. MAGAZINES AND PAPERS. The tisuiug paper lu the December Maya xin of American UIhIw Is tin uitlolu by tho editor giving nskituliof I .old Droughniu's early career, during tho Infancy of our Ho publio, with vivid H)ifpluliiiesof his contain pontiles nud Mitiouudliigs, thu establishment of the h't 1 1 nl i ii mh Ueelnw, nud the inarilagu of Its editor In New Yoik City. The third contilhutloii Is "The Story of lliave, lltautl ful MnrgiiretHcluiyler," n nluii tiling historic ballad, from the Jhoi of diidgu Chan. O. Nutt, of Washington, Curiously interesting is tho article following of It. W, Shelfeldt, "Thu Drawings nt ti Navajo At tint," illustrated with the Indian pcnull; as Is also the "Acros tic by John Ojilucy Adanw," lit fiiu-slinlle, ODDS AND ENDS. Persons wishing to buy dolls fcr holiday gifts should wait for the fair of tlio W. 11. V. and G, A. H., which will boheldatllohanun's hall Dee. 17, 18 and 10. Mrs. Iludy ltlielan df null Miss Floionco Drown will hnvochaige of a liooth tlovoted to dolls, and thoy aro now busy (Iresslug u larco niimlier of them. Ouu of tho features of the booth will ben display of "The 0.d mil the Now." The founor will bo roprvS'titetl by n doll about sixty flvujeais old given lo Mrs. II W. Drown by Imr aunt. The new will bo represented by n modern doll belonging to Miss Drown. Nothing Is more appropriate for n Christ miu present for n married frieu I, than one of those llu j carving s-.ts. II. J. Hall & Dio. haven tie iiitlful linuof these, of unique de sign ut pi lues that are very low. Coni pure tin Cjitury original drawings wltli the ilimtraviniw s they upsMr In the magazines, which liw lladon Ait club bus for iiwptwUon lu tlie.'iiiaie chamler. Lutdles will Ibid a coniiluto lluo of the celo brutvd Gray Hros.' Innlti1 lino shoes at J. .. Urisw's, Vi) UsM'iit. Dr. 0. JJ. Maunhig. oillco rooms (KJ-07-0.S, Durr block. Telephone U,(0, llesideuco Cor, 30tti and F, Telephone HM. .Over a thousand (Mirsous have vlsltod the exhibition of the Hiiydou Art club at the sou nte clminlKr of the cupiud, und It Is itdmliu bly fuilllllng itspurpoeo: that of art educa- Thobcst place in the city of Lincoln to get good board is ut Drown' cute. You have u great variety to select from und the prices are reasonable. An ofllchtl program, preliminary to tho grout season (if Italiuu opera lu ibis country dm Ing th.t coming winter, has Iksiii Issued by Mr Atiliey nud Mum! (imu, und It prom ises n company unprecedented In the number of siiigoisaud in their individual iclonrity. Adelln.t Pnttl heads the list, the other ladles being Alhaul, Nordica, Valdii, I't-ttlglnno, Fnbbrl, HynnerlH-rg, llmierini Inter nnd Gob (Una. Thu tenors tire Tatnngiio, Huvulll, VI ciiii, Peillglnl, Viiunl nud lileletto. The bar itouts, ltd by Del Piu-nte, Include Mnrescal eld, Zitrdound Carboue, while the baso are Marcassa, Novarn, Cnsteliuiiry, Migbain, VuM'iieltl nud Luclnl. Tho chorus of eighty urrived lu New York last week under chnrgo of MnuilceGreii. Thu oicliestrnof sixty will Imj directed by Atilltl and Haplo. Twenl) seven standard oierns are included lu the reHrtolro the composers represented Isjlng Gounod, Verdi, Donizetti, llel'lnl, Meyerbeer, lt'ssliil, Wagnir ("Iihengi In"), Hizet, Mo zirt, A.TIionris.Holtonnd DolllHs("liliino'). Thu M'Osou wilt oiieu next wu.k at the Chica go AudlUirium, und before tetiirnliig to New York the troupe tuny go as far ns Bun Fran cisco. Tlio Italian opra season lu Now oi k will not begin until tuo cloo of the Geiiuuti scison in March next. Tho sale of seats foi opera in Cliictn by the middle of last week had intromited to fclt'J.OOO. Pi evident Hurt t sou will nlteud ou Deceiubei' 10 the ojienlog night of thu oiiern 8' nsoii, when "Komoo ai'd Juliet" will be snug with Pnttl, The Audlto- liiim will be foriually opemsl with tipeeches and u PutU concert on thu bth. The Audlloiluin, Chicago's now theater, is to be oiKMicd Monday. There was some doubt of its readiness ut that dole on account of the stage furnishings. The scenery arrived