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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1889)
'iyyj'ro TfWfVfiUtiKn ir"rMw"i. V ,-vV V IV .. VS8 ," . . ri.""r:.iT' tCWSWC -'S VV'ViW-w' "V FoFa! LAR PAPER op AX9PERN -TIMES " Voi 41. No. 31 Lincoln, Nbbraska, Saturday, July 13, 1880. Puicic FlVIX OltNTS tmm!mimmlmwwmpv MTMM" -'M'"""'.Jli'"'"rff.i9'..i'' 1 ' i,"A.f' IW si "j r . - - liLSSHJ ;a Si 8 RiS 1H il: -w)ftKjissswfi & ? ess roisW"-; iz "AAS ,,Fw:aL.1j wBsasmm mysze & mmmmm vamb&a&mm&p -. p -oafc . ffiiBaffiBgKfT. sfir - WJ& KSS&!SfSSSS?S V . .' tSsSsrSsiiS jfflES&sg$WjWA !Si2 J. r- -. goo o o r 1 1 1 1 iiHIi ::. ? . f. At . l BYE THE BYE. The reminiscent l'nt 0. Howes of Omaha was in tho city tho other day, nnd ns usual turned tho flash of his dark lantern memory upon tho political history of tho state, l'nt bo been a power In lolltlcs. Ho hni mailo and unmade moro men than Mr. Rosewnter nnd tho lite oven, nnd ho knows moro of tho inside of polltlcnl deals than any other man in Nebraska. Some peoplo will smile incred ulously at these statements, but Bye-the-Bye has the best of authority for making them. They como direct from l'nt himself, and when it comes to politics ho knows. l'nt is an interesting character for nn ap preciative listener. He is 11 Kentucklnn, by the way, which may nccount for some things. But ho went Into the war on tho Union side. It beenmo his duty to tnko homo tho body of tho colonel of his regiment, and ho then first met tho family of his ilenil superior. Tlio ac quaintance led to a closer Intimacy, and in due time l'nt, then n captain, mm rled one of the colonel's daughters. On tho dentil of tho mother he took several small children under bis protection. Among them wns nn infant girl, who nfter living in his fnmlly for nbout twenty yenrs beenmo Mrs. Kent Hayden of Lincoln. Pat has mode a great denl of money in his time. Ho came to Nebraska twenty-odd years ago, nnd two-thirds of his winters have been spent in Washington pushing claims through congress and tho various depart ments. One of his first schemes occurred near tho close of tho war. A Inrgo number of quartermaster's voucheiB wero flouting around in pnrts of Kentucky for wnnt of money to redeem them. l'nt conceived tho idea of buying up a lot ut n discount nnd tak ing his chances of getting them cashed. Ho went to n town near by whero ho had teen a provost mnrshnl nnd wns well liked ami mnde n draft on his father nt Louisville for (15,000. Ho succeeded in getting It cashed and immediately bought up about $18,000 worth of vouchers. lie rusbeddownto Louis ville and through his army connections sue ceeded in getting tho money on his vouchers just in time to savo his draft from being pro tested. It was n smart stroko for a young fellow, a fine bit of lobbying, nnd Pnt has never overcome a tnsto lor tiint kind or work. Our hero wns one of n small party from Omaha nt the laying of the corner stone of the old cnpltol. They drove in cnrrlnges down the Iown side of the river to Platts mouth, thence across country to Lincoln, taking threo days for tho trip. Put bought fort v -two lots in Lincoln for nbout ?2,WW. Shortly afterwards a man living in Johns town, Pa., got a list of the lot and olrered to buy . Tho sale was made at $5,000. Years afterwards rat received a letter from J . u. McMurtry asking what ho would tnke for his interest in a certnin lot thnt had been sold for taxes. He denied owning n lot here. While , in tho city subsequently ho looked Into the matter and found that the lot; hnd bo- u omit ted by the Johnstown mun in mnklug his list Pat wrote to Johnstown, but wns informed that his patron hnd been dend live yenrs. Hnwes then sold the lot to Mr. McMurtry, who presumably redeemed it. Perry Heath, tho Washington correspond ent of tho lice, is giving an excellent report of tho South Dakota constitutional cotiven tion. Heath is ono of tho best correspond ents in newspaper row at the national cap! tal. His letters to the lite aro full and rella able, nnd nro ono of tho vnlunble fentures of thnt journal which no other paper in this sec tion of the country lias been able to approach. His correspondence has tho merit, too, of be ing signed. Thnt puts the writer on his met tle to bo fnir, nccurnto nnd nlert. Tho paper gets tho benefit of tho extra effort, because ,ts correspondence iuvites tho trust