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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1889)
ft- CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1889. ffVt - 8 WBggg!J-l'!"i IV- -- .'-.- VwHHMllKiihi tflaPtsr'aB Y aVkaMaBaflffffaOllF1 POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 60,000, Saturday Evening, April 13, '89 hO Oerntr I Oth and l StrMts. Dry Groods and Carpets. TAKE NOTICEI Tho Cotmixn will not tw reonslhlo for any debt made by any one In Its name, un less a written onlcr aecornianlcs tho tame, properly signed. L, Wkhkxi,, Jr., Prop'r. Herpolsheimer & .Go. HEADQUARTER FOR BED SPREADS The Courier Can be found At Windsor Hotel Now HUnd. Capital Hold Nows Htand. Odell's Dining Hall News HUnd. Clason A Fletcher's, 140 South tlth Btrcct A. T. Lcmlng A Co'n., 1106 O Blrcet. The Gotham NowsBtaud, UK South 11th Bt Keith Bros., Ill Noilh Hth Street. Ed. Young, l0O8tret. Eaton AHmlth, U20O "Diamond Pharmacy," lh and N Hu Wctterfleld's bnrber shop, llurr block. SPRING STYLES PUNLAP HATS Now on Sale. W. R. DENNIS, 1 137 O. loeal mad Personal. Whltebreaat Coal and Lime Company, Take Turkish at 1010 O street The beat Teat, 8. P .Steveni & Co. Odell's dining hall, 91 tickets for R00. Sawyer & Mother, florists, Masonic Tempi, Mineral water wed tor bathing, 1016 O it Trlckey & Co., wholesale and retail jewelers. New line of ribbons at H. R, Nlstley & Co". Try tome of tho fine fresh fish Krred every day at Cameron's, Canon City Coal again at the Whltebreaat Coal and Lime Co, Ask for the "Marie Stuart" collar at Wells 968 south 11th street. Ladle' Illy kid opera box toe dress boot, for 8.50 at Perkins Bros. Perkins Bros, art) selling the Lily Kid com mon sense boot at 12,50. Roast meats, and vegetables of all kindsat Cameron's Lunch House, Outeleed ankle shoes on common sense last fr 13.00. rerklns Bros. Lackawana aud Bcranton bard coal told only by Hutchlas & Ilyatt Everybody eats at (Well's nowadays Board only 14.00 per week. Canon City coal delivered to all parts of city. Call up telephone" !. Only place in Lincoln that uses mineral water in baths is at 1010 O street. Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010 O street, basement Union block. Meadota, the most popular coal on the mar ket, tota.oaly by hutchtns ft Hyatt. For tickets to Oregon or Washington ter ritory potoU apply at 115 Bo. 10th tt FIm Teas, Bplcet, and the largest line of Fine Groceries In the city, at 8. P. Stevens. Brown's caf i is the recognised headquar ters for fine lunches and everything digest able. Best board in tho city and at a price within reach of all, at Odell's. Twenty-one meals fortt. New novelties In bats and bonnets arriving dally at Wells' millinery parlors, 338 south 11th street. The flaest luncheons In the city are served at all hours at Carder's European restaurant, &t P street. Dame, oysters, and all the dellcatles of the season always to be had at Brown's cafe, Windsor annex. Toilet articles and perfumery of all tho lat est odors at Wilson & Green's pharmacy 130 south Tenth street. Everything new and neat, finest menu and best cook in the city at Carder's European restaurant, 084 P street. The finest work in the city at Hayden's photographic studio. 1314 O street. Bee our toe samples of art work. ' Everybody that has stopped at Carder's hotel speaks well of it. Day board or meals a la carte served at popular prices. Suppers and banquets served on short botiee at Brown's Cafe. Prices reasonable aad service first class iu every respect. Try the delicious cream soda at Wilson & Green's m south Tenth street. Nothing but pure aaa waoMsome Hruit flavors used. stay your eoal of the Whltebreaat Coal and Iisae Co., aad it will always be wellscreaxad, iuu weigu, tieec quality and at right priest. Sawyer Sc Moshier's greenhouses supply cut flows, boquets, etc, on short notice. Bratteh floral conservatory In Masenlo Tem ple haMweut Remember you get nothing but the pure arMele when ym order your loo from the Lin eoto lea Compaay. Telephone number 118. 