Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1889)
I'-'wpaip'' tffffvi hkjT Wt' f-rSF1 "ussy --TnRf r- ffv .-,- aayhis.'-fr . wM.Jii-rJAJrJtrfaUy .Ul. ft,fM" )aMW,.U L L.'JJi MiaBMaaHtoMUL.uuJ. -.--. - - i. . .:. ri r.. r ,- -- .-w'iff- -w ' T" a e w ' " nriwi'" ikpur-x " ' ' "ir 'i " - "fl" I " ' -t yp-liHvV rs 'prj'C""1 ....wijwjniiniymniOniiwi inliillljtWljyJi.Wtli'li.WHll).iulW tr. CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1889 v Ar-."aMr' " fr I sr t r 8 & BR f Grold Coin Base Burners &old Coin Round Oaks Gold Coin Heaters In Endless Variety. M. & D. Round Eire Pot Wrought Steel Ranges. The mosl I'rnctlcnl Knii;o made for Hard Conl or (or Soft See them Before Buying ! FRANK E. LAHR, lUO 1 Bt., Opp. IWolllco. The uniform excellence of the business houses advertising in The Courier is splendid evidence of its popularity as an advertising medium. HENRY M. DOMESTIC ROCK SPRIHGS L E A LEAVITT 00 GANON CITY TRENTON And "OLD LEE" Anthracite. IIS S. 10th Sirttt. Tthpfion 360 OUR WARRANTED SHOE I L. ADIES this line of Fine Shoe -we place on the market and claim them to be the bet line made. Wc WARRANT every pair. They are Hand-made In every respect and arc the Latest Stylet. OUR PRICES: $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 We can SAVE YOU MONEY on . this special line. Please call and sec for yourself, at I. SHERWIN'S Bostom Shoe t Store 1026 P ST. AFTER THE FIRE! Better and Nicer than Ever I CHEVRONTS Lunch & Oyster Parlors -v - jy Now re-opened and ready to serve ftlend, natrons and the public, Call and see us t Y I. CMEUOW, Prtp., ! O St. Union Block. m fr w r i i vr v e Wat fm. IDEA lfcirfJV MLiLv " x y- jir-- ?Wm4F fc ilMi i A l))ilar ISiftfi'of Aftxfrro Timr, PUUCttDHKO SATUMDAY HunscatirioNl On Year by Mull or Csrrlr J,00 81 months, $t,00, Threo months AO Cents, One month 90 Cents Inrnrnlily In Advance, AnvKtiTmiMmrrn! Itrttiw fiirnlnhcsl nn nppllotln at tlit odlon. Hpeclnl rale on Tlmo Contractu. CoNrntntmoNii! Hliort spicy sketches, poems and stories solicited. lVrnoiml mul Roclnl notes are especially deslrahte, I'nlMTlin) We make a specially of Fine Printing In all IU lirittiohe. Hoclrty work a speclslty. Acldrevt all communicAtlons direct to the nflloe. WlCRHlCL, PRtNTINQ CO, I'lHIMHIIKIIH. Now llurr Hlok, Cor. tilth ami O Hirer'.. TKI.IU'llONKiVi I Wkhski., Jit., Editor nnd Bolo Proprietor. Kurd IIrnmnokii, Associate Editor POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 60,000. O. O. llKt.t. of this city ha boon appointed iloputy secretary of state. Tiik territory of Washington becamon stato lant Monday, nml tho old ling will now havn forty-two stars. O'IIhikn of Ht, Louis, (alitor nml owuur of thu American Urlt, wait In the city till" week, ft guest of John Fltrgorald. Hon, (Iii.iikutIj, IjAWH.coiiRreBsinanolcct, resigned as weretnrv of state last Saturday afternoon, and on Monday Deputy Hanjatnln Cowdry won npolntcd by tho govornor to 1111 tho vacancy, NtcniUHKA haa n rnro curiosity : A man who h m rvfnwHl nn olllco. Ho li William Fcnlon, a lUchnnWit county farmer. Hov cniio Collector Potent apM)lnted him n atoru kwjH'rat nn Omaha dUtlllory, but ho do cllnid, RnyhiK ho won not after nn olllco. Tits Holiday Couiukh will bo ono of tho mont uotnhlo iH'cIil otlltlons ever ItMued by a wwkly Mnr In tho west. Boms of Its feat ures nru noted elsowliei-e. It will nlxo lmvo n tumlviino covrr lu tliroo colors from nn orig inal deNlgn. TI10 work of engraving Is now under w 11 y hi Chicago. Tub banking board haa -mado a atnteiuent showing tho following fnctat Of stato banks -capital stock, fil.WS.tXWj deptvsltn, W,fc!, OOo; loans and dtNcountM, fMll,()0a; caxh on hind, f.VVI,00), Of prlvuto bidka-cnpltal, V170,OUO; deiWKlts, $H,I7,01X) loans and dis counts, $115,1X17,000; cash m hnud, tl,:ilfl,000. About twontyllvo well known profowilon ul men of Lincoln im-t ut Mr. W. J. Ho a ' homo the other evening mid oignnlz'-d n Ilouud Table. Thu piiroo N In moet so ul inouthly and discuss iiiioi taut Ishucm of tho dny. Tho next nuetlug Mill bo with Mavor Sawyer n ek from Monday, Postmaster Wiitklns Is seciL'lary of tho club. Tiik punctilious gontleman who wrltea long editorial for tho Journal Is supposed to abhor a "break" that mny mnr tho lonmed reputation of that pajnir as gnvitly