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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1888)
&&& imrti?hfyM&jtHjMi:ht sPijfflW f It tsr Pecu I iar Many peculiar points m.iko Hood's U Mimlll. superior to nil other niedlclnos. recull.u In combination, proportla nnd preparation of lniiKMtnl,Si Hood 4 Barsaparllla posscsscsrOX, llio full curatlvo valno tit llioyAy lost known romoulos jP" 0? tlio vcRclablo klimr VOrom. Peculiar In kxf?jr strength ami ccoiiomyr Cvi!ood's Bar Mparllla lnC11'0 only tnolU clno ofr Jrwlmh can truly bosald,A'sr "'no Bundled Doses OnoJrlJOk ri'oll.i." Medicines In JkVrreo,nlro larger doses, mulilonot prodtico as Rood results ns Hood's. Tecullar In Its incillclnal merits, Hood's Bars.iparlll.i accomplishes cures mill. erto unknown, ami lias won for lis tlio tllloof "Tlio greatest Mood purifier ovor dlsoovo'ou, rccullarlnlts"j!oodna,i. home," tlicro Is now ni jioou s c, rw -triu.i r Iiowoll, Ity than ot i.tker blood purifier Peculiar In lln pnenomo record ot salcu abroad no oilier preparation lias ever attained such popu larity In so short n tlmo, nM.i MiMinnil On-tinnmntitr S iid contnlcnco nmon?hll classoj of peoplo bo steadfastly. Do not 1)0 Induced to buy othor preparations, but bo imro to net tlio Tccullar Modlclno, Hood's Sarsaparilla floMbystlttruKxIitl. Ml ill for JJ. Prepared etUf by 0, 1. HOOD & CO., A rwtliocsrles, Lowell, Ms' 100 D08O8 Ono Dollar HAGBNOW & ASGHMAMN, PhiltormoniG Orchestra AN'n MILITARY BAND, Ofllcc,Uooms 1390111! 140 llurr Ulock. Telephone 133. Leaders in Photography. Riley's ffEU 5 5tudio5. We make n specialty of the celebrated BROMIDE Life slxcil pictures and furnish the flnett work nt lowest prices. Best Cablnots $3.00 Elegant line of Picture Frames In stock and made lo order. Cull nml see ui. H. W. KELLEY & CO. 1026 O Street, LINCOLN', NEB. New Jewelry Store, L. BARR, ;oto O Street. Established 1S74. Desires to call tno nttontlon of tho public to his new nmt eleuaut stoolc of DIAMONDS, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Ilnvliiu mora room tonccommodntn tho trade mul sbow i Inritcr line tlmn ever Hcforu pur- clinsluir,KlvoiMucnUnml wo will sbow. ou tlio ilncsl lino at lowest ponslblo prices. Watch Repairing: and Engraving Noatly done nml nil work warranted. Columbia Itlcjrcles unit Tricycle 620 O St, It. D. ADDIS, AQT. 820 O St, Ladies' & Gents1 FINE SHOES At greatly reduced prices AT WEBSTER&BRISCOE, 1043 O Street. FINE : ART : STUDIO 1314 O street. Examine wimples of our ork before 9r4artng elsewhere. Cablne Photographs $Jpr satdoaen reduced from $4 cir XvK ."r 'w ' kViiioro sold In it Is made, nllV rf V . -y soyj' r 4m .r 1 t&fcimdew THE COURIER si limlarliMrof Modern 77irs. PUMMSIIlfiD SATUKD.VY St'PsrnirTioxi On Year by Mali or Can lor $J,00 Hlx months, $1,00, Three iiumllii W Outs, On month ) Cents Imarauly In Ailvanco. uvKiiTisitMrxrs! Itnlos furnished on npp". illtn nt Iho ofltee, BHtelal rates on Tlmo Contra Is. Co.iTiiltitTWXH! Khurt spicy sketches, pnetn and slot Irs solicited. IVmonnl and Koclal notes nro rspiclnlly desirable, I'nmiviii Wo malm a sperlslty of Kino l'i luting In nil Its branches. Hoelety work a specially Adilnxs all coiuiuunlcntlons direct to tlio oftleo, lw. WESSEL.Ji., rtllTon AMI 1'1101'lllltTOIl. New llurr llloolc, Cor. l'Jth mid O Hirer..i. Ti'.i.r.i'iioxKSM. Tin: slilunnlk Inspector has n lively tlmo of It kcepl'iK tlio sidewalks clean In tlio business iwutof town. It coils ono hljr dollar lo i Ido In tlio now pat nil wagon. I.lko n street ear, tho faro Is tlio sumo for ono or n hundred blocks. It Is mid that Oliver Wendell Holmes has nmilo iiioio money from the prnctleo of his profession than from his writings. This