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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1889)
minimmmvmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHm ,, ,... i.i. . 7i n ifrtwiisessMwtsssii ) iMnmiixWlMHywiwftw .mi - ..n .miimn "" " I '' '" ,1"" """" ' '" "" MgU yw'MJilMlil'llllt7lll'j I Illilllll I liOl Wwhmniiiih i.n'M. irmil I m CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1889. ? A . . iV HEYMAN & DEICHES, 1M8-J880 Vntnnm M.,New Pnxlon Block, THE LAMEST CLOAK, SUIT and FUR HOUSE, In The West Wenrennwtntroduclntrmnny new nmtil. In Bprlng and Hummer Woar, una re- avectfulty Invito rir Llnooln friend to call he now lino Jnit opened. ARE DIRECT IMPORTERS And m mcti enn oITor Inter style nt lowor prices than nny homo west of Chicago a fact we'll tAko pleasure In proving to Llncolnlto. CALL AMD SEE US 1HEM IN OMAHA. We call i'Jow you a fine lino of Clonk, Dreenmi Fur Hint lurpn nny thing you have ever Hen In tlio entire wot. It will pay you to take a trip to Umnhn to oo u, If you wnnt anything nlco In our line. til Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Fremont, lilkhorn & Mo. Valley UTOperutc nnU con troll It own service between . LINCOLN, NEB., and OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, SIOUX CITY MINNEAPOLIS ami ST. I'AUL. KsT Through Ticket and Baggage Checked to aM points In Ualtod Bute and Canada. Vestleulo Sleeper, Palatini Dining Can and Union Depots. CITY TICKET OFFICE 115 South 10th street, - Lincoln GEO. N. FOKEHMAN. Agent, Jf. 0. Bot, J. K. Bucbunax, . General M'ger, Uen'l I'm. Af U OMAHA, NEB. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH -AT 1044 O STREET. FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 TO Atchison, Leavenworth, St.Joncph.Kansas City, SL Louis and all points South, , East and West. Th direct lino to Ft. Scott, Parsons, Wichita; Hutchlnoti and all principal points In Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas, Pullmaw Slsei'cks and m ad mo I mvmi UhHbI on sale RLP TO AT.Ti VsfisVaflTaTKr Fkkk Rbclinino Chair Cars an all I.C.UUU, l.P.R. MILUK, CHy Tkt Afcnt, Gcb'I Agent , ' Ok. O and uthSts. J YET WAH. Bis name was Ttt Wan, i is With no high sounding "Ah," ' To form n front ttep to hU nam. Tt A wash house he kept, ' Where he feasted and slept, And rustled for wathco find fame. J Now, Yet wa a man Whom the rest of III clan Begirdcd n piro to a fault) Bo wlili limitless trust Their hoardings tlicy thrust In the tea cheat that served n hi raid! Yet winked hla off eye A he saw tlioihlnk (ly Thro' tlio slot In hU Improvised hank; HMenbbee,''aldha, With n cliuuklonf glee, "Fool Clilneeman-nlleo Mttnn crank I" Time rapidly pamimL Till Yet Wall nt lnt Decided hi harvest to reap, Ho one silent night . Ho arose, lit hi light, ' The bad resolution to keep, , "IJko Mellcnn clerk." ' Bald he, with u smirk, "Wo teal 'em an' then run nwayl Mo brave inn no core I How Clilnecinan awenr In Canada Yet Wall will stayl" With half nervou et Ho crept to the chest, Unlocked It, and raised up tlio II.; Then, paring Inside, Ho (prang up, wild eyed, With n faco a pAlo a the dead. "Wha' fori Muck a hll" Won hi terrified, cry, A he sank out of breath, 'gainst the wall) "Some heap bad Chinee Been here before mn, An' stratco my money an all I "Thro1 n hole In the bottom Homo rofrucy chap got 'em Klyll Itmakoomoslckl niiuoliy ome Chlnoo Ho lay It on me Bay mo stole. 