of its readers and gives it a strong hold on their confidence nnd, presumably, their patron age. Heath's letters from tho Sioux Fnlls con vention to tho lice have twice tho Interest und value of anonymous communications, because they comenvith n personal authority that has established itself in the respect and esteem of tho lice's renders. Heath is not only ono of tho best corre spondents in Washington, but ho is ono of tho busiest nnd most prosperous. In nddition to the lice he serves daily papers nt Indianap olis, Pittsburgh nnd Columbus, Ohio, and it is estimated that his Income, from theso four sources is $100 n week or moro. He also does the executivo sessions of the Senate for the UnitedtPreM, nnd may do special work on tho side, though how he llnds time to do it nil isn mystery. It is said that ho lias marto prollt able investments in Washington property nnd is doing exctedlngly well llnnncinlly. At tho press bnnquet recently given by Mr. Rosewnter. Mr. Heath Btnted that his instruc tions when ho began tho Washington bureau wero to wire three or four hundred words dally. In a short time ho was notified that lie might send 1,000 words, and subsequently tho limit was removed entirely. Ho also suited that ho had never been dictated to as to any policy to bo pursued. His order was to send the news without fear or favor. There seem to be an impression abroad thnt every subor dinate of Mr. Rosewnter is under instructions to hew to n policy bo wants carried out. The observation and exjienenco of tho writer, af ter a year's connection with tho lice, are that the general impression is wholly wrong. As the lice correspondent for tho state Senate last winter ho expected tho dictation so much talked of.' Happening to meet two corre spondents together n day or two after an Item had been covered by both, Mr. Roewnter suggested that they compare notes nnd thus avoid duplicating news. That wns the near est approach to dictation from him. In fact it was the only instance during the session in which ho gave any instiuction. Of course editorial writers aro expected to carry out tho policy of tho editor-ln-chlcf, but tiio orders of reporters nnd correspondents nro to get the news nnd give the facts without prejudice, color or comment. Indeed, there is a special and oft-empbusized order against injecting reportorial opinions into news Items. Mr. Rosewnter nnd tho lite nro proline subjects for newspnper comment, by tho way, They nro such jKwerful fnctors In Nebraska's nf- fairs, material ns well ns polltlcnl, nnd -Mr. Rosewnter hns such n pervnslvo personality that they aro perennial in their interest. Ex-Oov. Furnas, secretary of tho Stnte Fair association, has Issued a circular explain ing tho arrangements for transportation nnd Indicating some of the specinl attractions al ready engaged for tho coming fair. Freight will bo charged for going to Lincoln nnd up turned free. An exception is mailo of fruit, grnin and vegetables. Tho charge on them will be refunded on presentation of n certlfl- cnte from tho Btcrctnry stating thnt they hnve been placed on exhibition. All tho railroads In the state will glvo n passenger rnte of ono faro for tho round trip. V In order to p!cno tho public nnd glvo It moro than Its money's worth tho management huvo nt considerable expense secured a num ber of specinl features of great Interest. These attractions will bo on exhibition free, nnd it is nsserted thnt they hnve, uover beforo been equnlled nt n fnir. One of tho most cu rious will to a flock of seven full grown, full plumed South African ostriches. This Is tho llit season these rare and valuable birds have been mad' n fair attraction. These aro not couped-up specimens hauled aloutln wagons. They are fresh from nn ostrich farm. nnd will be exhibited in a large out-door enclosure. V Lovers of horsc-llesh (nnd who is notf) wil be delighted by Maddine Mnrantette and her famous horses. Among tho latter is Wood Inwn, ono of tho finest trained horses ever ex hibited. He walks, trots and marches In sev eral different styles and ierforms many astounding tricks. Ho was a great attraction at tho combined stock show last fall at Chica go, when every available seat in the Exposi tion was fllltd for hours beforo tho perform auce commenced. Ho will glvo freo exhibi tions every day on tho race track in front of the grand stand on tho fair