Is n tip to tho editor of tlni Ynwvlllo UVifsffcr. Conhukrhmkn nro earning their wages this yenr, but they nppoar to Ih laboring under n sei Ions mistake in supposing that thopeoplu me demanding their continuing in session. In tho languoRo of Cleopntrn, throw nre dandy ulghtM lu w hlch to reH)4u lu Moi pheus' nnns nml dozo tho hours nwny. Tho only trouble is that tho nights nro not largo enough in length. KliKii Nvk'h great conilo ommii "Mr. Hnnip son of Oinnlin" was presented in Bait Iiko City last wix'k with givat Huccess. AVo hope Llueoln ieoplo will soon have nu opportunity of listening to this most dimming opera. It is Indeed n foi tunnto thing for Nebras ka's honntors that they nro ixirmlttod tho luxmles of mvretnrles, othorwlso tho dear tieoplo would never know whnt in tho world their repiesentntlves wero doing half tho time. Calhoun Is ninking tho fur tly up nt Onmhn, mid tho iVjiiitifdin editor is nhendy hunting 11 troo to ellinu. "Cal" lias tlio Happy fac ulty of impaling nu opponent flimlynttd nt thosnmo tlmo lmo hint presoi vo 11 smiling countenance. It is rumored that two now dally nows papeiH will soon bo started in tho city, n deirocrntlo mid a prohibition dully. Any one having n surplus amount of money to ex change for 11 job lot of experience will do well to call nt either of tlio above-named headquarter. Ir tho pi-ohibltiouiils nro in earnest in their endeavors to secure hueeen, tlioy should haul olT several of their loud-mouthed agitator w ho obstruct travel nt tho corner of Eleventh nud O htreots. They aro doing tho jxirty more harm than any organization of saloon keepers could do. Wkatukii prophets nro nbout tho only people who ersist in being disagreeable. Wiggins Is out with n prediction that earth minko disturbances will occur In tho United Htates next month. Major lilruoy of tho .on null should endeavor to eradicate thU Idea, and secure tlio favor ot tlo peoplo by predicting n mild winter. Wi:i.l, hut wasn't tl.oro somo kicking done this week when the little ones' school books had to lie purchased. It is nil right enough prolmbly to boom tho printing business by f ro ipient ebnnges in text '.books, but tho lino ought to Ik) draw n somow hero' Parents nud prospective parent who put up tho tnxes nl unite lu demanding this. It Is very likely Hint Hon. Patrick Egnn will Ik) granted nceititlcnto of immunity to nllow him' to bo present nnd testify in tho ciiso of rnrnell vs. Tho liOiidou 7'iiiics. Kiom present Indications tho Thunderer will bo worsted in tho encounter, oven though It has tlio vast machinery of tho English secret sor- vice behind it.. Success to rnrnell nml Egan. Tiik erstwhllo champion, Jolm I Sullivan, Is very sick In Boston. John career was a very hrlllinnt one, but awfully short. It Is indeed n pity when such u mugnitleont speci men of physical manhood us Sullivan is de bauched by tho demon of Intemperance. There havtt been many chnmplons of the pu gilistic menu, but uono liko Sullivan, tho uu-' bjntcu. Tub light between tlo Burlington nml tho Brotherhood has complicated niattera with tho Wabash. 1 ho Burlington has n contract w lth tho Wabash for the housing nt St. Louis of "Q"onglncs used on tho now through trains, but when the first ones came lu the hostlers nnd whiers refused to clean thom nnd nt last nccouuU they wero standing on tho track covered with mud nnd grenso. Tho men declare they will strike If the company orders them to clean tho engines, whllo by the tei-ms of tho contract tho Wnbash is com pelled to do so. The Couuieu Is heartily In favor of tho proposed meeting of citizens to devise t-omo moans for bettering tho water supply. Lot usdoBomothlngin thomatterl Things liave gono