'em, and kllloe me quick!" I.Ike n lildeou dream, Bo ended Yet' scheme, And, fearing the crlsl, he "dusted;" Like n ihadow of night. He slunk out or sight, nimtelf, like liU bank, nearly butted 1 Yankeo Iliad. tie Played to Lose. He was n keen, sharp looking young roan, and ho Mid to tlio lady of the houao on Second AYenue a ho itood In tho hallt "Madamo, I hnvo called for tho suit of clothe which need brushing and filing." "What suit!" she askod. "Your hutbanil' Sunday suit, ma'atn. He called a ho wont down this morning." "And ho nld 1 wo to let you bavo them!" "Ycs'm." "Did ho appear In good health and nptrltaf "Why, certainly." "Look nnd net natural I" "Of course. Why do you ask!" ' "Docauto bo lu-a liocn dead eighteen yean, and I ham omo curiosity on tho lubjoctt" "I I havomatVn inlttako, pcrhaMt" stam mered tho young man. "Perhaps you have. Tho mnn you caw go out of here an hour ago U my brother, You may bavo better lurk In tbo next block with the old fashioned confidence gamo. Good morning I" Detroit Free Prow. The I'roper Dog for a Harbor. Mr. Splcer has Just settled himself In the chair for a short cut. when the artist In at tendance throw over him a calico apron on which were pictured innumerable little grey aottada. "That k very approprlato," said Bplccr. "Vy do you call little dogs appropriate, Mr. Bplaarer' asked the harbor, as be tucked Um apron into bis victim's neck until bis eyes bulged. "Because," gasped Bpicer, "greyhounds are good to catch the bare." Such a sllenco fell upon tho room that tbo milliner next door looked in to seo if anybody haddied.-?bUadelphla Prow. A Sensible Girl. "Not yet, Henry," she whispered softly; "Indeed, you must not speak to papa yet, I do love you, lovo you sincerely, but you must wait a little longer." "But why, Morgarctr'ho asked, reproach-4 fully, "n by must wo wait so long; surely you do not doubt met" "Nof Hsfyr" was the low reply, "I do not doubt you,' but 'I' think we will be so much happier when your salary has been Increased to 7 per week." Philadelphia Inquirer, HI Apology. Mr. Blllu was standing up in a street car, holding tightly to a strap. The car gave a sudden lurch, bo lunged forward, and an ex clamatiou of pain cams from the lips of the lady sitting nest to Mrs. Blllus. "If you dldnt keep your great big hoofs sticking out so carelessly I wouldn't stumble over mem," growieu Mr. umus. "When a woman hasn't any more sense I beg your pardon sincerely, madam. I thought it was ay wife's foot I stepped on." Chicago Trib une. Got the Quarter. Dude (to chance acquaintance) That shab by looking fellow U making right for us. Bet he wants to borrow money. He, hot I'll get ahead of him. Please, sir, can't you lend ma a quarter or a dime to get something to eat! Shabby Fellow Certainly. (Hand out a quarter.) Now, young man, If you are through begging of this gentleman. I would like to speak to him. He to one of the 'depos itors in my bank. New York Weekly. HI Weary Katurn. "When did you get back from Washing ton, Sammy f "Last week." "Come back on tho limited!" "No, That was tbo stato of my finances, I worked my was back on the freights. " Chicago Herald. Unexpected. Bella Dont I look like a perfect fright in my now sacque, though! Clara (absented mindedly) Yea. Delia You mean thing I I'll novor speak to you again so long asl live I Burlington Free Press. Revenge la Sweet. "Ho, not So you are the boy who plays with pigs hi clover, are your' Life. High gpeed Warranted, Chicago Mou No o talking', compared to Chicago everything la Philadelphia U alow, PtdlaUelphlan Everything slow! Just you take took at our sboUts. Philadelphia ateoard. . .. .". ?. s OUR AWFUL FIGHTER. A True lltnry of Why tie Joined Us suid Why He Left U. It having txromo noised about that we were going