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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1889)
wpr X "wvlft'-F,-ft' tr jnn ' "VfT 'IWfiiV t IT1" ' 7 iJPK T br TflpTpW'7rw i J "' -t yt if. 1 iWlftftHBilf i "SA- PoPd UR IPCR oP A9PCRii -TIMES PC v Vol. A. No. 10 LlNCObN, NlCBKASKA, SATUKOAY, A.WUIL. 20, 1SSO. PUIOIC PlVIC OUNT8 in&Lt.:n r. mw vi- ''amaAfr .' nu THINGS DULY OBSERVE). C0MMENT8 AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. What Is Heard, Seen, Learned and Perti nently Snxgesteil to the Multitude. A stranger wlio has boon within our gates long enough to bccomo nn enthuslastla nd mtrer of tho plnco until nmong other things: "But over ami nbovo ovory thing else ou have a homo-like city thnt mnkes n man's heart warm to It. You hnvo mnny beautiful and costly houses, but whnt 1 menu Ih that tho general average Is so good. Everything Is now and neat. There seem to bo no quar ters given over to dirty, degraded classes. in fact you don't seem to have those classes among ypu. Tho city strikes mo as lolng made up mostly of Americans from tho east, and to Jndgo from their homes thoy seem to havo moan as well as taste. I tell you It is a comfort to get Intomuch a plnco, and in tho far west it is surprising to find a city with such a finished appeal ance a Lincoln." 41 You're right." added Mr. Fred A. Falken burg. "As the representative ot a Chicago publishing house I used to visit twonty-slx rtates and three territories besides parts of Canada, and I had a pretty good chanoe to seo these United State and the principal cit ies. Of all Alio places I saw in my trrvels Lincoln struck mn as the most desirable for a home, and that's how I came to locate .here." At tho board of trade meeting Mr. John E. Utt of the freight bureau made a -statement showing that tho reduction in freight rates to Lincoln had effoctod a saving of about $200 000. Senator Ilaymond amended by putting it at half a million. Our grocery Icing has had long and la tlmateacqualntance with the whole family of Jtebates, and, realizing how fast they multiplied and grew, ho probably knows what he Is talking about. In the face of this great saving it is a lam entable confession that Mr. Utt ii whistling for .half -of Ills salary When -Utt was asked o como to Lincoln to take charge of the freight bureau he was general freight agent for the .Burlington, Cedar Rapids Sc Northern irallway with his home at Cedar Jlaplds, Iowa. He was backed by the Rock Island, which holds a controlling interest'in the Iowa road, was a man of ability ana experience, was popular among railroad men and cmld have held his position indefinitely. He was getting .13800 a year and iwas promised 44000 here, but the .Increase 'Ofalarywa -only a small part of the temptatlom to .make a change. He had been in Lincoln before and had strong liking for it as a place of residenoe. He has done splendid service for Llnooln and the territory tributary to it, and he ought not ito have to wait lor Jits justoues. V Managing Kditor Hayes of the Journal has been at work for nearly n year past on a his tory of the city. Lately be associated with himself Business Manager Cox .of the Call, and the gentlemen are booming tho enterprise for the almighty dollar. There is no.question as to tho abundance of good material or tho ability of Mr. Hayes to collate it in a readable book, but to make a pot of money out of it thore's the rub. Few men iieep on hand a stock of the patriotism that bya local hlstoryi It dosen't appeal to one's avarice or necessities, and the best way of reaching the pocket book of the average man is through his vanity. I wish Messrs Uayes and Cox well. .Most newspaper men are poorly paid for the abil ity and energy they bring to their business. I want to seo tbeso gentlemen do well, and I hope they aro not above a friendly tip. If they want to make money they should not wait for the public to appreciate a meritor ious work. The public seldom docs, and pa. tience would dad it a long timo between meals. That the Amerkau public likes to be hum bugged is as true as when shrewd Barnum first said it. Let the historians of Lincoln profit by the examJeof those who have gone beore them. Let them moko their work bio graphical at so much blog. Let them in twrt gushing twaddle uuder tho guise of bio graphy and lithographic nightmares