only a short time ago fiom Vienna. There are 150 great scuio drops, and each cue had lo Im) iiiii oiled mid examined, some to Imj stoied away for futuiu use, some to Im hung on steel battens ovi-r Hid stago for service during the Hi st night of the comic opera season. Thu hydruuila uiuchiuery has Uou put to sevetu Thote now ten kettles Just received nt II. J. Hall& tiro's. lt'JOO streot, will attract tho attention of every lady. I'hoy tiro presented In brass, copper or nickel. See thorn in our show windows. Hook orders nh-ad for Sunday livery lu ordor to get u rig nt the Palsco Stables. The autoty)es on exhibition in tho Beuiito clinmlNir are uprrsluctlnus from many of the greatest masters. I.Hilles' L'oliiplexloii I'liwder. Miss Johnston, tho hair drestier, 1114 O street, has just receive 1 an Invoice of the Felix Olivine's face Miwder, of the " Iji Duehi-ss" nmke. This owder Is a most de lightful adjunct to tho toilet nud owing to its medical qualities Is of groat value In tlio-cure of eradication of plmplot, blotches, mole, freckles, oto. It diirers hi effect from nil other complexion powders, In that itdoes not produce u dry nud pnrclusl npiwiiinuco, but gives tho face t hit soft and velvety look, so natural to youth and good health. It is pie-, pared lu three colors viz: flesh, white nud hrtiuotb', and imparts a lsMiutlful transpar ency that Is free from anything that could osslbly injure tho skin. S imples cheet fully given to all ladles at Miss Johnston's hair dressing parlors. Grniiietlrou waro uinkes tho neatest, clean est nml most durable utensils for the kitchou Cull and see a full lino ut H.J. Hall & Urn's. 1120 O streot. Duffslo III I hns received tempting offer to Uko his shov to St. Petersburg. Illacklng tho noso as a preventive of snow blindness sm'ms to have Imkjoiuo rccogulsed as tuccemful. At tho mayoralty of Ilerthecourt, Kr¬, babies tire now baptized lu tho nnmo of the republic, und so duly registered. Now York skeptics sty that n largo part of thu reed birds served lu restaurants now ar really blackbirds, which are plentiful in the tails at fifty cents a dozou, Mnrgory wm playing with the kitten and all at once reoslvcd a severe scratch. 8h looked nt tho ugly rod line, then she stretchod out hor hand toward tho kitten and sold, sternly i "Titty, dlv mo that pint" In ojqicrlinrnts on the solublllfy of glass la water, jihimblferous Hint glass was found to bo tho least soluble, und the relative resist ance of glasses was different toward hot nnd cold water. Postal clerks say that tho abbreviations ot tho names of the new states lu letter nddroHsea aro likely to load to a good ileal of confusion. The safest and best way Is to write out Mm noma of the state In full. The results of recent exjiorlmouU lit the Mediterranean, showing how far daylight will pcnotrpU) tho water, wero found with golatlno-brotnldo plates, Tho greatest depth was 1,518 feet, or !tt7 feet short of the Halt assigned some years ago. Callfornlnus proviso to restore and keep In good condition Butter's Fort, whoro Califor nia gold was first discovered. A hall con taining rollcs of the pioneer cm will proba bly be erected on tho lines of tho old fort. Tho first lighthouse on this continent of which there is nny rocx-rd was built at the entratico of lloston ha, lor In 1710, nt the ex pense of the colony of Massachusetts bay. It was supported by a lighthouse due of one cnny )er ton on all vessuls pawing. , Coal Is the residue of vast forests burled la tho earth during an Immense number of years. Those forests were couqiosed mostly of enormous ferns and trees somewhat akla to our firs. Tho turf or stat In formation at the present day Is very young coal not yet burled. Thn plants of which It I composed aro still recognizable Tho city of Charleston, B. C, charges a U censo of $100 for Chinese laundries. Several Cbinnmcu refused to pay tho tax, and tholr laundries have boon sold out by the sheriff. Tho crusade against tho Mongoli Is urged In the Interest of tho negro vroim ,i who bow