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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1889)
ttvw " tw we B.'yy'yrTwip'yH'wT'yw.i. ,?, " V" TT ' r ""W CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1889 k m kl Sr, u. HK -K fc v -If. - If ii- 14 y B- I' fcv k"J . (W fcA B Don't Fail to Look. A big Cut in Prices throughout our Entire Stock ! Overcoats Cheaper thnn ever known. The prices on Suits are way clown. UNDERWEAR, big assortment and prices clown. MEN'S ALL WOOL CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS at $7.50. Cannot be bought elsewhere for less than $10.00 to $r.2.oo. We back up every statement we make. Call and be convinced. Globe One-Price Clothiers, Cor. O and Tenth Sts. Tim Lincoln llykrr. Walton I anxious to hear from tlio Vlolor safety. Ho will maho tlio Itoya rustle out on tlio road. K Imlston ha bought Inn tnnchluo IwieV. Ho says ho Is In lovo wllli tlio Now Mnll ntul Its ball head. Hulllvon, tlio long-distance rider, Is going to OniHlia Bimdny on that now Kagloor know mo reason wny, Kelley linn quieted down mid In now rending law in the City Attornov'souico. Moanwhllo tlio "lee-wagon" Ik resting. Tin flub room linn leen moved to -I.TJ South Eleventh street, n much lietter location, Bomo oi inn memuoiY nro iiissaiisiteii, however. It In understood tlint "I'nlly" went to Coun cil llluffs.last Monday, where ho linn accepted n rcioiisll)lo position a book-l(Mior for n large linn. Tlio wenther ormtttlng,tho Imys will prob nbl V CO to Omnliii tomorrow. Tlin liovn ulnmlil nil turn out, mid show tlio Omahogs how to innKo n nun run, Messrs. Urnln ntul Vnn Horn have received tliolr now tniidem safety, nnd tlioy nro conse quently happy. Tlio machine in n lienuty mid tlio girls tuny do oxcctIiig invitations to rldo ntnny tlino. The knowing one say that there will lio nuothcr tandem in town by spring. Tlio loan collection of ulctuies which tlio Havdon Art rluh placed on exhibition In tlio Henata Chnmbvr last Tuesday evening will lio open every day from 2 to 0 and rront T.'M to 10 p. in. O110 of tlio inombcniof tlio club will bo In attendance each tiny to receive visitor and It Is IiohxI nil Interested In tlio work of the great iiMstcnrntid tho bout Illustrator of tlio present day will attend this exhibition. Catch tho Uabbltl ANNOUNCEMENT! We wish to say to Lincoln Ladies that we sell The Celebrated Gr.iy Bros.' Shoes. We handle the best makes in all styles of Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes. BRISCOE & COOK, 1329 0 STREET. Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Canon City Whitebreast Walnut Springs AND ANTHRACITE. PkJBIM6Si3rMBC.-vv . Telephone 234. Lime Hair Plaster Cement Office, 109 South Eleventh St. In Temporary Quarters. Barfs Jewelry Store Removed To 1036 N St., bet. 10th and nth. A new nnd elegant line of Jewelry juit opened Including WATCH ESi CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, ETC., FOR THE HOL D-ATST TZESXJIKL In our present location rent Is very low and we are therefore enabled to sell all goods at a much lower price than other houses. Don't fail to call nnd sec us. Prof. HoldoH's Orchestra furnished any number of pieces for concerts, balls, parties, weddings, etc. Onico fi'JO rJotith 13th. lelo phonoodl, Adams, Lansing & Hcott, nttoruoys, rooms 'JO, 21 nnd 'i, Lattn Illock. Gentlemen' Full Dress. A. Hurlbut & Co. offer for snlo tailor mndo Full Dress coat nnd vest for (10 nnd $20. These, goods nro mndo up in fine stylo and equal to any offered by tailors nnd costing t'Xi to fT0. It costs nothing to look nnd lie con vinced, so drop In nnd satisfy yourself of thosu bargains. Catch tho Ilnbbltl Full dross shirts, kid gloves, tho correct thing In evening neckwear and everything proper for society gatherings may Iw found nt Hurlbut & Co'b., corner Tenth mid P streets, nnd tho fact that this firm has commenced closing out tho entire stock, makes It doubly interesting to buyers of this class of goods. Grand Fur opening nt Asliby & Millspatigh's November 14, 15 nnd 10. I'll II I)re Vents. Satin, low cut vests, silk brocadoand other styles at Hurlbut & Co'h. cor. Tenth and P streets. They nro selling tho finest vests for 1 1.00. They nlso enrry n suporl) lino of 8haw Knit, fast color, bluck hose for evening wear. Every gentleman accustomed to dancing, knows that theNoare tho best and only proper things to wear. Who the Fuvorlten of Fortune ure Lately. Ticket No. WJ,8.'0 drow tho first capital prlzo of $300,000 In tlio SiOd grand monthly drawing of Oct. 15th, 1880, in tho Louisiana State Lottery. It was sold In fractional tarts of twentieths nt f 1.00 each, sent to M. A. Dauphin, Now Orleans, La. Ono to Goo. M. Walton, Shnrou Vnlloy, Conn. ; ono to MarN ana Ilomero, Santa Barbara, Cal.; ono to Geo. W. Lnno, Forrest City, Ark. : ono to T. H. Neely, Digbyvlllo, Twin.; ono to G. P. Talliott, Danville. Va.;ono to Aug. J. Miller, 1417 S. Twelfth St , St. Louis, Mo.; ono to D. II. Cheney, Fort Smith, Ark.; ono to W. P. Faucetter, Campliellsvllle, Ky., etc., etc. Ticket No. 71,!17!1 drew tho second capital prizo of $100,000, nlso sold in fractional twen tieths nt $1.00 each; oim to Handy Moham med, 128 Clinton Place, N. Y.; ono to J. H. Geildos, Murray, Pa.; ono to Cora Rogers, riouth Mend, Ind, ; ono to Norton County Bank, Norton, Kas. ; ono to a correspondent through Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Dank, San Francisco. Cal,; ono to Bowery Bank, Now York, N, Y, ; one to K, L, Humes, Harnuin, Tex ; ono to M. M. Jordan, Greenville, S. C. ; ono to a depositor Louisiann Nat. Bank, Now Orleans, La., etc. Tho 235th grand monthly and extraordinary drawing will tak placo Tuet-day, Decomlier 17th, 1889, when prizes ranging up to JGOO.OOO will bo scattered broadcast everywhere. Full Information will bo given by M. A. Dauphin, Now Or leans, Ln., on application. Do not Ira left this time. New Cur for the It. ft O. Tho Baltimore & Ohio It. It. Company has recently given an order for four additional trains of Vcstibulod Cars, which will bo placed in service between Now York and ChU cago before the close of the present year. Tho Baltimore fc Ohio now operates a dally Vcs tibulod snrvlco between Chicago nnd New York and between Cincinnati ami Now York, and this now equipment will glvo them a double dally vostlbuled service on their Chi cago line. The constant Improvement being made In its roadway, motive power and car equipment by tho present management of the B. & O. is rapidly bringing tho pioneer rail road of America Into popular favor as a pas senger rnuto between tho east and tho west. PIANOS All the Latest and most Popular Musical Compositions may be found at ORGANS i i i ' --' CURTICE & THIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH 11TH STREET. HEET MUSIC Large Stock of the leading American made Guitars. Piano Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to. NOVELTIES Will Remove December 1st, to New Harris Block, 1130-32 N Street, WESSEL PRINTING CO, THE YANKEE TAR AN AMERICAN SEA SONG. r. i ' Mf Sung by Mr. Al Bellman in " Two Old Cronm," and published through The American Press Asso ciation by permission of the Author and his Publisher, It. A. Saalleld,U Union Square, .V. J'. . Words and Muslo by JOHN do WITT. m Moderate. 3pf :m-H: fr mm m 2 w 1. Oh, tho bravo Yankee Ur Is mar 2. When grim death Hoora'd tonmlloat Be ll All our nalla tlioy are ml and oar 4. By tho ond of tho week, with Auk feMisiiMp i M jfe p Kr-fr -bfc m m v v- Ufcr-lngby rr rhn mil .or Dram whal-or, uILIdk o'er tho bluo noa 'Neath tho flag that w tan. a a groon lslo, Without guards thoy inanntxl yanla with tho roofs looming nigh, ' Toll tho bam! now to It-cka thoy are wot With tho aprer from tlio bay... daah-lng o rer tho raUa: Wo l.avo boon un dor an-chor a . poak, With fair wind wo shall find a Boft.. berth In a bay, Whoro our at ila wa shall W0 feIMIsfefefefe lovo, an It floata thoro above. Our eoa-man, bold frooman, la tho lad dear to mo. Py, ut mo oiu uag icMiay," uamo command thus to stand, and llko... froo men to dlo. I n. , weigh Bluco tho break or tho day, Kv ory brace in Its plaoo ao'a to... wca thor tho gale, f ou"' furl, and wo'll boo tho awect girl, Ev or dear far and near, who wllL . . alng us thla lay ' gsi3p SPS m m I'M'1"' I a ' .J Wkt44U&fZ Tho Yan koo boy la tho tar for mo, FJur-rah. boya, hur-rahl Hur-rah, boya, hur-rahl Ho'atha P. P & z: 2: X 1 F 2E rn xy BAhkm bray oat lad ev or aall'd tho sea, Our-rah boya, hur-rah, hur rah I Uur Sp (jSr-j- HJ HJ fmmH$m g m gpp rf--JN-r?fffe) r r r if j i rah boya, bur- rah I. For tho winds may blow a stiff hur n cane, oh I But HrHrPm dE HP 3-4 -1 i-i i ' F 3 J-i- - - i - 4r 3FSF p r- nr-nr m lit tlo hc'U bo car ing With hla trust In tho Lord and good captain a . board. None , z at r? ?&$&$ 4 !at if-i y X X- li 3 - g 2 5s: r x X: Oi 3 'ft f ln z: 3: oth cr half ao dar Ing. nono oth er half ao dar Ing HH mjm 3FEs: dljse Oopyrkt, 1869, by Jotia da WW. J