under the alias of portraits. Tho average man wants bin name to go ringing .down the con turles (for fito years or k), and ho is willing to pay handsomely for it. If tho "sketch" contain the names and udigroes of his dill dreu, live, dead and unborn, why, so much tho more chance of getting pay. Every man likos to seo himself In cold prin' it it is "nice," and Iih has a sneaking con vlo- tion that tlie world doesn't half appreciate his uoblo qualities. After ho has read the glutt ing adjectives plastered over several common place and wicked neighbors at so many dol lars for the Job, a copy ot tlie book thrown in he concludes that ho hai been a d&iuphool himself, and in disgust he kicks tho book Into the tniddlo ot next week or homo other equally inscrutable corner of oblivion. But this should not deter my friends Hayes and Cox. Fortunately a man is expected to pay only for his own "idee little sketch," aud the wise publisher C. O. D, The historians In question may have a foolish self-respect that objects to fathering mercenary stuff and stuffing, but, Just think! tho whole business will be dead and forgotten in live years and they can again look tho world in tho face. And then, as Walt Mason would say, think of tho Sweet Boon it will bo to the rejorter everytlmo an old settler dies. A loody-inode obituary will win a reporter's heart more unanimously than a freo lunch, and the his torians will bo blessed for years to come as tho bonofuctors of their craft. Think of these things, boys. Mr. Thomas Cook (If you don't recognize him under this disguise you will ple&M) under stand that it is Tom, plain Tom Cook), who took u run east after tho legislature adjourn al to recover some of his wasted adipose, has returned to town and turned himself loose on tho remnants of tho recent unpleasantness. Ho is (insisting Chief Clerk Brad Slaughter in getting up tho "record" of tho members of Die House ni ltepresontntlvcs. They aro ot work on the ofllclnl Journal, for which tho chief clerk Is allowed (1800. Ho is to mnko n copy to lie dejKislted In tho ofiK-o of tho secre tary of stoto nnd n second copy to bo used by tho prlntor. Then ho has to read tho proof for the printed work nnd make an indox. This work will tako a month or mora. It looks liko handsome pay for tho job aud prolwbly In, for legislatures havo n habit of taking good care of oputar employes. And, then, in tho fitness of things hnndsomo fellows liko Brad and Tom should lw handsomely provided for. In past years Wait Seeley, secretary of tho senate, hits pushed hli work through first and monopolized tho printer's attention at tho out set, but by nu understanding Clerk Slaughter vtus given tho first chnnco at tho printer this tlmo and Becctnry Seeloy has gone to Okla homa to look over tho country. V "Thoro was a good sermon for boys in one sentence of Brad's," said a gentleman tho oth er day in discussing the chief clerk's little soech on tho last day of tho legislature. "Ho said: 'Whatever I undertake I try to do right.' I think that is the secret of Slaught er's success. When his Journal of tho House proceedings is published nnd given to the worl 1 every representative Is confident that it Is correct and that his record Is accurately sot forth. Brad's subordinates sometimes say that ho is too particular because he insists on having his house in order. If a document or a bit ot information Is mislaid no ono is allowed to rest until it Is found, and whon It la subsequently called for by the bouse, often unexpectedly, they recognise the wisdom of his system. As a result of Ids careful work and affable courtesy he bum been rlerk of the House Xor nine sessions and soon becomes United States marshal for Nebraska. Yes, I think tbere is a good lesson in his method for men as well as boys." V It now seems probatde that to next Senate will have n new secretary and the House a new clerk. Brad Slaughter's appointment as United States marshal will take him out of the field of availability, aud the indications are that his mantle will fall two years tunce on Tom Cook, who, barring his wild yearn ing for onions, is a handy fellow to have in the House. Tom is Abundantly able and seems to have the "git thar" popularity. In his little speech acknowledging the gifts given him at the close of the legislature Walt Seeley intimated that he did not