far enough. Olve it In tho hands of somo company who will guarantee to give us good water nnd wo aro satisfied. The parties v. ho have tho wntor supply In charge linve proven themselvea Incompetent to find out the dlfllculty or any method of obviating It. They are still drawing their salary and the people are drawing salt water. Sell the works to some company, and relievo the peo ple ot the incubus. I GROWING UP. Corinuo Marshall was tho brightest girl la tlio school district whoro her father's largo, stony farm was sltuntal. Her mother had read n translation ot Do Stool's famous ro mance, henco her daughter's namo, given with many wishes that tho llttlo maiden might grow up to lo something out of tho common onlor. Atflsho studlod grnmmnr, nud spelled tho big boys nnd girls "down" nt nn old fnshloued selling school; plainly tlicro could bo no ipiestlou about her bril liancy. Thero was n farmer's boy ns well ns n itaruwr's girl; thoro always Is, only tho boy Is npt to lie, If moro solid, not so ready not so "smart," ns tho Now England expression Is. No speclnl htar had shono over tho boy's baptismal font, and ho was named plain Job Job Austin. Joli's father wna In standing nnd prop erty nbout on 1111 equality with Co rhino's, but tho llttlo fellow was no match for Corlnno. Ilowover, tho young Job lifted his gray eyes to tho "brightest girl," drew bcr on ills siod, "towed" her on tho Ice, brought hor cppcrmlut drops nnd llcrieo stick, nnd curved various toys for her nt odd times, such ns bedsteads for her dolls, nud n set of Wooden dishes for their ten table, Whllo Job was still struggling, in tils old clothes, with "chores" nt homo, and un known quantities nt school, his llttlo favorlto was sent to llvo with her mint In tho villa go, n dozen miles nwny, for tho sako of greater educational privileges. Thero tlio smart girl dovoloicd rapidly. Sho coon showed n ro mnrknblo gift of oxpresalou, nml in tho de partment of composition easily led her school, beenmo tho editor of tho school "pnier," tho president of n literary society, nnd withal n very careless student. To keep up In her classes required 110 cITorttnnd she fell Into tho error of thinking Hint success would conio to her without hard work. In tho inenntlmo Job showed n imtlonos equal to that or Ills widely known namesake. Ho extracted roots, cube and square, to say nothing of "grubbing" roots on tho old farm j nud every step ho took ho cleared tho wny of all dlilleultles. No half way work for Job. Ho was still nwkwnrd, ill dressed, hesitating, nnd ho blushed furiously just nt tho times nnd on tho occasions when bo most desired to appear cool nnd colloctod. Many n tlmo ho had begun a. letter to Corlnno, sitting nt his desk nt noon tlmo, or nttcr school, anxiously trying to compose n docu ment worthy of so bright a being. But, though ns patient ns tho original Job, ho novor succeeded lu finishing n letter that ho thought good enough. At last n turn enmo In tho tido of Job's life. A literary gentleman in Bagdad, tho villago whore Corlnno wns living nt her mint's, offered to "board nnd school" him in return for such holp ns tho boy could easily glvo morning nnd evening. Ho was to cuter tho graded school, nmd on examination wns found ready Tor tho Intermediate department, Corlnno was lu n private school for girls. It wns not long before tho two old friends met In tho street. Corinuo wns with half udozen gay school girls. "Who Is that fellow with hayseed In his hair!" asked ono of them, ns Job enmo to ward them smiling nud blushing. Corlnno bowed coolly, pretending not to soo tho out stretched hand, nnd hurried on. "A mistake," sho saliL "I look llko dozens of other jiooplo, it