grounds. On tho last three days of the fair Madnmo Mnran tette will exhibit the fastest driving team in world. Sho will drive against time. This team broke the world's record at Cleveland, making 1:47 1-2, and she wns presented with a gold goblet. V Announcement Is mndo thnt on Wednesday night during tho fair (Sept. 11) King Tartar rax will re-enter Lincoln amid n magnificent display of fireworks nnd illuminations nnd ncc. mpnnled by a trades display procession. Tho Tnrtnrrnx pagennt is too recent to need explanation. It is believed mnny finer effects may be secured by n night parade. Tho association rilso nnnounres n number of sjieclnl premiums for Holstcin-Frleslnn nnd Hereford cattle. Anyone wnnting further in f oi mntlon nbout the fnir enn get it by address ing Robert W. Fui nns, secretary, lirownville, Neb. At tho opera Mondny evening the wifo of n stnte nfllclnl had the courage nnd tho good sense to lemovo her hnt nnd enjoy ns much comfort ns nuspossibleiiitheswelteringhent. I was tempted to start a roll of honor with her name nt tho head of the list, but Inter I noticed a young lady in tho dress circle also hatless. I have too much admiration for her to omit her from the list, but I don't happen to know her name. If women only knew Ic tho average bundlo of straw and imi tation vegetables thnt the fnir sex pile upon their heads is not pleasing to man. A scarf of becoming color, pnrticulnrly if it be of rich lace, is ten times ns bewitching nud can bo re moved nud replnced with but little trouble. I am not making this argument from tho stand polQt of a sufferer from tho blg-hnt nuisance. The fashionablo female, doesn't care a d lino for the poor fellow behind her big hnt, but if she can bo made to bellovo thnt something elso is more fetching there may bo some hope of abating tho nuisance. Qod speed the day of deliverance 1 Tho Omaha Dee of Wednesday hod tho fol 1 owing: "Lou Wessel, jr., editor of the Lin coln CouniEH, who left hero on Saturday last with tho editorial excursion, took along with him fair of Kd. Rothery's homing birds, with tho intention of liberating ono nt Denver, one nt Snlt Lnko, one at Ogden nnd ono ut Port land. The first bird liberated wns n blue check named Lady Heck, which was given wing at Denver Mondny noon, nnd yesterdny at 4;25 thebird leturned to its coto In this city, hnvfng flown tho 500 miles in twenty eight hours nnd twenty-flvo minutes. This is armarknhle flight when It is considered that the bird is but eighteen mouths old, nnd wns never before ti listed nt n long distance Without halt or rest tho bird should hnve reached here in six hours from its liberation, but notwithstanding this fact tho perform ance was a wonderful one, nnd establishes the fnct thnt Rothery possesses a first-class strain of thews remarkable feathered meteors. The bird liberated from Salt Lnko is hourly looked for." The championship belt that Kllraln wanted to win back for Richard K. Fox, tho original giver, is n hnndsomo and expensive piece of the jeweler's art. Hnllott, tho Lincoln jewel er, is not having much of a call forthnmplon ship belts, but ho is supplying a rent many leople with gold and silver jowelry that is just as handsome as a championship belt and a great deal moro useful. There are two good reasons for this; ho has a fine stock to select from, and is satisfied with reasonable profits. If you want anything in that lino see if It isn't so. Turn horses out in a good pasture for a few weeks, when they get iu bad condition. It that can not bo done use Dr. Cody's Condi tion Powders; they will put a horse in jierfect health. A well horse don't need medicine. Hay, grain and good care is better, Dr. Cady's Condition Powders are- a true horso mediclne,(not a dope.) they aid digestion, cure constljwtion, kidney disorders and dlstroy worms. Bold by A. L. Sbader, Druggist, AMUSEMENTS. Th Hrtonlnn gave the Bohemian Girl at Funke's Monday evening to n largo nnd fash ionablo audience. The weather is tto dis couraging fur a critique of tho 0cra, and, besides, tho uniform excellence of tho compa ny is well known. A word or two, however. Jessie Bartlett Davis disappointed some, but it mny le snld In explanation that her part gnvo no adequate opportunity for displaying her lowers. Miss Corden In not In-nuty, but she hns n delicious soprano thnt reconciles ono to tho absence of Marie Stone. Kugeuo