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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1889)
- , ,- t ; "?"& ixrt " CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1889 ,11 I V'.- .i !. 1 , ' I.Ji.f'5 ' - " KL. : V. .'i W-d- a - ; it . FKOFlLmS,TnElA.rREl. KOnRHT H. llIlOWNi:, Manager. orrosiTK tost okfiok loainq Attraction of the Season ! TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Monday and Tuesday, April 29th and 30th, RICHARDS & PRINGLE'S Famous Georgia Minstrels! Headed by the Kmpcrorof the Mlnstrol World, BILLY KERSHNDS, Supported by the greatest of all Trio, 5EORGE JACKSON AND MALLORY BROTHERS, And a Coterlo of Colored Warn. Grand Hln rt l'nnidc by the Georgia Silver Cornet llimd Admission, 25, 35 and 50 Cents. SILKS, DRESS GOODS, Spring Wraps PARASOLS, UMBREELAS. Ashby & Millspaugh. Great Dress Goods Sale! -AT- Block's Dry Groods House COMMENCING SATURDAY, APRIL 27th, AND TO CONTINUE FOR TEN DAYS. This sale Is not to be in any one line of dress goods, but includes everything from the cheapest wash goods to the finest of silks, and every lady in the city should not fall to take advantage of it, as our dress good 4 stock contains entirely new selections. No old goods or patterns out of style. We have not the space to quote prices on this sale, but will give you full ben efit of bargains when you call and let you be the judge from what ou sec, that we are the owner of styles and the maker of low price. Do Not Miss It ! THE GREAT - DRESS GOODS - SALE - AT BLOCH'S DRY GOODS HOUSE. 1325 O Street. For MAN ! vSs ' s&A dHPw ' jBsrjir W r m t j.. as: -bvs,hi mF jv ? W,, dtVL jti For BEAST !l i m Mustang Liniment y B tu &T iA S!3 "& 1 .. XT, r &v v r sax y ww. s. . .aw v rwk i sr &r & j&r Aaelnl and Personal. Mr. Dr. Crim Is visiting in Utlcn, N, Y. Mn. M. Thols loft Monday for Now York. 0. V. Paw left Monday for Kvantvllle, Ind. Mm, A. H. Slaughter has gono to Califor nia. Mrs. Charles M. Keefor Is viitthiK nt Heat rice, MIms Jonnlo King ha gono to Syracuse, Miss Mary Curtain started Tuesday for Iledrield, Dak. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. I). Fleming left Tuesday for California. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Itegnler are home from ft Kansas visit. Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Hurr aro homo from the Hot Springs. Frank Hathaway Is homo from the oil flolds of Wyoming. Councilman Halter startod Tuesday night for a Colorado trip. Mrs. Dr. Iluckner of Oscoola is visiting her father, J, II. Fugate. Mr. and Mrs. 8. I). Ferguson left Wednes day for Mnrstinll, Minn. Tho social event of next week will be h ger man to bo given by Miss Funku, Miss Lucy Hosier has taken a position with Clark & Leonard as stenographer. Mrs. Guy A. Ilrown rctnniod Wodnosday from Colorado Springs for a short stay. Mrs. Kara A. Wilson lias resigned as tate corresponding secretary of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Kllroy placed the Irish leagno under obligations by singing' at Sunday's meeting. A. II. Smith of Omaha comedown Tuesday to attend tho closing party of the Pleawmt Hour club. O. C. St, John has gone to New York to help celebrato tho centennial of Washington's inauguration. Mr. and Mrs. I). T Mosoly havo returned to Madison, Wis., after spending tho winter with their son, MIm Mattle Uillosplo has given up her pos ition at Well's and retumod to hor first lovo, Foreman & Crowe's. Mrs. George C. Hulott of Freehold, Now Jersey, the guost of Mrs. S. C. Wilson, has returned to hor home. "Wo couldn't keep house without it," nays Mr. U. D. Hagormau, who has n now olovon pound loy at his homo. Rov. Mallory is conducting n revival nt Itluo Springs. Tho doctor has resigned ids chargo in north Lincoln. John P. Sutton of tho Irish leaguo leaves May Ath to attend tho mooting of tho Massa chusetts league In Boston. Manager Mclleynolds of Funko's plckod up Ids grip on short uotlco und put in tho week as a sight seer In Oklahoma. Miss Minnto Qundry, tlm guest of Mrs. Q. M. Lamltcrtson, started on Monday for her homo nt Mineral Point, Wis. Jas. Keith Is nt Hot Springs, Ark., and Is successfully soaking out tho rheumatism that settled in his frnmo last year. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cotton aro making preparations for n visit among friends and relatives in tho Hooslcr state. J. J. Merril, janitor of tho llrst Congrega tional church, has resigned. Ho oxpect to go Into business In western Nebraska. Port Parks, salesman for Reynolds Ilros., has returned to his homo at Cedar Ilaplds, Iowa, to accept n place in n shoo store. Among tho Eostor decorations nt Holy Trinity church was a largo cross of npplo blossoms sent by Mrs. J. R. Miller, now of Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Frost, who havo been living In California for threo years, aro back for a two months stay among relatives und friends. Tem Cook, assistant chief clork of the Houso of Representatives, Is about through his work on tho journals and will settlo down to tho pratlco of law. Miss Lottie Thiers has como to Lincoln to make her homo with hor brother, Mr. Qeorgo F. Thiers. Miss Thiers' homo was at Wheel ing, W. Vn. Sho will attend tho university wldlo hero, Tho features of tho Faster muslo at Holy Trinity church were a solo by Mr. George Foresman, a duet by Misses Funku and Lllll bridgo and tho To Deum to spocial music led by Airs. Jansen. Tho Young People's socloty of St. Paul M. E. church will glvo a "George Washington Reception" In the parlors of the church on Wednesday ovmilng. Mr. Frank P. Clyce, contractor and builder and Miss Anna Gorum were married at the Eplscoal rectory Wednesday evening by Rov. John Hewitt. Thoy Immediately took up thuir residence in tholr future home, 1W0I Q street. Thocard8 with which Hon. Patrick Egan will mako his personality known in South America wero furnished by tho Couiueii'h engraving department Tho corret thing in cards is copiwrplnto engraved work, and tho latest stylos can always lo hod nt tho Couh ieh olllce. It was a small but appreciative audience that gathered at Funko's Thursday evening to witness the first recital of Prof. Gibeault uud his class. Tho program comprised twenty-two numbers, too long to rovlow in detail, but all tho ixrformers displayed tho result of careful training nnd cousclenclous study. Miss "FrlU" lianmrd, who Is uttending school at St. Catherine's, I)avenMrt, Iowa, spent tho Easter vacation at Um Moines as tho guit of Miss Dottio Clarkson, daughter of "Dick" Clarkson of tho Register and nieco of "Hot" Clarkson, now assistant postmaster general. Mrs. Anglo F. Nowmnn, Mrs. II. W, Hardy and Mrs. S. H. King conducted an Easterner vice nt tho county jail and among other good things ilouo was tho premutation of flowers and fruits. Mrs. E. M. Cooly, Mrs. W. W. Carder and Miss Alice Cooly did a llko servlco to tho inmates of tho city jail. At tho stuto penitentiary tho program was cnrrlod out by Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Ethel Howe and Miss A 1 menu Parker. 4tr I OPERA PARFUMEM jjfdfjA fff WVE COMES LIKE 1) TRUE POMADE! &jljPP &&M H A summer sigh JXUCATTA.'a MTKySy Jl. y My YOU STEAL JSftfflSfK AMERICA DEPOT, fWVMURlmVil "4 WILLIAM ST., N.Y. S SOIjID BIT -l.XjIj IDIVCra-GrlSTO. SI mm CUCKOO, MY LOU! Bung by Miss Annie Pixlcy in her successful play, "The Deacon's Daughter," and published through Tho American Press Association, by especial permission of the Author and his Publishers, T, Ji. Harms C Co,, S19 Jlroadway, New York. Arranged by MAX FEHRMANN. By JOHN de WITT. 311 Moderate 1. Wa 0. Bha lgpliNi tnr vn t ISgfcj ;E t 3 i ttcyr i-r j j i j j m havo an old clock that hangs on tho tlio clock In her sweet child -Isli wall, Which la watched by my dcr lit way, And wslOi for tho hour..., to rfcfc W w ir-r S 3 r --HH--HH fcF : W rA- iFr- -j X x p -p- "- r- 5 FTlT-Fl Lou,, ring.. And hor oyca thoy grow big when tho bird lo comes And puck era hor lips, and trioa hard to out, nay, And Cock- S w- Ww r- E - 3T -4T- P ?? m CHORUS. Animate i : KHZ sings to her oo " when tho Hwect - ly, blrd-Io Click doth (M) I, , sing., Cuck my Lout tf S- 313 r-fet L.i x x- r pp -S f $E&Mff 3y f f -y f : (5 - Cuck oo, my Lou I Do caro. ful, I'm watch-ing for you, Cuck - oo! fMLjAdd Jte rit. pp m &, mE3Y?ffrmm a tempo. ru. oo jrw - r-f rw Cuck-oo, my Lou I Cuck-oo. my Lou Your bird-lo U look-Ing at you, Cuck-ool . i i i Copyright, 1880, by John de Witt PIANOS All the Latest nnd most Popular Musical Compositions may be found at ORGANS CURTICE & THIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH HTM STREET. SHEET MOSIC Large Stock of the leading American made Guitars. Piano Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to. NOVELTIES LE SANCY ALA PARIS, FERRY A ladies' dress shoe patent leather foxed, French RUE SCRIBE. Kid quarter regular, French last. A complete line of infant's French shoes all lasts from AA to E Children's French hand turned spring heel shoes in all lasts from A A to E, sizes 4 to oli. PERKINSBROS. II29 0 STREET, 4 It m -f -, a3aftir,awir .ii" 'i-ffisSBWBiaM tK &TVWrvZT.n 7lti, W.v- 'wmm ' mfv.iatMk- s ;