seems." Corlnno Justified this stoty to her couscicnco on tho ground that Job had really made a mistake in sup posing sho was going to keep up tho old friendship. Job thought, generous fallow, that It was a vcrltnblo mistake A llttlo near sighted, ho often mndo mistakes ot identity; nnd ho promised himself to look moro carefully next tlmo ho mot n group of young lailits, blush ing tho deepest peony red in thinking of his boldness. Corlnno nowontorcd upon a new period of her Inspired career. Sho wrotonpoem I Sitting In hor room nfter study hours, with her hair down nud her hands pressed to her tcmplca, sho slowly ovolvod tho wondrous thing. How astonished sho was to find thnt she, Corlnno Marshall, could actually wcavo rhymes and sentiments and flowers of speech llko tho real poeti whom sho worshlied afarmoffl Sho showed tho celestial manufacture to her own special girl friend, Cecilia Hopkins. It was one of those twilight hours of loving com munion ovor tho fire, when, with arms around each other's waists, school girls toll tho dearest frionds everything, that tho poem was brought out and read. Cecilia was In raptures. Sho always know her darling Corlnno was a genius. And where would sho send itf "Send it!" "Yes; to whnt magnzlno or nowspnpcrl Surely tho world should not bo deprived of Euchagoml" Now, unknown to Corlnno, tho gentleman with whom Job was living wns tho editor ot Tho Bagdad Carrier Dovo, a shcot devoted to news nud olegnut culture. "I'll send It to Tho Dovo," said Corlnno, nfter hor friend hmL loft her to tho literary loUuro sho longed for. "Yes, to Tho Dovo, on whoso whlto wings it shall bo wafted far away to meet kindred hearts." Carefully was tho poem copied and re coplcd, till, In appearance, nt least, it was worthy ot tho classlo namo signed boldly nt tho closo. In tho chill dusk of a winter oven Ing a young girl might hnvo been seen walk ing up and down tho street, casting longing glances ntn lamp post; for tho nuthor's heart failed her at tLolast moment. But tho nppenrauco ot a teacher brought matters to a crisis, nnd thocnvolopo weighted with destiny was dropped through tho iron slit. Tho boy in tho ofllco ot Tho Dovo, by this tlmo highly prized by tho editor, recognized tho old tlmo quirks and rralrls, tho tails of tho gM and y's nnd q's, nnd tho heavy shad ing of tho upward strokes. Ho helped tho crudo llttlo "poem" Into n corner of Tho Car rior, his heart beating with manly pleasure at doing a service for his llttlo lovo. Corlnno was mado a poet by acclamation In tho school room; for of courso tho author ship of "Llfo's Disappointments" was nn open secret Fifty copies of I no Carrier wero ordered, nnd tho ofllco boy was sent with them to Mrs. Deportment's school. Ho nr rlvcd at tho recreation hour, when tho young ladles, a gay, fluttering, bright eyed crowd, were "taking exorcise." Borao were promo cadlug, somo dancing, somo chatting, somo swinging dumbbells, somo tossing a shuttle cock. "Tho copies of Tlio Carrier Dovo you sent for," said Job, addressing tho girls en 'masse. All occupations were deserted, and tho girls, acting from a common Impulse ot fun, came forward to interview tho "devil," as they wero pleased to call Job. Tboymado bun take a chair on tho platform, they asked him nil kinds of questions concerning edi torial and no wsrv-rwr interiors; finally they introduced, with mock cereiuouy, tho distin guished authoress, Corinne, Job's face lighted up. Here was relict from bis tor mentors. Not a sign did Corinne give that she recog nised her old friend; indeed, she joined la tho fun at bis expense, Toor Job bad greater need than ever of the qnsdlty associated with his name, and only oa the riag tag of the bell calling the girls to lessees was be released. 