Cowle, tho Chicago bank clerk, is new to tho oiierntic stage, but his magnificent Iuuh has won for him n plnce In the directions of music lovers. Tom Knil letnlns his old exnlted plnce. Tho Bohemian Olrl contains ninny well known nlrs, nnd tho nudienco timed Its applause nnd its encores with discriminating tnstc. Tho company cat rled a competent or chtstrn, the costuming was rich to tho verge of gorgeousnrss, nud, altogether, the Bostou ians hnve advanced the high stnndard ret by their foreiunuers, the old Boston Ideals. The company will close its scisou today. Tom Karl will go to Kuiopc to siend tho summer, llnrnnbee will rest nt his vllln near Boston. McDonald will put in part of tho vacation Ilthlng in Maine. While in Omaha tho Bos tonlaus listened to a prhnte performance of Mr. Sanqi'-on of Ou.nha, tho opera written by Fred Nyo nnd Mrs. B. 11. Young. It may bo altered nnd used by tho Qortonlnns next sea son. A WEEK OF IIE.NEFITH, The Eden Museo wil I close nfter next week Mid bo reojiened Sept. 2d. During tho- week four benetlts will bo given for tho faithful of ficers of tho Muee. On Tuesday it will bo for Mnnnger Lnwler, on Wodnerdny for Trensurer Duncan, on Thursday for Lender Leonard and on Saturday for tho general business director, J. E. Snckett. Tho Hint hnrt fnmlly will play n return engagement In a new musical comedy, "The Dark Corners of a Great City." It is asserted that Stella Rinehart is tho best child clog dancer on tho stago, whllo little Minnie is the youngest black face artist in tho profession. Bertio will Impersonate a newsboy and Goldlo a flower girl. Madnme Rinehart will play tho part of tho president of u woman's rights so ciety. Among the other attractions will lie Grace Courtland, the mystic prophetess, nnd Wnlnrnttn, tho king of tho slack-wire. On Friday ench lady will receivo n Japanese what-not basket as a souvenir. GOHHII' OF THE HOUIt. Marie Walnwrlght, who is Mrs. Louis James, writes her husband thnt she hns two offers to produco "Twelfth Night" In London in 1b90, nnd that sho will nccept ono of them. Mrs. Leslie Carter, whoso suit ngrinst her husband for separation In Chicago wns le cently decided ugninst her, will, like other women of her clnss, go on tho stage. Sho is studying under Dave Belnsco, nnd E. G. OII moro will bo her mnnnger. The lntest advertising dodge comes from Chicago, and reads as follows: "An angel wanted I A Young, Handsome nnd Talented Actros nlrendy Eminent in her Profession, widely known nnd extensively advertised, re quires financial nsslstnuce to complete ar rangements for n Starring Tour with New and Brilliant Drama of her own. Sure for tune lor reliable Mnn w ho enn furulsli $4,000." Miss Nina Vnn Zandt, tho Chicago young woman who wus so nnxlous to marry August Spies, tho nnnrchist bomb thrower, before the gallons put mi end to his life, Is stage sti lick and will probably bo seen behind the footlights next season. Mr. Joseph Huivorth, who now owns "Paul Knuvur," hns mndo nn offer to the young Indy, nud sho will proba bly lend tho nnnrchist mob in thnt piny when it is produced In tho full, Henry Irving has mode advances to Joseph Jefferson to como to Loudon und play in "Rip Vnn Winkle" nt the Lyceum thenter. Mr. Irving snys it is his nmbition to place "Rip Van Winkle" upon tho stage in n manner suiUblo to iU poetic and drnmntio Interest, nud with Mr. Jetrcrsou ns the star it would bo n revivnl of unprecedented brilliancy nnd suc cess. It issnid thnt Mr. Jefferson has thus far resisted all applications, saying ho is too lazy to cross the wean. Tho success of Miss Agnes Huntington In, London seems ns though it grew greater each week. Tho stolid Englishmen hnve octunlly becomo enthusiastic over her. Her success In "Paul Jones" has been phenomenal, nnd seats nro sold six months in advance. It was by tho fnlluro of tho male singer assigned to this part that Miss Huntington wns given nn opportunity to show her talents. Three com jiosers are nt work ujion new operas for her. Her portraits ndorn the shop windows and Il lustrated papeis. The London Tattler says: 'Her debut in 'Paul Jones' upset thoieaceful equanimity of thecritics. Miles of laudatory criticism were written, hundreds of suscepti ble n.nles proffered their hands, hcnits nnd fortunes to the new nightingnlo from ncross the 'Kuid. But sho was adamantine. She was qulto ngreenblo to sing