expect to bo secretary of the Senate again, and the infer ence is that he k going to remove from the state. A Republican state convention with out him will hardly know Itself, but Walt's plans reck not of party or legislature. His chief .assistant, Joe Eastendar, stands In the line of promotion. He i a exceptionally good reader and is thoroughly familiar with the routine of the office. But the hungry outs will probably make a light for the place when tho time comes. V One can't help admiring the fertile shrewd ness of that particular comer of Semmons' brain which keeps Its gray matter in a com motion dovislng new advertising schemes. Tho latest Is -a opy of the plgs-ln-clover nightmare with livo pigs. Tho affair fills ono of his large show windows and draws big crowds to watch a boy whip the pigs in and out of the pen. V Among tho coterie of newspaer mon who have congregated In New York and sprung It to public notice .by.their brilliant work as special correspondents none has done more or bettor work than Blakely Hall. He is abroad now and one of his recent letters contains a bit of information of special Interest to tho Lincoln dude. Hall says it soems to him from observation during the past year or so in different cities of the world, that tho frock coatjwlll be the garment of tho future. Even lu Cuba tho mon who make a point of dress ing well affect the frock coat. With them it is made of the thinnest possible material, and without any lining. There is a certain, dis tinction ot cut which tells. The acknowledged leaders of fashion in London have all taken up the frock coat and are sticking to It nobly. It is not proper to make a call or to drive in any other. It is said in London that the frock coat has been pushed into prominence by tho leaders of fashion because it Is essentially a gentleman's garment, since it is never worn to business or by poople who troqueut the "city." Tho fear of being mistaken for a business man is a ghastly nightmare to tho avorago member of a crack Loudon club. It's an honor In this country. That's tho differ ence. Church Notices i;o Free. It may not bogoneially known, but lu a fact nevertheless that tho Couhikh never charges jr never has charged, any church in the city for notices of meetings, sociables etc., when given solely for the benefit of the church, and wo tako pleasure lu uuuouncing toalL that wo will accept and publish all items or notices for tho city churches gratis. Notico of sermons will also find a welcome space. Hi ing In your notices. Help WaaUd. For tho benefit of the ladies who may hat e to imws through the common struggle of se curing help, the CouniEU will receive wont advertisements for publication in the Daily Call want columns. Parties dcslrinc heln situations, boarders, or to rent rooms or rent houses can leavo their advertisement at this office and they will bo promptly delivered to tho Call for publication. One cent a word per day is the expense. Fuuip anil Wells. Dean & Uortou have made contractu with woll men to leave orders at their oflico for Drive, Bored or Tubular wells. All work guaranteed or no jwy. Mr. II. B. Wynne, Whitesville. Tenn.. ro- cognltes in Chamberlain's Bain Balm tho fin est medlclno ho has over handled. Ho is nn experienced druggist, and knows a good arti cle and rtcoinmonds Clminlerlalu's Tain Balm for rheumatism, muscular aches and ivalns. It always helps the Buffering, Oivo it a trial. Sold by A. L. Shader. Druceist. You can't miss It by buying tho "Tronio" gasoline stovo. Call aud see it at Wolcott's, U south 11th street. PEN, PAPER AND INK. Clint about Hooks, MiiR-uilne ami t.x change of Itecent Issue. Tho Lincoln Sunday Globe made It first nppearniico lust Sunday, nnd n creditable ap pearance it was. Fore running runner had promised n sensation il sheet modeled after tho eastern Sunday Journal, ono of these wip ers that sanctimonious jieoplo rend behind closed doors while lu public thoy hold up their hands In holy horror; but tho QloW first dose of sensationalism was homeopathic nnd harmless. It was neat, newsy and piiN lornus looking. Tho Couiukh'h exchange table Is graced with Diriii, tho magazine conducted by Mrs. Jenniws Miller, tho dress reformer, Mrs. MlllerV crusade is nguiust tho bustle, and that formidable obstacle seems to havo lx-eii knocko I out nmong tho fashionables ot tho east. Woman looks runny when shots built J that way, but stylo is everything ami e ,11 think differently when wo get mod to it, But Mrs. Miller Is not n crank, and her tiutg atlno isa haudsomo icrloillcal with much mat ter of Interest to nny body. --- The Petersons hnvo issued a twcnty-fUe cent edition of "Tho Confession of nn Abbe,' one of thu "realistic" novels for which tho French are noted. It purports to tell tho story ot n priest who forgets his vows and does very immoral things. Th9 book is cal culated to shock English senslbllltles,and con sequently Is bound to havo a big run. Its author, belongs to the Zola school. 