1 tlu uH nf In fun. Tfc vcunxr ladlaa j . AA-tffi of Mmo. Deportment's school nro scattered fnr nnd wldo; somo nro married, oomo are teachers, somo nro bmy with tho wenrlsomo cothlngs of gay society. As for Corluue, sho Is nt homo on tho old stony farm. Her mother Is dead, and sho is her father's housekeeper. Hho has taken a nom do pluuio, for rejieatod ox)crleuccs of "declined with thanks" have made her desire to hldo her Identity. Nevertheless, certain successes have kept her In heart nnd hopo; nnd ns sho Is yet scarcely twenty, sho still looks forward lo a distinguished literary career. In tho inenntlmo a now light hnsnrlsen. Far nnd wldo tholetters, stoi icsntid scientific articles of 1jw Ktollo are known nud ml inlrcd. It Is nnnounml that ho Is to estab lish n Journal, called Tho People, In n town not n thousand miles from tho Marshall farm. Corlnno, on tho lookout for now wot Ids to conquer, a si "Thorn Is n chnnco for mo." Shoprepaiesn piece of verse, elaborate, ro mantic, nml not without merit. Sho sends It, with a nolo Inclosed signed by her own namo, to tho great Mr. Ktollo, Then through weeks of smqiciiM) sho waits. "It's como back," shouts her heartless llttlo brother, swinging 11 letter over his head, nud nulto losrardlessof tho prcsoucoof 11 neigh borhood gossip. "What fnakes you keep n-scndln' stufF to tho editors!" says her sister, nu enfant terri ble, who Is great lu mathematics nnd do spiscs her older sister's namo nml pretensions. Corlnno takes tho totter humbly nud puts It In her jweket. By nnd by sho goes out into tho blossoming orchard and opens tho edi torial envelope, walking up nnd down under tho fragrant trees. There is tlio poem In which so much hopo hnd been folded, and a long letter In n bold, firm hand. "Miss A. B. C. shows facility. Thero nro hints of tnlont. Will sho obllgo tho editor by writing nu artlclo on somo subject of which sho has knowledge positive, clear In formation!" Tho letter wont on with kind, discriminating advice, worth more than gold to n girl liko Corinuo. "Wrlto nbout something of which I hnvo knowledgol" repeated tho girl, stopping to breale a branch ot upplo blossoms. "What do I know!'' Sho looked Into tho tinted cum ns if for nn answer. "I don't know any thing," sho Bald prefiontly, throwing herself down upon tho turf In sorrowful abandon; "but I can learn." This correlative enmo nttcr a burst of toars uud nu hour's reflec tion. A fow days after this Corlnno received by mall n treatise ou tho keeping of poultry, which she herself had ordored. This sho set herself to study, nnd soon becamo interested in details of breed, feeding, bousing, etc All tho books and uowspnors of Importance bearing ou tho subject Corinuo read indus triously. Thon cimo practical work. After six months' oxporicuco tho young lady wroto a modest nrtlclo on "Poultry liaising," nnd sent it to Tho People. A cordial nnswor was received with n liberal check Corlnno' first conqiensatlon for literary work. To tho old orchard trees tho girl w ont In her excitement and Joy. They were bare; ompty nests hung from their boughs; nnd tho dead grass nbout them was flecked nnd patched with snow. But in Coiluno's hoart tlicro was summer. Mr. Utolle's nolo was so kind, so ciicournging; ho praised her style, ho suggested books for her to read; ho promised, If sho worked and stu lied, n uoblo success by nnd by uot necessarily in jwultry articles, though said articles suited Tho Peoplo to n, dot, nnd ho wished moro of them. Ho nnvticd various hooka ou industrial subjects Tiao raising, silk spinning, flower culture, etc. nnd ndvised a reading up of tho subjects and articles on tho