to mnko n horseback trip through a portion of the cnttlo country, various Indi vidual tuado nppllcntlon for situation. We needed only n rook nnd n man to tnko charge of tho Uiggngo, but the applicant kopt com ing, nnd tho day boforo wo left n chap np poarod who Introduced hlmsolf n Awful bavin. "IjooU-n-licro, follors," ho began In n busl nos way, "I wnnt tobocotintod In on thl. Indood, It'aniliht un mo Hint you hadn't applied for my service. You'd hnvo been In a purty plcklo to hnvo gono without tho un dersigned." When naked to explain wlmt peculiar vnlue hi service might hnvo to u ho uttered a long whlttlo of surprlao nnd replied i "Well, you nro innocents, nnd no inlstnkol Who's going to do your fighting for you I" As tho Indians woro nt cnco wo didn't ex pect nny trouble. "Oh I you don'tl Bless mo. but whnt dear, good little boyil Injunsl Nobody tald In juns. It's tho whlto men you'vo got to look out for. Yoti'ro going among tbo tulTost lot In tho whole worhi Thoy nro right on tho fight nil dny nnd nil night. Any ono of tbo fang en ii turn himself looso nud hammer lallfnx out of tho whole five of you In ten minutes." Ho wanted to go nlong to do our lighting. no would furulth his own tnulo nnd mnko tho trip for n dollar a tiny nnd his keep. When nsked If ho had nny recommend ho put on nu Injured nir nud muweredi "And you novor board of Awful DavUI Nover hoard of tho mnn who ha fit (Iftytlx fight nnd como out on top every tlmo I Pur tend that you want n curtiUcnte of character from n toiler who fights, stnndlug, knbollng, or lying on hi back I Till make mo weary I" Wo talked It over nnd finally eugnged him, nnd when Informed of tho fnct ho icpllcdi "Very woll. gentlemen. From this mo ment you nro In my keeping. Just pint out tho kus you wnnt pulverized nud I'll do tho business. 1 thnn't put nlry limit on you. I'm to light dny or night nnd to lick six men u day. If you could bring about three or four a day for tbo uuxt week I thould fool obliged, as my liver Is a lectio torpid and I want ex crclso." During tbo first day' rido wo mot but few rplc, Ono of ttioso was an old Indian, lamo the left leg, nnd Awful Davl halted tho party and observed t "(lents, did I hear nny of you tell me to lick this copper reptile!" Nona of us had told him so. "1 beg your Mirdon, gonts. I wnnt you to understand that I'm nllus on hand. I'd liko to git down nnd hammer him for tho benefit of my liver; but of courso I'm under orders." Wo had pitched camp nnd wero waiting for supper when a cowboy rodo up. Tho greet ings went friendly, and ho got down to have a bite with us. Ho was hnrdly on tho ground boforo ho saw our Awful fighter and uttered a bum phi of disgust. "What you got tharl" be asked. "He's our lighter." "Your Qghtorl Did you bring him along to fight nny body or anything!" "Ho hired to us to do our fighting, but he's bad no show yet." "Well, I'll give him a show I Como out o' that, you cowardly kyotot" ' The Awful was skulking behind tho bag gage. Ho row up at tho command, and the cowboy shouted at hlmi "Dill Wheeaon, I know ye and I owe ye one Come out hero and earn yer hire I" "Is that you, Jim Phillips!" queried our Awful as ha advanced a step. "Of courso it's me, you yaller cur from the bottom land I" "And you wnnt to fight!" "I want to show these 'ero gents that you ar' tho biggest liar and coward iu America I Come out berol" "Gents, is It your wish that 1 projuce a funeral hero!" nsked tho Awful a ho tt rued to us; "shall 1 bang his foocuurs iuto ono bloody mass kill him dender'n n b.