1 Viiou-f lie's Nttvt of Milwaukee reaches the Couutxn changed In form to sixteen pages. Tho News is a society )aper that has a flatter, ng repuUtlon'throughout the country for lu neatness, brightness and Illustrated features. It has been pushed into a successful business by tho enterprise and euorgy of a bright young fellow, Geo. II. Yenowlne, who is con stantly surprising old heads with a new thing or two. -- The Sunday Hun of Sioux City, Iowa, has been consolidated with the Saturcfuy Chron icle, which is published on the Nebraska side ot tho river. Will S. Jay, who is credited with tho paternity ot the topics department ot the Journal, threw a breexy Individuality Into the Sun that attracted wide attention to the paper. Jay, who by the way has a broth er of oar own dearly beloved Al. Fairbrother as a partner, says Sioux City has papers enough, that the Nebraska town is growing rapidly and its one paper needs thler undivid ed attention. The boys will probably make mora clear profit by giving all their energy to tho one paper. - Rand, McNally & Co., are reputed to be shrewd business men, but they seem to havo had an off day. They have published a book with the title "Is Marriage a Failure I" His tho same sickly gushy stuff that has boon fod willy nllly to tho American public during me post year, in tact the boon is made up i of lotters f rpm "Old Mnid," "All Forlorn," - uiuuy uineo, aim uieir me, written to a newspaper, and yo gods! an English iaper at that. Good lord, how long, how long I Prof. Glbeault's l'i,o Krcitul. PioC F. M, Glbeault. assisted bv twehtv of hliinplli, will givo n 'piano recital next! Thursday evening at Funke's opera house. J Tho admission will bo 60 cents. Following is , the program arranged. PAIIT FIRST. 1 Commencement March, four hands and Or gan Accompaniment Miss Minnie dsylord, Miss Adt Matthews and Mr. Peery. 2. Troratore Maudle Tyler. 8. Orphan's Dream Hlchard Finney. 4. Beloved Agala by O. Uarrl, Miss Wallace. 5. Norm Miss Marie Marsliall. 6. Katlnltzo, four hands Will and Maude Tyler. 7. Alerry sleigh rido Waltz Flo. Putnam. 8. A night In Venice, Vocal Diiet,...k..Misi Georgia Swift and Miss Mliinlo Oaylord. U. Martha, with Variations, by 8. Smith Miss Ida Matthews. 10. When tho snow logins to fall, waltz song, by White Miss Helen Hoover. 11. A. From flower to (lower 1 Iiv Kullnk I B. Polonaise Mllltairu f Mr. J , feei-. by Chopin j l'J. Iiif1ammatuH,ln ItosslDl's Htabbat Miner, The Class chorus .... I'AHT HKCOND. 1. Grand Volse brllliante de Scliullioir, four hands Mrs. Mulr aud Mrv. Ilalrd 2. Cradle Polka Grave Tyler. 3. Bid nie good be and go, Vocal solo, by Tost I Miss Clara Funke. 4. The flower song, Violin solo Clmrley Higenovv. A. La Martha riorence Hoggs. fl. A, berceuse, by l.'lianln i 11. Houata, No. 12 Op ), by 5 Miss Gaj lord J ui-diiuvnt. 7. Queen of tho Night, Waltz song by Mrs. Terry Miss Georgia Hwlft. 8. Klflu Dance, by Sudds Miss Ada Gregg. 9. Listen to tho Mocking lIlrd.Geo. Holmes. 10. Home Hweet Home, with variations Intro duclng waves In a storm at sea.. ..Prof. F.M Glbeault. Call up telephone number 118 aud order your ico of the Lincoln Ice Comiviny. Office 1040 O street. Exorybcdy con afford to eat nt tho leading i esort In the city now. The price of 21 tick ote now at Odell's is only f I -reduced from U.60. Prompt delivery, couiteous treatment nnd prices as low as tho lowest ore the induce mwite we offer patrons. Lincoln Ice Com pany. Telephone number 118, Ofllce 1010 O street. Lincoln Shoo Store has Just received tho celebrated Ludlow lino shoes for hull- In all tho new styles. They combine solid comfort nnd economy. Remember tho place IKS O hot. ISth & lUth. - ... . John Vnrcoe, iKwk-keeper for the