to her ndinlrers, but her drenms of grenter fnme iu the future precluded her from tying herself to any man but hur manager. She shut herself up in the Hotel Metropole nnd refused to bo interview ed " PEN, PAPER AND INK. Robert Buchnnnn has nrrnnged Scott's "Mnrmlon" for the stnge, without sneriflcing the metrical form of the original. A Gerinnn translation of Max O'Rell's "Jonathan and Ills Continent" hns appeared in Stuttgart, and a Danish one is in prepara tion In Copenhagen, Joseph Pulitzer Is understood to lie the "quiet-looking elderly man" who called upon Superintendent Jasper of New York recently and proposed to assist boys from the publlo schools In getting a college education. Mr. Pulitzer will glvo each lioy selected by the committee $250 n year. Twelve will bo as sisted ench yenr until sixty have entered col lege. With the Juno number of the U7s( Shore magazine is issued n splendid colored supple ment giving scenes in Seattle immediately be fore, during and after the fire, showing the Tacoma relief tent, business tents, burning blocks' the train bearing tho Portland fire engine, etc. As a collection of engravings of thnt memorable ovent, tho destruction by fire of the hmluc (lortlon of tho largest city on Puget sound, cntnlllng n loss of fully $15 000,000, It will becomo moro vnlunblo as time passes, Lonl Tennyson recently sent to tho Gordon Homo nt Manchester, for tho uso of boys, tho full inuslcnl score of his national song, "Ilniid All Round." Lndy Emily Tennyson, in her letter conveying tho gift, said: "Lord Tennyson gains strength but slowly; still ho rnn walk n little now nnd take short drives. Wo 1ioh to I o nble to go to n warmvrcllmnto beforo long. ' Some time ago Lord Brassey placed tho Hunlientn nt Tennyson's dlionl, nnd two or three weeks ngo he set sn 1 from Yarmouth. Ho wMicd to touch nt various Spanish ports, but his phjslciuus advised him to confli o his crtriM) to tho English Channel. Drake's Mdiatlut tor July Is brim-full of pntrlotle Interest, Fallowing "Bluo Jacket's" lirvecy cn story, "Oir tho Islo Au Hnut," with It ndiulrnblo illustrations, we have n story ('f tho Revolution by J. II. Connelly. A stoiy of remarkable power Is Patience, Stn pleton's "A Tnlo Of a Toll Bridge." Emma Bennett eonti Unites a capital Fourth of July story entitled "Dodo's Triumph." All survi vor of the wnr uon both sides, and readers generally, will pcruso with Interest Col. John J. Gnrpett's vivid nccount of how tho newsof President Lincoln's assassination was received at General Joo Johnson's headquarters, and Uirongnout uio houui generally. Apiopos tho announcement of Sir Edwin Arnold's visit to this country nt tho Invltn tion of Harvard College, n writer in the Bon ton TYaiiscrfjif, w ho met tho met tho poet ed itor in London three ytnrs ago, prints tho fol lowing: "Anyone who exju'cts to see in Sir Edwin Arnold n mnn who suggests tho wild romance of his poetry will bo dlsnppolnted. Ho Is qulto small, with n very thin face, tho most striking feature of which is a long noso, which gives him n somewhat Jewish cast of countenance. His beard is Iron-gray and thin, nnd ho brushes It out from his chin. My impression is thnt ho Is bald, but I cannot speak with certainty on this point, for he .wore n skull-cap nil tho evening. Sir Edwin is nn nmlnblo gentlemnn nnd n clever Journal, 1st, ns well ns n poet It wns, however, his poetry thnt mndo him famous. Andrew Cnr negie, by the wnv, owns tho origlnnl manu script of 'Tho Light of Asia,' which was pre sented to hliu by Sir Edwin n short time nfter the book waspubllshcd." LUCKY LINCOLNITE8. A Lottery 1'rlso Will Help Two Young Men to un Kducatlun. While out at the state hospital, for the in sane the other day a Couhikii represcntntlve met ono of tho two Llncolnltes who drew $2,500 In the Juno drawing of tho Louisiana Lottery. His name Is W. I. Parker, nnd he wns In chnrgo of n party of patients n ho wero enjoying themselves on tho lawn. Ills part ner, named O. C. OH, had chargo of another pnrty nt work In tho fields. They held one fortieth of ticket number 44C2I, which drew $100,000. "It was tho second time we had bought n ticket In tho lottery," explained Mr. Parker, "and wo got It direct fiom M. A. Dauphin of New Oi Ieiin. When wo got the list showing that wo hud drawn n share In the big prlzo we took our ticket to tho First National bnnk, and in