0m 1460 street. Laewiaklag stylish aad tasty dretsasak lagawlavldteaMoaMrs.TymU 18810 aMattn. Ihl Will Matta bMMAa1 i&ftatUaMmaMtal saiswvt sssssw rvsss ssassw tpawwiiBM sjBjtfVSBjsanBWBJBj s M HVtW WtKRW Hon IN THE SOCIAL SWIM, A WEEK'8 HAPPENINGS CHRONICLED. Accounts of ItalU, rattles, Weddings Ktc., That Have Kntnrtnlnod Horlety, Tim Dickens Club. Dcsnlta the Inrlnmont. wnatlmr Din Mmilm. montlnir nf thn Dlokonn rlnli una Iml.l nt tl, homo of Mr. E. E. Gillcsplo Wednesday oven- ii iK. i no mcrary program, consisting or II vo numbers, was interesting nnd iiiitructlvo. At the conclusion Mix Pnullne Friend stcpjod forward and In n fow well chosen words, fee), lngly sjwkon in bolmlf of tho Dickens club, presented Mis Georgia Taylor, who Is upon to leave Lincoln twrninnnntlv. mi nliunnt of Dickons, complete works, to show tho deep regai-unom tor nor uy all tho member. Then followed n Imwmet under tho uor vis ion of Thomas TrnddloH. Wilkin 11 Innwlutr and David Coppoflld nnd tliuy deservo much cmiitiortno success or tlio rcast Five courses wore served, tho first lielng unique Indeed. Tho menu was ns follows! Crab Annie tarts, mix null a In MlnAwlmp Cake, Gatenux do mnls a la Tmddlos Enu btoniialeo; Bol mix dolghts (laves). Cold Chickens Coffee! Ilnlsln finkn. n In IturLtt Ices: Strawberries nnd Cream; Cakes. Call. lornia urapos; Hnimims; Orange. Confeo- tionorv. After the bannunt. ilnnrlntr nil canl playing wore indulged in until a late hour. TIiom present werot Misses Hammond, Do Pue, White. Avery, Guthrldgo, Frloud. Treoman, Mann, Taylor and Bunchur. Messrs W. a and J. O. Phillips, McCrospy, Flfer, lPuni)clly, Chendler, K. H. and M. n, nooui, uiuespio, Meiono, nnd La Master. A rralseworthjr Institution. On Tuesday evening the younir women's home, operated and controlled by the W. C. A., held a dollghttul social in their new nbode In the Irving Place on south Eleventh street. Between tho hours of 8 and 11 p. m. it is es timated that fully flvo hundred persons visit ed the home nnd took tho opportunity to in spect it, going from tho top. to the bottom nt uieir own rreo will as evcrrlhlnir was thrown open to the public, on this occas on. Tho young ladies aro as nlcolv situated in this houxo as If it were built with that end in view, the second and third floors containing tome of the neatest and cosiest apartments mat could bo round in the city. The prices are graded to suit all sites of pocket books andnoonols asked to pay more than she cau afford. The social itself was a grand suc cess, a brilliant program being rendered by vocal selections by Miss Lattlmer, a delight ful reading by Mm. Dr, Manning and a finely executed violin and piano duet by Profs. Men tendorf and Cochran, after which Rev. Chat. B. Newman addressed the largo party and in a neat and pleating manner cited the advan tages of the home. It was an evening well spent and the ladles start out in their new homo in a very auspi cious manner. A Novel Hoelal Affair. The ladles of Bt. Paul M. E. church have picked on a unique entertainment to replen ish the organ fund of that church. Thev are arranging for a fox hunt and Easter carnival to be given at MatonloTomplo on Friday even ing next The feature of the affair will be an imitation fox hunt in which twenty girls In costume will take the part of tho hounds and tho hunters are expected to bo represent ed by an equal number of boys. A lud cloth ed In fox skin will lead the chase. The par ticipants are being drilled by Lieut ltlchard II. Townloy, ..The cutertalnraent was given in Chicago with great success. The ladies bavo aim arranged for a series of tableau illustrative of Piloty'aplcturoand other works of art Then there will be booths with Ico cream, confectionery, lemon ade, coffee and flowers, and both man physi cal and man Intellectual will be well pro vided for. Tickets on tale at Eaton & Smith's and Kennard & IUggs'. A Brilliant Affair In Froipeet. All the world loves a lover, but tho wed ding of 8enator Frank Darwin Taggart of Mattings ana miss lxmUe iiostwick Williams has inspired a llvlier Interest than any simi lar event for months past The ladles, bless their hearts, have found in the engagement a fount of inexhaustible chatter, and the get ting of mw dreates and loves of bonnets has thrown them Into a delightful flutter of preparation. The cards were Issued early this week in the name of the bride's mother, Mrs. Caroline E. Williams. The ceremony will take place at the First Presbyterian church at 7 o'clock next Tuesday evening. A reception will be tendered by Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wol- oott after tho wedding at the Windsor hotel. A thousand invitations have been issued and among the many out-of town guests expect ed will bo a number of tho groom's colleagues in the senate. A Lecturu Course. The ladles, central committee of the V. M. C. A. have engaged Mr. C. E. Bolton, the noted traveler, to give bit series or lectures for the benefit of the fund for furnishing the new building, Following aro tho datee and places! Next Tuesday evening at the First Uaptlst church! Wednesday, Bt Paul M. E. church; Friday, First Congregational church. A matini-e will bo given at 4:13 Thursday aftentoon at Funke's for the boneilt of chil dren. Mr. Bolton describes his own travels and Illustrates his lectures