-cf bone with one blow!" Wo answered that it was, "Hero tie ono band behmd me tie both hands behind mo tlo my foot together, and I'll lick him then I" bowled tho cowboy. "Jim Phillips, you haven't got ;wo minits to exist I" solemnly announced tho Awful. "I'm comlu' fur ye liko a dozen cyclones blled Into nne Look out, now!" He spit on his band nnd stepped back, as if to get a running start, and next thing wo hoard was tbo thumpl thumpl of his foot as be fled afar Into tho darkness. Somo tune during tho night he returned for bis mule. Next morning we found tho following ex planation scrawled onapiocoof paper and stuck Into a split stickt "Seexod with sudeut yillness good-bL" Now York 8un, III Cae the 8addest. "This U tho seventh time within two hours that you have asked mo wbon tbo train left for Lansing," replied tho policeman at the Third street depot to a young man with a satchel "Is it against tho law!" "No, but It I rather unnoying to mo." "Well, ii It nnnoys you how do you thbik I must feel aUmt It! The fare is $2.(10, and I've got to think of some way to get out there on 1.60." Detroit Freo Press, Wle und Old. Ho (rejected sulton You condescended to look upon my cult with favor once, Miss Bond. She Yes; I was young and foolish then. 1 have gained wisdom with ago. Ho (savagely) How very wiso you must bo by this time. Yankee Blade. A Dreathlng SpelL A sleepy Uttlo soul at bed time found it hard work to keep awako when sho knelt down to say her prayer Half way through she stopped and sighedi "Well, Pvo got froo tho worst of It, mamma." Net York Trib une. A friendly Critic Stamp Clerk tat portoOico window) You'll have to pay letter postage on this package. It's first cbw matter Perxivorlng Author tabout to send his manuscript ou its seventh trial trip) Ab, thank you. Couldn't you get a iiosltlon as alter somewhere f Harper's Weekly. 51 a Plifr Appearances Ar Deceitful. The othor afternoon n very modest looking gentleman sauntered Into McClurg' book store nud Ivgnn looking nt tho treasures In tbo English corner, Mr. Mlllnrd eyed the stranger with suspicion, for tho reason that not very long ngo n modest looking gentleman pocketed Mvernl treasure nud mndo off with them. Hut Mr. Millard was not long in dis covering thnt tho quiet stranger know somo whnt of Ixxiks, for ho talked very Intelligently of tho I Kiit edition. Mr. Millard began, In fact, to sorry for tho inaa "Hero," thought he, "Is n gentleman who U n blbllo mmilne. Hoo how fondly hi fireleos eyes gloat on thoso extra Illustrated Dlbdlns! what oiw lotis, what hojioloM pang nro now surging In hi bosom I Poor dovil, It is my duty lo steel him nwny from thorn Incompro hcnslhlo prWes nud up ngnlnst fioino books within tho com paw of hi mennx." But tho stranger would not bo steered worth n cent. Ho would insect nothing but tho cmtllest trensuroa, "I mn sorry thnt you hnvo Mild tbo Wnshington 'Burns,' " snld bo, ruefully. "I would hnvo taken It and been only too glnd to got It," "Our prlco wns I1W)," suggested Mr. Mil lard. "Cheap enough," said tho stranger, qulotly, "And now may I ask you to send theeo flvo volume to mo nt tho lllchollou hotel! Tho clork will pay the bill By the way, what is tho wholo amount!" "Two hundred nud thlrty-flvo dollars," sold Mr. Millard, Impressively "Woll, send them to tho Illchcllcuntonco," said tho stranger, "nnd tho clork will pay the charge for mo." A fnr aw ny, a distrustful, a bilious look stolo Into Mr. Millard's keen eyes. "What nnmo, plonsol" naked Mr. Millard, firmly but courteously. "Oeorgo M. Vnndcrbllt, of Now York," snld tho modest stranger, demurely. Chica go News. A Conversation. "Whcro Is Mr. Bngley's ofllfel" "Eleventh Hoor, mtim." "Is this tho only elevator!" "Ye 'in."