samo. "In tho meantime," said ho, "keep your oyes opon. There must bo much in your country world worth writing about. In some out of door searching, a real poem may show itself in mass or lichen, tho glauco of a llttlo wlldwood dweller, or tho flash of a jonelcd brook." It was n year from tho tlmo that Corinno questioned tho applo blossoms lu her despair. It was noised nliout that IMltor Htoilo was visiting in tho neighborhood, Corlnno's inti mate friends, tho "heartless brother" nnd tho oufant t err 1 bio Included, began to anticipate n triumph for their frlond and sister. Sho wns n corresixmdent of Low Etoilo's a fnvorlto contributor to tho Tho Peoplo. No ono else with so much right could asplro to tho great man's favor. In tho courso of tlmo Corlnno wns invited to a gnnlon party to meet tho star, Tho hour camo, and tho editor was introduced. Corlnno stepped forward eagerly, all smiles. The gentleman bowed jiolltely, oxnetly as to twenty others to whom ho had been present ed. Tho w holo company, looking on, under stood Corlnno's humiliation. Sho soon slipped away, and on lenching homo went wandering undor tlio blooming orchard trees. "How liaudsomo ho 1st How distinguished his stylo I Nobody nt tho party could com pare wiin mm. uniy a littio oiucr man 1, and ho ha3 almost a national reputation!" So Corlnno mused, hs she walked up und down tho fragrant, wind blown alloys. Br and by sho seated herself, and, taking pencil and paper from hor tockot, began to Fcribblo, ns tho best wny of forgottlng hor disappointment. Gradually n sense of tho lncftablo beauties ot her llttlo comer of tho earth stolo over hor. 80ft, fragrant air, nzuro sky, whlto banks of vapor, rosy shapes ot bud nnd bloom, tho humming of happy in socts, tho trill of homo going birds, tho lovely greenery of notched and scalloped and blado slinpod leaves all uot nnd mingled In hor sou), producing a sort of ecstasy. Her thoughts began to tako rhythmical form, and a genuine poom grew under her almost un conscious hand. As sho sat loaning ngalnst a gnarled old trunk, pink potals nestling In tho crimps of her black hair and in tho folds of hor palo bluo gauzy dress, sho mado n charming pic ture. At toast so thought tho distinguished "Mr. Etolle," coming gently along tho or chard path, his footfalls hushed by the matted turf. "Corinno I" "Mr. Etollol" Tho girl rose, tier cheoks hot with blushes. "Forglvo mo for treating you bo badly just now. Let ns walk undor tho trees and talk about old times. Do you romembor tho day 1 pulled you out of tho cranberry bog when you broko through tho ico and thought you wore drowning!" Corinuo looked up in nmazemont. It was yes.ltwns Job Austin; light locks, freckles, and all "Do yon forglvo mor ho persisted. "I think wo aro quits," sho said, now nbls lo look up roguishly through her blushes. "Strnngo I didn't rccognlzo you when you were Introduced to mo today." "Don't speak of that," said Job. "What is this!" and ho took possession, as by edito rial right, ot tho paper fluttering in her band. Ilia faco grew radiant as bo read. "Dear old comrade," bo said, "I havotiot been disappointed In Vou. This is genuine, and it Is beautlf ul I it is n growth, uot a bit of manufacture." When "tho planet and his satellite," as Corlnno's saucy sister called them, loft the orchard, there was a happy light in both their faces. Thereafter literary affairs called them often together. As to sentiment, tho gossips of tho neighborhood aro about equally divided; a part asserting vehemently that It is n heart affair, tho others denying tho same with equal earnestness, Mrs. M. r. Butts in Demorat's Monthly. - ikifo'' ITEMS OF ALL SORTS A mocking bird in Albtaiy whistles