with steroptican views. He is a favorite In the east, especi ally In Chautauqua circles, and his entertain ments are highly commended. l'rogreulve Kuchre, Tho East Lincoln pleasure club met Thurs day evening with Mr. aud Mrs. O, H. Frow, at 1415 v street The reature or the evening was progressive euchre and eight tables had a merry round of it The prison were won as follows: Lady's royal, Miss Guimer; lady's booby, Mrs. George Bunnell; gentleman's royal, H. M. Rice; gentleman's booby, Fred Hallett The evening's entertainment was rounded out with mutio and refreshments. A Klch l'rograus. Those who braved the ttorm Wednesday evening and attended the novelty batar at the rresbyterian church were well repaid with a program overflowing with good things. The Hungarian band, the Rogers statuary, a supper, music, confectionery, fancy articles aad other attractions were produced for the entertainment of the visitors. The affair, minus the supper, was repeated hut night Carpet department on second floor. H, R Nlstley 4k Cea, I.nrnl nnd 1'erannal. Mrs. P. C, Mosher has returned to St Ixnii. Joseph Iloclimcr lms returned from n Mil waukee visit It C. llnilett linn been Appointed deputy city treasurer, MIm Marlon McLeod left Tucsdny for Woodvillv, N. 11. Mr, and Mrs. F, W. Lewi left the city Wednesday for Denver. v Mrs, 11, D, Mutton left Thursday for n so journ nt Colorado Springs. Mrs. O. K. Yntes together with Mrs. J. O. PhlllpI left for Chicago Tuesday. Prof. Louis Mulder hits ticRim a closing term of his dnuclhg clnss nt Denver. Mrs, J. E. VnuattA of l'lattsmouth Is a guest of the family of C. M. Hands, T, W. McDonald and J. N. Hurley hnvo re turned from the Dakota Hot Springs. Miss Hello Conlelt of BprlnirfHd, HI., Is vis Itlug her sister, Mrs. Georgo E. Ilowerman. Mr. Frank C. Zehrung and his mother left for a visit Wednesday to Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. .A. W. Ensterdny Is entertaining her mother, Mrs. M. I). Willlnins of Indianapolis. Mrs. J. II. lllnlr left for Chicago, Monday, to take n .ccp nt tho latest In Indies head wear. T, M. Davis, nccotniwnled by his wlfo and daughter, loft for Waterbury, Conn.,onTucs dny afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Gregg nnd daughter Miss Ada sjient Inst week In Chicago, return ing homo Tiierdny. Mr. C. E. Montgomery left for tho east Tuesday and will expatiate on the merlU of Lincoln while thero, Tho last regular nrty of tho Pleasant Hour club will take place at Templo Hall Tuesday ovenlng April Sid. Richard Johnson, chief clerk of tho Capi tal hotel, returned from Hot Springs, Dako ta, Thursday, much Improved, Tho fox hunt to be given at Masonic Tem plo Friday ovenlng promises to bo nn excep tionally attractive entertainment Mrs. A. L. Manchester loft for Burlington Tuesday to ntteud the department encamp ment of G. A. It nnd W. It C. of Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Cotton hnvo been en tertaining Mr. nnd Mrs. John F. Merritt, who are removing from Kansas to Holdredge. Prof. Barber of the university has been granted a leave of absence from May until September, during which ho will visit Ger many. Miss Helen Aughey went to Bloomington, 111., this week to attend the national couven tlon'of the Young Women's Christian Asso ciations. E. T. Roberts toro himself from the charms of country life long enough to spend several days of this week in Lincoln in tho interest of Roberts & Co. Mrs. Rudy Hehlacmler after a week's spell of sickness Is rapidly regaining her health al though It will bo some time before the will be able to get oat Mrs. W. J, P. Lawton lias returned from a winter's sojourn in California, and is enjoy ing a short visit from her father, B. B. Chase who accompanied her. The Taggart-Willioms wedding ceremony will occur at seven o'clock Tuesday evening instead of six. Tho Couiuxn makes this an nouncement by authority. Harry Hicks arrived homo last Saturday from a trip to Arizona and the southern bor der of these Wiat United States where he has been engaged with a surveying corps. T. A. Ganter and family have boon heard from at Naples, Italy. They have given up their proposed Egyptian trip on account of the heat, and will journey northward. Mrs. S. H. Burnbnm, while out driving on Eleventh street yesterday, was thrown from her carriage and seriously though not danger ously cut and bruised, one leg being broken. Mrs. C. H. Gere, Mrs. B. L. GeUthardt, Mrs. I. B. P. Weeks and W. Owen Jones rendered the program at the monthly meet ing of tho Hayden art club Tuesday evening. Mrs. F. S. Spafard of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Is the guest of Mrs. Win. A. Preston, K street In