San Jo Cala. lime, was troubled with a severe cold and especially nt night hod bud coughing sH)lls. A few does of Chamliei Iain's Cough Remedy completely cured him. Sold by A. L. Shader, DruggisL SEEN ATTHEPUY HOUSES. MATTERS MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC A Itrttew n f the I'xst, n Wuril for the Present and 1'rospects fur future Amuse inents. "HOW YOU VAH ANYHOW!" A very light house greeted Miss Mattlo Vickrrs at tho Funke, Monday evening. It was not tho kind of a house tho llttlo lady de served, however, nssho produced her old fav orite, "Jiicqulno," with as much oarnesiness as e er aud succeeded In w Inlng thu approval of overyonu present. Mr. Harry Klch as her suppoi t Is good nnd ns a counstlnii, eccentric dancer anil nil nroiiud man Is just fltt'vl for a place by tho side of Miss Vickers, The company throughout is much lietter than tho averugo nnd if Miss Vickers will put on n ow , ,,, nvmmaWy ' t R0Oll house' on her return to Lincoln. THAT NKW TIIKATKH. Tlie now 0N3ni house to lie built by the Modern Woodmen has lieon begun again, nnd some enterprising iiowsaper is likely to have it finished within o week. Prof. F. F. Ilooso and W. T. Sawyer are tho boomers back of tho enterprise. Tho plan uro for a building 100 by Wi at O and Fifteenth with a seating capacity ot 2100. The front elevation shows a stone front with ttiai nlo entrance. It also indicates a four story structure with n cupola surmounted by n femald figure with n shield bearing the word "Modem Woodmen ot America." Tho scheme Is for the Woodmen to buy the third and fourth stories of tho building, tho former for tho office of the order und the latter for tho lodgo room of tho local camps. This Is a peculiar deal, but It Is not uncommon In the east for secret societies to buy tho upper stories ot buildings. Tlie plans call for a house costing $80,000 to $100,000, and the land is valued at $30,000. An en thusiastic Woodman says tho building will be so far advanced that the theater can be used during the state fair, but the projectors are patiently waiting for neighboring property owners to chip in the $15,000 bonus thoy are asking for. It la said that Mr. John Kitsger ald has been interviewed and says he will abandon bis opera house enterprise it the oth er is likely to be pushed through. WHAT WILL IIK DOl Manager Mclleynolds of the Funko affecta K stoical Indifference to the new opera boute ordinarily, but In a confidential mood he said: "If a new house opens they'll know that I'm around. And I can give them this point er now, and they can put a pin In it as a doad sura thing. The attraction that books with the ntw house will be barred out ot Fre mont, Grand Island, Hastings, Leavenworth, AtchUon, Kansas City, Wichita, Wlnfleld, Arkansas City and half a dozen other Kansas town." "You don't mean to say that Crawford controls nil tho theaters in Kansas City," ob jected the listener. "i es, he does, in a way. Tho four houses " in a pool, and by its terms an attraction playing in a house that is a rival to ono of Crawford's where the lines aro drawn is bar red from the Kansas C ty theaters. Ot course there Is a quid pro quo. A company may show in an opiiosltion house at Toioka and . have tho freedom of Crawford's circuit." "How about Omaha!" "Oh, Tom Boyd has the oldest and best house, and tlie lines, are not drawn there." I1LAHTKD DIIKAMH. It may not bo generally known that our Bob recently had a scheme on hand to become a managerial king himself, Dave Taggart, then of Hustings, shared thu brilliant idea with him, and the scheme was no less than that of controlling a chain of theaters along the C. B. & Q. from Burlington to Omaha. Having learned that tlie Grand of Burling ton. was in tho market, Bob hied himself thither to gather it in Tho house Is com paratively new und was built at the exxjnw of a stock comHiuy composed of rich men, each ot whom was allotted a private liox in which ho expected to pose with his family or his fi lends for the admiration of the rest of tho audience. Consequently tlie house was built regardless, und in its construction and furnishing it is very fine. It is not laige but it is u gem. An might have been expected, the stockholders soon tired of their pretty but oxenslvo plaything, und it became nu ele phant of which they wuuld like to rid them selves. They in