Bou langer's marcli. Tho Hermans calls this tlio "sauorgurken tolt," or tho plckli season. Irrigation has produced n great crop of musqultoesnt Im Angeles, Cat. Italy has admitted 2,C00,000 more persons to tho right to vote nt local elections. Tho wool Interests In Australia havo suf fered severely from drought. Tho sheep have died by millions. There will bo an international bono show in Paris next year, where $15,000 will bo dis tributed In prizes. Tho slowest train lu this country Is a North Carolina "express," which consumes ulno hours In running 100 miles. Tho Crnlg-y-Nos property, which Mmo, Pnttl-Mcollnl wants t) soil, comprises 850 acres, nud boasts tho finest trout streams lu Wales. Thero nro n dorcn men In Milwaukee who curry a lifo Insurnuco of mora than -200,000 each. Ono, a prominent railroad mnn, Is Insured for f.'iOO.OOO. Because a Texan woman had not f GO rendy to pay n discharged laborer ho went into her Qeld nud shot soven mules nud n horso thnt were worth $1,200. A citizen of Wlnneconne, Wis., hns suc ceeded In tempering brass, nnd has exhib ited brass knives nnd nxes that will cut ucasoncd hemlock knots w Ithout turning tho edge, Tho only recognized O. A. It. post outsldo ot tho United States Issald to bo In Honolulu. It Is called Post Ooorgo W. Do Ixng, nnd always observes Momorlnl day with llttiug ceremonies. Editor Criswoll, of Tlio Oil City Derrick, lias n cauo mado from tho skin of a rattle snake, tanned, stretched tightly over n hick ory .stick, varnished and handsomely mounted. It looks as though mado of highly polished mottled wood. Tho wnltors in n New York restaurant having struck, tho sharp proprietor rang for a number of district messenger boys, and thus temporarily supplied tlio places of tho strikers until other waiters could In) secured. There Is remarkable activity in London in tho formation of stock companies, and tho class known as "promoters" aro waxing wealthy. Ono of thom Is said to havo mndo nearly two million and n half of dollars this year. An cnglo six feet from tip to tip and with talons near two Inches long was killed In Georgia tho other day, but it took two loads ot shot and n riflo ball to do it, and then tho bird t:ok such n doath grip on its perch that tho treo had to bo cut down to secure it. Samuel Nlckerson, president of tho First National bank of Chicago, has probably tho finest collection of rock crystals In tho world. Ono of them is ns big ns n gooso egg nnd is valued at $15,000. It is supposed to bo tho largest in existence. Ono of tho English reglmcnUi Is experi menting with a mnchlno called nccntercyclo, which has four small wheels n foot in diame ter nnd ono largo 0110 in tlio ccntor. It Is said that tho invention makes climbing a hill ns tasy for a cycler ns rolling off a log. A butcher in Liverpool was recently sum moned boforo n magistrate on tho ground of selling horseflesh for beef, no wns fined flfty shillings, not for selling tho horseflesh, but liecnuso it was unsound. Tho magistrate said that ho know of nothing to prevent a butcher from selling such moat, provided it were good and sound. A bill in tho English parliament proposes to compel tho sellers ot foreign meat to an nounce that fact by a conspicuous placard ou their shop or stall, tho Idea being that peoplo aro deceived into buying foreign meat for tho English nrtlclo ns thoy nro into purchasing olcomargarino for butter. Tho latest gratuity of tho clgnrctto maker) Is a llttlo vial of cnclious for tho breath packed In overy box of tho goods mado by ono Arm of manufacturers. Something for tho breath was always needed for cigarette smokers, but no maker over before showed tlio candor to acknowlodgo tho fact In this substantial way. 12 REASONS WHY St. Patrick's Fills Are the Bes 1. Because thoy nro mndo according to tho host formula that hns over been l0Vi80(I. S. Bccauso thoy nro mndo from tho host nnd purest mntorinls, carefully prepared nnd sugar coated. 