-Life. A Start In IJfo. At Qrccnslioro thoy pointed out an old darky whom thoy said bad just got married nnd wiu going out on a piece of rented lnnd to mnko a start lu life. I followed him out to his cart, to which wn hitched nn old and faded ox. His bride, a coal black damsel of 18, sat on a bag of corn In tho cart and held to tho ropo lines nrnund tho ox' horns. Tho cart contained, in addition, a skillet, a kettle, ten pound of side pork and n jug holding two quarts of molasses. There wns a tick for a straw bed, a ben's feather pillow and an old blanket. This was the outfit. "So you hnvo just got married P I asked. "Yes, sab dun jlst got married to dat gal." "How old are you, uncle 1" "Shoo, now, but I reckon Iza about 00." "And you've got a young wife!" "Yes, sab dun got a gal." "And you aro happy!" "Happy, wiliI Why, Ire walkin' right on algs nil do tlmol" "And joti nro now going out to make a stmt lu life!" "Yes, sab gwino to stnrt right off. Got do ox, got do enrt, got do gal nnd got two hull weeks' purvlahuns, an' If dar's any olo nigger (u Norf Cnrollny who feels mo' like jumpln' fo' feet high an' yolllu' for Canaan dan 1 doe I'll gin two blti to soo him." De troit Freo Press. The Kevenge of Time. Tapoyard Who is that (tunning girl you raised your hat to! nibbouley Miss Qoldlo Bullion. Tnpeyard (timidly) Sho didn't return your courtesy. Perhaps sho doesn't know you. Rlbbonley (bitterly) Nol sho does not know me now; but when 1 am tho only young man at Ocean Foam next summer sho will not only know me but plno for mo in vain. Lowell Citizen. A Smart People. First Thief Pvo got a suro nnd safe thing now. I go to houses In a hurry and nsk for a Bible with big prlut to read to a sick man. Thoy give mo tho family Bible In a hurry, and 1 soil 'em at second hnnd book stores. Second Thief I tried that In ono city, but It didn't work. Everybody seemed to see through tho gamo, for they said they hadn't any Bibles. 1 Jusj. tell you there ain't no gottln' ahead o' them Chicago folks, Phila delphia Record. Very True. Stem Parent Young man, I am astounded at your impudonce. You seek to marry my daughter knowing her to be wealthy in ber own right, while you haven't a cent. Self Possessed Youth That's all right. What's tho need of my having money when sho has plenty! Boston Courier. Has Some Rhythm. "There may bo neither rhyme nor poetry in mathematics," remarked the high school girl, "but the science Is not devoid of rhythm." "What do you mcau!" nsked her pnpa. "I refer to logarithms." Pittsburg Chron icle. llrconi'pg AnierlcnnUed. Citizen Don't you know, Mr. Ah Bin, that If you kill that enemy of your you will bo hanged! Ab Sin (vengeful Inundryinuui No, I allco Ugbtoo. I gotteo money, igolooueovylum. Philadelphia Bword. UiipinfrMlimal Conduct. Copeland I don't think Chtnkms is the sort of a mnn for a bnuk cashier, do you! Raynor Why uotf Copeland I saw him miss a trntn yester day. Burllngtou Freo lress. A Wto uf Ammunition. Mrs. Qultzly Why, general, you don't seem to liko to seo tho ladles kiss each other," Gen. OldUviu Tho result of n military ed ucation, madam. I never liko to sea good ammunition wtstod. Troy Times. fully t'tiuipped. "Bromley. I hear you aro going to houss keeplne'' "Yes, Dnrrhiger " "What huve you got toward Itl" "A wife." Detroit Free Press. A. M. Davis & Son, 1870 UPHOLSTERY BOHiiiiira-iEm'e ' iiMrnovErt Lace Curtain Lncc Curtnln. Chenille Curtains. Mndrns Curtnln. Japanese Portccr. Mohair Unmnsk Etc., Etc. cur of rouxna UsVP AlWW.'