as a very elderly maiden Is reputed to resent an untidy houso. Hut ho fell Into an error In n lending article a few days ago that forced n smllo to eroHM tho faces of many penioiiH. Ho attempt ed a sovero ci'IUcImii uimxi Miss Frnucco AV1I- lard and wroto"Mrs." WlllardlnthreoplacoH In tho sumo article, proving It n caso of Igno- ranco or careleHsnctis and no fault of tho type, which generally tko tho blamo for editorial blunders of this character. PiiKi-AiUTiONS for the Holiday Couhikii are now well In hand, and wo are warruutod In promising our readers a flue literary and artistic treat. Among tho features will bo n large engraving llluitratlng a number of paintings by famous artists. Among them will be shown Jules Breton's "An Evening In tho Hamlet of Flntatore." This palming at one time belonged in the gallery of George I. Be toy, tho New York millionaire, and cost about 130,000. Hchrey will bo represent ed by "Snowbound," Vautlors by "Bringing Homo the Bride,' Hans Duhl by "Cro-slng tho Ford" dud Orison by "A Market Day." The engraving will bo done in the dell-ate halt-tone process from photographs made di rect from tho original painting. Another largo engraving, "Friend of Kris Krlngle," will show about fifty beautiful children m about as many attitudes. This will ulso Ito in tho half-tone procoaj. This Is but a small pal t of the artlstlo features of the Holiday Cou HIKH. The women of tho W. C, T, U, are now haying a tnsto of politics. At tho Chlcagu meeting tho other day Mrs. J, Ellen Foster of Iowa offered nn amendment to tho consti tution dellulng the objects of tho union to Ih to interest nud unite the Christian women of tho nation In uon-tctrian, non-partisan tem perance work for tho reformation of tho In temperate nnd tho education of public senti ment on txthalf of total alxtlneuco and tho prohibition of tho trafllo In alcoholio lhmor; tho suppression of vice and crime and tho ed ucation of tho masses In tho duties and re sponsibilities of good cltitenshtp. Tho amend ment was defeated and later In tho day a reso lution by an Iowa woman declaring against a third party movement was alto voted down. At tho evening setttlou Mrs. Foster read a long protest on tvhalf of tho Iowa delegation, setting forth that they luid met rebuffs and Insults until forlxxirAiico had ceased to lo a virtue At tho conclusion of tho reading tho eutlrolowa delegation left tho hall. Miss Willard spoko briefly about tho bolt, saying this outcomo had Ion boon expected and that the forbearance of tho W, C. T. U. in tho matter bad uo equal hi history. Tho conven tion then adopted a resolution authorizing tho executive committee to Immediately tako steps to reorganise tho union In Iowa. This k a excltlag as a political fight IJ00I) TASTE IN DRESS. IT 13 8HOWN IN PLAINNESS OF MAKE AND MATERIAL Tim Wnrilriilin nf lm Itol I)rfiil (llrl In Nrw Vol It llrarrlbfid for the UmiHlIt of l.mly ItnidKrn Siinm Sftulblr llrspn for tint l.lllln (llrl. RepMI Correii)onilene,l Nrw Yoiik, Nov U. IamMhk over tho (lies of fitslilon mngnr.lnen of tho last fifty years, ono ennnot but bo htruok by thu fact that tho fashloim of today nro based upon a stutdy coininon lento and n In'ttcr regard for tho Unions nf thing than ut any other tlmo, forbore toforo tho most olabornto of tho dresses and thu limit miHiiltnlilo materials wcro worn In thu street, nnd at nil hours of tho tlay, whllo now mornlnir. homo nnd street costumes nro nil of plain material, simply tnndo. CARIIMKllK (10WNH. Very many of tho best drcaaed ladles who tuny bo said to almost act tho fash ion hero have comparatively fow drcssos, but ouch ono Is perfect after Its kind. I know ono young lady wIioho ancestors wcro ntuong tho llrst toaettlu Now York, nnd who is nn acknowledged Ixdlo, nml her immo Is nhvnys coupled with tho title of one of tho most tastefully dressed girls In this city, nnd she told me her secret, nml It Is ouo which I feci quite, justified In giving to tho world. She thinks a long whllo Iwforo she decides ujKm buying a dross, nnd when alio llnnl ly chooses, It Is of plain material, lunolld colors, nml that n dnrk ono always for out doors, nnd sho chooses Htandard col ors lllto gray, brown or very dark blue Tho gown U made for thu first uensou with nmpIuBelf drapoiles. Next