e offering a big sacrifice to uujone who will relieve them. Tho building alone cost $87,.'00. They offered the intieiiy to Mulley holds for M0, 000. They will uccept $.00Udown and give fifteen years for the j si), inuut of thu balance, which is Ut druw only il per cent. Qn the other hand they offered to lease it for ft ier cent on 1.1,000, thi hnsee to pay tho insuiaiiLO, luxes aud steam Inviting privilege, which would bring tho rent up to about fiWO h j ear. After studying the sit uation carefully the would-be monopolist if managers concluded there was not enough in it to puy for running the risks. UAVKNIORT Every dody was out Tuesday evening to see Fanny Davenport in "Lu Tos.-a," and guet from the Taggait-Williams wedding in oven ing dress added brilllnneo to the audience. Tho play is ono of thosa French affairs which the nowspaHjrs herald as wry naughty, nnd straightway tho American publ'c, which loves to prove Its liberty by doing foi bidden tilings, flocks to the xirforinance. As expurgn'td for American consumption Iho pin) Is hardly more suggestive than many which hv un questioned, and it is cortalnlv no letter, tho denouement lielng lamentably weak. Mis Davens)rt Is, of courwt, a finished nilM nud gave a lino display of her jsiwem, but "Fedo ra," gives her better opH)i l unities, beslds posok.slng greater iutei est and intinolt) for the auditor But eople tlio of the same thing, and thu mtiuugti of a hicukkIu! star inust Imx)iii each new p uy as tMitei Ihiin the ...ecdlntr. And the nulniu ' ,, I swullows It nil "Ijt Town," has leoii such a strain on Miss DueiiK)rt that sho has i-ani vied her engage ments ot Burlington, l)aveiiKit Cedar Rap ids and Marshiiltowu, Iowa. Lincoln, Omaha nnd Dos Moines are tho only places) favored on tho route Ixitweeii Denver nnd Mlnneflx)k Sho rested yesterday nnd todny nt Des Moines. ATTIIKI''H. Tho Andrews Dramntla company hnvo fill ed tho week nt tho People's with a round ut standard plays and hnvo given excellent per formnnces. This evening by speclnl request "May Blossom" will Ikj reproduced, Tho Clair Pateo company aro booked for next week with a nightly change of program, beglulng Monday with "Quoena."ThoOma-n ha Republican says: It is n most talented and woll equipped organization, uvory char, actor being richly costumed nnd stage well set with appropriate scenery. Edith Arnold, tho lady star, displays unusual brilliancy anil talent. Sho is handsome, gi awful, msy ; has a pleasing vol'-o, und gives evidence of liecom ing u great actress. Wlllanl Hlmms is a comedian of oxtrn fltio ability nud his com cdy work Is of a high order, KIIKN MUHKK. Tho council has decided not to let tho Milseo open on Sunday, but It has Interesting at tractions for nil next week. Among them will bo Ajeob, tho automatic chess nnd checker )luyer;Mossongor Sampson, thomodorn Her cules; Bronlllard's wax group showing tho ex ecution of Praedo, the great French criminal. It will lie tho lost week of the Parisian wax workers. In tho theater will be seen Queeua Adams, tho vocalist; T son & Vaughn's Eng lish specialty company; tho Qulgleys, dance artiste; Hmitn K Fuller, musical sketch ar tists. On Friday every lady will be present ed with four water colored book marks. aiiEK.N hoou notour. The lease on the People's theatre expires May 1st, and Manager Browne has notified the owner that ho will not renew it. Barry & Fay will havo a new play next season entitled "Little Lord MacEtroy." Evidently It Is burlesquo on Fauntolroy. Mrs. Alice Shsw nnd her fellow lady slIU eurs are quite ocllpsed by a mala whistler of Washington. D. C. His namo is John Yorke At Loo, and his work is wonderful. He whistles all the popular and oeratlo airs, In terspersing the "themo" with the most dlfll cult trilling, warbling and runs. He also improvises whistling obligates to vocal duets and quartets. LcoJ and Personal. S. J. Wright has gone to Portland. Miss Emma Gibson has gone to Oakes, Dak. Mrs. P. B. Booth left Tuesday far Wichita. F. A. Stuff bos returned to his Illinois home. Rev. W. M. H. Smith has gone to Scrun ton, Pa. Miss Louisa Schacfer left Thursday for Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hoffman are home from California. John R. Clai k is exjsscted homo from Cali fornia Monday. Mrs. Charles Newbraiit is visiting her par ents at Pina, Mo. Mrs. A. J. Crospy has gone to Ogdcn to Join her husband. Mrs. W. Q. Bell and children are homo from Monmouth, III. Misses Clara and Ada Caldwell are home from a visit on the Pacflc slope. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Hurpham are reveling in tho presence of a son born on tho 12th. A German is one of tho possibilities of tho near future. Whose! Oh, that's telling. Ed. R. Holmes of the state university is tho new secretary of the state oratorical associa tion. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J, Jonoa are visiting among old time friends at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Walt Seeley, secretary of thu Senate has returned from Oklahoma, satisfied not to stay there. Miss Naomi Weaver and ClorkloPoce visit ed the family of Senator Plckettt ut Ashland lust Tuesday. About forty couples enjoyed themselves Tliursdnyoveiilng at the Swedish social club jwrty at Temple hall. Tho Taggart Williams wedding is cnid to havo been the first perfoi med In the First Presbj terian church. Mr. II. J, Walsh leaves June lliili for a, three months tour of Eurjioo vU the Iiiiiuii line steamer "Chicago." Miss Minnie Latta has Utm sHndiug the latter part of the week with Miss Minnie Hawk of Ncbiuska City. Representative Brink wusln the city Thurs- day to seen man, He says It's tho other low who wants tho office. ful - i Mr. II. A. Bulisock, cx-nudllorof state, lwu located in Lincoln a u broker of county, I school and railroad Ikiii.Is. Ml R l Simons returned from Hie east M udiij, mid wiiNnccniiMiiiIed by her ls'er, jii- i- it rusii or Mr. K A. Hubris nf Webster & Rogers Is confined to his room ut Sixteenth nud K stu-ets with inflammatory rheumatism. At n iii'eting held Wednesday evening the Pleasant Hour club made nrmngenienU for its final paity this season, which will bo given Tuesday evening. .Many of tho handsome own displayed at tho Taggart-Williams wedding were made by Mrs. A O. Mastersou, .i modiste whono work is h credit to the city. Mr. O. It. Oakley, acionianied by hi daughter, M(s Gimcii. lett Thursday for Fill leruui, Netir., and will spend ntxmt u mouth jii uic uuKiey- iiiriu u. more, i Miss 11 Uii Augliey has returned finiu j Hloomliigtiui, III , where she was secretary of the imtiniml convention of tho Young Women's ( hiiMlmi AhmhImUoii. I Hecii-tnry l.-iws. Auditor Benton, Attorney j General mid Mis Isini nnd t'-wniuissouor Steoii went IoShwiiiiI Monday to attend tlie j public reception to hountoi Not n. 1 t'npt. Phelps Pttluo has returned from his nip m .-Milwaukee toiimingo tor tho Nebras ka (J. A. R. at the August encuiiipiuent, Ilochuitcicdn school house for it lodging place. Editor Kluetsch of tho rVfiV I'lfna left for Chicago hut Tuesday with his brother Peter, who had Ixsui his guest for six week. They went to llt u third brother, Chntles KluetM'h. A FINE ENTERTAINMENT, The I'o Hunt und llustei-Ciirnlvitl-llnn't Mis It To-ulght. The entertainment given nt Tomplo Hall Inst ovonlng by tho PIo Organ socloty of tho St. Paul M, E. church was nu obliterate affair nnd tho Couhikh regrets its Inability, on no count of limited time, to iloscrlho each of the features lu detail. Tho program Included a decidedly nttractivo novelty lu tho shnpo of a fox hunt, n wall executed Easter drill, n stat uesque copy of Plloty's picture, licautlfiil tab loans, ete,, nil carried out with such oxcellonco ns to elicit tho hearty plaudits of tho largo au dience present. Scntterd about tho rooms woru booths and stands with nu array of good things to tempt tho visitor. Tho entertain ment will ho roHuted this evening, and tho )Kipi of Lincoln should not miss tho treat. Following is tho array ot nttrnctlons nnd tho names of those inrUclatlng: Tho Fox Hunt Fox, Guy Hiirlburt; whlp xrs lu, Climles Abbott and Arthur Ray mond; hounds, Emma Outenlt, Floronco Put nam, Stella Elliot, Fuiiiilo Rector, Lu Poobku, Amy Iach, Bnrtlo Postou, Jesslo Loland, Jessie Fnlkenburg, Edna Harpham, Ethel Wlckershnm, Pearl Wycoff, Blanch Hur greaves, Daisy Hargreavm, Lllllo Twoodle; hunters, Albert Fa well, Clin. HHneer, Frank Som-er, Buik Hall, Hobort Noonan, Paul Wlckorsham. Roscoo Manchester, Dot Gay lord, Louis Peebles, Frank Hurts, Herman Hurtr, Rob Raymond, Willie Hewlck, Scott (laroute, Normal Wycoff. ThoWiso and tho Foolish Virgins Expecta tion, LonaGlIes;Trlumph, Hello Oakloy ; Love, Kit! io