tight dajs we hnd our money, $2,500. Otis nnd I bought tho ticket together mid we shared even. This money Is n big windfall for both of un. I wns nn attendant nt tho hospital ut Iudeeudence, Iown, for six yenrs and have lieen an attendant hero a little over a yenr. I luivo been studying medicine ns I could, nnd now this money will eunblo mo to go to Rush medlcnl college next full nnd pro pnro for practice. Otis tnught school Jnst winter nnd took n plnce in tho hospital for tho summer to enrn money to go to school. This prize will enable him to enter college next full nnd finish his education." "Itully Itiiiiml tho l'lug, Ilojs." Tho Grand Army Reunion to bo held at Milwaukee (August 20th to 31st, inclusive,) will, in mnny resjiects, be one of tho most noteworthy of commemorative events. There will bo no lack of distinguished speakers. But tho most attractive fentures will be "tho tip that binds" men who huvo fought, bled nud stnrved for a snerr d cause, tho renewal of old tlmo associations, the rehearsal of wnrexperi ences, and tho rekindling upon tho nltnr nf patriotism of undying devotion to "ono flag nnd ono country." Veterans and their friends will bo pleased to know thnt from nil stations on tho Chicago, Rock Islnnd & Paciflc Rnll wny, on its main Hues ami brunches both east and wes( of tho Missouri River, tho price of tickets has been placed for this occasion nt Ono Fnre for the Round Trip, w hllo children under twelve nud over five yenrs of ngo will lio charged only one-half this excursion rnte, or ono quarter of tho regular faro for tho round trip. Tickets will be for snlo at all prlnciiml stntlons on tho Rock Islnnd Route August 21 to 28, inclusive, good for continu ous passage to Milwaukee at any time between theso dates, and good for return wssnge lenv Ing Milwnukee on any dnto between Aug. 27 nnd Sept. 5, I860, Inclusive. Holders of such tickets who desire to make side excursions from Milwaukee to points beyond in any di rection, can, by surrendering their return coupon tickets for safe keeping to the Joint Agent at Milwaukee, have them honored to original starting point whero ticket was pur chased (by proper Indorsement), on any date not later than Sept. SO, 1880. Information for Tourists. Round trip tickets nt reduced rates to the foUowingiioiuts are now on snlo at tho Elk horn, C. & N. W. lino ticket olllees at 115 South Tenth street, nnd dejiot, corner 8 and Eighth treeU: Spirit Lake and Clear Lake, In.: Mlnne nenpolls, St. Pnul, Duluth and Sujierior, Minn,; Ashland, Bayfield, Madison, Wauke sha mil Manltowock, Wis.; IVtoskey, Goge bec, Macklnno Island and Travers City, Mich, j Old Point Comfort, Va., and oilier summer resort. Geo. N. Foiiesman, Agt. Drive out to Cuthntun park Sundny nnd get ono Brown's famous dinners WOMEN'8 WAYS. Tho women of tho present day nrc forging nhend In vnrlous directions, making places for themsulves, opening up no it field which will provo pleasant nud prolltablo to them. In n distant city Is a lady, who, lielng left dejieiidcnt, cast about In her mind what sho should do for a living, She was a womnnof infinite taste, nnd her houso was filled with rare chlun, brloa-brno and works of art, ticked up here, there and everywhere. Tho thought occurred to her thnt sho might sell them to butter advantage herself than tnist to a catalogued sale by nu outside, party, Sho therefore offered them for snlo prlvntely, nud did so well with them thnt when thu time enmo for closing up her homo nnd thu estnto she hired spuco for them lu a down town store nud stood behind tho counter herself. To this wns ndded, hit by bit, somo choice pieces from dlirerent friends, who wero tired of them or lerhnps jwrted with them for n little rendy money, Then fashionablo people began to glvo hur commissions to pick up choice bits for them, Then sho h'gnn to buy for herself where she sawn nice little margin of prollt. From n single counter she advanced nnd took hnlf the store, which sho soon hnd lllled with articles for sale on commission, or rare pieces which she herself had purchased. Then she began to go enst nud flunlly to Europe to pur chase for her friends. Flnnlly sho branched out nud undertook tho complete furnishing of houses on commission nnd hns amassed a for tune thereby. Sho gets a commission from tho buyer nnd n commission from the seller. Tho buyers win well nlroul It, for