8. Bccauso thoy nro tho most search ing nnd most reliable cathartic in uso. 4. Bccauso thoy correct bilious dis orders, and prevent all discuses arising from tlium. 5. Becauso thoy always produco a pleasant cnthnrtiu effect. 0. Becmiso thoy euro jnundico, rcgu Into tlio liver, und nid In removing all morbid ninttor from the system. 7. Because thoy aro cortuln In tlioir action nnd cau always bo doponded upon. 8. Bocnuso thoy euro constipation, and provent all disorders producod by it. 0. Becauso thoy tone up tho stomnch and aid in the digestion nnd assimila tion of the food. 10. Bccauso thoy do not produco piles, 11. Bocnuso thoy do not nausoato the stomach, nor grlpo tlio bowels, nor produce painful discharges. 12. Because they cleunso tho cntiro system, purify the blood uud roguluto tlio llvor nnd bowels. St. Patrick's Bills are sold by drug gists und medicine doalors at 1!5 cents tier box, or live boxes for ono dollar. l)o not lot them persuade you to tako any other kind, until you hnvo onco tried St. Patrick's after that you will never bo satlslied with any other, Sore Throat can bo curod in ono day by using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Rhoumatism. Many cases of chronic rhounintlsm that had rcslstod all othor treatment, havo been cured by Cham berlain's Pain Balm. Cuts, Wounds and Bruises, aro honied in ono half loss tlmo and without leav ing nacuro when Chamberlain's Pain Balm Is promptly nppliod. Burns and Scalds. Tho pain is al most instantly reliovcd nnd tho parts quickly honied by Chamberlain's Pain jjnim. Heuralgia. enn bo cured by using Charnborlain's Pain Balm. Sprains can bo cured within ono third tho usual timo by applying Chamber lain's Pain Balm before tho parts be come swollen or Inflamod, whloh can always be dono If you have tho remedy at hand. 00 cent and dollar bottles. Bold by W. J. Turaar kit- N 1 iiidLyak-aijai LADIES Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. MEN'S Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. CHILDREN'S Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. -A.T- Perkins Bros. SPECIALTY SHOE EITT1K HOUSE 1 129 O Street. DENTISTRY W. J. P. Lawton, D.D.S. Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block. levator on O St.. TeIephone728 Artificial Teeth Inserted without plates. NITROS OXIDE GAS Administered for painless extraction. It has No Equal. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATORS. Finest and Best Miu.e. Ladles arc Invited to call und bec these summer commodities nnd also Inspect our magnificent stock of Ci oakery, Lninps und Art G-lasswaie cm and see our everything stock. Prices low ; the very latest. and S. C. Elliott. FINEST LIVERY RIGS In tlio city all come from tlio Graham Brick Stables, 1CW7 r street, whoro nil UlmlH of Buggies, Carriages u Saddle Horses, Can bo bad nt any time, day or nltclit on short notice, HORSES BOARDED KIN STEEAR, SHOE STORE, Is tho next thlup to a SavliiRS Hank, Tlio only dlllcrcuco Is wo slvo vou Real Leather Shoes luatend of Taper Holed H lioes, for tho sa"J or li's dollars I hat thootli its charge for shod dies. Wo sell them on t heir merlls. Ill heancst and best place In Amorleu for ltea Leather Hhoes for tho same amount of money Hemvmbcr tho place, 1019 O street. KING STEEAR. BMsssfcT&2BB"i6jSllyy IiMbm jfi s JHsBHs1H9E3sSBlMiiBsSiBBC9s iHiti'iA'i Anlinii inn i.niiftlil.'fotAMlftiiikl- 'fiuiD mfi'"'Jt1' w it s1 4 lltjagjgujTC temMvnnn'intvxxAm!