do most of tho washing of thu city, ThoiUsqsjst or gravosttono that It Is pos sible for us to hour has thirty-two vibrations por second, tlio highest, tho shrillest, bu about 70,000. Man's volco can scarcely go below u sound that gives IGI vibrations por second, nor woman's voice higher thou 3,083 vibrations jior second; but you children go much higher than that in tho shrill cries you sometimes utter. The nobbiest turnouts that tiro seen on our thoroughfares tiro fiom tho Palace s to bios. Telephone No, 4V, Stables ou M street op- ioslto Masonlu temple. Among thu incidents of childhsod that stand out in bold relief, as uur memory re verts to the days when we wero young, uono aio more prominent than severe sickness. The young mother vividly romciulHrs tint it was CIiiiiiiIm'i Iain's Cough Hemedy curisl tier of croup, and In ttiiiiudmliiistersit to her own ollVpriiig and always with the best success, For sale by n. U niuuier. Pocket cutlery, In Ivory, ivarl end fancy wctsl li'iudlos and tho very best steel blades in liirge vailuty at II. J. Hall & lira's. U'M O street. SIiiih Case 1'or .Sale, Several counter show cases of several sizes all for salo cheap at tho COUUIKU oillco. Cull anil see them. Pi Ices will suit. Max Meyer rt Co., of Omaha, dosiro to in form tholr friends throughout tlo statu that they mo closing out their entire stock of jewelry, watches, diamonds, etc. They have decided to discontinue the retail business en tirely nud will devoto their fututu efforts nnd solentteiitlon to the wholesale tlepaitment. Auction sales dally at 10 a. in., i-'.ISO and 7:.'X) p. m., and sMK.'ial provisions are nmdofor ladles. Trains ou the 11. & M. lenvo Lincoln in the morning so as to reach Omaha at 0:10 and return at six in the evening, thereby al lowing Mil-sons desiring to attend to Imi pres ent at i sitli morning and afternoon sales. Max Meyer & Co.'s Jowolry stock is consld ciod tho Idlest in tho west nnd If you want mi) thing Una lu that lino for Christmas presents or yourself, now is thu time to mako your bid. Old trunks made as good us new or taken In trade for now ones tit trunk factory 308 .so must., tel. utw. wirrkk & Hopper. Also a flue lino of trunks, valises, etc. Mutter lllllli liver. Several months ago Mr. S. J Odell, propri etor of Odoll'H Kpulnr dining hull, announced an Hdiiiimi In Is) ml to it. 50 foe twentv-ono tickets, tit the same lime tvy-urli) nif patrons nnd the luibllu tliut ho wulcl fuvv m oven iH'ttor than fnriueil.V, Aiicsvttvi'itloiis havo b.x'ii fully lived up lo, uml p,.uro Is ueard on uvi ry hand regit nJli(; the yrit Im provement lu uvorythlug nlwiiii tin) dining hall and tmrtlcuhirly tho table. Tho fouiur low rate would not admit of ) lacing tlio bent incuts before the guests, but now there is none oo gtod for Odell's boarders. Tho varhty Is no greater, but by la much letter und the s-rvlce jxir excellence, And business, too, lias Iksii constantly on the incioase, and it is a not leva nlo fact that many who have boaid tsl nil summer nt the loading hotelsof the city now enjoy life three times dally ut Odell's. Perha it illicit be well to glvo some reason Winger & McGahy for Coal, Coke and Wtssl. l'.ij North Eleventh street. Tele phone SSM, Wo sell a ladles' kid shoe every day for fl such as other houses claim thoy havo reduced to $1.50. Wo aro satisfied with a small profit and therefore sell nil kinds of boots and shoes at such prices tliut ho cannot give n discount. Cull mill set us. J, '.. ltriscoo, litt) O street. Notice or Publication. To John K. Illackniar, noii-resUlentdofond-ant: You will take not Ire that ou thoBtb dny of December, ls9, Dolllo lllucknuir, plaintiff, tiled tier petition lu thu district court of Lan caster county, N ebraskn, against you. the ob ject and prayer of which are to obtain a dl vorco from you for desert Ion. You uro hereby required to answer said pe tition on or before the Will day of January. lbllO. 1)01.1.1 K 1IL.AUKMAU, Ity Cyrus 1. Kllck, lieruttoruer. Dated Lincoln, Neb,, Dec. U, 189, 1 w v