they nro sure of hnvlng everything In terfect tnsto nnd keeping ut less cost thnu they enn do It for themselves, for they will tunku mlstnkes thnt will cost fully ns much to rectify ns tho commission, If it is turned over to someone who understands exactly what sho is ubout. -- At a recent Now York breakfast tho tnblo cloth wns of bluo denim (nnother nnmo for workmnn's overalls), over which wns traced conventional doslgn of wreaths and flower. In its center was plncod a Inrgo yellow porco lain bowl filled with overhanging mnldenhnlr ferns. At ench cover was a small flower bus. kct In tho form of a man's high hat, mndo of Milan braid, in each of which was a cluster bunch of nine roses (tho colors being different a each plate), tied with ribbon of tho shade that exactly matched tho flower. Tho Ices were plnced on tho tnble In n Jnrgo basket that looked like roughly hewn crystal, nud reflected a thousand ravunf nroMnn n i,n,i been cut out of a block of Ice. In this bnskct wero tho crenms nnd Ices, frozen to represent lemons, uananas. itriiwtHrri. rii,inn,i,,in. and apricots, heaped in a mass, and nround them was a border of blood red rjses and MargueriUn, alto compose.) of froieircnvinT. At n dinner In the same city tho tnblo wns a hollow circle with a mini treo in Its center, from which hundreds of electric lights shone, the spaces IntervenliiL' lieliin lllled In with n . . ...... a....Hi.'.0 bed of roses that shaded from pure wlilte through jilnk to blood red. --H- Nall-work that Is, driving Iron, brass, cop tier or silver nails so thnt their liends will form a pattern upon thu surface now n fash ionable fad among Loudon Indies, is becom ing (lopulnr In this country. Plush is tho bnckground oftenest chosen. Convenient Mntkets, flood .Soil, I'uro Wn ler nnd Kxrellrnt Clliiuito Are nil vantages to bo considered w hu look ing up a homo, business locution, fui in, etc. West Vlrglnln, Mnrylnnd and tho Shenando ah Valley, Virginia, nlfords these with mnny more advantages. No section of tho United States oflei s superior opportunities, and er sons seeking a new homo should examine these States licfoio deciding on u location elsewhere. Improved farm lauds adapted to stock raising, dairying, grain, grass nud fruit growing enn bo obtained nt low prices and upon easy terms. Thriving towns Invito tho merchant.mechanlc and business man. Abun dance of coal, timber, ore, water jiower, eta Freo sites for manufacturers. Persons desiring further Information wllj bo answered promptly and freo of chnrge by M. V. Richards, Laud and Immigration Ag't B. & O. 11. II., Baltimore Mil. 7-13-W4 How lie Ilecomu ruinous. Tho Walker, Iown, AVus snys: "Our old friend, Robert Balrd of Muscatine, Iown, hns been secretary of tho Stnto senate, and an active politician for years, but was never generally known until ho hnd tho colic and used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dial rlioea Remedy nnd got into ono of their ad vertisements. "Now ho is fninous." Hero is what Mr. Bnlnlsnld: "Whllo In Des Molnen I was taken with a severe uttuek of bowel compliilnt. For two days I suffered Intense ly, trying overal drug stored and paying them for relief, but li, vain. I flnnlly bought u small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Diarrhoea Remedy, nnd two doses of it brought mo out nil right. I consider it a grand remedy." 25 nnd 50 cent bottles for mile by O. L. Shrnder, druggist. Help Wanted. For tho benefit of tho Indies who mny hnve to miss through the common struggle of so curing help, the CouniEit will receivo wnnt advertisements for publicntlon in tho Dnlly Cnll wnnt columns. Parties desiring help situations, bonnlers, or to rent rooms or rent houses enn leave their advertisement at this olllco and they will tie promptly delivered to tho Cull for publication. One cent a word per day is tho exeuM. Ashby & MllUpaugh bu.o Just begun an other quarter-off eale. This means the lowest prices for Dry Goods that are ever made. New novelties in huts nnd bonnets arriving dally at Wells' millinery jiurlors, 2S3 south Uth street. 