season this can, If necessary, to bo strictly in stylo, bo slightly ulteied; tho third 'sea sou it Is remade with it littlo bright trim ming to freshen it. nnd dm following sen sou it can bo entirely iciuodeled nnd homo combination of other material made. Her gowns nn always nmdo up I., styles which list, with very slight changes, for tlirv nr four years. Her hnts nnd bonnets hIio innkes her.scir, which gives her u s.icy enough out of her allowance to li.ivo njco fresh gloves, thu neatest of boo,.uuul nn abundance of seasonable under jarmenU, nnd those iliilntv little t villi's nro oo attractive. She has n ten gown of crape, nnd figured sill: that eho somehow manages tochange materially ovcry season, and which is thu admiration of her friends. She has a dinner gown of warm, brown nrmuro silk, embroidered lavishly in gold thread mil yellow silk. Shu has n dancing dress of red tlssuu nnd another mado up out of tho best of two others of palo bluo brocade and yellow lace. Sho has a tweed ulster four sea sons old, but always new by reason of good enro, and deft transfer of trim ming, pretty evening wraps nnd a jaunty sealskin jacket, and sho has a handsome black faille dress which sho can wear to a funeral or n wedding, nnd this, in fact, Is about the limit of her wardrobe, with ono or two plain but pretty houso dresses. But because each gown Is exactly adapted to lu uses, nnd is kept neat nnd in order, her name has gone abroad as n fine dresser, when sho actually does not spend on her whole wnrdrobe in ono year what I have seen others pay for n single dress. Her latest tiiumph is the em. brotdoring of her brown nrmuro und ro making it, as is shown in tho model, into a beautiful dinner dress. Another just such a triumph Is shown in the dress bo sldo hers, which Is mado of green cash mcro, surah and embroidered ladles' cloth. KOK TIIK IJTTf.E OXE3. Here is the gist of all this sermon, No womnn ought to let others choose for her what sho is to wear, nnd it is not an ex travagant wasto of time for any woman to think well over her clothes, and plan them out carefully beforehand, so that one garment will bear a familiar relation to another and not look as if she had borrowed garments from all her neigh bora. I Intended to say much more nud also udd a few words regarding little girls' gowns, but thero is room now only to say that hero are two verv O little dresses for growing glils. s of striped flannel, with surah yoke nud puffs, nud full vest; the other of liuir lino wash surah, with a J.iuket trlnnu'.'d with tho new crochet Van Dvck braid, Doth are very uainty afiU kTrlUh, and susceptible of many varfatjons In the way of material or trimming. OUVK IlAKl'ER. 1 1 vvTv!- wi IIIP.' i . ' ar tvfcA V ! '1 1 1 aliA mmwK b A 1 1 li iflSflKtililirrtV nml 11 ill InSliii Wu 13 M BIMIIp GMUnOlOERED SCREEN!) Dxilgn for Two Vnrjr I'rnltjr t'ltoM of Neixlln Work. Tho design for tho single flroplaco screen given lu this column Is just suited for tho very newest stylo of rich embroidery The ground should bo of colorod "art satin;" tint tho dosign with two shades of olive green, than with soveral similes of roe silk, varying from (Mile straw color running through tho yellows down to golden brown, embroider tho wholo design lu dlfferont kinds nf jKittit lace stitches, some parts Iwlng very open Tho main parts, that, as It woro. sumiorl tho design, must Ikj much mora solid H'hor over anything like a circle Is Introduced, crochet the silk over a metal ring of a ulre to fit tho (Hxltlou It Is to occupy, thou sow tho ring so covered (Irmly lu Its plaeo with fine snwlng silk This method eurlchos tho work to an minuting degroe, and is quickly done Thoxo rings, obtnlimlilo In many sizes, can bo substituted with good effect for the littlo tri angles ornamenting the border Tho linos on either side of the bonier should bo of Japan eso gold curd put on In tho way already do scribed Tho space txitwooii tho Iwnlor and tho framo should bo of ollvo green phmh If prcforrttl, tho design can bo executed lu lustra eolorsoii moleskin, volvotor plush, but this style, though effective, U somuwliat out of data KlIOSV BOHRKN WITII PAri.or FRKNCrt RIB-HO.