Cowdrey; Preparation, Allco Cow drey: Readiness, Olivo Latta; Pleading, Inez Don is; Dos pair, Martha Funko; Remorse, Alteon OakleySoorn, Llllle Hathaway; An- f;uUh. Manila Smith. A tableau represent, ng Plloty's plcsuro In which the ladles worn beautifully costumed and ustd. Easter Drill-Will Clark, Pearl Camp, Chas. WackerhoRnii, Lula Canfiold, Walter Blako, Dell Armstrong, Fred Hallet, May Melick, Will Ryous, Nellie Hydo, George Woods, Minnie Mellck, Charlio Elliot, Mln nlo Oaylord, Tom Jones, Hattlo Bockor. Tlie Artist's Dream Ifco Artist, Oscar Funke; Skating, Mamie Smith; Coquotte, Alloen Oakley; Brlde,Mrs. Chas. Keefer; Widow, Belle Oakloy. Statuary, Olive Lat ta, Lona Giles, Maltha Funke. Peck's Bad Boy-Etta Morris. Hlsglrl-Llllian Dobbs. Pandora Mrs. Frank Gregg. "Pegged Out" Etta Morris. Psyche-Mrs. J, II. Holmaii. "Ja.-ob Strauss" Recitation by Lillian Dobbs. "Happy Dreams" Lillian Dobbs and Etta Morris. The booths and their presiding geniuses Tbo flower gnrdon, Mist Grace Ashton ; Ice Cream, Mrs. E. B. Green and Mrs. W. A. Green; Easter Booth, Mrs. Chas. Keefer; Pop Corn Booth, Mrs. F. A. Palkunberg; Lemonade Stand, Mrs. Jno. Gottlor; Home made Candy, Mrs. Casober and Mrs. Will lams; Coffee Stand, Mrs. Chas. Kolth. The fox hunt was conducted by Lieut. Townley nnd tho Easter drill by Mr. George Tinker. Tho tableaus were arranged by Mrs. J. II. Holmnn nnd conducted by Mrs. Morris. Mrs. Charles Keefer and Mrs. A. R. Talbot were the committee on music, Mrs. Alva Kcnnanl, Mrs. John Fawell and Mrs. A. P. Fair were tho general committee of arrange ments. Deputy County Clerk W. E. Churchill's father dlod at Gloversvllle, N. Y., a few daya ago. On account ot tho absence of tlie county clerk, Mr. Churchill could not leave his post to go tost. Among tho toasts at tho reception and banquet to Senator Norval nt Howard were tho following: "Tho State of Nebraska" Hon G. L. laws. "Our Capitol with u 'tol' " -Hon. T. II. Benton. "Our Capital with 'tal'"-Capt. J. E. mil. Mrs. A. S. Rnymond Is doubt leu ono of tho happiest ladles lu Lincoln, her husband hav ing just su prised her with a set of liVI piece of Dresden China ns a birthday gift. Mr. Raymond imported the sst direct, puy Ing the go eminent duty nt the Lincoln prt of entry. Senator Cornell left Wednemlny mornlng for n ti Ip to Chicago and may go farther east. Tho senator from Cherry need timo for hi maiden medltatioui tiefoie ngalu settling down to business. It Is predicted that lie will lie a frequent visitor to Lincoln in the future. Tho wedding lu itntlons and reception cards issued for tho Tttsrgart-Willlams nuptials were from tho Couhikh ofilco. Thov wore .copiKrplate engra.ed, tho liest to be had. nngrnvea stationery ot this kind is as good as royalty ltelf li-es. nud It Is nlthln tho reach ot eoplo ot modest means. E. K. Criloy of the Windsor nccomiiaiiled Col. Parsons to Beatrice Thursday to attend tho Infoi mill oKtulug or tho new Puddock hotel 'Iho foiuml ox-niin will ix.vur in about two Week", and Senuloi will lie present, Tlie Paddock Is a Hue building handsomely furnished, and its landlord hai abundant reason for being proud of it. Dr. Duryeu of Omaha and his lecture, "Some Remiirkttble Incidents In Htstiry," drew a miwdtsl house at tho First Congrega tional vhutvh Thursday- evening, and tho Woman's Chilsttau Association reallml a substantia! Item fit. '1 lie lertui er did not ar rive until nine o'clock, and the waiting uu dienco weroagiissibly euterLniiit-it with tho music of Mm. P. V, M Rayuioii I aud Miss l.atll uei. Take prwrlptlou ty iUm & Given' pharmacy i; south Tenth strts-t. where it will bo iicurntely coms3undwl uu I prie will Ui rtiibonable. Messin J. H. Maurlttui& Cn., uiv proivir ing to os.-ii n ladlis., luiuUliiiig gtasl, stoiont lit! south llth street. Mr. Muuruiu. is now lu Now Yoi k punj.iasliK g. U m I tho oiwii Ing will Ik iilsjut May llit. .Morton U'lghty's now ico cream j..1hi liai N stus't on'iis next Monday. ' T. W. Bun, merchant, Delnm, Tev . hut UmsI, sold and hennl wliat nHple ha e said of ChumU'i Iain's Pnln 11 ilm. lie wiy s; "It can not Ikj eiuall." It i-uns spiuliisj soreness , the liuiKles, aches ami patns. Sold bv A.I. Shader. Diuggist. m f3iD&&i&&uitiAjt, .KvV-H-.1SJfsSftiisWi iMimwimM &r,x... A&thult,A V i , ... .tudm tf HA,:uU VUJ.k'iAa II j.llii.' u.iVKU.1 . . - "yt.