75 cents buys $1 worth of dry goods at the qunrter-oir sale Just begun by Ashby & Mllls puugh. The building lioom hns struck Hot Springs, Dak. A Methodist college, South Dakota's Soldiers' Home and numerous cozy residence are belnir erected. Now win tn Iwt tlm tin.. for n good Investment in that town. Lincoln jxrvMc tuuuiu gci 10 uitj i ron i as usual. They've Out to (In, III the absence of Seiumons lu the enst In senrch of fall goods D,in Locb hns chargo of tho store, and ho Is laying himself out to sur prise tho "old mnn" on his return. Semmons will carry nn immense stock of fall nnd win ter goods, Ho will need lots of room, nnd Dan hns swore n swore lu tho privacy of tho back dressing room thnt ho shall havn it. As n consequence of this combination of circum stances the hniuUoiuo Loch Las Inaugurated a mark-down sale. Ho hns mndo a snvngo as sault on four lines of goods In particular, and he has put thu knltu Into prices. If you don't believe It ask Dim, He will tell you all about It nud quote flgurcs to nuuo your eyes hang out. A New nnd lust Train With l'alnco Nlrep rrs to Chicago. The recent change In time card by tho Nortwestern llm K., K. & M. V. It. R. gives to Lincoln tho fnstest nnd most conven ient train lu Its time of departure now run lictwevu this place nud Chicago. Note thnt this train leaves Lincoln nt 0:110 p. in,, curries a palace sleeier through to Chicago, whero It arrives nt noon tho follow lug day, mnklug nil fnst train connections enst. Reserve sleeping car accommodations In advance at 110 South Tenth street. Geo. N. Foukhma.h, Al.tirky lluek lllll, Mia., Ticket Holder, Mr. Jennings Topji, book-koeier for D, D, Wllklus & Co., Duck Hill, Winona county, wns the fortunate holder of one-twentieth of ticket No, UD,MH), which drew tho necond Capital prize or $100,000, In tho Louisiana Statu Lottery drawing on April 10th last. Winona (Miss.) ime, May 2. Wuhavo a largo stock of Canopy top Sur reys, l'hnaons, light buggies, etc., on hand nnd nro mnklug very low prices on nil our work. If you nro contemplating tho pur clmse of n enrringo of any kind, como und sea us. Will tnko your old buggy In exchnnge nt Its fnir cash vnlue. Camp Brothers, corner 10th nnd M. Ashby A MllUpaugh show a beautiful lino of colored silks, all of which go at one-fourth off if bought during tho sale. Ladies and gentlemen using lino stationery and wanting tho most correct papers oa used in New York should examine, tho now stock just received by the Couiiiiu. Tho choicest brand of cigars, tho finest fruit ami confectionery and the various flav ors of pure Ico cream winy be found at Mor ton Si Lelghty's new store, 1130 N street. "Why dtdn't.1 buy my dress during tho 'quarter-oft' sale!" was the question asked by many ladles after our lust sale closed. Noww glvo you another opportunity; don't get left thl time. It won't Inst always, Ahuuy & MlLUPAUOII. Tho Musee Co., have set apart Wednesday next for Treasurer Duncan's Iteneflt. Mr. Duncan and his wlfu have made n great many friends for the Museo und should havo ft rousing benefit. A Consolation. Jones What makes you look to disgusted! Brown I Just told a good story to Do Lunkhodo and ho didn't sco tho point I sup pose that It Is about dawning on him now. Jones Never mind. Remember thnt bo laughs bcit who laughs last. Detroit Freo Pro. Anglian fur Tie. Mrs. SaUtonrtall (of Boston) Tommy, will you hnvo a piece of tho mluco plot Tommy Bcacoustreot (who is taking dinner out) Yes'm, nnd I trust thnt your nppor tloumciit will bo commensurate, with my es teem for yourself, Burlington Freo Press. Practical aiorallty. Mr. Kettledrum Dudo But, my dear Flynto, what reason cau you bavo for refus ing mo such a triflof Mr. Flynto My reason, sir, is that I novor encourago tho vico of Ingratitude. Munsoy1 Weekly. An Evldcnco of Prosperity. Ycllowly I think tho Whltoleys must b In better circumstances than formerly. Browuly Yes. Why do you think sol Y. They dou't keep so many dogs as thoy used to do. Boston Courier. An Karly Slonilng Discovery. Atthohotcli Trnvoler (sitting up in bod, watch In hand) Six o'clock, and nobody comes to wako me, I shall bo ruro to miss tho train Paris Figaro. Tnkcn for Granted. Eausonlce I understand that ill health ha compelled Bloomer to try a wanner climate. When did he dltt Burlington Freo Press. A Difference. Miss Arlington How beautifully Mlsi uang piays tho plana. Mr. Wiiiing-PL,yk Works, I should say. Exchange, A Natural Inference- Hostess Mr, Flyer, let mo Introdueo Mob deur Oroi, Mrs. F, -Not with a vlow to dancing, I hope; I nu qiito full. MouslourG. Alnsl leu re plalser Is donled to me also of taking tuudatua to supjHiro. Judy. i