- KMUHOIUKHY Tho dosign for ft single panel screen In this column U of exactly tho kind required for tho French ribbon embroidery, which Is at pros out soinothlng of n novolty In this country, Rxqulxlte spoclmous of this charming work are to Ikj wjii at the Decorative Art socloty's rooms, whoro tlioy may bo studied with ad vantage by any ono atom to undortako this kind of embroidery. Tho materials needed are French ombroldory ribbon (somotlmos callod China rlbboi.i in two or throo widths, In plain colors, and ulso stiadod this shading holp greatly the gonoral offoct of tho color ing I'lno sowing silk matching tho rlblons will also Ih ueodod, and It will ho necessary to lmvo winio ombroldory silks to bo used for pirts of tho design not suited for tho use of ribbon Tho ribbon should bo kopt entirely on tho front of tho work, which glvoi it a raised ap (K'nraiiea. For rows and double flowers, tho raised elToct Is further Incroasod by sowing the Milium In loops, following tho outlines of the leaves, and crowding tho loops togethor as closely ns KslbIo, so that thoy form a rnmiMict mass For slnglofloworsnud leaves, such us pinnies and forget-me-nots, tho rib bon is laid Hat over tho form of the leaf, so on rod ut tho oxtromlty of thu loaf wit!i sow lug silk, and brought back to the center so that tho ribbon Is doubled. Tlu centers of tho flowers nro mado with raided knots In embroidery silks riRxrLACK Bcnncx dcsion roiiPAiNTiNo on EunnoiDEnY. Tho floating ribbons aro put In with Ken ilugtou stitch In single embroidery, as are also the scrolls and conventional parts of the design. In the presont instance it U recom mended to shado tho rolls la ricli goldou tints and the floating ribbon In palo blue on a white or cream colorod art satin. Tho moro colors and variety that can bo introduced into the flowers and follago tho better, and thoro Is scope hero fur Individual tasto and judgmout. Art Amateur A (JiilM Corner. This sketch from The Decorator and Furnish er will show thoso fortumte enough to possess an old clock and some bits of colonial furni ture just bow to arrange them to produce a pleasing effect. The Junior Partington. Little Bessie Fred, what do yuu thlnkl MiC Stokes bad a perplexity fit yesterday, 'Master Fred Perplexity fit I Oh, dear, what i girl I You mean a parallt I stroke. Kxehanga. 1 filfft '-J L'71 T jP-i 1 1 1 1 i,ij i rf n'Ala DBuiii iri;iijO Ladies Kid Gloves. We arc now showing a line of the finest goods in this inc, embracing all the LATEST EVENING SHADES AND IN ALL WIDTHS Prom 12 to 30 Buttons. i NtffflEL rk' .7 When asking for perfect fitting and most durable Gloves see our superb line of Alexandre Kids. They have no equal and always give satisfaction. Ladies will always find an ai tractive line of Furnishings at iAUil T33 t0 139 South Lincoln Savings Bankand Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL, $250,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $500,000. Interest paid on deposits utnnyrato of 5 per cont porannumfornUfullcalandarmonlhs Hares to ront In burglar proof and nro proof vaults, at annual rental of 13 nnd upwards. Money to loan on real estnto and collateral. YOUR 8AVINQ8 ACCOUNT 80M0ITKD HKNItYH. T.RWIfl. A.l'.H.STUAltT, Vlco I'icsldont. rresldent. MAURITIUS Ha! Ha! cSuch Fun! CATCH THE RABBIT This is a most charmlmr came nnd is both cxcltlnrr nnd Inierp.iln.r Tt r..rni.i... joy for the joung and amusement for the It's the Latest Craze East. CALL AND SEE THEM, AND SEE " Whether you can Catch the Rabbit." It costs scarcely nothing. Over a Million already sold in New York. It Sells for Only 15 Cents. J. H. MAURITIUS & CO. 131 South MAURITIUS Closing Out Sale at Cost ! Ashby & Millspauglis. Special attractions this week. Some choice patterns in Dress Goods. An elegant line of Cloaks in. Cloth and Plush. New Dress Trimmings New Furs and Seal Garments. ASHBY & MILLSPAUGH. Geo. A. Crancer & Co. ART AND MUSIC. Pictures, Frames, Artists' Materials Artistic Picture Framing ! New Mouldings. Best Don't Buy a Piano seeing 212 South. BETTS St MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K CAN'N CITY WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE J t 1045 O Street. Eleventh Street. JNO. II. McCLAY, It. WELSH. Treasurer. Toller MAURITIUS old. 11th St. MAURITIUS Work. Prices Low. or Organ before our line. Eleventh. St. WEHVER, I Telephone 440 k I ; J V l i .IMKWMHIIMM