the dayt beforo mnrringo tho two ladies wero as constant at David and Jona than. Rev. Crachler of St Joe and Rev. Hllden stoln of Hopewell, Ma, viMted Lincoln this week, and, concluding that it was tho salt of this earth, they Invested liberally In its earth and salt Mrs. W. J. P. Lawton returned homo Tues day from California where the has been tpendlng the winter. Her father, Mr. S. S. Chase, who came on with her, will remain iu the city for a short time before he returns to his home. Walter Hoge, of Lincoln, II. M. Grimes of North Platte and A. B. Byron of Edgar met In this city this week to codify and simply the laws of tho A. O. U. W and their report will be made to the grand lodge in Hastings next week. Miss BuJdith of Waseca, Minn., left for her home the first part of the week. She had spent the winter here with her grandpa Judge Amata Cobb, and has been a prominent mem ber of Lincoln's society circles during her stay in this city. Dr. W. A. Thomas nnd bride were given an Informal reception Thursday evening by a number of friends at their home, 107 II street Mrs. Thomas wot Miss Mario B. Heed of Wellfleet, and the wedding took place Tueaday at Humboldt Dr. J. T. Duryoa of Omaha will lecture next Thursday evening at the First Congre gational church for the benefit of tho W. C. A. The name of tho talented doctor Is enough to ensure a good audlenco to greet him on this his first visit to Lincoln. W. H. Rains, for three years post with Burr & Beeson In the Insurance business, has transferred his affections nnd taken his per son to the oftlce of Marshall & Stephenson. Mr. Rains will have charge of the ofllco and will conduct the business with well proven ability. Miss Hattle McEwan, of Crnwfordsville, lud., a friend of tho Kleiner's, arrived in tho city Tuesday and is visiting at their hospitable home, corner Fourteenth and N streets. Miss McEwan is an accomplished lady and wo are pleased to learn that she thinks of locating among us. Miss Jennie, Watson gave a very pleasant party Thursday evonlng at her home, Twen ty-seventh and Randolph streets. The com pany numbered nbout ten couples. The evonlng was spent In games and other social pleasures, which were completed with an elegant repast Prof. FrankB. Billings of the university's agricultural experiment station bat resigned to take effect June 30th. The regents accept ed the resignation and authorised the protes tor to embody a report of his experiments and conclusions in a book or au pages. 1 be doo- tor is said to have been tendered a position in Chicago. Hon. Patrick Egan, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Chill, re turned from tho east Thursday and yester day honored the Courier with a call. Mr. Egan expects to start for his official station or the 27th. He will go to New York, thence by boat to Panama, across the isthmus aad dewa the Paclflo coast to Valparatlo, About Ready Made Clothing The wonderful strides that have been made In the "ready made" clothing business in the past few years js evinced by the fact that over two-thirds of the clothing worn by mankind is ready made, and the percentage is rapidly increasing. Prob ably the most stupendous development of metropolitan commercial life which has taken place within the past half century has been that of the Ready Made Clothing for the male sex. Statistics show that to-day a million arc employed in this one branch of our great national industries where fifty years ago a dollar of capital found lucrative employment. The clothing of which we make a specialty is of the quality, make and finish that equals and in many instances far surpasses that gotten by merchant tailors, cut by skilled artists who try each particular garment on per fect models before shipment. Our spring stock is so varied as to enable the most fastidious buyer to be easily suited and at from 20 to 50 per cent less than you can have the same garments made to order. Stop in and we will be pleased to show you through our immense stock. Wc are also sole agents for the Youmans silk and derby hats. Our stock of gents' furnishings cannot be surpassed in the western country. '. "Outfitters to Mankind." , ,.r.Ml,.:.N , ,.,, ,,, 't ' WtffaffaffaffaffaffttffaV Only $8.00 FURNITURE HARDY & PITCHER,. 211 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA - 1029-103I O STREET. CARRIAGES! Largest Stock in the City LOWEST S. Eleventh St. Largest Store in the '-I ' 'V v ffaf9aaV . LsttHESsl-4 VatBaLttffatf PRICES ftf $ City.. -''-J 4 "r '- . . '1? ' ! i v I y A tktnm 11 1 mi Mid . "v m tllffiHiwtni WmF-A4 WtPW Vf. wWWVpnM. I,w'ik"i'ia" "nemiYitmmfrqitmmtiMv- WtfMwlMi .jMKub m li.jU in -., MJWaaMp n Jlw 4 ""g oAwsWiriii