&y" .tyfoffiMl AVI II Save vou Money. Time and Labor. KVtHY lIOUSXKEKrER SHOULD IIAVB ONKJ any lady can operate them. For 8ale By A. M. DAVIS & SON, 1 1 1 2 O Street. sssssss!sBSlimm&&BBsssSBSssssssssSW i BssssssssssssSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssS byULsssssssBSsssssssssssssssssssBsHsssssssH KSsssssssssnTBTBSssssssssssssssssssssssssssR. IbsssbsbsbsbsbssbbsbssIsbssbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbI ' BsssssssHlBflBssVsssiBBksHssaBSssssssP VSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSBXSBfcBBlaBBBBBBBBBHVa JiJHHemKBmsslBsBBSslsSSSSSmL 'BSSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSaSSSBSBSBSsiBsMBSasElxSE nates reasonable Everything new nnd complete. Prompt service and the best menu In Omnlin. Hot nnd cold wnter In ovcry room. Olllce nnd dining halt on first floor. All mod ern Improvements. Llncolnlte nlwnys receive n cordlnl welcome. Call nnd see u while In Omnhn. You ran get Into the car at depot nud tnko HAIINEY ST., CABLE LINE DIBECT TO THE DOOIl. Cor. 14th nnd Homey. Ira P. Hianv. Clerk. H. HILLOWAY, Proprietor. Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses, Cnn be had nt nnv Tie, Day or Night, on short notice, Hnrses Boarded and Wv,. taken care of at Reasonable Rates Call and see us, 102; Q street, or give all orders by Telephone 147. IjMffl the nick of time, nnd "just strikes the spot." The quiet enjoyment of a fragrant Ha vana In a charmingly decorated and gorgeous smoking apartment, and finally a peace ful sleep in a bed of snewy linen and downy softness. Such Is life on the "BUR. LINGTON" ROUTE. What other line or combination of lines cnn offer jou these advantages? NOT ONE. Please remember this when next you travel. -. Information of all kinds pertain Ine to Railroad or Ucean Steam- ship Tickets promptly answered. G. W. HOLDREGE, Gen'l Mgr., J. FRANCIS, G. P. and T. A., OMAHA, NEB. u 100 Engrayed Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If vou have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from same, at .i.5o. WESSEL PRINTING Courier Offloe. Telephone 263. 1889 DEPARTMEOT. Stretchers Curtnln Poles. Winnow Shades. Smyrna Itug. Japanese Rug. Door Mats. tnuti. Etc., Etc. LINCOLN BRANCH OF Max Meyer & Bro.. Wholesale and Betall Dealers in PIANOS kj ORGANS General westorn ngentn for tho Hteln wny, Knnbo, ChlrkerliiR, Vose, Ernst Unbler, llchr Bros., Nowby A. Kvnns, nnd Sterling. Plur.o mnrked lu plnln figure price nlway tho lowest for tlio grndo of pianos C. M. HANDS, Manager. 142 North llthi Street- -THE MURRAY Omaha's Leading Hotel. Opened Sept. 1, 1888. Finest Hotel in the West FINEST LIYERY RIGS In the City all come from the Graham Brick Stables 1027 Q STREET, Where nil kinds of A BEAUTIFULLY UPHOLSTERED RECLINING CHAIR thnt is the very embodiment of ease nnd luxury; a friendly game of Whist, n choice volume from the well stocked library, a prom enade from car to car (the handsome vestibule excluding nil dust, smoke, rnln or wind, nnd thus rendering the promenade a dc llclitfut nnd novel pastime). A sumptuous meal thnt comes In My superior advantages enable me to ticket to and from Europe at the lowest rates and to secure desirable cabins in advance of sailings. The generous patronage accorded me by prominent people of Omaha, Lincoln and other Nebraska cities attest Hie popular ity of this office. G-V QeUA Pahsenucr ml Ticket, Aut., LX LIN LINCOLN NEB. CO. Now Burr Block. """ Ir y ' M 1 - i A ."i f f 1 TOT' f, mm' m.ifwwwiw.1 .MMwwm bwiw iy "wftyiwiigwp.ff)ww '2"'''l'''Jl'J'''",'t'''V ' .( '"" '--' rH. .t--Y..n.i, . u,i'... ...